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Theme: Education in Canada

10 grade


·         Познавательные:

o    практиковать учащихся в чтении текста с полным пониманием;

o    практиковать учащихся в аудировании;

o    практиковать учащихся в монологическом высказывании по прочитанному, в диалогической речи.

·         Развивающие:

o    развивать языковые, интеллектуальные способности учащихся;

o    учить сравнивать различные системы образования в англоговорящих странах;

o    развивать навыки общения при работе в парах и группах.

·         Воспитательные:

o    воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям народов англоговорящих стран;

o    формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка.

Оснащение урока: магнитофон, кассета с записью текста “Hampton private school”, таблички с лексикой, таблички с вопросами, магниты, распечатки текстов “School in Canada”.


I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие

2. Объявление задачи урока

Teacher: Today we’ll speak about schools in some English-speaking countries. We are to do two tasks. Read them!

Учащиеся читают задания на карточках на доске:

1.     What is common and different in school education in Canada and some other English-speaking countries?

2.     Why are private schools called public schools in Great Britain?

II. Этап всесторонней проверки знаний

Teacher: Let’s begin with the poem. Listen to it and say whether you agree with the author or not and why you like or don’t like school.

Один учащийся читает стихотворение:


The happiest days of your whole life
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.
My pencil point is broken,
My pen’s run out of ink
My head’s just filled with sawdust
And with sawdust you cant think.
The happiest days of your whole life
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.

Susan Whitworth

Аргументированные ответы учащихся на вопрос учителя. Например:

1. I like school because here I become smarter, develop my mind and imagination, I have good and experienced teachers. I enjoy school life and friendship.

2. I don’t like school because I hare to get up early every morning, the lessons are boring sometimes. I have too many extra subjects.

III. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному и сознательному усвоению нового материала

Teacher: As we are speaking about schools in English-speaking countries, let’s remember these countries. Give us some main facts about them.

Teacher: We have read much about schools in Australia, the USA, Great Britain. What is common and different in their school systems? Look at the blackboard. Let’s fill in the table.

Учитель с помощью учащихся заполняет таблицу, прикрепляя карточки со словами магнитами к доске





The UK


Compulsory 5-16

“Schools of the air”

Religious subjects

Private=public famous private schools


Different types:

“Schools through the mail box”

Choose the subjects



State (free)


Is going down

Old traditions of uniform


Private (expensive)


Non-academic activities





Should achieve

Right friends and contacts


No uniform


Basic subjects








Графа “Canada” остается незаполненной

IV. Этап усвоения нового материала

1. Практика в чтении

Teacher: Do you know anything about school system in Canada?

Class: No, we don’t.

Teacher: Let’s read some information about schools in Canada (Приложение №1). This material was taken from Internet by the students of your group. This information is divided into 2 parts. Each pair will read different parts and then will exchange the information with each other.

Учащиеся читают тексты в парах, обмениваются информацией.

Teacher: Let’s see what you’ve learned about schools in Canada. Fill in the table!

Ученики заполняют таблицу на доске в графе “Canada” карточками с лексикой другого цвета.

provincial educational system
no federal educational programmer
support of the government
special schools
religious education
system of scholarship
3000 dollars a year
st Tuesday of September
3 vocations (a week)

Teacher: Now speak about the school system in Canada. Say what is common and different in the school education in Canada and some other English-speaking countries.

Сообщения учащихся с опорой на таблицу.

Teacher: So we have done the first task of our lesson.

2. Практика в аудировании

Teacher: All mentioned countries have private schools. Why are private schools in Great Britain called public schools? Some students have found the answer to the question. The sources of information are different. Listen to them and decide who is right.

Сообщения двух учащихся:

1. Many years ago poor people couldn’t get education because it was very expensive. There were some organizations that gathered money for the poor. This money was used to set schools for children of people in need. So these schools were called public. Later these schools become rich with public money and become private schools. But English people are conservative. They used to call these expensive private schools public schools.

2. Historically, British education is famous has derived much of prestige from for the excellence of its private schools, called “public” schools because they were originally established for the children of the middle class, such as Eton College, Harrow School, and Rugby School. The students of the private schools came mostly from the middle, aristocratic, and wealthy classes, although some schools made the education of poorer children. A free system of voluntary schools developed during the 19th century, especially in England and Wales, to extend educational opportunities to the lower classes. After 1833 the voluntary schools, founded by charitable and religious organizations, received some financial support from parliamentary grants. Public schools become very rich and not for poor students.

Teacher: To answer who is right we will read the original text from the English magazine “Speak out” (Приложение №2).

Учащиеся читают текст и высказывают свои мнения, доказывая их информацией из прочитанного текста.

Teacher: So we have done the 2nd task of our lesson. Let’s learn more about English private schools. Listen to the story about Hampton private school and be ready to complete the sentences.

Учащиеся прослушивают кассету (Приложение №3) и выполняют задания (Приложение №4)

V. Этап закрепления нового материала

Teacher: We have learned a lot about school systems in the English-speaking counties. We also know a lot about our Russian schools. Look at the table on the blackboard and in groups make up a story about schools in Russia.

Представители от групп делают сообщения, дополняя друг друга.

VI. Этап информации о домашнем задании и инструктаж о его выполнении

Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: I think every student dreams about a perfect school. What is your perfect school? Your hometast is to make a project of the school of your dream.


Приложение 1

Card 1

Schools in Canada.

Canada consists of 10 provinces and 2 territories. Each province has its own educational system reflected its particular region, history and culture. Canada doesn't have a federal educational programme. However, the education is compulsory and the children are required by law to attend school at the age from 5 to 16. There are different types of schools in the country: state or public schools, special and private. All non-private education is free. About 5 million children attend public schools, which have a great financial support of the government. Private schools have 250 thousand students. Special schools offer more religions education, they are formed according to the religious denomination. Special schools are either for boys or for girls.



Card 2


The Canadian pupils study 2 official languages and other basic subjects such as Maths, social studies, introductory arts and science. The quality of the education is rather high, because the Canadians believe in the importance of education. To encourage the best students a system of scholarships was set in Canada in 2000. A student can receive up to $ 3.000 a year for excellent knowledge. The school year begins on the first Tuesday of September. It ends in the end of June. There are 3 vocations during the school year, each lasts a week


Приложение 2

Private education - What is it?

The school system in the UK can proudly call itself one of the most complicated in Europe. Not only it is not the same across the kingdom but also the number of changes that have taken place in the last 50 years have made it equally confusing for a British person and for a foreigner.

Let's start from the beginning. There are two types of schools in the UK: state schools where education is free and private schools where you have to pay. The only thing is that private schools in Britain are called ... pub­lic. Why? A long time ago when education was a privi­lege oi the rich, the only schools where poor people could go were funded by charities (organisations that collect money for people in need). As it was public money, the schools for the poor were called public schools. Logical, isn't it? However, in the course of histo­ry many public schools became very successful and turned into expensive private schools but the conserva­tive British continued to call them public schools.


Приложение 3

My name is Mr Stone. I'm a teacher of Modern languages (French and Russian) at Hampton School, which is in Richmond upon Thames. The School has a history of nearly five centuries. At present, it remains a day school for some 950 boys between 11 and 19 years of age.

The course at Hampton School is academically demanding: all boys learn at least nine subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, English lan­guage, English Literature, Economics, Drama, Geog­raphy, History, Mathematics, Information Technology, French, German, Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish, Music, Physics, Religious Studies, Physical Education, Games.

As you see, it's not easy to study in our School, so we select students. Selection of students is based on written entrance tests, but we also interview our likely candidates. At the interview, we take into account a boy's other activities. For instance if two boys have done equally well in tests we give preference to the one who is keen on music or art or chess or sport.

The School encourages boys who are developing an i interest in the arts such as writing, playing musical instruments, singing, drama. About 200 boys do music with teachers. At our School there are regular lunchtime and evening concerts of popular music, jazz and rock music by pupils. We also we have a full Symphony Orchestra and a School Magazine for young writers.

Traditionally the favourite sports are tennis, cricket, athletics, rowing, rugby, soccer, and chess. There also active table tennis, basketball and badminton clubs. The School is fortunate to have much space for playing fields. Large parties of boys go abroad each year to ski. Some boys are keen on golf, sailing and windsurfing, too.

The uniform which the boys wear is basically a (colour) blazer and dark-grey trousers, a white shirt and a school tie. The tie and the black blazer with a school badge can be only bought in the school shop. The shop also offers school scarves, and clothes for games.

Parents are welcome to the school at any time. They help to arrange various activities, meet with teachers and provide financial help.


Приложение 4

Listen to what a teacher of Russian tells about Hampton Private School. Complete the sentences.

1.  Hampton School is a school for ...

2.             It is situated in the town of...

3.             The students study several foreign languages: ...

4.             Selection of students is based on ...

5.             The favorite sports are ...

6.             The uniform is a ...

7.             The uniform can be only bought...

8.             Parents help to ...




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Краткое описание документа:

Theme: Education in Canada

10 grade


·         Познавательные:

o    практиковать учащихся в чтении текста с полным пониманием;

o    практиковать учащихся в аудировании;

o    практиковать учащихся в монологическом высказывании по прочитанному, в диалогической речи.

·         Развивающие:

o    развивать языковые, интеллектуальные способности учащихся;

o    учить сравнивать различные системы образования в англоговорящих странах;

o    развивать навыки общения при работе в парах и группах.

·         Воспитательные:

o    воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям народов англоговорящих стран;

o    формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка.

Оснащение урока: магнитофон, кассета с записью текста “Hampton private school”, таблички с лексикой, таблички с вопросами, магниты, распечатки текстов “School in Canada”.


I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие

2. Объявлениезадачиурока

Teacher: Today we’ll speak about schools in some English-speaking countries. We are to do two tasks. Read them!

Учащиеся читают задания на карточках на доске:

1.     What is common and different in school education in Canada and some other English-speaking countries?

2.     Why are private schools called public schools in Great Britain?

II. Этапвсестороннейпроверкизнаний

Teacher: Let’s begin with the poem. Listen to it and say whether you agree with the author or not and why you like or don’t like school.

Один учащийся читает стихотворение:


The happiest days of your whole life
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.
My pencil point is broken,
My pen’s run out of ink
My head’s just filled with sawdust
And with sawdust you cant think.
The happiest days of your whole life
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.

Susan Whitworth

Аргументированные ответы учащихся на вопрос учителя. Например:

1. I like school because here I become smarter, develop my mind and imagination, I have good and experienced teachers. I enjoy school life and friendship.

2. I don’t like school because I hare to get up early every morning, the lessons are boring sometimes. I have too many extra subjects.

III. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному и сознательному усвоению нового материала

Teacher: As we are speaking about schools in English-speaking countries, let’s remember these countries. Give us some main facts about them.

Teacher: We have read much about schools in Australia, the USA, Great Britain. What is common and different in their school systems? Look at the blackboard. Let’s fill in the table.

Учитель с помощью учащихся заполняет таблицу, прикрепляя карточки со словами магнитами к доске





The UK


Compulsory 5-16

“Schools of the air”

Religious subjects

Private=public famous private schools


Different types:

“Schools through the mail box”

Choose the subjects



State (free)


Is going down

Old traditions of uniform


Private (expensive)


Non-academic activities





Should achieve

Right friends and contacts


No uniform


Basic subjects








Графа “Canada” остается незаполненной

IV. Этап усвоения нового материала

1. Практика в чтении

Teacher: Do you know anything about school system in Canada?

Class: No, we don’t.

Teacher: Let’s read some information about schools in Canada (Приложение №1). This material was taken from Internet by the students of your group. This information is divided into 2 parts. Each pair will read different parts and then will exchange the information with each other.

Учащиеся читают тексты в парах, обмениваются информацией.

Teacher: Let’s see what you’ve learned about schools in Canada. Fill in the table!

Ученики заполняют таблицу на доске в графе “Canada” карточками с лексикой другого цвета.

provincial educational system
no federal educational programmer
support of the government
special schools
religious education
system of scholarship
3000 dollars a year
st Tuesday of September
3 vocations (a week)

Teacher: Now speak about the school system in Canada. Say what is common and different in the school education in Canada and some other English-speaking countries.

Сообщения учащихся с опорой на таблицу.

Teacher: So we have done the first task of our lesson.

2. Практикаваудировании

Teacher: All mentioned countries have private schools. Why are private schools in Great Britain called public schools? Some students have found the answer to the question. The sources of information are different. Listen to them and decide who is right.


1. Many years ago poor people couldn’t get education because it was very expensive. There were some organizations that gathered money for the poor. This money was used to set schools for children of people in need. So these schools were called public. Later these schools become rich with public money and become private schools. But English people are conservative. They used to call these expensive private schools public schools.

2. Historically, British education is famous has derived much of prestige from for the excellence of its private schools, called “public” schools because they were originally established for the children of the middle class, such as Eton College, Harrow School, and Rugby School. The students of the private schools came mostly from the middle, aristocratic, and wealthy classes, although some schools made the education of poorer children. A free system of voluntary schools developed during the 19th century, especially in England and Wales, to extend educational opportunities to the lower classes. After 1833 the voluntary schools, founded by charitable and religious organizations, received some financial support from parliamentary grants. Public schools become very rich and not for poor students.

Teacher: To answer who is right we will read the original text from the English magazine “Speak out” (Приложение №2).

Учащиеся читают текст и высказывают свои мнения, доказывая их информацией из прочитанного текста.

Teacher: So we have done the 2nd task of our lesson. Let’s learn more about English private schools. Listen to the story about Hampton private school and be ready to complete the sentences.

Учащиеся прослушивают кассету (Приложение №3) и выполняют задания (Приложение №4)

V. Этапзакрепленияновогоматериала

Teacher: We have learned a lot about school systems in the English-speaking counties. We also know a lot about our Russian schools. Look at the table on the blackboard and in groups make up a story about schools in Russia.

Представители от групп делают сообщения, дополняя друг друга.

VI. Этап информации о домашнем задании и инструктаж о его выполнении


Teacher: I think every student dreams about a perfect school. What is your perfect school? Your hometast is to make a project of the school of your dream.


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