Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыLesson 10. Step 4. Visiting big cities. 6-класс

Lesson 10. Step 4. Visiting big cities. 6-класс

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Бекітемін:                                     ДОІЖО       Байболатова Қ.

Technological map of the lesson

Cабақтың технологиялық картасы

02.10.- 6 “ә

05.10. 6 “б”, 6 “а


Subject:   English


The theme of the lesson:

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Lesson 10. Step 4. Visiting big cities.


Using materials (literature):


English 6, Алматы Атамұра” 2015, Т. Аяапова, З. Әбілдаева

Objectives  of the lesson:

Сабақтың мақсаты:

To teach pupils to tell about visiting big cities and to enlarge pupils` vocabulary on the topic. Improve the skills ofthe correct pronunciation and to cultivate love for their land.

Expected results:

Оқыту нәтижесі:

-          Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary on the speaking

-          To learn to build grammatically correct sentences and match a picture with a word.

Motto of the lesson:

Негізгі идея:

It is never too late to learn

Оқудың ерте кеші жоқ

The methods of the lesson:

Әдіс тәсілдер:

Role-play, question-answers, individual work, work on the dialogue


Visual  aids:


 books, pictures,

Procedure  of  the  lesson:

Teacher`s   activity.

Pupils`   activity.

Білу (divide into 3 groups, golden rules and checking  home task)

1.      Org. moment

      Good afternoon pupils.

      Sit down please.

2.      Checking home task

Ex- 10, page 29. Write about your summer holiday.


Good afternoon teacher.



Ex- 10, page 29. Write about your summer holiday.

Түсіну (new lesso).


3.      Phonetic drill

woods                          hills 

bridge                          traffic lights

car park                       farm

swimming pool           factory

theatre                         field

statue                           lake

cottage                         mountains

underground                tall building

concert hall                  pollution

river                             fresh air


4.      New words

building         [bildiŋ]           ғимарат

coast              [koust]            жағалау

population     [pɔpju`leiʃən]  халық

traffic       [`træfik]  көшедегі қозғалыс

pollution        [pə`lu:ʃən]     ластану

noisy              [`nɔizi]          шулы

crowded        [`kraudid]      лық толы

Listen and repeat

woods                          hills 

bridge                          traffic lights

car park                       farm

swimming pool           factory

theatre                         field

statue                           lake

cottage                         mountains

underground                tall building

concert hall                  pollution

river                             fresh air


Listen and repeat

building         [bildiŋ]           ғимарат

coast              [koust]            жағалау

population     [pɔpju`leiʃən]  халық

traffic       [`træfik]  көшедегі қозғалыс

pollution        [pə`lu:ʃən]     ластану

noisy              [`nɔizi]          шулы

crowded         [`kraudid]      лық толы

Қолдану(doing  exercises).


Ex- 1, page 29. Look at the words in the box. Match a picture with a word.


Ex- 2, page 30. Complete the chart putting the words from exercise 1 into the correct column.




tall building









Look at the words in the box. Match a picture with a word.

1 factory, pollution           7   traffic lights

2 mountains                      8   swimming pool

3 bridge                            9   tram

4 hills                               10  cottage

5 field, woods                  11 statue

6 river12 theatre, concert hall

Complete the chart putting the words from exercise 1 into the correct column.




tall building

car park

swimming pool


concert hall








fresh air






traffic lights



Анализ (work with the book)


Ex- 3, page 30. Put a word or phrase from exercise 1 into each gap.

Ex- 4, page 30. Study the new words. Pay attention to the pronunciation.

Put a word or phrase from exercise 1 into each gap.

a)      cottage

b)      traffic lights

c)      tall buildings

d)      statue

e)      Pollution

f)       car park

Ex- 4, page 30. Study the new words. Pay attention to the pronunciation.

Синтез (conclusion. home task).

5.      Home work.

Ex- 5.Complete the sentences with the words from ex-4.

Home work.

Ex- 5.Complete the sentences with the words from ex-4.

Бағалау (evalution).


6.      Marking


-exc;  -good;   -sat;


7.      Conclusion

The lesson is over Good bye!



-exc;                -good;              -sat;



The lesson is over Good bye!













Бекітемін:                                     ДОІЖО       Байболатова Қ.

Technological map of the lesson

Cабақтың технологиялық картасы

06.10.- 6 “ә

08.10.- 6 “б”, 6 “а


Subject:   English


The theme of the lesson:

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Lesson 11. Sights of London.


Using materials (literature):


English 6, Алматы Атамұра” 2015, Т. Аяапова, З. Әбілдаева

Objectives  of the lesson:

Сабақтың мақсаты:

To teach pupils to express and prove their own points of view and work in groups; to develop pupils` logical thinking, memory, attention, grammar; to enlarge pupils` outlook about London, promote activity, interest and desire to learn English

Expected results:

Оқыту нәтижесі:

-          Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary in their speech

-          To learn to build grammatically correct sentences

Motto of the lesson:

Негізгі идея:

Every country has its customs.

Әр елдің салты басқа.

The methods of the lesson:

Әдіс тәсілдер:

Question-answers, individual work


Visual  aids:


 books, pictures,

Procedure  of  the  lesson:

Teacher`s   activity.

Pupils`   activity.

Білу (divide into 3 groups, golden rules and checking  home task)

1.      Org. moment

      Good afternoon pupils.

      Sit down please.

2.      Checking home task

Ex- 5.Complete the sentences with the words from ex-4.

a)      I want to move to the country because it is _____ and in the city where I live.

b)      There are a lot of tall ____ in New York.

c)      Our city has a ____ of over 2 million people.

d)      Now big cities have problems with ____and ____ .

e)      We like spending our holiday on the sea ____.


Good afternoon teacher.



Ex- 5.Complete the sentences with the words from ex-4.

a)      I want to move to the country because it is not noisyandcrowdedin the city where I live.

b)      There are a lot of tall buildigns in New York.

c)      Our city has a populationof over 2 million people.

d)      Now big cities have problems with traffic and pollution.

e)      We like spending our holiday on the sea coast.

Түсіну (new lesso).


3.      Phonetic drill

1 Do you like to travel?

2 How can people travel?

3 How do you like to travel?

4 Where have you been to?

5 What countries do you want to visit?

4.      New words

lie                   [lai]              орналасу, жату

capital          [`kæpitəl]       астана

wide             [waid]            кең

tourism         [`təurizm]      туризм

important     [im`pə:tənt]    маңызды

cinema         [`sini,ma:]      кинотеатр

theatre          [`θiətə]          театр

museum       [mju:`ziəm]    мұражай

Listen and repeat

Pupils answer the questions and get a smile for the right answer.




Listen and repeat

lie                   [lai]              орналасу, жату

capital          [`kæpitəl]       астана

wide             [waid]            кең

tourism         [`təurizm]      туризм

important     [im`pə:tənt]    маңызды

cinema         [`sini,ma:]      кинотеатр

theatre          [`θiətə]          театр

museum       [mju:`ziəm]    мұражай

Қолдану(doing  exercises).


Ex- 6, page 31. Look at the photographs on pages 31-32 and answer the questions.

Read about London and translate the text.

Pupils answer the questions


Read about London and translate the text.

Анализ (work with the book)


Method «KWL»

Well done! Now look at the blackboard and say where we are going to travel today.

Yes, you all right. We will travel to London. At first, what do you know about London?

I know

I want to know

I have learnt










 Pupils fill in the table «KWL»

I know

I want to know

I have learnt

Big Ben




Parts of London

About problems

Historic buildings





          England                          Thames

Овал: London


8,6 million                                       St. Paul`s                



The Houses of                      Big Ben

Parliament          Oxford Street

Синтез (conclusion. home task).

5.      Homework.

Ex- 17, page 35. Ask question to Tom about Melbourne. Complete the questions with is or are and use the words from the box.


Ex- 17, page 35. Ask question to Tom about Melbourne. Complete the questions with is or are and use the words from the box.

Бағалау (evalution).


6.      Marking


-exc;  -good;   -sat;

7.      Conclusion

The lesson is over Goodbye!



-exc;                -good;              -sat;


The lesson is over Goodbye!







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Краткое описание документа:

Objectives of the lesson: Сабақтың мақсаты:To teach pupils to tell about visiting big cities and to enlarge pupils` vocabulary on the topic. Improve the skills ofthe correct pronunciation and to cultivate love for their land.Expected results: Оқыту нәтижесі:-Pupils will be able to use topical vocabulary on the speaking To learn to build grammatically correct sentences and match a picture with a word.1.Org. moment Good afternoon pupils. Sit down please.2.Checking home task Ex- 10, page 29. Write about your summer holiday.

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