Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока "Revision the Future Simple Tense"

Конспект урока "Revision the Future Simple Tense"

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Поурочный план

Предмет: Иностранный язык (Английский язык)


















Theme: Revision Grammar Tense (the Future Simple Tense)

The aim of the lesson: 

·         To review the Future Simple Tense

Lesson tasks:

-the educational tasks:

·         to control grammatical skills framed of speech skills;

-the developing tasks:

-to develop the pupils’ memory and attention;
-to develop the pupils’ outlook;

-the bringing-up  tasks:

·         to motivate pupils to studying of English language, to form feeling of morals and tolerance.

The type of the lesson:  Revision

Inter-subject connection: practice of speech, practical grammar.

Duration of the lesson: 45min.


Procedure of the lesson

I. Greeting! Conversation with persons on duty, routine talk with the pupils.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning boys and girls!

S: Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you too.

T-S: Thank you. Sit down, please. I am very glad to see you.

T-S: Who is on duty today? What date is it today?  What day of the week is it today? What season is it now? Is it cold today? What is the weather like today? Etc.

T: Today we are going to review the grammar and what exactly, you have to guess.

II.Warm-up. Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

T-S: Please, be very attentive and listen to the song. It’s a prompting to our lesson’s theme.

Will you remember the dress I wore

Will you remember my face

Will you remember the lip stick I wore

This world is a wonderful place

Will you remember the black limousine

Will you remember champagne

Will you remember the things that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember the flowers in my hand

Will you remember my hair

Will you remember the Future we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember the dress I wore

I won't remember champagne

I won't remember the things that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember

T-S: What can you say about this song? What tense is used in this song?

S1: В песне используется simple future.

T-S Верно. Это время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола "will", либо (что происходит очень редко) при помощи вспомогательного глагола “shall” (Для тех, кто хочет увидеть употребление глагола "shall", отсылаю вас к песне "We shall overcome", внизу). После вспомогательного глагола (will/shall) следует основной глагол. E.g. You will remember - ты будешь помнить

We shall overcome – мы победим

В современном английском в основном используется "will". "Shall" - это более старая форма.

T: Давайте вспомним, как же образуются вопросительное и отрицательное предложения в этом времени.

S-T: Вопрос формируется также как в других временах, т.е. вспомогательный глагол (здесь это “will” или "shall") выносится на первое место, перед местоимением или существительным. E.g. Will you remember? Shall we ovecome?

Отрицание формируется когда “not” вставляется между вспомогательным глаголом (will или shall) и основным глаголом. E.g.

You will not remember

We shall not overcome

T-S: Замечание: "will" + "not" = "won't". Не следует это слово путать со словом "want", хотеть. Звучать эти оба слова одинаково. Различаются по употреблению. Например: "I won't remember the dress I wore" - я не буду помнить платье что я носила. "I want you" - я хочу тебя.

IV.Revision Tenses.

Ex.1 Write down sentences in the Future Simple Tense in 3 forms: affirmative, negative, interrogative.

1. I play the piano very well.

2. Jack plays football very well.

3. You know the answer.

4. She works very hard.

5. They do the same thing every day.

6. A man drives a car.

7. Students check mistakes.

8. They speak English.

9. Do you play a musical instrument?

10. People plant flowers.

Ex.2 Logic thinking: offer your decision in each situation, using "simple future".

E.g. (например) I am too tired to walk home. - > We will take a taxi!

1. It is a bit cold in the room.

2. We don't have any tea!

3. There aren't any cookies left.

4. You feel tired after the lesson.

5. You made 3 resolutions for the New Year:

Ex.3 Write down What will you be or do in 5 years.

Ex.4 Fill in Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

my hair,  Champagne, the flowers, the Future, the lip stick, the things, place, the dress, limousine, my face,

Will you remember _____________ I wore

Will you remember _______________

Will you remember ______________________I wore

This world is a wonderful ___________

Will you remember the black _______________

Will you remember ____________________

Will you remember __________ that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember _____________ in my hand

Will you remember ________________

Will you remember ______________ we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember _________I wore

I won't remember _______________

I won't remember ________________ that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember

Ex.5 Practice your pronunciation, sing the song.

V.Home task

T: Write down your home task. Translate this song and learn it by heart.

VI. Conclusion. Evaluation.

T: What have we learnt today? Children, so it’s high time for us to draw the line of our lesson and to say good bye to each other. You were very active and attentive. Your marks are….  Thank you





















Fill in Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

my hair,  Champagne, the flowers, the Future, the lip stick, the things, place, the dress, limousine, my face.


Will you remember _____________ I wore

Will you remember _______________

Will you remember ______________________I wore

This world is a wonderful ___________

Will you remember the black _______________

Will you remember ____________________

Will you remember __________ that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember _____________ in my hand

Will you remember ________________

Will you remember ______________ we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember _________I wore

I won't remember _______________

I won't remember ________________ that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember



Fill in Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

my hair,  Champagne, the flowers, the Future, the lip stick, the things, place, the dress, limousine, my face.


Will you remember _____________ I wore

Will you remember _______________

Will you remember ______________________I wore

This world is a wonderful ___________

Will you remember the black _______________

Will you remember ____________________

Will you remember __________ that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember _____________ in my hand

Will you remember ________________

Will you remember ______________ we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember _________I wore

I won't remember _______________

I won't remember ________________ that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember



Fill in Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

my hair,  Champagne, the flowers, the Future, the lip stick, the things, place, the dress, limousine, my face.


Will you remember _____________ I wore

Will you remember _______________

Will you remember ______________________I wore

This world is a wonderful ___________

Will you remember the black _______________

Will you remember ____________________

Will you remember __________ that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember _____________ in my hand

Will you remember ________________

Will you remember ______________ we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember _________I wore

I won't remember _______________

I won't remember ________________ that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember



Fill in Song “Will you remember” by Cranberries.

my hair,  Champagne, the flowers, the Future, the lip stick, the things, place, the dress, limousine, my face.


Will you remember _____________ I wore

Will you remember _______________

Will you remember ______________________I wore

This world is a wonderful ___________

Will you remember the black _______________

Will you remember ____________________

Will you remember __________ that we've seen

I will return here again

Will you remember _____________ in my hand

Will you remember ________________

Will you remember ______________ we planned

The world is not waiting out there

I won't remember _________I wore

I won't remember _______________

I won't remember ________________ that we swore

I will just love you in vain

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember



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Краткое описание документа:

Конспект урока на тему повторения будущего простого (неопределенного) времени рассчитан на учащихся разной языковой подготовки. Тип урока: урок повторения, систематизации и обобщения знаний, закрепления умений. За основу урока взята песня, поскольку для многих учащихся подросткового возраста песни современных английских или американских групп представляют особый интерес и мотивируют изучать иностранные языки. Используются упражнения на говорение с использованием слов песни и фантазии учащихся. Такого рода задания внесут разнообразие в урок, а также будут направлены на повышение мотивации учащихся в изучении английского языка.

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