Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыThe history of the State symbology R.K. История государственных символов Республики Казахстан.

The history of the State symbology R.K. История государственных символов Республики Казахстан.

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The history of the State symbology R.K.

История государственных символов  Республики Казахстан.

The Aim of the research is:

To show in study that selected symbols reflect the deep headwaters to traditions of


The Problems of the research:

To analyze the literature,

Study the laws of Kazakhstan Republic of state symbols.

Study the history root

Explain value of the state symbology

The Hypothesis:

If study the history an element symbol, that possible track the direct relationship with

ancient symbol limit Kazakh.

The Conclusion: given research has shown that purpose aim is reached because aim

and tasks obosnovany

The State symbology as unique phenomenon has a deep history root and is closely connected with development of the civilizations. Its appearance, formation and conservation are conditioned important social and information function. Designing element of its contentsis defined such necessary parameter, as period, space, varied ways and types of communication.

The State symbology possible to consider as своеобразную coding, comprehensible all or majority of the representatives one or another culture ambiences. She as carrier by person on nature, contents and importance for concrete subject of information not only serves the communication aim but As well as enables that, subject to realize and demonstrate before other their own particularities, inimitable originality, essence its "I" ("I am a state)

The Personal emblems of the rulers and know; aware, named later standard were saved and developed as one of the type of a flag.

At history chronically ill person possible to find the mentions about the personal symbol of the rulers of the Ancient Orient. The White colour were an ensign of east kagan' and white Hun, golden Horde and storied Kazakh khan - Abylay.

In Russian symbol broad spreading have received the pictures an image luminary, cross and emblem. The Symbol two-headed hollered, became later by emblem to Russia, for the first time upon Light brown appeared upon Ivan III The Explanation of the meaning emblem concern engages in with specially prepared people - heralds. The Decryption emblem is identified blazon.

The Term «emblem" primordial expressed the notion of the discriminating sign, inherited king and ruler state, territory and different complexion to property. Such meaning has a Kazakh word "tamba" (тамга). Interpretation is given in famous dictionary of Mahmud Kashkari this term as discriminating sign of the ruler. There was time when and Russian prince used him instead of word «emblem". About this witness, in particular, deed Father Petr I- Aleksey Mihaylovich. In she meets the expression   collection of tamga to importance heraldic tax. The Word customs, hitherto is used in Russian language, derives from reductions of the word-combination "tamba bashy" that in translation literally means "гербовый collection. In chronicle scientist XIII-XIV vv. Rashid -a hell dyne there is information about of that, as ruler Oguzhan has distributed their own holdings to sons. Herewith he delivered him tamga of king. The Third son, domain of edge of pampa, for instance, was got tamga with image of eagle.


The Known history facts, when Kazakh chieftain its political agreement has clamped by scissor on stone lash of Ulutau Mountains their own generic and the personal tamga. This place named "Tanbaly stone", has important symbolic importance in history memory of folk and deep respectable beside Kazakhs in whole world.

The Term hymn at translation with Greek means the solemn canto on poetry of the programmed nature. Usually they had three sides structure. The Call towards deity, myth about him, prayer with request about help.

The First hymns, glorifying god and heroes, arose in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Write the religious a canto in honour of god - a prototype present hymn - was considered privilege elected. Describing in its directory ancient music instrument urra, the known ethnographer and collector national instrument A. Eyhgorn voices the suggestion about origin of his name from Kazakh word "?wounds". The Scientist points to the fact, this word means usually several times reiterative short tune, which play softly on wind instrument during collection on special triumph and hunt, as call military camp.

Official statement state symbol has its history. The President N. Nazarbaev June 4 1992 has signed the laws "About State flag of the Republic Kazakhstan ", "About national emblems of the Republic Kazakhstan", and "About music editorial of the State hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan

But July 6 in building of Almaty theatre of the opera and ballet of the name Abaya took place the-solemn ceremony, denoted presentation state symbol republics. In this day on residence of the President and building of the SUPREME SOVIET of the Republic Kazakhstan was lifted State flag, is installed blazon. In 6 months, 11.12.92 was approved text State gym.


The Flag

On language of vecsilolog and geraldist this colour is a carrier such notion, as probity, impeccability, faithfulness and hope, as well as the world), tranquility and welfare. He symbolizes our established and is one of that seeds colour, which form the unique palette of rainbow.

The Tranquility showers, ingenuous frankness in relations with people, faith in good -these quality, distinguishing folk are too encoded in symbolic importance's celestial-blue colour. The Word blue upon Kazakh language is a root of many other words, in accordance with such concept, as life, renovation, happiness, death, time and height. As well as he is one of the main linguistically notion on Kazakh language not only but also in the whole Turkic group of the languages. What the history witnesses, Turkic rulers and aristocrats in VI century. Veins in blue nomad's tent were dressed at cloth of the blue colour. And folk of great kaganat named itself not merely of Turk, but blue Turk that in their understanding emphasized ostensibly not terrestrial, but divine origin limit.

And totem their not simply " 6epi»(wolf),or «кек 6epi " (the blue wolf)

Celestial (Sky; Heavenly)-blue flags in (different timeless raised Turkic kaganat (552-630, 682-743r.r.),  Great Selidzhuk kaganat (1040-1157 ), state of Tamerlan (1368-1501), some khans and warrior Kazakh kingdom.


The one colored flag- not accident. At it reveals itself the idea to state wholeness of country.

The   Word   "кек"   on   Ancient   Turkic   language   has   importance   "orient", "east(oriental)". So, colour of the flag else and is sort of media to geographical information. It as it were on language of the heraldry; talks to whole

 world that Kazakhstan is located in the east globe, it is a representative of the east oriental culture, which root leave in great original, distinctive civilization.

Geologists consider that image of sun personifies, embodies the wealth, richness and profusion. The Circle, which graphic is expressed this image, is a symbol of life.

On territory of Kazakhstan are found words at the wall with image of sun and its rays ("the sun headed deity", firmaments and etc), referring to(towards) VII-IV vv. Before CD, culture from time of saks-scyth .

The Image hollered is usually perceived as symbol authorities, saga cities and generosity. Earlier under its scene were emphasized ravenous devil and bellicose of the pose as manifestation of power and earthy remains. On flag

Kazakhstan this image has found in fundamentally new artistic decision. In the first of glass dashes tranquil, peace nature drawing fig. Secondly, he is located under sun and as it were on their own wing carries, sustains the fire Prometheus, light of happiness. In the third it astir - flies towards its fondest purpose.

Is it hereunder expressed longing of folk fortunately and prosperity, towards height civilization.

With image hollered in national world outlook of the Kazakhs is associated from such notions, as liberty, recalcitrance, feeling value, courage, high ideals, width, latitude showers and purity thoughts.


The Scene hollered with melted wing possible to see on the head of attire gallant leader ancient тюрков Kyuli-Tegina, his marble statue, erected in 731. This not merely ornamentation, but attribute of authorities.

One more element of the state flag is located at staff of vertical band with national ornament famous saks since times of the culture, often meets in modern architectural buildings design, buildings, for instance, Theatre of the opera and ballet of the name

Abaya in Almaty. On the best project of the state flag was contributed and looked 453 outlines. In total, was approved and contributed on session of the SUPREME SOVIET of the republic functioning the author's group, in composition of the architect SH.I.VALIHANOVA, artist SH.O.NIYAZBEKOVA. public deputy of the republic, designer T.Bimasheva and artist E.M. Tulepbaeva.

The Order of the official use the State flag is adjusted by position of the Edict of the President RK "About state symbol of the Republic Kazakhstan

The State flag is fixed on building of the Residences of the President RK, Parliament and Government, ministry and other central executive organ, as well as state organ, directly subordinated and accountable

President RK, Constitutional Advice SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT and the other court General Public prosecutor's office, National Academy of the sciences, local executive organ, as well as on building diplomatic and trade representation, consular institutions, establishments every time.

Without fall constant presence of the State flag at cabinet of the President RK, in common-room, where are conducted joint and underbars session meetings of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Parliament, Chamber Agency meeting of the parliament, Government in common-room of the meeting of the Constitutional advice and etc.

The Flag rises in soldierly join and a part of armed power, Republican Guard when taking the oath, on building state organ and organization- at day of the National holiday of the country, in festive days.

The Blazon 245 Functioning's were offered on the best draft of the blazon, one of them author who were ZH.M. Malibekov, SH.I. Valihanov, finally and was offered for discussing on sessions republican parliament.

All detail of the National emblem Kazakhstan located inwardly circle and in combination with scene main element - shanurak with uuk in the manner of solar rays - create as it were cosmos of the world. Exactly assotiation of the thoughts is bound with such perception about life's in general house all of Kazakhstan inhabitance, with feeling of the general Motherland. Found artistic decision is harmonious and unique.

With notion "кара шанырак" are bound many traditional rituals, coming before our days. For instance, going to distant way or proceeding with important deal, it is necessary to get blessing in this house, master he has a privilege at decision important questions.

The Image of shanurak ii national emblems of the republic - an image of the general building of all people, living in Kazakhstan. Happiness in depends on welfares each, as toughness shanurak depends on reliability its uuk the full tilt.

One more important heraldic detail attends present In blazon of Kazakhstan. This image is myth horses. For this sign were bolted such notions as bravery of lion, vision hollered, sagacity and strong will. On blazon is expressed not simply horse, but horse with wing. This is connected with that, that it, as detail state attribute, performs the role of the carrier determined to ideas.

Daydream of multinational folk Kazakhstan is bound with symbolic wing about building strong and prospering state. It also certificate of the purity thoughts and longings on way towards improvement and achievement to harmonies in society, with nature and world civilization.

The Image of winged horses known with old times. In Avesta (I before A.D.) meets the mentioning about folk aurochs, a nomadic life on the winged horse. Some researchers interface the word "aurochs" with synonym of «the Turkic" and history toponymom "Turan". The Scene of winged horses meets in the walls of mountains and monument of the applied arts so named "beast stiletto", belonged to Scythian-sarmat to culture. At excavation Pazyryk burial mound on Altai is found headdress of headman, on which is expressed fantastic horse, rising deceased reigning on the sky. The Cloth famous "gilded warrior" from Issyk burial mound also decorates figured winged horses.

The Horn also has a symbolic importance. With expression "horn" on Kazakh language (мушз) express such notions, as power, courage and brave. The Scene and subjects in the manner of horns was earlier used культовых rite and as ferrules soldierly banner. The Symbols celestial abundance, fertilities and good luck in the manner of horns always placed on most top, since they, in presentation nomad, linked with "World Mountain"

Thereby, appearing at first thought strange, unusual winged horse with horn is typological image, which has a deep history root. In National emblems of the republic imagine two mythical of the horse, and they as it were save shanurak with two parties. They also brightly convey the idea servings to our general house - a Motherjand. Keep the Motherland as eyes and is dedicated to serve her -here is one of the important elevated leitmotif, mortgaged mythical in image of horses.

The scene five-pointed star is present in National emblems as symbol authorities, light, Leading on life's purposes, longings towards elevated and eternity star is used by mankind with old times. The Scene of the five-pointed star possible to encounter on the wall of stone drawing the Ancient Turks of time, in particular on monuments storied colonel Kyuli - Teginu (731 A.D.) Between notion "star" and "number five" there is deep profound semantic and symbolic relationship. The Quintuple is a most high criterion of the truth and fairness. The Scene of the star in national emblems of the country expresses and our fondest daydream - as original sovereign state be joined to caravan modern, high educated society, be opened to all state and folk all five continents.

The Name of the country too is linguistically by symbolic sign state. The Term "Kazakstan" (казак" - a self-designation этноса, "figure" (Persian.) -a country as name state, connected with Kazakh, meets in many history source. The Geographical term "Kazahiya" is used by byzantine emperor Konstantin Porfirorod. In Chinese chronicle "History dynasty Tan possible to read: Persians in the east to border of the tohar and kanli, but in the north of their live Turkic ulus - kasa (one of the varieties of the name of the Kazakhs, meeting in ancient source) "For Zakhiey -writes he, is found Panagiya, after Panagieyu Kazahiya, after Kazahieyu Kavkazkie mountains, but for them fatherland Alanov". In book of the arabic traveller and writer All -Aufi "Collection elected tale and legends (1228)" there is such line: "In the Altai live karluk. They are divided on nine ulus and amongst them three tribes "shigil" and three ulus "Kazakhs".

Really, history our governments take it's beginning from depth of the ages. She is closely connected with fate Great steppe.

The Primary color used in blazon this colour gold. On heraldic canon, the gold serves the symbol a wealth, justice and magnanimity.

The Order of the official use the State flag is adjusted by position of the Edict of the President RK "About state symbol of the Republic Kazakhstan The State flag is fixed on building of the Residences of the President RK, Parliament and Government, ministry and other central executive organ, as well as state organ, directly subordinated and accountable

President RK, Constitutional Advice SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT and the other court General Public prosecutor's office, National Academy of the sciences, local (regional) executive organ, as well as on building diplomatic and trade(commercial) representation, consular institutions, establishments every time. Without fall constant presence of the State flag at cabinet of the President RK, in common-room, where are conducted joint and underbars session meetings of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Parliament, Chamber Agency meeting of the parliament, Government in common-room of the meeting of the Constitutional advice and etc. The Flag rises in soldierly join and a part of armed power, Republican Guard when taking the oath, on building state organ and organization- at day of the National holiday of the country, in festive days.

Use image of blazon on form, seal and the other requisition негосударственных organization and their executives is forbidden by legislation. Chapter 3 Articles 7 of blazons.

The Standard of the president represents itself width of the blue colour, square-wave form. Tn the centre of the rectangle is found golden circle, in which is inserted figure young Leader epochs of sacs with lifted by right-hand man sitting on winged snow leopard. On hand of the rider bangle and amulet, on head pointed hat. The Scenes of the rider and snow leopard of the colour gild, under snow leopard is located(situated) scene snow version.

According to order of the official use, the standard "... is fixed in Residences of the residence chapters state in capital and other places during stay in them President of the Republic, on transport facility of the President of the Republic. On solemn and other ceremony state flag country is fixed with participation chapter's state or standard of the President of the Republic

One more official sign of the difference of the high executive state in our country is an thoracic sign of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Official approval state symbol has its history. The President N. Nazarbaev in the 4lh of June   in 1992 has signed the jurisdictions "About State flag of the Republic Kazakhstan ", "About national emblems of the Republic Kazakhstan", and "About music editing of the State hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan

But July 6 in building of Almaty theatre of the opera and ballet of the name Abay took place the solemn ceremony , denoted presentation state symbols of republic. At this day above residence of the President and building of the SUPREME SOVIET of the Republic Kazakhstan was lifted State flag, is installed blazon. In 6 months, 11.12.92, was approved text State hymn.

Hereinafter position these document were systematized in special edict of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan, which has power of the constitutional jurisdictions "About state symbols of Republic of Kazakhstan" from 24.01.96

The Edict consists of 5 chapters containing 14 articles: "General provisions", "State flag of the Republic Kazakhstan", "National emblem of the Republic Kazakhstan", and "State hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan", » Final position".

The first hymn was changed because its music and words were very difficult. In the 7lh of January 2006 Constitutiona Jurisdictionsl Republics Kazakhstan "About contributing the change and additions in Edict of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan", having power of the law "About State symbol of the Republic Kazakhstan" is accepted new hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan on word of ZHumeken Naznimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev and music of Shamshi Kaldayakov.


By the law, State hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan is performed at opening and closing session Parliament of the Republic Kazakhstan; at opening of the solemn meetings and meeting National holiday of the Republic Kazakhstan and noted in republic to festive days; at opening(discovery) monument, the monument, obelisk and other buildings in commemoration the most important history event in life's of folk Kazakhstan; when lifting the state flag during ceremony, the solemn action conducted state organ, as well as public associations and other organization of the Republic Kazakhstan.

The State symbols are an intellectual property state. Such right of our country on National emblem and State flag Kazakhstan is registered worldwide organization to intellectual property. According to taken international rate, now it right will be protected by law in 130 countries, joined towards Parisian convince.

The Respect towards state symbol pertains towards number of the important constitutional rates. In presidential edict "About state symbol of the Republic Kazakhstan" is said that people of the Republic Kazakhstan, is either as person, residing on her its territory, are obliged(obligated) to honour the State flag, National emblem and State hymn of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In international practical person historically formed and is officially cultivated particular valid attitude towards state attribute. It falls into number of the obligatoryrates, adjusting minute official visit heads of state.

Upon their meeting and wire rises the flag and is performed hymn of the country, which they present.   For attached case acquaintance with any other country, as usually, beginswith studies their official symbolic.

The Attitude towards state symbology reflects the degree of the respect to one or another country. Any tipoff s on contempt of the official nature are estimated as manifestation, development of the disrespect and can cause determined, but sometimes and the most serious, complications in interstate relations.

The Base of such approach to symbol is their special value in national consciousness and civil identifications. As is well known, under canopy flag and blazon, with solemn cantos' on mouth people went on the most great exploits. The Gallant land passages and seafarers, making great discoveries, installed its country on unexplored previously lands signs. The Manly patriots under national banners fought for liberty of their Motherland. Through considerable test passed many folk, previously thanhave conquered the right on its state symbolic.

In Kazakhstan presently at a rate of public consciousness suits the natural process of the individual perception image new state symbol and transformation them in the personal spiritual valuables of the people of the country. This - natural need, when in histories of the formation of the state sovereignty official confession its attribute precedes their firm identification in consciousness of people.

Public confession image state attribute in consciousness of the people are a necessary warranty of the development valid attitude to him. Exactly more firm national traditions are born in such events, connected with practice of the direct use official symbol and different ideas, having, attitude to them.

To respect state symbol of the country is a constitutional rate. 34 - an article to Constitutions of the Republic Kazakhstan states: "Every obliged to respect the state symbols". In edict of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan "About State symbols of the Republic Kazakhstan " is also determined that people of the country, is a person, residing on its territory, are obliged to honour the national emblem of the Republic Kazakhstan, state flag of the Republic Kazakhstan and state hymn of the Republic Kazakhstan. Their propaganda and shaping at people valid relations to him imputed duties Government Republics Kazakhstan, Akim of regions, city of republican importance and capital.

Без имени-2

The Valid attitude to state symbol, as realized civil position serves as efficient motivational nucleus of the high patriotism, love to Motherland and preference its interest. To fortifications such positions and education determined voluptuous - a behavioral imperatives, important is a study state attribute. It is necessary to remember that official symbols always render and will render the certain influence upon shaping the ideas of state and corresponding to valuable orientation in consciousness of the people, unbringing the spirit to civilizations and culture.

According analyzing literature we can see that elements of our state symbols are taken from ancient of our ancestors. I reach all of the tasks which I have put before myself.


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Ознакомить учащихся с достижениями страны, с укреплением независимости Республики Казахстан


·        Показать, что укрепление независимости – основной смысловой стержень деятельности всех государственных органов.

·        Доказать, что своими успехами Казахстан обязан стабильности, характеризующей политическую, экономическую, социальную жизнь страны


20-летие Независимости - это возможность осмыслить наши достижения, определить задачи на будущее. Празднование юбилея должно способствовать укреплению казахстанской государственности и патриотизма. Встретить его следует новыми свершениями в экономике, социальной сфере, науке и культуре.

Когда-то для большинства населения планеты Казахстан был неизвестной землей. Для одних это были бесконечные пустыни, для других – дорога длинною от Акмолы до Каспия. Ныне на мировой карте утвердилось новое государство - Республика Казахстан, авторитет которого крепнет с каждым годом. 20 лет с момента провозглашения суверенитета страны пролетели стремглав и стали основой, несокрушимым фундаментом новейшей истории и будущего Казахстана. Нам есть что вспомнить. Были сложные времена, которые казахстанцы пережили с достоинством, сохранив мир и согласие. А потом наступило время ярких побед, блестящих дебютных выступлений молодого государства на мировой арене. Пришло время признания. И теперь Казахстан – пример успешно развивающегося государства с колоссальными перспективами.

Нам есть чем гордиться. Каждый казахстанец приложил немало усилий для того, чтобы добиться успеха. И Концепция празднования 20-летия Независимости Казахстана, утвержденная Президентом страны Нурсултаном Назарбаевым, по его словам, это возможность осмыслить наши достижения, определить задачи на будущее. Празднование юбилея должно способствовать укреплению казахстанской государственности и патриотизма.

«Двадцать вершин Независимости»- так называется ударная 20 –дневка, проходящая в рамках Концепции празднования юбилея.


20 лет в человеческой жизни - не мало,

В твоей жизни, страна – это миг.

Не из фильмов о тяжком труде ты узнала,

О реформах прочла не из книг.

Пусть наш дом будет светел и веселы дети,

Мирных дней пусть идет караван,

Пусть вовеки не будет войны на планете,

Достархан, мол, болсын, Казахстан!


И сегодня мы с вами вспомним и поговорим о некоторых из знаменательных дат в истории нашей страны.


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Стартап: стратегия, развитие, и инвестиции

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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