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Главная / Иностранные языки / поурочный план Where are you from?

поурочный план Where are you from?

5th form

Theme of the lesson: Where are you from?

Aims of the lesson: Where are you from? Сұрағына жауап

беруді үйрету, алғашқы әріптерін енгізу,

тілін оқып жатқан мемлекетті құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу,

ойлау қабілетін дамыту Method of the lesson: Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: mixed

Materials for the lesson: the alphabet

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:


А) Greetings

Б) Checking up the attendace

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 9

III. Read the dialogue

Диалог бойынша сөйлеу


What is you name?

My name is Marat.

What is your surname?

My surname is ….

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Our theme in our lesson is “Where are you from?

V. New lesson

Where are you from ? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Where are you from in Kazakhstan? I’m from Shelek.

2. A, b, c, d , e, f, g ,h , I, j ,k ,l, m, n, p әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру. Дәптерге жазғызу

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс

Exercise 1 listen and repeat

Where are you from Omar?

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Exercise 2 Talk to your friend

Where are you from----------? I’m from ------------------.

Exercise 3 Talk to other friends.

Exercise 4 Listen and repeat.

Exercise 5 Talk to you friend.

VII. Conclusion

Exercise 8 Spell the names of boys and girls.

VIII. Homework

Exercise 12,13 Check-up:

  • Иностранные языки

5th form

Theme of the lesson: Where are you from?

Aims of the lesson: Where are you from? Сұрағына жауап

беруді үйрету, алғашқы әріптерін енгізу,

тілін оқып жатқан мемлекетті құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу,

ойлау қабілетін дамыту Method of the lesson: Answer the questions

Type of the lesson: mixed

Materials for the lesson: the alphabet

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh

Outline of the lesson:


А) Greetings

Б) Checking up the attendace

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 9

III. Read the dialogue

Диалог бойынша сөйлеу


What is you name?

My name is Marat.

What is your surname?

My surname is ….

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Our theme in our lesson is “Where are you from?

V. New lesson

Where are you from ? тіркесін еңгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Where are you from in Kazakhstan? I’m from Shelek.

2. A, b, c, d , e, f, g ,h , I, j ,k ,l, m, n, p әріптерін енгізу

Дыбыстармен таныстыру. Дәптерге жазғызу

VI. Reading

Кітаппен жұмыс

Exercise 1 listen and repeat

Where are you from Omar?

I’m from Kazakhstan.

Exercise 2 Talk to your friend

Where are you from----------? I’m from ------------------.

Exercise 3 Talk to other friends.

Exercise 4 Listen and repeat.

Exercise 5 Talk to you friend.

VII. Conclusion

Exercise 8 Spell the names of boys and girls.

VIII. Homework

Exercise 12,13 Check-up:

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Автор Кадирова Самал Муратбековна
Дата добавления 29.04.2015
Раздел Иностранные языки
Подраздел Планирования
Просмотров 2849
Номер материала 58620
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