Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "What nice weather?" (6 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "What nice weather?" (6 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The theme of the lesson:
What nice weather!Маужигитова  Замзагул  Саматовна...

    1 слайд

    The theme of the lesson:
    What nice weather!
    Маужигитова Замзагул Саматовна учител английского языка

  • The aims of the lesson:

To introduce pupils with the new  words concerning t...

    2 слайд

    The aims of the lesson:

    To introduce pupils with the new words concerning the new theme.
    To enlarge pupils’ vocabulary.
    To explain Past Simple.
    To improve their speaking and writing skills.

  • The methods of the lesson: interactive.
The form of the lesson: traditional....

    3 слайд

    The methods of the lesson: interactive.
    The form of the lesson: traditional.
    Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian.
    Literature: 6th form.T.Ayapova.

  • Phonetic drill

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy,
In summer it’s sunny a...

    4 слайд

    Phonetic drill

    In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy,
    In summer it’s sunny and fine,
    In autumn it’s cloudy, windy, rainy,
    In spring you may jump up to the sky.

  • True or false?
A- Cambridge is in the south of England.

B- It’s an old city....

    5 слайд

    True or false?
    A- Cambridge is in the south of England.

    B- It’s an old city.

    C- It’s famous for its university.

    D- Cambridge is an industrial city.

    E- It’s near mountains.

    F- A lot of people visit Cambridge.

    G- The air in Cambridge is clean.

  • Seasons

    6 слайд


  • Riddles
  Small, white pieces of ice that fall from the sky, when it is very...

    7 слайд

    Small, white pieces of ice that fall from the sky, when it is very cold.
    What is it?


  •   Air that moves quickly. 
What is it?wind

    8 слайд

    Air that moves quickly.
    What is it?

  • The very large bright thing that you see in the sky in the daytime.
What is i...

    9 слайд

    The very large bright thing that you see in the sky in the daytime.
    What is it?

  • Drops of water fall down from the sky. 
What is it?rain

    10 слайд

    Drops of water fall down from the sky.
    What is it?

  • White or grey shapes that you see floating in the sky. 
What is it?cloud

    11 слайд

    White or grey shapes that you see floating in the sky.
    What is it?

  • Зат есімнен сын есім жасалу жолы
Noun + y= adjective
Sun + y= sunny
Rain + y...

    12 слайд

    Зат есімнен сын есім жасалу жолы
    Noun + y= adjective
    Sun + y= sunny
    Rain + y = rainy
    Wind + y = windy
    Cloud + y = cloudy
    Fog + y = foggy
    Snow + y = snowy

  • New words
Sunny [‘sΛni]шуақты
Rainy [reini]жаңбырлы
Windy [‘windi]желді

    13 слайд

    New words
    Sunny [‘sΛni]шуақты
    Rainy [reini]жаңбырлы
    Windy [‘windi]желді
    Snowy [snәui]қарлы
    Cloudy [‘klәudi]бұлтты

  • weatherComplete the diagram.

    14 слайд

    Complete the diagram.

  • Past Simple
was ,were
To be етістігінің  Past Simple шағындағы формалары 

    15 слайд

    Past Simple
    was ,were
    To be етістігінің Past Simple шағындағы формалары
    was ,were
    Болымды түрі

  • Болымcыз түрі

    16 слайд

    Болымcыз түрі

  •         Сұраулы түрі

    17 слайд

    Сұраулы түрі

  • Yes,no questions.
Was he (she) at work?
No, he wasn’t.
(Yes, he was).
Were we...

    18 слайд

    Yes,no questions.
    Was he (she) at work?
    No, he wasn’t.
    (Yes, he was).
    Were we (you, they) at home?
    Yes, we were.
    ( No, they weren’t).

  • Complete the sentences.
-What’s the weather like today?

It’s    …...

    19 слайд

    Complete the sentences.
    -What’s the weather like today?

    It’s … .

    What was it yesterday?

    It was … .

  • Work in pairs.
Ask and answer the questions using the information.
S- sunny

    20 слайд

    Work in pairs.
    Ask and answer the questions using the information.

    S- sunny
    R- rainy
    C- cloudy
    Sn- snowy
    Fg- foggy
    What was the weather like in Rome?
    It was sunny and 18 degrees Celsius.

  • Complete the table
Weather in West Kazakhstan yesterday.

    21 слайд

    Complete the table
    Weather in West Kazakhstan yesterday.

  • What’s the difference between “too” and “very”?
It’s too hot...

    22 слайд

    What’s the difference between “too” and “very”?
    It’s too hot for me.
    It’s very hot, isn’t it?

  • Conclusion.
Think about the weather in your place and put a tick (√) next to...

    23 слайд

    Think about the weather in your place and put a tick (√) next to the sentences you
    agree with.

    It’s too cold in winter.
    The weather is very changeable.
    It’s too windy.
    There is too much fog in the winter.
    It’s too hot in the summer.
    There isn’t enough snow in the winter.
    There isn’t enough rain in the summer.

  • Chain game


    24 слайд

    Chain game


  • Home task
Ex. 6 p. 84- Speak about the weather in your place.

    25 слайд

    Home task
    Ex. 6 p. 84- Speak about the weather in your place.

  • The lesson is over.

    26 слайд

    The lesson is over.

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Краткое описание документа:

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To introduce pupils with the new  words concerning the new theme.
  2. To enlarge pupils’ vocabulary.
  3. To explain Past Simple.
  4. To improve their speaking and writing  skills.

The methods of the lesson: interactive.

The form of the lesson: traditional.

Connection  with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian.

Literature: 6th form.T.Ayapova

Phonetic drill

In winter it’s snowy, slippery, foggy,

In summer it’s sunny and fine,

In autumn it’s cloudy, windy, rainy,

In spring you may jump up to the sky.

True or false?

A- Cambridge is in the south of England.

B- It’s an old city.

C- It’s famous for its university.

D- Cambridge is an industrial city.

E- It’s near mountains.

F- A lot of people visit Cambridge.

G- The air in Cambridge is clean.

Зат есімнен сын есім жасалу жолы

Noun + y= adjective

Sun + y= sunny

Rain + y = rainy

Wind + y = windy

Cloud + y = cloudy

Fog + y = foggy

Snow + y = snowy


  Small, white pieces of ice that fall from the sky, when it is very cold.

What is it? snow

  Air that moves quickly.

What is it? wind

The very large bright thing that you see in the sky in the daytime.

What is it? sun

Drops of water fall down from the sky.

What is it? rain

White or grey shapes that you see floating in the sky.

What is it? cloud

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