Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты"Education In Great Britain"

"Education In Great Britain"

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Lesson              Grade:6

The them: Education In Great Britain



Explain the system of education in Great Britain.
  Developing pupils speaking, writing, reading skills. 
Translate the text.


                            Procedure of the lesson.                                                                                                                       I.Org moment.  

- Good afternoon, dear children! I’m very glad to see you.

- Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

- What date  is it today? What day is it today?

- What season is it now? What month?

- What the weather like today?                                                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   II. Checking up the home-task:

What was your home task?

Your home task was “  to learn by heart a poem   ”  .  

Are you ready for the lesson?

III. Speech drill        

Live and learn

It’s never late to learn

Practice  makes  perfect

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today 

Knowledge – power

New them: Education In Great Britain


Junior бастауыш                                                                                                                                            Nurseryбалабақша                                                                                                                                        Primaryнегізгі мектеп                                                                                                                             Secondaryорта мектеп                                                                                                                                            Privateжеке меншік                                                                                                                                    

Public schoolжеке меншік мектебі                                                                                                                           State schoolмемлекеттік мектеп                                                                                                                  Boarding schoolинтернат                                                                                                                                                                       All-boys schoolер балаларға арналған мектеп


STATE                        PRIVATE (PUBLIC)                                                                                                        SCHOOLS                     SCHOOLS                                                                                                                        ( 90% )                                 (10 %)

  3 stages of education:

PRIMARY      (5-11)

SECONDARY    (11-16)

FURTHER      (16-18)


1.      Listening the text

P R I M A R Y   E D U C A T I O N

All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years.  They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then  junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school  but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free.More than 90%  of British children attend state schools.

SECONDARY  EDUCATION                                                                                                                                          After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school. Children study compulsory (core) subjects:

          English, Literature


         IT (information technology)

         Religious Education

and optional courses:

         one foreign language

         one science subject

         one art subject



         PE (physical education)

         Design and Technology

SCHOOL UNIFORM                                                                                                                                                                           A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best public schools. But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms first came to schools for the poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms                                                                                    

SCHOOL   RULES                                                                                                                                                             

         Be polite

         Say hello when you see a teacher

         Come to school on time

         Stand up when a teacher comes into the class

         Wear your school uniform

         Don’t eat or drink in the classroom

         Don’t run in the corridors

         Don’t bring mobile phones to class

         Don’t talk to people in lessons                                                                                             




3  - 5 years

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 years

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 – 7 years 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 – 11 years 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 – 16 years 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 – 18 years 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Answer my questions. 

  1. How old were you when you started school?
  2. Which subjects do you study at school?
  3. Do you have to wear a uniform?
  4.  Are there school rules at your school?
  5.  What is good in your school?
  6.  What are you going to do after finishing school?


            Артикль қолданылады:                                                                                                                                                       -әрбір жалпы есім алдында.

Артикль қолданылмайды, егер зат есім алдында:

-          сілтеу немесе тәуелдеу есімдіктері,

-          тәуелдеу септігінде басқа зат есім,

-          есептік сан есім,

-          no болымсыздығы тұрса.

Мысалы: This is my book. I have no book. It’s teacher’s book.

Зат туралы бірінші рет айтқанда белгісіз артикль а (an) қолданылады. Осы затты екінші рет айтқанда белгілі артикль the қолданылады.  

Белгісіз артикль.

Белгісіз артикль бір класқа жататын заттардың ішіндегі бірі деген мағынадағы зат есімнің алдында қолданылады.

Мысалы: I bought a book yesterday.(сондай заттардың бірін) I have an apple. (бір)

Егер де сөз дауыссыз дыбыстан басталса, онда сөздің алдында а [ә] артиклі қойылады.

Мысалы: а table үстел, a book кітап

Егер сөз дауысты дыбыстан басталса, онда сөздің алдына аn [әn] артиклі қойылады.

Мысалы: an apple алма, an old man шал, қарт адам.

            Белгісіз артикль тек жекеше түрдегі саналатын зат есімдердің алдаында тұрады. Саналмайтын зат есімдер мен көпше түрдегі зат есімдердің алдында артикль қолданылмайды.

Белгісіз артикль қолданылмайды:

а) саналмайтын және «дерексіз» зат есімдермен:

I like coffee and tea. Friendship is very important in our life.

б) көпше түрдегі зат есімдермен:

these are the nicest cars I have ever seen.

в) жалқы есімдермен:

I told Jane about that.

г) өзінен кейін есептік сан есім қолданылған зат есіммен:

I have read page eight of the magazine.

Белгісіз артикль а келесі құрылымдарда қолданылады:

I have a …               This is a …                      I am a …

I see a …                  There is a …                   He is a …


Белгілі артикль  the

Белгілі артикль the бір класқа тән заттардың бірін немесе бірнешеуін бөліп көрсетеді.

The book I bought yesterday was interesting. – Кеше мен сатып алған кітап қызықты болды. (бұл айтушы бір кластан бөліп алған заттың белгілісі)

Белгілі артикль the саналатын да, саналмайтын да зат есімдермен, жекеше және көпше түрдегі зат есімдермен қолданылады.

Мысалы: This is a book. The book is interesting. (жекеше түрдегі саналатын зат есім)

This is meat. The meat is fresh. (саналмайтын зат есім)

These are books. Тhe books are good. (көпше түр)

Егер сөз дауыссыз дыбыстан басталса, онда белгілі артикль  the [ðә] болып айтылады.

Мысалы: Тhe table [ ðә teibl]

       The book [ðә buk]

Егер сөз дауысты дыбыстан басталса, онда белгілі артикль  the [ði:] болып айтылады.

Мысалы: The apple [ði: әе рl], the old man [ði: ould mәе n]

Exercise 1  a \ an\  the

  1. This is … book.
  2. I have … sister. My sister is … engineer. My sister’s  husband is … doctor.
  3.  Would you like …orange?
  4. I can see … pencil on your … table, but I can see no … paper.
  5. This is … pen.    … pen is red.
  6. 2. These are pencils.  … pencils are black
  7. 3. This is … soup. … soup is tasty.
  8. 4. In the morning I eat … sandwich and drink … tea.
  9. 5. She gave me … coffee and … cake. … coffee was hot. … cake was tasty.


Hometask: Good reading








P R I M A R Y   E D U C A T I O N

All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years.  They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then  junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school  but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free. More than 90%  of British children attend state schools.

SECONDARY  EDUCATION                                                                                                                                          After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school.

SCHOOL UNIFORM                                                                                                                                                                           A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best public schools. But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms first came to schools for the poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms        

P R I M A R Y   E D U C A T I O N

All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years.  They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then  junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school  but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free.More than 90%  of British children attend state schools.

SECONDARY  EDUCATION                                                                                                                                          After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school.

SCHOOL UNIFORM                                                                                                                                                                           A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best public schools. But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms first came to schools for the poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms                                                                                    

  P R I M A R Y   E D U C A T I O N

All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years.  They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then  junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school  but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free.More than 90%  of British children attend state schools.

SECONDARY  EDUCATION                                                                                                                                          After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school.

SCHOOL UNIFORM                                                                                                                                                                           A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best public schools. But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms first came to schools for the poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms                                                                                    


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