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План урока по английскому языку на тему " E-commerce"

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                                                                                                                                  Зам.директор УР

                                                                                                                              Бисалиева Ж.Е


Lesson  №30

Theme: E-commerce


1. to study new words connected with E-commerce   and to practice for talking about E-commerce.

2. to  improve work     the students with the text  and improving speech and language skills, the ability to analyze and express their opinions, the ability to engage in dialogue, questioning, the ability to request additional information.

3. to bring  up the interest to the new technology.

Visual aids: slides, cards.

Form of the lesson: combined

Teaching methods: interactive methods, question- answer, individual work

Procedure of the lesson

 I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it today? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start!

II. Consolidation of the words

III.  Home task: Text p.62 Ex.26.2 p.63

IV. Demonstration of the new language:

E-commerce- электронная коммерция/ электрондық коммерция

 online shopping- интернет-покупка/ онлайн сауда

online shop- интернет-магазин/ онлайн дүкен

A shopping cart program- программа корзиной покупок / бағдарламалық өтініш

A secure socket layer (SSL)- сертификат сокетов безопасности (SSL) / сертификат  сокеттер қауіпсіздігі

A payment gateway-платежный шлюз/ төлем шлюзі

comparison engine- сравнение двигателя/ салыстыру қозғалтқыш

shopping basket- купить в корзине/ себеттегіні сатып алу

virtual shopping trolley – виртуальная тележка для покупок./ виртуалды сауда арбашасы

checkout button- кнопка проверки/  тексеру батырмасы

log in- войти/ кіріңіз

sign up- зарегистрироваться/ тіркелу

account- предоставлена/ берілетін болады

 log out- выйдите/ шығу

digital wallet- цифровой бумажник,/ электрондық әмиян

dotcoms- домкомов/

bricks and clicks- кирпичи и нажиматели/ кірпіш және батырмалар

Internet auctions- интернет-аукционы/ интернет аукциондар


A .Elements of e-commerce

E-commerce or online shopping is the process of  buying and selling products and services using the Internet. It has similarities with traditional commercial activity.

A product or service, from plane tickets to books, is offered in an online shop, the seller’s website. Customers select and order products, which are then paid for and delivered. The main difference is that most of the processes take place on the Web.

E-commerce websites use the Following components:

§  A shopping cart program, a web-based software application to keep a record of the products chosen by the customer.

§  A secure socket layer (SSL) certificate, to verify that the credit card information has been securely    

        transmitted; this is usually shown by a small padlock on the web page.

§  A payment gateway, an interface between the website and the bank that accepts the electronic payment.

B. How to on the Internet

The first thing to do is to look for the product in a search engine or, even better, in a comparison engine or bargain finder, to find the lowest price.

Most online shop websites are designed so that customers follow these steps to do their virtual shopping.

You start by adding the items you want to buy to the shopping basket, or virtual shopping trolley.

When you have selected the items that you want to buy, you proceed  to the payment section by clicking on the checkout button.

When you have to log in, provide your username and password, or sign up, by providing your personal data, billing and shipping address, ets., if this is the first time you have accessed the site.

You will be given an account, so you are recognized as a customer. You will be asked to enter payment details, e.g. credit card numbers, ets. Before the transaction is completed you will be asked to confirm the order and check that all the information is correct. 

Finally, you log out and leave the website.

There are different types of electronic payment: credit cards or debit cards, A digital wallet, the electronic equivalent of a wallet for online shopping, holds credit card data and passwords for logging into websites. PayPal, Microsoft’s Passport and Yahoo! Wallet are examples of digital wallets.

C. Types of e-businesses

Companies whose activity is centered on the Internet are called dotcoms, after their web addresses. However, most e-commerce businesses are bricks and clicks, as they have both a physical and online presence.

Although there are some examples of B2B commerce, business to business, e-commerce is mainly used for B2C, business to consumer, or even for C2C, consumer to consumer. Internet auctions, websites like eBay where people offer products and sell them to the highest bidder, are an example of C2C e-commerce.


Ex 27.1. Solve the clues and complete the puzzle with words from A and C opposite.

Ex 27.2. Put these steps from shopping websites in the right order to explain the process of buying online.

VIII. Physical training. Здоровьесберегающая физкультминутка

IX.  Fill in the correct word.













In general, there are two distinct types of e-money: identified e-money and anonymous

e-money (also known as

1)______________ cash). Identified e-money contains information revealing the identity of the person who originally

2)______________ the money from the bank. Also, in much the same manner as credit cards, iden­tified e-money enables the bank to

3)_________the money as it moves through the economy. Anonymous e-money works just like 4)_____________      paper cash. Once anonymous e-money is withdrawn from an account, it can be spent or gi­ven away without leaving a 5)_____trail.  There are two varieties of each type of e-money: online e-money and offline e-money.

Online means you need to 6)_________________________ with a bank (via modem or network) to conduct a transaction with a third party. Offline means you can 7)________a transaction without having to directly involve a bank. Offline anonymous 8)_________________ (true digital cash) is the most complex form of e- money because of the double-spending problem.

X. Reflexing (самоанализ)

Home task:  Text p.64 Ex.27.3 p65

T: I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson. 




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