Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Smoking"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Smoking"

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  • Smoking and Youth – Teen SmokingNearly a quarter of high school students in...

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    Smoking and Youth – Teen Smoking

    Nearly a quarter of high school students in the country smoke cigarettes. Another 8% use smokeless tobacco. Smoking has many health risks for everyone. However, the younger you are when you start smoking, the more problems it can cause. For example:
    People who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time quitting.
    About 30% of youth smokers will continue smoking and die early from a smoking-related disease.
    Teen smokers are more likely to use alcohol and illegal drugs.
    They are more likely to have panic attacks, anxiety disorders and depression.
    Parents and other adults who work with children can help by warning them of the risks of smoking. They can also set a good example by not smoking themselves.

  • Global Tobacco Use Among GirlsGlobal Youth Tobacco Survey (1999–2008) indica...

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    Global Tobacco Use Among Girls

    Global Youth Tobacco Survey (1999–2008) indicates that 7% of girls surveyed smoke cigarettes
     The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is a school-based survey including students aged 13-15 years. Data from GYTS indicate the following:
     For the period 1999–2008, GYTS was conducted in 168 sites around the world: Africa (43 of 46 countries); Americas (34 of 35 countries and 4 territories); Eastern Mediterranean (21 of 21 countries and 2 geographic regions); Europe (29 of 53 countries, and 1 UN-administered province); South-East Asia (10 of 11 countries); Western Pacific (20 of 27 countries, 2 territories, 1 special administrative region, and 1 Commonwealth).
     Worldwide, 7% of girls surveyed smoke cigarettes and 8% use tobacco products other than cigarettes (such as pipes, waterpipes, smokeless tobacco, and bidis).
     Cigarette use among girls is higher than 30% in 7 of the countries surveyed: Chile, Czech Republic, Latvia, Bulgaria, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands.
     In all regions, susceptibility to initiate smoking is higher than current smoking rates among girls. (i.e., although 7% of girls smoke, 19% of girls who never smoked reported they were susceptible to start smoking).
     The following table presents the GYTS data for three key tobacco-use indicators by World Health Organization (WHO) region.

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  • Why Kids StartAlmost 70% of adult smokers began smoking before they turned 18...

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    Why Kids Start
    Almost 70% of adult smokers began smoking before they turned 18. Most smokers try their first cigarette around the age of 11, and many are addicted by the time they turn 14. So why do kids start smoking in the first place?
    Their parents are smokers.
    Peer pressure – their friends encourage them to try cigarettes, and to keep smoking.
    They see smoking as a way of rebelling and showing independence.
    They think that everyone else is smoking, and that they should, too.
    Tobacco advertising targets teenagers.
    The majority of children in elementary school and the early part of middle school have never tried a cigarette. Most will tell you that they will never smoke cigarettes. But as they get older, some will become more open to the idea of smoking.
    Cigarette companies shape their advertising campaigns to portray smokers as cool, sexy, independent, fun, attractive, and living on the edge – images that are appealing to many teens. As a result, they try smoking and many get hooked. Only 5% of high-school-age smokers believe they'll still be smoking 5 years after graduation but they don't understand how difficult quitting can be. Research shows that after 8 years, 75% of those smokers will still be using some form of tobacco.

  • Surgeon’s General’s ReportOn January 11, 1964, Luther L. Terry, M.D., Surgeon...

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    Surgeon’s General’s Report
    On January 11, 1964, Luther L. Terry, M.D., Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service, released the first report of the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health.
     On the basis of more than 7,000 articles relating to smoking and disease already available at that time in the biomedical literature, the Advisory Committee concluded that cigarette smoking is—
    A cause of lung cancer and laryngeal cancer in men
    A probable cause of lung cancer in women
    The most important cause of chronic bronchitis

  • CANCERThe risk of developing lung cancer is about 23 times higher among men w...

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    The risk of developing lung cancer is about 23 times higher among men who smoke cigarettes and about 13 times higher among women who smoke cigarettes compared with never smokers.
    Cigarette smoking increases the risk for many types of cancer, including cancers of the lip, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, larynx (voice box), lung, uterine cervix, urinary bladder, and kidney.
    Rates of cancers related to cigarette smoking vary widely among members of racial/ethnic groups but are highest among men.

  • HEART DISEASE and STROKESmoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading ca...

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    Smoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the country. Cigarette smokers are 2–4 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease than nonsmokers.
    Cigarette smoking approximately doubles a person's risk for stroke.

  • SMOKING DURING PREGNANCYResearch has shown that smoking during pregnancy caus...

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    Research has shown that smoking during pregnancy causes health problems for both mothers and babies, such as
    Pregnancy complications
    Premature birth
    Low-birth-weight infants
    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

  • Teen smoking: 10 ways to help teens stay smoke-freeBy Mayo Clinic staff Teen...

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    Teen smoking: 10 ways to help teens stay smoke-free
    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Teen smoking might begin innocently enough, but it can become a lifelong habit. In fact, most adult smokers began smoking as teenagers. Your best bet? Help your teen resist taking that first puff. These 10 tips can help.

  • 1. Understand the attractionSometimes teen smoking is a form of rebellion or...

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    1. Understand the attraction
    Sometimes teen smoking is a form of rebellion or a way to fit in with a particular group of friends. Some teens light up in an attempt to lose weight or to feel better about themselves. Others smoke to feel cool or independent. To know what you're dealing with, ask your teen how he or she feels about smoking. Ask which of your teen's friends smoke. Applaud your teen's good choices, and talk about the consequences of bad choices. You might also talk with your teen about how tobacco companies try to influence ideas about smoking — such as paying actors to smoke in movies to create the perception that smoking is cool.

  • 2. Say no to teen smokingYou may feel as if your teen doesn't hear a word you...

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    2. Say no to teen smoking
    You may feel as if your teen doesn't hear a word you say, but say it anyway. Tell your teen that smoking isn't allowed. Your disapproval may have more impact than you think. Teens whose parents set the firmest smoking restrictions tend to smoke less than do teens whose parents don't set smoking limits. The same goes for teens who feel close to their parents.

  • 3. Set a good exampleTeen smoking is more common among teens whose parents sm...

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    3. Set a good example
    Teen smoking is more common among teens whose parents smoke. If you don't smoke, keep it up. If you do smoke, quit — now. Ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and other ways to quit smoking. In the meantime, don't smoke in the house, in the car or in front of your teen, and don't leave cigarettes where your teen might find them. Explain how unhappy you are with your smoking and how difficult it is to quit.

  • 4. Appeal to your teen's vanitySmoking isn't glamorous. Remind your teen that...

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    4. Appeal to your teen's vanity
    Smoking isn't glamorous. Remind your teen that smoking is a dirty, smelly habit. Smoking gives you bad breath. Smoking makes your clothes and hair smell, and it turns your teeth yellow. Smoking can leave you with a chronic cough and less energy for sports and other activities you enjoy.

  • 5. Do the mathSmoking is expensive. Help your teen calculate the weekly, mont...

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    5. Do the math
    Smoking is expensive. Help your teen calculate the weekly, monthly or yearly cost of a pack-a-day smoking habit. You might compare the cost of smoking with that of electronic gadgets, clothes or other teen essentials.

  • 6. Expect peer pressureFriends who smoke can be convincing, but you can give...

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    6. Expect peer pressure
    Friends who smoke can be convincing, but you can give your teen the tools he or she needs to refuse cigarettes. Rehearse how to handle tough social situations. It might be as simple as, "No thanks, I don't smoke." The more your teen practices this basic refusal, the more likely he or she will say no at the moment of truth.

  • 7. Take addiction seriouslyMost teens believe they can quit smoking anytime t...

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    7. Take addiction seriously
    Most teens believe they can quit smoking anytime they want. But teens become just as addicted to nicotine as do adults, often quickly and at relatively low doses of nicotine. And once you're hooked, it's tough to quit.

  • 8. Predict the futureTeens tend to assume that bad things only happen to othe...

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    8. Predict the future
    Teens tend to assume that bad things only happen to other people. But the long-term consequences of smoking — such as cancer, heart attack and stroke — may be all too real when your teen becomes an adult. Use loved ones, friends or neighbors who've been ill as real-life examples.

  • 9. Think beyond cigarettesSmokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes (kreteks) and c...

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    9. Think beyond cigarettes
    Smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes (kreteks) and candy-flavored cigarettes (bidis) are sometimes mistaken as less harmful or addictive than are traditional cigarettes. Hookah smoking — smoking tobacco through a water pipe — is another alternative sometimes touted as safe. Don't let your teen be fooled. Like traditional cigarettes, these products are addictive and can cause cancer and other health problems. Many deliver higher concentrations of nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar than do traditional cigarettes.

  • 10. Get involvedTake an active stance against teen smoking. Participate in lo...

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    10. Get involved
    Take an active stance against teen smoking. Participate in local and school-sponsored anti-smoking campaigns. Support bans on smoking in public places.
    If your teen has already started smoking, avoid threats and ultimatums. Instead, be supportive. Find out why your teen is smoking — and then discuss ways to help your teen stop smoking, such as hanging out with friends who don't smoke or getting involved in new activities. Stopping teen smoking in its tracks is the best thing your teen can do for a lifetime of good health.

  • REMEMBER!Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the country...

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    Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the country, accounting for more than 440,000 deaths each year.
    Smokers are more than 10 times as likely as nonsmokers to develop peripheral vascular disease.
    Smoking causes abdominal aortic aneurysm.
    Secondhand smoke exposure causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults.
    Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their heart disease risk by 25–30% and their lung cancer risk by 20–30%.
    Breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on the cardiovascular system that can increase the risk of heart attack. People who already have heart disease are at especially high risk.

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Это презентация для тех, кто хочет показать на английском языке вред курения: "Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the country, accounting for more than 440,000 deaths each year. Smokers are more than 10 times as likely as nonsmokers to develop peripheral vascular disease. Smoking causes abdominal aortic aneurysm. Secondhand smoke exposure causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their heart disease risk by 25–30% and their lung cancer risk by 20–30%. Breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on the cardiovascular system that can increase the risk of heart attack. People who already have heart disease are at especially high risk."

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