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Сценарий урока "Мой день" в 5 классе, УМК Spotlight

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Winter
The snow is falling, the wind is blowing. 
   The ground is white all...

    1 слайд

    The snow is falling, the wind is blowing.
    The ground is white all day and all night
    The windows are blue at night.
    But in the morning they are white.
    And snowflakes are falling
    Come out they are calling.

  • Complete the sentencesbegins  my  at  day  seven usually 

am  my I doing  n...

    2 слайд

    Complete the sentences
    begins my at day seven usually

    am my I doing now homework

  • Mike likes to go to cafes. He goes to a café every Saturday with John and Pet...

    3 слайд

    Mike likes to go to cafes. He goes to a café every Saturday with John and Peter. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema. He likes music, so he often buys discs. He has a rabbit at home. It is black and white. Now he is wearing brown trousers and an orange sweater. He is playing chess now. He can play chess with his computer. His hobby is photography.

  • Составь предложения.
1.have, we, in the afternoon, dinner.
2.now, a...

    4 слайд

    Составь предложения.
    1.have, we, in the afternoon, dinner.
    2.now, a literature lesson, we, having, are.
    3.a child, sleeping, in the bedroom, now, is.
    4.get up, in the morning, I, 7 o’clock, at
    5. isn’t, now, he, a story, reading.
    6. are, drinking, they, milk?
    7.on, we, English, have, Friday, class, our
    8. volleyball, my friends, playing, in the garden, are.

  • 5 слайд

  • 6 слайд

  • am
areVingThe Present SimpleThe Present ContinuousV       s(es)he, she, it...

    7 слайд

    The Present Simple
    The Present Continuous

    he, she, it
    always explain
    new rules.
    The teacher
    is explaining
    the rule now.
    I, you,
    we, they

  • The Present SimpleThe Present Continuousevery dayevery monthevery yearoftenus...

    8 слайд

    The Present Simple
    The Present Continuous
    every day
    every month
    every year
    at the moment
    at these days

  • The Present SimpleThe Present ContinuousHe doesn`t walk to school. He goes th...

    9 слайд

    The Present Simple
    The Present Continuous
    He doesn`t walk to school. He goes there by bus.
    He isn`t walking to school now. He is going by bus.

  • The Present SimpleThe Present ContinuousHow does he get 
to school?How is he...

    10 слайд

    The Present Simple
    The Present Continuous
    How does he get
    to school?
    How is he getting to
    school at the moment?

  • It’s always interesting to learn new words.
I was very surprised, happy, plea...

    11 слайд

    It’s always interesting to learn new words.
    I was very surprised, happy, pleased.
    I enjoyed reading the most.
    After all my hard work I felt tired, but happy.
    All the tasks were creative, unusual, interesting;
    I could switch on my fantasy.
    I have learnt how to solve logic problems.
    My head was full of different ideas.
    As for me, I have learnt more: I learn about …
    My teacher, friends helped me to learn new things.
    I can advise you to read more English books, learn new words.

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John lives in a big house. He usually gets up at 7. He goes to school at 7.45. He goes to school every day by bus. He does not go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. In the evening he plays the piano or play with his computer. Now he is wearing a blue T-shirt and he is eating ice – cream. John has got a pet cat. It is grey and white.


What  time__________________________?










Does__________    or__________________________?






What  colour__________________________?


Mike likes to go to cafes. He goes to a café every Saturday with John and Peter. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema. He likes music, so he often buys discs. He has a rabbit at home. It is black and white. Now he is wearing brown trousers and an orange sweater. He is playing chess now. He can play chess with his computer. His hobby is photography.

1.      Майк любит ходить в кино.

2.       Майк любит ходить в кафе.

3.      Он ходит в кафе по воскресеньям.

4.      По воскресеньям он обычно ходит в кино.

5.      Он любит музыку и поэтому часто покупает кассеты.

6.      У него есть собака.

7.      У него есть кролик.

8.      Он черно – белый.

9.      Он рыжий.

10.  Сейчас он носит коричневые брюки и оранжевый свитер.

11.  Он играет на пианино сейчас.

12.  Он может играть в шахматы с компьютером.

13.  Его хобби – рыбалка.

14.  Его хобби – рисование.





Peter goes shopping every day. He buys fruit and vegetables. He likes oranges and tomatoes. At lunch – time he goes home to have lunch. He has a pet dog. It is brown. Its name is Rover. In the evening Peter likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. He is reading a newspaper and listening to the radio now. His favourite sport is tennis. His hobby is music.








Does__________    or__________________________?






What  colour__________________________?


David goes to school on foot. For breakfast he usually eats grapefruit. He likes bananas too. He likes to go to the discos. David can dance very well. He is listening to music and dancing now. His hobby is cooking. In the evening he likes to watch videos. He has got a hamster. It is yellow. It lives in the box. David likes it very much. He takes care of it.


1.     Дэвид ездит в школу.

2.     Он ходит в школу пешком.

3.     На завтрак он обычно ест апельсин.

4.     Он любит бананы тоже.

5.     Он любит посещать дискотеки.

6.     Он плохо танцует.

7.     Сейчас он слушает музыку и танцует.

8.     Сейчас он играет в шахматы.

9.     Его хобби – теннис.

10. Вечером он любит смотреть видео.

11. Вечером он любит гулять.

12. У него есть заяц.

13. У него есть хомячок.

14. Он желтого цвета.

15. Он черного цвета.






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Task1. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.

1. My dad often

2. My dad

3. My bus to Kiev  

4. My sister

5. This student

6. These days this student

7. Look! The firefighters

8. Firefighters are the people who

9. Do you hear? The water in the kettle

10. Water

a) is driving to work now.

b) leaves at 5.30 tomorrow.

c) drives to work.

d) is always late.

e) is leaving to Kiev tomorrow.

f) is being late because of a closed road.

g) put out fires.

h) is boiling.

i) are putting out the fire.

j) boils at 100 degrees.



2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the list.

build         write        teach           wave goodbye          play            read             listen

1.     Be quiet! They _______________________ a dictation!

2.     What is your dad doing right now? – I think, he ___________________ children at school.

3.     Where is Sue? – She ____________________ a book.

4.     What are they doing? – They ___________________ a new school.

5.     Look, your mum ______________________________ to her schoolchildren.

6.     We ________________ computer games. Join in!

7.     Don’t switch the radio off! I __________________ to it.


3. Write true sentences. What is happening now?

1.     it/snow  _____________________________________________________________

2.     I/swim/in the pool. ____________________________________________________

3.     My mum/learn English _________________________________________________

4.     My dad/listen to music __________________________________________________

5.     I/wear shoes __________________________________________________________

6.     I/brush my teeth _______________________________________________________

7.     My parents/drive a car __________________________________________________

8.     My friend/read a book __________________________________________________

9.     I/make breakfast _______________________________________________________

10.My grandmother/write a letter ____________________________________________


4. Write the questions to the answers.

E.g. Tom is reading a book in the library. – Where is Tom reading a book?/What is Tom doing?

1.     Paul is working today. – __________________________________________________

2.     Your friends are going to the cinema. – ______________________________________

3.     The trolley bus is coming to the stop. – _______________________________________________

4.     Mr. Williams is painting the hospital. – _______________________________________

5.     James is doing his homework. – ____________________________________________

6.     Ann and Lyn are sitting in the café now. – ____________________________________


5. Write short answers.

1.     Is it raining? – ______________

2.     Are you watching TV? – ______________

3.     Are you wearing a white sweater? – _____________

4.     Is your mum talking on the phone? – ______________

5.     Is your friend eating now? – ______________

6.     Are your classmates swimming in the pool? – _______________



6. Fill in the gaps to complete the email from Rosie to Linda.

Hi, Linda!

Thanks ___ your email. How ___ you? I’m ___________ my homework. How boring!

All the family ___ here and are ______ too. Mum’s in the living room. She’s __________ some phone calls. Dad ____ working in the garden. It’s hard work. My little brother, Tom, ___ _________ him. He’s _____________ some flowers. My __________, Zoe, is ___________ a good time though. She’s playing _________ with her friend.

What ___ you _________? Any plans for Sunday? Write ________ soon.








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Конспект открытого урока английского языка по теме

"Мой день" (5-й класс)

Гаврикова Светлана Николаевна , учитель английского языка


Тип урока: обобщающий


Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Мой день»; совершенствовать знания грамматических структур,  навыки учащихся в устной речи, чтении и аудирования по данной теме.


Задачи урока



развитие лексических навыков говорения

совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования

активизация употребления изученной лексики по теме



развитие внимания, воображения, памяти

развитие коммуникативных способностей путем репродуктивных и частично поисковых методов



воспитание чувства ответственности перед своими одноклассниками

воспитание этики взаимоотношений




физическое развитие учащихся


Оснащение урока

Таблица лексических единиц


Интерактивная доска


Презентация (приложение)


Ход урока


I. Начало урока . речевая зарядка.


T: Good morning, boys and girls!



T: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you and hope you are ready for our lesson and are in good mood. Let’s begin.


What’s the date is today?


P: Today is the 20 th of  February


T: What day of the week is today?


P: Today is Tuersday


T: What is the weather like today?  Is it cold? Is it hot?  Is it snowing? Is it raining?



T: What season is it now?


T: Do you like winter? What games can you play in winter?


T: It’s great. Lets` read and translate the poems

about winter.



1.The snow is falling, the wind is blowing.

The ground is white all day and all night


2. The windows are blue at night.

 But in the morning they are white.

 And snowflakes are falling

Come out they are calling.


Can you name me the verbs and their tense–forms?

Right you are. Two present tenses are used here.



II. Постановка темы


T: All right. Thank you.  Winter  is a beautiful season.

Now, look at the blackboard. Complete the sentences.

begins  My    at  day  7 usually  o clock

am  my I doing  now homework


What do you think, what is the theme of our lesson?


 Well, today we are going to speak, read, do some exercises about your  day.

The theme of our lesson is “My day”


At first let’s repeat some words.











Развитие навыков чтения

Поставить части текста в логической последовательности и придумать заголовки.

. After classes I go home and have dinner. After dinner I have a short rest. Then I do my homework. At 5o’clock I go for a walk or play on the computer or go to the dance club. My parents go home at 7 o’clock in the evening we have supper and then we watch TV. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool. At 10 o’clock I go to bed. My working day is over.



. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I make my bed. I go to the bathroom, where I wash myself. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and have breakfast. I have got a cup of tea, bread, butter and cheese. I take my school bag and go to school. Our school is near my house. It takes me ten minutes to get there.


. The lessons begin at 8o’clock in the morning. I usually have 6 lessons at school. For example English, Russian, Biology, Maths and so on. I have my English three times a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. During our lesson we listen to the texts, ask each other questions, read the texts, write exercises. I like my English lessons very much. Our lessons finish at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.


Видеоурок (повторение грамматических тем)



Mike likes to go to cafes. He goes to a café every Saturday with John and Peter. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema. He likes music, so he often buys discs. He has a rabbit at home. It is black and white. Now he is wearing brown trousers and an orange sweater. He is playing chess now. He can play chess with his computer. His hobby is photography.

1.      Майк любит ходить в кино.

2.       Майк любит ходить в кафе.

3.      Он ходит в кафе по воскресеньям.

4.      По воскресеньям он обычно ходит в кино.

5.      Он любит музыку и поэтому часто покупает кассеты.

6.      У него есть собака.

7.      У него есть кролик.

8.      Он черно – белый.

9.      Он рыжий.

10.  Сейчас он носит коричневые брюки и оранжевый свитер.

11.  Он играет на пианино сейчас.

12.  Он может играть в шахматы с компьютером.

13.  Его хобби – рыбалка.

14.  Его хобби – рисование.



Вопросы к тексту.







T: I see you are tired.


T: All right! Sit still, please! Are you ready to go on our work?




Грамматические упражнения.


T: Lets go on  to do Gr. Es- s .(одновременно выполняются дифференцированные задания некоторыми учениками)


Task1. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.


1. My dad often

2. My dad

3. My bus to Kiev  

4. My sister

5. This student

6. These days this student



a) is driving to work now.

b) leaves at 5.30 tomorrow.

c) drives to work.

d) is always late.

e) is leaving to Kiev tomorrow.

f) is being late because of a busy road.



  1. Составь предложения.

Have, we, in the afternoon, dinner.

 Now, a literature lesson, we, having, are.

A child, sleeping, in the bedroom, now, is.

Get up, in the morning, I, 7 o’clock, at

 Isn’t, now, he, a story, reading.

 Are, drinking, they, milk?

On, we, English, have, Friday, class, our

Volleyball, my friends, playing, in the garden, are.


Task5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense–form.

1.It ___ ( be) cold in winter in Russia.

2. A working day usually ___ ( start) at 9 a.m. in Britain.

3. Look, the nurse ___ (play) with your sister.

4. Office workers always ___ ( wear) official clothes.

5. Dima ___ (not/ like) to drink tea in the morning. He usually ___ ( have) a cup of coffee.

6. ___ the train ___ ( arrive) at 7.30 or 7.45?

  7. My parents ___ (not/ tell) lies.



XI. Объяснение домашнего задания

Составить сравнительную таблицу двух времен.


XII. Подведение итогов


T: Ok! You have worked very well! I am satisfied with your work. I give excellent marks to…., good marks to ….

Фразы рефлексии

T: Our lesson is over. See you  tomorrow.





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Краткое описание документа:

Разработка урока по теме "Мой день" в 5 классе по учебнику Спотлайт. Урок разработан с опорой на Федеральные Государственные Образовательные Стандарты второго поколения, которые предполагают использование таких принципов обучения, как - субъективизация (ученик-учитель в равных субъктно-объектных отношениях); - метапредметность (формирование и развитие универсальных способностей ученика) - системно-деятельностный подход при организации работы - развитие личности учащихся. Составленный сценарий придерживается рекомендуемой структуры, позволяет реализовать деятельностный подход и использовать новые технологии обучения в полной мере (проектная, творческая деятельность, работа в парах и группах, технология критического мышления). Задания для самостоятельной работы на уроке подбирались с учетом реализации системно- деятельностного подхода (учащиеся приобретают знания в ходе выполнения заданий поисково-исследовательского характера). На данном уроке запланирована речевая активность учащихся на английском языке с использованием лексического и грамматического материала раздела, работа с аудиотекстами. В рамках урока предполагалось достижение не только предметных, но и метапредметных результатов (в частности личностных результатов – осознание иностранного языка, как важного средства общения между людьми, проявление познавательного интереса к учебной деятельности обретение ценностных нравственных ориентиров).

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