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To be fit. 9 класс

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  • To be fitname different kind of sport
A                H             O...

    1 слайд

    To be fit

    name different kind of sport
    A H O V
    B I P W
    C J Q X
    D K R Y
    E L S Z
    F M T
    G N U

  • WHY PEOPLE DO SPORT?To become energetic and healthy
To make friends
To rest a...

    2 слайд

    To become energetic and healthy
    To make friends
    To rest and relax
    To become strong
    To lose weight
    To look athletic
    To have a good time
    To earn money
    To enjoy playing games
    To get rid of stress
    To win the prize
    To become famous
    To gain weight
    To become strong

  • Running dictation		I am 120 kilos and I want to lose weight. I usually have t...

    3 слайд

    Running dictation
    I am 120 kilos and I want to lose weight. I usually have tea and cakes for breakfast and I sometimes have bacon and eggs. I get hungry in the middle of the morning and I often eat a bar of chocolate or a sandwich. I usually have a big lunch of something like sausages, beans and chips at Fred’s Restaurant. For dessert I have ice-cream which I love. Before going to bed I usually have a cup of hot chocolate and some cakes.

  • What is in your fridge? 


What is the most im...

    4 слайд

    What is in your fridge?



    What is the most important thing in food? 
    Which of the vitamins is very important? 
    What do eggs and milk give us besides protein? 

  • How fit are you? 	1.How often do you eat chocolate or sweets? Every day (0)...

    5 слайд

    How fit are you? 
    1.How often do you eat chocolate or sweets? 
    Every day (0) once or twice a week (1) 
    Occasionally (2) very rarely (3) 
    2. How often do you eat fruit or green vegetables ? 
    Every day (3) once or twice a week (2) 
    Occasionally (1) very rarely (0) 
    3. How many hour’s sleep do you normally get at night ? 
    More than 12 (1) between 8 and 12 (3) 
    Between 5 and 8 (2) less than 5 (0) 
    4. How often do you play sport or do exercise ? 
    Every day (3) once or twice a week (2) 
    Occasionally (1) very rarely (0) 
    5. How many hours a day do you spend watching TV or videos ? 
    Less than 1 (3) between 1 and 3 (2) 
    Between 3 and 5 (1) more than 5 (0) 
    6. Which of these things would you like to do now ? 
    Eat a bar of chocolate (0) watch a video (1) 
    Go shopping (2) go swimming (3) 

  • What your score means: 

   1-5: You should change your lifestyle! 6-11: Thi...

    6 слайд

    What your score means: 

    1-5: You should change your lifestyle! 
    6-11: Think carefully about what you eat, and get a little more exercise. 
    12-15: You lead a healthy life. 
    16-18: You are very fit and healthy. Are you sure that you have given true answers ? 

  • 7 слайд

  • 8 слайд

  • 9 слайд

  • Дифференцированный подход:1 группа (сильная группа)- написать письмо о здо...

    10 слайд

    Дифференцированный подход:

    1 группа (сильная группа)- написать письмо о здоровом образе жизни своему другу.

    2 группа – приготовить собственное мнение – рассуждение о ведении здорового образа жизни 

  • Рефлексия  
 I wish you to be healthy. 
 I wish you to be happy.  

 I wish...

    11 слайд


    I wish you to be healthy. 

    I wish you to be happy. 

    I wish you…………….

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Краткое описание документа:

Приложение 1


How to Keep Fit


All people want to be strong, healthy and slim, that is to keep fit.

In my opinion the most important thing is sports. We should go in for sports regularly, do morning exercises, walk a lot. Physical activity keeps us fit. But physical activity is a great problem in big cities where people prefer to travel by car, by bus or by metro.

It is also important to spend more time outdoors, as fresh air does people a lot of good. People who live in big cities and breathe polluted air are not so healthy as people who live in the country-side, so it is very good to spend a week-end in the country, to walk to school, to play games outdoors.

Another important thing is eating healthy food. Such natural products as meat, fish, milk and all dairy products, fruit and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and protein which are necessary for a healthy body. We should keep a proper diet: eat more fruit and vegetables and avoid sweet things. It is very important to have regular meals – that is meals at regular times. We shouldn’t eat too much or too little: both is harmful for our health. If you don’t want to put on weight (to become stout), you shouldn’t eat after 6 o’clock. You’ll never lose weight if you eat before going to bed.

To keep fit it is necessary to lead a regular way of life, that is to have enough sleep, enough rest; to go to bed early and to get up early; to take a cold shower in the morning; not to smoke or take alcohol.

Of course, it is necessary to prevent illness. To do that we should consult the doctor regularly and be examined carefully. When the doctor listens to our heart lungs, feels our pulse, takes our blood pressure, examines our throat we can be sure that we are healthy and out of danger.

As for me, I know all the rules how to keep fit, but my life is very busy and I can’t always find time for sports or going for a walk every day. But I try to have regular meals to keep to a proper diet and eat healthy food. I think I lead a healthy way of life, that’s why I am hardly ever ill. If I am sometimes ill it takes me just a few days to recover because there is nothing serious with me.  




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    Кирия Тея Анатольевна
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    • Всего просмотров: 2014
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