Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииУрок-презентация на тему "Субкультуры"

Урок-презентация на тему "Субкультуры"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • A subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who have interests...

    1 слайд

    A subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who have interests that vary from those of the mainstream culture, often a group whose behaviour is disapproved of by most people. A subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music.

  • Hacker

    2 слайд


  • SubcultureA subculture is a group of people with the same interests, the same...

    3 слайд

    A subculture is a group of people with the same interests, the same style and they like the same music.

  • identity (who somebody is)
to rebel (to protest) against
to reject...

    4 слайд

    identity (who somebody is)
    to rebel (to protest) against
    to reject (say no to)
    don`t conform (don`t keep)to
    warehouses (склады)
    to try out all sorts of options (to test all things that you can choose)
    violent (showing strong physical force)
    to identify oneself with a particular(special)subculture-
    относить себя к конкретной субкультуре

    Translate the key words

  • Raver
Use computer – made, synthesized music

 use drugs to create massive al...

    5 слайд


    Use computer – made, synthesized music

    use drugs to create massive all-night dance parties in empty warehouses

    like to be in a collective.

    want to try out all sort of options
    are thought to be violent and rebellious

  • the ‘wizards’ of the computer community 

 people with a deep understanding o...

    6 слайд

    the ‘wizards’ of the computer community

    people with a deep understanding of how their computers work

    can do things with them that seem ‘magical’

    they do not protest against their parents

  • Punk

    7 слайд


  • HippieDrug users

Rock and roll fans

Don`t conform to society`s standards...

    8 слайд

    Drug users

    Rock and roll fans

    Don`t conform to society`s standards

    Support liberal attitude and lifestyle

    Want to change the world for the best

  • BIKER- ride 2 or 3 wheeled motorised vehicles

- identif...

    9 слайд

    - ride 2 or 3 wheeled motorised vehicles

    - identify themselves with a particular subculture

    - wear leather jackets and army boots

  • Match the youth group and its most                              distinguishin...

    10 слайд

    Match the youth group and its most distinguishing feature




    All-night dancing
    Brightly coloured hair
    Leather jacket and army boots
    Can do magical things with their computers
    Love for all people
    Dress in a shocking way
    Wear metal chains
    Thought to be violent and rebellious

  • Fill in the prepositionsPunks dress … a shocking way.
   They are thought to...

    11 слайд

    Fill in the prepositions
    Punks dress … a shocking way.
    They are thought to rebel … the society.
    Hippies don`t conform … society`s standarts.
    They always want to change the world … the best
    Ravers like to be … the collective.
    They want to try … all sort of options.
    Bikers ride 2/3 wheeled motorised vehicles and identify themselves … a particular subculture.

  • Finish the following phrasesTo identify
To rebel
To reject
(Not) to conform t...

    12 слайд

    Finish the following phrases
    To identify
    To rebel
    To reject
    (Not) to conform to
    To express their own identity
    society standards
    with a particular subculture
    against the society
    against the older generation

  • Organisations and                   youth movements

    13 слайд

    Organisations and
    youth movements





  • Match the descriptions                 and  the organisationsVolunteers


    14 слайд

    Match the descriptions
    and the organisations

    Young Farmers


    get practical experience in agriculture
    want to protect nature
    prefer non-violent direct actions to solve ecological problems
    do voluntary work
    learn to use practical skills
    help needy people
    train to use their initiative
    get practical experience in home crafts and country life

  • Different ways to spend free timeI want to be … . I work hard to achieve this...

    15 слайд

    Different ways to spend free time
    I want to be … . I work hard to achieve this.
    I want to be … . I work hard and train every day.
    I want to be … and become a pro.
    I am crasy about … . I want to be an ace pupil.
    I enjoy being alone. I like books/groups/films about …
    I care about my health/pets /younger …/
    I like hanging out with my friends … .

  • A young person who wears  leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat just to...

    16 слайд

    A young person who wears leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat just to show off. He is associated with something rebellious.

  •     EMOare thought to be shy, sensitive and emotional.

    17 слайд

    are thought to be shy, sensitive and emotional.

  • Goth wear the blackest black

  a lot of silver jewellery

    18 слайд


    wear the blackest black

    a lot of silver jewellery

    very black hair

    look as pale as possible

    talk about being vampires and about the end of the world.

  • Modown style distinct from others

a person has college-style hair
 a neat wh...

    19 слайд

    own style distinct from others

    a person has college-style hair
    a neat white shirt
    a short jacket, or a short blazer jacket
    narrow trousers
    pale face, plenty of make-up

    scooters are the preferred means of transportation

    he or she prefers soul music.

  • The end

    20 слайд

    The end

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Файзуллина Миляуша Габдулфаритовна


г. Новый Уренгой

Урок по теме: ``How do teens express their individuality? ``

Цикл 3, урок 1.

УМК Кузовлев В.П. (10класс)


социокультурный аспект-знакомство с различными субкультурами, с различными способами самовыражения молодежи.

развивающий аспект-развитие способности к анализу, сравнению, к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий.

воспитательный аспект-формирование терпимости и уважения мнения другого человека, формирование адекватного отношения  к различным способам самовыражения.

учебный аспект-формирование лексических навыков говорения.


развитие умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и полного понимания содержания;

умение делать краткие записи для построения собственного высказывания

Речевой материал:

рецептивный: improvisation, value, warehouse, subculture, biker, hacker, raver, aggressive, to conform to, to identify, identity, option, to rebel, rebellious, to reject, to try out, violent.

Оснащение урока: доска (школьная), интерактивная доска Smartboard, компьютер.


План урока:

I.                    Организационный момент.

  Приветствие, цели урока

  Фонетическая зарядка

  Речевая зарядка

II.                 Основной этап урока.

Постановка учебной задачи

Презентация лексики

Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного

Закрепление лексики (matching, gap-filling)

Тренинг речевых навыков (asking for information)

Составление высказывании по образцу

III.              Применение знаний и умений

Скрытый контроль навыков говорения

Говорение (включение новой лесики в устные сообщения по теме)

IV.              Итог урока.


Домашнее задание

Оценка деятельности учащихся


Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you. What date is it today? Is anybody absent? The topic of our  lesson is quite interesting. I hope you`ll be active and enjoy the lesson.

Cлайд 1.

Teacher: Now, look at the screen, please. Which groups do these young people represent? What are we going to speak about? You are right. Today we are speaking about cultural groupings/subcultures, youth movements, organisations, and we`ll learn how young people express their individuality.

I. Phonetic  activities.

Teacher: Let`s drill some sounds, words and expressions you will need this lesson. Pronounce them, please.

Pupils read the transcription of the words.

II. Warming-up.

Teacher: I`m going to ask you some questions.

What`s better: to play sports or to watch it?

Is fashion important for you?

Do you like to wear your school uniform?

Do your parents tell you which clothes to wear?

What kind of music do you prefer?

What music irritates you?

What is your hobby?


Cлайд 2.It is interesting to know what the word ``subculture`` means.

 Учащиеся с помощью LCG в конце учебника читают и узнают, что означает субкультура и основная (мэйнстрим) культура.

Слайд 3. Учащиеся формулируют более простое определение понятия субкультура.

Teacher: Young people have a particular relationship with the whole world. They want to express their individuality. How do you think they do it? Ex. 1 p.72

P1. I think some young people join officially registered organisations.

P2. According this table some teens join cultural groupings.

P3. Moreover, young people express themselves in music, sport, hobbies, clothes, music.

III. Teacher: Most young people follow some kind of youth culture. So, you should read the description of different groups and members of the groups, and find the names of these subcultures in the box.

1. Lexical activities. (Введение новой лексики)

Слайд 4. Let`s read and guess the meaning of unknown and new words. Ex.2.1) p.72

Cемантизация  выделенных слов осуществляется с помощью перевода, дефиниции, догадки по аналогии, словообразования.

Учитель осуществляет проверку  понимания новой лексики и отрабатывает ее произношение.

Teacher: I want you to write down some words and phrases.

IV. Reading (for detail)

1.      Pre-reading activity.

You are to find the names of the subcultures in the box.

2.      Reading (for detail)

Pupils read the text very attentively and use their dictionaries to find the words.

      3.  Post-reading activities.

After reading the text pupils find the names of the subcultures.

P1: To my mind, text A is about…

P2: In my opinion, Bikers are described in text…

P3: As for me, Hackers …

KEY: A (Punks); B (Hippies); C (Hackers); D (Ravers); E (Bikers).

V. 1. Grammar activities.

Закрепление лексики при выполнении грамматических и лексических упражнений.

Ask questions about each of the subcultures. Use general and special questions.

P1: Which subgroup rides heavy bikes?

P2: Who dyes hair in different bright colours?

P3: Who likes parties and computer-made music?

P4: Do hackers protest against their parents?

P5: Who always wants to change the world for the best?

P6: Do punks ride 2/3 wheeled motorised vehicles?

P7: Who supports liberal attitude and lifestyle?

Слайд 5.  Match the youth group and its most distinguishing feature.

Cлайд 6.    2. Fill in the prepositions.

Teacher: Why do teens join subcultures?

Слайд 7.   3. Finish the following phrases.

VI. Reading (for detail)

Pre-reading activity

Слайд 8.

Teacher: Young people in Great Britain have an opportunity to join different organisations and youth groups. So, you should read the descriptions of members of different organisations and match them with their names. Ex.2.2) p.73

Reading (for detail).

Pupils read the text.

Teacher: If necessary you may look the words up in a dictionary.

Post-reading activity.

Слайд 9.

Pupils match the descriptions and the names of organisations.

Pupils explain their choice.

P1:  In my opinion,Young Farmers are people who…

P2:  I think, Volunteers do…

P3:  Scouts  learn to…

Teacher: What similar and different features do teens from different groups and organisations have? AB Unit3, ex.1

P1: To my mind, teens from different groups have the following similar features:

-they try to express their individuality;

-they  rebel against the society or the older generation;

-they reject almost everything;

-they don`t conform to society`s standarts.

P2: I`d like to say some words about different features of teens from various groups and organisations. Punks and Ravers differ from Hippies and Hackers. Punks and Ravers are thought to rebel against the society. They want to try out all sorts of options and are thought to be violent and rebellious.

P3: And Hippies and Hackers support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. They always want to change the world for the best.

Teacher: Some teens do not join any organisations or subcultures. But they also have a lot of ways to express their individuality. What are these ways? What do they say about it?

Cлайд 10.  Different ways to spend free time. Ex. 2.3) p.74

Учащиеся высказывают свое отношение.

Teacher: What way of expressing individuality do you prefer?

P1: I like when people dress brightly, may be in a shocking way to express their individuality. Such people are thought to rebel against the society.

P2: It seems to me teens always want to reject everything and to support a liberal attitude and lifestyle.

P3: I identify myself with ravers because I like all-night dance parties and computer-made music.

P4: I like when people get practical skills in different spheres, train to use their initiative.

P5: I like to be in a collective and I don`t want to protest against the society.

P6: I am not in any organization. I don`t like being organized. But I like to dress trendy and I also like listening to rock music.

Teacher: To sum up, I offer you to watch some pictures of the representatives of other subcultures and share your opinions about their distinguishing features.


Учащиеся описывают характерные черты представителей субкультур, представленных на слайдах.

VII. The conclusion.

Teacher: The lesson is coming to the end. Put down your homework, please. You will learn

about some more subcultures at home. I`m sure, the information will be interesting and surprising for you.

Good luck.

Hm: Ex.6 p. 75 (R Unit 3, ex.2,3,4)

Teacher: What have we learned at the lesson today?



Well, now I`d like to know your opinion about the lesson.  Will you answer my YES/NO  questions?

Was the topic interesting for you?

The topic catched your attention, didn`t it?

Does the lesson teach you to be patient to the representatives of the different subcultures?

The lesson teaches you to be passive and indifferent, doesn`t it?

Does it teach you to find your way in life?

Учащиеся выражают свои мнения краткими ответами –YES/NO.

Teacher: P1-you are well-done. I give you a ``5``

               P2 –your answers were correct but you had some ptonetic mistakes. I give you a ``4``

               P3- I want you to work better.

               P4- next time try to work harder .

The lesson is over. See you next lesson.




Тип урока: урок изучения нового учебного материала. К уроку прилагается презентация. Она сделана в той последовательности, по которой идет урок. Использование презентации позволяет реализовать принцип наглядности и  доступности изложения материала. Учитель, сочетая на уроке  различные формы коллективной,  групповой и индивидуальной работы направляет учеников как на сотрудничество с учителем и с одноклассниками, так и на максимальную самостоятельность в процессе учения.  Применяя такие общедидактические методы как  проблемный, частично-поисковый метод учитель активизирует деятельность учащихся для реализации  дидактических задач-приобретение знаний, формирование умений и навыков и применение этих знаний с помощью разнообразных приемов- prediction;asking/answering; matching; gap-filling; reading for detail; completing, etc.. На уроке используются личностно-ориентированная технология, технология проблемного обучения, системно-деятельностный подход.


Использованная литература:

1.УМК Кузовлев В.П.,10 класс.

2. «Английский язык. Для преподавателей. Поурочное планирование по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева 10-11 класс. Издательство «Учитель». Автор-составитель Л. В. Васильева. Волгоград: 2008 г.
















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Краткое описание документа:

Тип урока: урок изучения нового учебного материала. К уроку прилагается презентация. Она сделана в той последовательности, по которой идет урок. Использование презентации позволяет реализовать принцип наглядности и доступности изложения материала. Учитель, сочетая на уроке различные формы коллективной, групповой и индивидуальной работы направляет учеников как на сотрудничество с учителем и с одноклассниками, так и на максимальную самостоятельность в процессе учения. Применяя такие общедидактические методы как проблемный, частично-поисковый метод учитель активизирует деятельность учащихся для реализации дидактических задач-приобретение знаний, формирование умений и навыков и применение этих знаний с помощью разнообразных приемов- prediction;asking/answering; matching; gap-filling; reading for detail; completing, etc.. На уроке используются личностно-ориентированная технология, технология проблемного обучения, системно-деятельностный подход.

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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

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