Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыСборник тестов по английскому языку для учащихся 9-11 классов

Сборник тестов по английскому языку для учащихся 9-11 классов

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Вариант №1

1)               – able or – ible ? Выберите  правильное  прилагательное

a)                     enjoyable 

b)                     enjoible

c)                     enjoyable

d)                    enjoiable 

e)                     enjoyible                               

2) Выберите  правильное  слово  во множественном числе.

In the fall, the….begin to change colour.

a)      Leaf

b)      Leaves                                                            

c)      Leafes

d)      Leafs

e)      Leavs

3) Подберите к выделенному слову  подходящее  по смыслу

An ancient story.

a)                 humorous

b)                 old

c)                 terrible                                                           

d)                 lively

e)                 strange

 4)  Какому времени глагола относится  предложение

 I cook meal and my sister washes dishes.

     a) Present Simple

     b) Present Continuous

     c) Future Simple                                                    

     d) Present Perfect

     e) Past Simple

5) Предложение в форме Present continuous

     a) He always has lunch at 1 o clock

     b) We are taking photographs

     c) This novel isn’t boring at all                               

     d) I have broken the window

     e) The translated the text yesterday

6) Выберите правильный вариант

    a) I saw her entering the room

    b) I saw her enter the room

    c) I saw her to enter the room                         

    d) I saw her to entering the room

    e) I saw her a entered the room

7) Подберите слова  подходящие по смыслу

I don’t like people who are not  ___ . They don’t speak   ____.

They hardly know the meaning of   ____  . They are very   ____.

a)                 impolite, politely, politeness, polite

b)                 politeness, impolite, polite, politely

c)                 politely, polite, impolite, politeness              

d)                 polite, politely, politeness, impolite

e)                 impolite, polite, politeness, politely

8) Определите к какой  части  речи относятся выделенные слова

   We perform short plays sing song and play games.

a)                 Noun, verb,

b)                 Adjective, verb

c)                 Verb, verb                                                     

d)                 Verb, noun

e)                 Noun, noun

9) Найдите  лишнее слово

      a) Hacker

      b) Adviser

      c) Finger                                                 

      d) Speaker

      e) Teacher   

 10)   Выберите  правильную форму  глагола

         Nearly 2,000 years ago people  ……  ice-cream.

a)             eat

b)             ate

c)             have eaten                                                     

d)             eats

e)             eating

  11)  Выберите  сложные слова

Head, Work, Note, BlackSun             

            a) shine, book boards, master, man           

            b) board, shine, book, man, master

            c) book, man, master, shine, board  

           d) man, book, shine, master, board

           e) master, man, book, board, shine


12) Вставьте  нужный  глагол

…..you (go) shopping last Monday?

a)         was….go

b)         do……go

c)         did……went                                                             

d)         have….gone

e)         did….go

13)   Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол

        The old lady couldn’t  ­­_____ up the idea of visiting Paris,

a)         give

b)         make

c)         take                                                                                       

d)         turn

e)         get

14)       Укажите правильный вариант окончания существительного образованного от глагола 

      Translate-? , Realize-?  Pronounce-? Connect-?

a)             –ion, -tion, -sion, -ssion

b)             –tion, -tion, -tion. –ion

c)             –ion,-tion,-ion,-sion                                                  

d)             –tion,-ssion,-sion, -ion

e)             –ssion, -tion, -ion, -sion

15) Выберите верный  вариант

    Two men with guns got ------- the car and went into the shop.

a)             by

b)             on

c)             in                                                                                           

d)             out of

e)             off

16) Определите  нужное  местоимение

       We usually paint the house…..

a)      myself

b)      itself

c)      yourself                                                                                

d)      ourselves

e)      themselves

17)  Предложение в форме Present Participle

   a) The Channel separating Great Britain from the continent is called the    

       English Channel.

   b) The schoolchildren were talking the fallen leaves away morning

   c) That was clear and sunny                                                  

   d) We saw a new building in the street

   e) The film is very interesting

18) Вставьте  нужный модальный  глагол

     To my mind, we all…..take care of the nature.

a)      have

b)      may to

c)      is to                                                                                      

d)      ought to

e)      need to

19    )  Выберите верный  вариант

      Your sister used to visit your parents quite often,…..?

a)      didn’t she

b)      wouldn’t she

c)      doesn’t she                                                             

d)      hadn’t she

e)      did she

20    )  Выберите нужный  артикль

      Where is…centre of…..earth?

a)      _  …_

b)      a…the

c)      _...the                                                                       

d)      The…_

e)      The…the

21    ) Выберите правильную форму  Infinitive

         We came here….to your parents

a)      speak

b)      speaking

c)      to speak                                                  

d)      to speaking

e)      to spoke

22    Выберите  правильный  вариант глагола

      When I saw the girl I was sure I …..her before

a)      meet

b)      have met

c)      met                                                                   

d)      had met

e)      had meeting

23    Употребите  правильный  вариант местоимения.

     I always ask my brother and …..for advice

   a) he

   b) his

   c) him                                                             

   d) himself

   e) —

24 )  Выберите верный  вариант

          My hair…. Very dirty, I must wash……it.

a)      is…it

b)      are…them

c)      isn’t …it                                           

d)      aren’t …them

e)      are….it

25)   Закончите  предложение

   He seemed  ……

a)      nice man

b)      nice men        

c)      a nice man                                        

d)      a nice men

e)      a nice mans

26) Дополните  предложение в форме First Conditional

      If I go to Astana I ….the House of Parliament.

a)would see

b)will be see

c)would to see                             

d)will to see

e)will see

27)    Вставьте  нужные слова

      The Great Silk Road is  a gangway between…..and….., connecting the …..     with the….

a)      China…..India, North….. South

b)      Russia….Kazakhstan, South ….West

С)Europe….Asia, West….East                          

d) America…China, North….East

e)Uzbekistan…Kazakhstan, West…East

     28)  Укажите  синоним       слова  To join         

                             a) to enjoy

                             b)to wrap

                             c) to unite                                    

                             d) to depart

                             e) to break

    29)   Выберите  правильный  перевод

    Хочу  выпить чашку  чая

a)      I’m having a cup of tea

b)      I will have a cup of tea

c)      I go to have a cup of tea                                               

d)      I’m going to have a cup of tea

e)      I’m going have a cup of tea 

30    ) Прочитайте  текст,  выполните  задания.

    Levi Strauss came to America from Germany. In 1850 he arrived in San-Francisco. It is situated in California. There were many people in California in those days because they wanted to find gold and become rich. They worked a lot looking for gold and spent much time in the water of the rivers. They needed strong trousers.

        Levi Strauss had a lot of strong material. He hoped people could build tents with it. So he decided to make special trousers of this material. They were strong and people liked them. In one day Strauss sold all the trousers he had .But they had no colour and became dirty very easily. So Strauss decided to colour tem blue. Now people all over the world wear blue jeans. They think they are good for work and travel, they are practical.

    Выберите  тему  текста

How to become rich

a)      A special, strong material

b)      Blue jeans                                                                                

c)      The story of trousers

d)      The story of  America


Вариант №2


1)  Найдите  слово где  буква  Е  отличается  от других

   a) Ready

   b) Desk

   c) Bread                                                       

   d) Instead

   e) Plane

2) Предложение в форме Present Continuous

   a) What is the girl doing now?

   b) What the girl is doing now?

   c) What doing the girl now?                      

   d) What does the girl doing now?

   e) What is doing the girl now?

3) Предложение  дополните нужным артиклем

There is …. book on ……table.

a)      the / the

b)      - / the

c)      a / a                                                 

d)      - / -

e)      a / the

4)   Дополните  предложение

 Our garden is very beautiful .

    There….. many flowers.

a)      were

b)      is

c)      are                                                 

d)      being

e)      was

5) Найдите  правильный  вариант глагола Phrasal verb take

He takes__________ his father.

He has same wary hair and quick temper.

a)      After

b)      Away

c)      Out                                                  

d)      Up

e)      In

6) Выберите слово с  открытым слогом

   a) war

   b) cure

   c) drop                                                     

   d) take

   e) jam

7)   К выделенному слову  подберите  вопросительные местоимение.

    They are usually at home in the evening.

a)      where

b)      when

c)      who                                                   

d)      how

e)      why

8)  Дополните предложение словами одинаковые по звучанию, но разные по написанию и значению.(омонимы).

    After his illness John left……for a …..

a)      weak, week,

b)      week, weak

c)      week, week                                           

d)      weak, wek

e)      weak, weak

9)  Выберите  правильный  перевод

They are going to spend their holidays in the country.

  a) Они выходные провели в  ауле

  b) Они выходные проведут в  ауле

  с) Они выходные  проводят на  даче        

  d) Они выходные  хотят провести на  море

  e) Они выходные хотят провести в  ауле 

10)  Найдите глагол  в форме Префикс

    a) help

    b) rehear

    c) regular                                            

    d) possible

    e) read

11)  Дополните предложение  местоимением

     Did you meet…on your way home?

a)      some

b)      anybody

c)      any                                                          

d)      nobody

e)      none

12) Предложение в форме Present Perfect

a)      It’s the best book I have ever read.

b)      I have been listening to you for the past half an hour

c)      I used to swim every day  when I was young                

d)      She teaches math’s

e)      My friend never plays basketball.

13) Определите слово на  тему  «Погода».

  a) Leaf

  b) Country

  c) Street                                                                                

  d) Wind

 e) Tree

14) Найдите  фразеологизм

To catch somebody’s ……..     «Көзге түсу»

a) Nose

b) Lip

c) Eye                                                

d) Head

e) Hand

15) Закончите  раздилительно вопросительное предложение.

   They don’t meet him at 5……?

a)      don’t they

b)      do they

c)      they do                                          

d)      do they not

e)      they don’t

16)  Найдите  верный  вариант глагола.

  If Aigul had studied harder she would……. the university

a) had entered

b) have entered

c) had enter                                           

d) has entered

e) entering

17) Определите чем выражена Герундий в  предложении

 She likes reading French books                                                                                         

   a) подлежащее

   b) определение

   c) обстоятельство                            

   d) наречие

   е) дополнение

18) Подберите синоним к слову


                        a) grow

                   b) reach

                   c) complete                                

                   d) happen       

                   e) permit

19) Подберите  антоним к слову Opposites

Back, early, future, good-bye

a)      foot, winter, leg, hello

b)      front, hello, before, none

c)      late, beginning, before, hello    

d)      front, late, hello, past

e)      hello, front, before, winter

20) К выделенному  слову задайте  нужный  вопрос.

    The last exercise was the easiest

a)      who

b)      how

c)      what                                                        

d)      where

e)      when

21) Употребите  степени сравнения в Positive / Comparative, Superlative.

The weather was not very……. yesterday , but it is …… today.

a)      Good, better 

b)      Better, the best

c)      The best good                           

d)      Better, good

e)      Good, the best

22) Выберите  правильный  модальный  глагол.

  You …… be here by 9,00 if you want to be sure of a seat

a)      must

b)      had to

c)      can                                                    

d)      have to

e)      need

23) Выберите  правильный  вариант предложения  в  косвенной  речи.

`` Don’t tell me what to do”   said George.

a)      George asked not to tell him what to do

b)      George asked to tell him not what to do

c)      George ask not to tell him what to do                      

d)      George asks not to tell him what to do

e)      George asked don’t to tell him what to do 

24    ) Определите предложение в форме Present Passive

a)      They speak much about the film

b)      They will look after the children

c)      They laughed at the little girl                                   

d)      Cranes are used for lifting heavy

e)      Somebody has looked for my granny’s glasses.

25    ) Выберите предложение в котором Герундий является существительным

a)      Her greatest pleasure is reading

b)      He finished reading the book

c)      I remember reading it                                                          

d)      I am fond of reading

e)      Reading is her favorite occupation

26    ) Найдите  форму Participle II

a)      running water

b)      well-paid job

c)      an exciting                                                                           

d)      many buildings

e)      long-playing records

27    ) Употребите  нужное  местоимение.

Children like to invent things and test…..

a)      he

b)      it

c)      her                                                     

d)      them

e)      they

28    ) Выберите  правильный  вариант


                        …9 o clock,…26 of November,…1987,…Plane,…Friday evening

   a)at,on, in,by,on





  29)Дополните  пословицу  нужным артиклем Proverb.  

              Closed mouth catches no……flies.

a)      a

b)      an

c)      the                                                     


e)      a / the

30)   Прочитайте  текст, выберите  правильный  вариант ответа.

Once there lived a teacher who had worked at school and now had a lot of free time and often went for a walk in the park. This was the most suitable place to escape from the city noise. One day he was taking his usual walk in the park and noticed a group of young boys standing near the bushes. In one of the bushes there was a graceful small cat that resembled his own Cat Pussy. When he asked, they explained to him, «We are having a competition. We are telling lies, and the one who tells the biggest lie will keep the cat»

“This is quite an extraordinary competition” said old man and added that “he has never told a lie in his life”.

 All at once there was a great laughter from the boys and they cried, «You’ve won! Now you can take the cat».


a) a group of young boys

b) the boy who has told the biggest lie 

c) an old gentleman                               

d) a teacher 

e) nobody  



Вариант  №3


1) Дополните  пословицу  нужным артиклем.


Every man is…. architect   of  his  own  fortune

     a) a

    b)  -----

    c)   the

    d)  the/ a                                          


2)  Переведите  существительное  подберите  нужный  глагол

His  ….(білімі )  deep

a) advise/ is

b) money/ is

c)  knowledge/ is                 

d) knowledge/  are

e) lessons/  are

3) Дополните  предложение  местоимением

 …. is  expensive  nowadays






4)  Дополните  пословицу  нужной степенью  прилагательного

Honesty   is ….(good ) policy




d)more  better

e)he best

5) К выделенному  слову  выберите  подходящее по смыслу  слово

       Knowledge  of  agriculture

a)      sewing

b)      finance

c)      farming                         

d)      handicraft


6)    Выберите синоним к слову

                       to  select

a)      to  display

b)      to  choose

c)      to discover                  

d)      to enjoy

e)      to ignore

7)   Выберите   правильную  форму  глагола

      I   like   to  walk  out  and _______ the  stars  at  night

         a)  to  look   at

         b)   to   look   out

         c)  to  look   up to                              

         d)   to   look  for

         e)  to   look  after

8)   Выберите  правильный  вариант Prefix

         -  patient  

        a) in-




        e) un

9)   Найдите  форму  глагола Past  paticiple  (II)

       a)  went

       b)  wrote

       c) knew                                                      

       d)  been

        e) teach

10)   Выберите правильный вариант предложения в  Presesent   simple

      a)I  not  usually   have  lunch  at  home

      b) I  usually   have  not  lunch  at  home

      c) I  doesn’t  usually have  lunch  at   home           

      d)I  usually   have  lunch  at   home

      e)I  usualle   hasn’t  lunch at  home

11) Вопросительное предложение  дополните  вспомогательным словом

     What  subjects----- she  good  at ?

a)             do

b)             does

c)             is                                                                               

d)             are

e)             has

12)  Дополните  предложение  временным глаголом

    What --- to do at  the  end  of   the  lesson ?

a)     Do  you  go 

b)     Are  you  go

c)     Are you  going                                                          

d)      Have  you  go

e)     Will you go

13) Определите  какому времени глагола  относится

The  coffee  ---- (  to  taste)  delicious

a)      Present  continuouse  / (is tasting9

b)      Past simple/(tasted)

c)      Present   simple/ (tastes       )                                 

d)        Present  perfect /  (has  tasted)

e)      Past  perfekt  /(had  tasted)

14)   To  be  going  to    нұсқасын  көрсетіңіз

a)  will  you  come  to  my  house  please

b)I  probably will  never   learn  this poem

c)I  am going  to visit  my  teacher                                

d) don’t  get  off  the  train untill

e)  He  is  doing  his  test   now

15)   Выберите  вспомогательное  слово

          Why  _______you   learning  english  ?

a)      do

b)      did

c)      are                                                                             

d)        have

e)      ------

16) Выберите  правильный вариант

Have  you  watered  the  plants, ________ ?

a)      ever

b)       never

c)      Yet                                                                           

d)      As

e)      Just

17)    Укажите  правильную форму прошедшего времени

Yesterday  afternoon   it  was   still  raining  when  I  got  home

a)      past  simple

b)      future in the Past

c)      past  perfect                                                            

d)      past  perfect  continuous

e)      past  continuous

18) К выделенному  слову  задайте  нужный  вопрос

      He  is  worried  about the  test

a)      who

b)      how 

c)      what

d)      where                                                                                 

e)      when

19) Выберите  верный  вариант степени  прилагательного

      She  has _____job  of  all

a)      a  difficult

b)      a more  difficult

c)      difficultier                                              

d)      the  difficultiest

e)      the  most  difficult

20) Закончите  дробное  вопросительное  предложение

He  is   not  twenty…….?

a)                 is  he 

b)                 does   he

c)                 arent  he                                                        

d)                 isnt  he

e)                 dosent  he

21)Найдите  глагол форме Future  in  the   past

a)  would  written

b)  would write

c)  would  wrote                                               

                 d) would writes

e) would writing

22) Определите верный  вариант  относительного прилагательного во множественном  числе

a)      Lady s

b)      Mans

c)      Dogs                                                             

d)      Pupils

e)      Principals

23)   Выберите  нужный союз

    Go……reading  the  story. I  want  to  know  its  end

a) on


c) about                                               

d) in

e) out        

24)          Определите  верный  вариант пословицы

Куй железо  пока  горячо

a)      Neck  or  nothing

b)      Make  hay while  the  sun  shines

c)       Handsome  is that  handsome does                 

d)      Jack  of  all  trades  and  master of   none

e)      It is no use   crying over split  milk

25)      Выберите правильный вариант Conditionals (условно  изъявительное  наклонение ) If my train  is late  I -----take a  taxi


b)  wont

c)  would                             


e) will be

26)  Выберите правильный  вариант  предложения в косвенной  речи

«Do  you  know  where  Kate   is  living?» -  Anna asked me

a)Anna  asked   me  if   I know  where was  Kate  living 

b)Anne  asked  me   if  I  know   where Kate was  living

c) Anne asked  me   if  I know  where    Kate  is  living                    

d) Anne asked  me   if  I kn ew   where  was  Kate

e) Anne  asked me  if I knew where was Kate

27)   Выберите  предложение «Used to”

    a)Do  you  want   this  or  that   one

    b) She   used  to  play  a lot  of   tennis before she broke her leg

   c) This terrible weather makes me angry and depressed                

   d) Knowing English is useful

   e)Are they still  waiting

28)  Выберите  правильный  вариант  предложения в Герундий

a)     I’m thinking of going to Brazil

b)     You need ed to add  some more

c)     They are playing at the moment                                           

d)     There are a fot of interesting things

e)     The new buidings are built

29). Определите  нужное  местоимение  

      Would you like – more coffee?

a)      something

b)      any

c)      some                                               

d)      anything

e)      every

30)  Прочитайте  текст,  выполните  задание.

   The famous lake loch Ness, which is situated in the NorthWhat  mysteries  are  hidden  in  the lake. Nobody knows but it  is  believed   that  a monster  is  hiding  in the lake.  It  was seen  for   the  first  time  in  1933  .  Since  then  the   Loch Ness   monster  has  been  seen  at  least  fifty times  . Once  its  huge  eyes  were  seen.  There  is  information  in other  periodicals  that 2  monsters  have  been  seen . May  be  the  monster   has a  girlfriend  and  soon  articles about  its  family   will  be   written  . 

 Докончите  предложение 

The Loch Ness monster…

a)   hasn’t been seen

b)    has been  seen

c)  5  monster have been seen                        

d)  a girlfriend  monster  has  been  seen

e)  The  Loch  Ness  Monster has  been  seen  50  times.


Вариант  №4


1)  Выберите  правильный  вариант существительных  множественного  числа bush , a knife , a factory,

a man , information, money.

a) bush’s, knifs, factories, mans, information,  money.

b)bushes, knives, factories, men, in formations, moneys

c) bushes, knives, factories, men, information, money.                    

d) bush, knives, factories, mans, information, moneys.

e) bushes, knives, factoryes, man, information, money.

 2)Выберите верный  вариант подчинительных прилагательных.

a)children’ s  literature.

b)childrens’    literature.

c)children’     literature.                                    

d).childrens ‘s    literature.

                 e).chidrenses    literature.

  3) Дополните  предложение в  нужным  артиклем.

I  like  ….. music  but ….. mathematics  and …..physics ,are  my   favorite   subjects.

a)the  /  -  / -

b).the  / the / the

c)a   /  the  /  the                                                

d) -  /  -   /    -

e)a  /the  / -

4) От глагола  образуйте  форму  прилагательных.






5)    Правильное чтение варианта

     $ 34.10                        £ 25.12. 8d

a)      .thirty-four  dollars  and  ten  cents,  twenty-five   pounds  twelve   shillings  and    eightpence.

b)      thirty- four dollars and  ten cent; twenty – five pounds  twelve shilling   and eightpences

c)       thirty – four dollar and ten cents; twenty- five pound twelve shillings and eightpences                                                             

d)      thirty – four dollar and ten cent; twenty- five pound twelve shilling  and eightpence

e)      thirty – four dollars    ten cents twenty – five pounds  twelve shilling   and eightpence

  6) Дополните предложение личным местоимением

Forgive(кешір) many things in others –nothing in….







 7) Вставьте  прилагательное в  нужной  форме

Teacher: Gohn, why are your English exercises always…. (good) than the French ones?

                  Gohn: Because my mother doesn’t know French.



C)the best                              



8) Выберите  правильный вариант

An apple a day….the  doctor away.

A) is keeping

B) is kept

C) kept                              

D) keeps

E) are keeping

9) Дополните  вопросительное  предложение

…..he like classical music?






10)  Вопросительное  предложение  в форме  Past Simple

А) What do you do in evening

B) What were you doing at 5o’clock yesterday?

C) What is your favorite subject?                            

D) What have you done?

E) What did you do last weekend

11) Укажите  правильное время  глагола  в  предложении If/when

If he …..(go) to Paris ,he…..(see) the Eiffel Tower.

A) go/see

B) goes/will see

C) will go/will see                          

D) go/will see

E) will go/see

12) Укажите  вспомогательные слова в  Present continuous

A) V-s/does ,do

B) V-ing/am /is/are                               

C) V3/have,has

D) V-ing /was, were

E) V-ed /did

13)   Выберите предложение  в форме  Present Perfect

A)He works hardly

B)He is going to write about his brother

C)He has already written.                  

D)He wrote about him.

E)He is writing about him.


14) Определите  Past Indefinite Passive

A)This Cathedral was built in the 16th  century.

B)Popov invented the radio in 1895.                           

C)This book can be bought in any book shop.

D)Our work must be finished)He has been invented.

                 E) He is going to write about his brother

15)  Найдите  правильную форму Passive Voice

Last year my friends and I….to take part in a TV programmer.



C)were invited                          

D)are invited

E)had been invited

16)    Закончите вопросительное  предложение  нужным  вспомогательным словом .Which lettercomes after I?






17 )  Определите  к  какому  времени относится

Your English is good .I’m sure you’ll  pass the test.

A)future simple

B)Present continuous

C)Present Simple                      

D)Past Simple

E)Present Perfect

18)  Выберите  верный вариант

         We’ve known each other __________a long time.






19)  Предложение в форме Present Perfect Continuous

A)Who has eaten all the apples?

B)Jane moved to a new flat a month ago.

C)I have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock.                 

D)What were you doing  when I phoned you yesterday.

E)She is listening to music now.

20) Выберите  правильную форму  прилагательного.

My brother is….and ….than me.

A)older, stronger

B)more older, more strong                                                                    

C) more old, more strong

D)older, more stronger

E)old, stronger

21) Выберите  правильное  местоимение.

Who is this girl? I don’t  know…..






22)Выберите  нужный  глагол.

They ….a real tiger in the zoo.

A)have saw

B)have seen

C)has saw                                   

D)has seen

E)has been saw

23) Определите  слова с  противоположным значением.

     Upstairs ,start, dark.



C)downstairs,long, black

D)downstairs, finish, white.         

E) downstairs, end, light.

24 Выберите  верный  артикль

WE often go to ….river in summer.






25) Выберите пословицу с одинаковым значением.

   Не все золото, которое блестит

A)All  that  glitters  is  not   gold

B)You cannot eat your cake and have it.

C)To tell liters out of school                         

D)Out of sight ,out of mind.

E) THE least said, the soonest mended.

26)  Выберите  правильный  перевод слова  неофициальный



B)In official





27)Определите нужный вариант глагола

-“Can I give you a lift ?” -No thanks. -I’d rather-.

A)to walk





28)Подберите  предложению подходящие  по смыслу слова.

People go in for sport there.






29) Прочитайте  текст, выберите тему

There are many cinemas in London. Some cinemas show lots of comedies and long epic films. Other cinemas show a large number of continental films or films for young people .All daily newspapers have a short list of films and shows and the time they begin. Some cinemas show films in the afternoon early evening and late evening. Others have continuous programmers from about two o’clock in the afternoon.

If you can not get to the cinema early enough to buy the tickets you can buy them in most large stories and hotels.

A)  Cinemas in London.

B) Where to buy tickets

C) Cultural life                                  

D) The Capital of London

E) Films and actors.

30) Употребите  нужное вспомогательное слово

       Which letter – comes after I ?

a)         do

b)         does

c)         –                                            

d)         Is

e)         did     

Вариант №5


1)Выберите  правильный  вариант в форме повелительного  предложения   ……… late!.

a)      not be

b)      don’t be

c)      be not                         

d)      don’t

e)      not to

     2) Вариант в форме Present Perfect

           a) He writes

           b) He wrote

           c) He has written                               

           d) He was writing

           e) He is writing

     3) Дополните вопросительное предложение в  будущем времени

       Will ____a lot of work next year?

a)      there

b)      be there

c)      there be                                        

d)      there is

e)      is there

     4) Укажите  нужное  местоимение.

        Jack cut _____when he was chopping carrots.

a)      him

b)      himself

c)      his                                                                       

d)      oneself

e)      yourself

     5) Закончите  предложение

        They’ve already bought two_______.

a)      trousers

b)      pairs of trouser

c)      pair of trousers               

d)      pairs of trousers

e)      trouserss

      6 ) Дополните нужным союзом.

           Kate hasn’t seen her elder brother ______three years.

a)      since

b)      from

c)      for                                 

d)      before

e)      till

      7) Определите  правильно составленное  предложение.

           a) I will understand never my parents

           b) I wont  never understand my parents

           c) I will never understand my parents                       

           d) I won’t understand my parents never

           e) I will not understand never my parents

      8) Выберите правильный  вариант существительного

            The ___    pens and pencils are on the desk.

a)      children

b)      childrens

c)      children’s                         

d)      childrens

e)      children

     9) Дополните  предложение с  отрицательным значением

        .........easy questions to answer.

a)      This is not

b)      These is not

c)      This are not                       

d)      These are not

e)      These not

     10) Вставьте  нужный  артикль.

          Manchester is ______city in the north of England.

a)      an

b)      a

c)      the                                                   

d)      the / a

     11) Вариант в форме Future in the Past

        Barbara said that her grandmother______ her some money.

a)      give

b)      would give

c)      will give                                        

d)      would be given

e)      will be given

    12) Укажите  вспомогательный глагол.

         My aunt’s geese ______nice and white

a)      is

b)      are

c)      was                       

d)      has been

e)      isn’t

    13)Выберите вариант  в форме  Present  Simple

       The Stuarts _____    Africa is a very interesting continent to visit.

a)      think

b)      is thinking

c)      thinks                                

d)      are thinking

e)      were thinking

    14) Дополните  предложение .

         ……… a lovely flower.      Thank you very much.

a)      How

b)      So

c)      What                                  

d)      That

e)      Which

15)       Укажите предложение Complex Object с  нужным вариантом

        Dad wants me ____him a glass of cold water.

a)      bring

b)      brining

c)      to bring                                

d)      to brining

e)      brought

   16)Выберите  вариант в  форме  Participle I

         I’ve never insisted on your _____to us

a)      come

b)      coming

c)      to come                               

d)      to coming

e)      to be come

 17)  Вариант в  форме  Past Perfect

       a) had already rang

       b) had already rung

       c) has already rang                     

       d) have already ringing

       e) had been rang

 18) Вставьте  порядковое  числительное в нужной  форме

 John  Kennedy was ______of the United States.

       a) the thirty-five president

       b) the thirty-fifth president

       c) the president thirty-fifth                    

       d) president the thirty-five

       e) thirty- fifth of president

  19)  Выберите  правильный  предлог.

        It was rude ______him to leave so suddenly.

a)      of

b)      with

c)      to                              

d)      about

e)      from

  20) Выберите  вариант форме «Used to».

When a student I ______to the disco every Friday.

a)      used to go

b)      are used to go

c)      use to go                  

d)      were used to go

e)      use to went

 21) В предложении Герундий какой части речи относится.

       Our mother doesn’t agree of eating between meals.

           а) Бастауыш

           b) Баяндауыш

           с) Толықтауыш                     

           d) Анықтауыш

           е) Пысықтауыш

  22) Выберите  правильный вариант  фразологического глагола“Look”.

        Can you look ____my son for an hour while I go to the dentist.

a)      out

b)      to

c)      for                         

d)      after

e)      through

  23)  Выберите  нужный артикль

        Agatha Christie was  _____well-known writer of detective stories.

            a) a

            b) the

            c) an                          

            d) –

            e) a / the

24 Выберите верный вариант.

        I don’t like strong coffee, and_________ .

            a) she doesn’t too

            b) either does she

            c) neither does she    

            d) she doesn’t neither

            e) neither she does

25)  Дополните условное предложение в форме III.

        If  Jane…, with us, we would have had a good time.

a)      would come

b)      had come

c)      would have come

d)      come                                          

e)      will come

26)  Дополните предложение

       I want one and _____of pears, please.

             a) half kilo

             b) a half kilo

             c) half kilos                          

             d) a half kilos

             e) kilo

27)  Выберите  сравнительную степень прилагательного.

       The rooms in your flat are______ Peters house .

a)      larger  than

b)      larger than in

c)      larger than that of                      

d)      larger than those in

e)      largest

28)  Вставьте  нужный  модальный  глагол.

  You ______to your uncle like that it was rude

a)      shouldn’t speak

b)      should speak

c)      shouldn’t have spoken          

d)      should have spoken

e)      mustn’t speak

29) Выберите  нужный  перевод

It has been raining since morning.

            а) Рано утром пошел дождь

            b) С утра была  дождливая  погода

            с) Каждый  день утром идет дождь    

            d) С обеда  идет дождь

            е) С утра идет дождь


30) Прочитайте  текст, выберите  правильный  ответ.

     There was a king  of  scotland.  He  had  fought  many   battless  with his  evenies to  free  his  people . He was  defected   four  times  . Now  he  was hiding in a cave. He didn’t want the enemy to capture him.  He felt very lonely and sad. While he was thinking what to do, he looked up at the top of the cove. He saw a spider trying to spin a web.  The spider cast its thread several times to the corner of the cave. Each time the thread missed the wall. The king watched carefully. He decided that   the spider would help him. He and the spider had tried four times to finish their tasks. If the spider succeeded on the fifth try, he too would try again. The spider last the thread the fifth time. It held.

  The king stood up. He went out of the cave, gathered his army and defeated the enemy is at last.       

          The legend is about

            a) a cave

            b) the king and his army                                                     

            c) the king and spider

            d) how the king defeated the enemy

            e) how the enemy wanted to kill the king         


Вариант  № 6


1) Найдите  правильный  вариант сравнительной степени прилагательного


a)      pretier, pretiest

b)      prettyier, prettyiest       

c)      prettier, prettiest

d)      pretter,prettest

e)      prettyer, prettyest 


2) Определите  слова с удвоенными буквами в окончании

a)      shop- ing  centre 

b)      shout-  ing   girls                          

c)      wait-  ing   men

d)      bor –ing  performance

e)      eat –ing   ise  -cream 


3)  Определите слово где буква С  читается [ ]

a)  succes 

b) tobacco                                         

c) science

d) saifficient


4) К выделенному  слову потберите нужное по смыслу слово  сөзге

    Are  you   certain

a)      Here                 

b)      sure

c)      in  a hurry         

d)      ready

e)      science


5 ) Найдите  лишнее слово

a)      tight

b)      round                                               

c)      square

d)      triangular

e)      oval 

6) Подберите  синоним к  слову


a)      quick

b)      happy                                                

c)      good - looking

d)      lucky

e)      large 


7) Подберите  антоним к  слову


a)      friend

b)      adult                                                              

c)      peace

d)      foreigner

e)      many

8)  Правильный  вариант фразеологического глагола “Put”

Put  down

a) вниз                                              

b)  вместе                                            

с)  во внутрь

d)  вперед

е) между   

9)  Дополните вопросительное  предложение  What  subjects  ---- she  good  at ?

a)      has  

b)      does                             

c)      is 

d)      are

e)      have

10)       Выберите нужный вариант в форме  Present simple


a)      How you often play basketball?

b)      How do you often play  basketball?   

c)      How often do you play basketball?                            

d)      How often you play basketball?

e)      How often have you play basketball?

11)  Дополните предложение в форме Present Continouous

    She is … hot water in the pot – tea

                 has put

a)      puts                                                   

b)      put

c)      is putting

d)      has been putting

12)  Выберите правильный вариант  в  форме be going to

a)She  was  douing……

b) they  are  building…...

c)  he  is going  to  visit…                                 

d) she is    standing…..

e)  you   were     phoning…….


 13)  Выберите  правильный  вариант вопросительного предложения  «Past simple».

 He cleaned  his clothes   yesterday.

a) Did he  cleaned  his   clothes ?

b)  What  did  he  cleaned ?

c)  Did  he  cleaned  his  clothes ?              

d)  When  did cleaned  he ?

e) What  did  he  do  yesterday?

14)  Определите III форму  глагола


b) say

c) spoke                                        

d)  shown 

e) rode

15)  Выберите  правильную форму Used  to . 

    People  used to thinking  that  the  earth  was   flat .

a) people  used   to think that  the  earth  was  flat.

b) people  use to think  that the earth  is  flat                                   

c) people  didn’t used to think  that the earth  was  flat

d) people used  think  that  the  earth is flat.

e) people  use to that the earth  is  flat


16)  Вставьте  нужный  вспомогательный глагол.

                   They  _____a  lot  of crying   last   night.

a)      do

b)       did                                        

c)       Are

d)      Have

e)       ---- 

17)   Выберите  нужный  предлог         ( prepositions  of  place )

   I  think   I  left  my  bag --- the chair   --- the corner of  the  classroom.

a) at/ in

b) in/in

c) on/ in                                                                                            

d) at/on

e) -/ on



18)  Дополните  нужным артиклем.

         Better ---- small  fish  than ---empty dish.

a)      a/a

b)       a/the

c)       a/an

d)      The/an                                   

e)      An/the

19)   Закончите вопросительное  предложение  с  нужными вспомогательными выражениями.

Your sister  used to visit  your  parents   quite  often, ----?

a)      didn’t  she

b)      wouldn’t  she

c)      doesn’t  she                      

d)      hadnt   she

e)      did she ?

20)   Выберите  правильный вариант в  форме Past  perfect

I ____  sure  that   he ____ to London

a)  was  / was  gone

b)  were / had gone             

c) was / had  gone

d)  had  gone / went

ewas /went


21) Дополните  нужным местоимением

Don’t  take  this  chair,----  leg  is   broken.

a)      my 

b)      his 

c)      its                                                      

d)      theirs

e)      hers




22) Укажите  нужное местоимение

My  brother   puts  ------ sugar  in  his  tea.

a)      much 

b)      many

c)      few                                

d)       a  little

e)      Little

  23)  Выберите  отрицательное  предложение  с  помощью оборота “There  is”      

a)There  is  no  book    on  the   table

b)  There  is  not  book   on   the  table                                            

c)There  is  any  book  on   the   table

d) There  wasn’t  is  no  some books

e)  There isnt  some  book  on  the  table.


 24)  Укажите соответствующий глагол глаголу Must”    

Students  always …… study  hard   before   the   exams.


b) should

c)  have  to

dought   to

e) may


25)    Выберите правильный вариант

  You’d  _____ hurry  up   or  else  we’ll  be   late .


b)  should               

c) better

d) have  to


26)  Закончите предложение

Let  me give  you__________.

a) An advice 

b) the advices

c) some advice                                  

d) some advices

e)  advice

27)  Выберите  Infinitiv

   We  came here  __________ to your parents.

a)      speak

b)      speaking

c)      to speak                                            

d)      to speaking

e)      have to speak

    28) Дополните  предлжение

         -How   much  money   have  you  got  ?  -  ………..  .

a)      none

b)      nothing                                           

c)       no  one                               

d)      No

e)      Any


29)  Прочитайте  текст

      Life used to be fun for teenagers. They used to have money to spend, and free time to spend it in. They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. There is no so much money around.

    Things are more expensive and its hard to find place to live. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.    

   Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.They try to spend less and save more.They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.


  Закончите   предложение

            Most young people … :

A)    …are more interested in politics and in reading.

B)    … don`t worry about money.

C)    … prefer to wear teenage clothes and meet in disco clubs.

D)    … are not different from their parents.

E)     …don`t want to be able to get homes of their own one day.  


30) Закончите  вопросительное предложение с помощью вспомогательного глагола

       Which letter – comes after “I”?

A)    do

B)    does


D)    is

E)     did               

ариант  №7

1) Найдите  слово  в  котором  читаются  все  буквы

          A) Honest
          B) whose
          C) ghost
          D) knocking                        
          E) success

2) Дополните  слово нужной буквой

     I must apologi ____e for disturbing you so late

         A) S                                 
         B) Z
         C) S\Z
         D) C|S                                            
         E) S\S

3)Определите слово со звуком [g]

         A) Geography
         B) bridge                                              
         C) beggar

         D) Oxygen
E) gynsy

4) К выделенному слову подберите слово  с одинаковым значением

              Move forward

       A) Sideways       
       B) backward 

       C) ahead                                     

       D) down

       E)go up

5) Выберите синоним к слову


        A) Think
        B) shout
        C) wish        
        D) assist
        E) receive

6) Правильный  вариант фразеологического глагола «take»

    Take part

        A) Give attention

        B) Participate

        C) work carefully                   

        D) Alternate

        E) use an opportunity  

7) Закончите  предложение

  If you want to speak English fluently, қой need more English  __________

       A) Practice

       B) Practise                           
       C) repeating
       D) hearing
       E) writing


8) Выберите  правильный  ответ

           When do you clean your teeth?

       A) Present Simple
       B) Present continuous                       
       C) Future simple

       D) Past simple

        E)  Present perfect


9) Правильный вариант в форме Present continuous

      A) It doesn’t net raining now
      B) It isn’t rain now                     
      C) It’s not raining now                                       
      D) It doesn’t raining now
      E) It not raining now


10) Закончите предложение

They – hamburgers and chips.

      A) Are liking
      B) likes
      C) like                                
      D) doesn’t like
      E) liked

11)Определите  какому времени (настоящее, будущее, прошедшее)относится диалог

- What time are Nick and john coming?

- I believe Ann knows

       A) Future

       B) Present                                             

       C)  Present continuous

       D) Past

       E) Past continuous

12) Найдите  предложение в  форме Be going to

               a) The sky  is dark it is going to rain

b) It is raining                             

c)      Reading is useful

d)      I have begun studying

e)      I like this building

13) Выберите  правильный  вариант

        He always used to tease his sister

a)      Used to

b)       Past Simple                                              

c)      Past Perfect

d)      Past Perfect continuous

e)      Present continuous

14) Укажите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола

       How __ you lived there?

a)      do

b)      did

c)      are

d)      have                                 

e)      is

15) Выберите  верный вариант

       He’s ___  set the table?

a)      already

b)      yet                                   

c)      still 

d)       for

e)      Since

16) Дополните  предложение  вставив нужное слово

       I have ___ been late for school

a)      Ever

b)      Never

c)      Yet                                    

d)      As

e)      Just


17) Вспомогательные слова формы Present Perfect   Continuous

a)      Have has / P II

b)      Am is are/ V3                       

c)      Was were/ P I

d)      D) Did / V2

e)       have   has been/ V –ing

18) Определите  правильное время (настоящее, будущее, прошедшее)

  Gill was sleeping when   the telephone woke her up

a)      Past continuous

b)       Past perfect

c)       Past perfect continuous                     

d)       Past simple

e)      Future in the Past

19) К выделенному слову задайте  нужный вопрос.

       He’s worried about the test

a)      who

b)      how

c)      what                                  

d)      where

e)      when

20) Дополните  вопросительное предложение

       ___ didn’t you come to school  yesterday?

a)      why

b)      what

c)      how

d)      where                                                  

e)      when

21) Закончите вопросительное  предложение  с  нужными вспомогательными выражениями.

       Let him use your phone, ____?

a)      … aren’t I

b)      … will you/won’t you            

c)      … weren’t you                                                           

d)      …didn’t you

e)      … can’t he

22) Поставьте прилагательное  в  нужной  форме

          Jane has just bought a ___ dress

a)      pretty, purple silk

b)      silk, pretty, purple

c)      silk purple pretty                              

d)      purple pretty silk

e)      pretty silk purple

23) Дополните предложение со степенью прилагательных

         China has got ___ population in the world

a)      a large

b)      a large

c)      the largest                                         

d)      large

e)      large rest

24)Образуйте прилагательное с  помощью наречия

a)      badly

b)      movable              

c)      to realize

d)      cantle

e)      harmless

25) Выберите  правильный  вариант  модального глагола

They didn’t have any shampoo so they ___ wash their hair               

a)      can

b)      cold                                             

c)      can’t

d)      couldn’t

e)      be able to

26) Укажите правильный вариант подходящий по смыслу      к глаголу Have to / must  

The bus came on time so we ____ wait long at the bus stop

a)      must

b)      mustn’t                                         

c)      have to

d)      will have to

e)      Didn’t have to.  


27)  Дополните предложение употребляя There is/are

……Many foreign  students in England?

A)    There is

B)    Is there

C)    There are

D)    There isn’t                      

E)     Are there

28)  Подберите  антоним к  слову


A)    Pretty

B)    Cold

C)    Windy                                      

D)    Wet

E)     Rainy


29)  дополните  предложение

             It was … new coat

A)    Victor’s  Ivanovich` 

B)    Victor Ivanovich`s

C)    Victors Ivanovich                                  

D)    Victors` Ivanovich`

E)     Victors` Ivanovichs`

30)  Выберите  правильный вариант глагола

Tony and Alice … a bigger flat

A)    Would bought

B)    Are going to buy                                   

C)    Am  going to buy

D)    Is going to buy

E)     Has bought


Вариант № 8


1) Дополните  предложение

She … last week

a)      was leaving

b)      left

c)      leaves                          

d)Has left

e)Is leaving

2)      Дополните условное предложение  III типа

If I … interested in his proposal I would have phone him.

a)      were

b)      had

c)      was                                          

d)         has been

e)      have been

3)      Выберите глагол  образованный от Префикс

a)      import

b)      connect                         

c)      disapprove

d)      solve

e)      locate

4)      Выберите  правильный  вариант перевода

Nick stopped watching TV and went to bed

a)      Ник посмотрев телевизор уснул

b)      Huk лежа в  постели выключил телевизор

c)      Что бы лечь в  постель Huk выключил телевизор             

d)      Ник  посмотрел телевизор, затем уснул

e)      Huk выключил  телевизор, пошел спать



5)      Вставьте фразовый  глагол подходящий по смыслу  к слову выключить

a)      To turn on

b)      To turn up

c)       To turn into                           

d)      To turn off

e)      To turn down

6) Выберите слово со   II типом слога

          A)  Must

          B) girl                                

          C) nylon                                                    

          D) Hour

          E) Member

7) Вставьте глагол в нужной форме  времени

        He is known ____ (have) a large art collection

A)     had

B)    being having

C)    having                               

D)    to have

E)     To have been having

8) Подберите антоним  к слову peace

      a) war

      b) victory                               

      c) hero

      d) land

      e) city

9) Выберите сравнительную степень прилагательного.

The Mississippi River is … than the Missouri River

a)      The Cleanest

b)      Cleaner

c)      Cleanerer

d)      Cleanerest                             

e)      Cleon



10) Выберите  правильный вариант

      I have no idea             .

      a) Who’s book is this

      b) Whose book is this

      c) Who’s book this is            

      d) Whose book this is

      e) Who’s book this is

11) Выберите  правильный вариант фразового  глагола

      Nancy tried to get the thread             the eye of the needle.

      a) to    

      b) out 

      c) in                                                   

      d) through

      e) off  


12) Выберите  сходный вариант

      You’d hurry up or else we’ll be late

      a) rather

      b) better

      c) should                                

      d) have to

      e) ought to

13) Дополните  предложение  нужным местоимением  

      I can hear a noise

      I think  is outside.

      a) some

      b) somebody

      c) somehow                           

      d) somewhere

      e) something



 14) Дополните  предложение с  помощью  модального глагола

Much / many сөзін қолданып сөйлемді толықтырыңыз

      Jane doesn’t have                   tonight.

      a) many homeworks

      b) many homework

      c) much homework    

      d) much homeworks

      e) much I many

15) Выберите правильный артикль.

 Where is  centre of         earth?


      b) a… the

      c)          … the                        

      d) a…a

e) the… the

16) Выберите  лишнее слово

                  a) treat

                  b) drive

                  c)operate on                          

                        d) examine

                        e) cure            


17)Укажите слово или словосочетание не употребляющееся  с make

                  a) a suggestion

                  b) the room                            

                  c) a mistake                  

    d) make a cup of tea

    e) a decision

18) Укажите синоним

cereal, hand, habour, way out, gift

                  a) ground, work, exit, present, grain

                  b) lady, groun-up, answer, leader, picbure

                  c) ground, work, exit, grain, leader                          

                  d) grain, ground, leader, answer, present,

                  e) ground, grain, exit, work, answer.

19) Определите  правильный вариант о Великобритании

            Great Britain includes:

                        a) the two countries

                        b) England, Northern Ireland, Wales

                        c) Scotland, Wales, Northern, Ireland                                  

                        d) Great Britain, Wales, Scotland

                        e) England, Wales, Scotland

20) Выберите  правильный вариант предлога

      If you feel that you don’t trust someone, you suspicious___ .

                    a) at him

                    b) of them

                    c) with them                                                            

                    d) on him

                    e) on her

21)Дополните  предложение,  вставив подходящее по смыслу слово

      The midterm was____ the beginning

                    a) like

                    b) some

                    c) alike                                                                                

                    d) similar

                    e) as

22) Дополните  предложение глаголом Should

      You ____ to your uncle like that. It was rude.

                    a) shouldn’t speak

                    b) should speak                                                                   

                    c) shouldn’t have spoken

                    d) should have spoken

                    e) should had spoken

23)Укажите правильную сравнительную степень прилагательного

      Her house wasnt ____.

                    a) a better then ours

                    b) any better than our

                    c) better than our                                                                

                    d) any better than ours

                    e) better than ours

24) Укажите форму  причастия Participle I

                    a) a broken hurt

                    b) a stolen cor

                    c) a frozen lake                                                                   

                    d) an excited child

                    e) worrying problem

25) Выберите  форму Complex object

                    a) He expected us come on Sunday.

                    b) He is coming here

                    c) He came here hast Sunday                                             

                    d) He has come

                    e) He was painting when we came

26) Выберите  правильный  вариант предложения в косвенной  речи

      I m waiting for my parents, Nick said

                    a) Nick said that he is waiting for my parents

                    b) Nick said he was sitting for his parents

                    c) Nick said that he was waiting for my parents    

                    d) Nick told that he was waiting for his parent

                    e) Nick told that he was waiting for my parents

27)  Прочитайте текст

      Life used to be fun for teenagers. They used to have money to spend, and free time to spend it in. They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. There is no so much money around.

    Things are more expensive and its hard to find place to live. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.    

   Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.They try to spend less and save more.They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

  Закончите  предложение

            Most young people … :

a)…are more interested in politics and in reading.

b)… don`t worry about money.

c)… prefer to wear teenage clothes and meet in disco clubs.

d)… are not different from their parents.

e)…don`t want to be able to get homes of their own one day.          

28) Употребите  глагол в  нужной форме   времени

      Your English is good. I`m sure you`ll pass the test.

A)    future simple

B)    present continuous

C)    present simple

D)    past simple

E)     present perfect      



 29)Выберите  правильный  вариант союза.

         We`ve known each other – a long time







30) Выберите предложение в форме Present Perfect Continuous


А) Who has eaten all the apples?

B) Jane moved to a new flat a month ago.                                            

C) I have been waiting for you since 2 o`clock

D) What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday.

E) She is listening to music none.     





                                                    Вариант №9


1.Выберите существительное во  множественном  числе


1.Why have you  bought only two ____ of____ ?


A) kilos/potatoes

B) kilos/potatos                            

C) kilo/potatos

D) kilos/potato

E) kiloes/potatoes


2. Дополните слово  правильной  буквой


A) a                                              

B) i

C) e

D) ie

E) ai

3. Выберите  слово с окончанием  прилагательного

A) to realize

B) practical

C) connection

D) typist

E) creative    



4. Выберите одинаковые по значению слова

Lived in a cottage

A) tent                     C) castle                  

B) little house          D) dark cave

E) flat      




5. Найдите  лишнее слово

A) peaches       C)chicken    

B) pears            D)apples



6.Укажите  правильный вариант

Animals have bаbies

 cats   geese   dogs  ducks   cows

a) Kitten, goslings, puppy, calves, ducklings     

b) cubs, calves, puppy, goslings, ducklings

c) piglets, fawns, cubs, ducklings, calves

d) chickens, calves, fawns, cubs, ducklings

e) deer, cubs chickens, puppy


7. Подберите синоним к слову


A)everywhere/at all times      

B) however/coming once a year

C) surrounded by/nearest to

D)farther away/at all times

E) everywhere/little by little


8. Подберите антоним  к слову


A) optional








9) Вставьте  предлог  фразового глагола  look

The house                    the south

a)      look at

b)      look for

c)      look out                                                               

d)      look up

e)      look to

10) Выберите слово с префиксом

a) uncertainly

b) commonly                                                             

c) order

d) usual

e) respect


11) Образуйте от прилагательного форму существительного

           a) to fasten

            b) badly

            c) convenient                                                            

            d) movable

            e) connection


12) Дайте правильное определение  слову


a)      A way of acting

b)      The amount taken off from a price

c)      a thing                                                                 

d)      a general course of action

e)      money in actual use in a country

13) Выберите  правильный вариант ответа   разное по написанию, но с одинаковым лексическим значением в  двух вариантах. British and American English. 

          Vacotion, line, truck, gasoline

a)      holiday, queue, lorry, petrol

b)      puncture, telegram, holiday, label

c)      queue, lorry, pavement, petrol.                           

d)      Vacation, queue, lorry, label

e)      return, line, truck, petrol

14) Выберите  вспомогательный  глагол

            1) Who of you             speaks English fluently.

            A) do               B) does           C) did             D) -                 E) are             


15) Дополните  предложение

The United Kingdom comprises.........

            a) England and Scotland

            b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                         

            c) England, Scotland, and Wales

            d) Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Irish Republic

            e) England & Northern Ireland

16) Определите предложение в форме Present Simple

            a) What is the girl doing now

            b) She has washed up                                                                                                           c) My brother never waits for us

D)  Will you  be at home tomorrow?

E ) bill was at home hast night.

17)  Выберите  правильную форму  прошедшего времени Used to  

a)      She used to dance every night , but now she is taking English.

b)      She was writing when her mother come.

c)      She went to the school.

d)      She had gone before he phoned

e)      she didn’t go to school yesterday.

18) Выберите  верный  вариант 

          _______  -   you angry about what


a)      do

b)      did

c)      .C) are

d)      have

e)      were



19) Употребляя  правило Present Perfect выберите  вспомогательное слово

       That theatre was closed many  gears ago

a)      since

b)       for


d)       Never

e)      already

20) Употребите  глагол в  нужной форме   времени

This is the first time  I_____ (to eat) so many hamburgers

a)      have eaten

b)      ate

c)      am eating

d)      had eaten

e)      eat

21) Докончите  предложение

He was pointing the bedroom when suddenly

a)      the wind blew his hat off  (е)

b)      his car broke down

c)      a brunch broke

d)      it started raining

e)      he fell off ladder

22) Укажите  глагол  Past Prefect в нужной форме 

The bus … before I… the bus station.

a)  has left \  reach

b)  left \ reached

c) had left \ reached 

d) has been left\  reached

e) had left\ reach




23) К выделенному слову задайте  нужный вопрос

We have seen this film three times

a)who        b)how (many)              c)what

d)where     E)why  


24) Выберите  правильный вариант разделительно вопросительного предложения

They won’t tell anyone.........?

a)      will they?               

b)      Are they?

c)      Wont they?

d)      Did they?

e)      Weren’t they?


25)Дополните предложение с порядком  слов  прилагательных

He has bought a ...... sport car

a)      Japanese red new

b)      Red new Japanese         

c)       New red Japanese

d)      new Japanese red

e)      Japanese new  red

26) Выберите степень прилагательного

Which is…......    .     five, fifteen, fifty



         c)the least       










27)  Правильный вариант  формы Modal verbs

You  _________ walk on the grass!

a)      Have to

b)      Mustn’t                

c)      Can’t

d)      Shouldn’t

e)      couldn’t

28) Укажите   правильный  вариант формы  II conditionals

a)      if / will

b)      had / would

c)      had/PII / would have P II            

d)      were

e)      has



29) Выберите  предложение в форме Герундий

a)      He is driving

b)      I like high buildings

c)      He has been writing

d)      He was painting

e)      He isn’t good at driving his car


30) Прочитайте текст, укажите правильный ответ

            On the last day of the term Jane decided to surprise her mother and make a few cans of apple jam. She cleared the table, piled a lot of apples on it and bravely set to work. The whole job was a bit difficult, as Jane thought, but she knew she could do it. She worked and worked with a lot of energy and a quarter of an hour later she put the cut apples on the cooker and went out to watch the telly leaving the kitchen in a terrible mess. The film was interesting, so she forgot all about the jam.

            Luckily, Jane’s mother returned from work a bit earlier that day. She was just in time to turn off the gas before the jam was spoiled. The kitchen looked ugly but the mother was not shocked, the didn’t say anything but quietly cleared the mess, called Jane and praised her little daughter for the tasty jam.


Задание: The text is about:

A)    apple jam

B)    the interesting film                                     

C)    little Jane

D)    surprising mother

E)     how little Jane wanted to prepare the testy jam.


Вариант №10



  1. Определите правильный  перевод  слова холодильник.

        A). refrigeratoran

             B). refergerator 

      C). refrigerator

       D). refrireator

       E). frigreerator


   2.В место точек вставьте  нужное слово.

       …. Pleasant person she is.

           A). what

           B). how

           C). what a

           D). as

           E). an


3.  Подберите  антоним к слову Stupid

        A). lazy

       B). rude

       C). active

       D). clever

       E). polite


4. Выберите  правильный  артикль

      There is … pillow on the bed.

        A). the

        B). a

        C). an  


        e). on


5. Выберите  правильную форму  « to be»

There … a little milk in the glass.

 A). are

  B). Is 

  C). were

D). was

E). will be

6. Выберите  правильный предлог

She laughed --- him as if he were a clown.

    A). To 

    B). at

    C). on

    D). by

    E). in

7. Найдите нужный предлог  к  фразовому  глаголу  «Заботиться»

     A). look at

     B). look through

     C). look after

      D). look for  

      C). look with

8.  Выберите  правильное местоимение

   Would you like --- salad?

   A). some

   B). any

    C). a few 

    D). few

    E). a little



9. Выберите  существительное  употребляемое во множественном числе.

I have always known that --- are most annoying little animals.

  A). mices

  B). mousse

  C). mice

  D). mouse

   E). mousees


  10. От глагола Differобразуйте  прилагательное

    A). differation

   B). differ

    C). difference

    D). different

    E). differal


11. Выберите  правильный вариант глагола.

  My sister --- some new clothes last week.

   A). had bought

    B). bought

    C). was buying

     D). will buy

      E). would buy.


12. Выберите неисчесляемое  существительное

     A). box

      B). pen

      C). book

       D). house

       E). snow


13. Выберите  правильный вариант степени прилагательного.

  This house is --- of all the houses in the street.

    A). new

    B). the newer

    C). newer

     D). as new as

     E). the newest


14. Выберите  верный вариант.

   What is the national symbol of Canada?

     A). the bald eagle

      B). the black rose

      C). the magnolia tree

      D). the red rose

      E). the maple leaf


15.Найдите правильный  перевод слова «Безвредный».

A). trifle

B). bottomless

C). homelen

D). boundless

E). harmless


16. Дополните  предложение.

He --- his brother’s example.

A). advice

B). suffers

C). follows

D). taking

E). appearance


17. Определите  правильную форму  образования  существительного

А). –ly

    B). –less


     D). – ness

     E). ic



18. Выберите  верное  местоимение

Did you meet--- on your way home?

 A). something

 B). any

 C). anybody

 D). some

 E). nobody


19. В место точек вставьте  нужное  слово

Water is an important ----- for growing vegetables.

 A). thing

B). source

C). danger

D). help

E). action


20. Сделайте  правильный  перевод «средняя  школа»

  A). private school

  B). secondary school

  C). state school

   D). grammar school

    E). comprehensive school


21. Дополните  предложение .

I didn’t ---- what she was wearing.

    A). hear

     B). read

     C). feel

       D). notice

      E). smell


22. Среди выделенных слов найдите правильный вариант со значением  глагола

   A). They follow definite standards in their work.

    B). There are many stands in the library.

     C). Standing at the window she watched the boys.

     D). The stand for children stands in the corner of the room.

     E). All the stands are very beautiful.


23.Дополните предложение  нужным глаголом

 Dont forget --- your camera.

   A). taking

    B). to take

     C). about taking

      D). didn’t take

       E). wouldn’t take

24. Закончите предложение  нужным  местоимением

     His opinion differs from ----

    A). my

     B). mine

      C). me

     D). we

      E). they


25. Вставьте  нужный  предлог.

Mrs Smith is seriously ill. I have no doubts --- it.

   A). for

    B). about

    C). of

     D). in

      E). on


26. В место точек вставьте  нужное  слово.

Both parents should ---- their children.

  A). take care

  B). take care of

   C). take care for

   D). take care on

    E). take care in

27. Выберите  правильный вариант числительных  3, 25

A). three two five

B). three hundred twenty five

C). three point two five

D). three and twenty five

E). thre, twenty and five.


28. В место точек вставьте  нужное наречие.

I can ---- remember her face. It was so long ago.

  A). hard to

   B). hardly

  C). hard

   D). hardly to

    E). hardly on


29. Закончите  предложение.

They met yesterday, ----- ?

A). did they

B). they did

C). wasn’t they

D). aren’t they

E). didnt they


30. Прочитайте текст, выберите  правильный  вариант ответа

My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to look after us. So we got Alison. She was very young, seventeen I think and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part --- time with us before she started her training at Nor land College. She had to dress in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlotte’s birthday she organized a fantastic party. When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full – time. She was called Nanny.Barnes by everyone, including my parents

  1. Why did Mummy decide to hire a nanny?

A). because she was old;

B). because she went to university

C). because she had a small children

D). because she was ill

E). because she left us.

Вариант №11



1.      Выберите  правильное  слово

A). monotoneus

B). monotanees

C). monotones

D). monotonous

E). monotonoуs



2.      Выберите  правильную форму существительного множественного числа

Jack has got a lot of --- of his girlfriend on the wall.

A). photo

B). photeos

C). photos

D). photoгs

E). phoуtos



3.      Выберите  правильный артикль

--- moon moves slowly round --- Earth.

A). ---- the

B). the--- the

C). this--- the

D). a--- a

E). an --- the





4.      Выберите  нужное местоимение

I looked at --- in the mirror.

A). me

B). myself

C) mine

D). my

E). his


    5.Вставьте  нужный  глагол

       Every day Johnny –to a street corner and ---- for the school bus.

       A). walks, waits

       B). is walking, waits

       C). walks, is waiting

       D). walk, will wait

       E). walked, would wait.


6. Выберите  правильный  предлог

She picked up a pair of scissors ---- the table.

A). from


C). in

D). of

E) about


7.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное  слово

The --- in the story were all based on real people.

A). persons



D). people

E). pupils






5.      Найдите глагол  со значением «искать»

A). to look up

B). to look for

C). to look out

D). to look in

E). to look at


6.      Вместо точек вставьте  нужное  слово

I’m sorry I was rude, but I’m in a bad ---.

A). mood

B). manner


D). behavior

E). position



7.      Дополните  предложение правильным  вариантом глагола

I ---- you should go to the doctor.

A). am thinking

B). think

C). have been thinking

D). was thinking

E). will think.




8.       Найдите географическое название слова

A). clothers

B). museum

C). juice

D). gorge

E). nice


9.      Найдите правильную форму фразового глагола

I want to --- these exercises before I give them to the teacher.

A). look out for

B). look through

C). look up

D). look for

E). look out


10.  Выберите  правильный вариант глагола

If I won the lottery I ---- give you half the money.

A). will

B). would

C). have

D). had

E). is.



11.  Закончите  пословицу

Tastes …..

A). come

B). change

C). differ

D). spoil

E). go.



12.  Выберите  нужное  слово

Thank you for the cassette. I am very --- on music.

A). keen

B). fond

C). prefer

D). love

E). watch..



13.  Вставьте  нужное  глагол

This bill isn’t right. They --- a mistake.

A). had made

B). have made

C). has made

D). are made

E). is made



14.  Найдите  глагол в  форме Префикс

     A). act

B). enjoy

C). rewrite

D). help

E). meet



15.  Вставьте  нужный предлог

America consist --- North America and South America.

A). in

B). of

C). with

D). for

E). on



16.  Дополните предложение разделительно вопросительным выражением

You know that she didn’t go to Moscow as she had planned, -----?

A). did she

B). do you

C). don’t you

D). hadn’t you

E). doesn’t you


17.  Найдите  слово во множественном числе

A). lady

B). leaf

C). church

D). oxen

E). wife



18.  Подберите предложению слова с одинаковым значением

I wonder if we could play a game of chess.

A). party

B). match

C). game

D). set

E). time.


19.  Найдите правильную форму глагола

He said he ---- late that evening.

A). will be

B). is

C). would be

D). has be

E). had be

   20. Среди выделенных слов найдите правильный вариант со значением  существительного

       A). He wishes me good luck.

       B). What did you wish to your family?

       C). Mother sends you her best wishes.

       D). I wish you a Happy New Year.

       E). People always wish good things to each other.



21.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

That’s the woman --- going to rent this flat.

A). who’s


C). which

D). what




22.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово


Joan ---- to have forgotton my birthday.

A). seems

B). is seeming

D). will seeming

E). was seeming.



23.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

Shakespeare’s ---- plays were first published in 1623.

A). collected

B). collecting

C). being collected

D). collect

E). have collected.



24.Дополните предложение  косвенной речи нужными словами

“---- to me !” ---- me that you still love me.” ------ the young man.

A). speak ….. tell…. Said.

B). tell …. Say… discussed

C). say …. Tell …. Talked

D). said …. Tell …. Answered.

E). speak ….. told … say.



25.  Выберите степени сравнения прилагательных

He had to spend about six months in a class with --- students.

A). more younger

B). younger

C). the youngest

D). most younger

E). ----




26.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

70 per cent of the surface of the Earth is covered --- water.

A). in

B). by

C). under

D). on

E). of




27.Закончите  предложение

The plane from Berlin has just ----.

 A). grounded

 B). sat

 C). landed

 D). took

 E). flown.



28.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

Old  clothes last week.

   A). had bought

    B). bought

    C). was buying

     D). will buy

      E). would buy.


12. Выберите неисчесляемое  существительное

     A). box

      B). pen

      C). book

       D). house

       E). snow


13. Выберите  правильныthe office in my coffee break. I looked up and saw this while car crashing into the front of the security van. Three men got out. One was wearing jeans and was thin, and the other had a black jacket and was wearing trainers. I didn’t get a good look at the third because I was far from him. They shouted “ Get out” at the driver of the van, and he clearly didn’t move fast enough because they let the door open and got him out and had a gun at his head while he opened the back of the van.


1.      What did Liz hear when she was coming out of the bank?

            A). She heard a loud noise:

           B). She heard a voice:

            C) She heard a child crying

            D). She heard nothing

            E). She heard somebody’s coming

                                      Вариант №12

1.      Выберите  правильное  слово

A). poisonouse

B)  poisonous

C) poisones 


E). Poisonouses 

1. Подберите  синоним к слову Ancient

A). new

B). Modern                

C). old

D). useless

E). unnecessary




2.      выберите  нужный артикль

The Browns always have --- dinner at 7p.m.

 A). ---

B). a

C). The

D). an

E). at


3.      Выберите  существительное  во множественном числе

The ----- were waiting for me outside the school.

 A). childs

B). childrens

C). Children        

D). childrenses

E). child桴⁥景楦散椠祭挠景敦⁥牢慥⹫䤠氠潯敫⁤灵愠摮猠睡琠楨⁳桷汩⁥慣⁲牣獡楨杮椠瑮桴⁥牦湯⁴景琠敨猠捥牵瑩⁹慶⹮吠牨敥洠湥朠瑯漠瑵湏⁥慷⁳敷牡湩⁧敪湡⁳湡⁤慷⁳桴湩湡⁤桴⁥瑯敨⁲慨⁤⁡汢捡慪正瑥愠摮眠獡眠慥楲杮琠慲湩牥⹳䤠搠摩鉮⁴敧⁴⁡潧摯氠潯瑡琠敨琠楨摲戠捥畡敳䤠眠獡映牡映潲楨⹭吠敨⁹桳畯整⁤ₓ敇⁴畯鑴愠⁴桴⁥牤癩牥漠⁦桴⁥慶Ɱ愠摮栠⁥汣慥汲⁹楤湤璒洠癯⁥慦瑳攠潮杵⁨敢慣獵⁥桴祥氠瑥琠敨搠潯⁲灯湥愠摮朠瑯栠浩漠瑵愠摮栠摡愠朠湵愠⁴楨⁳敨摡眠楨敬栠⁥灯湥摥琠敨戠捡景琠敨瘠湡

圍慨⁴楤⁤楌⁺敨牡眠敨usinessman even though he has ______ education.

A). very little                             

B). a very little

C). quite a little                 

D). the little

E). an little





4.      Выберите  верное  местоимение

Trees drop ---- leaves in autumn.

A). their                                 

B). its

C). theirs

D). his

E). hers 



5.      Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

_______ strange began to happen.

A). anything

B). something                             

C). nothing

D). any

E). some   




6.      Вместо точек вставьте  нужный глагол

Everyone _________ that women are equal to men..

A). know

B). knows                                        

C). is knowing

D). knowing

E). known.


7.      Выберите  нужное  местоимение


“Would you like --- more coffee?” – “ Yes, please.”

A). any

B). no

C). some                                                    

D). anything

E). something




8.      Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

He’d spent--- he had, every last penny.

A). each

B). all                                             

C). every

D). any

E). anything




9.       Выберите  степень прилагательного

Nowadays Bob is eating more and exercising --- than he used to.

A). little

B). less.

C). the least                                            

D). least

E). most little

13. Закончите  предложение

You can’t run as fast _________.

A). as me

B). than I can                  

C). as I

D). faster

E). further



14. Выберите  нужный глагол

The past 10 years _______ the happiest in her life.

A). are

B). are being

C) have been             

D). was being

E). were being



15.Дополните предложение

“ Oh, Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages!______ ?”  ______“ Oh, I’m OK. Thanks. And you?”

A). what do you do?

B).how are you?                                     

C). what are you doing?

D). how old are you?

E). what did you do?

16.Выберите  правильный вариант глагола

     The proposal _________ great!

      A). is sounding

      B). sounds                                   

      C). sound

       D). was sounding

      E). were sounding


17..Выберите  страдательную форму  глагола

     All the tickets _________ sold already.

     A). were

     B). have been                             

     C). are

      D). had

      E). have


18. Выберите  модальную форму  глагола

       You --- travel quickly from Alexandria to Cairo by coach.

       A). must

       B). can                                                   

       C). should

       D). may

       E). n as fast _________.

A). as me

B). than I can                  

C). as I

D). faster

E). further



14. Выберите  нужный глагол

The past 10 years _______ the happiest in her life.

A). are

B). are being

C) have been             

D). was being

E). were being



15.Дополнoking forward __________ to the United Kingdom this summer.

A). to go

B). to going

C). having gone                              

D). is going

E). gone



21.       Выберите  нужное причастие

The book is _______.

A). very excited

B). very exciting

C). being excited                                        

D) had excited

E). have excited



22.       Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

You would soon learn French, if you ______ to evening classes.

A). go

B). went

C). would go                                   

D). gone

E). had gone



23.       Выберите  предлог

He lifted his hands ____________ his head.

A). over


C). about                                                    

D). on











24.       Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

We should save energy by using ---- power and wind power.

A). solar

B). sun

C). sunny                              

D). cloudy

E). windy


    25.  Найдите  перевод фразового глагола go


           A). go on

           B). go round

           C). go away

           D). go off                                                      

           C). go out



    26. Вставьте  нужное слово

          Do you know -- ?

         A). how the time is

          B). what time is it

           C). what time it is                                          

         D).  Time is it

           E). is it   



27.Дополните  предложение

Trains always ----   on time here.

A). go

B). travel


D). went

E). gone



28.Закончите  предложение

Television. Radio, newspapers and magazines are called -----

 A). multimedia

 B). mass media

 C). mass medium                                                      

  D) canals

  E). journals

            29. Выберите правильный вариант

You______think about the  future  and  not about  the past

a) Mustn`t

b) shouldn`t

c) needn`t

d) should

e) must

30. Дополните  предложение

These plants______three  times a week

a)      you should  water

b)      can be watered               

c)      should be watered

d)      have be watered

e)      had be watered

Вариант  №13


  1. Выберите  степень прилагательного


a)      Worse                              b)    Worsest           

c) Badder                             d) Baddest

e) Worser


2. Определите прилагательное образованное окончанием – able

a) Changeable                      b) Changable        

c) Changible                        d) Changeible

e) Changiaible  



         D).  Time is it

           E). is it   



27.Дополните  предложение

Trains always ----   on time here.

A). go

B). travel


D). went

E). gone



28.Закончите  предложение

Television. Radio, newspapers and magazines are called --hen  did you first  take _______ musiс?

a) After                                  b) Away                  

c) Easy                                   d) Out

e) Up



5. Выберите правильный префикс

Science  has ____ locked the  mystery of the atom.

a) Un-                                    b) dis-                

c) Im-                                     d) Re-

e) In-




6. Чтение глагола «Shake» в III форме

 a) Shake                                 b) Shoke                   

c) Shooke                               d) Shaken

e) Shaked




7. Выберите  правильную форму времени глагола

How  mush does your sweater cost?

a) Present Simple                   b) Present Continuous              

c)Future   Simple                   d)  Past Simple

e) Present Perfect




8. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в форме времени глагола Present Simple 

a) She come home early

b) She not comes home early

c) She don`t comes home early

d) She doesn`t come home early

e) She came home early yesterday   


9. Дополните  предложение с подходящим по смыслу словом

He _____ it now.

a) understand                         b) understands                

c) is understand                     d) is understanding

    e) understood 


10. Выберите  правильный вспомогательный  глагол

Where _____ people  use to  get  water from?

a) was                                            b) were

c) does                                          d) are           

e) did



 11.Определите  правильный вариант формирования  временного глагола Past  Perfect  с  помощью вспомогательных слов

a)Has\P II                                  b) Have\ P II  

c) Had\P II                                d) Had \P I

e) Would\P II





12. К выделенному слову задайте  нужный  вопрос

My friend`s  family  has got a flat  on the  sixth floor.    

a)      Who                           b) How

c) What                          d) When

e) Where  





13. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в форме Used to

a) My grandma  often  used to sitting outside  the  door  of  his  house

b) My grandma  often  used to sit  outside  the  door  of  his  house

c) My grandma  often  use to sit  outside  the  door  of  his  house      

d) My grandma  often  use to sat  outside  the  door  of  his  house

e) My grandma  often did use to sat  outside  the  door  of  his  house




14. Закончите предложение

She  was  chopping potatoes when ......

a)      She fell off the ladder

b)      She cut  her finger            

c)      Their ball broke a window

d)      The  teacher  entered the  room

e)      A branch  broke



15. Выберите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола в форме времени Past Continuous   

1._______ you _____ (to wait) for me at 5 p.m.?-Yes, I _____

a) had wait\was

f)       b) were w

g)      Their ball broke a window

h)      The  teacher  entered the  room

i)       A branch  broke



15. Выберите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола в форме времени Past Continuous   

1._______ you _____ (to wait) for me at 5 p.m.?-Yes, I _____

a) had wait\was

b) were wontinuous              

d) Past Perfect Continuous  

e) Future in the  Past



17. Покажите  правильно составленное предложение

a) How long are you  working for  this  company?

b) How long are you  worked for  this  company?  

c) How long worked you are for  this  company?

d) How long you  are worked for  this  company?

e) How long you  are working for  this  company?




18. Выберите  правильный вариант

_____ the  little  boy  playing  with?

a) – What                      

b) – What`s

c) Why

d) Where

e) When



19. Расставьте прилагательные в  нужном порядке (Word order)

We  had some _____soup  for lunch

a) tasty hot deliciouser

b) delicious hot

c) delicious hotter  

d) tastier, hotter

e) deliciousest hot



20. Дополните  вопросительное  предложение

_______ are you doing  now?

a)      Why

b)      What 

c)      How     

d)      Where

e)      When


21. Закончите предложение Question tags

It`s Thursday  today

a)      … did you?

b)      … isn`t it?           

c)      … aren`t they?

d)      …didn` t  they?

e)      …is it?   



22. Дополните  предложение

If  you  want  to  find  your way around the city ____, you should buy the  map  of it.

a)      easilier

b)      more easily                     

c)       easy

d)      The most easiest   

e)      Easier



23. Выберите  правильный вариант Modal Verbs

The  news ____be true! I don`t believe  you

a)      can

b)      could                 

c)      can`t

d)      couldn`t

e)      be able to


24. Выберите правильный вариант

You______think about the  future  and  not about  the past

a) Mustn`t

b) shouldn`t

c) needn`t.               

d) should

e) must


25. Дополните  предложение

These plants______three  times a week

a)you should  water

b)can be watered             

c)should be watered

d)have be watered

e)had be watered


26.Дополните  условное предложение «»

They ____ have missed the  last  bus  if  they had  hurried.

a)      will

b)      won`t

c)      would                           

f)       wouldn`can`t

g)      couldn`t

h)      be able to


24. Выберите правильный вариант

You______think about the  future  and  not about  the past

a) Mustn`t

b) shouldn`t

c) needn`t.               

d) should

e) must


25. Дополните  предложение

These plants______three  times a week

a)      a)that I should  have been  careful

b)      My friends  told me that I should  be  careful

c)      My friends says me that I should have been  careful


28. Дополните  предложение  в формеGerund

I`m  thinking  of __ to  Brazil

a)      going               

b)      gone

c)      go

d)      goet

e)      is  going 


29. Определите  форму слова Participle II

a) A  complicated  explananion     

b) the  following  chapter

c) a  passing  bus

d) flying  fish

e) running  water


30. Прочитайте  текст,  выберите  правильный ответ

Scateboarding  has become a  very  popular  sport. All a  person  needs  to enjoy  this  sport is a skateboard, good balance, and some practice. It is a  good  idea to use  safety  helmets  and  kneepads  because  even  the  best  skateboarders  fall sometimes. To  begin  scateboarding, put  on  foot  on the scateboard and  push  forward  with the  other foot. When  you  get  moving  fast  enough  put  both feet on the  board. You keep  your  balance  by  moving  your  arms  and  body. The  more  you  practice  the  easier  it  becomes.

The  text  is about:

a)      helmets and  kneepads                

b)      the  best  skateboarders 

c)      moving

d)      a  good  idea

e)      Scateboarding  sport

Вариант №14


1.Найдите слова, которые  разные по написанию и значению, но одинаковые по звучанию

The……spent   the……..in  the  castle.

A)  knight ,   night

B) tale  tail                            

C) blue,  blew

D)hare   hair

E)where     wear     


2. Определите правильно написаное слово

The   verb  + ing.  

To  control



c) cantralling

d) cantrolling

e) cantrollng



3. Укажите  слово в форме  префикс

a) Support

b) porter

c) slowly                 

d) sharpen

e) unknown



4.Подберите подходящее по смыслу слово к Tall

a) high                

b) wide

c) low

d) new

e) big



5. Найдите лишнее слово

a) selfish                  

b) sociable

c) talkative

d) naughty

e) tallish



6. Подберите  синоним к слову


a)      working

b)      sure                 

c)      wide

d)      quick

e)      waked up





7. Подберите  антоним к слову


a)      friend

b)      adult

c)      many        

d)      foreigner

e)      darknees






8. Покажите  правильный вариант фразового глагола look

We are ______seeing  them  again

a)      to look at

b)      to look for

c)      to look through

d)      to look to                         

e)      to look forward to



9. Подберите подходящее по смыслу слово к get used  to

a) become \ resulknight ,   night

B) tale  tail                            

C) blue,  blew

D)hare   hair

E)where     wear     


2. Определите правильно написаное слово

The   verb  + ing.  

To  control



c) cantralling

d) cantrolling

e) cantrollng



3. Укажите  слово в форме  префикс

a) Support

b) porter

c) slowly                 

d) sharpen

e) unknown



4.Подберите подходящее по смыслу слово к Tall

a) high                

b) wide

c) low

d) new

e) big



5. Найдите лишнее слово

a) sel

a) a means  of carrying or  conveying

b) a fine, white  ware  made of clay baked  by a special  process, first used in China

c) a way  of  acting                                                                          

d) the  amount  taken  off from a price

e) a  main  division  of a  book, written  about a particular  part  of  the  subject  or  story



14. Выберите  III форму глагола Buy  

a) burst

b) bring                   

c) bend

d) blown

e) bought 



15. Найдите подходящее по смыслу слово к apartment    

«American English»

a)  lift

b) undershirt

c) flat            

d) tap

e) handbag  



16. Выберите  правильный вариант формы  времени вопросительного предложения

Which  letter  comes after «I»?

a)     Present Simple                  

b)    Present Continuous   

c)     Future Simple

d)    Past Perfect Continuous  

e)     Past  Perfect



17. Выберите  нужный  вспомогательный  глагол

The   boys___ a game  of  football  at  the moment

a)      Have                            

b)      having

c)      don`t  have

d)      are having

e)      has

18. Выберите  правильный вариант предложения в форме

 Present Continuous 

a) Why  they not  cleaning  the  window?

b) Why  they aren`t  cleaning  the  window?        

c) Why  aren`t they cleaning  the  window?   

d) Why  don`t they cleaning  the  window?

e) Why  is  not cleaning  the  window?


19. Дополните предложение вспомогательным глаголом в форме «To  be  going to»

- I___ (to  walk) the  dog

- Wait a  minute, and I ____(to come) with you

a) am going\will

b) are going\will             

c) will \will

d) is going

e) am go- will



20. Определите правильный вариант формирования времени Present  Perfect

a) have \ has   V3\ PII               

b)had \   PII

c) was \   were     V+ing \ PI

d)am \ is are       V+ing         

e) would    PII



21. Дополните предложение  вспомогательным  глаголом Past  Perfect

 He ___(to feel) sick because  he ____ (to  eat) too  much.

a)       Feel                                 

b)       Eaten

c)      Felt \ had eaten

d)      Feeled \ had eaten

e)      Felt \ had been  caten



22. К выделенному слову задайте  вопрос

Jane  met  her friends  at a  party

a)      Who

b)      How

c)      What                          

d)      Where

e)      When

23.Дополните  вопросительное  предложение

______ don`t we  go shopping  this afternoon?

a)      Why

b)      What

c)      How

d)      Where

e)      Are 



24. Докончите  разделительно вопросительное  предложение

She  used  to  walk  to work…..

a)      …can  it?               

b)      …aren`t there?

c)      …didn`t she?

…hasn`t  it?s about:

f)       helmets and  kneepads                

g)      the  best  skateboarders 

h)      moving

i)       a  good  idea

j)       Scateboarding  sport

Вариант №14


1.Найдите слова, которые  разные по написанию и значению, но одинаковые по звучанию

The……spent   the……..in  the  castle.

A)  knight ,   night

B) tale  tail                            

C) blue,  blew

D)hare   hair

E)where     wear     


2. Определите правильно написаное слово

The   verb  + ing.  

To  control



c) cantralling

d) cantrolling

es to get to the library?

        b) Did it take him 10 or 20 minutes to get to the library?

        c) It took him 10 minutes to get to the library, didn’t it?

        d) How much time did it take him to get to the library?

         e) Does it take him 10 minutes to get to the library?



28. Выберите верное местоимение в Complex Object.

       We want … to study French.

a)      They          

b)      them

c)      their  

d)      themselves

e)      themselves


29. Выберите верное причастие.

      The problem … is of great significance.

a)      Discussing                       

b)      have discussed

c)      being discussed

d)      was discussed

e)      is discussed



30. Дополните предложение правильным вариантом

The day was ___ that we skipped  our  lessons and  went  to  the  centre  to  do  window-shopping

a) so beautiful                 

b) so a beautiful


b) live\work  harmoniously with   

c) become  sick  with a cold

d) become  adjusted  to

e) cancel  by  marking  with  crosses



10. Выберите правильный префикс

He spoke  slowly and ___ certainly

a)      un-

b)      in-      

c)      im-

d)      ir-

e)      il –



11. Выберите прилагательное  d) a, a

              c) -, the 



2. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “terrible”.

              a) awful    

              b) beautiful

              c) bad

             d) wonderful

              e) modern




3. Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

               a) child                   

               b) tooth

c) mice

               d) goose

               e) foot



4. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы

    существительного во множественном числе.   

a)      the girl’s cats               

               b)   the girls’ cats 

               c)   the girls’s cats      

               d)   the girl’ cats              

               e)   the girls cats  



5. Выберите сравнительную степень прилагательного.

               a) little

               b) large        

               c) less

               d) the least

               e) the largest



6. Выберите подходящее числительное.

    John F. Kennedy was the youngest president of the USA

     and … to be murdered.

a)      the fourth         

b)      fourth

c)      four

d)      the four

e)      a fourth




7. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     Everybody should be able to defend  … .

a)      him          

b)      himself

c)      his          

d)      his own

e)      them




8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     Have you got …objections?

a)      Any           

b)      some

c)      something

d)      anything

e)      no     



9. Выберите верный вариант.

    Please, … be late for classes!

a)      None               

b)      not

c)      no

d)      don’t

e)      neither


10. Вставьте предлог.

      Alex knew that something awful had happened … Jane.

a)      On                       

b)      after

c)      beyond

d)      with

e)      to



11. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

      They are going to look … some colour slides.

a)      At                 

b)      through

c)      after

d)      with

e)      in



12. Образуйте отрицательное прилагательное от слова «attentive».

                    a) un

                    b) in         

                    c) im

                    d) ir

                    e) re




13. Выберите слово со II типом слога.

               a) lake           

               b) hare

               c) mad

               d) turn 

               e) burn



14. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be».

       I … working in Paris when I met Julia.

                      a) was

                      b) is      

                      c) were

                      d) am

                      e) are



15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Where you … nowadays?

a)      do you work     

b)      did you work

c)      will you work

d)      will you be working

e)      have you worked



16. Выберите правильный вариант.

       Last night we went to Pete’s birthday party, … we enjoyed very much.

a)      whose                  

b)      which

c)      who

d)      where

e)      when



17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The letter … next week.

a)      is written        

b)      was written

c)      is being written

d)      has been written

e)      will be written



18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       If you want to pass your exams you … work harder.

a)      can’t

b)      must to

c)      should            

d)      need

e)      ought to



19. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

         a) She asked him if he liked living in New York.

          b) She asked him if he likes living in New York.           

          c) She asked him if he had liked living in New York.

         d) She asked him if he will liked living in New York.

         e) She asked him if he will like living in New York.



20. Закончите пословицу.

       Men learn while they …

a)      live            

b)      speak

c)      read

d)      write

e)      teach



21. Дополните условное предложение.

      If I were you, I … a computer.

a)      will buy

b)      bought              

c)      will have bought

d)      had bought

e)      would buy



22. К теме “City Life” относится слово.

                              a) weather

                              b) leaf

                              c) language                 

                              d) knowledge

                               e) traffic



23. Поставьте нужную форму инфинитива или герундия.

       She enjoys … Indian meals.

a)      to cook           

b)      to be cooking

c)      cook

d)      to have cooked

e)      cooking



24. Выберите верное окончание для словосочетания.

       A loaf of …

                                a) bread

                                b) cookies               

                                c) sweets

                                d) meat

                                e) soup




25. Задайте разделительный вопрос к предложению.

      It took him 10 minutes to get to the library           

        a) Did it take him 10 minutes to get to the library?

        b) Did it take him 10 or 20 minutes to get to the library?

        c) It took him 10 minutes to get to the library, didn’t it?

        d) How much time did it take him to get to the library?

         e) Does it take him 10 minutes to get to the library?




26. Выберите верное местоимение в Complex Object.

       We want … to study French.

f)       They          

g)      them

h)      their  

i)       themselves

j)       themselves



27. Выберите верное причастие.

      The problem … is of great significance.

a)        Discussing                      

b)        have discussed

c)        being discussed

d)        was discussed

e)        is discussed

28. Найдите наречие.

                                  a) write

                                  b) quick            

                                  c) slowly

                                  d) rain

                                  e) food



29. Образуйте Participle I от слова “swim”

                                   a) swimmer          

                                   b) swam

                                   c) swims

                                   d) swimming

                                   e) swimming



30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

           One of  Newton’s friends came to see him. The scientist was as usual

       adsorbed in some problem. The visitor waited thinking that Newton

       would not be long, as his dinner was already on the table. After waiting

       a very long time his friend became hungry, sat down at the table and ate the

       dinner prepared for Newton. After a long time Newton came in at last,

       greeted his friend and sat down at the dinner-table. Finding nothing but bones

       on the plate, Newton said he had quite forgotten that he had already had      



         Закончите предложение.

               This story proves that … .

a)      Newton was absent-minded.        

b)      Newton was a great scientist.

c)      Newton liked his dinner.

d)      Newton liked his friend.

e)      Newton was industrious.

                                  Вариант №  16



1. Отлично от других буква “g” читается в слове.      

              a) ground               

              b) goal                            

              c) gentle

              d) good

              c) god 

2. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “hardworking ”.

              a) industrious

              b) beautiful                      

              c) lazy

              d) crazy 

              e) perfect

3. Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

               a) wife

               b) wives                     

c) wifes

               d) wivs

               e) wifs


4. Выскажите противоположную идею.

    I like to read books, but my friend…    

b)      don’t like to read books.

c)      doesn’t like to read books.

               c)   not likes to read books.

d)      doesn’t likes to read books.

e)      don’t likes to read books.

5. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме.

     English is as … as German.

               a) more difficult              

               b) difficulter

               c) the most difficult   

               d) the least difficult 

               e) difficult 


6. Выберите правильный вариант чтения порядкового числительного “57”.   

a)the fifty seven

b)the fifty and seven

c)the fivety seven

                              d)the fiftith seventh          

e)the fifty seventh



7. Образуйте сложное слово от слова “house”.   





               e)   son



8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     There aren’t … fruit left.



c) none

d)       anything

e)      no                       



9. Выразите одним словом.

    A person who sells vegetables in a shop is a … .


a)      butcher

b)      baker

c)      greengrocer

d)      cook

e)      none


10. Вставьте предлог.

      The Browns live … the ground floor.




d) at




11. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

       He had to give … smoking as he got sick.








12. Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим отсутствие чего-либо.

                    a) hopefull      

                    b) hopeless

                    c) nervous

                    d) hopable

                    e) hopeness



 13. Выберите правильный артикль.

       … U K is situated on … British Isles.

               a) -, the       

               b) -, -

               c) the, the

               d) the, -

               e) a, a



14. Выберите правильный порядок слов в предложении.

                      a) Usually I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

                      b)  I get up usually at 7 o’clock in the morning.

                      c)  I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning usually.

                      d)  I get up at 7 o’clock usually in the morning. 

                      e)  I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.


15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      When she … the news, she began to cry.                     

a)has heard


c)would have heard

                   d)   would hear

                    e)   had heard


16. Дополните предложение.

      How is your mother? – She … fine.








17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       Many houses … during the Great Fire of London.

a)is burnt

b)was burnt

c) is being burnt   

d)were burnt

e)has been burnt


18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       Mike … to stay at home because it was very cold.






19. Переведите в косвенную речь.

      The teacher said, “Thackeray’s novels are very interesting”.

    a) The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels are very interesting.  

    b) The teacher said  Thackeray’s novels have been very interesting.

      c) The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels were very interesting.

      d) The teacher said  Thackeray’s novels has been very interesting.

      e)   The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels was very interesting.


20. Закончите пословицу.

       A watched pot never …






21. Дополните условное предложение.

      Would you be happier if you … more money.


b)will have   

c)had had


e)would have


22. Выбери обобщающее слово для следующих выражений.

     Gas, electricity, central heating, hot and cold running water

                              a) weather    

                              b) professions

                              c) language

                              d) food

                              e) modern conveniences


23. Найди форму Simple Passive Infinitive.       

a)      to cook

b)      to be cooking    

c)      to be cooked

d)      to have cooked

e)      cooking





24. Найди синоним слова  “rich”.  

                                a) large

                                b) wealthy     

                                c) huge

                                d) busy

                                e) great


25. Закончите разделительный вопрос.

       I am strict, … ?

                                a) am  I           

                                b) are  I

                                c) aren’t  I

                                d) amn’t  I

                                e) isnt  I

26. Выделенное выражение в предложении является.

       She didn’t expect to be asked about this issue.

a)      Infinitive

b)      Gerund    

c)      Participle I

d)      Participle II

e)      Adjective

27. Дополните словосочетание.

      Necessary …








28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова «невозможный».

                                  a) possible

                                  b) inpossible

                                  c) unnpossible    

                                  d) repossible

                                  e) impossible

29. Закончите предложение.

      “Stars and Stripes” is the name of  the … .

a)      flag

b)      song         

c)      ship

d)      cinema

e)      museum



30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание к тексту.

                  “I remember when I was young,” the old gentleman said to little

             Bobby, “I had to fight for my life against sixteen cannibals, and only one ran away - ”

                  “But,” said Bobby, “last year you told me there were eight cannibals.”

                  “Yes,” said  the old gentleman,  “but you were too young to know the horrible truth ”.


      Выбери ответ, выражающий твоё мнение.              

a)      The old gentleman fought against sixteen cannibals.                                                  

b)      The old gentleman didn’t fight against cannibals.

c)      The old gentleman fought bravely against cannibals.

d)      The old gentleman was afraid to fight against cannibals.

e)      The old gentleman fought against eight cannibals.










  Вариант №17


1. Выберите верное выражение.

    My grandfather gave me … .

               a) good advices         

               b) a good advice

 c) some good advice

               d) a good advices 

               e) some good advices




2. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме.

     Oxford and Cambridge are  … universities in Great Britain.

               a) older                 

               b) oldest    

               c) the oldest 

               d) the most old 

               e) the older

3.      Найдите слово, где буква  r  читается отлично от других.

              a) far       

              b) firm                 

              c) frost

              d) fork 

              c) turn


4. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол.

     Jill teaches me English, but she … teach my sister.  



c)are not


e)am not


5. Подберите антоним к слову “clever ”.

              a) silly

              b) honest               

              c) kind

              d) fussy

              e) frank

6. Выберите правильный вариант  числительного.

     The … great deserts of central Australia cover 2, 000, 000 square kilometers.


b)the fourth            

c)a fourth

d)a four


7. Выберите правильный вариант.

     Perhaps no great artist of the past had … many pupils and helpers   as Rubens.


b)such as

c)so as




8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное наречие.

     I don’t think I have … eaten Chinese food before.            











9. Закончите предложение.

    What is the first word most children learn to … .









 10. Вставьте предлог.

      A lemon drink with honey is very good … a cold.









11. ”To go without”  означает.    

a) увлекаться

f)       гаснуть           

g)      обходиться без чего-либо

h)      заниматься

i)       продолжать





12. Выберите соответствующее существительное.

      On my … to school I often meet my neghbour, Nick Adams.

                    a) going          

                    b) way

                    c) road

                    d) walking 

                    e) highway

 13. Выберите правильное местоимение.

        I’d like you to meet a very good friend of …, Tom Brown.

               a) me

               b) mine      

               c) my

               d) our

               e) we

14. Выберите правильный вариант.

       I wonder … .

                      a) what my younger brother is doing now.   

                      b) what is my younger brother  doing now.

                      c)  what does my younger brother  do now.

                      d)  what is doing my younger brother  now.

                      e)  what do my younger brother  do now.

15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Since early times, man … in flight.

f)       Interested       

g)      is  interested

h)      was  interested

i)       has  interested

j)       has  been interested

16. Дополните предложение.

      I’d like to buy this dictionary, but I haven’t got … money.

f)       no           

g)      some

h)      many       

i)       enough

f)       more

17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The earliest known manuscript of Beowulf … in the British museum.

f)       is keeping

g)      will be kept

h)      is kept

i)       keeps

j)       will  keep

18.    Выберите правильный вариант.

I have always wanted to … to play the violin.

f)       know

g)      understand      

h)      learn

i)       make

j)       feel

19. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

      Tom said that he … .

                          a) has never been to Disneyland.

                          b) had never been to Disneyland.

                          c) was never in Disneyland.

                          d) was never been to Disneyland.

                          e)  has always been to Disneyland.. 

20. Закончите пословицу.

       It’s not whether you win or loose that matters, it’s how you play the … .

f)       tennis     

g)      piano

h)      violin

i)       golf

j)       game






21. Дополните сложноподчинённое предложение.

      I dont know  … .

f)       where the phone-book is.

g)      where is the phone-book.

h)      the phone-book where is.  

i)       the phone-book is where.

j)       where  the phone-book had been.

22. Выбери III форму глагола «to show ».    

                              a) show

                              b) showed  

                              c) shew

                              d) shown

                              e) showen

23. Найди форму Participle I.       

d)      stealing

e)      steal

f)       to steal     

g)      stole

h)      stolen


24. Выберите правильный вариант.

      John came to see me … . It was last Monday, I think.

                                a) another day

                                b) the other day            

                                c) other day

                                d) the day before other

                                e) the day before tomorrow

25. Задайте вопрос к предложению.

 He used to play tennis when he was a student.

         a) Does he used to play tennis when he was a student?


        b) Did he use to play tennis when he was a student?

         c) Did he used to play tennis when he was a student?

         d) Would he used to play tennis when he was a student?

          e)  Had he used to play tennis when he was a student?




26. Выделенное слово в предложении является.

       Look at the picture painted by a young artist.

f)       Infinitive 

g)      Gerund

h)      Participle I

i)       Participle II

j)       Adjective


27. Дополните словосочетание.

      A jar of …

b)      Milk  

c)      cereal

d)      lemonade

e)      cheese

f)       eggs


28. Выберите правильный вариант.

      Neither Helen … her sister wanted to go to the mountains.

                                  a)  or

                                  b)  so   

                                  c)  as

                                  d)  and









29. Выберите верное сказуемое.

      The Hermitage … a priceless collection of  paintings.

                                   a) containing                            

                                   b) was containing   

                                   c) contains

                                   d) is contained   

                                   e) has contained   

30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

             Once a young composer brought his manuscript  to Rossini.

              While listening, the famous composer took off his hat every

      minute and put it on again.

               “Is it so hot?” the composer asked Rossini.

               “No,” said Rossini, “but I always take off my hat when I meet

                an old acquaintance, and there are so many of them in your

                composition that I have to bow again and again.”


       Ответьте на вопрос.

              Why did Rossini take off his hat every minute?

f)       It was very hot in the room.   

g)      It was his habit.

h)      He bowed to old acquaintances.

i)       He didn’t like to get acquainted.

j)       He greeted the young composer









Вариант №18



1. Отлично от других буква “с” читается в слове.      

              a) city            

              b) come               

              c) picture

              d) music

              c) act



2. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “beloved ”.

              a)  wonderful        

              b) favourite

              c) fine

              d) lovely

              e) powerful

3. Выберите множественное число существительного “a deer”.

               a) a deers

               b) deers              

c) deer

               d) deers

               e) an deer

4. Выскажите противоположную идею.

    My apple is sweet, but her apples …

f)       don’t sweet.        

g)      isn’t sweet.

h)      aren’t sweet.

f)       doesn’t sweet.

g)      are sweet.




5. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме.

     Nick’s English is not  so ... as his friend’s.

               a) more good          

               b) better

               c) the most good  

               d) the best

               e) good


6. Выберите правильный вариант чтения  количественного

    числительного  3, 000, 005.   

f)       three millions and five       

g)      three millions and fifth

h)      three million and fifth

i)       three millions and the five

j)       three million and five

7. Образуйте сложное слово от слова “post ”.   

f)       pen

g)      mail          

h)      man

i)       boy        

f)       envelope


8. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     Tom taught his son … he knows.

i)       Something       

j)       nothing

k)      anything

l)       everything                      

m)   some





9. Выразите одним словом.

    A  room where we work is a … .

g)      kitchen

h)      study            

i)       dining room

j)       living room

k)      bedroom



10. Вставьте предлог.

      The Prime Minister arrived … the capital on Monday.

f)       On               

g)      after

h)      in

i)       at

j)       to



11. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

       The more we get … the happier we’ll be.

j)       away                 

k)      together

l)       over

m)   along

n)      off





12. Выберите существительное с суффиксом.

                    a) rewrite

                    b) improvement           

                    c) realize 

                    d) critical

                    e) nicely




13. Выберите правильный артикль.

       Dan will fly to … Canada … next month.

               a) -, a

               b) -, -

               c) the, the

               d) the, -         

               e) a, a

14. Выберите правильный порядок слов в предложении.

                      a)  He has never been to Australia.

                      b)  He never has been to Australia.

                      c)  He has been never to Australia

                      d)  He has been to Australia never.

                      e)  He has never been Australia to


15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

       The boy found out that his friend … to Oxford.                     

k)      has moved

l)       moved        

m)   have moved

n)      will move

o)      had moved

16. Дополните предложение.

      Who … missing?

j)       is           

k)      are

l)       were

m)   am

n)      is being

17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The students … at the end of  the term.

k)      is tested   

l)       was tested

m)   are being tested

n)      were tested

o)      has been tested





18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

      You … take care of your parents.

k)      are to      

l)       have to

m)   had to

n)      needn’t

o)      ought  to



19. Переведите в косвенную речь.

      She asked me, “What holiday do you like?”

a)      She asked me what holiday do I like.

b)      She asked me what holiday did I like.

c)      She asked me what holiday I’m liking.

d)      She asked me what holiday I have liked.

e)      She asked me what holiday I liked.



20. Закончите пословицу.

       An apple a day keeps the doctor …

k)      off

l)       out

m)   away          

n)      from

o)      back



21. Дополните условное предложение.

      We’d come with you if we … free time.

k)      have

l)       will have     

m)   had had

n)      had

o)      would have



22. Выбери обобщающее слово.

      Painting, music, sculpture.

a)      Museum          

b)      cinema

c)      art

d)      sightseeing

e)      theatre 



23. Найди форму Continuous Passive Infinitive.       

i)       to cook

j)       to be cooking

k)      to be cooked       

l)       to have cooked

m)   cooking



24. Найди сходное по значению слово.


a)      folk

b)      person   

c)      individual

d)      man

e)      woman





25. Закончите разделительный вопрос.

      He wondered where you lived, … ?

                                a) did he

                                b) has he

                                c) did you  (e)

                                d) didn’t you

                                e) didnt he 



26. Выделенное слово в предложении является.

        Did he deserve praising?

k)      Infinitive

l)       Gerund

m)   Participle I  

n)      Participle II

o)      Adjective



27. Дополните словосочетание.


l)       Dress     

m)   chop

n)      water

o)      coat

p)      tie

28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова «безработный».

                                  a) incompetent

                                  b) invisible

                                  c) unknown 

                                  d) uncertain

                                  e) unemployed


29. Выберите правильный эквивалент для предложения

       «Мне пора, до свидания ».

                                   a) Im off now, bye.

                                   b) See you, bye.

                                   c) I’ll miss you, bye.     

                                   d) I’d like to say good-bye.

                                   e) I hope to see you soon.


30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

              When Franklin was the American ambassador to France, he was

       once present at a meeting of a literary society. He didn’t understand  

       French well.  He decided to applaud when he saw a lady whom he  

       knew doing the same.

               When the meeting was over, a little child who understood  French,

       said  to him, 

               “But, grandpapa, you always applauded the loudest when they

       were praising you!” 


     Ответьте на вопрос.

                Why did Franklin applaud the loudest?

k)      He liked the writer’s speech.    

l)       He liked the ambassador’s speech.

m)   He liked himself.

n)      He saw the lady applauding.

o)      He liked the lady.


   Вариант № 19


1.Выберите правильный артикль.

He lives in … Almaty from …Monday till … Friday.

              a) the, the, the                    

              b) the, -, a          

              c) -, -, -

              d) a, a, a

              c) -, the, the 

2. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “illness ”.

              a) disease

              b) medicine  

              c) hurt

              d) pain

              e) sore

3. Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

               a) mouse

               b) news

               c) money

               d) foot

               e) oxen


4. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы

    существительного во множественном числе.   

n)      the Brown’s dog

               b)   the Browns’s dog      

               c)   the Browns’ dog

               d)   the brown dog

               e)   the  browns dog




5. Выберите сравнительную степень прилагательного.

               a) the worst

               b) the most

               c) far            

               d) worse

               e) the least


6. Выберите подходящее числительное.

    … delegates took part in the conference.

k)      two hundreds

l)       the two hundreds    

m)   the two hundred

n)      two hundred

o)      two hundred’s  


7. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     If we hadn’t taken the same plane, we might have never met … .

j)       each other

k)      one another

l)       themselves       

m)   their

n)      the other



8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     I don’t know about it; ask … else.

o)      anybody

p)      somebody     

q)      some

r)       any

s)      nobody     



9. Выберите верный вариант.

    What … have you seen at the museum?

q)      still

r)       else  

s)      more

t)       yet

u)      other



10. Вставьте предлог.

      The President was … the guests.

k)      among

l)       after        

m)   beneath

n)      in

o)      at

11. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

      Look … ! There is a bus coming.

o)      at

p)      through

q)      after       

r)       in

s)      out



12. Образуйте отрицательное прилагательное от слова «polite» при

      помощи приставки.

                    a) un

                    b) in

                    c) im      

                    d) ir

                    e) re



13. Выберите слово со IV типом слога.

               a) take

               b) hare

               c) sad      

               d) turn 

               e) burn



14. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be».

      His father … busy last Sunday.

                      a) was

                      b) is  

                      c) were

                      d) am

                      e) are



15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Oh, John! Here you are at last. I … for you since morning.

p)      will wait       

q)      have been waiting

r)       have waited

s)      has waited

t)       waited



16. Выберите правильный вариант.

       … man has his fault.    

o)      both

p)      every

q)      both of

r)       everybody

s)      all          




17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       America’s first college, Harvard,  … in Massachusetts in 1636.

p)      is founded             

q)      is being founded

r)       was being founded

s)      was founded

t)       had been founded





18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I … to read without


p)      cant

q)      mustn’t          

r)       may not

s)      need

t)       won’t be able 





19. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

                          a) He asked when the house had been built.   

                          b) He asked when the house has been built.

                          c) He asked when the house is built.

                          d) He asked when the house is being built

                          e) He asked when the house was being built






20. Закончите пословицу.

       Practice makes…         

p)      life

q)      decision      

r)       perfect

s)      deeds

t)       you



21. Дополните условное предложение.

      I’ll ask him to lend me the money if I ….

p)      will see

q)      saw

r)       had seen         

s)      see

t)       would see



22. К теме “Ecology ” относится слово.

                              a) acid rain

                              b) food               

                              c) grown-up

                              d) knowledge

                              e) village



23. Поставьте нужную форму инфинитива или герундия.

       William the Conqueror is famous for … England.

n)      to conquer      

o)      conquering

p)      to have conquered

q)      having conquered

r)       conquer



24. Выберите верное окончание для словосочетания.

       A  bunch of …

                                a) eggs 

                                b) grapes

                                c) sweets

                                d) onion

                                e) chocolate




25. Задайте разделительный вопрос к предложению.

      It takes him an hour to get to his work.

             a) Did it take him an hour to get to his work?     

             b) Did it take him an hour or two to get to his work?

             c) It takes him an hour to get to his work, doesn’t it?

             d) It takes him an hour to get to his work, isn’t it?

             e) It takes him an hour to get to his work, wasn’t it?




26. Выберите верное местоимение в Complex Object.

       I believed ...  to be the most honest person.

p)      he

q)      his          

r)       they  

s)      them

t)       him





27. Выберите верное причастие.

      While … the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.



с)being studied           


е)is studying






28. Найдите наречие.

                                  a) clear

                                  b) well          

                                  c) slow

                                  d) good

                                  e) quick











29. Закончите предложение.

      Heathrow is the name of the  … .

p)      airport

q)      the place of interest 

r)       ship

s)      theatre

t)       museum




30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

          Once an old woman, blind since birth, stood on a busy street corner in  

      a  big city waiting for someone to help her cross the street. A man

      stepped up and asked, “May I go across with you?”

          “I’d be very glad if you would,” replied the woman.

          Having crossed the street the man thanked her, but the woman wanted

      to thank him. The man continued, “You know? When one has been

      blind as many years as I have it’s a big favour to have someone help him 

      to cross the street.”


      Ответьте на вопрос.

              Why did the man thank the blind woman?

a)      Because she helped him to cross the street.

b)      Because she was kind.

c)      Because she was polite.        

d)      Because he liked her.

e)      Because she was pretty.








                                 Вариант № 20



1. Выберите верное выражение.

     They made … in their English

               a) many progress

               b) much progress         

c)  the progress

d) a progress

               e) any progress



2. Выберите верное слово.

      His first novel is much more interesting … the second one.

               a) then

               b) as         

               c) than 

               d) before

               e) after



3.Найдите слово, где буквосочетание   th  читается отлично от других.

              a) the 

              b) though   

              c) bathe

              d) that

              c) month



4. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол.

      …you making a cake when he arrived?  

t)       were

u)      was

v)      are     

h)      is

i)       am



5. Подберите антоним к слову “often ”.

              a) seldom   

              b) always

              c) sometimes 

              d) usually

              e) constantly

6. Выберите правильный вариант  числительного.

     … young men came to the meeting.

p)      three thousands

q)      three thousand       

r)       the three thousand

s)      a three thousands

t)       the three thousands



7. Выберите правильный вариант.

     Napoleon didn’t succeed in conquering Russia and … .

o)      Hitler didn’t too.

p)      Hitler didn’t either

q)      Hitler didn’t neither    

r)        neither did Hitler

s)      Hitler neither did



8.  Дополните предложение.

      Is there … snow in England in winter?            

w)    Many        

x)      few

y)      large

d)  much

e)  a  few  



9. Выберите верный вариант сказуемого.

    Her father  … us up on Saturdays.

v)      is picking         

w)    pick

x)      picks

y)      picked

z)       has picked




 10. Вставьте предлог.

       Mary has worked as a secretary … 6 years.

p)      On         

q)      to

r)       from

s)      for

t)       with



11.  ” To come across ”  означает.    

t)       Оторваться     

u)      случайно встретить

v)      возвращаться

w)    пойти с кем-нибудь

x)      продолжать



12. Выберите соответствующее существительное.

      I’m sorry I’m late. It’s all my  … .

                    a) crime               

                    b) guilt

                    c) sorrow  

                    d) shortcoming 

                    e) fault



 13. Выберите правильное местоимение.

        This is my duty and these are … .

               a) theirs

               b) their       

               c)  they

               d)  them

               e) our




14. Выберите правильный вариант.

       Im interested to know … .

                      a) where will  she go next  summer         

                      b) where she will go next  summer

                      c) where next  summer she will go

                      d)  where would she go next  summer

                     e)  where would  she like to go next  summer




15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Theyat  6 p.m. tomorrow.

u)      will be rehearsing    

v)      will  rehearse

w)    would be rehearsing

x)      rehearse

y)      would  rehearse

16. Вставьте модальный глагол.

      He … to go to the dentist  because he has a toothache.

t)       have           

u)      ought

v)      has        

w)    is

x)      needn’t



17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The mail … delivered by 7 a. m. yesterday.

u)      is delivered

v)      will be delivered         

w)    was delivered

x)      has been delivered

y)      had been delivered



18.Выберите правильный вариант.

… this painting is more impressive than that one.

u)      By my opinion

v)      In my opinion         

w)    For my opinion

x)      To  my opinion

y)      On  my opinion



19. Выберите правильный вариант глагола в предложении

      с косвенной речью.

      We didn’t know if they … or not.

                          a)  will call

                          b)  have called

                          c)  has called        

                          d)  would call.

                          e)  will have called



20. Закончите пословицу.

        Never put off till tomorrow  … .

u)      what you like to do       

v)      what you can do today

w)    what is necessary to do

x)      what you need to do

y)      what you want to do



21. Дополните  условное предложение.

      If  I … ill, I would have stayed at home.

u)      have been

v)      has been     

w)    had been

x)      was

y)      were 



22. Выбери слово с IV типом слога.

                              a) mirror 

                              b) pillow        

                              c)  fire

                              d)  show

                               e) three




23. Найди форму Participle II.       

s)      taught

t)       teaching

u)      to teach

v)      teach                                 

w)    to taught




24. Выберите правильный вариант.

      What do you want  … .

                                a) that  I do

                                b) me do             

                                c)  what  I do    

                                d) me  to do

                                e) me I do



25. Задайте вопрос к предложению.

       Charlie used to play baseball, but now he has no time.

                                a) Does he used to play baseball?       

                                b) Did he use to play baseball?

                                c) Did he used to play baseball?

                                d) Would he used to play baseball?

                                e)  Had he used to play baseball?


26. Выделенное слово в предложении является.

       I can’t help telling you the story.

u)      Infinitive

v)      Gerund

w)    Participle I

x)      Participle II           

y)      Adjective





27. Дополните предложение.

       The United States celebrate … on  July  4.

aa)  Halloween

bb)  Christmas

cc)  Father’s Day         

dd)  Thanksgiving Day

ee)  Independence Day




25.       Выберите правильный вариант.


      …  Dick  nor Dan won the prize last year.

                                  a)  or

                                  b)  either           

                                  c)  neither

                                  d)  not

                                  e)  nor





29. Найдите глагол, сходный по значению  с глаголом “ to visit”.

                                   a) to attend         

                                   b) to go  

                                   c) to come

                                   d) to arrive

                                   e) to follow


30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

           Two fat men are discussing various slimming diets. “My wife has

       told me, ” says one of them, “that the best way is to cut out potatoes

       and cakes. I’ve tried it but lost only three pounds of weight.”

            “Then try my diet,” says the other. “It’s an onion diet. I’ve lost

        five pounds and twenty-five friends”.


       Закончите предложение.

             The man has lost his friends because  … .             

u)      he became slim.          

v)      he was stout

w)    he cut out  potatoes  and cakes.

x)      he lost  three pounds of weight

y)      of  his onion diet.




















  Вариант 21


1. Выберите антоним слова “hardworking ”.

              a) industrious

              b) beautiful

              c) lazy      

              d) crazy 

              e) perfect



2. Отлично от других буква “g” читается в слове.

              a) great               

              b) goat          

              c) orange

              d) goose

              c) gas 



3. Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

               a) roofs    

               b) roves

               c) rooves

               d) roofes

               e) roof




4. Выскажите противоположную идею.

   I put one teaspoon of sugar in my tea, but Bob … .

z)      don’t. put one teaspoon of sugar in his tea.

aa)  doesn’t put one teaspoon of sugar in his tea.

bb)  don’t. puts one teaspoon of sugar in his tea.

cc)  doesn’t puts one teaspoon of sugar in his tea.    

dd)   don’t. put one teaspoon of sugar in mine tea.



4.      Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме.

     Do you have an … brother or sister?

               a) older

               b) oldest          

               c) the oldest   

               d) the least old

               e) elder



6. Выберите правильный вариант порядкового числительного “89”.   

u)      the eighty nine    

v)      the eighty ninth

w)    an eighty ninth

x)      the eightieth ninth

y)      the eightyth ninth




7. Образуйте сложное слово от слова“hand ”.   

t)       reading      

u)      copying 

v)      doing

w)    writing    

f)       sitting





8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

      She never says … nice about her neighbours.

ee)  something

ff)    somebody            

gg)  nobody

hh)  anything

ii)     nothing     





9. Выразите одним словом.

    A person who sells sweets and cookies in a shop is a  … .

ff)    grocer

gg)  butcher

hh)  baker           

ii)     greengrocer

jj)     cook


10. Вставьте предлог.

      I’ll be back … a day or two.

u)      On         

v)      after

w)    in

x)      at

y)      to

11. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

       You may take this book. I can easily go … it for a month.

y)      without

z)      through         

aa)  off

bb)  out

cc)  in for


12. Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим повтор действия.

                    a) miswrite

                    b) rewrite

                    c) subwrite   

                    d) overwrite

                    e) outwrite


 13. Выберите правильный артикль.

       … France is to … north of … Italy.

               a) -, the, -

               b) -, -, the           

               c) the, the, the

               d) the, -, -

               e) a, a, a



14. Выберите правильный порядок слов в предложении.

                      a) She leaves home every morning at 8.30.

                      b) She leaves home at 8.30 every morning.

                      c)  She every morning leaves home at 8.30.

                      d) She at 8.30  leaves home every morning . 

                      e)  She at 8.30 every morning leaves home.

15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      It … since early morning.                     

z)      has rained        

aa)  had rained

bb)  rained

cc)  would have rained

                      e)   has been raining





16. Выберите ответную реплику.

      Can you give me some advice? - … .

y)      I do.                 

z)      I am.

aa)  Fine.

bb)  Sure.

cc)  It is.


17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The book … next week.

z)      is printed                           

aa)  will be printed

bb)  is being printed

cc)  would be printed

dd)  will have been printed


18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       We … to meet at 12 p. m. yesterday, but he didn’t come.

z)      are

aa)  was                  

bb)  were

cc)  need

dd)  ought



19. Переведите в косвенную речь.

      He asked, “When will the contract be signed?”

                          a) He asked when will the contract be signed. 

                          b) He asked when would the contract be signed.

                          c) He asked when the contract would be signed.

               d) He asked when the contract would have been signed.

                          e) He asked when will be the contract  signed.



20. Закончите пословицу.

       Haste makes …

z)      taste   

aa)  quick

bb)  problems

cc)  waste

dd)  sorrow



21. Дополните условное предложение.

      I would have told her the story if I … her.

z)      had seen

aa)  will have seen  

bb)  saw

cc)  has seen

dd)  would have seen



22.Выберите обобщающее слово.

     Chair, wardrobe, bookcase, wall-unit, table

                              a) wood    

                              b) furniture

                              c) table set

                              d) house

                              e) modern conveniences



23. Найди форму Continuous Active Infinitive.       

x)      to watch           

y)      to be watching

z)      to be watch

aa)  to have watched

bb)  watching


24. Найди синоним слова “true”.  

                                a) difficult

                                b) easy             

                                c) wrong

                                d) busy

                                e) real

25. Закончите разделительный вопрос.

      They went to Science Museum last week, … ?

                                a) did they

                                b) went they   

                                c) didn’t they

                                d) do they

                                e) dont they

26.Выделенное выражение в предложении является.

       Excuse me for interrupting you.

z)      Infinitive

aa)  Gerund            

bb)  Participle I

cc)  Participle II

dd)  Adjective


27. Дополните словосочетание.

      Independent …

kk)  Colonies     

ll)     countries

mm)                    books

nn)  performance

oo)  party

28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова «нечестный».

                                  a) dishonest

                                  b) inhonest

                                  c) unhonest   

                                  d) honest

                                  e) mishonest



29. Вставьте пропущенное слово.

       Yesterday Nick fell ill. He had a bad … . 

                                   a) medicine

                                   b) lungs

                                   c) cough          

                                   d) temperature

                                   e) pulse

30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

         One wet day a woman with a dog got on a bus. It was a very big dog

      and his feet were very dirty. The woman said, “Oh, conductor, if I pay

      for my dog, can he have a seat like the other passengers? ”

          The conductor looked at the dog, and then he said, “Certainly,

     madam, he can have a seat like all the other passengers, but like the other 

     passengers, he mustn’t put his feet on it.”

   Закончите предложение.

          The dog can have a seat if  … .                                 

z)      the woman pays for the dog

aa)  the woman wants it

bb)  the god is clever      

cc)  he doesn’t put his feet on the seat

dd)  he  puts his feet on the seat




1. Выберите правильный вариант.

     Your behavior makes your father … .

               a) anger                 

               b) angrily

c) angry 

d) to be angry

               e) angryest   




2. Выберите прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения.

      Catherine the Great was one of  … rulers .

               a) famous             

               b) much famous

               c) famousest

               d) most famous

               e) the most famous




3.Найдите слово, где буквосочетание   ea  читается отлично от других.

              a) head          

              b) please         

              c) meat

              d) sea





4. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол.

      … you ever played this game ?  

jj)     were

kk)  have

ll)     has     

j)       did

k)      do






5. Подберите синоним к слову “supportive ”.

              a) attentive  

              b) helpful 

              c) sociable

              d) cheerful

              e) capable




6. Выберите правильный вариант  числительного.

     … of  people greeted the leader.

z)      thousand

aa)  a thousand

bb)  the thousand    

cc)  thousands

dd)  the three thousands





7. Выберите правильный вариант.

     I haven’t seen the film yet and … .       

x)      my brother didn’t too.

y)      my brother hasn’t either

z)      my brother hasn’t neither

aa)  my brother neither has

bb)  neither has  my brother 



8.  Дополните предложение.

      How … letters are there in the English alphabet?            

mm)              many

nn)  few                

oo)  large

d)  much

e)  a  few



9. Выберите верный вариант сказуемого.

    As soon as he … the equation he …you.

pp)  will solve / will call

qq)  will solve / calls

rr)    solves / will calls        

ss)   solve / will calls

tt)     will solve / call

10. Вставьте предлог.

       Morris is happy that he lives so … MacDonalds.

z)      onto

aa)  near            

bb)  from

cc)  at

dd)  with



11. Выражение  ”to turn inside out”  означает.    

dd)  включить

ee)  появляться        

ff)    выворачивать на изнанку

gg)  пойти с кем-нибудь

f)       обращаться к кому-либо





12. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Wait till he … back from America.

                    a) come

                    b) comes       

                    c) will come 

                    d) would come 

                    e) came



 13. Выберите правильное местоимение.

        I have lost my pen. Please, give me  … .

               a) yours         

               b) your

               c) your’s

               d) our

               e) her


14. Выберите правильный вариант.

       The Guinness Book of Records … in the 50’s.

                      a) first published

                      b) has first been published      

                      c) were first published

                      d)  was first published

                      e)  had first been published






15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      He … a fire for 20 minutes already.

dd)  will be making        

ee)  made

ff)    has made

gg)  has been making

hh)  had been making





16. Вставьте модальный глагол.

      The children … left alone. They are too young to look after themselves.          

dd)  mustn’t

ee)  shouldn’t  to be       

ff)    need

gg)  mustn’t to be

hh)  shouldn’t   be




17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       When he came the guests …by Natalie.

ee)  were being entertained

ff)    was being entertained

gg)  has been entertained

hh)  had been entertained   

ii)     entertained





18.Выберите правильный вариант.

The Statue of Liberty reminds me of ….

ee)  London

ff)    New York   

gg)  Washington

hh)  Boston

ii)     Sacramento




19. Выберите правильный вариант глагола в предложении

      с косвенной речью.

      He denied that he … Africa before.

                          a) lived     

                          b) have lived

                          c) had lived

                          d) has lived

                          e)  will have lived



20. Закончите пословицу.

        The friends you choose  … .

ee)  like you

ff)    love you

gg)  help you win or loose

hh)  help you live

ii)      help you gain or loose




21. Дополните  условное предложение.

      I won’t tell him if he … about it.

ee)  won’t ask

ff)    wouldn’t ask

gg)  asks         

hh)  ask

ii)     doesn’t ask



22. Выберите слово с I типом слога.

                              a) thank 

                              b) thirty

                              c)  them   

                              d)  thirsty

                               e) theme



23. Найдите форму Participle II.         

cc)  spend

dd)  spent   

ee)  spending

ff)    to spend

gg)  to be spend



24. Выберите правильный вариант сложного дополнения.

      I’d like … .

                                a) that you help me

                                b) you helping me

                                c) you help me       

                                d) you to help me

                                e) that you to help me




25. Закончи разделительный вопрос.

       Nancy used to collect badges in her childhood, … ?

                                a) doesn’t she

                                b) does she         

                                c) didn’t she

                                d) did she

                                ewasnt she




26. Выделенное слово в предложении является.

       The meeting  began at  9 a. m.

ee)  Infinitive

ff)    Gerund

gg)  Participle I          

hh)  Participle II

ii)     Noun


27. Выберите правильный ответ.

       How many stripes are there on the American flag?

uu)  13

vv)  15

ww)                     50             

xx)  14

yy)  51


28. Выберите правильный вариант.

      Agatha Christie is known all over the world … the Queen of Crime.

                                  a)  for

                                  b)  as       

                                  c)  because





29. Найдите прилагательное, сходное по значению со

     словом    “ancient”

                                   a) young     

                                   b) antique

                                   c) new

                                   d) cruel

                                   e) just



30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

                A boy was selling lemonade from two barrels. In front of one

          barrel was a sign  “Five cents a glass”.  In front of the second barrel

          was a sign  “Two cents a glass”.

                 An old gentleman bought a glass at two cents. Then he ordered

         the other.

                 When he had finished he asked,

          “ How do you expect to sell any lemonade at five cents when you  

          offer such a good drink for two cents? ”

                  “Well, sir, it’s this way,” said the boy. “The cat fell in that

           two- cent barrel about fifteen minutes ago, so I thought I’d better

           sell it out fast before the news spread too far ”. 


         Выберите подходящий заголовок. 

ee)  “Selling Lemonade”

ff)    “A Bright Boy”       

gg)  “An Old Gentleman”

hh)  “The Cat In a Barrel”

ii)     “ A Boy and a Man”


              Вариант №23


1.Найдите слово c сочетанием wh, читающимся отлично от других.

              a) what         

              b) where

              c) whose

              d) when

              c) why


2. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме.

     Of  two evils choose the … .

               a) least    

               b) little

               c) less

               d) worse

               e) worst



 3. Выберите существительное,  употребляемое только в

     единственном числе.    

               a) clothes         

               b) glasses

c) scissors

               d) goods 

               e) news



4. Выскажите противоположную идею.

    They are busy, but I …  

pp)  don’t

qq)  doesn’t.

rr)    are not          

l)       isn’t

m)   am not



5. Подберите антоним к слову “messy ”.

              a) dirty

              b) beautiful        

              c) clean  

              d) neat

              e) weak



6. Выберите правильный вариант чтения  числительного “375”.   

ee)  three hundred seventy five     

ff)    three hundred and seventy five

gg)  three hundreds and seventy five

hh)  three hundreds seventy five

ii)     three hundred and seventy and five



7. Выберите правильное слово.

     … pictures are so colourful.

cc)  This          

dd)  these

ee)  that

ff)    a  

gg)  an     



8.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     Be careful!  Don’t hurt … , boys!

ss)   yourselves

tt)     himself

uu)  you    

vv)  yourself

ww)               himselves



              9. Закончите предложение.

    A thing in the kitchen where we can wash up is a… .


zz)  cooker                   

aaa)                      washing machine

bbb)                     plate

ccc)                      glass

ddd)                     sink




 10. Вставьте предлог.

      I’ll be working … 5 p. m.

ee)  on

ff)    for

gg)  in      

hh)  at

ii)     until



11. ”To give in”  означает.    

hh)  бросить что-то делать

ii)     уступать, сдаваться

jj)     дарить    

kk)  раздавать

ll)     отдавать



12. Выберите  слово, соответствующее выражению

      «неправильно понять».

                    a) reunderstand

                    b) overunderstand

                    c) misunderstand   

                    d) preunderstand 

                    e) subunderstand



 13. Выберите правильный артикль или местоимение.

        … music is the universal language of the world.

               a) the

               b) -      

               c) an

               d) this

               e) a



14. Выберите правильный порядок слов в предложении.

                      a) He in the evening always reads newspapers. 

                      b)  He always in the evening reads newspapers.

                      c)  He always newspapers reads in the evening.

                      d)  He always reads newspapers in the evening.

                      e)  He always reads in the evening newspapers.



15. Выберите правильное сказуемое.

      Have you finished the translation yet? – No, I … it by 9 p. m.

       tomorrow  morning.                 

ii)     will have finished

jj)     would have finished

kk)  will  finish        

ll)     would  finish                  

e)   have finished



16. Дополните предложение.

      There … a lot of meat in the fridge.

ii)     is           

jj)     are                         

kk)  were

ll)     am

mm)                     have been




17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The bridge … by tomorrow morning.

jj)     is reconstructed          

kk)  will be reconstructed

ll)     is being reconstructed

mm)                   would be reconstructed

nn)  will  reconstruct





18. Закончите предложение.

       Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle was a famous English … .

jj)     actor

kk)  artist

ll)     poet

mm)                 painter          

nn)  writer


19. Переведите в косвенную речь.

      Jane asked Tom, “Where do you come from?” 

                          a) Jane asked Tom where did he come from. 

                          b) Jane asked Tom where  he comes from. 

                          c) Jane asked Tom where  he come from. 

                          d) Jane asked Tom where  he has come from. 

                          e)  Jane asked Tom where  he came from.





20. Закончите пословицу.


       Too many cooks spoil the … .

jj)     soup

kk)  soap         

ll)     broth

mm)           salad

nn)  cake



21. Дополните условное предложение.

      I’d lend you the money if I … the money.

jj)     have

kk)  will have     

ll)     had

mm)         had had

nn)  would have


22. Выберите II форму глагола «to fly ».    

                              a) flied

                              b) flyed

                              c) flown          

                              d) flew

                              e) flowd


23. Найдите форму Participle I.       

hh)  to buy

ii)     buy

jj)     buying

kk)  bought      

ll)     to bought



24. Найдите антоним слова “dry”.  

                                a) cold

                                b) frosty          

                                c) wet

                                d) cool

                                e) warm




25. Выберите вопросительное слово.

      By … was this novel written?

                                a) whom     

                                b) why

                                c) how

                                d) when

                                e) where




26. Выделенное слово в предложении является.

       Do you mind my reading here?

jj)     Infinitive

kk)  Gerund               

ll)      Participle I

mm)                    Participle II

nn)  Adjective



27. Дополните словосочетание.

      A dozen…

eee)                      Milk    

fff)  cereal

ggg)                     coke

hhh)                     cheese

iii)   eggs




28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова «неопределённый».

                                  a) discertain

                                  b) incertain         

                                  c) uncertain

                                  d) recertain

                                  e) imcertain







29. Найдите предлог, сходный по значению.


                                   a) along

                                   b) below      

                                   c) through

                                   d) among

                                   e) across



30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста.

           The lion  has the smallest heart of all wild animals. King Philip II of

           Spain, one of the most coward of all tyrants, had the largest heart of

           any known man.


      Выберите заголовок к тексту.                                  

jj)     “The same hearts”

kk)  “Brave hearts”   

ll)     “Different hearts”

mm)                 “The smallest hearts”

nn)  “The most coward hearts”


                                  Вариант№ 24



1.Выберите правильный артикль.

At the beginning of  … 19th century … little boy was born in … family

of John Dickens and was named Charles .

              a) the, the, the                  

              b) the, -, a          

              c) the, a, the

              d) a, a, a

              c) -, the, the 



2. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “like ”.

              a) hate          

              b) dislike

              c) feel

              d) enjoy

              e) would like



3. Выберите существительное, употребляемое только  в единственном 


               a) books

               b) news

               c) watches      

               d) glasses

               e) matches



4. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы

    существительного в единственном числе

               a)   the  catss tail

               b)   the cat’s tail

               c)   the cats’ tail       

               d)   the monkeys’s neck

               e)   the  monkeys’ neck

5. Выберите сравнительную степень прилагательного.

               a) the nicer    

               b) nicer

               c) the more nice             

               d) the nicer    

               e) the more nicer  



6. Выберите  верное числительное.  

jj)     two hundreds and five

kk)  the two hundreds and five

ll)     the two hundred and five          

mm)        two hundred and five

nn)  two hundred five



7. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     There is … new under the sun.

hh)  nothing

ii)     any       

jj)     anything

kk)  some

ll)     anybody



8. Вставьте предлог фразового глагола.

     Her aunt brought her … .

mm)    up

nn)  through

oo)  after

pp)  in

qq)  out





9. Выберите верный вариант.

    Tom has  … finished his work.

jjj)   still

kkk)                     else           

lll)    already

mmm)              yet

nnn)                     other





10. Вставьте предлог.

      Margot is good … selling things.

jj)     with

kk)  after

ll)     on        

mm)                       in

nn)  at



11. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

     Selfish people think mainly of … .

xx)  anybody

yy)  one another               

zz)  themselves

aaa)               them

bbb)              you   



12. Образуйте отрицательное прилагательное от слова «atttentive».

                    a) un

                    b) in

                    c) im

                    d) ir             

                    e) re



13. Выберите слово с III  типом слога.

               a) safe

               b) turkey

               c) fire

               d) nose             

               e) pure



14. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be».

      My apple is sweet but her apples … not sweet.

                      a) was

                      b) is        

                      c) were

                      d) am

                      e) are



15. Выберите верное сказуемое.

      Before I moved here I … a cottage with some friends.

mm)                       shared

nn)  have been sharing                 

oo)  have shared

pp)  had shared

qq)  was  sharing



16. Выберите правильный вариант.

       It was reported that … was present at the meeting.

nn)  both

oo)  every

pp)  both of      

qq)  everybody

rr)    all          




17. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The students … just now.

oo)  are tested

pp)  are being tested

qq)  was being tested

rr)    will have been tested

ss)   were being tested



18. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       … you  … get up early yesterday?

oo)  Did … have to

pp)  Must …have

qq)  Had …to  

rr)    Have … had to

ss)   Did … have



19. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

                 a) Natalie asked if Fred will come to the party.

                b) Natalie asked if Fred will be coming to the party. 

                 c) Natalie asked if Fred would come to the party.

                  d) Natalie asked if Fred  come to the party

                  e) Natalie asked if Fred  has come to the party


20. Закончите пословицу.

       Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and …

oo)  Nice                          

pp)  wise

qq)  perfect

rr)    fine

ss)   advise





21. Дополните условное предложение.

      If  it were Sunday today I … to a disco.

oo)  will go

pp)  would go          

qq)  go

rr)    would have gone

ss)   would had gone





22. К теме “Art ” относится слово.

                              a) giant  

                              b) generation

                              c) painter                    

                              d) juicer

                               e) sledge






23. Поставьте нужную форму инфинитива или герундия.

       This film is worth  … .

mm)                    seeing

nn)  to be seen   

oo)  to have seen

pp)  to see

qq)   see



24. Выберите верное окончание для словосочетания.

       A  bar of …

                                a) honey

                                b) apples           

                                c) lemonade

                                d) carrot

                                e) chocolate




25. Задайте специальный вопрос к предложению.

      They have been living in London for nearly two years.    

         a) Have they been living in London for nearly two years?

          b) Where they have been living for nearly two years?

          c) Have they been living in London for nearly two or three years?

         d) Where have they been living for nearly two years?

         e) Where have been they living for nearly two years?


26. Выберите верное местоимение в Complex Object.

       Teachers expect … to show interest in the subject .

·         he







27. Выберите верное причастие.

      … a  telegram she went home.



ing sent

Having sent

Having been sent




28. Закончите предложение.

      The Queen’s official residence in London is… .

1.      Westminster

Buckingham Palace              

oo)  St. Paul’s Cathedral

pp)  Royal Albert Hall

qq)  Windsor Castle

29. Образуйте Participle I от слова “sail ”.

                                   a) sailor

                                   b) sailing

                                   c) sails               

                                   d) sailed

                                   e) have sailed

30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

             Isaac Newton served two terms in the British Parliament.

             During the two years he spent in the House of Commons, he never 

       opened his mouth except once, when he asked someone in the gallery to open

       the window.


       Закончите предложение.

               This story proves that … .

a)      Isaac Newton served in the Army.           

b)      Isaac Newton was very talkative.

c)      Isaac Newton was absent-minded.

d)      Isaac Newton was not very talkative.

e)      Isaac Newton was a great scientist.


                                  Вариант  №25


1.  – able or – ible ? Выберите  правильное  прилагательное

f)                     enjoyable 

g)                     enjoible

h)                    enjoyable

i)                      enjoiable 

j)                      enjoyible

2) Выберите  правильное  слово  во множественном числе.

In the fall, the….begin to change colour.

f)       Leaf

g)      Leaves                                                

h)      Leafes

i)       Leafs

j)       Leavs


3. Выберите верное причастие.

      … a  telegram she went home.

ooo)                     Sending

ppp)                     Sent                    

qqq)                     Being sent

rrr)  Having sent

sss)Having been sent


4. Закончите предложение.

      The Queen’s official residence in London is… .

rr)    Westminster

ss)   Buckingham Palace              

tt)     St. Paul’s Cathedral

uu)  Royal Albert Hall

vv)  Windsor Castle


5. Выберите правильный вариант.

       It was reported that … was present at the meeting.

a.  both

                                   b.      every

                                    c.    both of    

                                    d.   everybody           

                        E .all


6.  Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение.

      She never says … nice about her neighbours.

ccc)               something

ddd)              somebody            

eee)               nobody

fff)  anything

ggg)              nothing     

7) Выберите  правильное  местоимение.

Who is this girl? I don’t  know…..










8) Найдите  фразеологизм

To catch somebody’s ……..     «Көзге түсу»

a) Nose

b) Lip

c) Eye                                    

d) Head

e) Hand





9)Выберите  нужный  глагол.

They ….a real tiger in the zoo.

A)have saw

B)have seen

C)has saw                        

D)has seen

E)has been saw




10)   Выберите  предложение «Used to”

    a)Do  you  want   this  or  that   one

    b) She   used  to  play  a lot  of   tennis before she broke her leg

   c) This terrible weather makes me angry and depressed                

   d) Knowing English is useful

   e)Are they still  waiting





11) Определите  слова с  противоположным значением.

     Upstairs ,start, dark.



C)downstairs,long, black

D)downstairs, finish, white.         

E) downstairs, end, light.





12 )  Определите  к  какому  времени относится

Your English is good .I’m sure you’ll  pass the test.

A)future simple

B)Present continuous

C)Present Simple                      

D)Past Simple

E)Present Perfect






13)  Выберите  верный вариант

         We’ve known each other __________a long time.









14)  Предложение в форме Present Perfect Continuous

A)Who has eaten all the apples?

B)Jane moved to a new flat a month ago.

C)I have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock.                 

D)What were you doing  when I phoned you yesterday.

E)She is listening to music now.





15)  Выберите  правильный  вариант  предложения в Герундий

А)I’m thinking of going to Brazil

В)You need ed to add  some more

С)They are playing at the moment                     

Д)There are a fot of interesting things

Е)The new buidings are built



16) Закончите  дробное  вопросительное  предложение

He  is   not  twenty,  …….?

А)is  he 

В)does   he

С)arent  he                                              

Д)isnt  he

Е)dosent  he


17)Найдите  глагол форме Future  in  the   past

a)  would  written

b)  would write

c)  would  wrote                                   

  d) would writes

e) would writing



18) Предложение  дополните нужным артиклем

There is …. book on ……table.

a)the / the в

b)- / the

c)a / a                                        

d)- / -

e) a / the

19)   Дополните  предложение

 Our garden is very beautiful .

    There….. many flowers.







20) Найдите  правильный  вариант глагола Phrasal verb take

He takes__________ his father.

He has same wary hair and quick temper.







  21)  Выберите  сложные слова

Head, Work, Note, BlackSun            

            a) shine, book boards, master, man           

            b) board, shine, book, man, master

              c) book, man, master, shine, board            

             d) man, book, shine, master, board

                e) master, man, book, board, shine


22) Вставьте  нужный  глагол

…..you (go) shopping last Monday?



   c) did……went                                          

d)      have….gone

e)      did….go





23)   Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол

        The old lady couldn’t  ­­_____ up the idea of visiting Paris,


b)      make

c)      take                                                                                      

d)      turn

e)      get





24.Укажите правильный вариант окончания существительного образованного от глагола 

      Translate-? , Realize-?  Pronounce-? Connect-?

a)      –ion, -tion, -sion, -ssion

b)      –tion, -tion, -tion. –ion

c)      –ion,-tion,-ion,-sion                                      

d)      –tion,-ssion,-sion, -ion

e)      –ssion, -tion, -ion, -sion





25) Найдите  лишнее слово

      a) Hacker

      b) Adviser

      c) Finger                                     

      d) Speaker

      e) Teacher   




26) Вставьте  предлог  фразового глагола  look

The house                    the south

     a) look at

b)       look for

c)      look out                                             

d)      look up

e)      look to





27) Выберите слово с префиксом

a) uncertainly

b) commonly                                                 

c) order

d) usual

e) respect





28.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

_______ strange began to happen.

A). anything

B). something                             

C). nothing

D). any

E). some



29.Вместо точек вставьте  нужный глагол

Everyone _________ that women are equal to men..

A). know

B). knows                                        

C). is knowing

D). knowing

E). known.


30. Вставьте предлог.

      A lemon drink with honey is very good … a cold.

a)      on

b)      to          

c)      from

d)      for

e)      with



                               Вариант  №26


1. ”To go without”  означает.    

a)      увлекаться

b)      гаснуть          

c)      обходиться без чего-либо

d)      заниматься

e)      продолжать


2. Выберите соответствующее существительное.

      On my … to school I often meet my neghbour, Nick Adams.

                    a) going            

                    b) way

                    c) road

                    d) walking 

                    e) highway


3) Найдите  лишнее слово

      a) Hacker

      b) Adviser

      c) Finger                                     

      d) Speaker

      e) Teacher   


 4)   Выберите  правильную форму  глагола

         Nearly 2,000 years ago people  ……  ice-cream.

a)      eat

b)      ate

c)      have eaten                                         

d)      eats

e)      eating

 5)  Выберите  сложные слова

Head, Work, Note, BlackSun            

            a) shine, book boards, master, man           

            b) board, shine, book, man, master

              c) book, man, master, shine, board

             d) man, book, shine, master, board

                e) master, man, book, board, shine


6) Дополните  вопросительное  предложение

…..he like classical music?







7)  Вопросительное  предложение  в форме  Past Simple

А) What do you do in evening

B) What were you doing at 5o’clock yesterday?

C) What is your favorite subject?                

D) What have you done?

E) What did you do last weekend


8.Выберите  правильный  вариант существительных  множественного  числа bush , a knife , a factory,

a man , information, money.

a) bush’s, knifs, factories, mans, information,  money.

b)bushes, knives, factories, men, in formations, moneys

c) bushes, knives, factories, men, information, money.                    

d) bush, knives, factories, mans, information, moneys.

e) bushes, knives, factoryes, man, information, money.




 9)Выберите верный  вариант подчинительных прилагательных.

a)children’ s  literature.

b)childrens’    literature.

c)children’     literature.                        

d).childrens ‘s    literature.

                 e).chidrenses    literature.



  10) Дополните  предложение в  нужным  артиклем.

I  like  ….. music  but ….. mathematics  and …..physics ,are  my   favorite   subjects.

a)the  /  -  / -

b).the  / the / the

c)a   /  the  /  the

d) -  /  -   /    -

e)a  /the  / -




11)Выберите  правильный  вариант в форме повелительного  предложения   ……… late!.

a)      not be

b)      dont be

c)      be not            

d)      don’t

e)      not to



     12) Вариант в форме Present Perfect

           a) He writes

           b) He wrote

           c) He has written                    

           d) He was writing

           e) He is writing

     13) Дополните вопросительное предложение в  будущем времени

       Will ____a lot of work next year?

A)      there

b)      be there

c)      there be                        

d)      there is

e)      is there


14)Найдите  глагол форме Future  in  the   past

a)  would  written

b)  would write

c)  would  wrote                                   

  d) would writes

e) would writing

15) Определите верный  вариант  относительного прилагательного во множественном  числе

a)      Lady s

b)      Mans

c)      Dogs                                                      

d)      Pupils

e)      Principals


16 Выберите верный вариант.

        I don’t like strong coffee, and_________ .

            a) she doesn’t too

            b) either does she

            c) neither does she    

            d) she doesn’t neither

            e) neither she does

17)  Дополните условное предложение в форме III.

        If  Jane…, with us, we would have had a good time.

b)      would come

c)      had come

d)      would have come

e)      come                                     

f)       will come

18)  Дополните предложение

       I want one and _____of pears, please.

             a) half kilo

             b) a half kilo

             c) half kilos              

             d) a half kilos

             e) kilo


19. Закончите предложение Question tags

It`s Thursday  today

a)      … did you?

b)      … isn`t it?           

c)      … aren`t they?

d)      …didn` t  they?

e)      …is it?   

20. Дополните  предложение

If  you  want  to  find  your way around the city ____, you should buy the  map  of it.

a)      easilier

b)      more easily                       

c)       easy

d)      The most easiest   

e)      Easier

21. Выберите  правильный вариант Modal Verbs

The  news ____be true! I don`t believe  you

a)      can

b)      could                 

c)      can`t

d)      couldn`t

e)      be able to

22. Выберите правильный вариант

You______think about the  future  and  not about  the past

a) Mustn`t

b) shouldn`t

c) needn`t.               

d) should

e) must


23. Выберите правильный префикс

Science  has ____ locked the  mystery of the atom.

a) Un-                                    b) dis-               

c) Im-                                     d) Re-

e) In-

24. Чтение глагола «Shake» в III форме

 a) Shake                                 b) Shoke                  

c) Shooke                               d) Shaken

e) Shaked

25. Выберите  правильную форму времени глагола

How  mush does your sweater cost?

a) Present Simple                   b) Present Continuous              

c)Future   Simple                   d)  Past Simple

e) Present Perfect

26) Подберите синоним к слову


                        a) grow

                   b) reach

                   c) complete                    

                   d) happen       

                   e) permit

27) Подберите  антоним к слову Opposites

Back, early, future, good-bye

a)      foot, winter, leg, hello

b)      front, hello, before, none

c)      late, beginning, before, hello

d)      front, late, hello, past

e)      hello, front, before, winter



28. Выберите правильный вариант.

       Last night we went to Pete’s birthday party, … we enjoyed very much.

a)      whose                 

b)      which

c)      who

d)      where

e)      when


29. Выберите правильное сказуемое в Passive Voice.

       The letter … next week.

A)    is written       

b)               was written

c)      is being written

d)      has been written

e)      will be written

30. Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол.

       If you want to pass your exams you … work harder.

a)      can’t

b)      must to

c)      should            

d)      need

e)      ought to

                                     Вариант №2


1) Определите к какой  части  речи относятся выделенные слова

   We perform short plays sing song and play games.

a)      Noun, verb,

b)      Adjective, verb

c)                 Verb, verb                             

d)                 Verb, noun

e)                 Noun, noun

2) Найдите  лишнее слово

      a) Hacker

      b) Adviser

      c) Finger                                                 

      d) Speaker

      e) Teacher   

 3)   Выберите  правильную форму  глагола

         Nearly 2,000 years ago people  ……  ice-cream.


b) ate

c)      have eaten                                                     

d)      eats

e)      eating


4) Дополните  пословицу  нужным артиклем.


Every man is…. architect   of  his  own  fortune

     a) a

    b)  -----

    c)   the

    d)  the/ a                              


  5)  Переведите  существительное  подберите  нужный  глагол

His  ….(білімі )  deep

a) advise/ is

b) money/ is

c)  knowledge/ is     

d) knowledge/  are

e) lessons/  are


6) Употребите  степени сравнения в Positive / Comparative, Superlative.

The weather was not very……. yesterday , but it is …… today.

a)Good, better 

b)Better, the best

c)The best good                  

d)Better, good

e)Good, the best

7) Выберите  правильный  модальный  глагол.

  You …… be here by 9,00 if you want to be sure of a seat


b)had to


d)have to


8) Выберите  правильный  вариант предложения  в  косвенной  речи.

`` Don’t tell me what to do”   said George.

a)George asked not to tell him what to do

b)George asked to tell him not what to do

c)George ask not to tell him what to do             

d)George asks not to tell him what to do

e)George asked don’t to tell him what to do 


9)Выберите верный  вариант подчинительных прилагательных.

a)children’ s  literature.

b)childrens’    literature.

c)children’     literature.                                    

d).childrens ‘s    literature.

                 e).chidrenses    literature.

  10) Дополните  предложение в  нужным  артиклем.

I  like  ….. music  but ….. mathematics  and …..physics ,are  my   favorite   subjects.

a)the  /  -  / -

b).the  / the / the

c)a   /  the  /  the                                    

d) -  /  -   /    -

e)a  /the  / -

11) От глагола  образуйте  форму  прилагательных.







12) Выберите  верный  вариант 

          _______  -   you angry about what


a)      do

b)      did

c)      .C) are

d)      have

e)      were


13) Употребляя  правило Present Perfect выберите  вспомогательное слово

       That theatre was closed many  gears ago

a)      since

b)       for


d)       Never

e)      already


14) Употребите  глагол в  нужной форме   времени

This is the first time  I_____ (to eat) so many hamburgers

a)      have eaten

b)      ate                                      

c)      am eating

d)      had eaten

e)      eat

15)  Выберите  правильную форму Used  to . 

    People  used to thinking  that  the  earth  was   flat .

a) people  used   to think that  the  earth  was  flat.

b) people  use to think  that the earth  is  flat                       

c) people  didn’t used to think  that the earth  was  flat

d) people used  think  that  the  earth is flat.

16)  Вставьте  нужный  вспомогательный глагол.

                   They  _____a  lot  of crying   last   night.

a)      do

b)       did                                       

c)       Are

d)      Have

e)       ---- 

17)   Выберите  нужный  предлог         ( prepositions  of  place )

   I  think   I  left  my  bag --- the chair   --- the corner of  the  classroom.

a) at/ in

b) in/in

c) on/ in                                                                                             

d) at/on

e) -/ on

18) Закончите вопросительное  предложение  с  нужными вспомогательными выражениями.

       Let him use your phone, ____?

a)… aren’t I

b)… will you/won’t you   

c)… weren’t you                                                              

d)…didn’t you

e)… cant he


19)  Дополните  нужным артиклем.

         Better ---- small  fish  than ---empty dish.

a)      a/a

b)       a/the

c)       a/an

d)      The/an                       

e)      An/the

20) Употребите  глагол в  нужной форме   времени

      Your English is good. I`m sure you`ll pass the test.

a)      future simple

b)      present continuous

c)      present simple

d)      past simple

e)      present perfect                                                                                    


 21)Выберите  правильный  вариант союза.

         We`ve known each other – a long time







22) Дополните  вопросительное предложение

       ___ didnt you come to school  yesterday?

a)      why

b)      what

c)      how

d)      where                                                

e)      when

23) Поставьте прилагательное  в  нужной  форме

          Jane has just bought a ___ dress

a)      pretty, purple silk

b)      silk, pretty, purple

c)      silk purple pretty                              

d)      purple pretty silk

e)      pretty silk purple

24. Выберите  правильный предлог

She laughed --- him as if he were a clown.

    A). to

    B). at                         

    C). on

    D). by

  e) in


25.  Подберите  антоним к слову Stupid

        A). lazy

       B). rude

       C). active                      

       D). clever

       E). polite



26. Выберите  правильную форму  « to be»

There … a little milk in the glass.

 A). are

  B). is                   

  C). were

D). was

E). will be

27. Выберите  правильный  артикль

      There is … pillow on the bed.

        A). the

        B). a

        C). an                      


        C). on

28)    Вставьте  нужные слова

      The Great Silk Road is  a gangway between…..and….., connecting the …..     with the….

a)China…..India, North….. South

b)      Russia….Kazakhstan, South ….West

c) Europe….Asia, West….East             

d) America…China, North….East

e) Uzbekistan…Kazakhstan, West…East

     29)  Укажите  синоним       слова  To join         

                             a) to enjoy

                             b)to wrap

                             c) to unite                                    

                             d) to depart

                             e) to break

30. Прочитайте текст, выберите  правильный  вариант ответа

My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to look after us. So we got Alison. She was very young, seventeen I think and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part --- time with us before she started her training at Nor land College. She had to dress in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlotte’s birthday she organized a fantastic party. When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full – time. She was called Nanny.Barnes by everyone, including my parents

  1. Why did Mummy decide to hire a nanny?

A). because she was old;

B). because she went to university

C). because she had a small children 

D). because she was ill

E). because she left us.

Вариант №28


1) Выберите предложение в котором Герундий является существительным

a)      Her greatest pleasure is reading

b)      He finished reading the book

c)      I remember reading it                                               

d)      I am fond of reading

e)      Reading is her favorite occupation

2) Найдите  форму Participle II

a)running water

b)well-paid job

c)an exciting                                                                   

d)many buildings

e)long-playing records

3) Употребите  нужное  местоимение.

Children like to invent things and test…..

a)      he

b)      it

c)      her                                      

d)      them


4) Подберите  антоним к  слову


a)      friend

b)      adult                                                               

c)      peace

d)      foreigner

e)      many

5)  Правильный  вариант фразеологического глагола “Put”

Put  down

a) вниз                                              

б)  вместе                                           

с)  во внутрь

д)  вперед

е) между   

6)  Дополните вопросительное  предложение  What  subjects  ---- she  good  at ?

a)      has 

b)      does                             

c)      is 

d)      are

e)      have


7)    Правильное чтение варианта

     $ 34.10                        £ 25.12. 8d

a)      .thirty-four  dollars  and  ten  cents,  twenty-five   pounds  twelve   shillings  and    eightpence.

b)      thirty- four dollars and  ten cent; twenty – five pounds  twelve shilling   and eightpences

c)       thirty – four dollar and ten cents; twenty- five pound twelve shillings and eightpences                                                             

d)      thirty – four dollar and ten cent; twenty- five pound twelve shilling  and eightpence

e)      thirty – four dollars    ten cents twenty – five pounds  twelve shilling   and eightpence



  8) Дополните предложение личным местоимением

Forgive(кешір) many things in others –nothing in….







 9) Вставьте  прилагательное в  нужной  форме

Teacher: Gohn, why are your English exercises always…. (good) than the French ones?

                  Gohn: Because my mother doesn’t know French.



C)the best                  



10) Выберите  правильный вариант

An apple a day….the  doctor away.

A) is keeping

B) is kept

C) kept                  

D) keeps

E) are keeping


11) Дополните  пословицу  нужным артиклем.


Every man is…. architect   of  his  own  fortune

     a) a

    b)  -----

    c)   the

    d)  the/ a                                          




12)  Переведите  существительное  подберите  нужный  глагол

His  ….(білімі )  deep

a) advise/ is

b) money/ is

c)  knowledge/ is                 

d) knowledge/  are

e) lessons/  are


13) Дополните  предложение  местоимением

 …. is  expensive  nowadays






14)  Дополните  пословицу  нужной степенью  прилагательного

Honesty   is ….(good ) policy




d)more  better

e)the best

15)  Выберите  правильный  вариант вопросительного предложения  «Past simple».

 He cleaned  his clothes   yesterday.

a) Did he  cleaned  his   clothes ?

b)  What  did  he  cleaned ?

c)  Did  he  cleaned  his  clothes ?

d)  When  did cleaned  he ?

e) What  did  he  do  yesterday?


16)  Определите III форму  глагола


b) say

c) spoke                                        


e) rode

17)  Выберите  сравнительную степень прилагательного.

       The rooms in your flat are______ Peters house .

a)larger  than

b)      larger than in

c)      larger than that of                      

d)      larger than those in

e)      largest

18)  Вставьте  нужный  модальный  глагол.

  You ______to your uncle like that it was rude

a)shouldn’t speak

b)      should speak

c)      shouldn’t have spoken

d)      should have spoken

e)      mustn’t speak

19) Выберите  нужный  перевод

It has been raining since morning.

            а) Рано утром пошел дождь

            б) С утра была  дождливая  погода

            с) Каждый  день утром идет дождь    

            д) С обеда  идет дождь

            е) С утра идет дождь

20) Выберите  лишнее слово

                  a) treat

                  b) drive

                  c)operate on                          

                        d) examine

                        e) cure            

21)Укажите слово или словосочетание не употребляющееся  с make

                  a) a suggestion

                  b) the room                            

                  c) a mistake                        

    d) make a cup of tea

    e) a decision

22) Укажите синоним

cereal, land, labour, way out, gift

                  a) ground, work, exit, present, grain

                  b) lady, groun-up, answer, leader, picbure

                  c) ground, work, exit, grain, leader                          

                  d) grain, ground, leader, answer, present,

23) Дополните  предложение

She … last week

a)      was leaving

b)      left

c)      leaves                          

d)Has left

e)Is leaving

24)Дополните условное предложение  III типа

If I … interested in his proposal I would have phoned  him.

a)      were

b)      had

c)      was                                          

d)        has been

e)      have been

25. Переведите в косвенную речь.

      The teacher said, “Thackeray’s novels are very interesting”.

    a) The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels are very interesting.    

    b) The teacher said  Thackeray’s novels have been very interesting.

      c) The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels were very interesting.

      d) The teacher said  Thackeray’s novels has been very interesting.

      e)   The teacher said that Thackeray’s novels was very interesting.                              

26. Закончите пословицу.

       A watched pot never …






27. Дополните условное предложение.

      Would you be happier if you … more money.


b)will have  

c)had had


e)would have


28.Выберите глагол  образованный от Префикс



c) disapprove

d)      solve

e)      locate

29.Вставьте  нужный глагол

This bill isn’t right. They --- a mistake.

A). had made                       

B). have made

C). has made

D). are made

E). is made


30) Прочитайте  текст, выберите  правильный  ответ.

     There was a king  of  scotland.  He  had  fought  many   battless  with his  evenies to  free  his  people . He was  defected   four  times  . Now  he  was hiding in a cave. He didn’t want the enemy to capture him.  He felt very lonely and sad. While he was thinking what to do, he looked up at the top of the cove. He saw a spider trying to spin a web.  The spider cast its thread several times to the corner of the cave. Each time the thread missed the wall. The king watched carefully. He decided that   the spider would help him. He and the spider had tried four times to finish their tasks. If the spider succeeded on the fifth try, he too would try again. The spider last the thread the fifth time. It held.

  The king stood up. He went out of the cave, gathered his army and defeated the enemy is at last.       

          The legend is about

            a) a cave

            b) the king and his army

            c) the king and spider

            d) how the king defeated the enemy

            e) how the enemy wanted to kill the king  






Вариант №29



1) Определите  нужное  местоимение

       We usually paint the house…..


b)      itself

c)      yourself                                                                                

d)      ourselves

e)      themselves

2. Выберите верное окончание для словосочетания.

       A loaf of …

                                a) bread

                                b) cookies              

                                c) sweets

                                d) meat

                                e) soup




3. Задайте разделительный вопрос к предложению.

      It took him 10 minutes to get to the library           

        a) Did it take him 10 minutes to get to the library?

        b) Did it take him 10 or 20 minutes to get to the library?

        c) It took him 10 minutes to get to the library, didn’t it?

        d) How much time did it take him to get to the library?

         e) Does it take him 10 minutes to get to the library?


4)  Предложение в форме Present Participle

   a) The Channel separating Great Britain from the continent is called the English Channel.

   b) The schoolchildren were talking the fallen leaves away morning

   c) That was clear and sunny                                                  

   d) We saw a new building in the street

   e) The film is very interesting

5) Вставьте  нужный модальный  глагол

     To my mind, we all…..take care of the nature.

a)      have

b)      may to

c)      is to                                                                                      

d)      ought to

e)      need to

6)  Выберите верный  вариант

      Your sister used to visit your parents quite often,…..?

a)      didn’t she

b)      wouldn’t she

c)      doesn’t she                                                             

d)      hadn’t she

e)      did she


      7) Выберите правильный  вариант существительного

            The ___    pens and pencils are on the desk.

a)      children

b)      childrens

c)      children’s             

d)      childrens

e)      children

    8) Дополните  предложение с  отрицательным значением

        .........easy questions to answer.

a)      This is not

b)      These is not

c)      This are not                       

d)      These are not

e)      These not

     9) Вставьте  нужный  артикль.

          Manchester is ______city in the north of England.

a)      an


c) the                                                   


e) the / a

10Закончите предложение

Let  me give  you__________.

a) An advice 

b) the advices

c) some advice                                  

d) some advices

e)  advice

11Выберите  Infinitiv

   We  came here  __________ to your parents.

a)      speak

b)      speaking

c)      to speak                                            

d)      to speaking

e)       have to speak

    12) Дополните  предлжение

         -How   much  money   have  you  got  ?  -  ………..  .

a)      none

b)      nothing                                           

c)       no  one                               

d)      No

13.Определите правильный  перевод  слова холодильник.

        A). refrigeratoran

             B). refergerator      

      C). refrigerator

       D). refrireator

       E). frigreerator


   14.В место точек вставьте  нужное слово.

       …. Pleasant person she is.

           A). what

           B). how 

           C). what a

           D). as

           E). an


15.  Подберите  антоним к слову Stupid

        A). lazy

       B). rude

       C). active 

       D). clever

       E). polite


16. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом “hardworking ”.

              a) industrious

              b) beautiful                     

              c) lazy

              d) crazy 

              e) perfect

17.Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

               a) wife

               b) wives                      

c) wifes

               d) wivs

               e) wifs





18) Выберите  правильный вариант разделительно вопросительного предложения

They won’t tell anyone.........?

a)      will they?              

b)      Are they?

c)      Wont they?

d)      Did they?

e)      Weren’t they?

19)Дополните предложение с порядком  слов  прилагательных

He has bought a ...... sport car

a)Japanese red new

b)      Red new Japanese         

c)       New red Japanese

d)      new Japanese red

e)      Japanese new  red

20) Выберите степень прилагательного

Which is…......    .     five, fifteen, fifty



         c)the least      



21) Укажите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола

       How __ you lived there?

a)      do

b)      did

c)      are

d)      have                     

e)      is

22) Выберите  верный вариант

       He’s ___  set the table?

a)      already

b)      yet                                   

c)      still 

d)       for

e)      Since

23) Дополните  предложение  вставив нужное слово

       I have ___ been late for school

a)      Ever

b)      Never

c)      Yet                                   

d)      As

e)      Just

24. Найдите лишнее слово

a) selfish                    

b) sociable

c) talkative

d) naughty

e) tallish

25. Подберите  синоним к слову


a)      working

b)      sure                

c)      wide

d)      quick

e)      waked up

26. Подберите  антоним к слову


a)      friend

b)      adult

c)      many       

d)      foreigner

e)      darknees


27.Дополните предложение разделительно вопросительным выражением

You know that she didn’t go to Moscow as she had planned, -----?

A). did she

B). do you

C). don’t you

D). hadn’t you 

E). doesnt you


28.Найдите  слово во множественном числе

A). lady

B). leaf 

C). church

D). oxen

E). wife


29.Подберите предложению слова с одинаковым значением

I wonder if we could play a game of chess.

A). party

B). match

C). game

D). set

E). time.


30. Прочитайте  текст,  выберите  правильный ответ

Scateboarding  has become a  very  popular  sport. All a  person  needs  to enjoy  this  sport is a skateboard, good balance, and some practice. It is a  good  idea to use  safety  helmets  and  kneepads  because  even  the  best  skateboarders  fall sometimes. To  begin  scateboarding, put  on  foot  on the scateboard and  push  forward  with the  other foot. When  you  get  moving  fast  enough  put  both feet on the  board. You keep  your  balance  by  moving  your  arms  and  body. The  more  you  practice  the  easier  it  becomes.

The  text  is about:

a)      helmets and  kneepads                

b)      the  best  skateboarders 

c)      moving

d)      a  good  idea

e)      Scateboarding  sport


                                          Вариант №30


1) Предложение в форме Present Perfect

a)      It’s the best book I have ever read.

b)      I have been listening to you for the past half an hour

c)      I used to swim every day  when I was young                        

d)      She teaches math’s

e)      My friend never plays basketball.

2) Определите слово на  тему  «Погода».

  a) Leaf

  b) Country

  c) Street                                                                                

  d) Wind

  e) Tree

3) Найдите  фразеологизм

To catch somebody’s ……..     «Көзге түсу»

a) Nose

b) Lip

c) Eye                                                

d) Head

e) Hand

4) Закончите  раздилительно вопросительное предложение.

   They don’t meet him at 5……?

a)      don’t they

b)      do they

c)      they do                                          

d)      do they not

e)      they don’t


5) Выберите  правильную форму  прилагательного.

My brother is….and ….than me.

A)older, stronger

B)more older, more strong                                                         

C) more old, more strong

D)older, more stronger

E)old, stronger

6) Выберите  правильное  местоимение.

Who is this girl? I don’t  know…..






7)Выберите  нужный  глагол.

They ….a real tiger in the zoo.

A)have saw

B)have seen

C)has saw                        

D)has seen

E)has been saw


8) Дополните  предложение

The United Kingdom comprises.........

            a) England and Scotland

            b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                             

            c) England, Scotland, and Wales

            d) Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Irish Republic

            e) England & Northern Ireland

9) Определите предложение в форме Present Simple

            a) What is the girl doing now

            b) She has washed up                                                                                                                       c) My brother never waits for us

D)  Will you  be at home tomorrow?

E ) bill was at home hast night.


10)  Выберите  правильную форму  прошедшего времени Used to  

a)      She used to dance every night , but now she is taking English.

b)      She was writing when her mother come.

c)      She went to the school.

d)      She had gone before he phoned

e)      she didn’t go to school yesterday.



11)Определите слово со звуком [g]

         A) Geography
         B) bridge                                              
         C) beggar

         D) Oxygen
E) gynsy

12) К выделенному слову подберите слово  с одинаковым значением

              Move forward

       A) Sideways       
       B) backward 

       C) ahead                                     

D) down

E)go up


13) Выберите синоним к слову


        A) Think
        B) shout
        C) wish        
        D) assist
        E) receive


14) Выберите степень прилагательного

Which is......    .     five, fifteen, fifty



         c)the least       



15)  Правильный вариант  формы Modal verbs

You  _________ walk on the grass!

a) Have to

b)      Mustn’t                

c)      Can’t

d)      Shouldn’t

e)      Haven`t


16.Определите правильный  перевод  слова холодильник.

        A). refrigeratoran       

             B). refergerator      

        C). refrigerator

       D). refrireator

       E). frigreerator


   17.В место точек вставьте  нужное слово.

       …. Pleasant person she is.

           A). what

           B). how            

           C). what a

           D). as

           E). an


18.  Подберите  антоним к слову Stupid

        A). lazy

       B). rude

       C). active

       D). clever  (c)

       E). polite

19. Дополните слово  правильной  буквой


A) a                                              

B) i

C) e

D) ie

E) ai


20. Выберите  слово с окончанием  прилагательного

A) to realize

B) practical

C) connection

D) typist

E) creative                            


21. Выберите одинаковые по значению слова

Lived in a cottage

A) tent                     C) castle                 

B) little house          D) dark cave

E) flat                                     

22.Вместо точек вставьте  нужный глагол

Everyone _________ that women are equal to men..

A). know

B). knows

  C). is knowing

D). knowing

E). known.

23.Выберите  нужное  местоимение


“Would you like --- more coffee?” – “ Yes, please.”

A). any

B). no

C). some                                                  

D). anything

E). something


24.Вместо точек вставьте  нужное слово

He’d spent--- he had, every last penny.

A). each

B). all                                             

C). every

D). any

E). anything


25. Выберите  степень прилагательного

Nowadays Bob is eating more and exercising --- than he used to.

A). little

B). less.

C). the least                                           

D). least

E). most little


26. Найди синоним слова  “rich”.  

                                a) large

                                b) wealthy      

                                c) huge

                                d) busy

                                e) great

27. Закончите разделительный вопрос.

       I am strict, … ?

                                a) am  I          

                                b) are  I

                                c) aren’t  I

                                d) amn’t  I

                                e) isnt  I

28. Выделенное выражение в предложении является.

       She didn’t expect to be asked about this issue.


b)      Gerund   

c)      Participle I

d)      Participle II

e)      Adjective

29. Дополните словосочетание.

      Necessary …


b)      meat



e) information

30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

          Once an old woman, blind since birth, stood on a busy street corner in  

      a  big city waiting for someone to help her cross the street. A man

      stepped up and asked, “May I go across with you?”

          “I’d be very glad if you would,” replied the woman.

          Having crossed the street the man thanked her, but the woman wanted

      to thank him. The man continued, “You know? When one has been

      blind as many years as I have it’s a big favour to have someone help him 

      to cross the street.”


      Ответьте на вопрос.

              Why did the man thank the blind woman?

a)      Because she helped him to cross the street.

b)      Because she was kind.

c)      Because she was polite.        

d)      Because he liked her.

e)      Because she was pretty.































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