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Презентация по английскому языку на тему Kazakhstan and Great Britain

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • KAZAKHSTAN  AND  THE  UNITED KINGDOMThe 19th of AprilSaidakhmetov .Sh.A

    1 слайд

    The 19th of April
    Saidakhmetov .Sh.A

  • Aims:

1. to teach pupils to express their own 

    points of view and work...

    2 слайд


    1. to teach pupils to express their own

    points of view and work in groups;

    2. to develop skills of reading, listening,

    speaking and unprepared speech;

    3. to enlarge country studying knowledge

    and educate the feeling of love towards

    our motherland.

  • The first round.Answer the questions.
How many regions are there in Kazakhsta...

    3 слайд

    The first round.
    Answer the questions.
    How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
    When do we celebrate the Independence Day?
    On the 16th of December
    Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
    President N. Nazarbayev
    What kind of state is Kazakhstan?
    Democratic republic with presidential form of government
    What is the biggest river in Kazakhstan?
    The Irtysh
    What was Kurmangazy?
    A composer

  • What river is Astana situated on? 
       The Ishim
What chambers does Kazakh...

    4 слайд

    What river is Astana situated on?
    The Ishim
    What chambers does Kazakh Parliament consist of?
    The Senate and the Majilis
    When was the last Constitution approved?
    On the 30th of August
    What is the state language of Kazakhstan?
    What kind of state is UK?
    A constitutional monarchy
    Whose name is everything done in?
    The Queen’s
    What is the state language of the UK?
    What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?
    The House of Commons and the House of Lords

  • What party is the Tory Party?    
        The Conservative
What is the offici...

    5 слайд

    What party is the Tory Party?
    The Conservative
    What is the official name of the UK?
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    What party is the Whigs Party?
    The Liberal
    What city is the capital of Scotland?
    What city is the birthplace of Shakespeare?
    Stratford-on Avon
    What is the longest river in England?
    The Severn

  • Where is the residence of the Prime-Minister situated in?
    Downing Street...

    6 слайд

    Where is the residence of the Prime-Minister situated in?
    Downing Street #10
    What was Robert Burns?
    Scottish poet
    What is the national emblem of Wales?
    What the universities are the oldest and prestigious in Great Britain?
    Oxford and Cambridge

  • The second round.Read and complete.

    7 слайд

    The second round.
    Read and complete.

  • In the east Kazakhstan  borders on …
The main lake is …...

    8 слайд

    In the east Kazakhstan borders on …
    The main lake is …
    The powerful industrial oblasts in the east of Kazakhstan are …
    Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk.
    When the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic name …
    The epic novel “Abai” is the work of …
    Mukhtar Auezov.
    The Sack history is also connected with the struggle against …
    Alexander the Great-King of Macedonia.

  • The  birthplace of  William  Shakespeare  is … 
 	Stratford-on Avon.
The Roma...

    9 слайд

    The birthplace of William Shakespeare is …
    Stratford-on Avon.
    The Romans called Britain …
    The national flower emblem of Scotland is …
    the thistle.
    The Great Fire of London took place in …
    The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is …
    Loch Ness.
    The highest mountain in Wales is …

  • The third round. Speak about the countries` flags.

Make up topics about the...

    10 слайд

    The third round.
    Speak about the countries` flags.

    Make up topics about the national flags
    of the two states and reproduce them orally.

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • The fourth round.

Match proverbs (Kazakh, English and Russian)

Give the Rus...

    13 слайд

    The fourth round.

    Match proverbs (Kazakh, English and Russian)

    Give the Russian and Kazakh equivalents of the following proverbs.

  • I team:

1. A good beginning makes good ending.
    Әр істің – арты игі....

    14 слайд

    I team:

    1. A good beginning makes good ending.
    Әр істің – арты игі.
    Лиха беда начало.
    2. A man can die but once.
    Екі өлім болмайды, біреунен құтыла алмайсың.
    Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать.
    3. All the glitters is not gold.
    Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес.
    Не всё то золото, что блестит.

  • II team:

1. Art is long, life is short.
    Өмір қысқа, өнер мәңгі.

    15 слайд

    II team:

    1. Art is long, life is short.
    Өмір қысқа, өнер мәңгі.
    Искусство вечно, а жизнь коротка.
    2. He laughs best who laughs last.
    Соңғы күлкі – оңді күлкі.
    Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним.
    3. So many men, so many minds.
    Көптің ойы кемеңгер. (Қанша адам, сонша ақыл.)
    Сколько людей, столько умов.

  • The fifth round.
Find mistakes and correct them.

    16 слайд

    The fifth round.

    Find mistakes and correct them.

  • 1.   I said to friend I will go to Astana the next week.
      I told my frie...

    17 слайд

    1. I said to friend I will go to Astana the next week.
    I told my friend I would go to Astana the next week.
    2. Sukhrob asked me if I have seen Aisha Bibi`s Mausoleum.
    Sukhrob asked me if I had seen Aisha Bibi`s Mausoleum.
    3. The teacher asked us who is the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.
    The teacher asked us who was the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.
    4. Tom said that this book was written by W. Shakespeare.
    Tom said that that book was written by W. Shakespeare.
    5. He asked them what national holidays do they know.
    He asked them what national holidays they knew.
    6. Nina told me she is going to visit London the next year.
    Nina told me she was going to visit London the next year.

  • The sixth round.

Complete the proverbs in three languages.

    18 слайд

    The sixth round.

    Complete the proverbs in three languages.

  • 1. Actions speak louder than … 
2. First thi...

    19 слайд

    1. Actions speak louder than …
    2. First think then …
    3. He laughs best who laughs …
    4. All is well that ends …
    well .
    5. Live and …

    I team

  • II team 

1. The right thing is in the right … 

    20 слайд

    II team

    1. The right thing is in the right …
    2. There is no place like …
    3. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do…
    4. East or west home is…
    ең жақсы
    5. Rome was not built in one…

  • The seventh round.

Recognize the sightseeing.

    21 слайд

    The seventh round.

    Recognize the sightseeing.

  • Big Ben

    22 слайд

    Big Ben

  • Piccadilly Circus

    23 слайд

    Piccadilly Circus

  • Tower Bridge

    24 слайд

    Tower Bridge

  • Trafalgar Square

    25 слайд

    Trafalgar Square

  • Buckingham Palace

    26 слайд

    Buckingham Palace

  • Liverpool

    27 слайд


  • Bayterek

    28 слайд


  • Ak Orda

    29 слайд

    Ak Orda

  • The Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum

    30 слайд

    The Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum

  • Khan Shatyry

    31 слайд

    Khan Shatyry

  • Monument Kazakh Eli

    32 слайд

    Monument Kazakh Eli

  • Central Mosque on Sayram

    33 слайд

    Central Mosque on Sayram

  • Mausoleum Karashash ana in Sayram

    34 слайд

    Mausoleum Karashash ana in Sayram

  • Hotel «Radisson SAS Asatana»

    35 слайд

    Hotel «Radisson SAS Asatana»

  • The questions for the 1st captain:            1. The largest river in Kazakh...

    36 слайд

    The questions for the 1st captain:            
    1. The largest river in Kazakhstan.
    2. The national dress of the Scots.
    3. When do we celebrate The Constitution Day of Kazakhstan   
    4. The masterpiece of Christopher Wren.
    5. When did T. Aubakirov’s first flight to other space take place?
    6. What vegetable do people use for Halloween party?
    8. Two popular gentlemen associated with Baker street
    9. Name the great Kazakh musicians.
    10. The national emblem of Scotland.
    11. The minimum voting age in England.

  • The questions for the 2nd captain: 1.The most important  river in England....

    37 слайд

    The questions for the 2nd captain:
    1.The most important river in England.
    2. The national musical instrument of the Kazakhs.
    3. The permanent seat of the BRITISH PARLIAMENT
    4. Who was the first Kazakh cosmonaut?
    5. The official name of the Houses of Parliament.
    6. Translate the name of Kazakh national food “besbarmak”
    7. The English writer whose famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”
    8. The first name of our city.
    9. What is the capital of Wales?
    10. What anniversary is going to celebrate the capital of our country, Astana?
          11.Read the first line of the national anthem of the Republic Kazakhstan.


    38 слайд


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Краткое описание документа:

What river is Astana situated on?

       The Ishim

What chambers does Kazakh Parliament consist of?

       The Senate and the Majilis

When was the last Constitution approved?

       On the 30th of August

What is the state language of Kazakhstan?


What kind of state is UK?

        A constitutional monarchy

Whose name is everything done in?

        The Queen’s

What is the state language of the UK?


What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?


        The House of Commons and the House of Lords 

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