Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыУстная часть экзамена по английскому языку на промежуточной аттестации для учащихся 8 классаУчебник «Английский язык VIIIкласс»

Устная часть экзамена по английскому языку на промежуточной аттестации для учащихся 8 класса

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Вопросы собеседования по английскому языку на промежуточной аттестации в 8 классе


1.     Where do people look for jobs?

2.     What types of jobs do you know?

3.     Can jobs offer any prospects?

4.     What can be the choice of jobs influenced by?

5.     What qualities can make jobs attractive or not attractive?

6.     What can different jobs require?

7.     Choosing a career is not always easy, is it?

8.     Can you name some important jobs?

9.     Which of jobs are dangerous?

10.Which of jobs are done by men or women?


1.     When do British children start schooling?

2.     Do all children in Britain go to nursery schools?

3.     In what types of schools is primary education given in Britain?

4.     What can you say about the size of secondary schools?

5.     How long can pupils stay in secondary schools?

6.     How old are British pupils when they go to the first form?

7.     How old are the pupils when they finish the fifth form?

8.     Is schooling in the sixth form compulsory in Britain?

9.     What is the main type of secondary schools in Britain nowadays?

10.Why do some parents pay for their children`s education at public schools?


1.     When do children go to nursery school and kindergarten?

2.     What are pupils when they are at American school?

3.     Can be education given in various types of schools?

4.     How old are pupils when they finish high school?

5.     What can you say about school exams?

6.     How may be school organized?

7.     What has a school building?

8.     What do pupils do in every school in the USA?

9.     How old are the pupils when they finish elementary school and junior high school?

10.Where can they enter?

Card No 4. MY SCHOOL

1.     Is yours a big school? How many pupils has it got?

2.     Is it a state or an independent school?

3.     Do your parents have to pay fees?

4.     What subjects does your school specialize?

5.     Does your school select prospective pupils or does it take any children?

6.     How is your school day organized?

7.     What after-school activities do you have?

8.     How big is your school building? Does it look attractive?

9.     What is there in your school building?

10.Where is your school situated? How do the school grounds look?


1.     Why do we use money?

2.     Which sort of money is known as cash?

3.     People have been using money since 600 BC, haven`t they?

4.     Why did money appear?

5.     What things were used as money equivalents? Why?

6.     Why did people stop making coins made of silver and gold?

7.     Did people use coins made of cheaper metals?

8.     Why do you think paper money appeared?

9.     What makes paper money valuable?

10.What use does it have for us?


1.     What is the best way to spend your money?

2.     What do customers do in a shop?

3.     What do the shop assistants do there?

4.     Why is shopping fun?

5.     How does a shopping center look like?

6.     What other types of shops do you know?

7.     What are the most famous shops and department stores in London?

8.     Where do English people usually buy food?

9.     What has happened to traditional English shops?

10.Where can people buy bread, meat and vegetables?




1.     What is science?

2.     Scientific minds are working at many problems, aren`t they?

3.     Has space exploration been one the most important problems of our time?

4.     What things are done by scientists to maintain space flights?

5.     What does astronauts` mission include?

6.     What inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as most important?

7.     Which of the centuries saw the greatest inventions and discoveries?

8.     What things can you describe as marvels of modern science? And why?

9.     Can you remember the names of well-known scientists, inventors?

10.What are they famous for?

Card No 8. CANADA

1.     Canada is the world`s largest country, isn`t it? How many provinces and territories has it?

2.     What is the capital of Canada?

3.     What are official languages of Canada?

4.     Where is Canada situated and what countries does it border on?

5.     What oceans is the country washed by?

6.     What are Canada`s biggest rivers and lakes?

7.     How can you characterize the relief of the country?

8.     Where do most of the Canadian population live and why?

9.     What are the biggest cities of Canada and where are they situated?

10.What natural resources is the country rich in?


1.     How do people enjoy travelling?

2.     What can make your journey comfortable?

3.     What tickets do you buy?

4.     Who packs your luggage?

5.     Do you allow yourself enough time for departure?

6.     What things can make your journey easier?

7.     What things can spoil the impression of your journey?

8.     Where do you like to stay in?

9.     What do you do there?

10.What can the price of your room include?


1.     What is the mass media?

2.     Are newspapers and magazines the oldest of the mass media?

3.     What editions do you know?

4.     What information is in newspapers and magazines?

5.     What are the main advantages of good editions?

6.     The television is the most popular mass media, isn`t it?

7.     Is the choice of TV programms really wide?

8.     Why do people say that radio belongs to mass media?

9.     What is the Internet?

10.What advantages does the Internet give to a user?


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Устная часть экзамена по английскому языку на промежуточной аттестации для учащихся 8 класса

Учебник «Английский язык VIIIкласс», ориентирован на работу в российских общеобразовательных учреждениях и школах с углубленным изучением английского языка

Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева.

Автор работы: Кабанова Ольга Ивановна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 91, г. Нижний Новгород

Описание материала: Представляю Вашему вниманию устную часть экзамена по английскому языку. Она состоит из двух заданий: монологическое высказывание по заданной в карточке теме и собеседования по теме. Данная работа направлена на обобщение материала и контроль знаний, полученных учащимися в классе.

Цель: обучающий и итоговый контроль.

Задачи: - контроль говорения по темам;

- контроль способности логически построить высказывание;

- контроль умения правильно вести беседу и отвечать на вопросы;

- контроль по формированию соответствующего речевого мышления.

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