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Theme: Seasons and weather Form: 7

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 Theme: Seasons and weather

 Form: 7

 The aims of the lesson:

 1.Develop pupil’s abilities in oral speech and reading;

 2.Introduce the new words and expressions concerning the theme;

 3.Practice the Future Simple Tense.

 Type of the lesson: A demonstrative lesson.

 Visual aids: an interactive board, the basic textbook, slide.

 The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment.

II.Phonetic drill.

 Teacher: Yes, it is autumn. Children, today we have a demonstrative lesson and the theme of our lesson is “Seasons and Weather”.

 The main aims is to review all lexical and grammar material we have learned. And you will be introduced with the new words     and expressions concerning the theme.

 You know rhymes about seasons. Now repeat the poem “Seasons”.

      Spring is green,

     Summer is bright,

     Autumn is yellow,

    Winter is white.

 Strategy “Association”.

 Teacher: Let’s think about the word “a year”. What does this word mean? How many seasons are there in a year.


Teacher Yes, four seasons. What are they?

Pupils: They are: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Teacher: You know, a year has 12 months. Let’s  remember what they are.

Pupils: 1.Winter months are…

2.Spring month are…

3.Summer moths are.

4.Autumn months are…

 IV. Work with the text. Listen and read.(Let’s learn new words)

1)In Great Britain we have 4 seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. We have 12 months in the year.

2)The winter months are December, January and February. They are cold. It usually snows in winter. Sometimes it’s freezing . At the end of the winter the snow melts. Spring is coming.

3)The spring months are March, April and May. In spring the days are longer and the nights  are  shorter than in winter. It gets warmer. The trees are in blossom – we can see a lot of flowers.

4)The summer comes. The summer months are June, July and August. Summer is the hottest season. It’s  usually sunny in the street but not always. Sometimes it’s  cloudy and it rains. Children do not go to school, they have summer holidays.

5) The last season is autumn. People in America call it “fall”. It’s  a nice season – warm and dry, but it often rains and it’s  sometimes windy.

      Leaves fall down from the trees. Birds fly away to warmer places. The end of autumn is cold. Winter is coming.

     It’s very interesting to see different kinds of  weather all the year round.

V. Post-reading: match the phrases, the months names and the pictures. Do you know the weather of the year?

1. Picture №1.                                            1. It`s cloudy

                                                                  It`s March.

2. Picture №2                                             1. It`s raining

                                                                  It`s October

3. Picture №3                                             1. It`s snowing.

                                                                  It`s January

4. Picture №4                                             1. It`s freezing

                                                                  It`s February

5. Picture №5                                             1. It`s very hot

                                                                  It`s July

6. Picture №6.                                            1. It`s windy.

                                                                  It`s November

7. Picture №7                                             1. It`s sunny

                                                                  It`s August

8. Picture №8                                             1. It`s hot

                                                                  It`s June


VI. Describe the weather. Make the sentences.


Last week


Today last


Three days ago

The weather













Very cold

Very hot


For example: 1. Last week it was sunny

2.   …

3.   …

VII. Physical minute

VIII. Checking up the home task. Ex. 5., p.84.

IX. Grammar: the Future Simple Tense. (Let`s learn new Grammar)

X. Listen the poem and recite it.


   «What are you going to do?»

1.     What are you going to do

When you are twenty-two?

I`ll write a story.

I`ll make a plane.

I`ll teach children

I`ll make rain.

2.     What are you going to be.

When you are twenty-three?

I`ll be a pilot

I`ll be a doctor

I`ll be a teacher

I`ll be a worker.

3.     Where are you going to be

When you are twenty-three?

I`ll be in London

I`ll be in Rome

I`ll be in Africa

I`ll be at home.

4.     What are you going to do

When you are one hundred and two?

I don`t know. Do you?

XI. Make up sentences. (Грамматиканы бекіту)

For example: What the weather will be like tomorrow?



Next week






it will











in our country

in our city

in London

in Almaty

in Russia

in England

in the country

in the USA

in Italy

XII. A game: «Who is quicker?»

XIII. Numerals. (Cardinal and Ordinal) Let’s repeat and read.


Cardinal.                                         Ordinal

Six                       the+six+th            the sixth

Ten                                                   the tenth

The seventh, the sixth, the fifth, the fourth

1-the first                                          20-the twentieth

2-the second                                     30-the thirtieth

3-the third                                        40-the fortieth

4-the fourth                                      50-the fiftieth

5-the fifth                                          100-the hundredth


XIV. «Can you count?» Guess the word. (Реттік сан есімдібекіту)

All together it will be

-the first letter of “winter”                                    w

-the seventh letter of “November”                        e

- the third letter of “Leave”                                   a

-the sixth letter of “August”                                 t

-the fifth letter of “March”                                   h

-the fourth letter of “June”                                    e

-the second letter of “freezing”                              r

XV. Homework:

-to write a composition about your favourite season;

-Ex.11 p.86 (read)

XVI. Dialogue. Listen to the dialogue and do the tasks. (Michael+Ally)

Ally: -Do you like autumn, Michael?

Michael: -No, I don’t. I think it’s a dull season. The grass is yellow. The leaves fall down from the trees. It often rains. It’s often cold. No, I don’t like autumn. But I like winter and summer.

Ally: -Do you?

Michael: - Yes, I do, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter. And we don`t go to school. You can have a lot of fun in summer.

Ally: - And why do you like winter, I wonder?

Michael: - Oh, in winter you can have a very good time, too. I can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! I think that winter is a beautiful season. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderful in winter.

Ally: - Well, but I like autumn! I think that forests are more beautiful in autumn than in winter – the leaves in the trees are of different colours – green, yellow, orange, red and brown. They look beautiful! And autumn is a “tasty” season – there are a lot of vegetables and fruits in autumn.

Michael: - And what about spring. Do you like it?

Ally: - Оh, yes, I like it very much, too. The leaves are small and green. The grass is green, too! It`s warm in spring. I usually enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. Well I think all the seasons are beautiful.

 Michael: - In two or three months we`ll have summer holidays. What will you do, Ally?

Ally: - I`ll go hiking with my sister with my sister. It`ll be my first time. And you?

Michael: - I`ll go to the country to visit my granny.

 Ally: - Oh, that`s great!


XVII. Answer the questions.

1.     What did Michael say?

2.     What did Ally say?
















·        Autumn is a dull season

·        I like summer, because we don`t go to school in summer

·        There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in autumn

·        I usually enjoy the spring sun

·        Autumn is a tasty season

·         We can enjoy skiing, skating, playing snowballs and sledging in winter

·        All the seasons are beautiful

·        Forests and fields look wonderful in snow!

·        In summer I`ll go to visit my Granny!

·        I`ll go hiking on summer holidays
















XVIII. Check yourself

Test 1.

1.     Fill in the gaps: a _ tum_.

a.autumn                   b.aotumn

c.autumm                  d.autume

          2. Choose the correct name for a group of words: spring, summer, fall,winter

     a. time                       b.seasons

     c. years                     d. months

3. ____________ is the coldest season.

a. summer                      b. fall

c. winter                        d. spring


4. Where______ you go next summer?

a. do                              b. was

c. are                             d. will


5. Find the mistake in the sentence and choose its correct variant:

- The five letter of “spring” is N

a. the fiveth letter of “spring” is N

b. the fivth letter of “spring” is N

c. the fifth letter of “spring” is N

d. the fifteen letter of “spring” is N

XIX. Conclusion.

Thank you for your taking part in this lesson. You were very active. Your      marks are…

Theme: Kazakhstan is our Motherland

Form: 5

         Сабақтың мақсаты оқушыларды өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге баулып, берілген тапсырма бойынша білімдерін тексеру, оқушылардың шетел тілінде ойлау және сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыру болды.

Пәнаралық байланыс: география, информатика

The procedure of the lesson.

I.                  Good morning! I`m glad to see you!


II.               Pupils, what do you think we`ll do at the lesson?


Pp.         I think     we`ll      ask



                                          answer the questions

You are right. Today we shall speak about a country. I have some statements, what country are they about?

1.     It is one of the biggest countries in the world

2.     The country is rich in mineral resources.

3.     The land has always been famous for its hospitality.


III.           What do you associate with Kazakhstan?


Beautiful                          Large              Hospitality               our Motherland

Very well! And the theme of the our lesson today is “Kazakhstan is our Motherland”.

We shall work in groups. Under your chairs you have coloured papers. Take a chair and take your place.


IV.            Look at the interactive board, listen to the vocabulary and repeat the words.


V.               Now we are going to work with the text. Listen to it. Now you must read it and mark


√   I know

+   It is new for me

-         I disagree

?    I want to know

You have 2 minutes.

P1, go to the blackboard and speak about population.

What is the climate in Kazakhstan? Who wants to talk about it?

P3, talk about the region in Kazakhstan.

Very well, thanks.

VI.            Now you will work in 5 groups. The captain of each group come here. Take out the number.

Numbers: 1.Compare                  2. Describe

            3.Discuss                     4. Prove


You have 3 minutes.

VII.        Your home task: Complete the test with new vocabulary on the theme “Kazakhstan”.


VIII.    Our lesson began with an association. Let`s add new information that you have learnt at today`s lesson.


IX.            Evaluation. The lesson is over. Good bye. See you soon.




















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Краткое описание документа:

Theme: Seasons and weather

 Form: 7

 The aims of the lesson:

 1.Develop pupil’s abilities in oral speech and reading;

 2.Introduce the new words and expressions concerning the theme;

 3.Practice the Future Simple Tense.

 Type of the lesson: A demonstrative lesson.

 Visual aids: an interactive board, the basic textbook, slide.

 The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment.

II.Phonetic drill.

 Teacher: Yes, it is autumn. Children, today we have a demonstrative lesson and the theme of our lesson is “Seasons and Weather”.

 The main aims is to review all lexical and grammar material we have learned. And you will be introduced with the new words        and expressions concerning the theme.

 You know rhymes about seasons. Now repeat the poem “Seasons”.

      Spring is green,

     Summer is bright,

     Autumn is yellow,

    Winter is white.

 Strategy “Association”.

 Teacher: Let’s think about the word “a year”. What does this word mean? How many seasons are there in a year.



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