Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРазработка урока по английскому языку для 6 класса "Universiade 2013".

Разработка урока по английскому языку для 6 класса "Universiade 2013".

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Lesson Plan.





Gavrilova Olga Victotovna





October  14, 2013










6 “a”





Universiade 2013

Lesson type:









Gain knowledge and skill in working and learning in a PBL team environment.  


1.    Critical thinking:









2.    Discipline-specific











3.    Process and Learning to Learn Goals







Training habits and skills in formulating ideas, learning issues and creating the action plan;


Define the facts listed in the problem scenario, explain why it’s important to identify them for the stated purpose;


Orally describe the actuality of the identified ideas and learning issues;


To help students increase their level of "traditional" content knowledge and skills in a specific course (discipline) content area. 


To provide an opportunity for students to develop or improve islands of expertise in areas they find personally interesting and intrinsically motivating. 


To foster individual and team creativity and higherorder thinking in problem-posing, problem recognition, and problem solving. 


To help students learn to plan for and take personal responsibility for use of their time and other resources in an extensive, challenging activity. 


To help students gain increased skills in cooperative learning and collaborative work. This includes giving and receiving constructive feedback, doing self-assessment, doing and receiving peerassessment, and learning from each other. 


To help students gain knowledge and experience in self-directed, just-in-time learning. This includes learning to recognize when such learning is needed. 

Technical means, materials, resources:



Educational set;




Worksheets; Markers.


Blank Whatman paper  for IFLA chart



Lesson part

Structures and routines

Activities (time)

1. Introduction


(Objective: to allay tension; set students to work; plunge in the atmosphere of the foreign speech), create some kind of foreign environment.

Speaking about sports

Grade 6

the lesson is planned by


School 141, Kazan, Russia


Hello, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I’m glad to see all of you. 

But before we will start…

Partners “One”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Two”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Three”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Four”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “A”, raise your left hands. Thank you. Partners “B”, raise your right hands. Thank you.

Face-Partners make a meeting sign. Thank you. Shoulder-Partners make a meeting sign. Thank you.

Now let’s greet each other.

        2.      Warm-up


(Objective: to make the students

ready to think, work in teams)




(thinking routine)


Universiade 2013



                       “Clock Buddies”

“Good job, Buddy”

What would you do if you had a real chance to participate in the Universiade?


Clock Buddies (structure)

Slide-show «Universiade - 2013». (Let’s define the topic of the lesson and its objectives.)


How would you interpret this movie?


Students Watch the movie, take time to Think and Wonder about the topic of the lesson.





Find a partner for the time, defined by the teacher.


What if you had a chance to participate in the Universiade, what would you do?


Discuss in pairs.

        3.      Basic Part


       Launch the problem


(Objective: to develop the critical thinking skills, Identify the mistakes in stating arguments, orally describe their own

thoughts on the given topic); 


monitoring–front and personal (individual).


     Analyzing the problem


Training habits and skills in formulating rules, using the acquired knowledge

(synthesizing and theorizing);


      Launch the problem

Due to the hosting of the Universiade 2013 in Kazan it is decided to hold the tender for creating an English universal phrase-guide book for the Kazan guests (Universiade sportsmen, sport fans) and residents.

The guide book should have information about the Universiade sport disciplines, Sport venues, sights, leisure centres and feeding points.

the required product: create the English universal phrase-guide book.


Analyzing the problem IFLA




Learning Issues

 Action Plan

Read-Connect-Guess Read-Identify-List

Prioritize-Identify-Ask Investigate-Clarify-Assign


The teacher and students collectively read through the problem. The teacher allows time for internalizing the problem.


Teacher describes the product, required at the end;

Teacher     explains     the       assessment

methods and criteria;

Students clarify the requirements and assessment criteria (if necessary).



Starting a new problem.

Analyzing the problem – filling in the IFLA chart.


Identifying FACTS


Examine new ideas and learning issues based on the acquired knowledge;












(thinking routine)



(thinking routine)



(thinking routine)


Investigate-Clarify-Assign (thinking routine)


Connecting FACTS with the IDEAS



Identifying the LEARNING ISSUES



Clarifying and assigning the ACTION



4.         Assessment,             reflection, homework

(Objective: Reflection of the students’ work, self-evaluation in order to know if you have something to improve. “Now I know what I haven’t known before”.

Concluding IFLA chart

Good Luck !!!

Concluding IFLA chart Knowledge abstraction

Self and peer evaluation




Level & Subject / Topic:  

Grade 6 English / “Universiade 2013 in Kazan”

Date of design: 14/10/2013

Title of the problem: Creating of the universal English phrase-guide book


Name of designer: Olga Gavrilova


Learning outcomes: At the end of the PBL problem, pupils should be able to



Develop, organize and express

ideas coherently and cohesively








Use appropriate sources for:

Indicating     relations             between phrases and pictures of the objects of interests;

Synthesizing the information found in different sources;

Making surveys;

Planning       the       structure of             the phrase-guide book;

Making decisions about the phrases and images for  conveying the information.


Demonstrate a keen interest in helping people of different nationalities understand each other with the help of the created the universal English phrase-guide book

PBL Program Schedule:


Lesson (45 mins)

Stage of the PBL Process


Resources / Deliverables




(thinking routine) ●Teambuilding

Clock Buddies




●Clarifying the roles of learner

and facilitator

●Setting ground rules






Ground rules for each group

Launch the problem

●Reading the problem

●Clarifying     the      assessment

criteria and standards


●Learner’s package

  Facilitator’s package

  Multimedia set 


Analyzing the problem

●Filling in the IFLA chart Read-Identify-List

(thinking routine)


(thinking routine)


(thinking routine)

Investigate-Clarify-Assign (thinking routine)


●Whatman papers

● Multimedia tools

Reasoning through the problem

●Generate pertinent learning issues (refer to sample IFLA chart)

●Formulate action plan for selfdirected learning and factfinding




Presenting the solution for creating the final product

PBL teams present their final solution


●Whatman papers





Problem Scenario

Due to the hosting of the Universiade 2013 in Kazan it is decided to hold the tender for creating an English universal vocabulary-guide book for the Kazan guests (Universiade sportsmen, sport fans) and residents. 

The guide book should have information about the Universiade sport disciplines, Sport venues, sights, leisure centres and feeding points.

The    required       product:       create          the     English           universal vocabulary-guide book.

The problem will be launched by means of Multimedia and work-papers


Content: content embedded in the final product


Needs to improve



Scope of inquiry

Little inquiry involved

Variety of sources explored

Good scope of sources examined


Construction of meaning

Little knowledge demonstrated and understanding is


Key knowledge and understanding is


Knowledge is complete and structure of meaning is


Process: strategies for creating the final product


Needs to improve




Plan for creating the final product 

Plan for creating the final

product         was        poor-

organized, non-systematic and incomplete

Plan for creating the final

product was prettyorganized, systematic and complete 

Plan for creating the final product was wellorganized, systematic and complete. Work is planned equally for each team member.

Team work

Team     work     is     well-

organized, almost each member took an active part in participating in the process, team tried to communicate, collaborate and peer but sometimes


Team    work     is    well-

organized, each member participates in the process, team

communicates, collaborates and peers only during the lesson

Team work is organized excellently, each member took an active part in participating in the process, team communicates, collaborates and peers even beyond the lesson 

Product: universal English phrase-guide book


Needs to improve




Appropriate design was used (the size is too big (small), easy-to-use, the font is too small (big) difficult to read, there are some abstractive details)

Appropriate design was used (nice size, easy-touse, the font is easy-toread, but there are some abstractive details)

Excellent design was used (nice size, easyto-use, the font is easy-to-read, no

abstractive details)


Not all the pictures fit to the phrases, not all the required information is included, the required age limit is not taken into account, there is some vacuous information

Pictures fit to the phrases, all the required information is included, the required age limit is taken into account, but there is some vacuous information

Pictures fit to the phrases, all the required information is included, the required age limit is taken into account, there is no vacuous data


Suggested IFLA chart:




Learning Issues

Action Plan


Picture-book, the front cover



Summer sports / Winter sports


Old venues / New venues


Historical / Religious (churches, mosques, synagogues)/ Cultural (museums)

Amusing (theatre, cinema, disco-bars, karaoke-bars)/ Sportive (bowling, Alpine

centre, skating rinks)


Restaurants / Cafes / Bistros /


Universiade 2013

Universal       English

phrase-guide book


Sport disciplines


Venues of U






Leisure Centres





Feeding points


What pictures and phrases may be used in the guidebook?

What summer disciplines will be included in the U? What venues will be used during the U?

What sights are popular among students?



What leisure activities are popular among students?




What feeding points are usually used by students?


Find and study the most

commonly used phrases;


Find and study summer

sport disciplines of the U; Find and study all the venues of the U-2013;

Make a survey on the sights preferred by the students and include them in the guide-book;

Make a survey on the leisure activities places preferred by the students and include them in the guide-book;

Make a survey on the feeding points preferred by the students and include them in the


Fact-finding questions:

What data are relevant to this problem?

Is there something that is missing?

Is there something you can eliminate?

Is this fact or assumption?

Can you give me more details? (Can you be more specific?) How does this relate to the problem?

Which of these facts are the most important?

Anticipated questions:

How many words and phrases must be included in the phrase-book?

Are there some special requirements to the arranging of the material?

Anticipated answers:

Not more than 5-6 phrases on each point.


No special requirements. It’s up to the creator to decide how to arrange words and phrases in the guide book.

Scaffolding questions:

Why is the phrase-guide book called “universal”?

How could you make it meet this requirement?

What countries are going to participate in the Universiade?

How could you make this guide book universal for everyone?

Potential difficulties students will face:


Determine that there must be pictures for each word and phrase (demonstrating what is said in the phrase) in the guide book.

Guiding questions to help students proceed with the PBL investigation:

Have you tried to make a guess?

What else would you like to know?

Is there anything you might have overlooked?

What is the relationship of this to that?

Can it be broken down into smaller parts? What would those parts be?

What is your purpose for asking this research question?

Where could you find the information you will need to solve this?

Do you have a system? A plan? A strategy?

Are you going to practice tables, diagrams or other graphics?

What do you need to do next?

Was your own group participation appropriate and helpful?


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Краткое описание документа:

PBL - Problem Based Learning.

Метод PBL (Problem-Based Learning) рассматривается как успешный инновационный метод обучения, который направлен на самостоятельную работу учащихся. В данном методе акцент обучения смещается с учителя на ученика, так как теперь ученик занимает более активную роль, пытаясь решить поставленную практическую задачу. Данная методика учит детей шире и глубже осмысливать все сказанное учителем во время урока и написанное в учебниках. Процесс обучения строится вокруг проблемы и направлен на работу в небольших группах, где учитель выступает в качестве посредника.

Среди преимуществ такого метода обучения можно обозначить следующие:

 1. Метод PBL стимулирует ученика к самостоятельной работе. Как правило, для решения проблемы ему требуется проработать гораздо большее количества материала, чем при обычной подготовке к практическим занятиям. 

 2. Метод PBL учит учеников мыслить. Просто выучить предлагаемый материал недостаточно. Выучить формулу, правила и определения – это только первая ступень в понимании предмета. К сожалению, очень часто требования учителя ограничиваются необходимостью заучивать длинные, сложные теоретические определения, классификации и функции, которые часто абсолютно не пригождаются в профессиональной деятельности. Без определений нельзя, но очень часто они воспринимаются как некий балласт, который можно сбросить сразу после самостоятельной или контрольной работы, зачета или экзамена. Между тем,  необходимо понимать, что это не самоцель, а лишь инструмент для понимания изучаемой дисциплины.

Способ PBL учит именно мыслить. При этом задание воспринимается, как некая игра, а материал, который необходимо запомнить, воспринимается как правила, по которым нужно играть, но которые иногда можно и нарушить. Процесс строится по принципу: задача – инструменты для решения (теории, определения, законы и т.д.) – поиск решения – решение. Учащиеся понимают, почему важны те или иные теории, концепции и правила. И воспринимают их уже по-другому. 

 3. Метод PBL стимулирует к нетривиальному мышлению. Правильно организованная постановка проблемы стимулирует детей к поиску нестандартных решений. Умение мыслить креативно и нестандартно является одним из самых важных качеств для большинства профессий. Это зачастую именно то качество, которое ищут работодатели при приеме на работу новых специалистов. 

 4. Метод PBL подогревает интерес детей к наукам. Важно, чтобы образовательный процесс был интересным и увлекательным. И чем активнее сам ученик участвует в нем, тем интереснее ему учиться. 

 5. Метод PBL готовит учеников к «реальной жизни». Этот метод дает возможность привязать теорию к практике, тем самым учащийся понимает практические аспекты своей будущей профессии.

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