Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок английского языка по теме "Where do they come from?" (3 класс)

Урок английского языка по теме "Where do they come from?" (3 класс)

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Grade:3D   School – Gymnasium № 17, the teacher Karassova N. B.

The Theme  of the lesson: «Where do they come from?»

The aims of the lesson: to develop pupils’ habits and skills in speaking, reading and  writing , listening, to teach pupils talking about the countries and languages.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

The methods of the lesson: question – answer, group work, the interactive method.

The visual aids: pictures, cards, an interactive board, CD 59, tables.

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

1. Greeting:

- Good morning, children!

- I’m very glad to see you.

- How are you?

- We are fine. Thank you.

- And how are you?

- Very well, thank you.

2. Report of the pupil on duty.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

- How’s the weather today?...

3. Introducing the aims of the lesson.

- Dear pupils! Today we will talk about the countries and languages.

II. Warm –up. Phonetic  drill.

Look at the blackboard. This is the world map. We’ll visit many countries, repeat the names of the countries and languages after me: America, England, Egypt, China, Russia, Australia, Kazakhstan, English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Kazakh.

III. Work with the pictures (there are some pictures with animals).

Look at the interactive board, ask and answer the questions.  -What animal is it? - It is a koala. Where is it from? – It is from Australia. - What animals are they? – They are elephants. – Where do they come from?  – They come from Africa…

IV. Revision of the grammar. Let’s remember!

We should remember some differences in questions!

IV. Presentation of the new theme “Where do they come from?”

Let’s meet the delegation from different countries:

-              Hello! My name’s Ahmed. I come from Egypt. I speak Arabic. I live in a big city.

-              Hi! I’m Todd. I come from America. I speak English. I live in a small town.

-              Hello! I’m Linda. I come from England. I speak English. I live in a big city.

-              Hello! My name’s Li. I come from China. I speak Chinese. I live in a small town.

-              Hi! My name’s Scott. I come from Australia. I speak English. I live on a farm.

-              Hello! I’m Sasha. I come from Russia. I speak Russian. I live in a small town.

-              Hi! I’m Marat. I come from Kazakhstan. I speak Kazakh. I live in Aktobe.


V. Reading and writing. (Appendix 1). Complete the table.

Take the  sheets with appendix 1. Look! There are  some countries and languages. Let’s read         them. Below there is a table  with gaps where you should write the name  of the country and the name of the language.

Приложение 1.






Great Britain



New Zealand











Interesting facts



(the United States of America)


The bald eagle

The Statue of Liberty in New York




(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


The Tower Bridge in London

The Big Ben in London

Red double-decker bus in London

Foggy weather


Egypt is in


The pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt

Some camels live in Africa





Brown bear is a symbol of Russia

Birch is a national tree of Russia

Amur Tiger



The Giant Panda

The Great Wall of China




yellow or orange chrysanthemum

High speed trains


Sakura is a cherry tree. A cherry blossom is the name for the flower of Sakura.



The kangaroo

The koala

The platypus



The kiwi is a national symbol of New Zealand


VI. Listening – reading. (Appendix 2) Children listen to the Tape 59  and  put the sentences in the correct order. Play the tape again and complete the table. Children read the text in the correct order.







Приложение 2.

1. Listen to the children and put the sentences in the correct order.


Hello. My name’s Ahmed. I come from Egypt. I speak Arabic.

I live in a big city.


Hello. My name’s Scott. I come from Australia. I speak English.

I live on a farm.


Hi! I’m Todd. I come from America. I speak English.

I live in a small town.


Hello. My name’s Li. I come from China. I speak Chinese.

I live in a small town.


Hello! I’m Linda. I come from England. I speak English.

I live in a big city.


2. Complete the table.

What is his (her) name?

Where does he (she) come from?

What language does he (she) speak?

Where does he (she) live?






in a small town












in a big city






in a small town






VII. Physical exercise: Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Don’t sit down! Hands to the sides! Bend to the left. Stand straight. Bend to the right. Stand straight. Hands on hips! 1, 2, 3 hop! 1, 2, 3 stop! Sit down, please! Hands up! Grow as tall as New Year trees. On your knees slowly fall. Curl yourself into a ball. Raise your head, Jump up high, Wave your hand and say “Good bye!”

VIII. Speaking. And what about you? (Appendix 3).

Take sheets with appendix 3. And let’s complete and act this interview.

Приложение 3.

And what about you?

- Where are you from?

-  I am from ________________ .

- What language do you speak?

- I speak ________________ .

- Where do you live?

- I live in _____________________. I live in a big city.

It is called ________________________.

XI.  A Song “Hello, my friends!”

The ship is sailing.                                The sun is shining.

The flag is waving.                              The stars are smiling.

Hello, my friends!                               Hello, my friends!

Hello, my friends!                               Hello, my friends!

We’ll be together.

In any weather.

With you my friends!

With you my friends!

XII. Conclusion of the lesson. What have we done today on the lesson? We have visited some countries. What are they? – Name the countries… We have learned the names of some languages. What are they? – Name the languages… What do you like best? – Give their answers.

XIII. Comment the marks.

XIV. Hometask: Write  down the composition  “My favourite country”.

The lesson is over. Good bye!


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