Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Knowledge is power"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Knowledge is power"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Graphical test  (answers – yes, no)
1. Is London the capital of the UK?
2. I...

    1 слайд

    Graphical test (answers – yes, no)
    1. Is London the capital of the UK?
    2. Is London the capital of France?
    3. Is it situated on the both banks of the river Thames?
    4. Is London one of the largest cities in Asia?
    5. Is it’s population about 16 million?
    6. Is it’s population about 8 million?
    7. Is London traditionally divided into several parts?
    8. Is the East End populated by working class families?
    9. Is the City heart of London?
    10. Is the West End the most beautiful part of London?
    Checking up the hometask:

  • The 5th of DecemberRevision lessonKazakhstan is 
my Motherland

    2 слайд

    The 5th of December
    Revision lesson
    Kazakhstan is
    my Motherland

  • The aims of the lesson:
              educational:  to enrich pupils kno...

    3 слайд

    The aims of the lesson:
    educational: to enrich pupils knowledge about Kazakhstan,
    to teach to work creatively, to educate the respect
    and interest in different countries
    developing: to develop pupil’s habits and skills in speaking,
    listening and reading, writing
    bringing up: to bring up pupils to be patriots of their
    motherland, to love their country and to make
    great efforts in the development of the country.

  • 1.Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
2. How many people are there...

    4 слайд

    1.Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
    2. How many people are there in our country?
    3. What is the official language of the country?
    4. Who is the head of our country?
    5. Which holiday do people celebrate on the 16th of December?
    6. Who is the head of our government?
    7. Names of our cosmonauts.

Complete the table with your own ideas:

    5 слайд

    Complete the table with your own ideas:

  • Comprehension check

    6 слайд

    Comprehension check

  • Make the sentences complete, using the words below. 
1. Kazakhstan is situate...

    7 слайд

    Make the sentences complete, using the words below.
    1. Kazakhstan is situated in --------------------.
    2. Our republic is ------------------- state.
    3. The President of Kazakhstan is -------------.
    4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.
    5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is ----------.
    6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.
    7. The state languages of our republic is ------.
    8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.
    Cultural, Asia, independent, Kazakh, capital, nineteen, Nazarbaev, Irtysh

  • Test
1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
a)Almaty b) Akmola c) Astana?

    8 слайд

    1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
    a)Almaty b) Akmola c) Astana?
    2.Who is the head of the state?
    a)President b) khan c) prime-minister
    3.Where is Kazakhstan situated?
    a) Europe b) Australia c) Central Asia
    4. What is the area of Kazakhstan?
    a) 1 546 000 square km b) 6 546 000 square km c) 2 753 000 square km
    5. When is Nauryz celebrated?
    a) in December b) in March c) in February
    6. With what country doesn’t Kazakhstan share its border?
    a) China b) Russia c) France
    7. When was Akmola renamed Astana?
    a) in 1997 b) in 1998 c) 1999
    8. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?
    a) Russian b) English c) Kazakh
    9. For what have Kazakhs used falcons?
    a) meat b) hunting c) playing
    10. When is the Independence Day celebrated?
    a) on the 16th of Dec. b) on the 22th of March c) on the 9th of May
    11. What colour is the state flag?
    a) blue and yellow b) blue and white c) red and yellow
    12. Where is Ahmed Yassaui mausoleum situated?
    a) Almaty b) Turkestan c) Shymkent

  • “Critical  Thinking”

Each team asks questions to each other

    9 слайд

    “Critical Thinking”

    Each team asks questions to each other

  • What do these numbers mean?
16 December, 30 August, 1991, 22nd March, 6 July,...

    10 слайд

    What do these numbers mean?
    16 December, 30 August, 1991, 22nd March, 6 July,
    1st December

  • Conclusion
Make up a Cinquain on the word “Motherland”

    11 слайд

    Make up a Cinquain on the word “Motherland”

  • Hometask 
To write a letter to your foreign  friend about Kazakhstan

    12 слайд

    To write a letter to your foreign friend about Kazakhstan

  • Thank you very much!

    13 слайд

    Thank you very much!

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Краткое описание документа:

The theme: Kazakhstan is my Motherland

The aims of the lesson:

                 educational:  to enrich pupili knowledge about Kazakhstan

                                       to teach to work creatively, to educate the respect and interest in different countries

                developing:to develop pupil’s habits and skills in speaking, listening and reading, writing

                 bringing up: to bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country  and  to make  

                                      great efforts in the development of  the country.


Type of the lesson: Revision  lesson

Method: question – answer, group work

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, geography, history

Visual aids:  State symbols, map of the Kazakhstan, crosswords. Pictures of the writers, alcyns etc.



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Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение иностранным языкам как современный формат преподавания

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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Комплексный подход к работе с детьми с тяжелыми нарушениями развития

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Цифровые валюты и правовое регулирование

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Инновационные методы обучения и игровые практики для детей с ОВЗ

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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