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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"Шекспир".

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Троянова Свелана Павловна,учитель английского языка Сукмановского филиала МБОУ Шпикуловской СОШ Жердевского района Тамбовской области

Класс 9


Тема урока:     «Discover: Shakespeare. Медиа-урок. Part 1. Video-Listening ».

Цель: развитие интереса к учебно-познавательной деятельности на ИЯ и расширение знаний по страноведению.


Задачи урока:

·         Образовательная: Развитие речевой, языковой и учебно-познавательной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

·         Развивающая : Развитие социокультурной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

·         Воспитательная:    Формирование дружелюбного и толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры.

·         Практическая: Развитие умений и навыков восприятия информации на ИЯ.

Тип урока: Комбинированный.


Методы:      Поисковый, словесно-наглядный, интегрированный.


Форма урока:        медиа-урок.


Прогнозируемый результат:

Учащиеся должны уметь:

·         Узнавать и использовать новые лексические единицы

·         Использовать дополнительными источниками информации

·         Использовать приобретенные навыки для самостоятельного поиска информации


Оборудование урока:    компьютерный класс с выходом в интернет, учительский компьютер со звуковой картой, мультимедийный проектор,  презентация Microsoft Point,  доска.


Место в учебном плане:  Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс. Базовый

уровень. Авторы:  Быкова Н., Ваулина Ю.Е.,  Дули Дж ., Подоляко О, Е., Эванс В.  2011

после прохождения урока Culture Corner 5 (“William Shakespeare ”), стр. 85



Карта урока


Осуществляемые действия

Тип задания


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Номера слайдов/ стр. учебн./

адреса сайтов



Речевая практика

Ответы на вопросы.

Подготовка к работе и мотивирование учащихся к учебной деятельности

Приветствует учащихся. Сообщает тему урока.

Приветствуют учителя.

Слайд 1

II. Подготовительный.

Фонетическая практика.

Фонетические упражнения.

Отработка произношения

новых ЛЕ

Читает вслух и контролирует произношение.

Повторяют за учителем новые ЛЕ, знакомятся с их значением.

Слайды 2, 3



Речевая практика

Произношение фраз под музыкальный ритм

Включение в языковую среду и настройка на восприятие информации на ИЯ

Наблюдает за работой учащихся, оказывает необходимую помощь

Поют песню.

Слайд 4

III. Активизация знаний.

Монологическое высказывание

Отработка умения аргументировать

Включение в тематику


Оказывает необходимую помощь и корректирует.

Высказываются и аргументируют  

Слайд 5


IV. Практика восприятия на слух аутентичных материалов.

Восприятие на слух

Извлечение необходимой информации

Развитие навыков восприятия аутентичной информации на слух.

Осуществляет технические действия.  Наблюдает за работой учащихся

Смотрят видео и слушают и выполняют задания по извлечению информации.

Слайд 6


Ответы на вопросы

True, False, Not Sated

Контроль навыков восприятия на слух

Осуществляет технические действия. 

При необходимости воспроизводит видео файл.




V.Систематизация и закрепление знаний.


Понимание слов по их определениям

Повторение  новых ЛЕ

Читает вслух и контролирует произношение и понимание значения ЛЕ

Читаюn, переводят, задают уточняющие вопросы

Слайд 15


Чтение и восприятие информации на слух

Соотнесение устной и письменной речи

Совершенствование навыков восприятия аутентичной информации на слух.

Осуществляет технические действия.  Наблюдает за работой учащихся.

Читают, слушают.





Обмен мнениями

Систематизация знаний.

Отвечает на вопросы учащихся, объясняет.

Обмениваются мнениями в парах. Задают вопросы.

Слайд 21

VI. Включение в систему знаний и умений

Поиск информации в сети

Поисковое чтение с извлечением информации

Отработка навыков поиска информации

Наблюдает за работой учащихся. Оказывает необходимую помощь.

Работая в парах (группах) выполняют задание, обсуждают.

Слайд 22

VII.Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

Беседа о материале, пройденном на уроке.


Систематизация знаний, умений и навыков.


Побуждает учащихся к оценке собственной деятельности на уроке.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке.



VIII. Домашнее задание

Объяснения, уточнения


Систематизация знаний, умений и навыков.

Объясняет домашнее задание.


Записывают домашнее задание, задают уточняющие вопросы.

Слайд 23


Ход урока


I.              Организационный этап.

-       Good morning everyone.  How are you today? Tell me; is it important for en educated person to know great people? And for you? You want to become educated? Don’t you?

-       Why do you think they are great?

-       What outstanding person did we speak last time?

-       What’s he famous for?                                                                              Слайд 1

                                                                Здесь заканчивается текст 1 слайда.

II.            Подготовительный этап.

-       First, let’s learn how to pronounce some new words correctly. Repeat after me.

                                                                                                                       Слайд 3

Здесь заканчивается текст 3 слайда.

-       Good. Before we start let’s have some language practice.  Let’s sing together.     

            (Students sing the song)                                                                           Слайд 4

                                                                       Здесь заканчивается текст 4 слайда.

-       You are great singers!


III.          Активизация знаний.

-       Tell me, When you travel to a new place, what things would you like to see and do?

-       Why is it important for you?                                                                     Слайд 5

     (Students answer and give their reasons).

                                                                                   Здесь заканчивается текст 5 слайда.


IV.          Практика восприятия на слух аутентичных материалов.            

                                                                                                                Слайд 6

-       Before we start watching and listening, please, read statements 1 - 7. After watching and listening you are to yell if the statements True, False or Not Stated.

-       Are you ready? Let’s start.                                                                      

(Здесь происходит переход http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XECOwVsJGY )

     -    Should we listen again?                         Здесь заканчивается текст 6 слайда.

      -  So? Is the first statement True, False or Not Stated?                           Слайд 7

      - Let’s check.                                                                                        (Click on the answer)

                                                                            Здесь заканчивается текст 7 слайда.

      - You’re right. The second statement.                                                         Слайд 8

      - Good.                                                         Здесь заканчивается текст 8 слайда.

      - Now, the third statement. Is it True, False or Not Stated?                    Слайд 9

       - Oops! Lets listen again.

      Здесь происходит переход http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XECOwVsJGY

- Try again!                                                                                                  Слайд 9

       -   Now it’s better.                                        Здесь заканчивается текст 9 слайда.

-       The forth statement.                                                                              Слайд 10

-       Great!                                                      Здесь заканчивается текст 10 слайда.

-       The fifth.                                                                                                       Слайд 11

-       Good.                                                       Здесь заканчивается текст 11 слайда.

-       The sixth.                                                                                                     Слайд 12

-       Yes.                                                          Здесь заканчивается текст 12 слайда.

-       And the last.                                                                                                Слайд 13

-       Well done!                                                Здесь заканчивается текст 13 слайда.

-       Let’s summarize our knowledge.                                                            Слайд 14

·         Здесь заканчивается текст 14 слайда.


V.           Систематизация и закрепление знаний.

-        Now let’s remember some words.                                                          Слайд 15

-       Who can translate the words in the box?                                                       (Students repeat the words and translate)

                                                                 Здесь заканчивается текст 15 слайда.

-       OK. Now we’re going to listen again but this time you’ll see the script. I hope, it’ll help you to improve your listening skills.                                                                    Слайд 16

                                                                 Здесь заканчивается текст 16 слайда.

-       (Students listen and read)                                                                        Слайд 16-20

-       Have you got any questions or comments? I’m at your disposal.


-       If there’re no more your questions, answer to mine.  Imagine that you are visiting Stratford-upon-Avon.                                                                                                 Слайд 21

-       What things would you like to do?

-       What places would you visit?

-       What would you buy?

-       Don’t forget to give your reasons.

-       Discuss your ideas in pairs and then change with some other pair. Do, please.

(Students work in pairs and groups).       Здесь заканчивается текст 21 слайда.


VI.           Включение в систему знаний и умений.

-       And now let’s do some on-line Investigations.                                      Слайд 22

-       Imagine that you are going on your week vacation to London.

-        Use the Internet to plan your trip to Stratford-upon-Avon.

o   How can you get there?

o   What places of interest would you visit?

o   Where would you eat?

-       Don’t forget to find out how much it would cost.

-       You can use the sites:

-       http://www.visitstratforduponavon.co.uk/

-       http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Warwickshire/Stratford_upon_Avon-304749/TravelGuide-Stratford_upon_Avon.html

-        or any other ones.

(Students work in pairs and groups then share their knowledge with another group)

                                                                      Здесь заканчивается текст 22 слайда.


   VI.     Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.                                                         

- So, were next to finish.

- Now tell me something frankly.

ü  Was the lesson useful for you?

ü  Was it boring?

ü  Are you satisfied with your work?

ü  Are you going to use your skills to find information about any other place to travel to?


  VI.         Домашнее задание.

-       Your home task will be to round up your know how and write about any other place you would like to travel to.

-       Here is your task.                                                                                       Cлайд 23

-        Any questions or comments?                                                        

-       Good luck!


Использованные источники.

1.    Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс. Базовый уровень. Авторы:  Быкова Н., Ваулина Ю.Е.,  Дули Дж., Подоляко О,Е,., Эванс В.,  2011

2.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XECOwVsJGY

3.    http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Warwickshire/Stratford_upon_Avon-304749/TravelGuide-Stratford_upon_Avon.html

4.    http://www.ma21.ru/upload/medialibrary/5bd/Stratford-on-Avon.jpg

5.    http://wickedstageact2.typepad.com/life_on_the_wicked_stage_/WindowsLiveWriter/SearchingShakespeare_A7BC/shakespeare%255B3%255D.jpg

6.    http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/79/572/79572785_1.jpg

7.    http://www.visitstratforduponavon.co.uk/

8.    http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/256x144/p01gpj2j.jpg





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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • William 

Учитель английского языка
Троянова Светлана Павловна Су...

    1 слайд


    Учитель английского языка
    Троянова Светлана Павловна Сукмановский филиал МБОУ Шпикуловской СОШ


  • Pronunciation activity.

Language Activity.

Pre -Video-Listening


    2 слайд

    Pronunciation activity.

    Language Activity.

    Pre -Video-Listening


    Reading and Listening

    Post -Video-Listening

    On-line investigations

  • nurture – to provide care and education;
Infancy – the time when you are a ba...

    3 слайд

    nurture – to provide care and education;
    Infancy – the time when you are a baby;
    legacy – smth that exists after a person’s death;
    Immortal - smb who will never be forgotten;
    inn – a small hotel or pub;
    trust –an organization that controls money; purchase – to buy;
    off season – the time of the year when there is not much work
    parish - the main church in an area;
    chancel – the part of a church
    grave - the place in the ground where a dead body is buried;
    for (Jesus) sake - extremely important;
    forbear – stop yourself;
    blessed – protected and loved by God;
    spare – not damage or harm;
    cursed - be punished by God or a god;
    get acquainted – start to know smb.

    Pronunciation Activity

  • Language

    I love music

When I’m sad or feeling blue,

    4 слайд


    I love music

    When I’m sad or feeling blue,
    There’s one thing I love to do
    I play songs I love to here
    Then my problems disappear

    When I play my favorite song
    I can dance and sing along
    All my troubles fly away
    I feel everything’s okay

    I love music, feel the beat
    Clap your hands and stamp your feet
    Feel the rhythm, jump and shout
    That’s what music’s all about

    When I’m dancing, I feel fine
    I feel like the whole world’s mine
    Everything’s all right with me
    When the music sets me free

  • Pre -Video-Listening ActivityWhen you travel to a new place, what things woul...

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    Pre -Video-Listening Activity
    When you travel to a new place, what things would you like to see and do?

    Explain your reasons.

  • Video-Listening Activity William Shakespeare was born
 and died in Stratford...

    6 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    William Shakespeare was born
    and died in Stratford –upon –Avon.
    2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is
    a hundred times more than the population.
    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time.
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and
    come back during a day.
    Watch, listen and mark the statements True, False, Not stated.
    Read statements 1 - 7.
    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • William Shakespeare 
was born and died in Stratford –upon –Avon.
 a)True	b) F...

    7 слайд

    William Shakespeare
    was born and died in Stratford –upon –Avon.
    a)Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is a hundred times more than the population.
    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time.
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones
    Video-Listening Activity

  • Video-Listening Activity1) William Shakespeare was born and died in Stratford...

    8 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    1) William Shakespeare was born and died in Stratford –upon –Avon.
    a)Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is a hundred times more than the population.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time.
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is...

    9 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is a hundred times more than the population.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity
3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time....

    10 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity

    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite...

    11 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespear...

    12 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.

    13 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day.
    a) Trueb) Falsec) Not stated

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • Video-Listening Activity1) William Shakespeare was born and died in Stratford...

    14 слайд

    Video-Listening Activity
    1) William Shakespeare was born and died in Stratford –upon – Avon. True
    2) The number of visitors in Stratford –upon –Avon is a hundred times more than the population.True
    3) Not much has survived from Shakespeare’s time. False
    4) William Shakespeare was Charles Dickens’ favourite playwright. Not stated
    5) School didn’t play an important role in Shakespeare’s life. False6) William Shakespeare’s wife was older than he. True
    7) You can’t go to Stratford –upon –Avon from London and come back during a day. False

    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • nurture – to provide care and education;
Infancy – the time when you are a ba...

    15 слайд

    nurture – to provide care and education;
    Infancy – the time when you are a baby;
    legacy – smth that exists after a person’s death;
    Immortal - smb who will never be forgotten;
    inn – a small hotel or pub;
    trust –an organization that controls money; purchase – to buy;
    off season – the time of the year when there is not much work
    parish - the main church in an area;
    chancel – the part of a church
    grave - the place in the ground where a dead body is buried;
    for (Jesus) sake - extremely important;
    forbear – stop yourself;
    blessed – protected and loved by God;
    spare – not damage or harm;
    cursed - be punished by God or a god;
    get acquainted – start to know smb.

    Pronunciation Activity
    Blessed be the man
    who spares the stones
    And cursed be he
    who moves my bones

  • nurture – to provide care and education;
Infancy – the time when you are a ba...

    16 слайд

    nurture – to provide care and education;
    Infancy – the time when you are a baby;
    legacy – smth that exists after a person’s death;
    Immortal - smb who will never be forgotten;

    This is the place that nurtured one of the world’s greatest literary geniuses. This is Stratford –upon –Avon - the birthplace and final resting place of William Shakespeare.
    Shakespeare was born in this house on Henley Street on April 23rd in 1564. He was the third of eight children and the first to survive infancy born to a glove maker John Shakespeare and wife Mary Arden.
    Today Stratford –upon –Avon is largely built on Shakespeare’s legacy. The population is less than thirty thousand but each year over three million visitors from around the world come here to walk in the footsteps of the immortal bard.

    Reading and Listening
    Read the script and listen.

  • Henly Street is a good place to start your tour. Here is the Birthplace and...

    17 слайд

    Henly Street is a good place to start your tour. Here is the Birthplace and a Shakespeare Centre. The street is lined with shops and cafes and there are street performers to amuse and entertain. The birthplace eventually became an inn known as the Maidenhead but it survived and was rescued by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in 1847. Charles Dickens helped to raise three thousand pounds needed to purchase the building.
    It’s surprising how much from Shakespeare’s time has survived. Not far from the birthplace is his school – the King’s new school. Imagine the role it played in shaping his life. It’s believed this is where he saw his first play and performed for the first time as an actor.

    inn – a small hotel or pub;
    trust – an organization that controls money
    purchase – to buy;

    Reading and Listening

  • Reading and Listening 
	Just across the street is a new place – sited the ho...

    18 слайд

    Reading and Listening
    Just across the street is a new place – sited the home the successful playwright purchased for his wife and family in 1597 – nineteen years before his death. Many plays were thought have been written here when he returned from his work in London during the off season.
    Nearby is Halls Croft – the home of Shakespeare’s daughter Susanna and her husband – doctor John Hall. Actors in the period costume were filming as we passed by on the way to the Holy Trinity parish.
    This is Shakespeare’s church. He was baptized here three days after his birth and was laid to rest here in the chancel after his death on April twenty fifth 1616. A marker over his grave reads:

    off season – the time of the year when there is not much work
    parish - the main church in an area;
    chancel – the part of a church
    grave - the place in the ground where a dead body
    is buried;

  • “Good friends for Jesus sake Forbear
	to dig the DUST ENCLOSED here

    19 слайд

    “Good friends for Jesus sake Forbear
    to dig the DUST ENCLOSED here
    Blessed be the man who spares the stones
    And cursed be he who moves my bones.”

    for (Jesus) sake - extremely important;
    forbear – stop yourself;
    blessed – protected and loved by God;
    spare – not damage or harm;
    cursed - be punished by God or a god;

    Reading and Listening

  • Stratford –upon –Avon meant to keep its favourite son from ever being moved....

    20 слайд

    Stratford –upon –Avon meant to keep its favourite son from ever being moved. And the other family members are also buried with him. Leaving the church you can walk along the Avon River and see all the activities going on. You can rent a boat or take a hand crank ferry to the other side. As you walk along the river you’ll come to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre which stages a number of his plays each year.
    A mile west of town is Anne Hathaway's Cottage where the 18-year-old William Shakespeare met the 26-year-old daughter of a family friend and became romantically involved.
    Stratford –upon –Avon is only about 80 miles north-west of London and just 22 miles south of Birmingham which makes for a manageable day trip and a great time to get better acquainted with this great man of letters.
    get acquainted – start to know smb.

    Reading and Listening

  • Post -Video-Listening ActivityImagine that you are visiting Stratford-upon-Av...

    21 слайд

    Post -Video-Listening Activity
    Imagine that you are visiting Stratford-upon-Avon.

    What things would you like to do?
    What places would you visit?
    What would you buy?

    Explain your reasons.

  • On-line InvestigationsImagine that you are going on your week vacation to Lon...

    22 слайд

    On-line Investigations
    Imagine that you are going on your week vacation to London.

    Use the Internet to plan your trip to Stratford-upon-Avon.
    How can you get there?
    What places of interest would you visit?
    Where would you eat?
    - Find out how much it would cost.

    You can use the sites:
    or any other ones.

  • On-line InvestigationsYou are going on your week vacation.
 Use the Internet...

    23 слайд

    On-line Investigations
    You are going on your week vacation.
    Use the Internet to plan your trip.
    =How can you get there?
    =What places of interest would you visit?
    =Where would you eat?
      - Find out how much it would cost.

  • Listen again.Click on
«Последний просмотренный».

    24 слайд

    Listen again.
    Click on
    «Последний просмотренный».

  • Использованные источники:
Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс. Базовый уровень....

    25 слайд

    Использованные источники:
    Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс. Базовый уровень. Авторы: Быкова Н., Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж., Подоляко О,Е,., Эванс В., 2011

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Краткое описание документа:


Темаурока:     «Discover: Shakespeare. Медиа-урок. Part 1. Video-Listening ».

Цель: развитие интереса к учебно-познавательной деятельности на ИЯ и расширение знаний по страноведению.


Задачи урока:

·         Образовательная: Развитие речевой, языковой и учебно-познавательной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

·         Развивающая : Развитие социокультурной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

·         Воспитательная:    Формирование дружелюбного и толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры.

·         Практическая: Развитие умений и навыков восприятия информации на ИЯ.

Тип урока: Комбинированный.


Методы:      Поисковый, словесно-наглядный, интегрированный.


Форма урока:        медиа-урок.


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Актуальные вопросы методики преподавания французского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

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Курс повышения квалификации

Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Специфика преподавания итальянского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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Индустриальный туризм

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