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Разработка урока английского языка "How to write a personal letter"

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Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе: How to write a personal letter

(к учебнику Enjoy English Биболетовой М.З)


Учитель: Гаряева Светлана Алексеевна,  республика Калмыкия, Яшкульская многопрофильная гимназия им. Хаглышевой Е.К.


Оборудование: аудиозапись, компьютер(текст для чтения), плакаты с выражениями известных людей, картинки с изображением берестяных грамот, папирусных писем, письма американских школьников.

Цели урока:

Образовательный аспект: расширение лингвистического кругозора обучающихся;

Развивающий аспект: развитие языковых способностей обучающихся, готовности к коммуникации;

Воспитательный аспект: формирование у школьников уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка; повышение интереса к эпистолярному жанру и услугам почтовой связи;

Практический аспект: формирование и совершенствование практических навыков написания личного письма путем привлечения формул речевого этикета; развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух, чтения с полным пониманием содержания.


                                                                                    “Learn to write well or not to write at all”

John Dryden (1631-1700)


                                                                                         “The pen is the tongue of the mind”

                                                                                                      Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)


T: Good morning, dear pupils! Glad to see you. I hope you are well and ready to work hard at our lesson. Today we are going to speak about letters and how to write them.

I.                   Warming up. Questions to discuss:

  1. Do you often write letters?
  2. What do you like more: to write letters or to get them?
  3. When did you write your last letter?
  4. Do you keep old letters?
  5. Why do you keep old letters?


T: People began to write letters many years ago. Archeologists found personal letters which were written in Egypt, Greece and other places in the world. You know that letters were not always sent in envelopes. But how were they sent? Now listen to a text which is called “Unusual bottle-opener”.

II. Listening.

1.      Pre-listening stage.

New words:

Uncorker of bottles- откупорщик океанских бутылок

Elizabeth I- Елизавета I Тюдор (английская королева с 1558-1603)

Reign –  правление

George III-  Георг III (английский король 1760-1820)

2.Listen to the text on the tape:                            

There was a time in Britain when, if a person found a bottle with a cork in it, he had no right to open it. Only one person had the official right to uncork such bottles. This official was known as “the uncorker of the bottles”. The explanation of this was in the fact that bottles with official letters were thrown from British ships into the sea because there was no other way to send them. Very important information was often carried in bottles during a period of one hundred and thirty years, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I to the reign of George III.


3. Circle T (true) or F (false) statements.

a) If a person found a bottle with a cork in it he used to open it.

 b) The Uncorker of bottles was the only who had the official right to uncork such bottles.

c) Bottles with letters were thrown into the sea.

d) Bottles contained personal letters.

e) There was no other way to send letters.

f) It lasted during a period of 3 hundred years.


T: Then people began to use envelopes to send letters. Do you know the history of an envelope? Let’s read about it.


III.       Reading.

In 1820 an owner of stationary shop in Brighton, England, Mr. Brever thought how to attract customers. He decided to build a pyramid made of paper sheets in his shop window. The people of Brighton liked the idea very much. During the day and even at night they stopped at the shop window. They started buying more at the shop. Now everybody could buy small sheets of paper for letters. One of those sheets was on the top of the pyramid. But the sheets were too small to write an address on them. It gave Mr. Brever an idea to make paper bags to put letters into them. He made a lot of such bags and presented them to his customers. The bags became popular and since then everyone began to use envelopes. By the way, the word “конверт” came into the Russian language from the English verb “to cover”.


IV.        Comprehension check.

  1. When did it all start?
  2. What could people buy at the shop?
  3. What idea came to Brever one day?
  4. What was the pyramid made of?
  5. How did the people of Brighton like his idea?
  6. What gave Brever the idea to make paper bags?
  7. What is the origin of the word “конверт”?


T: The shortest letter in history was written by Victor Gugo to his editor. After his novel had been printed Gugo sent a letter which contained only: “?” and received an answer: “!”. Thus he learned that his book aroused a great interest of readers. But we should know how to write letters. The language we use in writing can be formal or informal. It depends on the people you are writing for. Today I want to teach you how to write a letter to your friends, parents or any other close people.


V.           Introducing the rules of writing a letter.

T: Men do not usually use “Love” when writing to each other. They can use “Yours”, “Regards” or just sign their name. Never  write “Bye-bye” or “Good bye”. These are spoken expressions only.


VI. Writing.


Write a letter to your friend about your stay in Moscow. Use the skeleton letter below to help you.

(Your address)


Dear _________.

I’m writing this letter in________. I’m having a great time. Two days ago we were_______. There was________. I was really excited. Yesterday we were in_____. We were tired. Yesterday evening there was a _______. It was good fun, because________.

Lots of love,



VII. Summarising.

T: Today there are a lot of means of communications except of letters: phones, e-mail. Of course, they help us to get information very quickly wherever we are. But  on the other hand they cause the loss of ability to write. Little by little we forget the hand writing of our friends as well the feeling that appears when we get an envelope with a postcard. So I appeal to you: write letters as often as you can. We have a pen-pal’s club in our school. Here are letters from American students. Your home task will be to write answers to these letters. The lesson is over. Thank you.







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Разработка урока английского языка "How to write a personal letter" для 8 класса по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English" учителя Яшкульской многопрофильной гимназии им. Хаглышевой Е.К. Гаряевой Светланы Алексеевны. Урок направлен на формирование и совершенствование практических навыков написания личного письма путем привлечения формул речевого этикета; развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух, чтения с полным пониманием содержания.

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