Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыПлан урока по английскому языку "Work money" (10 класс)

План урока по английскому языку "Work money" (10 класс)

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The theme of the lesson:       Work and money


The subject: English

Form: 10 А

Purpose of the lesson : Through the use of group work to learn , understand and analyze the functions of the work and money, to explain the aim of the work. .

Education : Learning  to expand the use and apply to the job, work and earn for the life.

Developing : develop skills exploratory  reading , as well as the ability to participate in discussions.

Expected results : the ability to participate in the collective discussion of the problem , the ability to listen and work with different types of information and to express their opinions within a given speech situation .


Resources : Whiteboard , stickers, flip charts , presentation , markers . Purpose : Through the use of group work to learn , understand and analyze the functions of the computer .






1.The basic stage.

Org. moment



2.The Homework

3. Divide into 3 groups: by math. figures.

Find and say the theme and the aim of the lesson

4.The main stage.













































5.The last stage







1.Good morning boys and girls! How are you? What is the date today?

What is the day today? Who is absent today?

2.Positive to the lesson. Video  «Dubai»


·        The retelling of “Choosing a career”

·        The new vocabulary

IW writing the new vocabulary



Presentation of the jobs and money

How do you think about what will we talk today?


·        GW reading and understanding the main point  of the text “Insert”

You should put a tick if you know this fact before “

New information


Thought differently


Don’t understand, have questions






GW “The box with questions”


Is it possible to have too much money?

Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?

What can’t money buy?

Do you agree that muck and money go together?

Does money really make the world go round?

Can money make us happier?

       Make three columns of some jobs in Kazakhstan:

§  a. Which of the following jobs are well-paid?

§  b. Which ones are with average wages?

§  c. Which ones are low-paid?

§   a bus-driver,  a dustman, a judge,  a teacher,  a company director, a government minister, a doctor, a primary-school teacher, army general,  a nurse, a pilot.

§  The method “Hot chair”. http://fs102.jpe.ru/9407/2603628_e973c5c6.jpg

One pupil sits on the hot chair and answers to the S-s questions. He must try to  sit on the chair much time.

 GW. Working on the posters.To make up and protect the posters.


The method “Fishbone”



1.     When you choose the job, is money   most important thing?

2.      Work or money ? What is important for you in choosing a job?

3.     How do understand the word “work” and “money”?

4.     What profession do you Choose?  And Why?

  T-S, S-T















S, S,S  …




























































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Краткое описание документа:


The theme of the lesson:       Work and money


The subject: English

Form: 10 А

Purpose of the lesson : Through the use of group work to learn , understand and analyze the functions of the work and money, to explain the aim of the work. .

Education : Learning  to expand the use and apply to the job, work and earn for the life.

Developing : develop skills exploratory  reading , as well as the ability to participate in discussions.

Expected results : the ability to participate in the collective discussion of the problem , the ability to listen and work with different types of information and to express their opinions within a given speech situation .


Resources : Whiteboard , stickers, flip charts , presentation , markers . Purpose : Through the use of group work to learn , understand and analyze the functions of the computer .






1.The basic stage.

Org. moment



2.The Homework

3. Divide into 3 groups: by math. figures.

Find and say the theme and the aim of the lesson

4.The main stage.













































5.The last stage







1.Good morning boys and girls! How are you? What is the date today?

What is the day today? Who is absent today?

2.Positive to the lesson. Video  «Dubai»


·        The retelling of “Choosing a career”

·        The new vocabulary

IW writing the new vocabulary



Presentation of the jobs and money

How do you think about what will we talk today?


·        GW reading and understanding the main point  of the text “Insert”

You should put a tick if you know this fact before “

New information


Thought differently


Don’t understand, have questions






GW “The box with questions”


Is it possible to have too much money?

Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?

What can’t money buy?

Do you agree that muck and money go together?

Does money really make the world go round?

Can money make us happier?

       Make three columns of some jobs in Kazakhstan:

§  a. Which of the following jobs are well-paid?

§  b. Which ones are with average wages?

§  c. Which ones are low-paid?

§   a bus-driver,  a dustman, a judge,  a teacher,  a company director, a government minister, a doctor, a primary-school teacher, army general,  a nurse, a pilot.

§  The method “Hot chair”.

One pupil sits on the hot chair and answers to the S-s questions. He must try to  sit on the chair much time.

 GW. Working on the posters.To make up and protect the posters.


The method “Fishbone”




1.     When you choose the job, is money   most important thing?

2.      Work or money ? What is important for you in choosing a job?

3.     How do understand the word “work” and “money”?

4.     What profession do you Choose?  And Why?

  T-S, S-T















S, S,S  …

















































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