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І Сабақтың тақырыбы:


Step 2




English 8 Т.Кузнецова


Сабақтың оқыту мақсаты:

Оқушыларды тосын мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беруге  үйрету.

Ойлау қабілетін, аударма жасау, сауатты жазу қабілетін арттыру. Шығармашылық ой-өрісін дамыту, өзге елдердің мәдениетін меңгеру. Елін сүюге, салт-дәстүрін дәріптеуге тәрбиелеу.

To give some information about holidays. Work with new words.

Dialogue method of teaching.

Group work. Collaborative method of teaching. Work with the grammar cards. Pair work.

Күтілетін нәтиже:

The pupils will be know to use the words and hlidays.

Сабақтың мазмұны:

 Топқа стикерлердің түсі арқылы бөліну. 1-топ: «Happy mother’s day!».2- топ: «Christmas».

Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті

Оқушының іс-әрекеті


Good morning dear children and guests! Glad to see you! Today we are going to speak about holidays and traditions in Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan. I hope you you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.


Task1. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and holidays. In Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan traditions play very important role in the life of people.


We know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentines Day, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day which also become traditional American holidays. And people in Kazakhstan as people all over the world have their own traditions and customs, they are for example, New Year’s Day, Nauryz, Independence Day and so on.

First let’s remember our songs “Seasons” and 1,2,3,4,5 and play them.


(Оқушылар фонетикалық жаттығу мақсатында әнді орындайды). Seasons.1,2,3,4,5.


Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is bright.

1,2,3,4,5. Once I caught a fish alive.

6,7,8,9,10. Then I let it go again.

Why did I let it go?

Because it bit my finger do.

What finger did it bit?

This little finger on the right.

Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау.


And now let’s read about holidays in Great Britain, America and Kazakhstan and then you’ll answer my questions and do some tasks.

P1: Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Nowadays Halloween is much more popular in the USA than in Britain. Group of children dressed as witches, black cats, ghosts and wizards, knock on their neighbors doors and yell “trick or treat!” The neighbors normally exclaim over the masks and give each child a candy. People collect money, buy food and medicine for orphanages, hospitals and homeless people. We also decorate our houses and schools in he traditional Halloween colours: orange and black. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins we carve to look. Like faces. Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween. People celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October.


P2: The most popular holiday is Christmas  Every  year  the people of  Norway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmas  tree and it stands is Trafalgar Square. Christmas holy day is help on December 25th  in  honor pf the birth of  Christ. It is a family holiday. Relatives usually    meet for the big  Christmas  dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding, and everyone gives and receives presents. There is a tradition that children should put stockings at the end of their beds, hoping than Santa Clause will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.


P3: The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of  December. There are lots of  New  Year traditional in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father frost at come and give them presents. I like New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day, because my parents allow me to stay up all night! We blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hand, sing and shout “Happy New Year!”


P4: Easter is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. The week before Easter colour eggs and cook Easter cakes. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that Easter bunny has left them a basket of candy.


P5: People in Kazakhstan have their own special traditions. One of them is Nauryz-the  holiday witch  lasts for a week. People celebrate it at the 22nd of  March. During this holiday people from smaller villages come to bigger cities. Families get together to help one another on  constructing a “kiyiz ui” which is the traditional Kazakh home. Of  you enter a yurt on Nauryz  you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.

   On that day you will eat such Kazakh dishes as “karta”, “bauirsak”, “beshbarmak”. Beshbarmak is a disk with consists of noodles,  of noodles, onions and meat. This meat is  traditionally served with sheep’s  head. On Nauryz  people wear the traditional costumes, sing songs, play dombyras,  kobyz. You may see many ancient Kazakh games.


P6: I want to tell about St.Valentine’s  Day. Some countries People celebrate this holiday on the 14th of  February. It is a day of love and friendship. They send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friend and ask them to  “Be My Valentine”. This  means “be his or friend of love”. They also decorate their classrooms with big red hearts and give roses and chocolate to their sweethearts, friend and family.

Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау.


And now answer my questions and when you’ll answer the questions martch the pictures with dates and their names.

What holiday is it? When it is celebrated?

When do people celebrate Christmas?    

Task 3 T: The next task is: we can see tree and there is a nice red star on it.


Well, this is a traditional “Christmas tree” but it has no branches, please let’s coat it, make up words and put them in the fir tree.                    

 Оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді.



Ice         c      ream             балмұздақ

Deco      r      ate                безендіру

Hol        I      day                мереке

Santa     s      Clause          аяз ата

Swee      t      heart             сүйікті

Per        m     anent             тұрақты

Nom      a      dic                көшпенді

Po          s      t card            ашық хат(открытка)


Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау.


Task4: Yesterday I received a letter from America. The American boy Jacky described New Year’s Day but he made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:


And now you see groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this words, please!

“Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’sEve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present.  It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”


(Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, were, was, am)

Apples, candy, fruit, oranges, eggs.

Santa Clause, snow, snowflakes, winter, Christmas Tree, butterfly.

Russia, America, France, Monday, England.

Do hometask, celebrate, decorate, go shopping.


(Keys: 1.eggs  2. butterfly  3. Monday 4. do hometask)

Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау.


Guess what people usually wish to each other in holidays. Make a wish, please.

Translate this words from Russian into English and write them down on the blackboard.

I swhi uyo a ayd papyh!


(Key: I wish you a happy day!)

Көңілді, тамаша, әдемі, қызық, мерекелеу, безендіру, дүкенге бару, үлкен, торт, сыйлықтар, қатысу, ұнату.


(Funny, wonderful, nice, interesting, celebrate, decorate, go shopping, big cake, presents, visit, like) Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру,Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау




Үй жұмысы


Қалыптасқан білімдерін шығармашылық жұмыстарда пайдалану.


Ex:4 p 85, in written form, to learn by heart.


Оқушылар жаңа сөздерді меңгерді. Сөз тіркесін құрап үйренді. Сөйлемдерді аудара білді.Екі елдің мерекелік іс-шараларын білді.

Оқушылар күнделіктеріне жазып алды.




Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау. Суммативті бағалау.

Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылы   формативті бағалау.

Күнделікке бағаларын қойғызды.


Тексерілді:                     09.12.2015ж


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І Сабақтың тақырыбы: Күні: Step 2Holidays09.12.2015y. Сілтеме: English 8 Т.КузнецоваPictures. Сабақтың оқыту мақсаты: Оқушыларды тосын мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беругеүйрету. Ойлау қабілетін, аударма жасау, сауатты жазу қабілетін арттыру. Шығармашылық ой-өрісін дамыту, өзге елдердің мәдениетін меңгеру. Елін сүюге, салт-дәстүрін дәріптеуге тәрбиелеу.To give some information about holidays. Work with new words.Dialogue method of teaching.Group work. Collaborative method of teaching. Work with the grammar cards. Pair work. Күтілетін нәтиже: The pupils will be know to use the words and hlidays. Сабақтың мазмұны: Топқа стикерлердің түсі арқылы бөліну. 1-топ: «Happy mother’s day!».2- топ: «Christmas». Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті Оқушының іс-әрекеті Білу Good morning dear children and guests! Glad to see you! Today we are going to speak about holidays and traditions in Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan. I hope you you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.Task1. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and holidays. In Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan traditions play very important role in the life of people.We know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentines Day, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day which also become traditional American holidays. And people in Kazakhstan as people all over the world have their own traditions and customs, they are for example, New Year’s Day, Nauryz, Independence Day and so on.First let’s remember our songs “Seasons” and 1,2,3,4,5 and play them. (Оқушылар фонетикалық жаттығу мақсатында әнді орындайды). Seasons.1,2,3,4,5.Spring is green.Summer is bright.Autumn is yellow. Winter is bright.1,2,3,4,5. Once I caught a fish alive.6,7,8,9,10. Then I let it go again.Why did I let it go?Because it bit my finger do.What finger did it bit?This little finger on the right.Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау. Түсіну And now let’s read about holidays in Great Britain, America and Kazakhstan and then you’ll answer my questions and do some tasks. P1: Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Nowadays Halloween is much more popular in the USA than in Britain. Group of children dressed as witches, black cats, ghosts and wizards, knock on their neighbors doors and yell “trick or treat!” The neighbors normally exclaim over the masks and give each child a candy. People collect money, buy food and medicine for orphanages, hospitals and homeless people. We also decorate our houses and schools in he traditional Halloween colours: orange and black. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins we carve to look. Like faces. Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween. People celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October.P2: The most popular holiday is ChristmasEveryyearthe people ofNorway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmastree and it stands is Trafalgar Square. Christmas holy day is help on December 25thinhonor pf the birth ofChrist. It is a family holiday. Relatives usuallymeet for the bigChristmasdinner of turkey and Christmas pudding, and everyone gives and receives presents. There is a tradition that children should put stockings at the end of their beds, hoping than Santa Clause will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.P3: The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st ofDecember. There are lots ofNewYear traditional in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father frost at come and give them presents. I like New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day, because my parents allow me to stay up all night! We blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hand, sing and shout “Happy New Year!”P4: Easter is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. The week before Easter colour eggs and cook Easter cakes. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that Easter bunny has left them a basket of candy.P5: People in Kazakhstan have their own special traditions. One of them is Nauryz-theholiday witchlasts for a week. People celebrate it at the 22nd ofMarch. During this holiday people from smaller villages come to bigger cities. Families get together to help one another onconstructing a “kiyiz ui” which is the traditional Kazakh home. Ofyou enter a yurt on Nauryzyou will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.On that day you will eat such Kazakh dishes as “karta”, “bauirsak”, “beshbarmak”. Beshbarmak is a disk with consists of noodles,of noodles, onions and meat. This meat istraditionally served with sheep’shead. On Nauryzpeople wear the traditional costumes, sing songs, play dombyras,kobyz. You may see many ancient Kazakh games.P6: I want to tell about St.Valentine’sDay. Some countries People celebrate this holiday on the 14th ofFebruary. It is a day of love and friendship. They send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friend and ask them to“Be My Valentine”. Thismeans “be his or friend of love”. They also decorate their classrooms with big red hearts and give roses and chocolate to their sweethearts, friend and family.Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау. Қолдану And now answer my questions and when you’ll answer the questions martch the pictures with dates and their names.What holiday is it? When it is celebrated? When do people celebrate Christmas?Task 3 T: The next task is: we can see tree and there is a nice red star on it.Well, this is a traditional “Christmas tree” but it has no branches, please let’s coat it, make up words and put them in the fir tree. Оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді.IcecreamбалмұздақDecorateбезендіруHolIdayмерекеSantasClauseаяз атаSweetheartсүйіктіPermanentтұрақты NomadicкөшпендіPost cardашық хат(открытка)Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау. Талдау Task4: Yesterday I received a letter from America. The American boy Jacky described New Year’s Day but he made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:And now you see groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this words, please! “Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’sEve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present.It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”(Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, were, was, am)Apples, candy, fruit, oranges, eggs.Santa Clause, snow, snowflakes, winter, Christmas Tree, butterfly.Russia, America, France, Monday, England.Do hometask, celebrate, decorate, go shopping.(Keys: 1.eggs2. butterfly3. Monday 4. do hometask)Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау. Жинақтау Guess what people usually wish to each other in holidays. Make a wish, please.Translate this words from Russian into English and write them down on the blackboard. I swhi uyo a ayd papyh!(Key: I wish you a happy day!)Көңілді, тамаша, әдемі, қызық, мерекелеу, безендіру, дүкенге бару, үлкен, торт, сыйлықтар, қатысу, ұнату.(Funny, wonderful, nice, interesting, celebrate, decorate, go shopping, big cake, presents, visit, like) Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру,Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау БағалауҮй жұмысы Қалыптасқан білімдерін шығармашылық жұмыстарда пайдалану.Ex:4 p 85, in written form, to learn by heart. Оқушылар жаңа сөздерді меңгерді. Сөз тіркесін құрап үйренді. Сөйлемдерді аудара білді.Екі елдің мерекелік іс-шараларын білді.Оқушылар күнделіктеріне жазып алды. Рефлексия Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау. Суммативті бағалау. Мадақтау, қолдау,сенім білдіру, Қазақстан жалауын беру арқылыформативті бағалау.Күнделікке бағаларын қойғызды. Тексерілді:09.12.2015ж

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