Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Выбор школы" (9 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Выбор школы" (9 класс)

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Form: 9

The theme of the lesson: “Choosing schools”

The aim of the lesson:

Educational:           to enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme, to enrich  

                                 students’  lexicon through new vocabulary.

Developing:            To develop students’ speaking, reading and retelling skills; to        

                                 develop  students’ interest in research works.

Bringing up:           to interest in learning English, in learning education system in   

                                 Great Britain and in our country Kazakhstan; to love own



The type of the lesson: combined

Inter-subject connection:  kazakh language

Methods of teaching: explaining, showing.

The equipment:     an interactive board, cards, stickers, marking cards, pictures

                                   and the texts about school.

Literature:   English textbook by Ayapova  9-form

The procedure of the lesson:


I.  Organization moment:



II. Checking up the home task



III. Brainstorming:





















IV. Draw a table













 V. Vocabulary work



















VI. New theme
















VII. Work with the text:



















































VIII. Work in groups:



IX. Discussing





X. Work with pictures




XI. Doing exercises according to the text.




Test work

1)      At what age do English children begin going to a primary school?

a)      At 5                          b) At 7                          c) At 4

2)      When do children start going to Junior  school in Great Britain?

a)      6                              b) 5                                c) 7

3)      How long does primary education last?

a)      For 6 years

b)      For 7 years

c)      For 5 years

4)      If they go_____ schools they will have a good secondary education

a)      Primary                 b) Grammar                   c) modern

5)      When does compulsory education begin in Kazakhstan?

a)      At the age of 5

b)      At the age of6

c)      At the age of 7

6)      How long does the primary education last?

a)      For 6 year                   b) For 4 years           c) For 7 years

7)      Do boys and girls study together or separate schools?

a)      Separate                 b)Together                 c)Simple

8)      What classes are compulsory?

a)    9                             b) 11                          c) 10





XII. Focus.


XIII. Production



XIV. Conclusion
























XV. Marking

XVI.  Home task:




Good morning, boys and girls!Nice to meet you!

How are you?


To collect information about Schools in Great Britain.

Schools in Kazakhstan.


1.      Riddle:

My first is in CAKE  but not in TAKE

My second is in HAT but not in CAT

My third and fourth is in HORSE and also in FORCE

My fifth is in SO  but not in  NOW

My sixth is in ICE  but not in NICE

My seventh  is in NOSE  but not in ROSE

My last is in GAME but not in SAME

Can you guess this riddle and say?

2.      Show the pictures of schools, classrooms.

-Can you guess the name of these pictures?


-You should complete the table  “I know. I want to know. I knew”.



























Choosing schools



Educational system in Great Britain and Kazakhstan.





























































-          Let’s discuss about

         advantages and   

     disadvantages of school  



Teacher show the slide with the  different pictures  of  schools.



Complete the Venn’s diagram : “Schools in Kazakhstan                                               and in England”.



     Word families: find words in the text




I think you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Let’s play a game “Focus”.


Project work





























Give the tests to each other. You should to check your neighbour’s tests.And put the marks.


I’ll put you marks.


Exercise 7 Read the text.

Stand up, children.

The lesson is over. Good Bye!


Good morning, teacher!

We are fine, thank you!

















-Yes, we can. These are




















Group A:  Education in    

                    Great Britain:

     In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when they go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.

      In infant schools children don’t have real classes. They get acquainted with the class- room, desks, play and through plating. They learn numbers and how to add them. When children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics.

          At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT. there are some types of secondary schools in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern schools and comprehensive schools. One can attend modern school but of a modern school don’t learn foreign languages.


Group B: Education in Kazakhstan.

       We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.

       Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.


       Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state’s educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1-4 grades, middle 5-9 grades and junior 10-11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical- professional institutes, or in special schools.


Students should look and remember it. And name them.





































At 4

a)      At 10











Good Bye!














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Краткое описание документа:

Цели: - Ввести системы образования в Казахстане и Великобритании -объяснить им полезную информацию о образования Разработка: - Разработать словарь ученика и составление приговоров способность - Сравнить образование в Великобритании, США и Казахстана - Узнать новые слова об образовании - Делать различные уровни упражнения, которые для использования грамматические структуры в нужной форме Результат: - Говорить полезную информацию об образовании в устной речи - Разработать говорящих привычки, которая, описывающие школу собственной страны на английском языке и делать практическую работу.

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