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Урок английского языка "Животные в нашей жизни" (6 класс)

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Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме

Animals in our life.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых ЛЕ по теме.

Цели: обобщение и углубление знаний учащихся по теме, привитие любви и заботливого  отношения к животным и окружающей природе.


 Образовательные: расширить страноведческие знания учащихся по теме;  познакомить с местными охраняемыми природными объектами.

Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие коммуникативных навыков работы.

Практические: активизация изученной и введение новой лексики по теме “Animals in our life”; совершенствование навыков ведения диалога; совершенствование навыков связного монологического высказывания.

Воспитательные: воспитание любви и бережного отношения к животным, птицам и растениям; воспитание уважительного отношения к иностранному языку как средству получения информации и средству общения.

Форма организации деятельности учащихся: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная.

I.                    Орг. момент.

Good morning everybody! How are you?... I am glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson!

II.                 Today we’ll speak about animals in our life.

First, phonetic drill.

a)      Open your books, please! Page 103. Exercise 2. Listen and repeat! …Thank you.

b)      Would you recite the poem “My Dream” by Gillian Brown? Let’s do it all together!... Well done! Thank you.

c)      Now look at the screen and read the phrases!

-wild animals; domestic animals; the animals world; the natural world;

-all over the world; endangered animals; to fight for endangered animals;

-to fight against cruelty to every living thing; to join zoological society;

- to  take  care of pets; to feed pets; to talk to a pet; to play with a pet.

      III.       Conversation practice. (Плакат с изображениями различных животных, птиц,


                  Look at the picture, please, and answer my questions!

1)      What wild animals are there in the picture and where do they live?

Примерный образец ответа.

*Example.: This is a tiger. Tigers are wild animals. They live in the forest. They can also live in zoos, wild animal’s parks or in circuses.

2)      What insects can you see there? (a bee, a fly, a butterfly, an ant)

3)      There are some birds in the picture, aren’t there?        *(Yes, certainly.)

4)      What are they? ?(an eagle, a cockerel, a hen, a duck, a goose, a parrot)

*(Example: We can see an eagle in the picture. It is very nice. In fact, eagles are brave and strong. They live in the mountains.)

5)      Are these birds wild or domestic?

*(Example: There are wild ducks/geese and domestic ducks/geese.

Hens and cockerels are domestic birds. Eagles are wild birds.)

6)      What domestic animals do you see there? How do they help people? (a cow, a horse, a pig, a camel, a rabbit, a sheep)

*(Example.: This is a cow. Cows are domestic animals. They give people milk and meat.)  I see. Thank you.

III.              Practice in monologue speaking.

Let’s check up your homework. I think you’ve prepared stories about your pets or about other domestic animals. Tell us about them, please!

Желающие представляют свои рассказы и показывают презентации.

                 Все остальные работы проверяются учителем после урока или дети представляют

                 их на следующем уроке.

*Example.: This is my cat. It’s name is Murzik. My cat is two years old. Murzik is nice, kind and merry. It is always full of fun. In fact, pets need our attention and care. I love my cat and take care of it. My mum buys or prepares special food for Murzik. I feed it properly and regularly. Sometimes I brush my cat. I like to talk to Mursik and play with my pet. Sure, we have a lot of fun together!

T.: Well done, thank you!

IV.              Imaginable excursion across London Zoo.

T.: In fact, people take care of domestic animals. And what about wild                    

 animals?  They also need people’s care, don’t they?   *(Yes, certainly.)

T.: There are a lot of wild animal’s parks and zoos in many countries.

You have already read the text about London Zoo, haven’t you?   *(Yes, we have).

What do you remember about this zoo? 

(Учащиеся дают ответы c опорой на упр. 10 на стр. 106.).

Now, imagine that we are visiting London Zoo. Look at the screen and enjoy!

Would you read, please!

(Просмотр презентацииУчащиеся по очереди читают тексты к слайдам.)

V.                T.: Thank you!  Do you like the excursion? Now, let’s have a rest. (Динамическая пауза)

VI.              Pair practice.

Open your books, please! Page109. You will work in pairs.

Imagine that you are new members of the zoological society. First, meet each other. Then discuss some animals’ problems, please. You may use the questions in exercise 19 as a plan. You should ask questions in turn. Try to give different opinions.

*Example of the answer:

-          Hello, my name is … .

-          Hi, I am … .

-          Nice to meet you.

-          Nice to meet you too.

-          Let’s talk about animals’ problems! Do you like animals?

-          Yes, certainly! I love all kinds of animals dogs and cats and rabbits,

I love all kinds of animals despite their little habits.

-          Animals live in the wild, in wild animal’s parks, in zoos and in circuses, don’t they?

-          Yes, you are right. In the future I would like to be the director of a zoo. And if I had tons of money I would buy lots of animals and have my own zoo.

-          Really? But in zoos animals live in cages. I think they don’t like it.

-          In my zoo they wouldn’t be in cages, they would be free to run around.

And there’s one thing they could feel and that is free and sound.

What do you think where animals have a better place to live and why?

-          Sure, in wild animal’s parks. In fact, they have more space for living than in zoos. They can meet each other and have fun. And why do people keep animals in zoos and parks?

-          I think they want to learn and understand more about the lives of animals and how to save endangered animals. What do you think is better for animals: to live in zoos, to live in wild animal’s parks or to live in the wild?

-          In my opinion, it’s better for them to live in wild animal’s parks. You see, people take care of them and animals are safe and sound.

-          I can’t agree with you. I think it’s better for animals to live in the wild. There they are free to do what they want.

-          I see.

VII.           Talking about local wild animals and birds.

T.: In London Zoo you have seen different animals and birds from all over the world. Most of them are exotic.  Do they live in our forest?  *( No, they don’t.) What animals and birds live in the local forest?

(Учащиеся называют известных им животных и птиц. При необходимости учитель помогает. Новую лексику учитель пишет на доске, дети записывают в словари Проводится первичная отработка НЛ).

For example: Bears, foxes, wolves, hares, ducks, geese.

                       (НЛ) elks, lynxes, wild boars,

                       black-cocks, wood-grouses, wood-cocks, owls, polar owls,

                       partridges, polar (white) partridges, cranes.                                                                   

T.: I think, some of them are endangered. Do you agree with me? To be sure you should look in the “Red Book” of Kirov Region.

People fight for endangered animals and birds because they can disappear (исчезать). That’s why there are zoos, national wild animal’s parks and nature reserves all over the world. Besides, there are zakazniks and nature memorials. They are unique territories where people  haven’t damaged (не нанесли ущерб) wildlife.

T.: There is only one nature reserve in Kirov Region. It’s “Nurgush”. There are three zakazniks there. They are “Bylina”, “Pizhemskiy” and “Bushkovskiy les”. (Рассказ сопровождается показом буклетов, пояснениями. Записывают  в словари: nature reserves, zakazniks, nature memorials).

In fact, there are a lot of nature memorials in our region. And one of them is “Khristoforovskiye stamps”. This memorial is in our district, not far from our settlement.

Let’s watch the presentation about this nature memorial.

VIII.        Watching and discussing the presentation “Khristoforovskiye stamps”.

После просмотра учащиеся c опорой на фразы делают небольшие высказывания об этом памятнике природы.

Опорные фразы:

-save unique nature territories;

                  -fight for endangered animals, birds and plants;

-zoos, national wild animal’s parks, nature reserves and zakazniks;

-nature memorials;

-one of them is “Khristoforovskiye stamps”;

                  -goose ‘piskulka’;

                  -polar (white) partridges;

                   -polar owls;

                   - cranberries and cowberries (клюква и брусника)


                   Примерный образец высказывания:

                   People all over the world save unique nature territories. They fight for

                   endangered  animals, birds and plants. There are zoos, national wild animal’s parks,   

                  and nature reserves in many countries. There are three zakazniks, nature memorials and a

                  nature reserve in our region.

                 One nature memorial “Khristoforovskiye stamps”is in our district. Its nature is

                 unique. People can pick different berries there, for example: cranberries and cowberries.

                 Bears and elks, polar owls and white partridges live there. Polar owls and white partridges

                 are endangered.  In spring and in autumn you can see geese. In fact, the wildlife is unique      


IX.              The homework.

I think you will be able to write a short story about this nature memorial (6-10 sentences). Use the phrases. (Распечатка опорных фраз выдается каждому учащемуся).

Learn the new words and phrases in your vocabularies, please.

X.                Итоги урока.

T.: I’m satisfied with your work, thank you. Your marks are … .

XI.              Рефлексия

T.: Our lesson is going to the end.

1) Did you like it? (Понравился – большой палец – вверх, не понравился – вниз,

«так себе» - развести руками).

2) What did you like best of all?

3) What will you tell your parents about?

      XII.      T.: The lesson is over. Goodbye.


                      Оборудование: учебникEnjoy English” 5-6, плакат “Animals”, CD MP3,

                   мультимедийный проектор, презентация “London Zoo”, презентация

                 “Khristoforovskiye Swamps”(фотографии растений, птиц и животных – из Интернета).


Галина Иннокентьевна Сокольникова,

МОКУ ООШ п. Христофорово,

Лузский район, Кировская область









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Краткое описание документа:

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых ЛЕ по теме.

Цели: обобщение и углубление знаний учащихся по теме, привитие любви и заботливого  отношения к животным и окружающей природе.


 Образовательные: расширить страноведческие знания учащихся по теме;  познакомить с местными охраняемыми природными объектами.

Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие коммуникативных навыков работы.

Практические: активизация изученной и введение новой лексики по теме “Animalsinourlife”; совершенствование навыков ведения диалога; совершенствование навыков связного монологического высказывания.

Воспитательные: воспитание любви и бережного отношения к животным, птицам и растениям; воспитание уважительного отношения к иностранному языку как средству получения информации и средству общения.


Форма организации деятельности учащихся: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная.

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