Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииОткрытый урок по английскому языку в 7 классе (М.З. Биболетова)

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7 классе (М.З. Биболетова)

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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7 классе

(М.З. Биболетова)



Тема: Sport is fun

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с активной лексикой по теме «Sport» и обеспечить её первичную отработку в серии речевых упражнений.


Задачи: дидактические:

1) обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение основных понятий по теме “Sport”.

2) закрепить Passive Voice и Complex Object.

3) обучать чтению с общим пониманием.


1) развивать умение догадываться о значении отдельных слов с опорой на языковую и контекстуальную догадку.

2) практиковать учащихся в умении кратко высказываться на заданную тему.

3) развивать умение соотносить графический образ слова со звуковым.


1) работа и внимание на уроке всех учащихся.


Оборудование: учебники, предметные картинки по теме “Sport”, карточки для индивидуальной работы.


Актуальность: Sport is fun and it is so good for your health. And the health of nation is the main problem in our country. I think it is so actually now days not only in Russia, but in the whole world.



      Ход урока


1. Оргмомент

Т: Good morning, children!

Cl: Good morning, Soya Ottovna!

T: It’s nice to see you again! Take your seats, please!

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today. Today is Friday, the second of April. Today all are present.

T: What homework had you?

P: We hadn’t any home task.

T: Thank you, Alyona. Take your seat.


T: Dear children! At this lesson we are going to learn a new topic witch named “Sport is fun” and I shall meet you with new words and expressions. Sport is very good for your health and that’s why you must do sports to be healthy and strong.


Warming up

T: What can you say about the weather today?

P1: Weather is fine today. The sun is shining, a little cloudy.

P2: It’s windy, but the wind is warm.

T: And say what can we do in a such fine weather in spring?

P3: We can run, jump and skip.

P4: I like to walk with my friends in a fine day.

T: I agree with you. It is so good for your health.


T- teacher, Cl- class, P,P1,P2…..-pupil


2. Повторение

1) Т: And now first of all we repeat Passive Voice, this rule we learned in third term.

T: Who wants to say us the rule? Lisa, please!

Lisa: Passive Voice- это страдательный залог, не предмет совершает действие, а над ним осуществляется действие. Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be + V3(Participle 2). Глагол to be меняется в зависимости от  времени.

Т: Thank you, Lisa. And now open your books at page 98, Ex.3.Remake these sentences with the same meaning using the Passive Voice. (Работа в режиме Т- Р1­- Р2- ….).

Все учащиеся выполняют упражнение, кроме Савенко М. и Лылиной Л. , которые работают по карточкам. ( Карточки смотреть в Приложении 1).


Т: Р1, read the example: The old man punished the naughty boy. – The naughty boy was punished by the old man.

T: What tense is in this sentence? Tanya, please you!

Tanya: In active Voice it is Past Simple, the verb “punished”, regular verb, that’s why it will be in Passive Voice Past Simple too.( was punished) according the rule.

P2: Students use computers at their lessons.- Computers are used at the lessons by students.

(Pr. Simple- use- are used)

P3: The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.- The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher.(Past Simple: explained- were explained)

P4: Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21st of May.- A special dinner is cooked on the 21st of May by Ann.(Pr. Simple: cooks- is cooked)

P5: They arranged a nice picnic last month.- A nice picnic was arranged by them last month.( Past Simple- arranged- was arranged)

P6: The little boy drew these funny pictures.- These funny pictures were drawn by the little boy.( Past Simple- drew-were drawn)


2) T: And now we are going to do ex.6 on page 99. Before starting we repeat pronouns in Complex Object.( На доске написаны личные местоимения, напротив которых учащиеся дописывают местоимения в Complex Object, работа в режиме P1-P2-P3-…)


I     -      me


You -    you


He   -    him


She   -   her


It       -   its


We    -   us


You  -   you


They -   them

T: I see that you know the rule and we do this ex.6 on page 99. Choose the correct pron-

oun: ( задание выполняется самостоятельно)

1.      His parents want ……. to behave well at school

а)him           b) he         c)his

 2. I want ……. to pay attention to your grammar.

a) your          b)you        c)yours

    3. They expect ……. to arrange a party

a) I                 b)my        c)me

   4. Our teacher expects …….. to think of our future

a) ours            b)us           c)we

   5. Would you like ……. to stay out of trouble?

a) they             b)their      c)them


T: The time is over and we check up this task. (Дети  поочередно отвечают. Правильные ответы жирным шрифтом )


3) Т: And now we speak about smoking. Express your opinions about smoking and smokers.

P1: I think that smoking is bad for our health.

P2: A Smoker shortens his life with each cigarette.

P3: Smokers don’t care about others


T: Open your books at page 91, ex.138.Read about smoking and make a list of at least 3 reasons why you shouldn’t smoke. (чтение текста учащимися поочередно в слух, форма текста прилагается, смотреть в Приложении 2)

P1: I am ready. You shouldn’t smoke because smoking is anti – social so a lot of people die every year of it.

P2: Can I say? Smoking causes lung cancer heart attacks.

P3: Besides, smoking is impolite and simply dangerous for people.

T: Yes, you are right. Thank you.


3.Введение нового материала


Т: Now we understand that smoking is bad for man that’s why you must do sports.

The topic of our lesson today is “Sport is fun”. Look at blackboard! I wrote the question: “Why people do sport?” And you will answer it at the end of the lesson.


I want ask you some questions:

a) Do you like to do sports?

P1: Yes, I do.

b) Are you sporty?

P2: Yes, I am.

c) What kind of sports do you know?

P3: I know football, basketball, volleyball, tennis.

P4: And I can name boxing, swimming.

d) What is your the most popular sports?

P5: Most of all I like badminton.

e) When and Where did the last winter Olympic Games take part?

P6: In Vancouver, Canada, 2010.

f) Did the Russian team win in these Olympic Games?

P7: Unfortunately it didn’t win.


Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям.       


1. Обучение говорению.


Т: Open your books at page 100, ex. 1. Look at the pictures. Match the pictures and the sports.        (картинки  смотреть в Приложении 3)


P1: Football is picture 2.

P2: Ice-skating is 8.

P3: Horse racing, I think number 9.

P4: Boxing – 11.

P5: Figure skating is10 and tennis is 12.

P6: Baseball -3, Chess is 4.

P7: Picture 7 pass  ice hockey, skiing to picture 6.

P8: Cycling is number 5 and basketball is 1.


T: Which countries are these sports associated with?

Make as a model: Baseball is associated with the USA.


P1: To my mind Greece is associated with cycling.

P2: I think Norway is associated with ice skating.

P3: Finland is associated with skiing.

P4: Canada is associated with hockey.

P5: And I think that Germany is associated with basketball.

P6: Italy is associated with boxing.

P7: Brazil is associated with football.


2. Обучение лексической стороне речи.


T: Page 100, Ex. 2.Word  Focus. Read, translate and learn.


Sport ( uncountable ) – sport is general. She is not very good at sports/ in sport;

Sports ( countable) – a type of sport. Football, tennis, athletics are all sports.

-          sports centre, a sports club, a sports fan, a sports car, a sports jacket;

-          a fine/ talented sportsman;

-          be good at/ be fond of sport;

-          do sports;

-          watch sports;

-          be sporty


T: And now Ex.3, on the same page 100. Listen to and say after me!


Football, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, chess, gymnastics, aerobics, dance, cycling,

Swimming, walking, skiing, ice-skating, horse riding, windsurfing, jumping, running, boxing, figure skating, wrestling, hockey, judo, kickboxing, polo, rugby, baseball, athle-

tics, handball.


T: Say which of these words are used in Russian?

P1: To my mind there are football, hockey and judo.

P2: And I think there are wrestling, tennis, badminton and volleyball.

P3: Aerobics, gymnastics, windsurfing and kickboxing.

P4: To my mind there are polo, rugby, baseball and handball.

P5: As for me we can name else athletics and boxing.












Ex. – exercise

T: And now we are going to do ex.5 on page 101. You must match the sports and the places:









Ice hockey


Skating ring




Roller skating


River/ sea

Figure skating



Cross country running (кросс)



Сycling / skiing








Sports ground

Water skiing (водные лыжи)



Windsurfing(катание на доске под парусом)



Surfing (катание на доске по волнам)




Key: swimming –pool , lake, river/sea

         ice hockey – skating ring

         athletics  – stadium, sports ground, gym

         roller skating –stadium, street, sports ground

         figure skating –skating rink

        cross country running –fields, forest

        cycling /skiing –fields, street, sports ground, forest

        riding –fields, forest, sports ground, stadium

        tennis –court

        water- skiing –sea, lake, river

        windsurfing –sea, lake

        surfing –sea


3. Обучение чтению и говорению.


T: And we continue. Page 100, Ex .4. Read and say what sports these people are taking of. ( режим  работы: дети выполняют самостоятельно)

Model : They are talking of football.


a) “A round ball is used in this. Two teams of 11 players kick it. They are not allowed to handle ( брать руками) the ball.


b) “To keep fit they travel by bicycle every weekend. They have visited a lot of places. It’s their favourite hobby.”


c) “It’s very popular with women. You can do it in a sports centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV.”


d) “You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball, a net and two small bats (ракетки).”


Key : a) football                                     d) table tennis

         b) cycling                                      e) running / walking

         c) aerobics                                     f) horse riding

4. Закрепление материала


T: Match these sentences or expressions with sports ( Дети делятся на 2 команды, 2 листка с заданиями, чья команда быстрее справится), режим работы – групповая.

( задание для команд смотри в Приложении 4)


1. A round ball. You can only                                  a) figure skating

    kick it.

2. A small ball, table, small                                      b)boxing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

   bats (ракетки)

3. One or two men skate.                                          c) football 

4. A group of men skate                                           

   with a hockey stick and                                         d)hockey

   beat a puck (шайба)    

5.Two men with gloves                                            e)tennis

   beat each other.


T: Look at the blackboard, children! There is a new task for you. You must put these verbs in brackets in right form: ( дети по очереди выполняют задание, выходя к доске)

1.The last winter Olympic games (to be held) in Vancouver.

2.She ( to be good) in sports.

3.I ( to be fond of ) sport.

4. Ice skating ( to like ) in Russia by many people.

5. Aerobics (to like ) by my sister last year.


Key: 1) were held

         2) is good

         3) am fond of

         4) is liked

         5) was liked


T: Listen to me and translate these sentences from Russian into English using Complex

Object.( режим работы –фронтальный)

- Мои родители хотят, чтобы я занимался спортом.

- Тренер хотел бы, чтобы они занимались в спортивном центре.

- Она не ожидала, что мы купим новую машину.

- Он сомневается, что она талантливая спортсменка.


Key: - My parents want me to do sports.

         - A Trainer would like them to go to the sports centre.

         - She didn’t expect us to buy a new car.

         - He doubts her to be a talented sportsman.


5. Заключительная часть урока


T: What is the topic of our lesson?

P: The topic of our lesson is Sport is fun.

T: What did you do at the lesson?

P: We repeated Passive Voice and Complex Object, did exercises.

P: Read, translated and met new topic.

T: What did you like best of all at the lesson?

P: I liked reading and working in groups best of all.

P: And I liked all kind of work at the lesson because it was very interesting.


T: And now try to answer the question wich was written on the blackboard ”Why people do sports?”(учащиеся по очереди выходят к доске и дополняют схему, смотреть  Приложение 5)

Key: - Sport is fun

        - Sport is good

        - Sport is healthy

        - Sport is good for your legs

        - Sport is good to keep fit


T: Dear pupils! Take your dairies, open them and write down the home task: Page 120, Ex.1,2* and page 100 ( copy the words about sport in your vocabularies).

(сами задания смотри в Приложении 6)

T: Today you worked not bad at the lesson. I give you the following marks: Alyona , Madina and Tanya get “5”, Olesya – “4”, Maxim and Lena ( работа по карточкам)-“3”,

Sasha, Dima, Nadia and Nastya-“3”-you worked, but not so much, that’s why I give you only “3”.


Stand up! The lesson is over. Good bye, children!

Cl: Good bye, Zoya Ottovna!





































Ex. 2* - ( задание на выбор или повышенной сложности)

Приложение 1


                                                Card 1


Choose the correct answer


1. I …. going to school now

a) is         b) are       c) am


2. He …… sleeping now

 a) is         b) am       c) are


3. We …… about them every day

a) speak   b) spoke  c) have spoken


4. They ….. us about this yesterday

a) told      b) had told c) tell

                                                           Card 2


Write articles an, a, the where it’s necessary.



1. I have …… dog. ….. dog is …… black.


2. She is …… pretty girl. Her name is ….. Ann.


3. …… Belovs are in Moscow now. They are from …… London.


4. We like ……. Strong tea. ……. tea is …… hot.


Keys to Cards:

 Card 1:


1. c) am     2. a) is    3. a) speak    4. c) told


Card 2:

1. I have a dog. The dog is black.


2. She is a pretty girl. Her name is  Ann.


3. The Belovs are in Moscow now. They are from  London.


4. We like Strong tea. The tea is hot




Приложение 2



Ex.138, page 91. Read and learn what is said about smoking. Make a list of at least 3 reasons why you shouldn’t smoke.


We’ve just moved into a new flat. And the first thing I put on one of the walls was a “no smoking” sing. “That’s anti-social”, said my mother, “you can’t do that”. Oh, yes, I can. And if anything is anti-social, it is smoking.

Besides being impolite, smoking is, of course, deadly. In Britain about 50 000 people die every year because of smoking. They die from lung cancer, heart attacks and other causes, too. In fact, statistics show that a smoker shortens his life by 5,5 minutes with each cigarette.

Smokers say that they don’t care and if they want to kill themselves with tobacco that’s their business.

Happily, at present smoking is prohibited in many ways. You can see “No smoking” signs in many theatres, cinemas, trains, buses and restaurants. And in my flat, tood.







































Приложение 3



Приложение 4



1. A round ball. You can only                                c) football   

    kick it.

2. A small ball, table, small                                    e) tennis

   bats (ракетки)

3. One or two men skate.                                        a) figure skating

4. A group of men skate                                           

   with a hockey stick and                                       d) hockey

   beat a puck (шайба)   

5. Two men with gloves                                         b) boxing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

   beat each other.









1. A round ball. You can only                                c) football   

    kick it.

2. A small ball, table, small                                    e) tennis

   bats (ракетки)

3. One or two men skate.                                       a) figure skating

4. A group of men skate                                           

   with a hockey stick and                                       d) hockey

   beat a puck (шайба)   

5.Two men with gloves                                          b) boxing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

   beat each other.















Приложение 5








        Радиальная диаграмма     










Приложение 6


Key to Homework: 1.Ex.1, page 120. Guess witch six sports are written below.

1) folg –golf                                          4)licgcyn –cycling

2) netins –tennis                                    5)rinwfigndus -windsurfing

3)gybur –rugby                                      6)secibora –aerobics


2. Ex.2*, page 120. Copy the sentences. Underline the words with - ing and write their Russian equivalents.


Example: The little girl was singing in front of the crowd.( пела).


-          Playing games (игры) after classes is quite usual in most private schools. In some of them students are also fond of  horse riding (катание на лошадях) and swimming  (плавание).The students who have a good ear for  music prefer playing musical instruments (игры на музыкальных инструментах ) and singing (пение).

-          On a frosty day you can see lost of children skiing (катающиеся) in the park with their dogs running (бегущие ) beside them. Skating (катание на коньках ) and skiing  (катание на лыжах ) are quite popular winter sports in Russia.

-          What was he telling (рассказывая ) you a minute ago? – A very funny story. That’s why we were laughing (смеялись ) so loudly.


































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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Form:7
Unit 4, lesson 1
Teacher: Manerko S.S.“Sport is fun”Why people do sport

    1 слайд

    Unit 4, lesson 1
    Teacher: Manerko S.S.
    “Sport is fun”
    Why people do sport

  • Passive VoicePassive Voice- это страдательный залог, не предмет совершает дей...

    2 слайд

    Passive Voice
    Passive Voice- это страдательный залог, не предмет совершает действие, а над ним осуществляется действие. Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be + V3(Participle 2). Глагол to be меняется в зависимости от времени.
    The old man punished the naughty boy
    Students use computers at their lessons
    The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students
    Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21st of May
    They arranged a nice picnic last month
    The naughty boy was punished by the old man.
    Computers are used at the lessons by students.
    The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher.
    A special dinner is cooked on the 21st of May by Ann.
    These funny pictures were drawn by the little boy.

  • Pronouns in Complex Object.I     -      me
You -    you
He   -    him
She   -...

    3 слайд

    Pronouns in Complex Object.
    I - me
    You - you
    He - him
    She - her
    It - its
    We - us
    You - you
    They - them
    Choose the correct pronoun:
    His parents want ……. to behave well at school
    а)him b) he c)his
    2. I want ……. to pay attention to your grammar.
    a) your b)you c)yours
    3. They expect ……. to arrange a party
    a) I b)my c)me
    4. Our teacher expects …….. to think of our future
    a) ours b)us c)we
    5. Would you like ……. to stay out of trouble?
    a) they b)their c)them

  • “Why people do sport?”
Do you like to do sports?
 Are you sporty?
 What kind...

    4 слайд

    “Why people do sport?”
    Do you like to do sports?
    Are you sporty?
    What kind of sports do you know?
    What is your the most popular sports?
    When and Where did the last winter Olympic Games take part?
    Did the Russian team win in these Olympic Games?

  • You must put these verbs in brackets in right form:
1.The last winter Olympic...

    5 слайд

    You must put these verbs in brackets in right form:
    1.The last winter Olympic games (to be held) in Vancouver.
    2.She ( to be good) in sports.
    3.I ( to be fond of ) sport.
    4. Ice skating ( to like ) in Russia by many people.
    5. Aerobics (to like ) by my sister last year.
    Key: 1) were held
    2) is good
    3) am fond of
    4) is liked
    5) was liked

  • Listen to me and translate these sentences from Russian into English using Co...

    6 слайд

    Listen to me and translate these sentences from Russian into English using Complex Object
    - Мои родители хотят, чтобы я занимался спортом.
    - Тренер хотел бы, чтобы они занимались в спортивном центре.
    - Она не ожидала, что мы купим новую машину.
    - Он сомневается, что она талантливая спортсменка.
    Key: - My parents want me to do sports.
    - A Trainer would like them to go to the sports centre.
    - She didn’t expect us to buy a new car.
    - He doubts her to be a talented sportsman.

  • - Sport is fun
        - Sport is good
        - Sport is healthy...

    7 слайд

    - Sport is fun
    - Sport is good
    - Sport is healthy
    - Sport is good for your legs
    - Sport is good to keep fit
    ”Why people do sports?”

  • ( copy the words about sport in your vocabularies)Home task: учебник: упр. 1,...

    8 слайд

    ( copy the words about sport in your vocabularies)
    Home task: учебник: упр. 1,2, стр. 120. С 100 № 1,2,3; повт. неправильные глаголы

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Конспект и презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку в 7 классе (М.З. Биболетова)Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с активной лексикой по теме «Sport» и обеспечить её первичную отработку в серии речевых упражнений.Задачи: дидактические: 1) обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение основных понятий по теме “Sport”. 2) закрепить Passive Voice и Complex Object. 3) обучать чтению с общим пониманием.Развивающие: 1) развивать умение догадываться о значении отдельных слов с опорой на языковую и контекстуальную догадку.2) практиковать учащихся в умении кратко высказываться на заданную тему.3) развивать умение соотносить графический образ слова со звуковым.Воспитательные: 1) работа и внимание на уроке всех учащихся.Оборудование: учебники, предметные картинки по теме “Sport”, карточки для индивидуальной работы.

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    Рожкова Татьяна Алексеевна
    Рожкова Татьяна Алексеевна
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    • Всего просмотров: 84390
    • Всего материалов: 224

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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  • Сейчас обучается 23 человека из 16 регионов

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (немецкий язык)

Учитель немецкого языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Курс повышения квалификации

Преподавание русского языка как неродного в образовательном учреждении

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 75 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 230 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 131 человек из 39 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 676 человек


Методология и организация образовательного процесса по информатике

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эффективное управление запасами

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Инновационные технологии для бизнеса

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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