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Календарно-тематическое планирование

по английскому языку

по УМК «Fly High2» издательства Pearson Longman (Великобритания) 2010 год

Компоненты УМК

Учебник (Pupil’s Book with 2 audio CDs) (авторы: Jeanne Perrett, Charlotte Covill)

Рабочая тетрадь (Activity Book with CD-Rom) (авторы: Jeanne Perrett, Charlotte Covill)

Книга для учителя (Teacher’s Guide) (автор: Rachel Finnie)

Active Teach CD-Rom

Class audio CDs

Fun Grammar (Pupil’s Book with audio CD) (автор: Katerina Stavridou)

Fun Grammar Teacher’s Guide (автор: Katerina Stavridou)

Vocabulary flashcards


Интенсивный четырёхуровневый курс для начальной школы в увлекательной для детей форме вводит их в мир английского языка. Второй уровень, Fly High2, состоит из 7 циклов (Cycles). Лексический материал представлен в следующих разделах (Lexical Sets) внутри циклов: School, Family, Dressing Up, Toys/Possessions, Parts of the Body, Places in a Town, Hobbies, Food, Daily Routines, Clothes, Sports and Exercise, Activities at Home, Sea Creatures, Numbers. Персонажи учебника, дети и животные, помогают учащимся осваивать грамматику и формировать все навыки. В каждом цикле есть минимум 2 задания на развитие навыка письма, 3 задания - на аудирование, текст - для формирования и развития навыка экстенсивного чтения и 2 игры для практики говорения в естественном контексте. Fly High 2 содержит 3 сценария праздников (Рождество, Карнавал, Пасха), а также сценарий музыкального спектакля, который можно показать на школьной сцене. Курс призван создавать и развивать у детей позитивное отношение к изучению английского языка. Fly High разработан с учётом требований российской школы, интересов и потребностей младших школьников и учителей. Календарно-тематическое планирование составлено методистом Представительства издательства Pearson в РФ, к.п.н., учителем английского языка высшей категории  Клышко Жанной Михайловной.


Календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку

по УМК «Fly High 2» (авторы: Jeanne Perrett, Charlotte Covill, Rachel Finnie, Katerina Stavridou)

издательства Pearson Longman (Великобритания) 2010 год

20__-20__ учебный год (2 часа в неделю, 67  часов - учебный год)

I полугодие.

I четверть ( 17 часов)

Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема











Hello! I’m (name)! What’s your name?



Kangaroo (Karla), tiger (Tag), penguin (Patty), elephant (Trumpet), monkey (Chatter), keeper (Sally).

The Fly High Band


Visitors to the Zoo: the boy, the girl, the grandfather… (flashcards)

Goodbye, class!

Goodbye, (name)!

Class CD1 Track 02

Песня “Welcome to Our Zoo!”

Приветствие, знакомство

PB р. 4-5

Игра «Кто есть кто?»

Сделать рисунки, маски персонажей курса, разукрасить




Welcome to Our Zoo!

Диалоги знакомства PB p. 4-5





Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd Lets learn

Предметы и животные

Apple, bear, cat, dog (flashcards).Listen, repeat. Listen and write.

Letter, sound, word.

Find and match.

Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Tracks 03-04

Class CD1 Track 05

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 06 Class CD1 Track 07

Песня “A,B,C,D”

Диалоги знакомства (повторение, парная или групповая работа)

Песня “A,B,C,D”


PB p. 6-7


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема









Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.

Let’s learn…

Предметы и животные

Elephant, flower, goat, hippo (flashcards).

Class CD1 Tracks 8-9

Class CD1 Track 10-Listen and write.

Class CD1 Track 11-Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Track 12 Complete and Sing.

Игра: «Буква на спине»

PB p.8-9 Match and write. Find and circle.

PB p.8-9


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.






Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll.

Let’s learn…

Предметы и животные

Insect, jelly, kangaroo, lion (flashcards).

What’s your name?

Class CD1 Tracks 13-14 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 15

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 16 Complete and Sing.

PB p.10-11


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.(Повторение)

Find and match.


PB p.10-11


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll.

Сделать свои alphabet flashcards.

AB p.4-5





Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.

Let’s learn…

Предметы и животные

Monkey, nest, octopus, penguin (flashcards).

Class CD1 Tracks 17-18 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 19

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 20

Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Track 21

Complete and Sing.


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll.(Повторение)

PB p.12-13

Match and write. Find and circle.

PB p.12-13


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.





Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt.

Let’s learn…

Человек и животные

Queen, rabbit, snake, tiger. (flashcards).

Class CD1 Tracks 22-23 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 24

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 25

Complete and Sing.


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp. (Повторение)

PB p.14-15

Find and Match. Match.

Игра пантомима – буквы из тела.

PB p.14-15


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt.


Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема









Uu, Vv, Ww.

Let’s learn…

Предметы и животные

Umbrella, vulture, whale (flashcards).

Class CD1 Tracks 26-27 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 28

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 29

Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Track 30

Complete and Sing.


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt. Диалоги приветствия в парах (Повторение)

PB p.16-17

Match and write.

PB p.16-17


Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww.

AB p. 6-7





Xx, Yy, Zz.

Lets learn

Предметы и животные

Fox, yo-yo, zebra (flashcards).

How do you spell…?

Class CD1 Tracks 31-32 Listen and write.

Class CD1 Track 33 Complete and Sing.

Class CD1 Track 34

«Listen and write»

Class CD1 Track 29

Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Track 30



Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww. Игра – создание маленьких букв при помощи пальцев и рук.

Парная работа – пантомима – слов на каждую букву алфавита.

Choose and write. Then say.

PB p.18-19

Игра “How do you spell…?”

PB p.18-19

Alphabet. AB p.8-9.

Выучить how to spell 3-4 words from the Alphabet pages.





Red, blue, green, black, yellow, grey, purple, orange, pink, brown, white.

Crayon – цветной карандаш.

Class CD1 Track 33 Sing the Alphabet Chant.

Class CD1 Track 35 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 36 Sing along with The Fly High Band!

Игра “Say the next letter!” Проверка д.з.AB p. 8-9

PB p. 20-21

Игра “ Find the colour in the classroom!”


Colour the umbrellas.

Игра “Say the colour!”

PB p.20-21

Write then play the game.

AB p.10.

Learn the colours and the spelling of grey, pink, purple.

Make a poster with colours.

Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема








Numbers 1-10

One – ten.

Class CD1 Track 37 Listen and say.

Class CD1 Track 38

Listen and circle.

Class CD1 Track 39 Sing along with The Fly High Band!

Игра “Say the colour!” Проверка д.з.AB p.10

PB p.22-23

Игра “Clap your hands and count!”

Write and match.

Colour by number.

Игра “Bingo”.

PB p.22-23

Colour by number.

Practise saying and writing the numbers 1-10.


AB p.11




Cycle 1

Lesson 1: It’s a School!

School, bag, pencil, pen, rubber, book.



What’s this? It’s a/an…

Class CD1 Track 40

Vocabulary. Say and mime.

Class CD1 Track 41 Listen and stick. Then circle.

Class CD1 Track 42 Sing along with The Fly High Band!

PB p.24-25

Acting out the story “It’s a School!”


Learn with Tag .

PB p.24-25

Ex.2, p.25 a/an

AB p.12-13




Lesson 2: Spell octopus.

Classroom Language:

Spell, chair, write, board, be quiet.

a/an, the

Class CD1 Track 42 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “What’s this? It’s a/an…”

Class CD1 Track 43

Vocabulary. Say and mime.

Class CD1 Track 41 Listen and stick. Then circle.

Class CD1 Track 42 Sing along with The Fly High Band!

Проверка д.з.AB p.12-13

PB p.24-25.

Acting out the story “Spell octopus”.

PB p.26-27.

Match. Learn with Tag .

Игра “Spell apple, please.”

PB p.26-27.

Ex.2, p.27 a/an, the.

Write with Karla – labelling classroom objects.

Игра - labelling classroom objects (Stick post-it notes).

AB p.14-15

Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема








Lesson 3: Cars and Balls!

Car, ball, doll, stickers, crayon, card.

What are they? They’re… ( Regular Plurals)

Class CD1 Track 44 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.






Class CD1 Track 45 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “Cars and Dolls”.

Игра “Spell apple (pencil/pen/rubber/cat), please.”

Проверка д.з.AB p.14-15

Acting out the story “Cars and Balls!”

PB p.28-29.

Learn with Tag . Regular Plurals.

Circle. Игра: “What are they? They’re…”

Ask and answer (парная работа).

PB p.28-29.

Ex.1, p.28 Write yes or no.

AB p.16-17




Lesson 4: That’s a Robot!

Birthday, present, robot, cake, watch.

This is… That is…


Class CD1 Track 46 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD1 Track 47 Listen and stick.

Ask and answer (парная работа). Проверка д.з.AB p.16-17. PB p.30-31.

Acting out the story “That’s a Robot!”

Match. Learn with Tag . This is… That is…

Игра “Что в портфеле?” (парная работа). Игра “Guess!” (парная работа).

PB p. 30-31.

Ex.2, p.31 Circle and write. Compare and help each other.


AB p.18-19




Sally’s Story

“The Frogs!”

Frog, teacher, close, door, window, stand up, open, sit down.


Class CD1 Track 48 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.



Игра: “Classroom objects” Проверка д.з.AB p.18-19.

Acting out the story “The Frogs!”



PB p. 32-33.

Ex.1, p.32 Count and write. Compare and help each other.

Write with Karla – “Karla’s bag”. AB p.20-21. Quiz 1 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

Урок / дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема








The Fly High Review 1

Lessons 1-4: school, bag, pencil, pen, rubber, book, chair, board, car, ball, doll, stickers, crayon, card, birthday, present, robot, cake, frog, teacher, door, window, stand up, open, sit down, be quiet, spell, write, watch, close.

What are they? They’re…

What’s this? It’s a/an…

This is… That is…





Class CD1 Track 49 Ex.2, p.34 Listen and stick. Then write yes or no.



Проверка д.з. AB p.20-21. AB Ex.4, p.21.

Quiz 1 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p.34-35.




Игра: “Hangman”


PB p.34-35. Write.

Circle and write.

My Project: What’s in your school bag?

AB p.22-23.

Progress Review 1 (from Active Teach Resources Section) My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 120


II четверть ( 14 часов)

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема







18 - 09.11

The Fly High Review 1




Cycle 2

Lesson 5: She’s Pretty.

Family, mum, dad, brother, sister, sunny.

I am/I’m,

You are/you’re,

He is/he’s,

She is/she’s,

It is/it’s.

Class CD1 Track 50

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Class CD1 Track 51 Listen and stick. Then circle.

Class CD1 Tracks52 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “My Family”.

Игра: “Simon Says” Ex.3, p.34. Проверка д.з. AB p.22-23.

Progress Review 1 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p.36-37

Acting out the story “She’s Pretty.”

Match. Learn with Tag .

Групповая работа: Рисунок семьи – She’s my mum. He’s my brother…

PB p. 36-37

Write am, are or is. Ex.2, p.37.

AB p.24-25.

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема




Говорение/ Чтение






Lesson 6: Is He Your Grandpa?

Grandpa, baby, boy, girl, grandma, friend.

Are you…? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. Am I…? Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t. Is he/she…? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t. Is it…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

Class CD1 Tracks52 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “My Family”.

Class CD1 Track 53

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Проверка д.з.AB p. 24-25.

PB p.38-39.

Игра: “Guess the word I write” (парная работа).

Acting out the story “Is He Your Grandpa?”

Match. Learn with Tag. Ask and answer (парная, групповая работа).

PB p. 38-39.

Ex.3, p.39 Write Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t.

Write with Karla – My name’s…

AB p.26-27



Lesson 7: We’re Cowboys.

Cowboy, box, clothes, spy, dancer, happy.

We are/we’re,

You are/you’re,

They are/ they’re.

Class CD1 Tracks54 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.




Class CD1 Track 55 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “We’re Happy Today”.

Игра “Are you a boy (tiger/elephant/girl/teacher)?”

Проверка д.з.AB p. 26-27

Acting out the story “We’re Cowboys.”

PB p.40-41.

Match. Learn with Tag.

Read and Cross.

PB p.40-41.

Игра: “We are dancers…”

Point and say (групповая работа).

Ex.2, p.41 Write We are, You are, They are.

AB p.28-29.



Lesson 8: Are We Pirates?


Pirate, clown, king, crown.


Are we…? Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t. Are you…? Yes, we are./ No, we aren’t. Are they…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

Class CD1 Track 56 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD1 Track 57 Listen and circle.

Ask and answer “Are you…?”(парн.,гр.р-та). Проверка д.з.AB p. 28-29. PB p. 42-43. Acting out the story “Are We Pirates?” Circle. Learn with Tag. Игра “Are you a clown?”(парн. работа).

PB p. 42-43.

Ex.3, p.43 Write Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. Compare and help each other.


AB p.30-31

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема




Говорение/ Чтение






Sally’s Story

“The Grey Duck”.

Duck, happy, small, big, sad, swan.



Class CD1 Track 58 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.



Проверка д.з.AB p. 30-31.

Acting out the story “The Grey Duck”.



A Picture Dictation.

PB p. 44-45.

Draw and colour your own picture of the story.

Ex.2, p.45

Write with Karla – “This is my Friend”. AB p.32-33. Quiz 2 (from Active Teach Resources Section)




The Fly High Review 2

Lessons 5-8: Family, mum, dad, brother, sister, sunny, grandpa, baby, boy, girl, grandma, friend, cowboy, box, clothes, spy, dancer, happy, pirate, clown, king, crown, duck, happy, small, big, sad, swan.

Lessons 5-8:

I am/I’m,

You are/you’re,

He is/he’s,

She is/she’s,

It is/it’s.

Are you…? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. Am I…? Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t. Is he/she…? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t. Is it…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

We are/we’re,

You are/you’re,

They are/ they’re.

Are we…? Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t. Are you…? Yes, we are./ No, we aren’t. Are they…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.






Class CD1 Track 59 Ex.1, p.46  Listen and circle.


Игра “Family Words”

Проверка д.з. AB: p. 32-33. AB: Ex. 4, page 33.

Quiz 2 (from Active Teach Resources Section).

PB p.46-47.





Ask and answer.






My English. Read and colour.





PB p. 46-47.Circle and write. Write is./ isn’t, are./ aren’t.

Correct the errors!

What about you? Write I am./ I’m not.

My Project: A Family Tree.

AB p.34-35.

Progress Review of Cycle 2 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture DictionaryPB p. 121

25 - 02.12

The Fly High Review 2

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема




Говорение/ Чтение






Fun Time 1

Lessons 1-8.

Lessons 1-8.

Say it with Sally. - Class CD1 Track 60 Ex.1, p.48 a) Listen and point. Then repeat.

b) Listen and write. Then repeat.

c) Chant.


Проверка д.з. AB: p. 34-35.

Ex.2, p.48. Look and write. Find the secret word.

Ex.3, p.49. Find 10 more differences. Then point and say.

PB p.48-49. Ex.2, p.48. Look and write. Find the secret word.

Ex.3, p.49. Find and write 10 more differences: (1. He’s a pirate/cowboy.)

End-of-Term Test 1. (from Active Teach Resources Section).




Cycle 3

Lesson 9: It’s His Kite.

Personal Belongings: kite, cloudy, computer game, old, radio, new, bike.

My, your, his, her, its.

Class CD2 Track 02

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD2 Track 03 Listen and stick. Then circle.

Class CD2 Track 04 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “What a Terrible Mess!”.

Игра: “Is it a…?”

PB p.50-51

Acting out the story “It’s His Kite.”

Circle. Learn with Tag .

Парная работа: “Shes a girl. This is her pencil…”

I’m a boy. This is my book…

PB p. 50-51

Ex.2, p.51. Choose and write.

AB p.36-37.




Lesson 10: They’re Our Toys.

Toys, rollerblades, train, slow, fast, winner, prize, favourite.

Your, our, their.




Class CD2 Track 05

Listen and repeat.

Групповая работа: “Point and say: “It’s her rubber”. Проверка д.з.AB p. 36-37. PB p.52-53. Игра: “Guess the word I spell” (парная работа).

Acting out the story “They’re Our Toys.” Circle. Learn with Tag.

PB p. 52-53.

Ex.3, p.53 Write our, your or their. Write with Karla – My Favourite Toy…

AB p. 38-39

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема




Говорение/ Чтение






Lesson 11: I’ve Got a Pet.

Parts of the Body: leg, body, head, wing, hand, arm, feet; imagine, imaginary, insect.

I/ you/ we/ they have got/ ‘ve got.

He/ she/ it has got/ ‘s got.





Class CD2 Track 06 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.






Class CD2 Track 07. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “We’ve Got Hands and Feet”.




Проверка д.з.AB p. 38-39.

Acting out the story “I’ve Got a Pet.”

PB p. 54-55.

Игра: “My Imaginary Insect”.

Learn with Tag. Have got/has got.

Draw a picture of your favourite pet or animal.







PB Ex.1, p. 54. Choose and write.

PB Ex.2, p. 55. Choose and write.


AB p. 40-41.




Lesson 12: Have We Got All the Insects?

Ear, mouth, nose, eye, butterfly, hair, hair slide, everywhere.

Have I/ you/ we/ they got…? Yes, I/ you/ we/ they have./ No, I/ you/ we/ they haven’t. Has he/ she/ it got…? Yes, he/ she/ it has./ No, he/ she/ it hasn’t.



Class CD2 Track 08 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD2 Tracks 09 Listen and circle.





Проверка д.з.AB p. 40-41. PB p. 56-57. Acting out the story “Have We Got All the Insects?” Match. Learn with Tag.



Игра “Has it got four legs?”(парн. работа).

Упражнение: Gapped Sentences.


PB p. 56-57. Ex.3, p.57 Write Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t. Compare and help each other.


AB p. 42-43.

31 - 23.12

Happy Christmas! PB: pages 114-115, TB: pages 114-115. + внеурочное время.

III четверть ( 20 часов)

Количество часов/ дата

Раздел /Урок /Тема




Говорение/ Чтение






Sally’s Story

“Circus Boy!”

Circus, funny, long, short, strong, trunk, star.



Class CD2 Track 10 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat. Listen and mime.


Игра “Has it got four legs?”(парн. работа). Проверка д.з.AB p. 42-43. PB p. 58-59. Read the story “Circus Boy!”.

Игра: “Guess the character”.

PB p. 58-59. Ex.1, p.58. Choose and write.

Write with Karla – “This is my Friend. She’s got…”

AB p.44-45. Quiz 3 (from Active Teach Resources Section)




The Fly High Review 3

Lessons 9-12:

Kite, cloudy, computer game, old, radio, new, bike, toys, rollerblades, train, slow, fast, winner, prize, favourite, leg, body, head, wing, hand, arm, feet; imagine, imaginary, insect, ear, mouth, nose, eye, butterfly, hair, hair slide, everywhere, circus, funny, long, short, strong, trunk, star.

Lessons 9-12:

My, your, his, her, its.

Your, our, their.

I/ you/ we/ they have got/ ‘ve got.

He/ she/ it has got/ ‘s got.

Have I/ you/ we/ they got…? Yes, I/ you/ we/ they have./ No, I/ you/ we/ they haven’t. Has he/ she/ it got…? Yes, he/ she/ it has./ No, he/ she/ it hasn’t.






Class CD2 Track 04 Ex.1, p.60 Choose and write.

Class CD2 Track 11 Ex.2, p.60 Listen and match.




Проверка д.з. AB p.44-45. AB: Ex.4, p. 45.

Quiz 3 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p. 60-61.





Ex.4, p.61 Look and say.





My English. Read and colour.

Игра “Hangman” with words (Lessons 9-12) Class CD2 Track 04 Ex.1, p.60 Choose and write.

Ex.3, p.60 Write have got/has got/haven’t got/hasn’t got.

PB p. 60-61. Ex.5, p.61. Write Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

My Project: About Myself.

AB p. 46-47.

Progress Review of Cycle 3 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 122 (Class CD2 Track 11)

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Говорение/ Чтение


34 - 18.01

The Fly High Review 3




Cycle 4

Lesson 13: There’s a Town.

Town, house, swimming pool, park, river, tree, playground, children.

There is/ There’s/ There are.



Class CD2 Track 12

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.




Class CD2 Track 13 Listen and stick. Then write.

Class CD2 Track 14 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “Animals in Our Zoo”.

Игра: “It’s a…/ They are…”

PB p. 62-63

Acting out the story “There’s a Town.”

Learn with Tag .


Игра: “There’s a… in the classroom”.

PB p. 62-63





Ex.1, p.62. Find and number.

Ex.2, p.63. Find the differences and write: There are three ducks.


AB p.48-49.



Lesson 14: Where’s Chatter?

Hot, treehouse, shop, swing, slide, climbing frame, bus.

Where is…?/ Where’s..?

Where are…?

In, on, under, next to.







Class CD2 Track 15

Listen and repeat.

Чтение песни “Animals in Our Zoo”. - Групповая работа: “Mime the animals”.

Проверка д.з.AB p. 48-49.

PB: p.64-65.

Acting out the story “Where’s Chatter?” Circle. Learn with Tag.

Ask and answer: “Where’s the pen?”






PB: p.64-65. Ex.2, p.65 Write Where’s…? or Where are…? Ex.3, p.65 Choose and write.

Write with Karla – In Our Town…

AB p. 50-51.

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Говорение/ Чтение




Lesson 15: I Can Sing.

Sing, jump, high, ride, swim, climb, play the guitar, desk.

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can jump.







Class CD2 Track 16 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.




Class CD2 Track 17. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “I can”.

Игра: “Memorise the Items on My Desk”. - “There’s a/There are … on your desk”.

Проверка д.з.AB p. 50-51.

Игра: “Mime an action from the vocabulary list.” (парн. работа).

Acting out the story “I Can Sing.”

PB p. 66-67. PB Ex.1, p. 66. Match.

Learn with Tag. Can.

Draw a picture of your favourite pet or animal.







PB Ex.1, p. 66. Match.

PB Ex.2, p. 67. Choose and write.

AB p. 52-53.




Lesson 16: Can You Skip?

Skip, rollerblade, fly, do a handstand, walk, run, carry.

Can I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they jump? Yes, I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can. No, I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can’t.


Class CD2 Track 17. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “I can”. (Группа 1 – поёт, группа 1 – инсценирует… и наоборот)

Class CD2 Track 18 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD2 Tracks 19 Ex.2, p.69 Listen and draw.






Проверка д.з.AB p. 52-53.

PB p. 68-69. Acting out the story “Can You Skip?”

Learn with Tag.

Игра “Can you…?” (парн. работа).

Ex.3, p.69. Play the game: “What animal are you thinking about?”.









PB p. 68-69. Ex.1, p.68 Choose and write.





AB p. 54-55.

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Говорение/ Чтение





Sally’s Story

“Where’s My Mobile Phone?”

Mobile phone, desk, cupboard, computer, bookcase, table, bed. Lessons 13-16.

Lessons 13-16.


Class CD2 Track 20 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat. Listen and mime.


Игра “Anagrams

Проверка д.з.AB p. 54-55. PB p. 70-71. Read the story “Where’s My Mobile Phone?”

Ex.1, p.70: Read and answer.

Игра: “My friend can/can’t…”. (парн. работа).

PB p. 70-71. Ex.1, p.70. Choose and write.



Write with Karla – “I can skip and fly a kite…”

AB p.56-57. Quiz 4 (from Active Teach Resources Section)




The Fly High Review 4

Lessons 13-16:

Town, house, swimming pool, park, river, tree, playground, children, hot, treehouse, shop, swing, slide, climbing frame, bus, sing, jump, high, ride, swim, climb, play the guitar, desk, skip, rollerblade, fly, do a handstand, walk, run, carry, mobile phone, desk, cupboard, computer, bookcase, table, bed.

Lessons 13-16:

There is/ There’s/ There are. Where is…?/ Where’s..?

Where are…?

In, on, under, next to.

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can jump. Can I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they jump? Yes, I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can. No, I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they can’t.

Class CD2 Track 14 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “Animals in Our Zoo” (Повторение).




Class CD2 Track 21

PB: Ex.3, p.72 Listen and circle.

Class CD2 Track 11 Ex.2, p.60 Listen and match.




Проверка д.з. AB p. 56-57. AB: Ex.4, p. 57. Read aloud.

Quiz 4 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p. 72-73.


PB: Ex.4, p.73: Look and Say.

Ex.4, p.61 Look and say.






My English. Read and colour.








PB: Ex. 1,2, p. 72. Choose and write.

PB: Ex.5, p.73: What about you? Write

My Project: About My Friends.

AB p. 58-59.

Progress Review of Cycle 4 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 123

41 - 10.02

The Fly High Review 4

Количество часов/ дата

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Говорение/ Чтение





Cycle 5

Lesson 17: I Like Breakfast.

Breakfast, hungry, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange, banana.

I/ you/ we/ they like…



Class CD2 Track 22

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.






Class CD2 Track 23 Ex.3, p.75: Listen and stick.

Class CD2 Track 24 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “I Like Breakfast.”.

Игра: “Mime eating/drinking…”

PB p. 74-75.

Acting out the story “I Like Breakfast.” Ex.1, p.74: Circle. Learn with Tag . Like/don’t like.

Игра: “Mime eating/drinking… Guess…” (Ex.2, p.75).

PB p. 74-75.






Ex.2, p.75. Write.

AB p.60-61.

Вырезать из журналов картинки еды и напитков, которые нравятся, для “Write with Karla”.



Lesson 18: Do You Like Fish, Patty?

Fish, lunch, pizza, soup, chicken, salad.

Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.





Class CD2 Track 25.

Listen and repeat.

Игра: “I like cats…” - Групповая работа. Проверка д.з.AB p. 60-61.

PB: p.76-77.

Acting out the story “Do You Like Fish, Patty?” Circle. Learn with Tag.

A Class Survey “The most popular food.”

Игра: “Chicken and salad, please.” - Групповая работа






PB: p. 76-77. Ex.2, p.77: Write Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Ex.3, p.77 Write. Then answer about you.

Write with Karla – I like chicken and salad …

AB p. 62-63.

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Говорение/ Чтение




Lesson 19: He Gets Up at Seven O’Clock.

Get up, seven o’clock, have breakfast, clean my teeth, go to school, drink.

He/she/it gets up, cleans, drinks.




Class CD2 Track 26 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.




Class CD2 Track 27. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “We All Love Our Zoo”.

A Class Survey “I like/don’t like…”

Проверка д.з.AB p. 62-63.

Acting out the story “He Gets Up at Seven O’Clock.”

PB p. 78-79. PB Ex.1, p. 78. Number in order.

Learn with Tag. Gets up, cleans, drinks.

Игра: “Mime…” - Групповая работа.










PB Ex.2, p. 79: Write and circle.


AB p. 64-65.




Lesson 20: Does Rob Go to the Zoo Every Day?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, basketball.

Does he go…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

Class CD2 Track 27. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “We All Love Our Zoo”. (петь по группам).

Class CD2 Track 28 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.




Class CD2 Tracks 29 Ex.2, p.69 Listen and circle. Then answer.




Проверка д.з.AB p. 64-65.




PB p. 80-81. Acting out the story “Does Rob Go to the Zoo Every Day?”

PB Ex.1, p. 80: Circle. Learn with Tag.

Игра “Look at me. What day is it?” (парн. работа). - Ex.3, p.81.







Gapped days of the week.


PB p. 80-81. Ex.1, p.80 Choose and write.





AB p. 66-67.

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Говорение/ Чтение




Sally’s Story


Help, people, police officer, fireman, visit, do my homework. Lessons 17-20:


Lessons 17-20:

I/ you/ we/ they like…

Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

He/she/it gets up, cleans, drinks.

Does he go…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.





Class CD2 Track 30 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Игра “Hangman” – Days of the week. (парн. работа).

Проверка д.з.AB p. 66-67. PB p. 82-83. Read the story “Superboy.”

Игра: “My friend can/can’t…”. (парн. работа).



Игра: “What do you do on Monday?”







PB p. 82-83. Ex.1, p.82. Choose and write. Ex.2, p.83.

Write with Karla – “What does Karla do on Monday?”

AB p.68-69. Quiz 5 (from Active Teach Resources Section)




The Fly High Review 5

Lessons 17-20: Breakfast, hungry, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange, banana, fish, lunch, pizza, soup, chicken, salad, get up, seven o’clock, have breakfast, clean my teeth, go to school, drink, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, basketball, help, people, police officer, fireman, visit, do my homework.

Lessons 17-20. I/ you/ we/ they like…

Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

He/she/it gets up, cleans, drinks.

Does he go…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.








Class CD2 Track 31

PB: Ex.4, p.85 Listen and circle. Then match.


Игра: “Mime and guess”. (парн. работа).

Проверка д.з. AB p. 68-69. AB: Ex.4, p. 69. Read aloud.

Quiz 5 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p. 84-85.






My English. Read and colour.





PB p. 84-85.

PB: Ex. 1-3, p. 84.

My Project: A Class Food Chart.

AB p. 70-71.

Progress Review of Cycle 5 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 124 - Class CD2 Track 31.

48 - 07.03

The Fly High Review 5

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Говорение/ Чтение





Fun Time 2

Lessons 17-20.

Lessons 17-20.


Say it with Sally. - Class CD2 Track 32 Ex.1, p.86 a) Listen and point. Then repeat.

b) Listen and write. Then repeat.

c) Chant.

Проверка д.з. AB: p. 70-71. Ex.2, p.86. Draw and write. Then ask and answer.

Ex.3, p.87. Do the Zoo Trail. Парная работа.

PB p.86-87. Ex.2, p.86. Draw and write.

End-of-Term Test 2. (from Active Teach Resources Section).




Cycle 6

Lesson 21: I’m playing a game!

Play, read, sleep, hide, water pistol, come.

I am/I’m

You are/You’re

He is/he’s

She is/she’s

It is/It’s hiding



Class CD3 Track 02

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD3 Track 03 Ex.3, p.89: Listen and stick. Then write.

Class CD3 Track 04 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “I’m Playing”.

Игра: “Mime the action on the card…”

PB p. 88-89. Acting out the story “I’m playing a game!” Ex.1, p.88: Circle. Learn with Tag. Игра: “Mime or act out one of the lesson verbs… Guess…” Групповая работа.

PB p. 88-89.






Ex.2, p.89. Circle and write.

AB p.72-73.





Lesson 22: They’re Having a Shower.

Have a shower, trousers, T-shirt, shoes, skirt, dress, sweater, wear.

We/You/They are/’re wearing…




Class CD3 Track 05.

Listen and repeat.

Игра: “I’m…ing.”- Групповая работа. Проверка д.з.AB p. 72-73. PB: p.90-91.

Игра: “I’m/He’s/She’s wearing.”- Групповая работа. Acting out the story “They’re Having a Shower.” Circle. Learn with Tag.





PB: p. 90-91. Ex.2, p.91:Circle and write. Ex.3, p.91 Write. Write with Karla – “I’m…ing.”

AB p. 74-75.

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Говорение/ Чтение





Lesson 23: They Aren’t Swim-ming!

Basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, idea, tired.

I am not/I’m not, He/She/It is not/isn’t, You/We/They are not/aren’t playing.




Class CD3 Track 06 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Class CD3 Track 07. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “Splish and Splash”.

Игра: “Who is the child?” - Групповая работа. Проверка д.з.AB p. 74-75.

Acting out the story “They Aren’t Swim-ming!” A Quick Class Survey “I can play (sport).” PB p. 92-93. PB

Learn with Tag.






PB Ex.1, p. 92: Choose and Write.

Ex.2, p. 93. Find the Differences and Write. AB p. 76-77.




Lesson 24: Are They Sleeping?

Dream, noise, eat, drink, upstairs, roar, snore.

Am I/ Are you/ Is he/Is ahe/Is it/Are we/Are they hiding? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, you/we/they are./No, you/we/they aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Class CD3 Track 07. Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “Splish and Splash”.

Class CD3 Track 08 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.



Class CD3 Tracks 09 Ex.2, p.95 Listen and circle. Then answer.



Проверка д.з.AB p. 76-77.

PB p. 94-95. Acting out the story “Are They Sleeping?”

PB Ex.1, p. 94: Match. Learn with Tag.

Игра “Are you writing “ball”?” (парн. работа). - Ex.3, p.95.





Gapped days of the week.



PB p. 94-95. Ex.1, p.94 Choose and write.

AB p. 78-79.




Sally’s Story

“Jane and the Giant.”

Giant, hear, living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, ghost, Lessons 21-24.

Lessons 21-24.



Class CD3 Track 10 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Игра “Yes/No”.

Проверка д.з.AB p. 78-79. PB p. 96-97. Read the story “Jane and the Giant.” Игра: “Guess the word…”. Парная работа: “This is our home”

PB p. 96-97. Ex.1, p.96. Choose and write. Ex.2, p.97.

Write with Karla – “This is our home”

AB p.80-81. Quiz 6 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

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Говорение/ Чтение




The Fly High Review 6

Lessons 21-24:

Play, read, sleep, hide, water pistol, come, have a shower, trousers, T-shirt, shoes, skirt, dress, sweater, wear, basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, idea, tired, dream, noise, eat, drink, upstairs, roar, snore, giant, hear, living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, ghost.

Lessons 21-24: Present Continuous.








Class CD3 Track 11

PB: Ex.5, p.99 Listen and circle. Then answer.


Игра: “Mime and guess”. (парн. работа).

Проверка д.з. AB p. 80-81. AB: Ex.4, p. 81. Read aloud.

Quiz 6 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p. 98-99.






My English. Read and colour.


PB p. 98-99.

PB: Ex. 1-4, p. 98: Circle and write. Match. Write.

Ex. 6, p. 99: What about you? Write.

My Project: A House

AB p. 82-83.

Progress Review of Cycle 6 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 125 - Class CD3 Track 11.

56 - 11.04

The Fly High Review 6

57 - 13.04

Happy Easter! PB: page 117, TB: page 117. + внеурочное время.




Cycle 7

Lesson 25: These are Crabs.

Crab, raining, dolphin, turtle, camera, take a photo.

This is/These are.



Class CD3 Track 12

Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Class CD3 Track 13 Ex.3, p.89: Listen and stick. Then match.

Class CD3 Track 14 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “This is a fish”.

Игра: “What’s this? (an animal on the card)”

PB p. 100-101. Acting out the story “These are Crabs.” Ex.1, p.100: Circle. Learn with Tag. Игра: “This is/These are …” Групповая работа/парная работа.

PB p. 100-101.






Ex.2, p.101. Write.

AB p.84-85.


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Говорение/ Чтение





Lesson 26: These are lots of people.

Men, feed, women, tall, shark, teeth.

Irregular Plurals.

Class CD3 Track 14 Sing along with The Fly High Band! Песня “This is a fish.” (Одна группа поёт, другая инсценирует и наоборот).

Class CD3 Track 15.

Listen and repeat.

Проверка д.з.AB p. 84-85. PB: p.102-103.




Acting out the story “These are lots of people.” Match. Learn with Tag.

Игра: “Memorise 6 pairs of singular/plural nouns.” - Групповая работа.





PB: p. 102-103.

Ex.2, p.103:Circle. Ex.3, p.103 Choose and write. Write with Karla – “Look at my Photos.”

AB p. 86-87.




Lesson 27: These are some Apples.

Bowl, carrot, drawer, shelf, cherry, sweets, chocolate.

Some/any, Are there any…?, Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.




Class CD3 Track 16 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


Игра: “Memorise 6 pairs of singular/plural nouns.” - парная работа. Проверка д.з.AB p. 86-87.

Acting out the story “These are some Apples.” PB Ex.1, p. 105: Match. PB p. 104-105. Learn with Tag. Ex.4, p. 105: Ask and Answer. Игра: “There aren’t any tigers in the classroom.” - Групповая работа.






PB Ex.2, p. 105: Write some or any. Ex.3, p. 105: Write.









Write. AB p. 88-89.

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Lesson 28: How many sweets are there?


What, Where, Who, How many…?





Class CD3 Track 17 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.



Class CD3 Tracks 18 Ex.2, p.107: Listen and write. Ex.3, p.107: Choose and write. Then answer.

Игра “Hangman” – Words from Lessons 25-27. (парн. работа).

Проверка д.з.AB p. 88-89.

PB p. 106-107. Acting out the story “How many sweets are there?”

PB Ex.1, p. 106: Circle and count. Then write the number of sweets. Learn with Tag.

Игра “How many pencils are there?” (парн. работа). - Ex.4, p.107.





Gapped days of the week.



PB p. 106-107. Ex.2, p.107: Listen and write. Ex.3, p.107: Choose and write. Then answer.

AB p. 90-91.






Sally’s Story

“Harry and Greta.”

Forest, biscuit, wall, little, squirrel, angry, Lessons 25-28.

Lessons 25-28.



Class CD3 Track 19 Vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Игра “Clap Your Hands … Times”.

Проверка д.з.AB p. 90-91. Игра: “Guess the word…”  PB p. 108-109. Read the story “Harry and Greta.” Ex.1, p.108: Read and answer.






PB p. 108-109. Ex.2, p.109: Write with Karla – “In Our Kitchen…”

AB p.92-93. Quiz 7 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

Принести вырезанные из журналов картинки морских животных, рыб… на след. урок.

Количество часов/ дата

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Говорение/ Чтение




The Fly High Review 7

Lessons 25-28: сrab, raining, dolphin, turtle, camera, take a photoб men, feed, women, tall, shark, teeth, bowl, carrot, drawer, shelf, cherry, sweets, chocolate, 11-20, forest, biscuit, wall, little, squirrel, angry.


Lessons 25-28: This is/These are.

Irregular Plurals.

 Some/any, Are there any…?

Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t. What, Where, Who, How many…?








Class CD3 Track 20

PB: Ex.5, p.99 Listen and circle. Then answer.


Игра: “Count 10-20/ 20-10”. (парн. работа).

Проверка д.з. AB p. 92-93. AB: Ex.3, p. 93. Read aloud.

Quiz 7 (from Active Teach Resources Section)

PB p. 110-111.

Ex. 4, p. 111: Look and say.





My English. Read and colour.


PB p. 110-111.

PB: Ex. 1-3, p. 110. Ex. 5, p. 111: What about you? Write.

My Project: An Underwater Collage

AB p. 94-95.

Progress Review of Cycle 7 (from Active Teach Resources Section). My Picture Dictionary – PB p. 126-127 - Class CD3 Track 20.

64 - 11.05

The Fly High Review 7




Fun Time 3

Lessons 21-28.

Lessons 21-28.


Say it with Sally. - Class CD3 Track 21 Ex.1, p.112 a) Listen and point. Then repeat.

b) Listen and write. Then repeat.

c) Chant.

Проверка д.з. AB: p. 94-95. Ex.2, p.112: Play Bingo.

Ex.3, p.113: Label the Rooms. Then Answer.

PB p.112-113.

End-of-Term Test 3. (from Active Teach Resources Section).

66 - 18.05

+ внеурочное время.

Happy Carnival! PB: page 116, TB: page 116.

67 - 23.05

+ внеурочное время.

The Fly High Music Show. PB: pages 118-119, TB: pages 118-119.


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    Тростенюк Виктория Васильевна
    Тростенюк Виктория Васильевна
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 3 месяца
    • Подписчики: 1
    • Всего просмотров: 6370
    • Всего материалов: 7

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

500/1000 ч.

Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 138 человек из 46 регионов

Курс повышения квалификации

Эффективные методики изучения иностранных языков

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 165 человек из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 675 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Основы теории обучения немецкому языку

36/72 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Этот курс уже прошли 52 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский

Учитель иностранного языка

500/1000 ч.

от 8900 руб. от 4150 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 102 человека из 41 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 222 человека


Психология аддиктивного поведения

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 51 человек из 25 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 32 человека


Развитие коммуникативных и здоровьесберегающих навыков

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Финансовый риск-менеджмент

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе