Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока о Великой Отечественной войне "We should remember"(10-11 классы)

Конспект урока о Великой Отечественной войне "We should remember"(10-11 классы)

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Тема урока. «We should remember»





Просветова Марианна Борисовна


Место работы

Московская область, г.Долгопрудный




Учитель английского языка, 2КК



Английский язык





Тема урока

«We should remember», посвященный 70-летию победы в Великой Отечественной войне.


Предметная программа и её автор

О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, ВЭванс «Английский в Фокусе».


Цель  урока:

Обучающие:развивать  навыки  монологической и диалогической речи совершенствовать навыки  образования и использования форм  пассивного залога (PassiveVoice);

Развивающие:развивать умения использовать новую лексику по теме  во всех видах речевой деятельности;

Воспитывающие:- формировать  уважительное отношения к героям ВОВ, способствовать становлению патриотизма учащихся.


Межпредметные связи



Тип урока

Комбинированный(введение и активизация языкового материала, систематизация, обобщение, контроль).



Применяемые технологии,

методы и приёмы

технология интегрированного обучения, ИКТ, технология дифференцированного обучения.



Формы работы

Фронтальная, парная, групповая.


Необходимое оборудование

мультимедийная установка, компьютер, экран, классная доска, раздаточный материал для групповой и парной работы


Структура и ход  урока


14.  Структура и ход урока


Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся








Организация урока

Урок начинается с приветствия учащихся 

.Goodmorningeverybody! It’s nice to see you again.

Goodmorning. We’re glad to see you.

Слайд 1


1. Актуализация знаний.

Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на  эпиграф, написанный на доске (изречение древнегреческого философа Платона):

T: I would like to begin our lesson with the quotation. On the board you can read the words of a famous Greek philosopher Plato. Let’s read and translate them.

T: That’s right. Comment on this phrase, please






T: I fully agree with you. And what anniversary are we celebrating this year?







P1: “People not knowing its past has no future”.  Народ, не знающий своего прошлого, не имеет будущего.

P2: I think, that people should always remember the history of their country.

P3: If we forget tragic past of our country, we can’t make our life happy in the future.

P4:  This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory over the Nazi Germany in World War II.



2. Формулирование темы урока, мотивация учебной деятельности.

T:  So, I’ll try to present the topic of our lesson. Today we are going to speak about the great battles and the great heroes of the Great Patriotic War ; I hope you’ll learn some new interesting facts about war. Also, we‘ll practice new vocabulary and some grammar material.




3. Постановка цели и задач урока

·      We‘ll learn new vocabulary andpractice it in oral speech

·      Use the new words in passive constructions.

·      Learn some new facts about the history of Russia.





Введение новой темы

1) Введение новой лексики.



























2). Развитие монологической речи.


Hа экране демонстрируются фотографии самых решающих сражений Великой Отечественной войны.

T: Look at the pictures and tell me what greatest battles of the war you can remember, when you look at these monuments.

T: Let’s remember the main events of the Great Patriotic war.

  1. Match the date and the event from the table:


Задание и ответы к нему см в Приложении 1.



2. T: Now when we remember the main dates let’s recollect the details of the events. But before you speak we must learn some new words:





3. T: Well, we’re ready to listen about the greatest battles of the War.






P1: The Stalingrad battle, the Sevastopol battle, the Kursk battle….




Учащиеся выполняют задания на карточках (у каждого на парте). По окончании – проводиться взаимопроверка. (Правильные ответы можно вывести на экран).






На экране демонстрируются новые слова по теме. Учащиеся практикуются в правильном произношении слов( см Приложение1).

Учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем.


Учащиеся делают небольшие  заранее подготовленные сообщения о битвах:




Operation Barbarossa 

The Battle of Stalingrad 

The Battle of Kursk 

The Siege of Leningrad

(см  Приложение 1). Во время их рассказа на экране демонстрируются фотографии и картины.





Слайд 2














Слайд 3





Слайд 4





















Слайд 5


Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9


Первичное закрепление, обобщение и систематизациязнаний.

3) развитие навыков работы с текстом и активизация новой лексики

T: Thank you for the information. But I think all of us are interested to know about the battle of Moscow and the events that took place in Moscow Region as it’s our Motherland.

4. You have the cards with some facts about it. Fill in the missing words in the right form from the given list:









Учащиеся работают с текстом на карточках с пропусками новых слов. Затем осуществляется проверка задания с выводом правильных ответов на экран (см Приложение 2).







Слайд 10


Контроль знаний





1.Контроль грамматических навыков использования PassiveVoice

T: In the text you can see some underlined expressions. What can you say about these constructions?

T:You are right. Now come to the board and write how the Passive is formed.

 T: Yes .That’s OK. We’ll have some grammar practice.

5.Make the sentences passive.  You have the sentences on your cards.



P1: As far as I remember these are Passive Constructions


P2:      to be + V3(ed)




Учащиеся выполняют задание. Проверка осуществляется путём фронтального опроса(см Приложение 2). Ответы выводятся на экран.











Слайд 11


2.контроль навыков групповой работы, диалогической и монологической речи.


T: So, now we know what happened on our land during the Great Patriotic War. But it’s time to remember the people who defended our country. Do you know that there are 13 Heroes of the Soviet Union in our native town Dolgoprudny !

6.      To do the next task we’ll divide into two groups. Each group gets a fact file of a hero. You should make up the story and tell it to the class.




Каждая группа  получает задание с FactFile и составляют рассказ о жизни и подвиге героя. Выступают по 2 человека от группы. Во время рассказа на экране демонстрируются портреты героев (Приложение 3).


Слайд 12


Итог урока.


T: Thank you for your stories. I think, we’ll always remember the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War and we’ll never witness such a global war nowadays.

What have you learned and practiced at the lesson?


  • We have learned new words on the topic
  • We have practiced Passive Voice
  • Have learned some interesting facts about the history of Russia.

Слайд 13


Домашнее задание

T: As you know, a lot of teenager took part in the war, helping grown- ups.   For your home task choose one of the pioneer heroes and write a fact file about his heroic deed.




Список используемой литературы:

























Приложение 1.

1.Match the date and the event from the table:

The Main Steps of Great Patriotic War

the Event


Beginning of the war

June – July, 1942

Moscow battle

9 May 1945

Stavropol battle

July – February, 1942 – 1943

Stalingrad battle


Battle at the Arc of Kursk

July – August, 1943

Liberation of Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, the Crimea


The End of the GPW

December, 1941


1.The Main Steps of Great Patriotic War (Answers)

the Event


Beginning of the war


Moscow battle

December, 1941

Stavropol battle

June – July, 1942

Stalingrad battle

July – February, 1942 – 1943

Battle at the Arc of Kursk

July – August, 1943

Liberation of Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, the Crimea


The End of the GPW

9 May 1945


2. NewVocabulary

capture – захватывать;

surround – окружать;

advance – продвигаться;

counterattack – атаковать;

offensive – наступление;

have large losses – иметь большие потери;

casualties – пострадавшие;

defenders – защитники;

bombardment – бомбардировка;

panzer group (army) – танковая армия;

platoon – взвод.

siege – осада, блокада


reduce to rubble - превратить

reinforcement – подкреплениеe

exhaust – истощать

defeat – поражение;

launch – разразиться;

troops – войска;









3. The greatest battles of the war.

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II that began on 22 June 1941. It was the largest military offensive in history. In addition to the large number of troops, it also involved 600,000 motor vehicles and 750,000 horses. Planning for Operation Barbarossa started on 18 December 1940; the secret preparations and the military operation itself lasted almost a year, from spring to winter 1941. . The primary targets of this surprise offensive were the Baltic region, Moscow and Ukraine, with the ultimate goal of ending the 1941 campaign near the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line, from the Caspian to the White Seas .Tactically, the Germans had won some resounding victories and occupied some of the most important economic areas of the country, mainly in Ukraine. Despite these successes, the Germans were pushed back from Moscow.

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943) was a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany  fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd)in the south-western Soviet Union.

The German offensive to capture Stalingrad began in late summer 1942 using the 6th Army and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. The attack was supported by intensive Luftwaffe bombing that reduced much of the city to rubble. The fighting degenerated into building-to-building fighting, and both sides poured reinforcements into the city. By mid-November 1942, the Germans had pushed the Soviet defenders back at great cost into narrow zones generally along the west bank of the Volga River. In another part of the city, a Soviet platoon under the command of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov fortified a four-story building that oversaw a square 300 meters from the river bank, later called Pavlov's House. The soldiers surrounded it with minefields, set up machine-gun positions at the windows and breached the walls in the basement for better communications. The buildin

On 19 November 1942, the Red Army launched Operation Uranus Nazi forces on the flanks were overrun and the 6th Army was cut off and surrounded in the Stalingrad area. Adolf Hitler ordered that the army stay in Stalingrad and make no attempt to break out; instead, attempts were made to supply the army by air and to break the encirclement from the outside. Heavy fighting continued for another two months. By the beginning of February 1943, the Nazi forces in Stalingrad had exhausted their ammunition and food. The remaining elements of the 6th Army surrendered. The battle lasted five months, one week, and three days.

Stalingrad has been described as the biggest defeat in the history of the German Army.  It is often identified as the turning point on the Eastern Front and even the greatest turning point in the Second World War.

The Battle of Kursk was a World War II engagement between German and Soviet forces on the Eastern Frontnear Kursk in the Soviet Union during July and August 1943. The German offensive was code-named Operation Citadel  and led to one of the largest armoured clashes in history, the Battle of Prokhorovka.. For the Germans, the battle represented the final strategic offensive they were able to mount in the east. For the Soviets, the decisive victory gave the Red Army the strategic initiative for the rest of the war.“Stalingrad was the end of the beginning, but the Battle of Kursk was the beginning of the end” —said the prime minister of the UK  Winston Churchill.



The Siege of Leningrad, also known as the Leningrad Blockade  was a prolonged military operation undertaken by the German Army Group North against Leningrad—historically and currently known as Saint Petersburg—in the Eastern Front theatre of World War II. The siege started on 8 September 1941, when the last road to the city was severed. Although the Soviets managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the siege was finally lifted on 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. It was one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history . The city was completely isolated until 20 November 1941, when the ice road over Lake Ladoga became operational.

This road was named the Road of Life (RussianДорогажизни). As a road it was very dangerous. There was the risk of vehicles becoming stuck in the snow or sinking through broken ice caused by the constant German bombardment. Because of the high winter death toll the route also became known as the "Road of Death". However, the lifeline did bring military and food supplies in and took civilians and wounded soldiers out, allowing the city to continue resisting their enemy.

The diary of Tanya Savicheva, a girl of 11, her notes about starvation and deaths of her sister, then grandmother, then brother, then uncle, then another uncle, then mother. The last three notes say "Savichevs died", "Everyone died" and "Only Tanya is left." She died of progressive dystrophy shortly after the siege. Her diary was shown at the Nuremberg trials.





Приложение 2

The Battle Of Moscow



4. Fill in the missing words in the right form from the given list:

objective ,troops, offensive, take place, defence, liberate, crossing.

 The Battle of Moscow  …  … between October 1941 and January 1942. The Soviet defensive effort frustrated Hitler's attack on Moscow, capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the largest Soviet city. Moscow was one of the primary  military and political …..  for Nazi forces in their invasion of the Soviet Union. The German strategic  …. Was named Operation Typhoon.

 In November 1941 the German panzer and infantry divisions were concentrated in the narrow front between town Rogochev and st. Lobnya  in order to capture the road-transport …. and railway bridge near the st.Khlebnikovo and advance to Moscow alone Dmitrov roadway. On the5th of December the counterattack of Soviet Army began. As a result of which the Nazi Forces were destroyed and the territory of Moscow Region …. .

The Soviet forces conducted a strategic ….  of the Moscow Oblast by constructing  three  defensive belts, deploying newly raised reserve armies, and bringing …. from the Siberian and Far Eastern Military Districts. Subsequently, as the German offensives were halted, a Soviet strategic counter-offensive and smaller-scale offensive operations were executed to force the German armies back to the positions around the cities of Oryol, Vyazma and Vitebsk, nearly surrounding three German armies in the process.




4. Fill in the missing words in the right form(Answers)

The Battle of Moscow took place between October 1941 and January 1942. The Soviet defensive effort frustrated Hitler's attack on Moscow, capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the largest Soviet city. Moscow was one of the primary military and political objectives for Nazi forces in their invasion of the Soviet Union. The German strategic offensive was named OperationTyphoon

In November 1941 the German panzer and infantry divisions were concentrated in the narrow front between town Rogochev and st.Lobnya  in order to capture the road-transport crossing and railway bridge near the st.Khlebnikovo and advance to Moscow alone Dmitrov roadway. On the5th of December the counterattack of Soviet Army began. As a result of which the Nazi Forces were destroyed and the territory of Moscow Region was liberated.The Soviet forces conducted a strategic defence of the Moscow Region by constructing  three  defensive belts, deploying newly raised reserve armies, and bringing troops from the Siberian and Far Eastern Military Districts. Subsequently, as the German offensives were halted, a Soviet strategic counter-offensive and smaller-scale offensive operations were executed to force the German armies back to the positions around the cities of Oryol, Vyazma and Vitebsk, nearly surrounding three German armies in the process.



5. Make the sentences passive.  You have the sentences on your cards.

1. Germany attacked the Soviet Union on the 22nd of June 1941.

2. They bomb the peaceful villages and cities  like Brest and Kiev.

3. Millions of people defended their Motherland.

4. The Soviet Command concentrate all the forces to defend Moscow.

     5. Citizens of Khlebnikovo and Alexandrovo  dug an antitank ditch.

6. They placed the antiaircraft guns on the banks of the Moskva Canal.

7. Nowadays people honour the memory of the war soldiers.

8. People erect a lot of memorials to honour the memory of  those who died in the war.

9. The Soviet Command awarded the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union to 11 633 people.

10. We remember those soldiers who gave their lives for our Motherland.


5. Make the sentences passive. (Answers).

 1 The Soviet Union was attacked by Germany on the 22nd of June 1941.

2 The peaceful villages and cities like Brest and Kiev were bombed.

3. OurMotherland wasdefended bymillions of people.

4.All the forces wereconcentratedby the Soviet Command to defend Moscow.

5. An antitank ditch was dug by the citizens of Khlebnikovo and Alexandrovo  .

6. The antiaircraft guns were placed on the banks of  theMoskva Canal.

7.The memory of the war soldiers is honoured  nowadays .

8. A lot of memorials are erected to honour the memory  of  those who died in the war.

9.The name of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 11 633 people.

10.Those soldiers who gave their lives for our Motherland are remembered.












Приложение 3.


Name: Sobin Vasiliy

Birthday: 07/08/23

Born in: in Belgorod Region in the family of a worker.

School :nine forms.

Young years: 1940- lived and worked in Dolgoprudny.

                        1942- graduated from Higher Aviation College and gone to the front.

Profession: pilot.

War years: lieutenant, squadron commander of 88th Fighter Aircraft Regiment.  

                     ( командир эскадрильи истребительного полка)

Heroic deeds: 375 fighting flights;

                         122 air battles;

 destroyed 15 German planes;

7 February 1944 : in Kertch destroyed a bomber, got 9 wounds.

Date of death: 8/02/44.

19 August 1944: awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously (посмертно)

Honour:  the name of the central square in Dolgoprudny




Name: Nikolay Gastello

Birthday: 06/05/07

Born in: in Moscow in the family of a worker.

School : five forms.

Young years: 1930- lived  inKhlebnikovo.

                        1932- entered  Lugansk Military Aviation School.

                        1933- graduated, captain of AF(Air Forces), took part in the Finnish War

and  Khalkhin Gol

Profession: pilot.

War years: 26/06/41 was destroyed in the air battle and bumped his burning aircraft into

enemy’s dislocation bunch, so the enemy had large losses.



Date of death: 26/06/41.

27 July 1941: awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously (посмертно)

Honour:  the name of the street and school 3 in Khlebnikovo.

                       Museum in schoo №3.


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Краткое описание документа:

План-конспект урока выполнен по требованиям ФГОС. В год 70-летия победы в Великой Отечественной войне тематика урока "We should remember" очень актуальна, тем более, что она не затрагивается ни одним современным учебником. В рамках развития языковой коммуникативной компетенции, учащиеся должны уметь рассказывать об истории своей страны и излагать свои мысли по этой важной теме на английском языке. Поэтому урок будет интересен как преподавателям, так и их ученикам. Это комбинированный урок на котором учащиеся знакомятся с новой лексикой по теме "Великая Отечественная война", отрабатывают её в лексико-грамматических упражнениях, а так же повторяют грамматическую тему "Passive Voice"(Пассивный Залог) на новом лексическом материале. Во время урока ребята работают индивидуально и в группах. Особенно интересным является задание по развитию монологической речи, где учащимся предлагается составить рассказ по кратким данным(Factfile) о герое. Все необходимые материалы и ответы к заданиям находятся в приложениях к уроку. К уроку прилагается презентация с иллюстрациями и ответами к заданиям.

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Эффективные стратегии текстовых коммуникаций в бизнесе

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе