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Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки к ВОУД (ОЖСБ) для казахских школ (9 класс)

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Ақсу қаласының «№ 1 қазақ орта мектебі» КММ








Ағылшын тілі пәнінен орта білім берудегі оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалауына арналған

оқу-әдістемелік құралы

 (9 сынып)










А.С. Турумтаева

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі


А.А. Сарсенбаева

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі


К.Е. Жампетова

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі







Бүгінгі күні білім беру саласы «Қазақстан-2050» ұзақ мерзімді Стратегиясының маңызды басым бағыттарының бірі болып танылды. Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаев республиканы әлемдегі бәсекеге қабілетті 30 елдің қатарына кіргізу туралы міндет қойған болатын. Бұл мәселені жүзеге асыруда білім беру жүйесін жетілдіру айтарлықтай рөл атқарады.

Оқыту сапасын арттыруда білім беру үдерісінің барлық қатысушыларының ең үздік білім ресурстары мен технологияларына тең қолжетімділікті қамтамасыз ету; оқушылардың алған білімдері тез өзгеретін әлемде табысқа жеткізетіндігінен қанағаттану; жалпы білім беретін мектептерде Қазақстан Республикасының зияткерлік, дене бітімі және рухани дамыған азаматын қалыптастыру қажет.

Мектеп оқушыларының функционалдық сауаттылығын дамыту жөніндегі 2012-2016 жылдарға арналған ұлттық іс-қимыл жоспарына сәйкес 2015 жылы оқушылардың оқу жетістігін сырттай бағалау (одан әрі – ОЖСБ) аясында оқушылардың функционалдық сауаттылығы бағаланады. Функционалдық сауаттылықты тексеруге арналған тест тапсырмалары алғаш рет 2014 жылы ОЖСБ барысында қолданылды.

Функционалдық сауаттылық, кеңінен алғанда, тұлғаның мектепте алған білімі, білігі мен дағдысын адамзат қызметінің әртүрлі саласында, сонымен бірге тұлғааралық қатынастар мен әлеуметтік байланыстарда кездесетін тіршілік міндеттерін жан-жақты шеше білу қабілеті ретінде түсіндіріледі.

Оқу сауаттылығы – оқушылардың мәтін мазмұнын түсіне білуі және оларға ой жүгірте білу, мәтін мазмұнын өз мақсаттарына жету үшін пайдалана білу, қоғам өмірінде белсенділік таныту мақсатында білімдері мен мүмкіндіктерін дамыту қабілеттері.













Оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалаудың мағынасы

Мемлекеттік аралық бақылау (МАБ) 2004 жылы Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді дамытудың 2005 - 2010 жылдарға арналған Мемлекеттік бағдарламасының қабылдануына байланысты енгізілді. Бұл рәсім мемлекеттік бақылаудың бір түрі болып табылды және республикамыздың орта білім беру ұйымдарының 4 пен 9 - сыныптарында, жоғары оқу орындарының 2 (3) курстарында өткізілді. Министрлік белгілеген төменгі шекті деңгейден өте алмаған білім беру ұйымдары кезектен тыс аттестаттауға жататын. Бақылаудың бұл түрі өзінің оң рөлін және өзіне жүктелген міндеттерді атқарды деуге болады.

Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді дамытудың  2011 - 2020 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасының қабылдануына байланысты және «Білім туралы» Қазақстан Республикасының Заңына өзгерістер мен толықтырулар енгізу туралы» Қазақстан Республикасының Заңына білім беру ұйымдарына тәуелсіз оқыту сапасына мониторинг жүргізу үшін сәйкес           2011 - 2012 оқу жылында оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалау (ОЖСБ) рәсімі енгізілді.

ОЖСБ - ны уәкілетті орган жүзеге асырады және білім беру қызметінің сапасын бағалау және білім алушыларды жалпыға міндетті білім беру стандарттарын меңгеру деңгейін анықтау мақсатында негізгі мектепте        (9 (10) сыныптан кейін), жоғары оқу орындарында (4 - курста) - оқыту бағыттары бойынша оқу бағдарламаларын игеруді мониторингілеу мақсатында іске асырылады. 

ОЖСБ негізгі орта білім беру деңгейінде білім алушылар білім алып жатқан білім беру ұйымдарының базасында өткізіледі.

ОЖСБ кешенді тестілеу нысанында қағаз тасымалдағышта және қазіргі заманғы ақпараттық технологияларды пайдалана отырып өткізіледі.

Тапсырмалар жалпы білім беретін оқу бағдарламаларының негізінде әзірленеді,олардың мазмұны аталған бағдарламалардың шеңберінен шықпауы керек.

9 (10) сыныптарда ОЖСБ рәсіміне міндетті түрде қазақ тілі  пәні және уәкілетті органмен жыл сайын белгіленетін, өткізудің алдында ғана белгілі болатын 3 пән енгізіледі. Мұндай шара білім беру ұйымдарында бағдарлама талапқа сай меңгеріліп, оқушылар белгіленген пәндер бойынша ғана емес, барлық пәндерден бірдей дайындалу үшін қажет.

Әрбір пән бойынша тест тапсырмаларының саны - 20.

Тестілеуге 4 пән бойынша 120 минут (2 сағат) беріледі.

Оқыту бағыттары бойынша жоғары білім мамандықтарының  және ОЖСБ өткізілетін жоғары оқу орындарының тізбесін  жыл сайын уәкілетті орган белгілейді. ОЖСБ - ны өткізу үшін ММББС - ның базалық және бейіндік пәндерінің циклдары бойынша әзірленген тест тапсырмалары  пайдаланылады.

ОЖСБ кешенді тестілеу нысанында 4 пән бойынша, уәкілетті орган белгілеген мерзімде өткізіледі.

ОЖСБ - ны өткізудің белгіленген тәртібінің және оның ережелерінің сақталуына бақылауды облыстардың, Астана және Алматы қалаларының Білім саласындағы бақылау департаменттері мен  Министрліктің уәкілетті өкілдері жүзеге асырады.

            Тестілеуді өткізуге дайындық кезінде оқушылармен тестілеу материалдарын ресімдеу және тестілеу барысында тәртіп сақтау ережесі туралы түсіндіру жұмыстары жүргізіледі.

            МАБ пен ОЖСБ - ның арасындағы ерекше  айырмашылық білім беру ұйымдарына қатысты құқықтық салдарлардың болмауы болып табылады. ОЖСБ нәтижелері әрбір білім беру ұйымдарындағы көрсетілетін білім беру қызметінің сапасы туралы оқушыларды, студенттерді, ата - аналар жұртшылығын кең көлемде хабардар ету үшін пайдаланылатын болады. Бұл ретте, жеткілікті даярлау деңгейін қамтамасыз етпеген білім беру ұйымдары жағдайды өзгерту үшін шұғыл шаралар қабылдайтын болады.






















Түсініктеме хат


Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 9-сыныпқа арналған оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалау оқу бағдарламасы Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2012 жылғы 23 тамыздағы №1080 Қаулысымен бекітілген орта білім берудің (бастауыш, негізгі орта, жалпы орта білім беру) мемлекеттік жалпыға міндетті стандартына сәйкес әзірленген.

Күнтізбелік жоспар Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрінің 2013 жылғы 3 сәуірдегі №115 бұйрығымен бекітілген негізгі орта білім беру деңгейінің «Тіл және әдебиет» білім саласы пәндерінің оқу бағдарламасын (5-9 сыныптар) басшылыққа ала отырып, оқушылардың функционалдық сауаттылығын дамыту жөніндегі 2012 - 2016 жылдарға арналған ұлттық іс-қимыл жоспарын бекіту туралы,

Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2012 жылғы 25 маусымдағы № 832 Қаулысы;

Қазақстан Республикасының білім беру ұйымдарында оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалауды өткізу жөніндегі нұсқаулық;

2014-2015 оқу жылында Қазақстан Республикасының жалпы орта білім беретін (сонымен бірге инклюзивті білім беруді жүзеге асыратын) ұйымдарында ғылым негіздерін оқытудың ерекшеліктері туралы негізінде құрастырылды.

Бұл бағдарлама оқушылардың танымдық қабілетін дамытуға және коммуникативтік құзыреттерін кеңейтуге, сөйлеу дағдыларын және әлеуметтік-мәдени біліктерін толықтырып жетілдіруге көптілді тұлға қалыптастыруға бағытталған.

        Оқу жүктемесінің көлемі аптасына 1 сағат, оқу жылында 34 сағат.    

Бағдарламаның мақсаты: Оқушының қарым-қатынас мәдениетін дамытуға жағдай туғызу, грамматикалық ережелерді ескере отырып, еркін таза сөйлеуге бейімдеу, үйрету.


·     сөздік қорын молайту арқылы сөйлете білу;

·     оқушылардың тілдік сауаттылығын арттыру;

·     шығармашылық қабілеттерді дамыту;

·     оқушылардың логикалық ойлауының бірізді болуын қалыптастыру.

        Күтілетін нәтижелер

·     мәтінге сүйене отырып оның негізгі мазмұнын айта алуы;

·     маған ұнайды/ұнамайды деген сияқты сөздерді қолдана отырып оқығанына өз пікірін айта алуы;

·     сұрақ-жауап түрінде сөйлеу;

·     танысу, өзін таныстыру және жауап бере алуы;

·     естіген ақпарат хабарды өз тәжірибесімен салыстыру, ой елегінен өткізу, оларды бағалай білуі;

·     жаңа сөздердің мағынасын пайымдай білу.

 Оқу бағдарламасының мазмұны мен құрылымы


        9-сынып курсы үшін әлеуметтік-техникалық, оқу-еңбек және әлеуметтік-мәдениеттік салалары қамтылған оқу бағдарламасына төмендегі оқу тақырыптары енгізілген:

Лексикалық минимумның орфографиясы. Мысалы exemplifying-especially, particularly, for example, such as, reason: because, due to, since, as. Предлогтар: from, to, at, in, by, into, on, off, out, out of.

 Сонымен қатар грамматикалық құрылымдарды меңгеру жалғастырылады: Present Continuous Passive, Past Continuous Passive Tense, Past Future Perfect Continuous Active, First, Second Conditional; Participle One, Direct and indirect speech; Past Perfect Continuous Active, Past/Future Perfect Continuous Active; Present Continuous Passive, Past Continuous Passive, Gerund





















Оқу-тақырыптық жоспар




Article / Артиклдер



“to be» етістігінің осы шақтың формалары



“to be» етістігінің өткен шақтың формалары



«to do» етістігінің формалары



«to have» етістігінің формалары



The Plurals of  The Nouns / Зат есімдердің көпше түрі



The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сың есімнің шырайлары



World formation / Сөз жасау



The Numerals / Сан есім



The Pronouns / Eсімдіктері



The Possessive Case / Тәуелді септік



The Prepositions / Қосымшалар



There +be орамы



The Present Simple Tense / Жалпы осы шақ



The Future Simple Tense / Жалпы келер шақ



The Past Simple Tense / Жалпы өткен шақ



The Present Continuous / Жалғаспалы осы шақ



The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ



The Future Continuous Tense/ Жалғаспалы келер шақ



The Present Perfect Tense/ Осы шақтың аяқталған түрі



The Past Perfect Tense /Өткен шақтын аяқталған түрі



The Future Perfect Tense / Келер шақтын аяқталған түрі



The Passive Voice / Ырықсыз етіс



The Modal Verbs / Модаль етістіктер



The Gerund  / Герундий



The Infinitive / Инфинитив



The Participle  / Есімше



Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few есімдіктері



The Conditionals / Шартты сөйлемдер



Direct and indirect speech / Төл және төлеу сөз



Used to do құрылымы



Types of the questions / Сұрақтардың түрлері



Country studying / Елтану



Proverbs / Мақалдар































Theme № 1 Article / Артиклдер

Ағылшын тілінде артикльдердің екі түрі бар: белгісіздік “a/an” (Indefinite Article), және белгілілік “the” (Definite Article)

► Белгісіздік артиклі: A/AN: А + дауыссыз дыбыс (consonant)

► Егер сөз дауыссыз дыбыстан басталса, зат есімнің алдына

„a` белгісіздік артиклі қолданылады.  ▪ A child,

         a doctor, etc.

AN + дауысты дыбыс (vowel) 

An apple, an umbrella, an hour   


“A(AN)” белгісіздік артиклінің қолданылуы

Белгілілік “THE” артиклінің қолданылуы

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің тек жекеше түрінде

a)   Do you need an umbrella?

b)   I never wear a hat.

Контексте немесе бір ситуацияда не туралы айтып жатқандығы нақты белгілі болса a) Can you turn off the light?

b) I`d like to speak to the manager, please.

Сөйлеуші заттар мен нәрселер туралы алғаш рет сөз қозғап тұрса

a)               I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.

b)               A man and a woman are sitting opposite me.

Егерде зат есім екінші сөйлемде қайталанса

a)               Last year I bought a car. The car was vey expensive.

b)               When I entered the room, I saw a man. The man was very old.

Заттың кім, не екендігі жайлы анықтама бергенде

a)               Omar`s father is a lawyer.

b)               Would you like to be an English teacher?

Дүниеде бір-ақ түрі кездесетін ғаламшар атаулары

a)               The earth is millions of kilometers from the sun.

b)               The sun was going down.

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше түрінің алдында сын есім келсе

a)               My brother is a good driver.

b)               Dastan has bought an expensive car.

Мұхит: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean.

Теңіз: the Mediterranean Sea Өзен: the Thames, the Amazon, the Nile

Канал: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal

Тау тізбектері: the Alps, the Rockies

Шөл далалар: the Gobi, the Sahara Desert











Лепті сөйлемде санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше түрі болса

a)   What a beautiful garden!

b)   What a lovely dress!

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің көпше түрі және санауға келмейтін зат есімнің алдында артикль қойылмайды.

Мұражайлар: the British

Museum, the Tate Gallery, the


Қонақ үйлер: the Station Hotel, the Hilton Hotel


ар: the palace Theatre, the Odeon Cinema

Газеттер мен кейбір журнал аттары: Washington Post, the

Financial Times, the Times

Тұрақты тіркестерде

A lot of, a great deal of, a few, a little, for a short (long) time, in a loud voice, to be in a hurry, to be in a position to be at a loss, It is a pity; as a result of; as a

matter of fact To have a good time

To have a look

To have a seat

To go for a walk

Ұлт атауларының алдында a) The Japanese are very industrial people.

b) The French are considered to be conservative people.

Such, quite, rather сөздерінен кейін жекеше түрдегі саналатын зат есім келсе

a)  It was such an easy test.

b)  It is rather an old house.

c)   He is quite an old man.

Сын есімнің күшейтпелі шырайының алдында

a)               He is the tallest boy in our class.

b)               She is the most intelligent woman I`ve ever met.

Hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдерінің алдында

«one» сан есімі келетін болса a) His case weights a (one) hundred pounds

b) Azat has won a (one) thousand dollars.

Зат есімдердің алдында реттік сан есім келсе

a)               Your second composition is better than the first.

b)               February is the second month of the year.


Отбасын түгелдей әңгімелейтін болсақ

a) The Zhandosovs arrived from Astana


Кейбір мемлекеттер мен штаттардың аттарының алдында,

егер олар republic, union, state сөздерімен тіркесіп келсе The United Kingdom, the United

States the Netherlands


Музыкалық аспаптардың атауларының алдында the piano, the saxophone


Тұрақты тіркестерде

in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow, on the right (left), on

the whole



Артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері

► Жалқы есімдердің алдында: кісі аттары:  Mansur, Sholpan, Aizhan, Talgat. 

►Құрлықтар мен кейбір елдердің аттарының алдында

Europe, Spain, Asia, Japan. 

Қала аттары: Almaty, Astana, New-York  

Дәреже, лауазым, атақты білдіретін зат есімдерінің алдында 

Doctor Watson, Lord Byron, Admiral Nelson, Professor Azimov, Mr.White, Comrade Ivanov

Ғылым салаларының аттарында I like mathematics and chemistry  

Тұрақты тіркестерде 

at night, at home, at work, at first sight, at sunset, by train (bus, boat, tram), in conclusion, by air (water, sea, land), by heart day and night, by chance from morning to (till) night, by mistake  

►Breakfast, lunch, dinner сөздерінің алдында

What time is dinner? We had lunch in a very nice restaurant. 

Егер зат есім сан есіммен тіркесіп келсе (Noun + number) Have you got these shoes in size 38? 

I couldn`t answer question 8.  Page 17, Room 127

Мейрам, фестиваль, апта, ай аттарының алдында  Nauryz, Easter, Christmas, Wednesday

Егер зат есімдер жалпы (жинақтау) мағынасында келсе: Dogs are domestic animals. 

Көше аттары, саябақ және алаң аттарының алдында

Fifth Avenue, Hyde Park, Times Square, Broadway 

Танымал жер аттары 

Егер бұл зат есімнің бірінші сөзі кісі аты болса, артикльсіз қолданылады:

Victoria Station, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, Buckingham Palace, Cambridge University, Kennedy Airport 




School, college, university, work, bed, town, hospital, prison, jail

зат есімдерімен артикльдің қолданылуы

Артикль қолданылмайтын жағдайлар

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

Егер бұл сөздер жалпы мағынада қолданылса

▪ Her brother is in prison for robbery.

▪ Omar had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He is still in hospital now.

Егер белгілі бір

мақсатпен барылатын болса

▪ She went to the prison to visit his brother

▪ Azat has gone to the hospital to visit Omar. He is at the hospital now.








Test № 1 / Тест № 1


1. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

He goes to ... school in .. afternoon

A) -- / the

B) -- / --

C) a / the

D) the / --

E) the / the

2. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

... books and ... notebooks are on ... desk

A) -- /  the / the

B) the /  -- /  the

C) the /  the /  the

D) the / a /  the

E) a /  the /  the

3. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

Suddenly … shout of… admiration came from … lips of … viewers.

A) A / - /  the /  the.

B) - /  - /  the /  -.

C) The /  the /  the /  the.

D) - /  - /  - /  a.

E) The / an /  - /  -.

4. Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.

… weather was fine in … May.

A) the/-.

B) -/-.

C) a/the.

D) the/the.

E) the/a.

5. . Тиісті артикльді қойыңыз.

I think … Texas is the richest state of America.

A)  An.

B) A.

C) The.

D)  - .

E) On.

6. Тиісті артикльді қойыңыз.

How much are … apples?

A) At.

B) An.

C) A.

D)  - .

E) The.


7 This is … exercise-book. This is … English


A) The, an.

B) The, the.

C) A, a.

D)  - , - .

E) An, an.

8. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

On my way to ... bus stop I met ... old man

with ...dog

A) an / a / a

B) an / -- / the

C) an / the / a

D) а / an / --

E) the / an / a

9. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

A) Gіve me your a book.

B) A raіn іs very heavy.

C) A sun іs shіnіng brіghtly today.

D) І lіke to go to a theatres.

E) There іs a rіver near my vіllage.

10. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

... Moon was shining brightly and ... Thames was seen opposite the building

A) --, --

B) --, the

C) the, the         D) the, --             E) a, --



Leveled exercises 1

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 1


I level

I деңгей


Put a/an, or the in each space.


a) What's ..the.. matter? Are you all right?

b) Kate has bought..........new car.

c) Some people think that..........moon is made of cheese!

d) I'm collecting money for..........poor.

e) Brian hasn't found..........job yet.

f) I've never seen..........elephant.

g) Can you play..........guitar?

h) Helen is..........idiot!

i) ..........longest bridge in Europe is in Portugal.

j) Don't forget to turn off..........television.


II level

II деңгей


Choose the correct word or space underlined in each sentence.


a) Do you like an/  orange juice?

b) Tom has got a/— new leather coat.

c) Kate teaches at a/— school in Leeds.

d) Have you ever been to the/— Italy ?

e) The/— Chinese have a very difficult language.

f) The/— love is a wonderful thing!

g) Fm tired. It's time to go to the/— bed.

h) Could you pass the/— sugar, please?

i) Harry comes from the/— USA.

j) We went to Scotland by a/— car.


III level

III деңгей


Put a/an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.


a) Where's   the     milk? I thought you bought some.

b) ..........students must not leave their bags here.

c) Paul went to..........prison for stealing two cars.

d) Is this chair made of..........wood ?

e) It's much quicker on..........foot.

f) I wonder what life was like in..........ancient Rome.

g) A large crowd welcomed.......... President of the USA.

h) ..........smoking is not allowed in the dining-room.

i) Do you want..........sugar in your tea?





Answers Test 1

Жауаптар Тест № 1


1.      А       2. С    3. А    4. А     5. D   6. E    7. E   8. E   9. B     10. C



Leveled exercises № 18



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 18


I level

I деңгей

1) the

2) a  

3) the 

4) the  

5) a

6)  an

7) the

 8) an 

 9) The 

10) the

II level

II деңгей

a) - 

b) a   

c) a   

d) -   

e) The   

f) -g) -   

h) the   

i) the   


III level

III деңгей

a) the   

b) -  

c) -   

d) -   

e) -  

f) –

g) the   

h) -   

i) -   

j) the








Theme № 2 “to be» етістігінің осы шақтың формалары



To be (болу) бастауыш пен баяндауышты байланыстыратын көмекші етістік. Оның жіктік түрлері – am, is, are – дара баяндауыш болумен қатар (he is in the room. – Ол бөлмеде), күрделі баяндауыштың құрамы ретінде де қолданылады. (I am a student – мен студентпін). Қазақ тілінде to be (болу) етістігі осы шақта қолданылмайды, ал ағылшын тілінде ол сөйлем құрамында міндетті түрде қолдануы тиіс.


To be етістігінің осы шақта жіктелуі


 Болымды түрі (The affirmative forms)


Жекеше (Singular)

Көпше (Plural)


I am a student.

We are students

You are a student.

You are students

She is a student.

They are students

He is a student.


It is a room.



Сұраулы түрі (The Interrogative form)


Am I a student?

Are we students?

Are you a student?

Are you students?

Is he a student?

Are they students?

Is she a student?


Is it a room?



Болымсыз түрі. (The Negative form)


I am not a student.

We are not students.

You are a student.

You are not students.

He is not a student.

They are not students.

She is not a student.


It is not a large room














Test № 2/Тест №2

1. Monopoly  ……….  a market structure with only a single seller.

a) am       

     b) is                                    

c) are


2. Successful marketers  ……… open and flexible.

 a) am                                  

b) is                                    

c) are


3. Marks & Spencer  ……….  the top brand in Britain in 1988.

 a) were                               

 b) was                                  

 c) is


4. Employment agencies  ………. aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

a) am                                  

b) is                                    

c) are


5. As long as foreigners  ………..  willing to hold American dollars, things remain stable.

  a) am                                   

  b) is                                    

  c) are




6. All staff ……… to wear uniforms.

a) am                                  

b) is                                    

c) are


7. The customers ………… to wait here in this room until the sales manager return.

a) am                                  

b) is                                   

      c) are

  1. ………. we to offer you the job, would you accept it ?

a)  Were                              

b)  Was                                

c) Have been


  1. If  we  …….. to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.

a) am                                  

b) is                                    

c) are


     10. to be” етістігінің дұрыс                    формасын таңдаңыз.

  My grandfather … seventy.

  a) is.

  b) are.

  c) been.












Leveled exercises 2

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 2


I level

I деңгей


Complete the questions and answers.


a) What's your name?                                   My name.....is.....Carlos.

b) Where..........................from?                   I'm from Brazil.

c) Are you at school?                                    Yes,..........................a student.

d) How old..........................?                        I'm fifteen.

e) .............English difficult?                         No, it's easy



II level

II деңгей


Put is, are, isn't or aren't in each space.


a) This ..........my family.       

b) These.............my parents.

c) Lucy.............my sister, she's my friend.

d) We.............in our garden, we aren't at the beach.

e) My friends.............in this photo.

f) They.............at the park.

g) My dog, Bonzo,............. in this photo.

h) He.............at the park too.

III level

III деңгей


Make negative sentences and questions.


a) It's hot today.                        .It isn’t hot today………….

b) I'm at home.                         …………………………….

c) My friends are here.             …………………………….

d) You're a teacher.                  …………………………….

e) He's fifteen.                            …………………………….?

f) It's cold.                                   ……………………………?

g) She's American.                      ……………………………?    

h) He's at the park.                      ……………………………?    









Answers Test 2

Жауаптар Тест № 2


1.      B   2. C    3. B      4. C     5. C      6.C      7. C     8. B     9. C       10.A



Leveled exercises № 2



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар №2


I level

I деңгей

a) is

b)  are you

c)   I am

d)  are you

e)   Is


II level

II деңгей

a)   is

b)  are

c)   isn't

d)  are

e)   aren't

f)   are

g)   isn't

h)  is


III level

III деңгей


a)  It isn't hot today.

b)  I'm not at home.

c)   My friends aren't here.

d)  You aren't a teacher.

e)   Is he fifteen

f)    Is it cold

g)   Is she American

h) Is he at the park







 Theme  № 3 “to be» етістігінің өткен шақ формалары

Болымды түрі






in London yesterday.


in England Last year.







Болымсыз түрі




was not (wasn`t)


at school yesterday.


at the party last night.





were not  (weren`t)


Сұраулы түрі
















Иә/жоқ сұрағы






at work?


at home?







Қысқа жауаптар:

-No, he wasn`t. Yes, she was.

- Yes, I was. Yes, we were. No, they weren`t.


Төмендегі сөздер өткен шақта жиі қолданылады:


last year

last month

five years ago


yesterday morning

In 1990






Test № 3/Тест №3



1.He  ………… a financier soon.

 a) am                                  

b) was                                     

c) will be


2.The country  ……….  in a state of economic crisis last year.

a) is                                 

b) was                                    

c) are


3.The contract  ……….. signed last week.

a) were                                  

b) is                                    

c) was


4.………. we to offer you the job, would you accept it ?

a)  Were                              

b)  Was                               

c) Have been


5.There ______ much work last week.

a) is      

b) are      

c) was      

d) will be





6.There ______ a conference next week

a) is      

b) are     

 c) was      

d) will be


7.There _______ a good crop in Russia this year.

a) is      

b) are      

c) was     

 d) will be


8.____ there a telephone in your office?

a) is      

b) are     

c) was     

d) will be


9.There ______ few letters in the mail for you today.

 a) is     

 b) are     

 c) was      

d) will be


10.______ there a store close to our Bank?

a) is     

b) are     

c) was      

d) will be
























Leveled exercises № 3

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 3


I level / I деңгей


Look at the pictures and complete the sentences and questions.


                  at the cinema                                                      at work


               at home                                                                   at school


a) Where was Helen yesterday? Helen  Was at the cinema..............

b) Where were Yannis and Emma? Yannis and Emma..................

c) Where was Nick? Nick..........................................

d) Where were Liz and Jane? Liz and Jane.....................................

e) Was Helen..................at home yesterday?

Helen ...wasn’t  at home......... She was at the cinema


II level

II деңгей


Make questions.

a) Jim/at home/last night                     Was Jim at home last day?

b) you/at school/on Monday              ............................................ ?

c) David/here/yesterday                     ............................................ ?

d) the cinema/open/on Sunday          ............................................  ?         

e) Kate and Jane/late/yesterday           ............................................ ?

f) you/in the football team/last year   ........................................... ?


III level

III деңгей


Make negative sentences, questions


a) Kevin and Mel/at my party            Kelvin and Mel weren’t at my party

b) Nick/in class yesterday                 ............................................

c) It/warm/yesterday                          ............................................

d) Tina and Jim/late                           ............................................

e) Jetty/on the bus                              ............................................







Answers Test 3

Жауаптар Тест № 3


1.      B   2. C    3. B      4. C     5. C      6.C      7. C     8. B     9. C       10.A



Answers /Жауаптар


Leveled exercises № 3

 Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 3



I level / I деңгей

a) was at the cinema

b)  were at home

c)  was at work

d)  were at school

e)   Was Helen, wasn 'tat home



II level /II деңгей


a)  Was Jim at home last night

b)  Were you at school on Monday

c)   Was David here yesterday

d)  Was the cinema open on Sunday

e)  Were Kate and Jane late yesterday

f)   Were you in the football team last year



III level/ III деңгей


a) Kevin and Mel weren't at my party.

b)  Nick wasn't in class yesterday.

c)   It wasn't warm yesterday.

d)  Tina and Jim weren't late.

e)   Etty wasn't on the bus.

















Theme № 4 «to do» етістігінің формалары


Forms of To Do






I / you / we / they



have / had done

are / were doing

he / she / it



has / had done

is / was doing


As an auxiliary verb do is used with a main verb when forming interrogative or negative sentences, or for adding emphasis. It is also called the dummy operator or dummy auxiliary.



Positive Statement (spoken)

Negative Statement (spoken)




Do I?

I do

I do not (I don't)

Do you?

You do

You do not (You don't)

Does he/she/it?

He/she/it does

He/she/it does not (He/she/it doesn't)




Do we?

We do

We do not (We don't)

Do you?

You do

You do not (You don't)

Do they?

They do

They do not (They don't)






Question - ?

"Do you always take the bus to work?"

"Does she ever do her homework on time?"

Positive Answer - Yes

"Yes, I do."

"Yes, she does."

Negative Answer - No

"No, I don't."

"No, she doesn't."


The most common question using "do" that you will probably hear whilst learning English is "What do you do?" The person asking simply wants to know what you do for a living.

- See more at: http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/verbtodo.html#sthash.NdMwv8wY.dpuf























Test № 4/ Тест № 4


1. She  …….   most of her writing on a computer.

a) do                       b) does  


2. Machines …….. most of work yesterday.         

           a) did                      b) have done


3.  ..……..   you have a computer?

      a) do                       b) does  


4. He  always ………  his job well.

      a) do                       b) does  


5. What  ……. she want to do?

      a) do                       b) does  


6.  …….  you speak English?

      a) do                       b) does  


7. The company ought  ……  something about the poor service.

      a) to do                    b) do


8. She  …….. economics at Sheffield some years ago.  

            a) did                        b) have done


  9. She  ……  well out of the deal today.

            a) have done              b) has done 


 10. What  ………  you do for a living ?

             a) does                        b)  do



















Leveled exercises № 4

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 4


I level

I деңгей


Put Do or Does


1.                     you like chocolate?

2.                     he go to the beach very often?

3.                     we have any pens?

4.                     she know you?

5.                     it close at 6.30 pm?

6.                     they smoke?

7.                     I look funny in these jeans?

8.                     Bill and Anne like each other?

9.                     she speak German?

10.                   you want to go to the movies?



II level

II деңгей


Complete the following sentences by using the right form of to do (do, don't, does, doesn't).


1) The girls love tennis, but they                   love riding.

2) What             Sandra sell?

3) Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he             speak German.

4) Where                     your grandparents live?

5)  Brenda and Henry             bake muffins for their party?

6) Max plays tennis, but he                 play hockey.

7)  Mr Smith               teach English?

8) Doris and Eric read comics, but they                    read books.



III level

III деңгей


A:   ........ you play tennis?


B:  No, I . I  play tennis but my sister Kate ........ it well.


A:  What  ........you like to play?


B:  I love baseball.  ......... you know the game?


A:  Of course, I......... . As for me I  like it much. Baseball is my brother's favourite game.


B:   .......... he go in for any baseball club?


A:  Oh, no, he............ .  He just likes to watch the matches on TV. ......   Kate take you to the tennis-court?


B:  Yes, she . She often takes me there. And  ....... you like winter sports?




Answers Test № 4

Жауаптар Тест № 4


1B        2A      3A      4B       5B       6A      7A      8A      9B      10B



Leveled exercises № 4



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 4


I level

I деңгей
























II level

II деңгей



1) The girls love tennis, but they don't love riding.

2) What does Sandra sell?

3) Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he doesn't speak German.

4) Where do your grandparents live?

5) Do Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party?

6) Max plays tennis, but he doesn't play hockey.

7) Does Mr Smith teach English?

8) Doris and Eric read comics, but they don't read books.


III level

III деңгей




Do,      don`t,  don`t,  does,  do,   Do,   do,   don`t,    Does,   doesn`t,   Does,   does,   do 










Theme № 5 to have  етістігінің формасы


Ағылшын тілінде бір затқа ие болу, оны иемдену to have етістігі арқылы

беріледі. Оның осы шақта (Present Indefinite tense) жіктелуі төмендегідей:


Болымды түрі

Жекеше түрі


Көпше түрі:


I have a pen . (Менің қаламым бар)

We have pens. (Біздің қаламдарымыз бар)


You have a pen  (Сенің қаламың бар)

You have pens. (Сендердің қаламдарың бар)

He (she, it) has a pen. (Оның қаламы бар)

They have pens. (Олардың қаламдары бар)


Сұраулы түрі:

Жекеше түрі

Көпше түрі:

Have 1 a pen?  (Менің қаламым бар ма?)

Have we pens? (Біздің қаламдарымыз бар ма?)

Have you pens? (Сенің қаламың бар ма?)

Have you pens? (Сендердің қаламдарың бар ма?)

Have they pens? (Оның қаламы бар ма?)

Have they pens? (Олардың қаламдары бар ма?)


Болымсыз түрі



Көпше түрі:

I have no pen. ( I have not a pen)

We have no pens.

You have no pen. (You have not a pen)

You have no pens.

He (she, it) has no pen. (He ( she,it) has not a pen)

They have no pens.


To have етістігін осы шақта жіктегенде мына ерекшеліктерге қатар аударған жөн:

To have етістігі 3-жақтың жекеше түрінде has болып өзгереді.

























Test 5/Тест № 5


  1. She ……. a day-off  every week.

a) have                            b) has



     2.  I  ……  a good job last year.

a) have                            b) had



     3. They ………. orders next week.

a)  will have                     b) have



      4. Recently we ………… the acknowledgement of debt.

a) have received               b) had received



      5. Inflation  ……..  got  out of control.

a) has                                b) have



      6. Do you  ……. to travel on business?

a) has                                b) have



      7. He  ……. to get up early.

a) has                                b) have



      8. I   ………  a holiday last year.

a) haven’t                         b) didn’t have



      9. The decision  ……… to be made by senior management.

a) has                                b) have



     10. This system software  …………  to be very reliable.

a) has proved                               b) have prove















Leveled exercises 5

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 5


I level

I деңгей


Put in have  or has  into the gaps.


1) I ......... a nice room.

2) She ....... a cat.

3) Jack  .........a pet.

4) The sisters........  great teachers.

5) He  .........an old bike.

6) They ............ a goldfish.

7) Emma .......... lots of friends.

8) We  .........a problem.

9) Joe and Philip  ............a sister.

10) The family...........  two cars.



II level

II деңгей


Put in haven't got or hasn't got into the gaps.


1) I  ......your T-shirt.

2) She ........ a workbook.

3) We  .......lunch at school.

4) Steve  ........a brother.

5) My brother  ..........a TV in his room.

6) They  ..........a van.

7) Mr Jones ............ a red jacket.

8) The boys  ........pink pencil cases.

9) This car  ........five doors.



III level

III деңгей


Put in have and got or has and got into the the gaps.


1) .......... you ..... a favourite singer?

2)  .........he  ......a pen in his pencil case?

3)  ........they ....... a garden?

4)  ........she  ......a yellow bike?

5)  ..........your parents.....  a stamp collection?

6) .......... Ben ........... a green felt tip?

7)  ..........your teacher.............  a computer in his room?

8)  ...........we ......... milk at home?

9)  ..........Anne............  a budgie?

10) Where  ........you .......... your headphones?



Answers Test 5

Жауаптар Тест № 5


1B       2A       3A       4A       5A       6B       7A       8B       9A       10A



Leveled exercises 5



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 5


I level

I деңгей


1) I have got a nice room.

2) She has got a cat.

3) Jack has got a pet.

4) The sisters have got great teachers.

5) He has got an old bike.

6) They have got a goldfish.

7) Emma has got lots of friends.

8) We have got a problem.

9) Joe and Philip have got a sister.

10) The family has got two cars.


II level

II деңгей


1) I haven't got your T-shirt.

2) She hasn't got a workbook.

3) We haven't got lunch at school.

4) Steve hasn't got a brother.

5) My brother hasn't got a TV in his room.

6) They haven't got a van.

7) Mr Jones hasn't got a red jacket.

8) The boys haven't got pink pencil cases.

9) This car hasn't got five doors.

III level

III деңгей



1) Have you got a favourite singer?

2) Has he got a pen in his pencil case?

3) Have they got a garden?

4) Has she got a yellow bike?

5) Have your parents got a stamp collection?

6) Has Ben got a green felt tip?

7) Has your teacher got a computer in his room?

8) Have we got milk at home?

9) Has Anne got a budgie?

10) Where have you got your headphones?


Theme № 6  The Plural of The Nouns / Зат  есімдердің көпше түрі


Зат есім – заттардың, нәрселердің атын, табиғаттағы және қоғамдағы құбылыстарды, уақиғаларды, ұғымдар мен түсініктерді білдіретін сөз табы. Зат есімдер жалқы және жалпы болып екіге бөлінеді.

Proper Nouns  (Жалқы есімдер) белгілі бір затты, нәрсені арнайы, даралай айтады.

Кісі аттары:

Aygerim, Amanat, Almas.

Географиялық атаулар: қала, өзен, көл, тау аттары

Алматы - Almaty 

              Астана - Astana                   

Common Nouns (Жалпы есімдер) әр алуан деректі және дерексіз заттар мен ұғымдарды білдіретін зат есімдер.

Жалпы есімдер санауға санауға келетін (countable) және санауға келмейтін (uncountable)  болып екіге бөлінеді.

Countable (cанауға келетін) яғни заттарды санауға болатын зат есімдер:

I have bought a book. I have bought two books.

There are many libraries in Astana. 


Uncountable (cанауға келмейтін)  зат есімдер тобы:


Food: rice, sugar, fruit, milk, bread, butter, cheese

Fluids: blood, water, oil, coffee, tea, gasoline

Raw materials: wood, paper, glass, iron, silver, wool

Gases: oxygen, nitrogen, air, pollution, steam

General: furniture, mail, money, traffic, equipment

Groups: jewelry, machinery, luggage, clothing, cash

Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish

Academic subjects: chemistry, mathematics, psychology

Abstract things: education, health, intelligence, beauty, knowledge, sleep,  hope, music, time


Зат есімнің классификациясы  

Негізгі зат есім (Simple Nouns).  Негізгі зат есімге ешқандай жұрнақ жалғанбайды

Мысалы: a table, a room, a girl, a ship. 

Туынды зат есім (Derivate Nouns) Зат есімге жұрнақ жалғану арқылы жасалған зат есім.  Туынды зат есім жасайтын жұрнақтар:

-  er: teacher, writer  

-  ment: development, government

-  ness: sadness, kindness

-  ion: restriction, connection

-  dom: freedom, wisdom

-  hood: childhood, neighbourhood

-  ship: leadership, friendship  


Күрделі зат есім (Compound nouns)  Екі немесе бірнеше зат есімнен құралған зат есім.  A class, a postman, an airport 


Зат есімдердің көпше түрінің жасалуы


Ереже Rules

Жекеше түрі


Көпше түрі Plural

Есте сақтаңыз Remember

Зат есімнің түрін жасау үшін түбірге

-s жалғауы жалғанады.

a table a dog a cat

two tabls two dogs two cats


Зат есімдер –ch, -s,

-ss, sh, tch, -x әріптеріне

аяқталса, - es жалғауы жалғанады.

a dish

a match a class a box

two dishes

two matches two classes two boxes


Зат есім –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның

алдында дауыссыз тұрса -es  жалғауы

жалғанады да, әрпі –i әрпіне айналады.

a story

a city

two stories

two cities



Егер зат есім жекеше түрде –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның алдында

дауысты әріп

тұрса, онда –у әрпі

өзгермейді, көпше түрде тек –s жалғауы жалғанады.

a key a day

two keys two days


Зат есім жекеше түрде -f немесе -fe әріптеріне

аяқталса әрпі v 

әрпіне өзгереді де, -es жалғауы жалғанады.

a knife

a shelf

two knives two shelves

Ереже бағынбайтын кейбір зат есімдер:

▪  a cuff-cuffs

▪ a handkerchief- handkerchiefs

▪ a roof - roofs

▪ a safe- safes ▪ a belief – beliefs

▪ a chief - chiefs

▪ a cliff – cliffs

Жекеше түрде зат есім –о әрпіне

аяқталса және –о әрпінің алдында дауыссыз әріп

тұрса, онда зат есімге

–es  жалғауы жалғанады.

a tomato

a hero zero

volcano tornado mosquito

two tomatoes two heroes

zeroes / zeros

volcanoes / volcanos

tornadoes / tornados

mosquitoes / mosquitos

a kilo – kilos

▪ a photo - photos ▪ a piano – pianos

▪ radio - radios

▪ a video - videos

▪ a zoo - zoos

▪ a hippo - hippos

▪ tattoo – tattoos

▪ a rhino – rhinos

Күрделі зат есімдерге көптік жалғау басты

мағыналы сөзге жалғанады.


hotel – keeper 

mother-inlaw manservant


hotel – keepers

mother-in-laws man-servants


Кейбір зат есімдердің көпше түрі ешқандай

ережеге бағынбай,

сөздегі дауыстыны өзгерту арқылы жасалады.

a man

a woman a foot

a mouse a tooth a goose


women feet


teeth geese


Кейбір зат есімдердің жекеше түрі мен көпше түрі бірдей.

a deer

a species

a sheep a fish



sheep fish


Латын, грек және француз тілінен

енген зат есімдер сол тілдердегі көпше түрінің формасын сақтайды.

a formula a datum

a bureau an index

hypothesis thesis

bacterium cactus

formulae data

bureaux indices

hypotheses theses

bacteria cacti























Test №6/Тест № 6


1.His _____ was the smallest among the _______

a)      mice, mice

b)     mouse, mousse

c)      mouse, mice 

    d)  mouses, mouses

         e)   mice, mouse


 2. Find the plural form of “Fish”

a)     Fish 

         b)   Fishs

         c)   Fishis

   d)  Fishes

   e)  Fishies


3. Find the plural form of “Mouse”

a)      mousies

b)     mousis

c)      mise

   d)   mousse

   e)   mice


4.Find the correct plural form.

My friend has three_____ 

         a) childs


         c)a child

d)a children 


5.Choose the right variant. My parents` parents are my _____

a)      grandmothers

b)     grandfathers

c)      grandparents 

   d) grandchildren

   e) great-grandparents






6. Choose the right variant:

 “ A woman”

a)      woman

b)     womens

c)      women

   d) womans


7.Choose the right variant.

 Nick wants the money. Please give_____ to him

a) them

b) these

c) those

d) it 



8. Find the uncountable noun

     a) Meat.

     b) Address.

     c) Goose.

     d) Cap.

     e) Table.


9. Find the uncountable noun:

   a) apple

   b) dolla

   c) glass

   d) toy 

   e) air


10. Find the noun using only in single form:

    a) knowledge

    b) cat.

    c) photo.

   d) pencil.

   e) picture.















Leveled exercises № 6

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 6


I level / I деңгей


Write the plural of the following nouns:


Piano, shelf, army, potato, safe, wolf, cliff, wife, schoolboy, schoolchild, leaf, life, factory, knife, man, roof, photo, toy, tomato, class, room, copy, book, note, house, wife, news, paper, home, land, mother, country, student, typist, writer, pilot, doctor, officer, architect, actor, actress, painter, sailor, dentist, teacher, mechanic, locksmith, driver, composer, shop-assistant. 


II level / II деңгей


Put the following nouns in the plural form:


 1. What is that child`s name? 2. The cat has caught a mouse.  3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? – He is a Frenchman.  6. Why don`t you eat this potato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The withered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10.  Does your tooth still ache? 11. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well.


III level / III деңгей


Open the brackets put the nouns in the plural or in the singular forms:


  1. I met some interesting _________ at the meeting. (man)
  2. I need some ________ the light the fire. (match)
  3. The baby got two new _______ . (tooth)
  4. The farmer loaded his cart with _______ (box) of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was pulled by two _______ (ox)
  5. Alex saw some _______ running across the floor. (mouse)
  6. The north side of the island has no ____. There are only ________ steep. No one can climb these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).
  7. If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower ________ turn yellow. (leaf)
  8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two ______ (attorney)
  9. New scientific _ are made every day in __ throughout the world, (discovery, laboratory)
  10. I caught several ________ in the lake (fish)
  11. On our trip in the mountainous countryside, we saw some ________ , _________ , and wild _______ (wolf, fox, deer, sheep)
  12. When we spoke in the cave, we could hear _________ of our voices. (echo)











Answers Test № 6

Жауаптар Тест № 6


1С  2A  3E  4B  5C  6C 7A  8A  9E  10A



Leveled exercises № 6



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 6


I level

I деңгей


Pianos, shelves, armys, potatoes, safes, wolves, cliffs, wives, schoolboys, schoolchildren, leaves, lifes, factories, knives, men, roofs, photos, toys, tomatos, classes, rooms, copies, books, notes, houses, wives, news, papers, homes, lands, mothers, countries, students, typists, writers, pilots, doctors, officers, architects, actors, actress, painters, sailors, dentists, teachers, mechanics, locksmiths, drivers, composers, shop-assistants. 


II level

II деңгей


1. What is those childrens` names? 2. The cats have caught a mouse.  3. There were  ladies, agentlemen,  boys and  girls in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see  oxen, sheep,  cows and geese. 5. Are these workers  Englishmen or  Germen? – They are  Frenchmen.  6. Why don`t you eat these potatoes? 7. These strawberries is still green. 8. The withered leaves have fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see birds in that tree? 10.  Does your teeth still ache? 11. I held up my feet to the fire to warm it. 12. His children study very well.


III level

III деңгей


  1. men
  2. matches
  3. teeth
  4.  boxes, oxen
  5. mice
  6. beaches, cliffs
  7. leaves
  8. attorneys
  9. discovery, laboratories
  10. fish
  11. wolves, foxes, deers, sheep
  12. echo






Theme № 7 The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сын есімнің шырайлары

Сын есімнің түрлері


Simple adjective

(Негізгі сын есім)

Derived adjective

(Туынды сын есім)

Compound adjective

(Күрделі сын есім)

Qualitative adjective

(Сапалық сын есім)

Relative adjective

(Қатысты қ сын есім)

Green, nice, small, good

Useful, helpless, famous, formal


Red, big, cold, black

Woolen, golden, wooden. 


The degree of comparison

Сын есімнің шырайлары


Absolute Жай шырай

Comparative Салыстырмалы шырай

Superlative Күшейтпелі шырай

nice hot long 

nicer  hotter  longer

nicest  hottest longest  

easy simple 

easier simpler 

the easiest  the simplest 

interesting  beautiful  comfortable  serious 

more interesting more beautiful  more comfortable more  serious

the most interesting the most beautiful  the most comfortable the most serious

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайлары ережеге бағынбайды.

good  bad 

little  many


better  worse  less 


farther -further 

the best  the worst  the lest  the most  the farthest the furthest 

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайлары –er, -est  жұрнақтарымен және more, (the) most сөзі арқылы жасала береді: clever, common, cruel, gentle, pleasant, polite, quite, simple, stupid, tired. 






Сын есімдердің шырайларының жасалу жолдары


-er, -est ының алдында  -y (егер оның алдында дауыссыз тұрса) –I  –ға өзгереді.

Lazy – lazier – the laziest

Funny – funnier- the funniest 

Егер сын есім дауыссызға аяқталып, оның алдында қысқа дауысты тұрса, онда дауыссыз қосарланады

Sad-sadder-the saddest 

Fat-fatter-the fattest

Big-bigger-the biggest 

Егер сын есім –е жалғауына аяқталса, -er, -est жалғаулары жалғанғанда, бұл жалғау түсіп қалады. 

Nice-nicer-the nicest 


Есте сақтаңыз!

 Ағылшын тілінде бір сөйлемде зат есімді сипаттайтын бірнеше сын есім келуі мүмкін. Ол сын есімдер белгілі бір орын тәртібімен қолданылады.

 She is wearing elegant black high-heeled shoes.


































Test № 7 /  Тест № 7


1.It was _____ music I have ever heard.

a)      beautiful

b)     most beautiful

c)      more beautiful

d)     less beautiful  

e)      the most beautiful


2. Choose the right variant.

It`s _____ powder I have ever used.

a)      good

b)     best


d)     better

      e) the best


 3. Choose the right variant.

John is ____ of all to act

a)      quickest )

b)     quick

c)      the quickest 


e)      bquicker


4. Choose the right variant.

I have _____ time than he does

a)      bigger

b)     less

c)      larger

d)     least

      e) most


5. Choose the right variant.

Mark Twain, one of _____ and ______ American writers, lived in a small town in his children.

a)      greater / most popular

b)     more great / the most

c)      great / more popular   popular

d)     the greatest / most popular

e)      most great / the popular









6. Choose the right variant.

Your English is much _____ now. You made  ______mistakes this time.

a)      best / least

b)     good / less

c)      better / less

d)     best / the least 

      e) the best / less


7. Choose the right variant.

Of the four girls Marcia is _____

a)      prettiest

b)     the prettiest

c)      prettier

d)     prettier

      e) –


8. Find the positive adjective:

     a) Poor 

      b) The most interesting

      c) More difficult




9. . Find the positive adjective

      a) Better

      b) The best

      c) Light

      d)The most important 



10. Find the superlative adjective:

      a) Easier

     b) The longest 



     e)More active















Leveled exercises № 7

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 7


I level / I деңгей


Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets:


  1. Your brother is much ______ (tall) than mine.
  2. This island used to be much ______ (green) before the forest fires.
  3. Slow down! You`re ______ (fit) than me and I can`t keep up!
  4. Veronica seems _____ (happy) since she moved schools.
  5. It`s actually _____ (trendy) to wear your hair up this year.
  6. As the time for the performance got nearer, I got (nervous).


II level / II деңгей


Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets:


  1. I met my (good) friend yesterday. 
  2. Dorothy is (young) in her family. 
  3. Henry is not (strong) than his elder brother Bob.
  4. It isn`t very warm today, is it? – No, it was (warm) yesterday. 
  5. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I`m glad he looks (happy) today. 
  6. Where is the (near) post-office, please? 
  7. February is the (short) month of the year. 



III level

III деңгей



Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.


Small             big                 smaller               bigger  biggest               smallest 


  1. The double bass is the __________ of the violin family.
  2. The cello is ________ than the double bass.
  3. The cello is ________ than the viola.
  4. The viola is not as ________ as the cello.
  5. The violin is not as ________ as the viola.
  6. The violin is the __________ of the violin family. 
  7. The text of lesson 5 is (interesting) than this one. 
  8. I live far from the studio but my friend lives (far). 








Answers Test №

Жауаптар Тест №


1E   2E  3C 4B 5D  6C  7B  8A  9C  10B



Leveled exercises №



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар №


I level

I деңгей


1.      Your brother is much ___taller___ than mine.

2.      This island used to be much ______ green  before the forest fires.

3.      Slow down! You`re __fitter____ than me and I can`t keep up!

4.      Veronica seems _____ happier  since she moved schools.

5.      It`s actually _____ more trendy to wear your hair up this year.

6.      As the time for the performance got nearer, I got more nervous.



II level

II деңгей


  1. I met my (good) friend yesterday.       The best
  2. Dorothy is (young) in her family.             The younest
  3. Henry is not (strong) than his elder brother Bob.   The strongest
  4. It isn`t very warm today, is it? – No, it was (warm) yesterday.    The warmest
  5. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I`m glad he looks (happy) today.  The happiest
  6. Where is the (near) post-office, please?   The nearest
  7. February is the (short) month of the year.  The shortest


III level

III деңгей




  1. The double bass is the biggest of the violin family.
  2. The cello is smaller  than the double bass.
  3. The cello is bigger  than the viola.
  4. The viola is not as big  as the cello.
  5. The violin is not as Small  as the viola.
  6. The violin is the smallest  of the violin family. 
  7. The text of lesson 5 is more interesting than this one. 
  8. I live far from the studio but my friend lives futher. 






Theme 8 World formation / Сөз жасау


Етістіктен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


- er, - or



to direct

жетекшілік жасау



to inspect




to invent

өнер табу


өнер тапқыш

to produce




to sell




to supple




to read




to teach 




to translate




to visit




to work 

жұмыс істеу






to trust




-ition (-ation, - tion, - sion, -ssion)



to collect




to connect




to dictate

айтып жаздыру



to introduce




to produce

шығару, өндіру



to transmit



хабар, жеткізуші




to agree




to develop




to govern




to pay







to depart




to press









Сын есімнен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


-ance, ence жұрнағы – ant, -ent 







әр түрлі







-dom жұрнағы










- ness жұрнағы


















-ity жұрнағы



















.Зат есімнен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


- hood жұрнағы










балалық шақ


ер адам




ана, шеше







- ship жұрнағы



























 Етістіктен сын есім тудыратын жұрнақтар

-able, - ible




to change  to compare  to convert  to eat

өзгеру  салыстыру айналдыру жеу

changeable comparable convertible  eatable 

өзгермелі салыстырмалы айналған  жеуге жаратйын 

-ant, -ent




to differ  to insist  to resist 

өзгешелену  көндіру қарсылық көрсету 

different  insistent  resistant 

әр түрлі  қайсар  кедергі, қарсылық

- (at) ive




to act 

to compare  to restrict  to talk  to effect 

істеу  салыстыру  шек қою  сөйлесу әсер ету 


comparative restrictive  talkative effective 


салыстырмалы шектегіш сөзшең  нәтижелі 


Зат есімнен сын есім тудыратын жұрнақтар

- al 




central culture  form  post 

ортасы мәдениет форма почта 

central  cultural formal  postal 


мәдетиетті формалъды почталық 





beauty care  doubt  use 

әдемілік  қамқор күдік  пайда 

beautiful careful doubtful useful 

әдемі қамқоршы  күмәнді  пайдалы 

- less 





use  home  help 

үміт  пайда  үй  көмек 

hopeless  useless homeless  helpless 


пайдасыз үйсіз  көмексіз 





fame  danger 

атақ  қауіп 

famous  dangerous 

атақты қауіпті 

courage glory 

батылдық  атақ

courageous glorious 

батыл  атақты 





cloud  fog rain 

бұлт тұман  жаңбыр 

cloudy foggy  rainy 

бұлтты  тұманды  жаңбырлы 





red pole  swede 

қызыл  Поляк 


Reddish  polish  swedish 


Польшалық  Шведтік





wood  gold  wool 

ағаш алтын жүн

wooden golden  woolen 

ағаштан жасалған алтын  жүннен жасалған 


Сын есімнен етістік тудыратын жұрнақтар

-en жұрнағы



black  sharp  short wide 

қара өткір  қысқа  кең

to blacken  to sharpen to shorten  to widen 

қаралау  қайрау  қысқарту  кеңейту 

-fy жұрнағы



false simple  pure 


қарпайым  таза

to falsify  to simplify  to purify 

бұрмалау  қарапайым болу



Зат есімнен етістік тудыратын жұрнақтар

-ize жұрнағы



character  crystal  sympathy 

мінез  кристалл  ниет білдіруші (симпатия)

to characterize  to crystallize  to sympathize  

мінездеме беру кристалдану  ниет білдіру 

-en жұрнағы





to strengthen 















Test № 8   /  Тест № 8


1. ACCEPT - I'm sorry, but this arrangement is totally ….to us.

A) unaccept    B)unacceptable           C) acceptable


2. ACCEPT - I've just received their letter of so we can go ahead.

A) accept        B) acceptan     C) acceptance


3. ACT - The unions have threatened to take industrial

A) Action        B) Act             C) Actions


4. ACT - It's been a very …..day on the Stock Exchange.

A) Act            B) Activ          C) Active


5. ACT - The R&D department seems full of ….at the moment.

A) Activity                 B) Act             C) Activ


6. ADD - We'll be bringing out several to our product line.

A) add            B) additions                C) addition


7. ADD - There's an  …..bonus if I exceed my sales target by more than 10%.

A) additional              B) add             C) addition


8. ANALYSE - We'll need a detailed cost….. before giving the final approval.

A) analys                    B) analysises               C) analysis


9. ANALYSE - Most ….think we're in for a difficult time.

A) Analys                   B) Analysts                 C) analysis


10. APPLY - Unfortunately we can't interview every.

 A) applicant               B) applican                C) applic




















Leveled exercises №

Деңгейлік тапсырма №


I level

I деңгей



Special Effects in Movies

George Lukas' Star Wars transformed 20th century   …..                             ENTERTAIN

and raised ….. audience  to alarming heights for film                                    EXPECT

producers. Since Star Wars was made in 1977 special effects          

have become … important in selling a film                                                   INCREASE


The script of Jurassic Park, for example, was rather   …                               DISAPPOINT

but the film was a box office success because the dinosaurs were    

… realistic.


II level

II деңгей


Special Effects in Movies

George Lukas' Star Wars transformed 20th century………..                         ENTERTAIN

and raised……. audience  to alarming heights for film                                  EXPECT

producers. Since Star Wars was made in 1977 special effects          

have become … important in selling a film                                                   INCREASE


The script of Jurassic Park, for example, was rather . ..                                 DISAPPOINT

but the film was a box office success because the dinosaurs were    

… realistic. However, special effects do not always                                      AMAZING

guarantee success. …., when Lost World came out,  


the technology was far superior, but people had become tired          

of dinosaurs and were…  not motivated enough to want to                            SIMPLE

go and see them any more. The film was not ….. as                                      NEAR

 ….as its predecessor.                                                                                      SUCCEED


III level

III деңгей


George Lukas' Star Wars transformed 20th century   …                               ENTERTAIN

and raised … audience  to alarming heights for film                                     EXPECT

producers. Since Star Wars was made in 1977 special effects          

have become … important in selling a film                                                   INCREASE


The script of Jurassic Park, for example, was rather   …                               DISAPPOINT

but the film was a box office success because the dinosaurs were    

….. realistic. However, special effects do not always                                    AMAZING

guarantee success. ……, when Lost World came out,           


the technology was far superior, but people had become tired          

of dinosaurs and were  …not motivated enough to want to                                   SIMPLE

go and see them any more. The film was not …. as                                             NEAR

 ….as its predecessor.                                                                                             SUCCEED


But who is not  ….when they see Jar Binks in The                                               IMPRESS

Phantom Menace, the first ever 3D interactive …. character                                DIGIT

seen on film? Computer-generated … are certainly the                                        ACT

way ahead, but you may be surprised to discover that the     

most expensive special effect was filmed in 1956. The …                                     PART

of the Red Sea in Cecille DeMille's The Ten Commandments         

cost an …. £ 2 million.                                                                                           ASTONISH


But what does the future hold? It is…  to think that                                            FASCINATE

with computer-generated images filmmakers may be able to

…. deceased movie stars , such as James Dean and                                            CREATE

Marilyn Monroe.         





































Answers Test № 8

Жауаптар Тест №  8


1B         2C       3A       4C       5A       6B       7A       8C       9B       10A




Leveled exercises №  8



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар №  8












































Theme 9 The Numerals / Сан есім


Заттың немесе заттық ұғымдар мен құбылыстардың санын, мөлшерін, ретін білдіретін сөз табы сан есім деп аталады.


Есептік сан есімдер “қанша” деген сұраққа             жауап береді.


For example: 5 – five                            356 – three hundred and fifty-six 56 – fifty six                               101 – a hundred and one four-fourteen – forty;             five – fifteen – fifty


Hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдерінің алдына a белгісіздік артикльі немесе one деген сан есім қойылады. For example:

a (one) hundred, a (one) thousand, a (one) million 

Көпше түрде hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдеріне –s жалғауы жалғанбайды, оларға қатысты зат есімге жалғанады.  For example:

two million dollars, three dozen bottles

Алайда hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдері жүздің, мыңның белгісіз санын көрсетсе –s жалғауы жалғануы мүмкін. Бұл жағдайда олар зат есім болып саналады да, of қосымшасы арқылы қолданылады. For example:

Hundreds of students were present at the meeting. 

Thousands of people greeted the Russian representatives.


Реттік сан есімдер патша аттары, ханшайым және Рим папасы аттарымен қолданылады.


Henry the Eighth – Генри  VIII

Elizabeth the Second – Елизавета II 


Ағылшын тіліндегі даталар

30 March 1995 – the thirtieth of March or March the thirtieth, nineteen ninety-five

16.06.1900 – the sixteenth of June or June the sixteenth, nineteen hundred

2006 – two thousand and six or twenty or six


Fractional numbers – Бөлшектік сан есімдер


1/3  - third

1 / 2 – a (one) half

2/3 – two thirds 

¼ - a (one) quarter, a (one) fourth

5/6 – five sixth

2/3 – two thirds or two over three 

0.1 – zero point one (AmE)

0.1 – nought point one or point one 0.01 – nought point nought one or point nought one

2.35 – two point three five

52.35 – five two (fifty two) point three five

Ондық бөлшектерде бүтін сан бөлшектен нүкте арқылы

бөлінеді де „point` болып, ал 0 (нөл) nought немесе zero болып оқылады.




Telling the time


- What is the time?  What time is it?

▪ 10 a.m. – it is ten a.m.

▪ 10.15 – it`s a quarter past ten. ▪ 6.30 – it`s six thirty or half past six.

▪ 7 p.m. – it is seven p.m.

▪ 8.45. – it`s a quarter to nine.

▪ 4.30 – it`s four thirty or half four.

▪ 3.10 – it`s ten past three


a.m. – ante meridiem –  түске дейін

p.m. – post meridiem – түстен кейін 



British money

▪1 ₤ - one pound

▪ 5.20 – five ponds twenty 

▪ 40p – forty pence ▪ 1 p – one penny

American money 

▪ $ 1 – one dollar

▪ 1 c – one cent 

▪ $ 9.50 – nine dollars fifty

European money 

▪ 1 € - one euro

▪ 0.50 € - fifty cents

▪ 6.50 € - six euros fifty 


Telephone numbers


Телефонның әрбір цифры жеке оқылады. Егер телефонның номері бірдей сан болса, онда double сөзі қолданылады.  For example:

▪ 50 44 38 65 33 – five oh double four three eight six five double three


















Test 9/ Тест № 9



1.Find the right equivalent:  Year 1950.

a) Nineteen hundred

b) Ninety fifty

c) The fiftieth

d) Ninety fifteen

e)Nineteen fifty 


2.Find the right equivalent:


a) The twentieth and fifth of November.

b) The twenty-fifth of November.

c) The twentieth fifth of November

d) The thirty and fifth of November

e) The twenty-fifth of November


3. Find the right answer:

One hundred and one minus forty-six is…


b) fifty-five

c) fifty-four

d) seventy

e) forty-four


4. Read the number: 250,450

a)Two hundred fifty thousand four hundred fifty

b)Two hundred and fifty thousand and four hundreds and fifty.

c)Tow hundreds and fifty thousands four hundred and fifty

d) Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and five

e) Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and fifty


5. $ 83.20

a)Eighty three dollar and twenty cents

b)Eighty three dollars twenty cents

c)Eighty three dollars and twenty cents

d)Eighty three dollars and twenty cent











6. Choose the right variant.

The year 1917

a) One thousand nine hundred and seventeen

b) One thousand nine hundred seventeen

c) One thousand nine hundreds and seventeen

d)One thousand and seventeen

e) Nineteen seventeen 


7. Choose the right variant.  From the years 1941 to 194

a) Nineteen four one to nineteen forty five

b) Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty fives

c) Nineteen forty one to ninety forty five

d) Ninety forty one to nineteen forty five

e) Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty five


8. Find the right variant of the cardinal number:


a)two hundred sixty-five

b) two hundred sixty-fifth

c) two hundreds and sixty-five

d) two hundreds sixty-five.

e) two hundred and sixty-five


9. Choose the right variant.


a) March and the nine

b) Nine and March

c) The ninth and March

d) The nine and March

e) The ninth of March


10. Choose the right variant.


a)Eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine. 

b)Eight thousand five hundred seventy nines.

c)Eighteen thousand five hundreds seventy nine.

d) Eighteen thousand five hundred seventy nine.

e)Eight thousands five hundred seventy nine







Leveled exercises №

Деңгейлік тапсырма №


I level / I деңгей



Write down  in written form 

1.        100 -  ________________

2.        ₤ 1.450 -  _____________

3.        1.000 - _______________

4.        $1.85  - _______________

5.        €2.000 -  ______________

6.        3rd - _________________

7.        2nd  - ________________

8.        ₤ 29.99 - ______________

9.        55.000 - ________________

10.   ₤25.000 - ______________

II level / II деңгей


Put the words in necessary form:

1.        He had to sign his name five ______ times. (hundred)

2.        Wee export 40 ______ tons a year. (million)

3.        I just need to borrow a few ______ pounds. (hundred)

4.        I`ve told you ______ times. (million)

5.        _______ refugees are flooding into the (million) 

6.        …. people were killed during the War II. country. (thousand)

7.        Could I have two _____ eggs? (dozen)

8.        News agency gets ______ reports every day. (hundred) 


III level / III деңгей


Give the dates in written form.

1.        15 May 1964 - _______________

2.        9 March 1973 - _____________

3.        December 7, 2005 - _______________

4.        July 11, 1982 - ________________

5.        November 10, 2000 - _______________

6.        27.05.1998 - _________________

7.        03.07.2007 - ___________________

8.        28.10.1999 - ____________________

9.        04.08.1974  - _____________________






Theme № 10 The Pronouns / Eсімдіктері


 Есімдіктер есім сөздердің атын да, белгісін де, санын да атамай тек нұсқап меңзеп көрсетеді де, солардың орнына қолданылады. Олар мағынасына және атқаратын қызметіне қарай бірнеше топқа бөлінеді.


Есімдік түрлері


Personal pronouns 

Жіктеу есімдіктері

I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 

Possessive pronouns

Тәуелдік есімдіктері 

my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs

Demonstrative pronouns

Сілтеу есімдіктері

it, this/these, that/those, same, such

Interrogative pronouns

Сұрау есімдіктері

who (whom), whose, which, what  (сұраулы сөйлемдерде)


(Reflexive pronouns)

Өздік есімдіктері 

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 

Reciprocal pronouns

Ортақ есімдіктер

each, other, one another 

Negative pronouns

Болымсыз есімдіктері

no, nobody, (no one), none, nothing (болымсыз сөйлемдерде)

Indefinite pronouns

Белгісіздік есімдіктері 

some, any, no, all, both, each, every, other, another, one, much, many, (a) little, (a) few,

either, neither 


Personal pronouns




The Nominative case

The objective case


























Possessive pronouns


 Тәуелдік есімдіктері кімнің? ненің? деген сұрақтарға жауап береді. 


Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Pronouns

My          our

Your       your

His          their



Mine         ours

Your         yours

His            theirs



For example: 

-       Whose bag is this? (Бұл кімнің сөмкесі)?

-       It`s my bag (Бұлменің сөмкем)  / It`s mine (Бұл менікі)

-       This is not my pencil, mine is blue – Бұл менің қарындашым емес, менікікөк


Demonstrative pronouns


 Сілтеу есімдіктері нұсқау және көрсету мағыналарын білдіретін есімдіктің түрі.


Single form

Plural form

This (мынау, бұл, осы) this week, this year


My brother will go to Turkey this summer.

I am busy at this moment. 


These (мыналар, осылар) these

weeks, these years 

These are my books. 

That (анау, сонау, сол) that week, that year


Asel lives in that house.

At that moment the door opened and a man entered the room. 


Those (аналар) those weeks, those years 

I like those dresses. 

Егер заттар сөйлеушіге жақын орналасқан болса, онда this,

Егер заттар сөйлеушіден біршама қашықтықта орналасқан

these сілтеу есімдіктері қолданылады.

болса, онда that, those сілтеу есімдіктері қолданылады. 


Interrogative pronouns


Сұрау есімдіктері жауап алу мақсаты мен сұрау мағынасында қойылатын сұрақтар, сөйлемдерде олар заттың саны, белгілері, сапасы орналасқан орны туралы сұрайды.

Who? (кім?),  what? (не? қандай?), which? (қайсысы?

қай?), whose? (кімдікі?), whom? (кімге?) 

a)   Who is that man?

b)   Who (whom) did you meet there?

c)   Whose book is that?

d)   What has happened?

e)   Which chapter did you like best? 


Self-pronouns (Reflexive pronouns)


Өздік есімдіктері ағылшын тілінде атау септігінде жіктеу есімдіктерімен қабаттасып қолданылады. Жекеше түрдегі есімдікке - self ал көпше түрдегі есімдіктерге –selves жалғауы жалғанады. 


Single form

Plural form

I myself


I can do it myself

We ourselves


We can do it ourselves

You yourself (өзіңіз)

You can do it yourself

You yourselves (өздеріңіз)

You can do it yourself. 

He himself


She herself (өзі)

It itself (өзі)

He can do it himself She can do it herself

They themselves 


They can do it themselves 


Өздік есімдіктер сөйлемде есімдіктен кейін немесе сөйлемнің аяғында келеді. Егер сөйлемде іс-әрекетті жасаушы өзі екендігі анық айқындалып тұрса, зат есімнен кейін өздік есімдік қолданылады


He himself solved the problem.

I myself will present the prizes. 

  Negative pronouns

  No және noun болымсыздық есімдіктері

 No сөйлемдерде «ешнәрсе, жоқ» мағынасында болымсыз мағына береді.

No + noun

a)   I have no ticket. = I haven’t a ticket.

b)   I have no time to help you today = I have any time to help you


 None есімдігі зат есімсіз қолданылады

a)   How much money have you got? „None.`

b)   Is there telephone in the room? No, there is none

None + plural word (зат есімнің көпше түрі) a) None of the libraries were (was) open

b) None of my friends will be at the party 


Indefinite pronouns some (something, somebody, someone) any (anything, anybody, anyone) no (nothing, nobody, no one) 






Countable / uncountable



Not any / no


Someone / somebody

Біреу, әлдекім

Anyone / anybody

No one / nobody ешкім


Something Бір нәрсе, бірдеңе


Nothing Ештеңе, ешнәрсе


Somewhere Бір жерге, бір жерде


Nowhere Ешжерде, ешқайда





Some – белгісіздік есімдігі болымды сөйлемдерде зат есімнің жекеше және көпше түрлерінің алдында келеді.

Зат есімнің көпше түрінің алдында «бірнеше» деп аударылады.

a)   Aisha bought some books to read.

b)   Nurdaulet asked me some questions.


Саналмайтын за есімдердің алдында қолданыладыa) There is some milk in the fridge.

b) I want to buy some cheese. 


Біреуге ұсыныс жасағанда, әлде қандай да бір сұрақ қойғанда, some есімдігі қолданылады.

a)   Would you like some coffee?

b)   Can I have some cold water?


Any есімдігі әдетте болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде қолданылады.

a)   We didn`t buy any flowers.

b)   There isn`t anybody at the door.


Болымды сөйлемдерде «кез келген» деген мағынаны береді.

a)   Anybody can do it.

b)   May I play anything I like?


Many және Much есімдіктері


Many және much есімдіктері «көп» деген мағынаны білдіреді. Many саналатын, much саналмайтын зат есімдердің алдында қойылады. Олар әдетте сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде қолданылады. 

a)   Many people attended the meeting.

b)   Do you spend much time on your homework?

c)   There isn`t much tea left.

Many және much есімдіктері very, rather, too, so және as, how сөздерімен де қолданылады

There are very many illustrations in the magazine.

Arman has so many friends in Astana.

I have spent too much time on this translation.

Кейбір болымды сөйлемдерде „much` a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a good deal (of), a great deal (of) қолданылады

Many есімдігінің орнына a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of) қолдануға болады

We have plenty of time.

There are plenty of English books on the library. 



(A) little және (A) few есімдіктері 

A few

a) Asem has been here only two weeks, but she has already made a few friends. 

(Асемнің бұл жерге келгеніне екі апта болса да оның бірнеше досы бар)

a) I feel sorry for her. She has few friends. 

(Оның аз досы бар).

Few және a few есімдіктері саналатын есімдермен қолданылады


Few – „аз`

A few – «бірнеше» деген мағынаны білдіреді

A little




I`m very pleased. I have a little money (Мен өте қуаныштымын. Менің біраз ақшам бар).

I have little money. I don`t even have enough money to buy some food. 

Little, a little 

саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолдыналды.


Little – „азғана, жеткіліксіз` a little – «біраз» деген мағынаны білдіреді













All және Both есімдіктері

All есімдігі

Both есімдігі

All есімдігі «барлығы» деген мағынада қолданылып, саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады. a) All cars have wheels.

b) All plants need water. 

All есімдігі we, you, they жіктеу есімдіктерімен қолданылады.

a) They all wore shorts. (=All of them wore shorts.)

Both есімдігі тек екі адамға, екі затқа қатысты қолданылады.

«екеуі де» деп аударылады. a) Both cats and dogs are affectionate pets.

b)               Both my brothers live in Astana.

c)                He gave me two books yesterday. I have read both.

d)               Both of these books belong to my mother.

b) We all want to go to the match. (=All of us want to go to the match.)

Есімдіктен кейін көмекші етістік немесе модальді етістіктің алдында қолданылады.

a)               We have all read this article.

b)               You must all go there.  All everybody, everything есімдіктерінің орнына қолданыла береді.


e) They both graduated from the University last year. = Both of them graduated from the University last year. 

Both “to be” етістігінен кейін қолданылады.

a)  You are both tight.

b)  They were both here. 

Есімдіктен кейін көмекші етістік немесе модальді етістіктің алдында қолданылады.

a)               We must both go there.

b)               We have both been informed about it. 


Either және Neither есімдіктері

Either «екеуінің біреуі» деп аударылады. 

a)               You may go by either road.

b)               Either of the examples is correct. 

Either … or «немесе» деген мағынаға сай келеді

a)               He is either in university or in college

b)               I`m not sure where he is from. He is either Spanish or Italian. 

Есте сақтаңыз!

Either болымсыз сөйлемдерде де қолданылады

I haven`t seen him either. – Мен де оны көрген емеспін

Neither           есімдігі           сөйлемде болымсыздық мағына береді

a)   Neither of the flowers is good.

b)   We accepted neither offer.

Neither … nor болымсыз мағына береді

a)               Neither Erlan nor Rashid came to the meeting.

b)               Neither my husband nor I liked this film. 

Есте сақтаңыз! 

-                    She hasn`t seen this film yet. – Ол мына фильмді әлі көрген жоқ

-                    Neither have I – Мен де



Each (әрқайсысы) және Every (әрбір) есімдіктері


Each есімдігі топтың әрбір мүшесіне қатысты қолданылады:

a)   Each student in our group has a Kazakh –English dictionary.

b)   Each of us received a ticket to the concert.

Every есімдігі топқа қатысты қолданылып «барлығы» деген мағыаны білдіреді:

a)   Every citizen has to pay taxes.

I would like to visit every country in the world

























































































                      Test №  10  /  Тест № 10


1. The old woman lived alone, with ---- to look after ----.


A) someone / her

B) anyone / herself

C) everyone / she

D) no one / her

E) anyone / she's


2. ---- two rings here on my little finger belonged to ---- grandmother.


A) These / my

B) That / mine

C) Those / me

D) The / myself

E) This / my


3. When the little boy grabbed the lizard, ---- tail broke off in ---- hand.


A) it's / his

B) it / him

C) its / his

D) it / one's

E) its / he's


4. A baby learns the meaning of words as ---- are spoken by others and later uses ---- in sentences.


A) their / they

B) they / them

C) they / themselves

D) it / them

E) they / it


5. Some of these clothes are ----, and the rest of ---- belong to Zack.


A) yours / it

B) my / them

C) hers / their

D) me / they

E) mine / them











6. As for ----, I prefer to let people make up ---- minds.


A) myself / each other's

B) I / his own

C) mine / one another's

D) me / their own

E) my / theirs


7. The solicitor wrote a letter to Ann and ---- in which he asked us if we could settle the matter between ----.


A) I / us

B) me / us

C) myself / ours

D) mine / our

E) me / we


8. As ---- cuts it as well as he does, I always have my hair cut at Johnson's.


A) anyone

B) someone else's

C) no one else

D) everyone

E) nobody's


9. They decided to buy the house because ---- location would allow ---- to get to work very easily.


A) theirs / them

B) it / themselves

C) its / them

D) they / us

E) its / their


10. Our dog is of a very good breed as ---- is the offspring of two very champion dogs and inherited ---- features.


A) this / its

B) he / them

C) she / theirs

D) that / his

E) it / their
































Leveled exercises № 10

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 10


I level

I деңгей


Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets.


1)  …..  is dreaming. (George)

2)  …..is green. (the blackboard)

3)  …..are on the wall. (the posters)

4) ….. is running. (the dog)

5)  …..are watching TV. (my mother and I)

6)  …..are in the garden. (the flowers)

7)  …..is riding his bike. (Tom)

8)  …..is from Bristol. (Victoria)



II level

II деңгей


Choose the correct possessive determiner from the dropdown menu.


1) Is this   book?

2)  parents live in Hamburg.

3) This is   guitar.

4) How old is  sister?

5) Where does  team play?

6) I gave   the letter.

7) Are those ….  trainers?

8) Ken has cut …. finger.



III level

III деңгей



Which form can you find in the sentence/question? Is it a Possessive pronoun or a Possessive determiner? Choose from the dropdown menu.


1) This is Emma, my sister. - 

2) Is this T-shirt hers? - 

3) This is not William's tablet. This is her tablet. - 

4) Is there an interactive whiteboard in our classroom? - 

5) Sorry, I don't have my homework. - 

6) Whose trainers are those? Are those yours, Linda? - 

7) Is that your Playstation? - 

8) They think everything is theirs. - 





Answers Test № 10

Жауаптар Тест № 10


1. D) no one / her

2. A) These / my

3. C) its / his

4. B) they / them

5. E) mine / them

6. D) me / their own

7. B) me / us

8. C) no one else

9. C) its / them

10. E) it / their



Leveled exercises № 10



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 10


I level

I деңгей


1) He is dreaming.

2) It is green.

3) They are on the wall.

4) It is running.

5) We are watching TV.

6) They are in the garden.

7) He is riding his bike.

8) She is from Bristol.


II level

II деңгей

1) Is this your book?

2) Our parents live in Hamburg.

3) This is my guitar.

4) How old is his sister?

5) Where does your team play?

6) I gave her the letter.

7) Are those your trainers?

8) Ken has cut his finger.


III level

III деңгей



1) This is Emma, my sister. - Possessive determiner

2) Is this T-shirt hers? - Possessive pronoun

3) This is not William's tablet. This is her tablet. - Possessive determiner

4) Is there an interactive whiteboard in our classroom? - Possessive determiner

5) Sorry, I don't have my homework. - Possessive determiner

6) Whose trainers are those? Are those yours, Linda? - Possessive pronoun

7) Is that your Playstation? - Possessive determiner

8) They think everything is theirs. - Possessive pronoun
































Theme № 11 The Possessive Case / Тәуелді септік


Ағылшын тілінде екі септеу бар: жалпы септеу (The Common Case) және тәуелдік септеу (The Possessive Case)

Жалпы септеудегі зат есімдер орнына қарай әртүрлі функцияны атқарады. Егер зат есімдер, сөйлемде баяндауыштың алдында тұрса, ол бастауыш болады. Егер зат есімдер сөйлемде баяндауыштан кейін тұрса, ол тура толықтауыш болады. 

Мысалы: The student recognized the teacher. Студент оқытушыны таныды.

The teacher recognized the student. Оқытушы студентті таныды.

Баяндауыш пен тура толықтауышты білдіретін зат есімдер арасында жалпы септеудегі басқа адамды білдіретін зат есім тұруы мүмкін. Ондай зат есім жанама толықтауыш болады

Мысалы: The teacher showed the students a diagram. Оқытушы диаграмманы студенттерге көрсетті

Зат есімдер жалпы септеуде әртүрлі демеуліктермен қолданылады

Мысалы: I have received a letter from my sister. Мен апамнан хат алдым

He bought a toy for his son. Ол баласына ойыншық сатып алды


► Тәуелдік септіктегі зат есімдер жекеше түрде -„s жалғауы арқылы жасалады. 

My friend`s house - Менің досымның үйі

▪ Nurgul`s brother - Нұргүлдің ағасы


► Зат есім көпше түрде болса, онда s жалғауы және апостраф қойылады.

My friend`s letters - Менің достарымның хаттары

▪ The women`s dresses - әйелдердің көйлегі 


►Күрделі зат есімдерге s жалғауы соңғы сөзге жалғанады.  The commander-in-chief`s order. ▪ My brother-in-law`s library 


Заттарға „of`демеулігі қолданылады 

The door of the garage (not the garage`s door) - гараждың есегі 

▪ The name of the book - кітаптың аты 

▪ The owner of the restaurant - мейрамхананың иесі 


► Мезгіл үстеулерінің (today`s, tomorrow`s, this evening`s, Monday`s) тәуелденуі жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады. 

Next week`s exam has been cancelled. 

▪ Have you got yesterday`s newspapers?

▪ Alihan has got two weeks holiday. 


Есте сақтаңыз 

It was a three-hour journey. 

▪ a three hour-journey (not a three-hours journey)

▪ a six-week French course (not weeks)

▪ two 14-year-old boys (not years)

▪ a three-page letter (pages)






            Test № 11 / Тест № 11


1.Здоровье моей матушки


a)     My mother's health

b)     My mother health's


2.Внимание водителя


a)     The drivers attention'

b)     The driver's attention


3.Имя моей матери


a)     My mother's name

b)     My mother name's


4.Рекомендация незнакомца


a)     The strangers reference

b)     The stranger's reference


5.Приказания моего начальника


a)     My masters order's

b)     My master's orders


6.Имя Рафаэля


a)     Raphael's name

b)     Raphaels name'


7.Волосы девушек


a)     The girls's hair

b)     The girls' hair


8.Абзацы этого письма


a)     This letter's passages

b)     This letter' passages


9.Мерцание двух свечей


a)     The two candles' glimmer

b)     The two candle's glimmer


10.  Сияние луны


a)     The moons radiance

b)     The moon's radiance






Leveled exercises № 11

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 11


I level

I деңгей


 Write the correct form of the possessives into the gaps (apostrophe 's).


1) This is ....... book. (Peter)

2) Let's go to the........ . (Smiths)

3) The .......... room is upstairs. (children)

4) ......... sister is twelve years old. (John)

5)  ...and  .......school is old. (Susan - Steve)

6) ....... shoes are on the second floor. (men)

7) My ........ car was not expensive. (parents)

8) .......... CD player is new. (Charles)



II level

II деңгей


Type in the correct genitive form in the plural.


1Steve has two brothers. Mother said Steve is not allowed to take his (brother) ........ toys without asking.

2The (woman) ........... national football team won a great victory on Saturday.

3The zoo keeper did his round and put food in all the (animal)  .......cages.

4The first day of the summer holidays is the school (child) ......... favourite day of the year.

5Hannah has lots of friends. Two of them have their birthday on the same day. Hannah is buying a dress for her (friend)...........  joint birthday party.


III level

III деңгей



Complete the sentences with the correct genitive form.


1My brother has a computer. → It’s  .

2Peter has a dog called Scruffy. → The  is Scruffy.

3The schoolbus is yellow. → The  is yellow.

4Richard has two sisters. Each sister has a rabbit. Sometimes Richard has to feed the rabbits.

→ Sometimes, Richard has to feed  .

5Some say the Mona Lisa is the most beautiful painting.

→ The Mona Lisa is the  .










Answers Test № 11

Жауаптар Тест № 11


1a        2b        3a        4b        5b        6a        7b        8a        9a        10b



Leveled exercises № 11




Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 11


I level

I деңгей


1) This is Peter's book.

2) Let's go to the Smiths'.

3) The children's room is upstairs.

4) John's sister is twelve years old.

5) Susan and Steve's school is old.

6) Men's shoes are on the second floor.

7) My parents' car was not expensive.

8) Charles's CD player is new


II level

II деңгей


1Steve has two brothers. Mother said Steve is not allowed to take his brothers’ toys without asking.

2The women’s national football team won a great victory on Saturday.

3The zoo keeper did his round and put food in all the animals’ cages.

4The first day of the summer holidays is the school children’s favourite day of the year.

5Hannah has lots of friends. Two of them have their birthday on the same day. Hannah is buying a dress for her friends’ joint birthday party.


III level

III деңгей


Complete the sentences with the correct genitive form.


1My brother has a computer. → It’s my brother’s computer.

2Peter has a dog called Scruffy. → The dog’s name is Scruffy.

3The schoolbus is yellow. → The colour of the schoolbus is yellow.

4Richard has two sisters. Each sister has a rabbit. Sometimes Richard has to feed the rabbits.

→ Sometimes, Richard has to feed his sisters’ rabbits.

5Some say the Mona Lisa is the most beautiful painting.

→ The Mona Lisa is the most beautiful painting of the world.





Theme № 12 Prepositions / Қосымшалар


Демеуліктер (предлогтар) зат есімнің немесе есімдіктің сөйлемдегі басқа сөздерге қарым-қатынасын білдіретін көмекші сөздер болып табылады. Ағылшын тілінде септік жалғауларының болмауына байланысты, сөйлемдегі сөздер тәртібі мен демеуліктер аса маңызды қызмет атқарады.

In, on, at (орын) демеуліктерімен кездесетін тҧрақты сөз тіркестері:



       In prison / hospital – түрмеде / ауруханада

       In the lesson - сабақта

       In a book / newspaper – кітапта / газетте

       In the photo / picture – фотода / суретте

       In the country - елде

       In the middle - ортасында

       In the back / front of a car – артта / машинада 

       In a queue / line / row – кезекте / ретте 



       On the platform - платформада

       On the farm - фермада 

       On the page / map - бетте / картада

       On the screen - экранда

       On the island / beach / coast – аралда / жағажайда / жағалауда

       Drive on the right / left – оңға қарай бұрылу / солға қарай бұрылу

       On the back of an envelope – конверттің сыртқы бетінде 



       At station / airport – темір жол вокзалында / әуежайда

       At home / work – үйде / жұмыста 

       At school – мектепте 

       At the top / bottom of hill – төбеде / таудың етегінде 

       At the end of the corridor – коридордың соңында 


18.2 In, on, at  In 

       We bought the flat in 2003.

In + жыл / ай / жыл мезгілі 

       In 2012

       In September

       In winter

st century 

       In the 21


In + жұма / жұмадан көп

       In the New-Year holiday

       In the summer term In + күннің бір бөлігі 

       In the morning

       In the evening 



       I woke up in the night (=in the middle of the night)

       I can`t sleep at night (=when it is night) 


       The exam is on Monday.

       On + жұманың бір күні / күннің жады 

       On Wednesday

       On 19 April

       On that day


On + нақты күн 

       On Christmas Day

       On Independence Day 


On + жұманың бір күні + күннің бір бөлігі  

       On Friday morning

       On Tuesday evening

       In happened on Monday night 



       The film starts at seven thirty. 


At + уақыт (сағат) / тамақтанатын уақыт 

       At three o`clock

       At lunch (-time)

       At that time 


At the moment


Еvery, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday сөздерінің алдында in, on, at демеyліктері қолданылмайды.

       We go to Greece every summer

       I`ll see you next Friday.

       My brother got married last year.

       I leave school this year.

       The party is tomorrow evening.

       The group arrived yesterday morning.


In time or on time?

In time (for smth/ to do smth) = soon enough for… (уақытында болу, кешікпеу, белгілі оқиғада

       I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television. 

       I`ve sent Asem her birthday present. I hope it arrives in time. 


On time = punctual, not late (дәл уақытында)

       Buses aren`t on time like planes.

       The 11.35 train left on time. (=it left at 11.35) 


At the end or in the end? 

At the end (something) = уақыттың аяқталуы немесе бір заттың соңы 

       I`m going away at the end of August.

       All the players shook hands at the end of match. 


In the end = ақырында, соңында 

       Erlan had a lot of problems with his car. In the end he sold it and bought another one. • Rashid couldn`t decide where to go for a holiday. He didn`t go anywhere in the end.  


For, since, before демеуліктері Present Perfect  шағында жиі қолданылады

For іс-қимылдың қаншалықты уақыт созылғанын білдіреді.

       I`ve been waiting for you forty minutes. – Мен сені күткеніме 40 минут болды

       I`ve known him just for two days.- Мені оны танысқаныма 2 күн болды. 

       He has worked at the factory for three years. – Ол фабрикада жұмыс жасағанына 3 жыл болды


For – басқа шақтармен де қолданылады.  

       He worked at the factory for three years. – Ол фабрикада 3 жыл жұмыс жасады.

       I will stay abroad for a week. – Мен шет елде 1 жұма боламын


Since іс-қимылдың басталған уақытын білдіреді

       I`ve been waiting since ten o`clock. - Мен сағат 10-нан бері күтудемін.

       I`ve known him since Monday. - Мені оны дүйсенбіден бері танимын.

       Mila has been living here since last year. - Мила бұл жерде былтырдан бері тұрады


Beforeбұрын деген мағынаны білдіреді

       I have to finish my work before 5 o`clock. Мен жұмысымды сағат беске дейін бітіруім керек

       Let`s have a walk before breakfast. - Таңғы асқа дейін қыдырып қайтайық.

       I had passed my driving test three months before. - Мен жүргізушілік тестін үш ай бұрын тапсырдым

       I have heard that before. - Мен бұны бұрын естігенмін










Әртүрлі демеуліктермен қолдынылатын   тұрақты сөз тіркестері:

       After all – ақыры соңында 

       Day after day (week after week) – күннен күнге (апта сайын)

       The day after tomorrow – бүрсігүні  

       Long after – көп уақыт өткен соң

       At the age (of) – ұлғайған шағында

       At the beginning - басында

       At dinner (supper, tea) – түскі ас уақытында, (кешкі аста, шайда)

       At the end - аяғында

       At the expense (of) – біреудің арқасында

       At first - бірінші

       At the head (of) - басқаруымен

       At home  - үйде

       At least – дей тұрғанмен

       At last - соңында

       At low / high price – төмен / жоғары бағамен

       At night - түнде

       At once - лезде

       At first sight – бір көргеннен

       At a time – бір уақытта

       The day before yesterday – алдыңғы күні

       Long before – бұдан бұрын

       Beyond belief – мүмкін емес

       Beyond doubt – шүбә келтірмеу 

       Beyond hope - үмітсіз

       Beyond one’s strength (power) – шамадан тыс

       By accident - кенет

       By heart – жатқа  

       By land (sea, air) – жерде, (суда, әуеде)

       By mistake – қателесіп  

       Step by step – қадам қадаммен

       By train (bus, ship) – поезда, (автобуста, пароходта)

       By the way - дегенмен

       Up and down – жоғары және төмен

       Upside down – төңкеріліп

       For ever – мәңгі

       For instance - мысалы

       For example - мысалы

       For this purpose – сол мақсатпен

       For the first (last) time  - алғашқы / соңғы рет 

       From the beginning to the end – басынан аяғына дейін 

       From day to day – күннен күнге

       From time to time – мезгілден мезгілге дейін

       From my (his) point of view – менің (оның) ойынша

       In addition to – толықтыру үшін

       In case of – егер  

       In any case – қалай дегенмен де   

       In demand - сұраныста

       In favor of – пайда үшін

       In front of – алға, қарама-қарсы

       In the East / West – шығыста, батыста

       A belief in - сену

       In general - жалпы

       In a loud voice – қатты дауыспен

       In the market – базарда  

       In the meantime – сол уақытта 

       In the morning (afternoon) – таңертең (күндіз)

       In the open air – аспанда

       In one’s opinion – оның ойынша

       In pencil (pen) – қарандашпен (қаламмен) 

       In conclusion - қорытынды

       In the direction – бағыт бойынша

       In sight – көз алдында

       In the spring … (summer…) – көктемде, жазда  

       In the street – көшеде

       In the sun - күнде

       In stead of - бірге

       In vain - текке

       In spite of -  қарамастан

       Plenty of, a lot of – көп

       A number of -  рет

       Of course - әрине

       It’s kind / stupid of him – оның тарапынан бұл ізеттілік / ақымақтық

       On an (the) average - орташа

       On behalf of – біреудің атынан

       On holiday – демалыста

       On business – іс-сапармен

       On condition that – шартпен, егер 

       On the contrary - керісінше

       On demand - қажеттілікпен

       On foot - жаяу

       On the other hand – бір жағынан

       On purpose - әдейі

       On the right (left) – оңға, солға

       On sale - саттықта

       On the sea - теңізде

       On television (radio) – теледидардан, радиодан

       On the way – жолда

       On the whole - жалпы

       And so on – т.с.с.

       Later on - кейін

       Out of danger – қауіпсіз жерде

       Out of date – мерзімі өткен

       Out of necessity – қажеттілік бойынша

       Out of pity (envy) – аяныштан (қызғаныштан)

       Out of work - жұмыссыз

       All over the world – бүкіл дүние бойынша

       The lesson is over – сабақ аяқталды

       Round the corner - бұрышта

       All around - әр жерде

       To the end – соңына дейін

       To the right (left) – оңға (солға)

       Under the circumstance – бұл жағдайда 

       Up-to-date - қазіргі

       Up to here - әлі күнге дейін (мекен)

       Up to now - әлі күнге дейін (мезгіл) • The time’s up – уақыт аяқталды

       What’s up? – не болып қалды?

       Without doubt – күмәнсіз

       Without fail – міндетті түрде  











Test № 12/Тест № 12


1. I go __________ the supermarket on Friday.

a) for

b) at

c) on

d) to

2. I have class __________ 3 pm.

a) for

b) to

c) beside

d) at

3. I live __________ Julie.

a) at

b) on

c) beside

d) between

4. Don't look __________ me!

a) at

b) on

c) for

d) to

5. I bought a gift __________ her.

a) at

b) for

c) up

d) to

6. I like __________ play soccer.

a) at

b) in

c) for

d) to

7. He climbed __________ the tree.

a) at

b) for

c) up

d) to

8. Please sit __________ on the chair.

a) at

b) up

c) down

d) about

9. The books are __________ the shelf.

a) at

b) on

c) down

d) up

10. Please give the pen __________ me.

a) at

b) on

c) for

d) to




Leveled exercises № 12

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 12


I level

I деңгей


at, in or on? - Choose the correct prepostition from the dropdown menu and form correct time phases.




1)   September

2)   12 o'clock

3)   winter

4)   Easter Monday

5)   4th July, 1776

6)   Christmas

7)   Tuesday

8)   the weekend


II level

II деңгей



Write the correct prepositions into the gaps.


1) She was born  2004.

2) They are waiting  the bus.

3) Don't forget to bring some flowers  you.

4) I haven't smoked  ages.

5) You can look up the word  a dictionary.

6) She is allergic  insect stings.

7) I'm looking  my keys. Have you found them?

8) The song was written  Madonna.


III level

III деңгей


Choose the correct prepositions.


I'm Peter and I live   Germany.   summer I like to travel   Italy, because  the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a plane   Munich to Rome.   the airport we went to our hotel ..  bus. We stopped ..  a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus   the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited   the restaurant   one hour. The driver was walking   the small park   the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry   him. But my holidays were great. We sat   campfires and went dancing   the early mornings.






Answers Test № 12

Жауаптар Тест № 12


1В       2D       3C       4A      5B       6D       7C       8C       9B       10D



Leveled exercises № 12



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 12


I level

I деңгей



1) in September

2) at 12 o'clock

3) in winter

4) on Easter Monday

5) on 4th July, 1776

6) at Christmas

7) on Tuesday

8) at the weekend

II level

II деңгей


1) She was born in 2004.

2) They are waiting for the bus.

3) Don't forget to bring some flowers with you.

4) I haven't smoked for ages.

5) You can look up the word in a dictionary.

6) She is allergic to insect stings.

7) I'm looking for my keys. Have you found them?

8) The song was written by Madonna.

III level

III деңгей



I'm Peter and I live in Germany. In summer I like to travel to Italy, because of the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a plane from Munich to Rome. From the airport we went to our hotel by bus. We stopped at a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus behind the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited outside the restaurant for one hour. The driver was walking through the small park near the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry with him. But my holidays were great. We sat round campfires and went dancing till the early mornings.



Theme № 13  There + be орамы


Мекен пысықтауыштан басталатын: Институтта асхана бар. Қалада биік үйлер көп. – деген қазақ тіліндегі сөйлемдер ағылшын тілінде әдетте  there + be сөз орамы арқылы беріледі. Мұндағы there өзінің жеке  мағынасын жоғалтқан бастауышты ендіру үшін ғана пайдалынатын сөз болса да, to be баяндауыш ретінде тиісті жағында жіктеле береді, мысалы:


There is a clock on the table. Стол үстінде сағат тұр.


There was a clock on the table. Стол үстінде сағат түрды.


There are many students in the hall. Залда студенттер көп. (Көп студенттер бар)


There were many students in the hall. Залда студенттер көп болды.


There + (to) be орамынан кейін есептелетін зат есімдер келсе,

олардың алдына артикль, ал есептельмейтін зат есімдердің алдына some

есімдігі қойылады:


There is a reading-hall at our university.


There is some brown bread on the table.




























Test № 13/Тест 13


  1. There   ………..  five people in my family.


 a) are                  b) is


  1. ……….  there  much mail on the desk ?


a) are                  b) is


  1. There  …………  no contracts on the desk.


 a) are                  b) is


  1. There  ……………  much new equipment at the plant.


 a) are                  b) is


  1. There  ………… a big rise in the cost of living.


 a)    is      b) are


  1. ……………  there  a flight to Paris yesterday evening?


            a) were                 b) was


      7. There  …………  nobody in the office yesterday at 6 o`clock.


            a) were               b) was


8. There  ………….. a lot of people in the shops last New Year.


  a) were              b) was


9. The manager of the company …. the best manager in the city


 a) were              b) was


  1.  There  ………… 5, 000 employees in our company.


             a) were                 b) was










Leveled exercises № 13


Деңгейлік тапсырма № 13



I level

I деңгей


Select the correct form. Write your answers in the blanks.


1.There (is, are) a magazine on the chair. ____________

2.There (is, are) two men in office. ____________

3.There (is, are) many children in the park. ____________

4.There (is, are) a man at the door. ____________

5.There (is, are) many people on the bus. ____________

6.There (is, are) seven days in a week. ____________



II level

II деңгей



 Write in Is there or Are there. Go to your kitchen. Give short answers.

Yes, there is.         Yes, there are.      No, there isn't.        No, there aren't.


  1. _____________ any sausages in the fridge? ____________________.
  2. _____________ any sugar in the cupboard?____________________.
  3. _____________ any rolls on the table?____________________.
  4. _____________ any eggs in the fridge?____________________.
  5. _____________ any jam in the fridge?____________________.
  6. _____________ any biscuits in the cupboard?____________________.





III level

III деңгей


Make the sentences


1. pears / there / ten / in the / are / bag / .

2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the / .

3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is / ?

4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white / .

5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this / .

6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there / ?







Answers Test № 13


Жауаптар Тест № 13


1A       2B       3A      4B      5A      6B       7B      8A       9B      10A



Leveled exercises 13




Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 13



I level

I деңгей


1.There a magazine on the chair. ____(is) ________

2.There two men in office. _(are) ___________

3.There many children in the park. _( are) ___________

4.There a man at the door. ___(is) _________

5.There many people on the bus. ___(are) _________

6.There seven days in a week. ___(are) _________




II level

II деңгей


 1 Are there, 2 Is there, 3 Are there, 4 Are there, 5 Is there, 6 Are there



III level


  1. There are ten pears in the bag.
  2. There aren’t pupils in the classroom.
  3. Is there an egg on the plate?
  4. There is a white cat on the chair.
  5. There isn’t a turtle on this farm.
  6. Are there two bikes at the door?


















































Theme 14 The Present Simple Tense / Жалпы осы шақ


The Present Indefinite ҥнемі істелетін кәсіби және басқа кҥнбе-кҥнгі әрекетті, адамзатқа, ғаламатқа тән ҥйреншікті, дағдылы жалпы қимыл, қозғалыс, амал, іс-әрекетті көрсетеді


1.                A habitual actionтұрақты, әдеттегі, жиі қайталанатын әдетке айналған іс-әрекет

         I run every morning.

She works at a restaurant.

2.                A General factЖалпыға белгілі мәлім ақиқат, шындық The sun rises in the east.

It rarely rains in the desert.

3.                Future timetablesкестеге байланысты келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер 

The ticket office opens at 9:00.

The plane to Astana takes off at 6.40 a.m.


Present Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы

Сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде –do, -does  көмекші етістігі қолданылады


Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштары: always, ever, never, as a rule, every day, (week, month, year), now and then, generally, seldom, occasionally, usually, regularly, rarely, sometimes, from time to time.


















do not












does not














you we they





you we they



do not







she it




she it




does not



The Present Indefinite формасындағы етістіктерге бірінші, екінші жақта жекеше және көпше тҥрде жіктік жалғау жалғанбайды, тек жекеше тҥрде ҥшінші жақта жіктік жалғау –s болып жалғанады.


► Етістіктің болымсыз және сұраулы тҥрі -do, -does көмекші етістігі арқылы жасалады.


► Егер етістік –ch, -ss, -sh, -x және –o  жалғауларына аяқталса, - es  жалғауы жалғанады. I brush – he brushes     I teach – he teaches      I fix – he fixes    I go – he goes


► Егер етістік «дауыссыз + у» аяқталса, әрпі –і әрпіне айналады да, -ies жалғауы жалғанады.   I try – he tries


► Егер етістік «дауысты + у» аяқталса, -s жалғауы жалғанады.  I buy – he buys 


Adverbs of Frequency


always     almost     always  usually    often                  frequently     rarely    generally                   sometimes         hardly occasionally     almost

seldom    ever    never                 

not ever, never 

Жиілік ҥстеулері әдетте сөйлемнің ортасында қолданылады.

a)     I sometimes get up at 6:30

b)    Sometimes I get up at 6:30

Subject Freq. adv. Verb

a) Omar always tells the truth.

Жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыш және етістіктің ортасында келеді.

Subject  be  Freq. adv.

b) Mansur is always on time.

Жиілік ҥстеулері be (am, is, are)  көмекші етістігінен кейін келеді.

c) Do you always eat breakfast?

Сұраулы сөйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыштан кейін келеді.

d)                  I usually don`t eat breakfast.

e)                  Dana doesn`t always eat breakfast.

Болымсыз сөйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулердің көбі болымсыз етістіктің алдында келеді. (always, ever ҥстеулерінің басқасы)

f) Дұрыс: He never eats meat.

Бұрыс: He doesn`t never eat meat.

Rarely, hardly, ever, never болымсыз ҥстеулері болымсыз мағынадағы етістікпен қолдынылмайды.






Theme 14 The Future Simple Tense / Жалпы келер шақ

Will + infinitive (without `to`)

1.            Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future –  Келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер You will win the race. I know it. 

2.            Expressing willingness to do something –  I will go with you if you like.

3.            Making a decision at the time of speaking -  I will call you in a few minutes then. 


Future Indefinite Tense I think немесе Perhaps сөздерімен қолданылады, сонымен қатар болашақта болатын іс-әрекетті көрсетеді. 

I think it will rain tomorrow.

Perhaps she will be late for her lesson.  


Future Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы 

Present Indefinite Tense көмекші етістік will және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бөлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.

Future Indefinite Tense іс-әрекеттің асырылуын көрсетеді, дегенмен to be going to формасына қарағанда, іс-әрекеттің алдынала жоспарланғаны емес, кенеттен болғанын көрсетеді.  - The phone is ringing! - I`ll answer it. 


Мезгіл пысықтауыштары

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year)
























will not















will not





















we they





  will not





she it





she it



  will not






Ағылшын тілінде келер шақтың басқа шақтарда көрінуі



Қолданылатын кездері


1. to be going to + инфинтив

Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-


She is going to visit his grandmother.

They are going to play tomorrow.

2. Present



Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-

әрекеттер, әдетте іс-қимыл етістіктермен (to come, to leave, to start, to arrive, to fly, etc.) жасалады.

I am leaving Almaty today.

I am coming tomorrow.

We are starting next week.

George is arriving in the evening.

3. Present



Кестеге, графикке және бағдарламаға байланысты

ойластырылып қойған іс-


The bus leaves at


The lesson begins in five minutes.

4. Модаль

етістігі to be to +


Келісім бойынша жақында орындалуы керек іс-әрекет

We are to go on

Friday. Who is to clean the house today?






















 Test № 15/Тест № 15


1.    I'm tired. I (go) to bed.

a)      I’ll

b)     I go

c)      I’d go

2.    It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

a)      will take

b)     shall take

c)      am take

3.    ____ I (answer) the question?

a)      Shall

b)     Will

c)      Shall not

4.    We don’t know their address. What (we/do)?

a)      What are we do

b)     What will we do

c)      What shall we do

5.    Our test (not/take) long.

a)      isn’t take

b)     doesn’t take

c)      willn’t take

d)     won’t take

6.    I’m afraid they (not/wait) for us.

a)      don’t wait

b)     will not be waited

c)      won’t wait

7.    Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

a)      Shall Diana come

b)     Will Diana come

c)      Does Diana come

8.    You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

a)      arrive

b)     will arrive

c)      arriving

9.    The boy (remember) this day all his life.

a)      will remember

b)     should remember

c)      remembers

10.  Perhaps they (buy) a new house this year.

a)      bought

b)     ‘ll buy

c)      buying









Leveled exercises № 15

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 15


I level

I деңгей



Change to the future tense. Write the complete verb   will/shall.

Model: He studies in this class. He will study.


1. She works in this office.

2. You speak English well.

3. I come to the lesson on time.

4. We walk to their work.

5. He brings his friends to the lesson.

6. He opens the door for us.



II level

II деңгей



Change to the future tense.

Model: He is in the cafeteria. He’ll be.


1. They are on the second floor.

2. She is your new teacher.

3. He is a good student.

4. It is on the desk.

5. I am in the second class.

6. You are in Chicago.



III level

III деңгей


Change to the negative form.

Model: He will see us at three o’clock. He won’t see. …


1. She will be back in an hour.

2. He will be the best student in the class.

3. They will arrive on the two o’clock train.

4. She will meet us here.

5. I shall bring the medicine with me.

6. He will wait for us on the corner.

7. We shall return next month.





Answers Test № 15

Жауаптар Тест № 15


1 a/b    2 b       3 a       4 c       5 d       6 c       7 b       8 b      9 a       10 b



Leveled exercises 20



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 20


I level

I деңгей


1. She will work in this office.

2. You will speak English well.

3. I shall come to the lesson on time.

4. We shall walk to their work.

5. He will brings his friends to the lesson.

6. He will opens the door for us.


II level

II деңгей


1. They are on the second floor. They will…

2. She is your new teacher. She will…

3. He is a good student. He will…

4. It is on the desk. It will…

5. I am in the second class. I shall…

6. You are in Chicago. You will…


III level

III деңгей



 1. She won`t will be back in an hour.

2. He won`t be the best student in the class.

3. They won`t arrive on the two o’clock train.

4. She won`t meet us here.

5. I shan`t bring the medicine with me.

6. He won`t wait for us on the corner.

7. We shan`t return next month.



















































Theme 16 The Past Simple Tense / Жалпы өткен шақ

1.                  An action that began and ended at a specific time in the pastіс-әрекет, оқиғалар өткен шақта басталып, өткен шақта аяқталады

We won a gold medal last year. 

They spent their holidays in Switzerland last month. They had a great time. 

2.                  An action that occurred over a period of time and was completed in the pastіс-әрекеттердің бірінен кейін бірінің келуі, қарапайым қайталанып келетін іс-әрекеттер 


She cooked the meal first than she ate with her family. 


Past Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы.


Сұраулы және болымсыз формада did көмекші етістігі қолданылады. 

Хабарлы сөйлемде дҧрыс етістіктерде (regular verbs) инфинитив формасына ed жалғанады. 

Бұрыс етістіктер (irregular verbs) инфинитивтің 2-ші формасын қабылдайды (бұрыс етістіктер таблицасынан көре аласыздар).


Мезгіл үстеулер: last week, last night, yesterday, an hour ago, in 1973, during 

















did not












did not















you we they




you we they



did not

















did not 






Test № 16 / Тест № 16

1.      There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning.

a)      is

b)     was

c)      were

2.      Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (finish) it later yesterday afternoon.

a)      finish

b)     finishes

c)      finished

3.      Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not/help) her much.

a)      not helped

b)     didn’t helped

c)      didn’t help

4.      Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not/play) tennis yesterday.

a)      doesn’t play

b)     didn’t play

c)      didn’t played

5.      We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have lunch) later.

a)      had lunch

b)     have lunched

c)      had had lunch

6.      Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before.

a)      hadn’t smoked

b)     didn’t smoke

c)      not smoked

7.      The Frasers live in four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

a)      were living

b)     did live

c)      lived

8.      I (get) to the market myself last time, but now I don’t remember how to get there.

a)      getted

b)     goted

c)      got

9.      How you (cut) your finger?

a)      How have you cut

b)     How you cutted

c)      How did you cut

10.  Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.

a)      was tried

b)     tried

c)      tryed





Leveled exercises № 16

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 16


I level

I деңгей



Change the following verbs to the past tense.


1.      We walk through the park every day.

2.      He smokes a lot.

3.      The teacher asks us many questions

4.      Our lesson ends at two o`clock.

5.      He follows his brother everywhere. 

6.      He needs a new suit.

7.      He talks to us in English.



II level

II деңгей


Put   was, were, did.


1. When________ Mother's Day last year?

— It _______ in April.

2. What ____ you do?

— We made a cake and cards for Mum.

3. ________ Mum happy?

— Yes, she _________.

4. Who _______ you invite?

— Our grandparents.

 5. What _______ you give to your granny?

 - Flowers.

6. ________ you tired?

— No, we weren't.



III level

III деңгей

Put right form and translate the dialogue

Kim:  What __________ (you do) last night, Lisa?

Lisa: I went to the cinema.

Kim: What film _____________ (you see) ?

Lisa: Shrek.

Kim: Who _____________ ( you go) with?

Lisa: Pete and Zoe.

Kim: _________ (you enjoy) it?

Lisa: Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasn't very good.

Kim: What time ____________ (it finish)?

Lisa: At ten o'clock.

Kim:  What______ (you do) after the film?

Lisa: We went for a pizza.


Answers Test № 16

Жауаптар Тест № 16


1.b       2.c       3.c      4.b      5.a      6.b      7.c      8.c      9.c      10.b



Leveled exercises № 16



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 16



I level

I деңгей



1.      We walked through the park every day.

2.      He smoked a lot.

3.      The teacher asked us many questions

4.      Our lesson ended at two o`clock.

5.      He followed his brother everywhere. 

6.      He needed a new suit.

7.      He talked to us in English.


II level

II деңгей


1 was   2 did   3 was   4 was   5 did   6 were


III level

III деңгей


Kim:  What did you do last night, Lisa?

Lisa: I went to the cinema.

Kim: What film ____did_________ you see ?

Lisa: Shrek.

Kim: Who _____did________  you go with?

Lisa: Pete and Zoe.

Kim: _____Did____ you enjoy  it?

Lisa: Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasn't very good.

Kim: What time _____did_______ it finish?

Lisa: At ten o'clock.

Kim:  What___did___ you do after the film?

Lisa: We went for a pizza.




Theme 17 The Present Continuous / Жалғаспалы осы шақ


1.                  An activity that is in progress at the moment қазір, берілген уақытта болып жатқан іс-әрекет. Mary is watching TV right now.

I`m taking 5 courses this semester.

2.                  Future arrangementsалдын ала іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-әрекет 

I`m going to Sweden next winter.

They`re moving into their new house next week. 

Present Progressive Tense жасалу жолы:

Xaбарлы сөйлемде am/is/are  көмекші етістіктері және V+ing 

Сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде am/is/are  көмекші етістіктері қолданылады

Мезгіл пысықтауыштар: now, right now, at the moment, always, constantly, still.






am working



am not









are working





are not






is working





is not






























you we they


you we they





are not













is not



►Егер етістік –е жалғауына аяқталса,  - ing суффиксі жалғанғанда да, сөз соңындағы –е әрпі тҥсіп қалады. dance – dancing

► Егер етістік –l  жалғауына аяқталса суффиксі жалғанғанда

-l жалғауы екі еселенеді. travel – travelling 

► Егер етістік –ie жалғауына аяқталса –y + -ing , жалғанады. lie-lying; die-dying 


Ағылшын тілінде сезімді білдіретін  кейбір етістіктер (verbs of mental and emotional state) осы шақа байланысты болса да, (-ing) формасын қабылдамайды


Common verbs of state condition



1. Mental state

know  believe imagine  realize feel doubt 

understand  suppose  remember  recognize think  forget 

want  need  desire  mean 


2. Emotional state

love hate  care  like  dislike 

astonish  appreciate fear 



envy  surprise  prefer  mind 


3. Possession

possess have

own  belong 


4. Sense perceptions

taste  hear  see


smell  feel


5. Other existing states




cost  exist  look  owe  matter

weigh  consist of sound equal  contain 

be  include look like 


► Бірақ кейбір етістіктер –ing формасын қабылдайды. For example:

a)        Yum! This food tastes good. I like it very much.

b)        This food is tasting good. I`m liking it very much.

c)         The chef is in his kitchen. He is tasting the sauce.

d)        It tastes too salty.

e)         He doesn`t like it. 


A, D, E мысалдарында етістік сезім және қабылдау сезімдерді білдіргендіктен олар –ing формасын қабылдамайды

B, C мысалдарында аспаздың іс-әрекетін баяндағандықтан–ing формасын қажет етеді.



Test № 17/Тест № 17


1.Where are the children? It’s quiet at home. - They (lie) on the carpet and (draw).

a)      lie, are drawing

b)     are lieing, drawing

c)      are lying, drawing     

2.What you (do) now? - I (look for) my key. I can’t open the door.

a)      What do you do, I look for

b)     What are you do, I looking for

c)      What are you doing, I’m looking for

d)     What you doing, I’m looking for

3.Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.

a)      sings

b)     is singing

c)      are singing

4.Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

a)      are you putting on

b)     do you put on

c)      will you put on

d)     are you puting on

5.Don’t make so much noise. I (try) to work.

a)      tried

b)     ’m triing

c)      ’m trying

6.Why you (cry)? Is anything wrong?

a)      do you cry

b)     are you crying

c)      have you crying

      7. I (listen) to you attentively.

a)      am listening

b)     listen

8.      What time Nick and Rosa (come) for dinner tonight?

a)      is Nick and Rosa coming

b)     Nick and Rosa are coming

c)      do Nick and Rosa come

d)     are Nick and Rosa coming

9 .I’m sure you (make) the right choice.

a)      will be made

b)     are making

c)      make

10.Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

a)      rained

b)     are raining

c)      is raining







Leveled exercises № 17

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 17


I level

I деңгей


Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.


a) Sam (drink) ..is drinking........................some milk.

b) You (stand)..........................................on my foot!

c) Mike (stay)..........................................at this hotel.

d) You (sit)..........................................in my place!

e) We (have)..........................................a good time.

f) I can't talk now. I (wash)..........................................my hair.




II level

II деңгей



Make negative sentences.


a) You're listening to me   ............................

b) Tim is studying. ..................................................................

c) We're talking. ..................................................................

d) You are writing...................................................................

e) Katherine is lying. ..................................................................

f) They are waiting for us. ..................................................................


III level

III деңгей


Correct each sentence or question.


a) I playing tennis with my best friend           I’m playing tennis with my best friends

b) You're coming to the cinema tonight?  ................................................................

c) John and Mandy don't going to the beach.  …....................................................... 

d) Is Emma and Katy flying to America?         ......................................................... 

e) My sister is walk on the beach now.             .........................................................

f) We not studying French at school this year.  …….................................................

g) What's that noise? The dog is outside?        ..........................................................

 h) I aren't watching the TV. Turn it off.    ................................................................









Answers Test № 17

Жауаптар Тест № 17

1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 d 9 b 10 c


Leveled exercises 17



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 17


I level

I деңгей

a) is drinking

b)  are standing

c)   is staying

d)  are sitting

e)   are having

f)   am washing



II level

II деңгей


a)  You aren't listening to me.

b)  Tim isn't studying.

c)   We aren't talking.

d)  You aren't writing.

e)   Katherine isn't lying.

f)   They aren't waiting for us.


III level

III деңгей



a) I'm playing tennis with my best friend.

b)  Are you coming to the cinema tonight?

c)  John and Mandy aren't going to the beach.

d)  Are Emma and Katy flying to America?

e)   My sister is walking on the beach.

f)   We're not studying French at school this year.

g)  What's that noise? Is the dog outside?

h) I'm not watching the TV. Turn it off.





























VI. Список используемых источников

1. Государственная программа развития образования на 2011-2020 годы.

2. Инструкции по организации и проведению ПГК в СОО.

3. Учебная программа «Иностранный язык», «Английский язык» 5-9 классы, 2010 год.

4. Смакова К., Ким Е. Учебно-методическое пособие «Шың», Алматы 2007 год.

5. А.П.Новокрещенов. Сборник тестовых заданий по английскому языку для подготовки к ПГК, изд. ТОО «Келешек-2030», Кокшетау 2009 год.

Өтемісова Э. К. Ағылшын тілінен әдістемелік құрал/Э. К. Өтемісова, Ж. Ш. Жұбандықова, Г. А. Төрежанова. - 2009








Theme № 18 The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ


          1. An interrupted action - өткен шақта екі іс-әрекеттің бір уақытта болуы 

While the children were watching TV, their mother was cooking. 

I was watching the Olympics on TV, when he walked in. 

2. A repeated or continuous state in the past - өткен шақта белгілі уақыт аралығында болған іс-әрекет 

At three o`clock yesterday afternoon they were sitting at a café. I was making many new friends at the Olympic Village.  

Past Progressive Tense жасалу жолы.

Past Progressive Tense to be көмекші етістігі was/were және негізгі етістікке  -ing жалғау жалғану арқылы жасалады


  Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

while, all day long, all the time, the whole evening 






was playing



was not









was playing





were not






was playing





was not































you we they


you we they




were not





she it



she it



was not





Test № 18 The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ



1. I ... reading when you rang me up.


A) was

B) were  

C) shall

D) will


2. She … all the morning yesterday.


A) is cooking.

B) are cooking.

C) was cooking

D) were cooking.


3. I ... reading when you rang me up.


A) will

B) are

C) were  

D) was


4.I … at three o’clock yesterday.


A) were doing my homework.

B) is doing my homework.

C) am doing my homework.

D) was doing my homework.


5.My parents (to sleep) when I came home.


A) were sleeping.

B) were sleep.

C) is sleeping.

D) was sleep.








6. He … the film in the evening.


A) is watching.

B) were watching.

C) was watching.

D) are watching.




7. We ... singing when you phone us.


A) was

B) were  

C) shall

D) will


8. They … all the evening yesterday.


A) is working

B) are working

C) was working

D) were working.


9. Omar ... writing a letter when the rain began


A) will

B) are

C) were  

D) was


10. They … at three o’clock yesterday.


A) were gardening.

B) is gardening.

C) am gardening.

D) was gardening.









Leveled exercises 18 / Деңгейлік тапсырма № 18   

The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ


I level / lI деңгей


Put was/were


1     I.............    living in the USA for most of the 1990s.       
2    As John and Jo............coming in, Pete gave them the bad news.
3    The sun.............shining all the time we ............revising together outside.
4    We ...............(not) working on Friday, it was a public holiday.
5     ...............you driving by the river when you saw the red car?
6    The elephant ............(not) eating when I ............. feeding the other animals.
7    The whole class............revising for the exam all through June.


II level / II деңгей



Make negative sentence


a) Anna was drawing pictures                       Anna wasn’t drawing pictures

b) Paula and Jim were using a computer    .....................................................

c) Tim was reading a book.                         .....................................................

d) Kate and Bill were writing on the board  ......................................................

e) Sam was talking.                                     ....................................................

f) Ed and Lisa were listening to music.       .....................................................

g) Nick was looking out of the window.        ....................................................

h) Carol and Dora were playing football.       .................................................



III level / III деңгей


Make the sentences in the Past Continuous


1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.





Answers Test 18   / Жауаптар Тест № 18      

The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ


1А        2С      3D       4D       5A      6C      7B       8D      9D      10A



Leveled exercises 18 / Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 18


I level / lI деңгей


1 was

2 were

3 was, were

4 weren't

5 were

6 wasn't, was

7 was


II level / II деңгей


a) Anna wasn't drawing pictures.

b) Paula and Jim weren't using a computer.

c)  Tim wasn't reading a book.

d)  Kate and Bill weren't writing on the board.

e)   Sam wasn't talking.

f)   Ed and Lisa weren't listening to music.

g)  Nick wasn't looking out of the window.

h) Carol and Dora weren't playing football.


III level / III деңгей


1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael was looking at his watch.

4. All night long the stars were glittering.

5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

7. The family was preparing for the party.

8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.







№ 19 The Future Continuous Tense.

Келер Созылмалы шақ


1. An action that will continuing at a particular time in the futureКелешекте белгілі уақыт аралығында болатын іс-әрекет. This time next week I will be training for the race.

This time next month we`ll be lying on a beach or swimming in the sea. 

The Future Continuous Tense жасалу жолы 

The Future Continuous Tense көмекші етістік will be және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бөлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.














will be



be flying







will not be







will be


be flying





will not be














you we they

be flying?




you we they



will not





she it

be flying?




she it



will not
























Test № 19

Тест № 19


Put the Future Continous form


1. I ... my homework from 5 till 7 o’clock.


A) am doing

B) shall be doing

C) is doing

D) will doing  



2.He ... his exercise from 6 till 7 o’clock.


A) is doing

B) shall doing

C) will be doing  

D) shall be doing


3. She ... her essay tomorrow.


A) shall be writting

B) will not writting

C) am writting

D) will be writting



4. My grandmother … in the kindergarten

A) will be working

B) shall not working

C) am working

D) shall working


5. Don’t phone Jim from 5 to 6 – he ……. English lesson.


A) will be having

B) is having

C) am having

D) shall be having



6. He …….when you come back tonight.


A) is sleeping

B) will be sleeping

C) am sleeping

D) shall sleeping



7. I … for my exam on Philosophy all day tomorrow.


A) will be working

B) is working

C) am working

D) shall  be working


8. After the operation you …any sport for a while.


A) will be not working

B) is not working

C) am working

D) shall be not working


9. … you …..the computer for long? I need it.

A) will ,be using

B) is, using

C) am, using

D) shall,be using


10. This time tomorrow they ….in the train on their way to Chicago..


A) am sitting

B) is sitting

C) will be sitting

D) shall be sitting





Leveled exercises 19

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 19


I level

I деңгей

" + "

" - "

" ? "

I (do)

He (work)

She (drive)

They (write)

You (drink)

Put the verbs in the right forms














II level

II деңгей


Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).


1.      Tomorrow morning we ………(work)   .

2.      This time next week we …………(have)   a party.

3.      At midnight I ………..(sleep)   .

4.      This evening we ………(watch)   a talk show.

5.      They ………(not/do)   their homework this afternoon.

6.      He ……….(listen)   to music.

7.      I ……….(read) a book   this evening.

8.      (walk / you)  ………. home this afternoon?

9.      He ………….(not/draw)   tomorrow morning

10.  They …….(argue)   again?







III level

III деңгей

Make the sentences



When I arrive at the train station tomorrow, my sister  for me.


Next week we   chapter fourteen.


The orchestra   Beethoven tonight.


I'm sorry Mrs. Mallory, but I   class next week.


If you need to see Mrs. Mallory, she   office hours from 3 to 4 pm.


Little Jonny, please don't cry. Your mommy   home soon.


 Mai-Ling   her computer later this afternoon?


 Sam and Jane   at the karaoke bar Saturday night?


What time  they   ?


The new movie, "Cat Garden"   at the Fox Theatre next week.





Answers Test № 19

Жауаптар Тест № 19


1A       2C       3D       4A       5A       6B       7D       8A       9A       10C



Leveled exercises № 19



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 19


I level

I деңгей





 He will be working

He  will not be working

Will  he  be working?

We shall be driving

We shall not be driving

Shall we be driving?

They will be writting

They will not be writting

Will they be writting?

You will be drinking

You will not be drinking

Will you be drinking?


II level

II деңгей


1.      Tomorrow morning we (work) will be working .

2.      This time next week we (have) will be having a party.

3.      At midnight I (sleep) will be sleeping .

4.      This evening we (watch) will be watching a talk show.

5.      They (not/do) will not be working their homework this afternoon.

6.      He (listen) will be listening to music.

7.      I (read) a book will be reading this evening.

8.      (walk / you) Will you be walking home this afternoon?

9.      He (not/draw) will not be drawing tomorrow morning?

10.  They (argue) will be arguing again



III level

III деңгей



When I arrive at the train station tomorrow, my sister will be waiting for me.


Next week we  will be studying chapter fourteen.


The orchestra  won't be playing Beethoven tonight.


I'm sorry Mrs. Mallory, but I  won't be attending class next week.


If you need to see Mrs. Mallory, she  will be holding office hours from 3 to 4 pm.


Little Jonny, please don't cry. Your mommy  will be coming home soon.


Will Mai-Ling  be using her computer later this afternoon?


Will Sam and Jane  be singing at the karaoke bar Saturday night?


What time will they  be performing ?


The new movie, "Cat Garden"  will be playing at the Fox Theatre next week.









Theme 20


Have (has) + Past Participle 

1.                Ann action that began in the past and continues in the present -  Бұрын басталып, белгілі уақытқа созылып, әлі де жалғасып жатқан іс-әрекет

They have been friends for five years.  She has been training for two years.

2.                Repetition of an action before nowқазіргі уақытпен байланысы бар аяқталған іс-әрекет He has been to the Olympic several times.


Alihan has received three e-mails this morning.


Present Perfect tense жасалу жолы


Present Perfect tense have, has көмекші етістіктері және етістіктің 3-ші формасы (Past Participle) 


Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштар 


already, ever, never, just, yet, lately, so far
























have not















has not














you we they






you we they





have not




she it




she it




has not







Since және For сөздерінің қолданылуы


since  seven o`clock since Monday since December

I have been here   since 1983 since February 3, 2007 since last month

Since сөзі ай, кҥн, сағат,

жылдармен қолдынылады.

Since бір іс-әрекеттің белгілі бір уақытта өткен шақта басталғанын және қазіргі уақытқа дейін жалғасып жатқандығын көрсетеді.

I have lived here since I was a child


for twenty minutes for three hours for seven days

I have been here    for about three weeks

for almost five    month

for many years for a long time

For сөзі уақыт созылыңқылығын көрсетеді.


Егер зат есім – s жалғауына аяқталса (hours, days, weeks)   for қолданылады.





























Test 20 / Тест № 20

 1. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік:

A) Have been waіtіng.

B) Was cought.

C) Has fіnіshed

D) Had read.

2. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз.

Who ... the door.

A) had opened

B) has opened

C) is opened

D) have opened

3. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз

We ... our task by Saturday.

A) is finished

B) have finished

C) had finished

D) has finished

4. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз

I ... my work by 7 o’clock.

A) are finished

B) is finished

C) have finished

D) has finished

5. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз

I ... his film several  times.

A) has seen

B) are seen

C) had seen            D) have seen

6. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік:

A) Were havіng.

B) Has fіnіshed.

C) Was cought.

D) Have been waіtіng.

7. Who ... the can?

A) is opened

B) are opened

C) has opened

D) had opened

8. He ... his film several times.

A) had seen

B) are seen

C) have seen

D) has seen

9. He ... our  preparations by Monday.

A) has finished

B) are finished

C) have finished

D) had finished


10. What ….your father just....?

A) has,  done

B) had, done

C) are , done

D) have , done






Leveled exercises 20

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 20


I level

I деңгей


 Fill the sentences with the following words. already *   just *  still * yet  *for


1. Have you dreamt of winning the lottery 2 years?

2.    I haven`t worked out how to set the timer on the video.

3.    The film has finished.

4. Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition

        5. He`s not got home.



II level

II деңгей


 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.


a) Harry (do)...............has done....................the housework.

b) Kate and Bill (find)................................................a new flat.

c) Nick (write)................................................a book.

d) We (decide)................................................to start jogging.

e) Sam and Dave (eat)................................................all the sandwiches.

f) Carlos (buy)................................................a dog.

g) Maria and Helen (start)................................................at a new school.

h) Frances (break)................................................her cup.

i) I (lose)................................................my umbrella.

j) Max (take)................................................the dog for a walk.




III level

III деңгей


4 Complete each sentence with the present perfect form of one of the verbs in the box.

read      miss    wash   have     phone    arrive    spend  decide   see   make

a) Oh no! That's the last bus, and we ....have missed.... it.

b) (you)..........................any James Bond books? They're really good.

c) I haven't got any more money. I..........................all of it!

d) I..........................an idea! Let's go to Big Burger's

e) We know what we want. We..........................to have pizza.

f) Your hair looks terrible! (you)..........................it?

g) Hurry up, Carol. Your taxi............................It's waiting outside.

h) I'm sorry I (not)..........................the travel agent. I've been very busy.

i) (you)..........................Titanic?  It's my favourite film.

j) Read this again. You..........................some mistakes.



Answers Test 20

Жауаптар Тест № 20


1C         2B       3B       4C       5D       6B       7C       8D       9A       10A



Leveled exercises 20



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 20


I level


I деңгей


1. for   2. yet   3. already        4. already        5 . yet



II level


II деңгей


a) has done                 f)   has bought

b)  have found            g)  have started

c)   has written            h)  has broken

d)  have decided         i)   have lost

e)   have eaten             j)   has taken



III level


III деңгей



a)  have missed

b)  Have you read

c)   have spent

d)  have had

e)   have decided

f)   Have you washed

g)  has arrived

h) haven't phoned

i)  Have you seen

j)   have made








































Theme 21 The Past Perfect Tense /Өткен шақтын аяқталған түрі Had + Past Participle

1.                A past action that occurred before another action in the past бір іс-әрекеттің басқа өтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттен немесе сәттен бұрын басталғанын білдіреді.

She had just left when I arrived there.

They had already reserved the table when they went to the restaurant. 

2.                An action that was expected to occur in the past - өтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттің бір сәттен бұрын басталып, әлі де сол сәтте жалғасып жатқанын білдіреді.

I had hoped to get their decision before.

He had injured his legs in a car accident. 


The Past Perfect Tense жасалу жолы

The Past Perfect Tense көмекші етістік has + Past Partciple арқылы жасалады


Мезгіл пысықтауыштары:


For, since, till/until, by, by the time, never. 























had not  















had not  














you we they






you we they





had not




 she  it 




 she it




had not

Test 21

The Past Perfect Tense









1.      He … on the report yesterday evening

a)      was working    b) had worked         c) had working


2.      I … the office when he arrived.

a)      was leaving       b) had left                 c) had leaves


3.      We … about safety  procedures when the fire alarm went off.

a)      were talking       b) has talked           c) had talked


4.      The production line … five times yesterday.

a)      had stopped              b) was stopping  c) had stops


5.      She … letters when I came.

a) had wrote                   b) was writing    c) had written


6.      He … to the director at 3 yesterday.

a)      had spoken               b) was speaking   c) had speaks


7.      Our fax number … last year.

a)      had changed      b) changed           c) had changes


8.      We …..  our prices.

a)      had lowered      b) have lowered   c) were lowering


9.      The government … a decrease in corporation tax yesterday.

a)      has announced  b) was announcing  c) had announced


10.   He … vice-president 10 years ago.

a)      has been            b) was being           c) had been










Leveled exercises 21

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 21


I level

I деңгей


 Complete the sentences in past perfect simple (affirmative form.)


1.      I lost the key that he (give)  ….. to me.

2.      He told me that he (see)  …. the film .

3.      I went outside as I (hear)  …. a noise.

4.      When they came home, Liza (cook)   ….dinner.


II level

II деңгей


Make negative sentence


1.      The waiter served something that we (not / order)   .

2.      He went to the country which he (not / visit)   before.

3.      She picked out the red dress, which she (not / wear)   for ages.

4.      He (not / swim)   in the beach before that day.

5.      His mother was angry because he (not / do)   the shopping for her.



III level

III деңгей


Complete the sentences in past perfect simple (question).


1.      (you / finish)   your homework before you went to the cinema?

2.      Why (you / not /clean)   the bathroom before you took a bath?

3.      (you / have)   breakfast before you left the house?

4.      (she / manage)   to find a place to stay when she went to London?

5.      Where (she / stay)   before she moved to live with her friend?













Answers Test 21



Тест № 21


1B       2B       3C       4A       5C       6A       7A       8A       9C       10C


Leveled exercises 21


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 21


I level

I деңгей


1.      I lost the key that he (give) had given / 'd given to me.

2.      He told me that he (see) had seen / 'd seen the film.

3.      I went outside as I (hear) had heard / 'd heard a noise.

4.      When they came home, Liza (cook) had cooked / 'd cooked dinner.


II level

II деңгей

1.      The waiter served something that we (not / order) had not ordered / hadn't ordered.

2.      He went to the country which he (not / visit) had not visited / hadn't visited before.

3.      She picked out the red dress, which she (not / wear) had not worn / hadn't worn for ages.

4.      He (not / swim) had not swum / hadn't swum in the beach before that day.

5.      His mother was angry because he (not / do) had not done / hadn't done the shopping for her.


          III level

III деңгей


1.      (you / finish) Had you finished your homework before you went to the cinema?

2.      Why had not you cleaned / hadn't you cleaned the bathroom before you took a bath?

3.      (you / have) Had you had breakfast before you left the house?

4.      (she / manage) Had she managed to find a place to stay when she went to London?

5.      Where (she / stay) had she stayed before she moved to live with her friend?








































Theme 22



1. An action that will be completed before a particular time in the futureболашақта белгілі мезгілге дейін анық бітетін, орындалатын іс-әрекет 


They will have finished their meeting by four o`clock this afternoon.

By next June I will have participated in four Olympics. 


Future Perfect tense жасалу жолы 


Future Perfect tense will have және етістіктің өткен шақтағы есімше Past Participle (Participle II) формасы арқылы жасалады.  


Мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

By that time, by then, by Sunday…, by the end of the year, by now.














will have










will not have








will have







will not have














you we they


have written?




you we they



will not





she it


have written?




she it



will not









Test 22/Тест № 22


1. I ... the book by the end of the week.

a)      wouldn’t had read

b)     shall not had read

c)      shouldn’t had read

d)     shall not have read


2.We ______ the camp by 10 o’clock, I believe.

a)      reached

b)     were reaching

c)      will have reached

3.         I hope, we ______ half of our way by tomorrow.

a)      will have drived

b)     are driving

c)      ’ll have driven

4 We’ll ______ decorating the room before you get back.

a)      finish

b)     have finished 

5 By the end of August we’ll ______.

a)      have moved

b)     would move

c)      will move

6.If we don’t hurry, the party will ______ before we get there.

a)      have finished

b)     finishes

7.He ______ by Monday, so try to get in touch with him earlier if you really want to speak to him about that.

a)      is leaving

b)     will leave

c)      will have left

8 I hope they ______ this unpleasant episode by the time they meet again.

a)      will have forgotten

b)     ‘ll be forgotten

c)      forget

9.I hope we will ______ the market research by January.

a)      be doing

b)     are doing

c)      will do

d)     have done

10 By the time I come they ______.

a)      will have gone

b)     will be going

c)      will go












Leveled exercises 22

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 22


I level

I деңгей


Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect simple).


1.      By 9 o'clock, we (finish)   our homework.

2.      They (leave)   the classroom by the end of the hour.

3.      We (go)   home by next week.

4.      She (return)   from the excursion by 6 o'clock.

5.      (buy / he)   the new house by October?

6.      The sun (not / rise)   by 4 o'clock.

7.      (you/do)   the shopping by 3 o'clock?



II level

II деңгей


Fill in the blanks with the correct future perfect tense form of the verb (in parentheses):


1. By the time you get here, I  (finish) watching the movie.

2. By the time he graduates, Tom  (take) all the necessary classes.

3. By this time next year, Nancy  (move) to a new apartment.

4. By this time tomorrow, we  (put) all the furniture in the basement.

5. By the time my wife gets home, I  (prepare) supper.




III level

III деңгей


Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.


1) Anne  her bike next week. (to repair)

2) We  the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)

3) She  Paris by the end of next year. (to visit)

4) I  this by 6 o'clock. (to finish)

5) Sam  by next week. (to leave)

6) She  this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)

7) The police  the driver. (to arrest)

8) They  their essay by tomorrow. (to write)

9) Paolo  the teams. (to manage)

10) If we can do that - then we  our mission. (to fulfil)






Answers Test 22

Жауаптар Тест № 22


1d        2c        3c        4b       5a        6a        7c       8a        9d        10 a



Leveled exercises 22



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 22


I level

I деңгей


1.      By 9 o'clock, we (finish) will have finished/'ll have finished true our homework.

2.      They (leave) will have left/'ll have left true the classroom by the end of the hour.

3.      We (go) will have left/'ll have left true home by next week.

4.      She (return) will have returned/'ll have returned true from the excursion by 6 o'clock.

5.      (buy / he) Will you have boughttrue the new house by October

6.      The sun (not / rise) will not have risen/ won't have risentrue by 4 o'clock.

7.      (You/do) Will you have donetruethe shopping by 3 o'clock?



II level

II деңгей


1.      will have finished

2.      will have taken

3.      will have moved

4.      will have put

5.      will have prepared


III level

III деңгей


1) Anne will have repaired her bike next week.

2) We shall have done the washing by 8 o'clock.

3) She will have visited Paris by the end of next year.

4) I shall have finished this by 6 o'clock.

5) Sam will have left by next week.

6) She will have discussed this with her mother tonight.

7) The police will have arrested the driver.

8) They will have written their essay by tomorrow.

9) Paolo will have managed the teams.

10) If we can do that - then we shall have fulfilled our mission.




Theme 23 The Passive Voice / Ырықсыз етіс


Ырықсыз етіс баяндауыш қызметінде жұмсалған сөйлемде қимыл иесіайтылмайды,яғни ол сөйлемде қимыл иесінің кім екені белгісіз болады.


Былайша айтқанда,бастауыш қызметінде жұмсалған қимыл иесі өзіқимыл - әрекет істемейді , керісінше, ол басқа біреудің қимыл-әрекетінің объектісі болады. Қазақ тілінде ырықсыз етіс сабақты етістіктің түбіріне- л(-ыл,-іл),-н(-ын,-ін),-л жұрнағы жалғану арқылы жасалады.


Мысалы : кір жуылды,тақта сүртілді, т.б.

Ырықсыз етіс баяндауышы ағылшын тілінде (to)be көмекші етістігі мен өткен шақ есімшеден (Participle 2) құралады.


Баяндауыштың өзгеретін (to) be бөлігі тиісті шақта, жақта және тұлғада

(көпше, жекеше) тұрады:

to be + Participle II

Мысалы :  

Хат қарындашпен жазылған.

The letter is written with a pen.

Бұл жұмыс кеше біткен.

This work was finished yesterday.


Сұраулы сөйлемдер :

Is that letter written? Сол хат жазылдыма?

Will the letter be sent tomorrow?

Хат ертең жіберілеме?


Болымсыз сөйлемдер :

That book was not read.Ана кітап оқылған жоқ.

This work will not be finished next week.

Бұл жұмыс келесі жетіде бітпейді.


Төмендегі сөйлемдерді салыстырып талдау арқылы ырықсыз етістің қолданылуын, мағынасын айдын анғаруға болады :


Asanov built the bridge last year.

The bridge was built (by Asanov) last year.


Бірінші сөйлемде қимыл иесі (субъект)- Asanov бастауыш қызметінде,

оның қимылы – built баяндауыш (жай етіс) толықтауышты (the bridge) меңгеріп тұр. Яғни, бұл сөйлемде субъект те, предикат та, объект те - әрқайсысы өз орнында жеке сөйлем мүшесі болып тұр.


Баяндауыш ырықсыз етіс түрінде берілген екінші сөйлемде объект (the bridge) бастауыш ретінде жұмсалып, қимыл иесі сөйлемде айтымай немесе by қосымшасы бар толықтауыш (by Asanov) арқылы көрсетілген. Ырықсыз етісті сөйлемнің шақтары , сұраулы және болымсыз түрлері жай етісті сөйлемнің шақтарына, сұраулы және болымсыз түрлеріне

сәйкес жасалады.










space is explored

space is being explored

space has been explored


space was explored

space was being explored

space had been explored


space will be explored


space will have been explored



Салыстырыңыз :


Active Voice.      Passive Voice.


1. Peter the First founded our city in 1703

1. 1. Our city was founded by Peter the First in 1703


2. A lot of students study foreign languages at the University.

2. 2. Foreign languages are studied by a lot of students at the University.


3. I shall post the letter immediately.

3. 3. The letter will be postedimmediately




























Test 23/Тест № 23


1 The building ______ two years ago.


a)      destroyed

b)     was destroyed


2. I ______ by the news he had told me the day before.

a)      am surprising

b)     surprised

c)      was surprised

d)     am surprised


3.______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?


a)      Is … being met

b)     Will … be meet


4.The police ______ to me.


a)      is hands

b)     was handed

c)      will be handing


5. I ______ into buying a motorbike by Martha.


a)      was talked

b)     talk

c)      have been talked


6.Yesterday the whole programme ______ over to a report from Bosnia.


a)      has been given

b)     was given

c)      gave

d)     gives











7.A number of priceless works of art ______ in the earthquake.


a)      have been destroyed

b)     was destroyed

c)      has been destroyed


8. Because my visa had expired I ______ from re-entering the country.


a)      prevented

b)     am prevent

c)      prevent

d)     was prevented


9.It’s generally agreed that new industries ______ for the southern part of the country.


a)      are need

b)     are needed

c)      need


10. It’s incredible to think that these clothes ______ by Queen Victoria.


a)      wear

b)     are being worn

c)      were worn



















Leveled exercises 23

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 23


I level

I деңгей




1) The post is delivered every morning.

2) He is often sent parcels.

3) Coffee is imported from Brazil.

4) Those paintings were sold for 500 pounds each.

5) That is a good book. It was written by George Orwell.

6) The letter will be sent tomorrow.

7) The gob will be advertised in the morning paper tomorrow.



II level

II деңгей


Make the questions


1) We are given a lot of work to do

2) Footwear is sold in this shop

3) They are taught Spanish

4) The letter was brought in the evening

5) The key was lost some days ago

6) Steve will be told about it

7) The article will be typed today


III level

III деңгей


Paraphrase the following sentences.

Give two variants if possible.


Model :They often show us foreign films at the University.

1)We are often shown foreign films at the University.

2) Foreign films are often shown to us at the University.


1) They publish newspapers here.

2) They delive mail in the morning.

3) They showed the scientists a new research centre.

4) They paid him only part of the money.

5) I think I will  ask you to help them.

6) I will type the report in an hour








Answers Test 23

Жауаптар Тест № 23


1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a/c 6 b 7 a 8 d 9 b 10 c



Leveled exercises 23


1.      Нам дали много работы.

2.      Он всегда получает посылки.

3.      Кофе импортируют из Бразилии.

4.      Эти картины были проданы за 500 фунтов каждая.

5.      Это хорошая книга.

6.      Это интересная книга . Она была написана Д.Орвеллем.

7.      Письмо будет отправлено завтра.

8.      Вакансия будет опубликована в утренней газете завтра.




Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 23


I level

I деңгей



II level

II деңгей


1) Are you given a lot of work to do?

2) Is footwear sold in this shop?

3) Are they taught Spanish?

4) Was the letter brought in the evening?

5) Was the key lost some days ago?

6) Will Steve be told about it?

7) Will the article be typed today ?


III level

III деңгей


1) They publish newspapers here. The newspapers are published here

2) They deliver mail in the morning. The mail is delivered in the morning

3) They showed the scientists a new research center. A new research center was showed to the scientists

4) They paid him only part of the money. He was paid only part of money by them

5) I think you will be asked to help them.

6) The report will be typed in an hour










Test 21/Тест № 21


1.      My mother ____ a bad headache.

a)      have got

b)     am

c)      has got

2.      Where _____ the Johnsons (live)?

a)      do

b)     are

c)      does

3.      Margie and her sister ____ wonderful voices.

a)      does

b)     has got

c)      have got

4.      I (not/understand) ____ that man because I (not/know)____ English.

a)      not understand, don’t know

b)     don’t understand, not know

c)      don’t understand, don’t know

5.      ____ you ____ any time to help me? – Sorry, I ____

a)      Do you have, don’t

b)     Have you got, am not

c)      Do you have, have got

6.      Everybody in our family (help) _____ Mummy about the house. Dad (walk) ____ the dog, I (water) ____ the flowers, and my brothers (clean) ____ the rooms.

a)      help, walks, water, clean

b)     helps, walks, water, clean

c)      help, walks, water, cleans

7.      ____ Jane Smith (speak) ____ English?

a)      Is ... speak

b)     Does ... speak

c)      Do ... speak

8.      The Browns ____ a nice house in the country.

a)      has got

b)     have got

9.      ____ you (like) swimming?

a)      Do you like

b)     Does you like

c)      Are you like

10.  ____ Dad ____ any brothers or sisters?

a)      Have Dad got

b)     Does Dad have

c)      Does Dad has









Leveled exercises 20

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 20


I level

I деңгей


Select the correct form. Write your answer in the blanks.


1. I (study, studies) English every day.

2. John also (study, studies) English every day. …

3. Tran (go, goes) to the movies very often. …

4. I seldom (go, goes) to the movies. …




II level

II деңгей


Write “do” or “does” in the blanks


1. Where …. Helen work?

2. Where … you live?

3. What time … your lesson begin?

4. When … the next train arrive?

5. Why … they work so hard?

6. What time …you get up every morning?

7. Where … he go after the lesson?




III level

III деңгей


Change to the question form. Write the complete verb and subject.


1. He comes to school by bus.

2. They speak Spanish well.

3. He gets up early every morning.

4. The Browns eat dinner at home.

5. They like Mexican food.

6. He wants more time.









Answers Test 20

Жауаптар Тест № 20


1C       2A       3C       4C       5A       6A       7 B      8A       9A       10B



Leveled exercises 20



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 20


I level

I деңгей


1. I (study, studies) English every day. ….study

2. John also (study, studies) English every day. …studies

3. Tran (go, goes) to the movies very often. …goes

4. I seldom (go, goes) to the movies. … go



II level

II деңгей


1. Where does Helen work?

2. Where do you live?

3. What time does your lesson begin?

4. When does the next train arrive?

5. Why do they work so hard?

6. What time do you get up every morning?

7. Where does he go after the lesson?



III level/ III деңгей



1. He comes to school by bus. Does he come?

2. They speak Spanish well.  Do they speak?

3. He gets up early every morning. Does he get up?

4. The Browns eat dinner at home. Do the Browns eat dinner at home?

5. They like Mexican food. Do they like?

6. He wants more time. Does he want?




























































Theme 24 THE Modal Verbs


Ағылшын тілінде көп қолданылатын модальды етістіктер: can = be able to, had better, may, must = have to, ought to, should, will, would, need. Олар істің істелуіндегі мүмкіндікті, істей алушылықты, ықтималдықты және қажеттілікті көрсетеді.

Модальды етістіктердің ерекшеліктері

“s`жалғауын жалғамайды

She must study. (Right sentence: She musts study). 




1. Қабілет

I can play the piano. He can finish his work next week

2. Өтініш және рұқсат сұрау

Could you help me with my English home work please?

Could I borrow your calculator?

Can I use your pen?

3. Мүмкінділік ықтималдылық

You could win a million pounds!

4. Күмән, сенімсіздік

They can’t be strangers.

Can it be 10 o’clock already? – It can’t be 10 o’clock.

5. Кінә тағу

He could have invited us. You could be more polite.




1.Мүмкінділік ықтималдылық

One day all your dreams may come true.

It may rain later.

The lights are still on. Aigul may have forgotten to turn them off.

2. Өтініш және          рұқсат сұрау

May I see the letter? – Yes, you may.May I take your photo? – No, you may not.

3. Болжам

It may be true, but we are not sure.They may have done the work.

4. Кеңес (might модальді етістігіменқолдынылады).

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time.

He might have warned us about it. Now it`s too late.






1. міндеттілік қажетілік

Car drivers must drive slowly in towns. I must find a hotel to stay at tonight.

2. Тыйым салу

You must not tell anyone what I said. You mustn’t park here.

You mustn’t play on the railway track.

3. Мүмкіндік

He must know his address. Where is he? – He must be walking in the garden.


HAVE TO  модальді етістігі




Істелінетін істің қажеттілігін міндеттілігін көрсету үшін

In England you have to drive on the left.

I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.


BE TO модальді етістігі




1. Міндет (келісім, жоспар бойынша)

The director was to sign the contract. Директор

Келісімшартқа қол қою керек еді.

2. Бұйрық, тыйым салу

You are to report to the teacher.

You are not to come here! (Сізбұлжергекелмеуіңізкерек).

3. Шарасыздық

It was to happen


SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER модальді етістігі


should + infinitive (to демеулігінсіз)

ought to + infinitive

You should help him. He shouldn`t be so shy.

You ought to do your best. She ought to help her parents.



1. Кеңес беру, өзіндік пікір айту,

(басқа адамдардың алдындағы борыш)

(бұл мағынада shouldмодальді етістігі ought to етістігіне қарағанда көбірек қолдынылады).

You should be friendly to people

You ought to / should revise for you test.

2. Кінә тағу, рұсқау беру

He ought to help his parents.They should consult a doctor.





















































Тест № 24


1. Choose the right variant:

Why didn`t you help him? You ____ have done it.

a)      must             d) were to

b)     can               e) was able to

c)      could

2. Choose the right variant:

But I ____ stay in England for six month, and not for a fortnight as I had planned.

a)      had to           d) shall have

b)     can               e) am able to

c)      can

3. Choose the right variant:

Last week I ____ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of Education had asked me to come.

a)      had to           d) could 

b)     might           e) was able to

c)      should

4. Choose the right variant:

If one person is careless with a library book, then it ____ be read others.

a)      can`t             d) can

b)     couldn`t       e) mightn`t

c)      may

5. Choose the right variant:

People who knows a foreign language ____ learn a second one easily.

a)      may              d) must

b)     had to           e) am able to

c)      have to





6. Choose the right variant:

_____ I have a word with you, please?

a)      may              d) must

b)     had to           e) am able to

c)      have to



7. Choose the right variant:

At first I _____ skate well, I _____ .

a)      couldn`t / can          d) may / can

b)     mustn`t / can           e) should / shouldn`t

c)      must / needn`t

8. Choose the right variant: 

She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked.

a)      must             d) had to

b)     may              e) could

c)      can

9. Choose the right variant:

I didn`t want to go there but I _____ .

a)      must             d) can`t

b)     might           e) had to

c)      shall

10. Choose the right variant:

10. You … take care of your parents.

a)      Will      d) Are to

b)     Shall                 e) May

c)      Ought to









Leveled exercises № 24 / Деңгейлік тапсырма № 24


I level/I деңгей


1 Make questions then ask a partner. Write your partner's answers.

a)play chess                            Can you play chess...............................................?

                                                   yes, I can/no, I can’t............................................

b)play tennis                                        ............................................................................?

c)use a computer                    .............................................................................?

d)cook                                    .............................................................................?

e)play the piano                      .............................................................................?

f)run fast                                            .............................................................................?

g)ride a bike                           .............................................................................?

h)speak French                       .............................................................................?


II level/II деңгей

2 Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use might, can’t or must

a) Perhaps it will rain.                                               It might rain…………………..

b) I’m sure this is right.                                             ………………………………

c) Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow.                 ………………………………          

d) I’m sure that isn’t the answer                    ………………………………

e) I’m sure this is the pace                             ………………………………

f) Perhaps I won’t come to your party          ………………………………

g) I’m sure you’re not serious!                                  ………………………………

h) I’m sure we are early.                                            ………………………………



III level/III деңгей

3 Put one suitable word in each space.

a)That was a long walk! You.......must.......be tired.

b)Sorry I was away yesterday. I......................to go to the hospital.

c)Will you be......................to give me some help tomorrow?

d)Do you......................to go now?

e)Peter................ride a bike when he was seven.

f)Mary......................be in her bedroom. The light is on.

g)Students......................not leave their bicycles near this door. It is forbidden.

h)We......................to try very hard, but we succeeded in the end.

i)Kate is only six, but she......................swim very well.

j) Everyone......................be here at 8.30. Don't be late!












Answers Test № 24

Жауаптар Тест № 24


1.a  2.b  3.e  4.b  5.a  6. a  7. a  8. e  9. a  10.a




Leveled exercises № 24



Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 24


I level/I деңгей


a) Can you play chess

Yes, I can/No, I can't.

b)  Can you play tennis

Yes, I can/No, I can't.

c)   Can you use a computer

Yes, I can/No, I can't.

d)  Can you cook

Yes, I can/No, I can't.

e)   Can you play the piano

Yes, I can/No, I can't.

f)   Can you run fast

Yes, I can/No, I can't,

g) Can you ride a bike

Yes, I can/No, I can't,

h) Can you speak French

Yes, I can/No, I can't.


IIlevel/II деңгей


a) It might rain.

b)  This must be right.

c)  I might see you tomorrow.

d)  This can't be the answer.

e)  This must be the place.

f)   I might not come to your party.

g)  You can't be serious!

h) We must be early.


III level/ III деңгей

3.a) must         f)  must

b)  had                   g) must

c)   able                  h) had

d)  have                 i)   can

e)   could                j)   must



Theme № 25  THE Gerund


Герундий етістік пен зат есімнің ерекшеліктерін байланыстыратын етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Герундий кез-келген ағылшын етістігінің инфинитив формасына – ing жалғауы жалғау арқылыжасалады. Герундийде етістік пен зат есімнің белгілері болады. Оның етістік сияқтышағы, етіс категориялары бар. 

Герундийдің сөйлемдегі қызметімен қолданылуы

Subject – Бастауыш Playing tennis is fun.   Smoking is bad for you. 

Part of a compound nominal predicate Етіс болатын баяндауыш

Her greatest pleasure is travelling. My favorite activity is swimming.

ObjectТолықтауыш We enjoy playing tennis. I hate smoking.


I had the pleasure of reading in the newspaper of your success. There are different ways of obtaining this substance. 

Adverbial modifierПысықтауыш She walked out of the room smoking.

In writing the test the student made some mistakes. 

Етістік-ing формасында герундий (gerund)де, есімше

(participle I) де бола алады, бірақ олардың мағыналары әртүрлі.

A waiting room ( a room for waiting) – бастауыш

A waiting train (a train that is waiting)  - есімше

A sleeping pillгерундий

A sleeping childесімше


ГерундийIndefinite, PerfectшақтарындажәнеActive, Passiveетісформаларындакеледі.

Form Indefinite

Active cleaning

Passive being cleaning


having cleaned

having been cleaned


►Егер герундий іс-әрекетті жасаушы қызметін атқаратын болса, онда герундий Active формасында қолданылады.

Ruslan likes washing his cat.

I remember having told the news.

Not knowing what to do, I went home.




Тест № 25

1.Бұл сөйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тұр? Her greatest pleasure was swimming. 

a)      пысықтауыш          d) толықтауыш

b)      баяндауыш             e) бастауыш

c)      анықтауыш

2. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: Watching

a)      Indefinite Infinitive Active             d)Participle 2

b)      Gerund                                             e) Progressive Infinitive 

c)      Infinitive Passive

3. Герундий сөйлемді табыңыз:

a)      He admitted stealing.

b)      She was stealing the money from father`s pocket.

c)      I saw her stealing the money.

d)      She has been stealing my thoughts.

e)      He is going to steal her this evening. 

4. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: Giving

a)      Indefinite Infinitive Active             d) Participle 2

b)     Gerund                                            e) Progressive Infinitive 

c)      Infinitive Passive

5. Бұл сөйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тұр? She was fond of drawing when she was a child.

a)      пысықтауыш d) толықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш     e) бастауыш

c)      анықтауыш

7. Бұл сөйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тұр? Reading is her hobby.

a)      пысықтауыш          d) толықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш             e) бастауыш

c)      анықтауыш


8. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: I was accused of stealing money from my teacher.

a)     Adjective     d) Participle 2

b)     Gerund         e) Progressive Infinitive

 c) Infinitive 

9. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: Cleaning

a)      Infinitive Perfect     d) Participle 2

b)     Gerund         e) Infinitive Passive 

c)      Infinitive Simple

10. Бұл сөйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тұр? Driving is pleasant.

a)      пысықтауыш          d) толықтауыш

b)      баяндауыш             e) бастауыш


Leveled exercises № 25

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 25

I level/I деңгей

1 Complete the sentence for each picture.

IIlevel/II деңгей

2 Rewrite each sentence so that it starts with a gerund (-ing).

a) It's tiring to study late at night.                  Studying  late  at  night  is  tiring

b) It's hard to get up early                              ............................................................

c) It takes time to learn a language.               ...........................................................

d) You are forbidden to park here.                ...........................................................

e) It's interesting to visit other countries       ............................................................

f) You are not allowed to talk.                                  ...........................................................

g) It's not necessary to book a table.             ...........................................................

h) It's wrong to copy other people!               ...........................................................

i) It's relaxing to listen to music.                   ...........................................................

III level/III деңгей

1 Complete each sentence with a gerund (-ing). Use the verb in brackets.

a) Kate is good at (run) ...running..................

b) (take)................................a long walk is relaxing.

c) What do you think of (collect)................................stamps ?.

d) (eat)................................too much isn't healthy.

e) All my friends like (play)................................basketball.

f) (shout)................................at people is rude!

g) Is Harry interested in (sail)................................?

h) (cross)................................the road here is dangerous.

i) Do you feel like (go)................................to the cinema?

j) (jog)................................is good for you.

Answers Test № 25

Жауаптар Тест № 25


1.e  2.b  3.a  4.d  5.a  6. b  7. e  8. b  9. b  10.e




Leveled exercises № 25


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 25


I level/I деңгей


 a) swimming

b)  watching TV

c)  riding his bike/cycling

d)  running

e)  doing the washing up

f)   painting


II level/II деңгей


a) Studying late at night is tiring.

b)  Getting up early is hard.

c)   Learning a language takes time.

d)  Parking here is forbidden.

e)  Visiting other countries is interesting.

f)   Talking is not allowed.

g)  Booking a table is not necessary,

h) Copying other people is wrong,

i)   Listening to music is relaxing.

j)   Smoking is not allowed.



III level/III деңгей



a) running           f)   Shouting

b)  Taking             g) sailing

c)   collecting        h) Crossing

d)  Eating             i)   going

e)   playing            j)  Jogging









Ағылшын тілінде инфинитив жақты, шақты, райды көрсетпей, іс-әрекеттің іске асуын тек қана айтатын етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Инфинитив не істеу? Не жасау? Деген сұрақтарға жауап береді. Әдетте инфинитив “to` демеулігімен қолданылады.


Инфинитивтің сөйлемдегі қызметімен қолданылуы Subject – баяндауыш функциясын атқарады

       To make mistakes is easy. (Old English)

       It`s easy to make mistakes. (Modern English)

       To wait for people who are always late makes me angry. 

       It makes me angry to wait for people who are always late.

       It was difficult to confess that I had stolen her money. 


Object – тура толықтауыш функциясын атқарады

       Police warned us not to go there.

       She asked me to wait a little.

       She wants to dance.

       She wants him to help her. 


Attribute – анықтауыш функциясында: зат есімнен кейін келеді немесе wish, desire, decide, need етістіктерінен жасалған зат есімнен кейін

       I have to wish to change. (=I don`t wish to change)

       I told her about my decision to leave. I told her that I had made decision to leave. 

       Is there any need to ask Kamila? Do we need to ask Kamila? 


Инфинитив анықтауыш функциясын атқарғанда the first, the second, the third, the last, only сөздерінен кейін жиі кездеседі

       Who was the first person to climb Everest without oxygen?  • She`s the only scientist to have won three Nobel prizes. 

Adverbial modifiers of purpose – пысықтауыш функциясында

1) мақсат пысықтауыш

       I sat down to rest.

       I am going to Australia to learn German. 

       To switch on, press the red button. 

Сөйлемде инфинитив алдында so as to немесе in order to деген жалғаулықтар тұруы мүмкін.

       He got up early in order to have time to pack. 

       I moved to a new flat so as to be near my work.  So as және in order көбіне болымсыз сөйлемдерде кездеседі.

       I`m going to leave now, so as not to be late. 

2) мекен пысықтауыш to, enough сөздерімен

       I don`t know him well enough to ask him for help.

       I was too young to understand what was happening. 


Part of a compound nominal predicate – есімсөздікүрделібаяндауыш

       Her dream was to become an actress.

       To travel means to enlarge your horizons.


Part of a compound verbal predicate – етістікті күрделі баяндауыш (begin, start, continue, cease, used to, would)

       He began to speak about his plans.

       She started to make tea sandwiches. 

Инфинитив формасы

Өзінен кейін тура толықтауыш қабылдайтын инфинитивтің негізгі етісте төрт формасы, ырықсыз етісте екі формасы бар. Өзінен кейін тура толықтауыш қабылдайтын инфинитивтің негізгі етісте екі формасы бар.


Етіс шақ



Indefinite (Simple)

to give

to be asked


to be giving


Perfect / (past)

to have given

to have been asked

Perfect continuous

to have been giving



Infinitive to демеулігімен

Infinitive әдетте to демеулігімен қолданылады: to buy, to write, to run etc. Infinitive to демеулігімен келесі етістіктерден кейін қолданылады:

       afford: I can`t afford to buy it.

       agree: They agreed to help us.

       appear: She appears to be tired.

       arrange: I will arrange to meet you at the airport. 

       ask: He asked to come with us.

       can’t bear: I can`t bear to wait in long lines.











Test №26

1. Put the verb in right form: It`s nice … work.

a)      to having finished   d) to have finished

b)      had finished             e) being having

c)      to have been finishing             finishing

2. Find the Indefinite (Simple) from the verb “understand”: It`s nice … work.

a)      to having finished   d) to have finished

b)      had finished             e) being having

c)      to have been finishing                 finishing

3. Put the verb in the right form: That dog seems … (be) friendly.

a)      to be             d) to being

b)      to have         e) have being

c)      be

4. Put the verb in the right form: I promised … (not be) late.

a)      to not be.      d) not to be

b)     to be not.      e) not having been 

5. To make mistakes is easy.

a)      анықтауыш             d) пысықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш e) бастауыш

c)      толықтауыш

 6. I have phoned you to ask for advice. 

a)      анықтауыш             d) пысықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш e) бастауыш

c)      толықтауыш

7. It`s too hot to wear coat.

a)      Riding a horse is very exiting.

b)     They seem to have been cleaning this house for a long time.

c)      I am glad to have seen him.

d)     To know our history well is necessary on the exam. 

8. I have phoned you to ask for advice. 

a)      анықтауыш             d) пысықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш      e) бастауыш

c)      толықтауыш

9. He gave me a book to read.

a)      анықтауыш             d) пысықтауыш

b)     баяндауыш   e) бастауыш

c)      толықтауыш

10. Инфинитив толықтауыш функциясын атқарып тұрған сөйлемді көрсетіңіз:

a)                  to have a lot of money is my dream

b)                 I hate making silly mistakes.

e) Our target is to enter

the university  


c)     My duty is to tidy the house.

d)           I want to drink a cup of tea.













































Leveled exercises № 26

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 26


I level / I деңгей

Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives. Use prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

        1. There is no point (worry) about these things.

2. Do you want me (order) a long-distance call?

3. Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth.

4. I've seen him (leave) the office early this afternoon. He seemed (be) unhappy about something.

5. She didn't succeed (be) economical.

6. Would you mind (look up) his telephone number?.


II level/II деңгей

Choose the right variant with the following verbs.

1. Remember (to look/looking) ahead when driving.

2. When you go on that mission please remember (to point out/pointing out) to people there that our stand on this issue remains the same. I won't fail to do that.

3. Do you remember (to meet/meeting) them last summer?

4. Remember (to phone/phoning) as soon as arrive.

5. The policeman asked me if I clearly remembered (to lock/ locking) the door before I went to bed.

6.1 remember (to pay/paying) him. I gave him two pounds.

III level/III деңгей

Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives.

1.1 don't remember (switch off) the TV set. I'd better (go) and (check) it.

2. The weather is very nice. Let's (go) for a swim. — I am not particularly good at (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead of (bathing)?

3. We stopped once (buy) some food, and then we stopped again (ask) the way.

 4. Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at home? — I'd like (go) out. I always enjoy (have) dinner at a restaurant.

 5.1 don't mind (travel) by bus but I hate (stand) if there are a lot of people. I think it's better (go) by tube.















Answers Test № 26

Жауаптар Тест № 26


1.d  2.d  3.a  4.c  5.a  6. b  7. b  8. b  9. b  10.b



Leveled exercises № 26


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 26


I level/I деңгей

1)     in worrying; 2) to order; 3) giving, to swear; 4) leave/leaving, to have been; 5) in being; 6) looking up;


II level/II деңгей


A 1) to look; 2) to point out; 3) meeting; 4) to phone; 5) locking; 6) paying;


III level/III деңгей


      3.1) switching off, go, check; 2) go, swimming, going, bathing; 3) to buy, to ask; 4) dining, have, to go, having; 5) travelling, standing, to go;


























The Theme №27



Ағылшын тілінде есімше етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Ағылшын есімшесі сөйлемде анықтауыштың немесе толықтауыштың қызметін атқарады.

Есімше формалары

Өзінен кейін тура толықтауышты қабылдайтын етістіктердің негізгі етісте екі есімше формасы және ырықсыз етісте есімше формасыбар.






Being written





Having written

Having been written


Есімшенің қолданылуы

Present Participle Active (Participle I)

Present Participle Active (Participle I) етістіктің инфинитив формасына (to бөлшегінсіз) –ing жалғауын жалғау арқылы жасалады.

to cry – crying, to fall – falling, to make – making 

         1. Present Participle Active – баяндауышетістікпенқатаржүргеністібілдіреді.

  Who is the fat man sitting in the corner?

  You cannot sit watching television all day.

  He is lying in bed reading a novel.

2. Present Participle  затесімненкейінанықтауышфункциясынатқарады:

  I love to look at falling leaves 

  The screaming children were playing in the kindergarten.

Present Participle пысықтауыш функциясын атқарады:

a) мезгіл пысықтауыштың алдында әдетте while немесе

when келеді:

       While doing gymnastics I injured my knee. (=While I was doing.)

       Opening the bottle, Mike poured the drinks. (=When Mike opened the bottle, he poured.)

ә) себеп-салдар пысықтауыш:

       Knowing her pretty well, I realized something was wrong. (= As I knew her pretty well.)

       Not wishing to continue her studies, she decided to become a hairdresser.

б) қимыл-сын пысықтауыш:

       He walked down the road limping. 


Perfect Participle Active

Perfect Participle Active  Present Participle формасындағы көмекші етістік to have және Present Participle формасындағы негізгі етістік арқылы жасалады (having asked).  

Test №27

1. Choose the right participle: A … vase

a)      to breaking d) to break

b)     breaking       e) to broken

c)      broken

2. Choose the right verb: I went to see how she was and found her …. .

a)      laughed        d) were laughing

b)     laughing       e) laughs

c)      has been laughing 3. Choose the right participle: The …. day

a)      followed      d) followed

b)     follow          e) following

c)      following

4. Choose the right participle: A … guest

a)      to come        d) has coming

b)     come            e) came

c)      coming

5. Choose the right participle: … people

a)      Being shouting        d) Has Shouted

b)     Shouting                  e) Shout

c)      Shouted

6. Choose the right participle: She says she`s got heart.

a)      breaking       d) broken

b)     break            e) breaks

c)      having break

7. Choose the right participle: A meat …. animal

a)      had eaten     d) eating

b)     eat                e) to eat

c)      is eaten

8. Choose the right participle: “The … Beauty”

a)      Sleeped        d) Having Slept

b)     Slepted         e) Slpet

c)      Sleeping

9. Choose the right participle: A … dog.

a)      losing           d) losed

b)     lost              e) losting

c)      lose

10. Choose the right participle: He is well …. in the art world.

a)      have known d) knowing

b)     knew                       e) known




Leveled exercises № 27

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 27


I level/I деңгей

Open the brackets and use the correct form of Participle I.

1. That night, (go) up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty.

2. She smiled (remember) the joke.

3. A new road will soon be built (connect) the plant with the railway station.

4. He speaks like a man (take) his opinion of everything.

 5. (Not know) that she could trust them she did not know what to do.

6. And (say) this he threw himself back in the armchair.


II level/II деңгей

Paraphrase the following using Participle II.

Example: These are only a few of the attempts, which were made to improve the situation. These are only a few of the attempts made to improve the situation.

1. The new job, which has been offered to me lately, seems to be very interesting.

2. He could not recognize the square, which was rebuilt, while he was away.

3. The news, which you've brought to us, is exciting.

4. The things that are left behind by passengers are usually taken to the Lost Property Office.

5. The animals, which were Caught in the morning, struggled furiously.

6. The answer, which had been so long expected, came at last.


III level/III деңгей

Find and correct fifteen mistakes in the spelling of the following present participles.

copiing, putting, translateing, telling, closing, sitting, seing, giving, meetting, being, forgeting, lieing, getting, filing, swimming, betting, quiting, spreadding, eatting, begining, paing, openning, cutting, forbiding, laying, splitting, winning, dying, stoping














Answers Test № 27

Жауаптар Тест № 27


1.b  2.b  3.e  4.c  5.b  6. a  7. d  8. e  9. a  10.e



Leveled exercises № 27


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 27


I level/I деңгей

1) going; 2) remembering; 3) connecting; 4) taking; 5) not knowing; 6) saying;


II level/II деңгей

1. The new job offered to me lately seems to be very interesting.

 2. He could not recognize the square rebuilt while he was away.

 3. The news brought to us is exciting.

4. The things left behind by passengers are usually taken to the Lost Property Office.

 5. The animals caught in the morning struggled furiously.

6. The answer, so long expected, came at last.

III level/III деңгей

' copying, translating, seeing, meeting, forgetting, lying, flying quitting, spreading, eating, beginning, paying, opening, forbidding, stopping


















 Theme №28 Many және Much есімдіктері


Many және much есімдіктері «көп» деген мағынаны білдіреді. Many саналатын, much саналмайтын зат есімдердің алдында қойылады. Олар әдетте сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде қолданылады

d)   Many people attended the meeting.

e)   Do you spend much time on your homework?

f)     There isn`t much tea left.

Many және much есімдіктері very, rather, too, so және as, how сөздерімен де қолданылады

There are very many illustrations in the magazine.

Arman has so many friends in Astana.

I have spent too much time on this translation.

Кейбір болымды сөйлемдерде„much` a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a good deal (of), a great deal (of)қолданылады

Many есімдігінің орнына a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of) қолдануға болады

We have plenty of time.

There are plenty of English books on the library.



(A) little және (A) few есімдіктері

A few

a) Asem has been here only two weeks, but she has already made a few friends. 

(Асемнің бұл жерге келгеніне екі апта болса да оның бірнеше досы бар)

a) I feel sorry for her. She has few friends. 


Fewжәнеa fewесімдіктерісаналатынесімдерменқолданылады


Few – „аз`

A few – «бірнеше» дегенмағынаныбілдіреді

A little




I`m very pleased. I have a little money (Мен өте қуаныштымын. Менің біраз ақшам бар).

I have little money. I don`t even have enough money to buy some food. 

Little, a little



Little – „азғана, жеткіліксіз`a little – «біраз» дегенмағынаныбілдіреді



Test №28

1. Choose the right pronoun.

That is the girl ____ brother came to see ____ 

a)      that / we       d) whom / its

b)     whose / us    e) what / us

c)      which / they

2. Choose the right pronoun.

If ____ has ____ questions, I`ll be pleased to answer them.

a)      someone / any         d) anyone / none

b)      anyone / any            e) someone / none  

c)      none / any

3. Choose the right pronoun.

I haven`t read ____ of these books but George has read _____ of them.

a)      none/some   d) any / any

b)      no / some     e) any / no

c)      any / some

4. Choose the right pronoun.

That pen isn`t _____ . ______ is a green one.

a)      my / my       d) I /me

b)      his / he         e) her / its

c)      mine / mine

5. Choose the right pronoun.

If this hat is ____, where have you put _____ ?

a)      your / mine d) ours / their 

b)      his / hers      e) hers / my 

c)      mine / her

6. Choose the right pronoun.

_____ read the book and _____ took it to the library.

a)      he / me         d) she / her

b)      I / he            e) we / them 

c)      you / her

7. Choose the right pronoun.

He keeps trying although there is _____ chance of success.

a)      much            d) a little

b)      few               e) a few

c)      much


8. Choose the right pronoun.

There are many clocks in the office but _____ of them work properly.

a)      little d) a little

b)      few   e) a few

c)      much

9) Choose the right pronoun.

She wasn`t very hungry. She has just had _____ soup.

a)      few   d) little

b)      a few            e)much

c)      a little

10. Choose the right pronoun.

There aren`t ______ jobs for young people.

a)      much            d) many

b)      a few            e) much 

c)      little


































Leveled exercises № 28

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 28


I level/I деңгей

Fill in the blanks with little, a little, few, a few.

1. I'd like to make___remarks in connection with the topic under discussion.

2.___peopJe realize how important it is to go in for sports.

3. This student has deep knowledge in English and besides he knows___ French.

4. He is a man of.___words.

5. Only___names remained in his memory, for this accident happened more than 20 years ago, 6. That lecture was so difficult thatonly___students could understand it.

7.1 had ___ hope of getting home tonight because I realized that I had lost my way.


II level/II деңгей

Fill in the blanks with how much or how many,

1.___ sugar have you put into my cup?

 2.___ spoons of sugar do you usually take with your tea?

 3.___homework do you get every day?

4.___cups of coffee do you drink a day?

5.___coffee did you drink yesterday?

6,___foreign languages do you speak?


III level/III деңгей

Fill in the blanks with much, many, a lot of.

1. There are a few bananas and___apples in the fridge.

2. She put___butter in the cake.

 3. Have you got ___homework? — Our teacher always gives us ___ homework.

4. We don't  need___eggs to cook this meal.

 5. He's made___progress in such a short time!

6. Arethere___unemployed people in your country?

 7. There are___oil deposits in Siberia.











Answers Test № 28

Жауаптар Тест № 28

1.b  2.a  3.c  4.e  5.c  6. b  7. d  8. d  9. e 10.d




Leveled exercises № 28


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 28


I level/I деңгей

1) a few; 2) few; 3) a little; 4) few; 5) a few; 6) a few; 7) little;


II level/II деңгей

l)much; 2) many; 3) much; 4) many; 5) much; 6) many; 7) much


III level/III деңгей


1) a lot of; 2) a lot of; 3) much, a lot of; 4) many; 5) a lot of; 6) many; 7) a lot of;




























Zero conditional

Қашандашындықтыбілдіретінжағдайдыкөрсетеді.  Form:

If + present simple / present simple If the sun shines the snow melts.


First conditional

Болуы мүмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді. Іс-әрекет осы немесе келер шаққа қатысты.

Қазақ тілінде басыңқы және бағыныңқы сөйлемде келершақ қолданылады. Ағылшын тілінде бағыныңқы сөйлемде (if clause) present simple қолданылады.


If + present simple / will + simple form

       If I don`t eat breakfast, I will get hungry.

       If it rains, we will not go to the picnic.

       If we hurry, we`ll catch the bus. 

Басыңқы сөйлемде will көмекші етістігінің орнына модальді етістікті қолдануға болады


Second conditional

Бұл шарттың орындалуы екіталай және шындыққа келмейтін іс-әрекетті білдіреді.


If + past simple / would + infinitive

       If I won the lottery I would buy an expensive car.

       If I had enough money, I would travel around the world.

       If I were you, I would accept their invitation. 


Third Conditional (unreal past situations)


Өткен уақытта болмай қалған жағдайларды сипаттау үшін қолданылады. Олар шын фактілерге қарама қайшылықты білдіреді.


If + Past Perfect / would have + Past participle

         If you had told me about the problem., I would have helped you.

(But you didn`t tell me…)

         They would have passed the exam. If they had studied (But they didn`t study and failed the exam …)

         If the weather had been nice yesterday, we would have gone to the zoo. (But the weather wasn`t nice yesterday…) 




Test №29

1. Choose the right variant.If it rains, we _________ at home.

a)      would say                c) stay

b)      would have stayed   d) will stay 

2. Choose the right variant. If you _______ harder, you will fail the exam

a)      would not try                       c) do not try

b)      would not have tried           d) will not try

3. Choose the right variant. If you behave yourself, you _______ with us to the concert.

a)      would come             c) can come

b)      would have come    d) will come

4. Choose the right variant. If you do not work, you ________ holidays next week.

a)      would not have        c) do not have

b)      would have had       d) will not have

5. Choose the right variant. If you ______ anything, ask me.

a)      would need              c) need

b)      would have need     d) will need

6. Choose the right variant. If we are leaving soon, I _______ my coat.

a)      would get                 c) get

b)      would have got        d) will get

7. Choose the right variant. If I _________ the work by ten o`clock, I will be able to come.

a)      would finished                    c) have finished

b)      would have finished            d) will finish

8. Choose the right variant. If you have finished your homework, you _________ .

 a) would be able to go out       c) can go out

b) would have gone out            d) will go out

9. Choose the right variant. Eat less or you _________ fat.

a)      would get                 c) get

b)     would have got        d) will get

10.      Choose the right variant. If I ________ enough money, I would retire.

a)      would have             c) had

b)     would have had       d) will have











Leveled exercises № 29/Деңгейлік тапсырма № 29


I level/I деңгей

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or use will.

a)If Jack (not leave) ..doesn't  leave... now, he (miss)......will miss......his bus.

b)If Helen (work)........................hard, she (pass)........................her exams.

c)If it (rain)........................, we (go)........................into a shop.

d)If Mary (not practise)........................her French, she (not improve)

e)If you (not send)........................any invitations, nobody (come)

........................to the party.

f)If it (rain)........................tomorrow, we (not go)........................swimming.

g)If George (come)........................late, the teacher (be)........................angry.

h)If you (lend)........................me your dictionary, I (look up)........................

the word.

i)If I (see)........................Joe tomorrow, I (tell)........................him you want

to see him.

j) If Tina (go)........................to bed early, she (not feel)........................tired in

the morning.

II level/ II деңгей

2 Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence.

a)If you(press)/will press that button, a bell rings.

b)If you wear your coat tomorrow, you aren't/won't be cold.

c)If I feel/will feel tired, I go to bed early.

d)If you will come/come back next week, David will be here.

e)If it rains/will rain tomorrow, we'll stay at home.

f)If I go to university when I am older, I’ll work/work very hard.

g)If our teacher is/will be ill, we don't have a lesson.

h)If we leave/will leave early in the morning, we'll be on time.

i)If you go camping in the summer, I come/'ll come with you.

j) If we don't hurry/won't hurry, they'll sell all the tickets.


III level/III деңгей

2 Complete each sentence with a verb from the box. More than one answer may be possible.

Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: had      lived      met      robbed     saw       slept     were      won    would ask              would be       would buy       would call      would catch  would fly    would go       would visit 




a)Your friend has bad toothache. If I were you  I would go to the...........................dentist's.

b)Your friend can't decide whether to go to the cinema, or stay at home. If.....................................................................cinema.

c)Your friend wants to buy a new bike, but hasn't got any money. If.....................................................................my parents.

d)Your friend is having problems studying.


e)Your friend always feels tired in class, and sometimes falls asleep! If.....................................................................bed early.

f)Your friend is thinking of starting to smoke cigarettes.

If.....................................................................because it's bad for your health.

g)Your friend wants to take more exercise and be fit.



Answers Test № 29

Жауаптар Тест № 29

1.b  2.c  3.d  4.b  5.c  6. c  7. c  8. a  9. b 10.c



Leveled exercises № 29


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 29


I level/I деңгей


a) does 't leave, will miss

b)  works, will pass

c)  rains, will go

d)  doesn't practise, won't improve

e)   don't send, will come

f)   rains, won't go

g)  comes, will be

h) lend, will look up

i)   see, will tell

j)   goes, won't feel



II level

II деңгей


a) press                f)   'll work

b)  won't be          g) is

c)  feel                  h) leave

d)  come back       i)   'll come

e)   rains                j)   don't hurry


III level

III деңгей

a) met, would ask

b)  saw, would call

c)   had, would fly

d)  robbed, would catch

e)   won, would buy

f)   lived, would go

g)  slept, would be h) were, would visit

3    (Suggested answers)

a)  I were you, I would go to the

b)  I were you, I would go to the

c)   I were you, I would ask

d)  I were you, I would talk to your

e)   I were you, I would go to

f)   I were you, I wouldn't start smoking

g)  I were you, I would join





Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге өзгерткенде шақтардың қиысу ережесін есте сақтау керек,  яғни өткен шақтағы түрлері ғана болады.


Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге айналдыру жолдары


Direct Speech

Indirect “Reported” Speech


Present Simple

Past Simple

“She works hard,” he said. He said (that) she worked.

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she was working hard.

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.




Past Perfect Continuous

“She “She has been working hard,” he said. He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Simple

Past Perfect

“She worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

“She was working hard,” he said.

He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Perfect

Past Perfect (no change)

“She had worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Am/is/are going to

Was / were / going to

“She is going to work hard,” he said. He said (that) she was going to work hard.



“She will work hard,” he said. He said (that) she would work hard.



“She can work hard,” he said. He said (that) she could work hard.


Had to

“She must work hard,” he said. He said (that) she had to work hard. “”



“She may work hard,” he said. He said (that) she might work hard.






Test № 30

1. Choose the right variant. The teacher promised _______ .

a)      that we can learn three English songs.

b)     if we learn three English songs

c)      we would learn three English songs

d)     whether we would learn three English songs

e)      who will learn three English songs.

2. Choose the right variant.

Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Bill asked Nancy ___.

a)      if he will see an interesting film

b)     if he saw an interesting comedy lately

c)      what comedy Nancy saw lately

d)     if she had seen any interesting comedy lately

e)      if she would see an interesting comedy

3. Choose the right variant.

Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders _____ in the tree.

a)      if I saw a bird          d) whether I see a bird.

b)     that I saw a bird       e) if I have seen a bird

c)      if I had seen a bird

4. Choose the right variant.

“Will Tom help me?” she said. She asked __________

a)      will Tom help her                 e) that Tom would be

b)     if Tom would help her                        helping her

c)      whether he will help her

d)     whether would he help her

5. Choose the right variant.

Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?” Peter asked Alice __________ .

a)      she was busy                      d) if she wasn`t busy

b)     if she was busy then                                 then

c)      she would be busy              e) if she is busy

6. Choose the right variant.

My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”. My sister said that ___________ on an excursion to the lake.

a)      she hopes we will go                                               d) she hoped we were

b)     she didn`t hope that we shall                                        going

          go                                                                                 e) she hoped we can go

c)      she hoped they would go

7. Choose the right variant.

Teacher: “Tom, read the story, please`. Teacher asked Tom _________ .

a)      to read the story      d) whether he reads the

b)     read the story           story

c)      that he reads it         e) it he read the story

8. Choose the right variant.

“Whose birthday is it?” said Jane.

Jane asked whose birthday _______ .

a)      it is   d) is it

b)     it      e) it had been 

c)      it was




































Leveled exercises 30

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 30


I level/I деңгей

Change commands, requests, recommenda­tions into indirect speech.

Example: "Close the doqr," she asked me. — She asked me to close the door.

1. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 2. "Please do as I say," he begged me. 3. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr. Pitt said. 4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said. 5. "Do whatever you like," she said to us. 6. "Don't miss your train," she warned them. 7. "Read the document before you sign it," the lawyer said to his client.

II level/II деңгей

Change the following into indirect speech

1.      "I have something to tell you," I said to her.

2.       "I met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring," he said.

3.       "I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said.

4.      ."I've been to Turkey twice, but so far I haven't had time to visit Istanbul," said Robert.

5.       "It will be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," I replied.

6.       "The president is to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow," said the BBC announcer.

7.       "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 8. "We have bought a new flat. But we don't like it so much as our last one," said my cousin.



















Answers Test 30

Жауаптар Тест № 30

1.b  2.c  3.d  4.b  5.c  6. c  7. c  8. a  9. b  10.c



Leveled exercises № 30


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 30


I level/I деңгей

1. The raiders ordered the bank clerk to open the safe.

2. He begged me to do as he said. 3. Mr. Pitt told Peter to help his mother. 4. He told the children not to make too much noise. 5. She told us to do whatever we liked. 6. She warned them not to miss their train. 7. The lawyer told his client to read the document before he signed it.


II level/II деңгей

1.1 told her that I had something to tell her. 2. He said that he had met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning the spring before. 3. She told her mother that she was going to call again next day. 4. Robert said he had been to Turkey twice, but so far he hadn't had time to visit Istanbul. 5.1 replied to the doctor that it would be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, 6. The BBC announcer said that the president was to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow. 7. They said they had a lift but very often it didn't work. 8. My cousin said they had bought a new flat. But they didn't like it so much as their last one.





















“Used to do something” және be used to doing something”

Ағылшын тілінде“used to do something” конструкциясын бұрын дағдылы болған, бірақ қазіргі уақытта жасалынбайтын іс әрекетті білдіру үшін қолданылады.

       We used to live in a small village, but now we live in Astana.

       I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike. 

Болымсыз сөйлемде көмекші етістік did немесе not бөлшегі қолданылады

       We didn`t use to have computers (=We never used to have computers.)


“to be  used to + V ing” осы шақа қатысты «дағдылану» мағынасынасәйкескеледі

       I wasn`t used to wearing glasses – it seemed very strange at first.

       I am used to getting up early. 


„to be used to + V ing`конструкциясына „to get used to + V ing`синонимдес.

       Zhanar is getting used to live in the city. (She is becoming accustomed to live in the city)

       They will soon get used to cooking their own meals. 


„I`d like to do something`сөз орамы



















Test №31

1. Find the right variant of negative sentence. We used to live in Taraz.

a)         We didn`t used to live in             d) We had not live in Taraz.

b)        We not use to live in Taraz.          e) We used not to lived Taraz.

c)         We didn`t use to live in Taraz.

2. Find the right variant of negative sentence. I used to eat a lot of   chocolate.

a)                      I use not to eat a lot of   chocolate                             d) I didn`t use to eat a chocolate.

b)                      I didn`t used to eat a lot of   chocolate                      e) I used not to eat a lot chocolate.     

c)                      I not use to eat a lot of chocolate.

3. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some meat in the soup.

a)     are     

b)     be       d) wasn`t

c) „s         e) aren`t      

4.Choose the right form of the verb.  There … a lot of peach trees in our garden.

a)     be     d) are

b)     am    e) being  c) is

5. Choose the right form of the verb. There … many polar bears in Arctic.

a)      was d) am

b)     is      e) are 

c)      be

6. Find the right variant of negative sentence. My brother used to work as a shop assistant.

a)      My brother doesn`t used to work as a shop assistant.

b)     My brother  used to didn`t work as a shop assistant.

c)      My brother didn`t used to work as a shop assistant.

d)     My brother not used to work as a shop assistant.

e)      My brother don`t used to work as a shop assistant.

7. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some boys in the café.

a)      is      d) isn`t

b)     are    e) are

c)      was

8. Choose the right form of the verb.  … there any juice in the glass?

a)      be     d) am

b)     have e) are 

c)      is

9.Choose the right form of the verb.  There … a lot of milk in the bottle. Give me a little!

a)     was   d) were

b)     has    e) been  c) is

10. Choose the right form of the verb.  There … some potatoes and carrots in the bag.

a)      is      d) be

b)     are    e) was

c)      – 


Leveled exercises 31

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 31


I level/I деңгей

Change commands, requests, recommenda­tions into indirect speech.

Example: "Close the doqr," she asked me. — She asked me to close the door.

1. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 2. "Please do as I say," he begged me. 3. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr. Pitt said. 4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said. 5. "Do whatever you like," she said to us. 6. "Don't miss your train," she warned them. 7. "Read the document before you sign it," the lawyer said to his client.



II level/II деңгей

Change the following into indirect speech

1.      "I have something to tell you," I said to her.

2.       "I met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring," he said.

3.       "I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said.

4.      ."I've been to Turkey twice, but so far I haven't had time to visit Istanbul," said Robert.

5.       "It will be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," I replied.

6.       "The president is to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow," said the BBC announcer.

7.       "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 8. "We have bought a new flat. But we don't like it so much as our last one," said my cousin.


















Answers Test 31

Жауаптар Тест № 31

1.b  2.c  3.d  4.b  5.c  6. c  7. c  8. a  9. b  10.c



Leveled exercises № 31


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 31


I level

I деңгей

1. The raiders ordered the bank clerk to open the safe.

2. He begged me to do as he said. 3. Mr. Pitt told Peter to help his mother. 4. He told the children not to make too much noise. 5. She told us to do whatever we liked. 6. She warned them not to miss their train. 7. The lawyer told his client to read the document before he signed it.


II level

II деңгей

1.1 told her that I had something to tell her. 2. He said that he had met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning the spring before. 3. She told her mother that she was going to call again next day. 4. Robert said he had been to Turkey twice, but so far he hadn't had time to visit Istanbul. 5.1 replied to the doctor that it would be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, 6. The BBC announcer said that the president was to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow. 7. They said they had a lift but very often it didn't work. 8. My cousin said they had bought a new flat. But they didn't like it so much as their last one.
























The Theme №32 Types of the questions

                                            General questions (Yes/No questions) – Жалпысұрақ


Жалпы сұрақтар көмекші етістіктер немесе модальдік етістіктерден басталады.

a)   Do you speak English? – Yes, I do / No, I don`t.

b)   Can you swim? – Yes, I can / No, I can`t.






a book.




a book?



retur ned





returne d







the article



translat e

the article?
























translatio n in the evening





translatio n in the evening?


Special questions (WH – questions) – Арнайысұрақ


Арнайы сұрақ сұрау есімдіктері немесе үстеулерден басталып, сөйлеушілерге белгілі оқиғалар, құбылыстар туралы нақты және толық жауап, хабар алу керек болғанда қойылады.

Whom what, which, whose, when, why, where, how, how long, how big, how often, how much / how many есімдіктері арқылы жасалады.

a)   What did the teacher read to the students yesterday?

b)   How many books have you read? 







is reading

a book

at the window?


is lying


on the table?


Who and what questions

Who және what сөйлемде бастауыш немесе толықтауыш функциясын атқарады. Егер who немесе what  бастауыш  болса, онда көмекші етістіктер қолданылмайды.

  Who opened the window? (not Who did open the window?)

  What happened to your arm? (not What did happened to your arm?)


Disjunctive Questions (Tag questions)- Анықтаушы сұрақ


Анықтаушы сұрақ екі бөліктен тұрады: хабарлы және сұраулы. Бұл сұрақтың түрі хабарлы бөліктегі берілген сұрақты растау қажет болғанда қойылады. Егер сұрақтың бірінші бөлігі хабарлы формада келсе, екінші бөлігі болымсыз формада келеді, егер бірінші бөлігі болымсыз формада келсе, екінші бөлігі хабарлы формада келеді. Сұрақтың екінші бөлігі көмекші етістік немесе модальды етістік арқылы жасалады. Сұраулы бөлігі жалпы сұраққа ұқсас болғандықтан «солай емеспе», «ия» жауапты қажет етеді.

•You speak English, don`t you?

  You haven`t seen Joe, have you?

  БІРАҚ: I am not late, am I?



Alternative question – Баламасұрақ


Балама сұрақ негізінде екі жалпы сұрақтан тұрады. Мүмкін екі жауаптың бірін таңдауды қажет етеді, or жұрнағы арқылы жасалады. Сұрақтың екінші бөлігі әдетте толық емес болып қалады.   

       Do you like or (do you like) coffee? – I like tea. 

       Is he studying or (is he) working? – He is studying. 

       Do you want to see my mother or father? – I want to see your mother. 



















Test №32

1. Choose the right variant. The teacher promised _______ .

a)      that we can learn three English songs.

b)if we learn three English songs

c)we would learn three English songs

d)whether we would learn three English songs

e)who will learn three English songs.

2. Choose the right variant.

Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Bill asked Nancy ___.

a)      if he will see an interesting film

b)      if he saw an interesting comedy lately

c)      what comedy Nancy saw lately

d)      if she had seen any interesting comedy lately

e)      if she would see an interesting comedy

3. Choose the right variant.

Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders _____ in the tree.

a)      if I saw a bird               d) whether I see a bird.

b)      that I saw a bird            e) if I have seen a bird

c)        if I had seen a bird

4. Choose the right variant.

Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram?

Dick asked if ______ .

a)                  Lucy has received his telegram

b)                 Lucy has received his telegram

c)                  Lucy would receive his telegram

5. Choose the right variant.

Ann: Write down my address.

Ann asked me ________ .

d)                 Lucy will receive his telegram

e)                  Lucy received his telegram

a)      he wrote down my address

b)     to write down her address

c)      he had written her address

d)     she writes down her address

e) she wrote down his address

6. Choose the right variant.

He said, “I`m very busy today”. He said _______ .



a)                  he had been very busy that day

b)                 he is very busy today

c)                  he was very busy that day

7. Choose the right variant.

d)                 I`m very busy today

e)                  I had been very busy that day


Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” Lena asked ___________ .

a)                  where she had been the day before.

b)                 where she had been yesterday

c)                  where she was the day before


8. Choose the right variant.

He thought: “What am I going to do?” He thought _________ .

d)                 where she could be the day before

e)                  where she hasn`t been before

a)      what was he going to do

b)     what he was going to do

c)      what he is going to do

9. Choose the right variant.

Mother asked me __________ .

d)     it he was going to do

e)      what is he going to do

a)                  why I have spent all the money

b)                 that I had spent all the


c)                  if I had spent all the money

10. Choose the right variant.

“Don`t play in the street?”

d)                 when I spend all the money

e)                  if I will spend all the






























Leveled exercises 32

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 32


I level/I деңгей

Form the general questions.

Example: My brother likes skating. Does my brother like skating?

1. He translates a lot of letters into English.

2.1 had an early morning call at seven o'clock.

3. Little children like to ask many questions.

4. Their classes will last till four o'clock tomorrow.

5. I've already done this task.

6. She spends a lot of time on her English.

7. My children are at college. 8. They had supper at 7 o'clock.


II level/II деңгей

Example: She has already come. She has already соmе, hasn't she?

1.      They will return in a month. 2. Let's buy a loaf of bread. 3. Open the window. 4.1 am late. 5. There is a theatre in the centre of the city. 6. She has never been to the Zoo. 7.1 am right. 8. Don't go there

III level/III деңгей

Form the special questions to the words in bold type (the number of questions is given in brackets).

1. Example: He went to the theatre (3). — Who went to the theatre? What did he do? Where did he go?

2.      1, My working day lasts eight hours. (3) 2. They discussed a lot of articles on economics last weekend. (6) 3.1 have read this book in the original. (3) 4. They were watching TV when I came. (4) 5,1 was absent because I was ill. (2) 6. It took me two hours to get there. (2) 7. They are going to travel by car. (3)



















Answers Test 32

Жауаптар Тест № 32

1.b  2.c  3.d  4.b  5.c  6. c  7. c  8. a  9. b  10.c



Leveled exercises № 32


Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 32


I level/I деңгей

1. Does he translate many letters into English? 2. Did you have an early morning call at seven o'clock in the morning? "3- Do little children like to ask many questions? 4 Will their classes last till four o'clock tomorrow? 5* Have you already done this task? 6. Does she spend much time on her English? 7. Are your children at college? 8 Did they have supper at 7 o'clock?

II level/II деңгей

1) won't they; 2) shall we; 3) will you; 4) aren't I; 5) isn't there; 6) has she; 7) aren't I; 8) will you

                                                        III level/III деңгей

1. Whose working day lasts eight hours? What lasts eight hours? How many hours does your working day last? 2. Who discussed a lot of articles on economics last Weekend? What did they do? How many articles on economics did they discuss? What did they discuss? What subject did they discuss articles on? When did they discuss a lot of articles on economics? 3. Who has read this book in the original? What have you done (with the book)? What have you read? 4. Who was watching TV when I came? What were they doing when I came? What were they watching when I, came? When were they watching TV? 5. Who was absent? Why were you absent? 6. Who(m) did it take two hours to get there? How long did it take you to get there? 7. Who is going to travel by car? What are they going to do? How are they going to travel?






















The theme №34 Proverbs – Мақал мәтелдер

                      Knowledge is power – Білікті бірді жығады, білімді мыңды жығады

                  .• There is no royal road to learning – Оқу инемен құдық қазғандай

       No grass grows on his heel – Еңбекпен ер көгерер.

       Better late than never – Ештен кеш жақсы.

       East or West home is best – Өзүйім өлең төсегім.

       Experience is the mother of wisdom – Көржасағаннан сұрама, көп көргеннен сұра.

       Many men many minds – Қанша адам болса, сонша пікір.

       Good health is above wealth – Денсаулық зор байлық

       He who laughs at crooked man should walk very straight – Күлме досқа, келер басқа.

       No gain without pain – Бейнетсіз зейнет жоқ.

       Patience is a virtue – Сабыр түбісары алтын.

       Practice makes perfect – Көш жүрсе түзеледі.

       Promise is a debt – Ержігіттің екі сөйлегені - өлгені.

       Two heads are better than one – Ел мен көрген ел енбес.

       Look before you leap – Жеті рет өлшеп, бір рет кес.

       Let sleeping dogs lie – Жатқан жыланның құйрығын баспа.

       Many words hurt more than swords – Сөз сүйектен, таяқ еттен өтеді.

       Seeing is believing – Естігенге емес, көргенге сен.

       Nothing venture, nothing have – Әрекет болмай, берекет болмас.

       Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today -  Бүгін бітерісті ертеңге қалдырма.

       Never say die – Үмітсіз шайтан

       One man does not make a team – Жалғыздың үні шықпас, жаяудың шақы шықпас.

       Where there is a will there is a way – Іздеген мұратына жетеді

       All is not gold that glitters – Жылтыруықтың бәрі алтын емес

       All bread is not baked in one oven – Бес саусақ бірдей емес

       Good beginning makes good ending – Істің басы байлы болса, аяғы сайлы болар

       Be slow to promise and quick to perform – Уәде бердің айтыс жоқ, қолдан бердің қайтыс жоқ.

       Better be born lucky than rich – Таудай талап бергенше, бармақтай бақ бер.

       Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush – Аспандағы сұңқардан қолымдағы тұр ымтай жақсы

       Blind men can judge no colours – Соқыр тауыққа бәрі бидай

       By doing nothing we learn to do ill – Тамағы тоқтық, жұмысы жоқтық, аздырар адам баласын

       Clothes make the man – Адамның көр кішү берек


Test №34

1. End the proverb. Last, but not ….


a)      small

b)     big

c)      least


2. End the proverb. All is well that … .

d)     lost

e)      best

a)                  … you can do today.

b)                 … before pleasure.

c)                  … you see.


3. End the proverb.

Health is …

d)     … ends well.

e)      … makes bell.

a)      … money

b)     …  half a dollar

c)      … light 


4. End the proverb.

Every country has its … .

d)     … better than wealth

e)      … hospital 

a)      keys

b)     president

c)      knight


5. End the proverb.

Wear the old coat … .

d)     customs

e)      culture

a)      … and buy the new book.

b)     … than never.

c)      … and new boots.

d)     … and eat chips.

e)      and have a pleasure.

6. Мақалдың дұрыс баламасын табыңыз.  Өз үйім - өлең төсегім.

a)      Guests come with eating.

b)     A man can sit but once.

c)      East or West, home is best.

d)     Custom is a second nature.


7. End the proverb. A fly in the … .

e) A cat in gloves catches no mice.

a)      … words.

b)     … good as a rest.

c)      … home is best.

d)     … ointment.

e)      … I`ll scratch yours.




8. End the proverb.

Be slow to promise and quick to … .

a)      … advise     d) … perform

b)     … talk          e) … run

c)      … sleep


9. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Out of sight, out of …

a)      mind            d) hair

b)     heart             e) nose

c)      kidney


10. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Without a … 

a)      money          d) stitch

b)     problem       e) mouth

c)      hitch


































Leveled exercises 34

Деңгейлік тапсырма № 34


I level/I деңгей




Across, against, for, in, into, on, round, to, up, with

1.   I`ll send someone to call … the parcel on Thursday.

2.   You`ll have to work hard to keep …. with the rest of the class.

3.   Jean didn`t expect to come up … such difficulties. 4. It`s not fair. You`re always picking … me.

5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined … . 6. I came … one of your novels in a second – hand bookshop.


II level/II деңгей


 Қазақша балама сын беріңіз.

1.        Handsome is that handsome does. ______________

2.        Business before pleasure. ____________

3.        Better late than never. ______________

4.        Half a loaf is better than no bread. ___________

5.        So many men, so many minds. ___________

6.        Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. _________

7.        Everything is good in it`s season. ____________

8.        When the cat is away, the mice will play. _____________

9.        Something is better than nothing. _____________

10.   Live and learn. ______________

















The Theme №33 Country studying

      Дұрыс жауапты таңда:

     1 When did the Great Fire of London take place?

     a) 1566          b) 1768           c) 1516             d) 1666             e) 1856

     2 Who are  Prince William and Prince Henry’s parents?

Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer are.

Queen Victoria and Prince  Albert are.

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are.

Prince Anne and Captain Mark Phillips are.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillips are.

3 Nelson’s Column is situated  in …  in London.

a) Fleet Street             b) Downing Street          c) Trafalgar Square

d) Piccadilly Circus          e) Harley Street

4 In which city is Hollywood?

a) Los Angeles          b) San Francisco            c) Florida            d) New York


5 Lake  Loch  Ness is situated in …

a) Ireland             b) England            c) Wales        d) Australia      e) Scotland

6 London stands on the … .

a) Aire        b) Mississippi    c) Missouri       d) Thames         e) Avon

7 The Mississippi River is the …. Waterway in the United States.

a) smallest          b) great           c) greatest             d) livelier         e) highest

8 The capital of the United States is … .

a) San Francisco          b) New York          c) Washington, D.C.

d) Chicago            e) Los Angeles

9 The capital of Canada is …. .

a) Chester         b) New York           c) Washington           d) Canberra

e) Ottawa

10 What is the capital of Georgia?

a) Atlanta      b) Chicago      c) California      d) Los Angeles    

e) Washington

11 Whose monument stands in the center of  Trafalgar Square?

a)      Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

b)      John Glenn.

c)      Abraham Lincoln.

d)      Admiral Nelson.

e)      General Washington.

12 The first colonists in America started the tradition of …

a) Halloween          b) Memorial Day              c) Independence Day

d) St.Patrick’s Day              e) Thanksgiving Day

13 The word   Albion , the poetic name of Great Britain, means …

a) green              b) yellow           c) white            d) red            e) blue

14 Who was the first man on the Moon?

a) Valentina Tereshkova               b) Yuri Gagarin            c) John Glenn

d) German Titov          e) Neil Armstrong

15 The Statue of Liberty was a gift from:

a) Greece        b) Ireland             c) England          d) France         e) Turkey

16 Which beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?

a) Sutherlands           b) Anchel            c) Niagara             d) Victoria

e) Boyoma

17 Public schools in the USA are …, while in Britain  public school  means …

a) Private; fee-paying           b) Private fee-paying; free          c) Free

d) Free; free           e) Free; private fee-paying

18 Which is the biggest state of the USA?

a) Arizona         b) Florida         c) Alaska           d) California          e) Texas

19 The British money is …

a) dollars         b) pounds          c) franks          d) crones        e) British dollars  

20 What is the national emblem of England?

a) Maple leaf           b) Rose         c) Tulip             d) Violet        e) Shamrock

21 How many parts does Great Britain include?

a) 2              b) 5             c) 4             d) 6               e) 3

22 Which is Great Britain’s oldest university?

a) Cambridge            b) Oxford             c) London University

d) Leicester University               e) Birmingham University

23 What is the capital of Wales?

a) Edinburgh             b) Coventry            c) Cardiff             d) Belfast

e) Birmingham

24 In whose hands is the state power in Britain?

a) The queen or the king               b) Liberal Party            c) Parliament

d) Labor Party             e) Conservative Party































1.D 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.e11.a 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.e 16.e 17.e 18.e 19 d 20.d 21 c 22c 23c 24b




Ағылшын тілі пәні бойынша ОЖСБ барысына байқау тест тапсырмаларының  элементтік талдауы. ­­­­

 _____  оқу жылы


Өткізілген мерзімі: 














Үлгерімі %

































Жақсы  меңгерген тақырыптар:



Меңгермеген тақырыптар:



Қиындық тудырған тақырыптар:



Қатемен жұмыс:





"Достық" білім беру орталығы 

































Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер:

1. Государственная программа развития образования на 2011-2020 годы.

2. Инструкции по организации и проведению ПГК в СОО.

3. Учебная программа «Иностранный язык», «Английский язык» 5-9 классы, 2010 год.

4. Смакова К., Ким Е. Учебно-методическое пособие «Шың», Алматы 2007 год.

5. А.П.Новокрещенов. Сборник тестовых заданий по английскому языку для подготовки к ПГК, изд. ТОО «Келешек-2030», Кокшетау 2009 год.

6 Өтемісова Э. К. Ағылшын тілінен әдістемелік құрал/Э. К. Өтемісова, Ж. Ш. Жұбандықова, Г. А. Төрежанова. - 2009
















































































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Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к внешней оценке учебных знаний - ВОУД на русском и ОЖСБ на казахском, для школ с казахским языком обучения. Такие тесты проводятся после 9 класса. Тематический план охватывает темы, соответствующие требованиям учебной программы для 5-9 классов и стандарта образования Республики Казахстан. В него входят грамматические правила на казахском языке, уровневые упражнения (3 уровня сложности) и тестовые задания из 10 вопросов. Также включены темы по страноведению и пословицы. Ответы на упражнения и тесты прилагаются в конце пособия. Имеется рецензия ВУЗа.

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