Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по литературе Англии на тему "Древнеанглийский период в литературе" (11 класс)

Презентация по литературе Англии на тему "Древнеанглийский период в литературе" (11 класс)

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  • The Course of the Literature of Great Britain Part 1. The Dawn of English lit...

    1 слайд

    The Course of the Literature of Great Britain
    Part 1. The Dawn of English literature

  • Outline Introduction. The notion of literature.
The notion of English literat...

    2 слайд

    Introduction. The notion of literature.
    The notion of English literature.
    Periods of English literature
    Old English period
    The ancient Britons and their language
    The Roman invasion
    The invasion of Germanic tribes
    Literature of Germanic tribes
    The Anglo-Saxon dialects and the Runes.

  • 1. Literature is …a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken materi...

    3 слайд

    1. Literature is …
    a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. Derived from the Latin word litteratura meaning "writing formed with letters," literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song. 

  • 2. English literature …Consists of poetry, prose and drama written in the Eng...

    4 слайд

    2. English literature …
    Consists of poetry, prose and drama written in the English language by authors in England, Scotland and Wales since 1707.

  • 3. Periodization of English literature The 8 periods of English literature :...

    5 слайд

    3. Periodization of English literature
    The 8 periods of English literature :
    428-1100 Old English Period
    1100-1485 Middle English Period
    1485-1660 Renaissance Period
    1660-1798 Neoclassic Period
    1798-1870 Romantic Period
    1870-1914 Realistic Period
    1914-1965 Modern or Modernist Period
    1965-Post Modernist or Contemporary Period

  • 4. Old English Period (428-1100)5. The Ancient Britons and their Language In...

    6 слайд

    4. Old English Period (428-1100)
    5. The Ancient Britons and their Language
    In the 4th century BC the country we now call England was known as Britain. There lived Britons. (Celtic race, Celtic language)
    The life of them was primitive. They were farmers and hunters.
    They has a cruel and strange religion – the religion of Druids. Druids governed the country.

  • The Anglo-Saxon Hall

    7 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxon Hall

  • The Anglo-Saxon Farmstead

    8 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxon Farmstead

  • The Anglo-Saxon King and the Warrior

    9 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxon King and the Warrior

  • 6. The Roman InvasionIn the year 55 BC GB was conquered by Romans (Latin). Th...

    10 слайд

    6. The Roman Invasion
    In the year 55 BC GB was conquered by Romans (Latin). They were very practical.
    Caesar was the 1st who invaded the country in the 1st century BC.

  • They were rather clever … The Romans brought their civilization to them and t...

    11 слайд

    They were rather clever …
    The Romans brought their civilization to them and taught them to build bridges, houses and roads.
    A large number of English words come from Latin, e.g. street comes from strata, wall from vallum, port from portus, etc.

  • It lasted for more than 400 years till Romans came back to their homeland. 

    12 слайд

    It lasted for more than 400 years till Romans came back to their homeland.

    7. The Invasion of Germanic Tribes

  • They came from the shores of the North Sea and the Baltic and settled in the...

    13 слайд

    They came from the shores of the North Sea and the Baltic and settled in the county of Kent.
    They spoke different dialects of the West Germanic Language. (Now it is German).
    They were pagans.
    All these invaders created the Anglo-Saxon England – “Angle-land”

  • During that period the land was divided into …Little kingdoms. The most impor...

    14 слайд

    During that period the land was divided into …
    Little kingdoms. The most important were –

    The political power was in Wessex.

  • So Why Wessex ?

    15 слайд

    So Why Wessex ?

  • The AS were…well-developed, artistic, brave, hardy, poetic people.
They had N...

    16 слайд

    The AS were…
    well-developed, artistic, brave, hardy, poetic people.
    They had NO written language yet when they came to GB. But they had letters called RUNES which they carved on wood and stone.
    One Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” has reached our days. We call this period the Dawn of the English Literature.

  • Their kind of “language”

    17 слайд

    Their kind of “language”

  • 8. Literature of Germanic tribes It was written but was remembered. 
They wer...

    18 слайд

    8. Literature of Germanic tribes
    It was written but was remembered.
    They were fond of poetry.
    Their poems were based on historic facts and magic.
    Their heroes often had supernatural power.
    In the 7th century they adopted Christianity and began composing religious works.

  • The Language of the Poem Anglo-Saxon verse had no rhyme and no regular number...

    19 слайд

    The Language of the Poem
    Anglo-Saxon verse had no rhyme and no regular number of syllables in its lines, but it was necessary that each line should have three stressed syllables usually beginning with the same consonant. Such a sound effect is called "alliteration". Note the alliteration in the following lines:
    [b] Bore it bitterly he who bided in darkness
    [t] Twelve-winters' time torture suffered
    [s] Soul-crushing sorrow. Not seldom in private
    [k] Sat the King in his council; conference held they
    [h] Heard in his home: of heroes then living

  • Monks …were the most learned people of that time. 
Such people were called “s...

    20 слайд

    Monks …
    were the most learned people of that time.
    Such people were called “scribes” – from Latin “scribere” (which means “to write”)
    The written Anglo-Saxon literature developed on the basis of the Latin alphabet.

  • SUMMARY Literature is a kind of art expressed in literary forms. 
English lit...

    21 слайд

    Literature is a kind of art expressed in literary forms.
    English literature is a literature written by the authors from England, Scotland and Wales.
    EL has 8 periods.
    Early El was mainly in oral forms.
    The Romans greatly influenced on cultural development of Britons.
    The Germanic tribes brought a lot of differences into social and cultural life of Britons as well.

  • Tasks and QuestionsWhen was England called Britain?
What people lived there?...

    22 слайд

    Tasks and Questions
    When was England called Britain?
    What people lived there?
    What race did they belong to?
    What language did they speak?
    What can you say about their culture?
    Who conquered the Britain in the year 55?
    What language did the Romans speak?
    What were the Romans good at?

  • 9. By whom was Britain conquered after Romans?
10. What dialects did they spe...

    23 слайд

    9. By whom was Britain conquered after Romans?
    10. What dialects did they speak?
    What were the gods of Anglo-Saxons?
    11. What land was created by invaders?
    12. Prove that AS were comparatively well-developed.

  • Home Assignment 1. Gordeeva N. M. pp. 5-7 : to be able to retell 
2. Hecker M...

    24 слайд

    Home Assignment
    1. Gordeeva N. M. pp. 5-7 : to be able to retell
    2. Hecker M.J. pp. 7-9 : to be able to retell

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Начальная презентация на тему "Древняя английская литература". Рассчитана на учащихся 10-11 классов. Адаптирована под базовый профиль. В презентации дается полная характеристика основных жанров, присущих эпохе античности, описаны основные приемы стихосложения и художественные тропы. Рассказано о первом литературном герое "Беовульф", дан отрывок для чтения и анализа на английском языке, проанализированы главные герои произведения.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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Путь к внутреннему спокойствию: освобождение от тревоги, злости и стыда

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Основы психологии личности: от нарциссизма к творчеству

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