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Урок по английскому языку на тему "The land of Plenty?" 9 класс

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The land of Plenty?

Laser B1

9th form

Мусаева Г.Ә.

№39 қазақ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Ақтөбе қаласы



The aims: Developing:  to develop students’ logical thinking, imagination, reading, listening and writing skills.

Educational: to build students humanity, love to the environment.

Practical: to read and learn new texts, to consolidate passive voice and the causative form.

Visual aids: an interactive board.

At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask you attention to these rules, you should follow them:

The golden rules:

-Be active Be attentive Be emotional Don’t interrupt each other Don’t say “ I don’t”

First think then speak

              I. The theme of our lesson is the land of Plenty? Today the ecological situation of our region is at a critical point. Our lives depend on the state of our living place. We have learnt about the environment and we have read texts. And now we should do many tasks at the lesson. I want to begin our lesson with the words of John Kennedy, he was 35th president of the United States of America: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” John F. Kennedy

 II. Warm- up: What comes to your mind when you hear the word << environment>>?

 III. Additional task. We’ll return to this task at the end of our lesson.

1. How can we stop people from littering our towns and countryside?

2. How can we encourage people to recycle?

3. How can we deal with the problem of air pollution from cars and factories?

 IV. Writing:  Let’s revise our new words.

Write a verb from the box in each gap to complete the sentences.

Reduce   recycle   destroy   solve   pollute   dispose   degrade

1. You should recycle that paper rather than throw it away.

2. We’ve got  to reduce the amount of rubbish we throw away.

3.Cars pollute the atmosphere far more than factories do.

4. How are you supposed to  dispose of batteries?

5.They’ll completely destroy the natural beauty of the area if they build a motorway through the hills.

6. How long does it take a plastic bag to degrade?

7. The hole in the ozone layer is a problem we’ve got to solve soon.

V. Reading: Before reading the text pay attention to the main idea of the text.

Read an article and choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A. We got lots of recycling bins and started sorting our rubbish into glass, plastic, paper, and food waste.

B. Now we the teachers travel into work together and parents pick up other people’s children as well as their own.

C. What makes the school so special?

D. You should also be careful about amount of water you use.

E. In addition, they tell people not to throw their old clothes away.

F. This means we don’t use electricity as we used to.

                      Go green!

Bunningford Secondary School has just received an award for being the greenest school in the city. (1) C. What makes the school so special.  We spoke to their biology teacher, Miss Taylor, who explained to us how they had gone about changing their school to make it into an environmentally friendly one. The first thing we did was look at the rubbish we were making as a school. We knew that we had to find better ways to dispose of it. (2) A. We got lots of recycling bins and started sorting our rubbish into glass, plastic, paper, and food waste. This means that most of our rubbish now goes directly for recycling.  

‘Secondly, we have taken responsibility for cleaning

up the fields around the school. Once a month, the area is cleaned up by a group of volunteers from the school. Everything we find there is taken to the  local recycling centre. We want to show with this action how each person really can make a difference.’ ‘We`ve also had a solar-powered  water heater installed on the school`s roof. (3) F. This means we don’t use electricity as we used to. That`s important because the less energy we use, the less has to be made. The way a lot of electricity is made causes pollution.’ ‘Another thing that causes pollution is cars. At our school, we have organized the parents and the teachers so that as few cars as possible are used. (4) B. Now we the teachers travel into work together and parents pick up other people’s children as well as their own. There are a lot less exhaust fumes around our school now.’ ‘The students have also made some lovely posters which explain all about environmentally friendly products and how we can change our ways to be more green. They want to make their parents aware of what they can do. The posters show how buying unpackaged goods reduces the amount of rubbish we produced. They suggest having one strong bag for your shopping rather than taking plastic bags from the supermarket every time you go there. (5) E. In addition, they tell people not to throw their old clothes away. If they are given to a charity, somebody will use them.’

         Well, what can we say? Well done, Bunningford School!

Let’s revise Passive Voice and causative form. 

Find out the sentences in Passive and in causative form.

Now answer the questions:

1)Why is this text called “ Go green”?

2)What ways did they find to dispose the rubbish?

3)How did they use less energy?

4)Were there a lot less exhaust fumes around their school?

5)What did the students make?

VI. Listening:1. The next task is listening. Before listening to the text I’ll give you definitions:

End up- to be in a place or state after doing something or because of doing something.

Drive up- approach while driving; approach, move towards;

Affect- to change or influence something often in a negative way.

Fumes- smoke or gas that has an unpleasant smell and that may be harmful.

Rural- relating to the countryside or in the countryside

Edge- the part of something that is furthest from its centre

During the rush hour- the time of the day when a place is very busy and there is a lot of traffic

Provide- to give someone something   that they want or need.

2.  You will hear five different people talking about the areas where they live. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-F) the problem each person mentions. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A .There is a lot of pollution in the air. Sp 1.   F                   

B. There isn’t any countryside.              Sp 2. C

C. There is a lot of pollution in the water. Sp 3. B

D. There aren’t any bottle banks.           Sp 4.D

E There aren’t any rubbish bins.           Sp 5. A

F There is a lot of rubbish.


Sp 1: I`ve lived here all my life and I quit like it. It`s not exactly a rural area, but there are parks. There`s lake near here and tourists drive up to visit, maybe to have a picnic around there. I`ve noticed that things like bottles and plastic bags have started to appear. It`s a shame, really, because it used to be an attractive area and I really don`t know why people don`t just take it all home with them.

Sp 2: There are a few factories where I live and they’re really ugly. I think they make glass and I know that some of the chemicals end up in the river.  There are often reports about it in the local newspaper, but nobody seems to do anything. A lot of people are very angry about it because it’s starting to affect thing , like fishing.

Sp 3: My neighbourhood is quite clean, I suppose. I



do get tired of looking at concrete buildings, though. It wouldn’t be so bad if there were green spaces for kids to play in or to take a walk in. You’ve got to travel to find those, though, and I don’t have a car. It would be lovely to live on a farm, or maybe near a river, wouldn’t it?

Sp4: We’ve been learning about recycling  at school, and i think it’s very important. I’d do more if they provided the facilities. There’s nowhere to take your used glass, though, so we just put bottles in the rubbish. It creates a lot of waste. I heard they’re thinking of doing something about it, and I hope they do.

Sp5: Where I live is right on the edge of town. The main problem we have is people driving to work through our area. During the rush hour,  when everyone is trying to get to work in the morning, there are often traffic jams and the air is full of fumes. It can be quite difficult to breathe sometimes. When I’ve got a day off work, I have to go out to the countryside just to get away from it! 

4. Read  the sentences and decide if these sentences are true or false.

Speaker1: People take the rubbish with them. F

S2: Some of the chemicals end up in the river. T

S3: There are green spaces for kids. F

S4:They have been learning recycling at school.T

S5: It is quite easy to breathe. F

  VII. Grammar:

1.Before doing the exercises let’s revise Passive voice and the causative form.

Complete each sentence using the word given so that it means the same as the sentence before:

1.Logging companies cut down thousands of trees every year.    are   Thousands of trees   are cut down every year  by logging companies.

2.Sprays destroy ozone.      destroyed

Ozone is destroyed by sprays.

3.They are building a new factory in this area.    is  A new factory is being built in this area.

4. They will have recycled more than 30 tonnes of glass by the end of the year.   been  More than 30 tonnes of glass will have been recycled by the end of the year.

5. They are going to plant more trees and bushes next month.    be  More trees and bushes  are going to be planted  next time.

6. New filters have been installed by the local industries.  have

The local industries have installed new filters.

7. A few volunteers are cleaning the beach.  is

The beach  is being cleaned by a few volunteers.

8. This is a plastic bottle.   made

This bottle  is made of plastic.

9. The fire destroyed the forest.  was

The forest   was destroyed by in the fire.

2.Write the sentences using the causative form:

1. A company is processing their waste.

They        are having their waste processed by a company. are processing their waste had by a company.

2. Someone is going to repair my car.

         am going to have my car repaired.

            am going to have repaired my car.

3. Technicians will install new central heating in our neighbour’s house.

Our neighbour  will new central heating installed.          

                 will have new central heating installed.

4. The gardener is mowing the lawn right now.

We    are having the lawn mow right now.  

         are having the lawn mown right now.

5. A technician repaired our washing machine.

We    had repaired our washing machine.

         had our washing machine repaired.

6. An architect has desighned Mary’s house.

Mary  has had her house designed by an architect.             has had designed her house.

7. A doctor must examine his broken leg.

He   must have his broken leg examined by a doctor. must have examined his broken leg by a doctor.

 VIII. Additional task. Answer these questions:

1.How can we stop people from littering our towns and countryside?

Fine people on the spot for dropping rubbish, have more bins, have them emptied more regularly

2.How can we encourage people to recycle?

Charge people for plastic bags in supermarkets or don’t provide them , have a competition to make

something out of recycled products,make the price of recycled paper , cheaper than non-recycled

3.How can we deal with the problem of air pollution from cars and factories?

Get people to boycott companies that pollute the environment, encourage car manufacturers to design more environmentally friendly cars, improve public transport,create more bicycle lanes

 IX. Speaking.

Do you want your school to be the greenest school in our town?

What will you do?

Some of you have prepared projects,now listen to them.

 X. Hometask:       Ex.2 p.105 to write an essay

XI.   Reflection:   I want to finish our lesson with the words

Be clean – go green!

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Краткое описание документа:

The aims: Developing:  to develop students’ logical thinking, imagination, reading, listening and writing skills.

Educational: to build students humanity, love to the environment.

Practical: to read and learn new texts, to consolidate passive voice and the causative form.

Visual aids: an interactive board.

At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask you attention to these rules, you should follow them:                                                                                            The golden rules:-Be active Be attentive Be emotional Don’t interrupt each other Don’t say “ I don’t”   First think then speak

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