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План-конспект урока по теме "Graffiti: art or vandalism?" (10 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Art is an adventure into an unknown world

    1 слайд

    Art is an adventure into an unknown world

  • Graffiti: art or vandalism?!

    2 слайд

    Graffiti: art or vandalism?!

  • Writer’s vocabulary

    3 слайд

    Writer’s vocabulary

  • WRITERA person who does graffiti

    4 слайд

    A person who does graffiti

  • CANNONSpray paint cans

    5 слайд

    Spray paint cans

  • CREWA group of writers

    6 слайд

    A group of writers

  • BURNINGWork which haven’t been removed

    7 слайд

    Work which haven’t been removed

  • GALLERYLocations such as walls facing train tracks that are secluded from the...

    8 слайд

    Locations such as walls facing train tracks that are secluded from the general public but are popular with writers

Pieces that are painted in hard-to-reach places such as rooftops

    9 слайд


    Pieces that are painted in hard-to-reach places such as rooftops

  • KINGWriters especially respected among other writers

    10 слайд

    Writers especially respected among other writers

  • PIECEA large and labor-intensive graffiti painting

    11 слайд

    A large and labor-intensive graffiti painting

  • TAG (SCRIBBLE)A stylized signature, normally done in one color

    12 слайд

    A stylized signature, normally done in one color

  • TOYAn adjective to describe poor work

    13 слайд

    An adjective to describe poor work

  • BLACK BOOKGraffiti artist's sketchbook

    14 слайд

    Graffiti artist's sketchbook

  • True, false or don’t know1) Tagging is a slang term for spray paint cans.

    15 слайд

    True, false or don’t know
    1) Tagging is a slang term for spray paint cans.
    2) Taki was a messenger and that’s why he had to go by train a lot.
    3) The press didn’t pay much attention to Taki 183 and his writing.
    4) To create a single work on public transport is a real achievement for graffiti artists.
    5) Most of the graffiti was done in a primitive way.
    6) Graffiti artists don’t take a risk when they do their masterpieces in public places.
    7) Boredom is the only reason why they create graffiti.
    8) Graffiti is a way of self-expression.

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Разработка урока (3) по теме Graffiti art or vandalism.docx

Date: 24.04.2014                

Form: 10”G”.

Topic: Graffiti: art or vandalism?

Aim: The present lesson is intended to improve students’ reading and speaking skills, to introduce the new vocabulary on the topic of the lesson by reading the text, to discuss the given problem by making up dialogs.


1.     Develop students’ reading and speaking skills.

2.     Develop students’ ability to communicate effectively according to the topic.

3.     Teach students to express their point of view.

4.     Develop student’s pair work.

Materials: Worksheets, Power Point Presentation, interactive blackboard.







Greetings. Warm-up.

Introduction to the topic

Discussion of the quote “Art is an adventure into an unknown world.”

Asking questions about what the graffiti is for students’.


4 min

Power Point Presentation



Introduction the new vocabulary (the terminology of graffiti artists)

1.     How do you call a person who does graffiti? <slide 4> writer (автор, сочинитель)

2.     Spray paint cans? < slide 5> - cannon (s) (орудие)

3.     Group of writers? < slide 6> - crew (команда)

4.     Any work having not been removed? < slide 7> - burning (обжиг, прокаливание)

5.     Locations such as walls facing train tracks that are secluded from the general public but are popular with writers? – < slide 8> - gallery

6.     Pieces that are painted in hard-to-reach places such as rooftops? < slide 9> - heaven spots

7.     Writers especially respected among other writers? < slide 10> - king

8.     A large and labor-intensive graffiti painting? < slide 11> - piece

9.     A stylized signature, normally done in one color? < slide 12> tag (scribble) (каракули)

10. An adjective to describe poor work? < slide 14> - toy

11. Graffiti artist's sketchbook? < slide 15> - a black book

Working with the text “Art crimes”

Post reading tasks: answering questions and choosing true or false sentences


Power Point Presentation, worksheets, interactive blackboard



Making up dialogs on the following situations:

Student A: You are a graffiti artist. You like this kind of art very much. You have a lot of works and your surrounding supports you in this business.

Student B: You are a writer, who is going to publish the book, which is called “Graffiti is vandalism”. You are gathering material about it.





Home assessment

Discussion in teacher’s blog: "Graffiti: art or vandalism?" Each of the students’ will be able to express their opinion using 2 words from the list of new vocabulary and to comment classmate’s opinion at least 1 time.






Summarizing the lesson




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Выбранный для просмотра документ Ситуации к диалогам.docx

Student A: You are a graffiti artist. You like this kind of art very much. You have a lot of works and your surrounding supports you in this business.

Student B: You are a writer, who is going to publish the book, which is called “Graffiti is vandalism”. You are gathering material about it.


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Art crimes

The beginning.

Graffiti, of course, has been around since man learned how to write. In New York City the trend of "tagging", or writing one's name, on subway cars is most often credited to Taki 183, a seventeen year old from 183rd Street in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, whose job as a messenger required him to travel on the trains everyday. Taki began writing his name all over the trains and stations of the transit system, and it wasn't too long before people started to notice. On July 21, 1971, the New York Times ran an article entitled "Taki 183 Spawns Pen Pals."

Of course, the New York Times wasn't the only one who noticed. All over New York, more and more kids became enamored of the idea of their name traveling across the city every day and being seen by thousands upon thousands of commuters.

With so many youths competing for attention and space, it soon became necessary to go beyond simply scrawling one's name in black marker on a train wall to be noticed. A greater level of originality became more valued, as did more ambitious works. Logos, stylistic variations, size, and color were added to make pieces stand out from the crowd.

Why Paint the Subway.

There seems to be little reason to risk one's life for something as meager as a fleeting moment of self-expression, soon to be cleansed away by a fresh coat of paint. But there are others who see it a different way: the dreamers and the adventurers, the bridge-climbers and the rebels. The graffiti writer falls squarely into this category.

Kingtwo, an old-school graffiti artist, described it like this: "The best feeling about writing on a train is something you can't describe until you do it. Graffiti was a way to express yourself, even though we knew it was illegal. We never considered the risk we took. When you did a masterpiece on the train the feeling was so great you can't imagine it."


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Краткое описание документа:

План урока нацелен на обсуждение темы: "Graffiti: artorvandalism?", а также на введение новой лексики, используемой исключительно создателями граффити, которую ученики должны применить при выполнении домашнего задания; обсудить текст по данной теме урока; составить диалоги по следующим ситуациям:

Student A: You are a graffiti artist. You like this kind of art very much. You have a lot of works and your surrounding supports you in this business.

Student B: You are a writer, who is going to publish the book, which is called “Graffiti is vandalism”. Youaregatheringmaterialaboutit.

И в конце урока дать домашнее задание в учительском блоге, где ученики должны высказать свое мнение по теме урока: "Graffiti: artorvandalism?", при этом используя минимум два слова из лексики создателей граффити, предложенной во время урока и при этом прокомментировать минимум один раз мнение своего одноклассника. 

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