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урок по английскому языку на тему "Реклама"

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План  открытого урока по теме «РЕКЛАМА» в группе Б 1 СПО специальности «Экономика  и бухгалтерский учёт»

                                                                                                            Преподаватель: Гаврилина Л.В.

Цели:                                                                                                                                                          Развивающие: знакомство с понятием «реклама», технологиями её изготовления и применения; развитие познавательной активности, создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития обучающихся, развитие способности к осуществлению  продуктивных речевых действий.

Образовательные: формирование коммуникативной компетентности.

Воспитательные: воспитание эстетического вкуса, толерантного отношения к реалиям другой страны.

Учебные: формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Реклама»; развитие умения чтения с пониманием основного содержания; развитие социокультурной компетенции  (знакомство с социокультурными особенностями ведения рекламного бизнеса в разных странах); развитие умения работать в группе.                                 

Оборудование: компьютер,  рекламные проспекты фирм, газеты с объявлениями,  карточки с заданиями, диск с записью музыки к уроку; УМК «Gateway» Professional English Practice Series Humanities  (под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева - М: «Академия» 2011г.) ; тест «Social and cultural customs around the world»


                                                              Ход урока.                                                                               

Этап учебного

занятия, его задачи

             Содержание учебного занятия.

Деятельность учащихся

I. Warming up

Greeting. 1.Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Are you in a good mood? We are always very busy, and our free time is limited. But even hardworking businesspeople can find some time for a good song. Let’s sing it, shall we? Прослушивание песни “Money, money, money” (ABBA)

This is the well-known song, isn’t it? Do you know it? What is this song about? (The girl sings she needs money to pay the bills) What are other reasons and aims to earn money?

2.We always follow something or someone: the fashion, our friends and advice. What helps us to make a choice? Will you look at all these things and answer my question? What do all they mean? You are right. Today we’ll talk about advertising and get more information about the purpose and types of ads.

Marketing is made up of such physical activity as transporting, storing, and selling goods, of series of decisions that must be reached by any organization undertaking any part of the process of moving goods from the producer to the consumer.

    T             Class










S1              S2

S3                 S4


II. Формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения.













































III.Ознакомительное и просмотровое чтение.



















IV. Обучение монологической речи.




















V. Домашнее задание.




VI. Рефлексия.

















3.Brainstorming. Can you explain what advertising is? What is it for? Use the words to write the definition of advertisement. (Приложение 1)

Let’s consult the dictionary in order to sum up all our definitions. Advertising is the business of persuading people to buy a product or service by announcing it on television, on the Internet, in newspapers etc.

4.In Britain, the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) controls advertising. Here are some of its rules:

ü  Advertisements must be “legal, decent, honest and truthful”

ü  There can be no TV or cinema advertising of cigarettes.

ü  Advertisements for alcoholic drinks should not be aimed at under – 18s. They should not suggest that a drink will make a person more popular.

ü  Advertisements should not make children feel unpopular for not buying a product.

What do you think of the ASA rules? Is there an advertising authority in our country? Have you seen any advert that breaks any of these rules? Make up two more rules.

5.We’ve discussed these rules as consumers. Now let’s look at advertising from the other side. How to make adverts more attractive? There are five propaganda techniques generally used in advertisements. They are: bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, repetition and emotional words. Read definitions and examples of each. (Presentation 1)

Bandwagon: persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it.

Testimonial: using the words of a famous people to persuade you.

Transfer: using the names of pictures of famous people, but not direct quotations.

Repetition: the product name is repeated at least four times.

Emotional words: words that will make you feel strongly (= like very much) someone or something.

6. Now look at some adverts. Match them to the types of advertisements. ( Presentation 2) What techniques are used there? What makes you think so? What type of advertisement is the most effective? Do you watch ads on TV? Have you ever bought anything only because it was  advertised? What is the best advert you have ever seen? Why did you like it? What other types of advertisement do you know?


1.If you want to know more about advertising, will you read the text? Before reading this information pay attention to these questions, please. (чтение текста упр.2, стр.57-59)

1.What are the oldest types of advertisement?

2.What types of advertisement is mentioned in the text?

3.What is the purpose of most advertising?

4.What are the main ways of advertising?

5.Why is television the most effective medium used by advertisers?

2.Then match the titles to the corresponding paragraphs:

Television commercials   Product placement

Celebrities  General information    Media

3.If you are going to run a business abroad, it is absolutely necessary to take into account local customs and traditions before you start it.

Now you have a chance to test your knowledge of social and cultural customs around the world. Suggest what went wrong in these cases.(Приложение 2)


You are going to advertise your college. Think about the most effective types of advertisement. Use information from the texts. Try to follow the rules of effective ad design on your handout.

Effective Ad Design                                          Convince (reliability, specialization, completeness of service)

Interest (illustration, logos, slogans, headlines)

Attract (size, colour)

Discuss some ideas and draw a poster and write a commercial. Remember:

-    What technique will you use?

-    How will you attract the readers’/ listeners’ attention?

-    What will your slogan be?  (max.10 words)

-    What will the text of your commercial be? (50 – 80 words)

-    Will you use someone famous to advertise your college? Present your adverts. Listen and say whose ad you like best. Why?



Advertising is a part of our everyday life, isn’t it? Can we do without adverts?

Your homework is to watch TV advertisements on different channels and present your results on a poster.





Did you like the lesson?

What did you like best?

What was the most /the least interesting/useful for you?









S1- S2- S3-S4 –S5…


















S1            S2           S3

        S4            S5








S1- S2- S3-S4 –S5…















S1            S2           S3

        S4            S5





S1- S2- S3-S4 –S5…

















S1- S2-S3- S4- S5-S6…













S1            S2           S3













S1-S2- S3- S4-S5…





S1-S2- S3- S4-S5…









                                                                                                                 Приложение 1.


Advertising is…

·  a form of

·  communication

·  more of a particular brand

·  of product or service

·  potential customers

·  that attempts

·  to consume

·  to persuade

·  to purchase













                                                                                                                               Приложение 2


                        Social and cultural customs around the world

1.      A soap powder advertisement had a picture of dirty clothes on the left, a box of soap in the middle and clean clothes on the right. The soap was not sold well in the Middle East.

2.      In Saudi Arabia, newspaper adverts for an airline showed an attractive hostess serving champagne to happy passengers. A lot of clients cancelled their flight reservations.

3.      Business is not going well on Friday in Moslem countries.

4.      An airline company called itself Emu, after the Australian bird. But Australians did not want to use the airline.

5.      A company had problems when it tried to introduce instant coffee to the French market.

6.      American car manufactures did not succeed in selling General Motor’s “Nova” in Spain.

7.      A toothpaste manufacturer could not sell his product well in parts of South East Asia.


key:                                                                                                                                                                                        1.The advertisers forgot that in that part of the world people read from right to left.

2. Unveiled women do not mix with men in Saudi Arabia and alcohol is illegal.

3.Offices are usually closed on Fridays in Moslem countries for religious reasons.

4. The emu cannot fly.

5. Making “real” coffee was an important part of the French way of life.

6.”Nova” means “It does not wok” in Spanish.

7.The people in this area do not want white teeth. They think darkly-stained teeth are beautiful and they try to blacken them.












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План  открытого урока по теме «РЕКЛАМА» в группе Б 1 СПО специальности «Экономика  и бухгалтерский учёт»

                                                                                                            Преподаватель: Гаврилина Л.В.

Цели:                                                                                                                                                          Развивающие: знакомство с понятием «реклама», технологиями её изготовления и применения; развитие познавательной активности, создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития обучающихся, развитие способности к осуществлению  продуктивных речевых действий.

Образовательные: формирование коммуникативной компетентности.

Воспитательные: воспитание эстетического вкуса, толерантного отношения к реалиям другой страны.

Учебные: формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Реклама»; развитие умения чтения с пониманием основного содержания; развитие социокультурной компетенции  (знакомство с социокультурными особенностями ведения рекламного бизнеса в разных странах);развитие умения работать в группе.                                 

Оборудование: компьютер,  рекламные проспекты фирм, газеты с объявлениями,  карточки с заданиями, диск с записью музыки к уроку; УМК «Gateway» ProfessionalEnglishPracticeSeriesHumanities (под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева - М: «Академия» 2011г.) ; тест «Social and cultural customs around the world»

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