Инфоурок Иностранные языки Презентации8 класс; урок-обобщение на тему "Visiting the USA"

8 класс; урок-обобщение на тему "Visiting the USA"

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  • Class 8 A

English Teacher Volyntseva E.E.
Visiting the USA

    1 слайд

    Class 8 A

    English Teacher Volyntseva E.E.

    Visiting the USA

  • soundsa:                                   ae...

    2 слайд


    a: ae au ou
    large nationality mountain Mexico
    part grand proud ocean
    Chicago canyon about coast
    carton Canada aloud flow
    valley Moscow

    ei u: ai o
    state soon island Australia
    skyscraper Moon mighty rocky
    plain lie Colorado
    samе wild continent
    chain Ireland historic

  • 3 слайд

  • America is wonderful and very interesting.

    4 слайд

    America is wonderful and very interesting.

  • The New World

    5 слайд

    The New World

  • Billy BoyOh, where have you been,
 Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
 Oh, where have you...

    6 слайд

    Billy Boy
    Oh, where have you been,
    Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
    Oh, where have you been,
    Charming Billy?

    I have been to seek a wife,
    She's the joy of my life,
    She's a young thing
    And cannot leave her mother.

    Did she ask you to come in,
    Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
    Did she ask you to come in,
    Charming Billy?
    Yes, she asked me to come in,
    There's a dimple in her chin.
    She's a young thing
    And cannot leave her mother.

    How old is she,
    Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
    How old is she,
    Charming Billy?

    Three times six and four times seven,
    Twenty-eight and eleven,
    She's a young thing
    And cannot leave her mother.

  • 7 слайд

  • Alaska

    8 слайд


  • 9 слайд

  • Florida

    10 слайд


  • 11 слайд


    12 слайд


  • Washington, DC

    13 слайд

    Washington, DC

  • The White House

    14 слайд

    The White House

  • The Capitol

    15 слайд

    The Capitol

  • The USA Quiz

    16 слайд

    The USA Quiz

  • How many states are there in the USA?

    17 слайд

    How many states are there in the USA?

  • 18 слайд

  • In what state is the lowest temperature?

    19 слайд

    In what state is the lowest temperature?

  • 20 слайд

  • What countries does the USA border on the north and the south?

    21 слайд

    What countries does the USA border on the north and the south?

  • 22 слайд

  • What oceans wash the USA?

    23 слайд

    What oceans wash the USA?

  • 24 слайд

  • What is the longest river in the USA?

    25 слайд

    What is the longest river in the USA?

  • 26 слайд

  • Who put the 1st man on the Moon? Do you know who he was?

    27 слайд

    Who put the 1st man on the Moon? Do you know who he was?

  • 28 слайд

  • What is the latest state of the USA?

    29 слайд

    What is the latest state of the USA?

  • 30 слайд

  • Where do the Appalachians run down?

    31 слайд

    Where do the Appalachians run down?

  • 32 слайд

  • Where are the Five Great Lakes situated?

    33 слайд

    Where are the Five Great Lakes situated?

  • 34 слайд

  • Why do people call the US capital Washington, DC?

    35 слайд

    Why do people call the US capital Washington, DC?

  • 36 слайд

  • Let’s thinkDo you want to travel about the USA? Do you like travelling?Do y...

    37 слайд

    Let’s think
    Do you want to travel about the USA? Do you like travelling?
    Do you want to visit Alaska or Florida? Do you like when it’s cold or hot?
    What do you think about American food? Do you like it?

  • Thank you dear FRIENDS!!!Have a good day!GOOD LUCK!

    38 слайд

    Thank you dear FRIENDS!!!
    Have a good day!

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Краткое описание документа:

Обобщающий урок «Визит в США»

8 А класс

Урок составлен по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой «Английский язык» изд-во «Дрофа»


Цели урока:

·         Практическая: совершенствовать ЗУН учащихся в устной речи и аудировании. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении ранее изученной лексики по теме, умении использовать учебный материал в монологической и диалогической речи. Узнавать грамматические явления.

·         Образовательная: ознакомление с географическим положением США, штатами, городами страны изучаемого языка.

·         Развивающая: способствовать расширению и углублению знаний учащихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка, знакомство с реалиями этой страны. Прививать учащимся умения и навыки самообразования, исследовательской работы.

·         Воспитательная: формирование высоких моральных качеств, побуждение учащихся к самостоятельной, исследовательской, творческой деятельности. Содействовать развитию организаторских, творческих способностей, инициативы.


·         Используемые технологии: 1. Развивающая, 2. Здоровьесберегающая, 3. Игровая, 4. Коммуникативная, 5. Проблемного изучения, 6.Информационная

1.     Организационный момент

Good afternoon, my dear pupils and our guests! I am glad to greet you at English lesson. I hope we shall enjoy our lesson. We are going to have a talk about the USA.

2.      Фонетическая  зарядка

At First – Phonics, Let’s  remember sounds of new words, repeat after me, lift your tongue tip a little bit:

a:                                   ae                                     au                                   ou

large                         nationality                        mountain                                 Mexico

 part                         grand                                  proud                                        ocean

 Chicago                  canyon                               about                                          coast

                                 Canada                                aloud                                          flow

carton                     Atlantic                                 now                                           

                                  valley                                                                                    Moscow





ei                                                  u:                              ai                                             o

state                                         soon                           island                                Australia     

skyscraper                               Moon                         mighty                              rocky

 plain                                                                            lie                                     Colorado

samе                                                                             wild                                 continent

chain                                                                           Ireland                              historic


And now I’d like you to listen to a part of one American famous folk song “This land is my land».

This land is your land, this land is my land

Эта земля – твоя земля, эта земля – моя земля,

From California to the New York Island

От Калифорнии до островов Нью-Йорка,

From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters

От секвойного леса до вод Гольфстрима,

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.


As I went walking that ribbon of highway

Прогуливаясь по дорожной ленте,

I saw above me that endless skyway

Я видел в вышине бесконечное небесное полотно,

I saw below me that golden valley

Я видел в низине золотую долину.

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.


I roamed and I rambled and I followed my footsteps

Я бродил и скитался и шёл по своим же следам

To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts

К искрящимся пескам её алмазных пустынь,

While all around me a voice was sounding

В то же время всюду голос звучал:

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.


When the sun came shining, and I was strolling

Когда солнце взошло сияя, а я странствовал,

And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling

А пшеничные поля колосились, а облака пыли накатывали,

A voice was chanting, As the fog was lifting,

Голос воспевал, пока туман опускался:

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.


This land is your land, this land is my land

Эта земля – твоя земля, эта земля – моя земля,

From California to the New York Island

От Калифорнии до Манхэттена,

From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters

От секвойного леса до вод Гольфстрима,

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.


When the sun came shining, and I was strolling

Когда солнце взошло сияя, а я странствовал,

And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling

А пшеничные поля колосились, а облака пыли вихрились,

A voice was chanting, As the fog was lifting,

Воспевал голос, а туман опускался:

This land was made for you and me.

Эта земля была создана для нас с тобой.



Do you like it? You can find its music surfing the internet and learn the song by heart and sing at home.

Thank you very much!


3.      Главная тема

As you know, my friends, all of these words from the theme “Visiting the USA” . Would you like to have a trip about America again?   --------Yes!

Ok, shall we begin?


America is wonderful and very interesting. We’ve already known something about it. Now  let's have a talk about the USA.

The 1st  one we’ve learnt at the lessons is «The New World». Would you please tell me about it!

(Masha Lapteva) Thank you for your information, Masha. You’ve said: “ Americans like old traditions”  I agree with you, and one of them is singing songs, like that: “Billy Boy”


Sing together, please! ---------------------“Billy Boy”


Thank you, pupils, by the way what tense do we use in the song at the beginning of the song>--“Oh, where have you been? Billy Boy (x2)”  --------- The Present Perfect Tense (please find it in in our  grammar table)


The 2nd  one we’ve learnt is “Geography of the USA” I’d like to hear about it, please!

(Ksusha Karpova)  Thank you for your Geography of the USA, Ksusha!


And now let’s visit some states of America! Let’s have a flight. Welcome to a plane board))) You are  welcomed by the pilot of the plane))) Fasten your seatbelts, please  --------------------------------(pilot’s cap)


We shall begin our flight from the largest state of the USA. Do you know it? You are right! You will be our pilot now  --------------(передается кепка пилота)

It’s  Alaska . Give us some information, please.


Alaska is the biggest state but it has fewest people. Alaska became the 49th state in 1959. The climate is very cold in Alaska. Sometimes the temperature is about 50 degrees below zero. Alaska is rich of gold, woods and snow.

Thank you Kolya Spirin, sit down, please. Your information is very useful!


Do you remember big south states of America?  You’re right – they are California, Texas and Florida. What do you know about one of them?----------------------------(кепка пилота)


Florida is situated in the south. It’s often called orange state. There are a lot of orange gardens there. Miami is the  most famous city in Florida. It is famous for its white beaches and warm climate. Many tourists visit Florida every year.

Thank you Katya for Florida. Wish I was here… mmm, dreams… but we should return , OK, now we can’t visit all states and Florida by the way ))))))) because of little fuel and the time and we need something more:

So, my dear, I want you to relax a little: (звучит расслабляющая музыка)


Your initial position is sitting on the chairs:


Bend your arms and put palms on the back of the head

Move elbows back, bend over, stretch yourself

Breathe in (3-4 times)

(мозговое кровообращение)

 Your initial position is sitting on the chairs:

Bend your head right

Initial position

Bend your head left

Initial position

Turn your head forward

Don’t raise your shoulders

Initial position

(The pace is slow)


Repeat after me:

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look at your nose

Look at that Rose

Close  your eyes

Open, wink and smile

Your eyes are happy and You’re again !!!


Let’s continue our flight

 And the next stop will be cities of the USA. Let’s start with its capital. Name the capital of the USA, please. Yep, you hit the bull’s eye!----------------------------(кепка пилота)

Washington, DC.

Washington, DC is a capital of the USA. It is so green and so clean. It is situated on the Potomac River, on a piece of land called the District of Columbia. It is not the biggest city, but it is the most important. The buildings are not very tall, the streets and avenues are straight, green and beautiful. The longest avenues are named after American states.

(Kolya Melnikov)   Thank you Kolya, now we know almost all.

And what do you know about the House which gets its name from the white walls and is situated in Washington, DC? -----------------------(кепка пилота)

The White House.

The building of the White House is very beautiful with tall columns and the flag on the roof. It is the US president’s residence. This is where the president lives and works. Tourists can’t see the part where the president lives, but they can see the Red Room, the Blue Room, the Green Room.

(Polina Kiseleva) Thank you.


Yep, the President lives and works there and do you remember the name the seat of the US Congress?---------(кепка пилота) give the cap to another one

That’s right,

The Capitol. It lies on the Potomac river. The Capitol is really great. This is where the United States Congress meets and makes laws.

(Vika Voloshina) and Thank you.


4.      Закрепление материала:

Let’s play The USA Quiz. What have you learnt from the lessons:

1.      How many states are there in the USA?

2.      In what state is the lowest temperature?

3.      What countries does the USA border on the north and the south?

4.      What ocean washes the USA?

5.      What is the longest river in the USA?

6.      Who put the 1st man on the Moon? Who is he?

7.      What is the latest state of the USA?

8.      Where do the Appalachians run down?

9.      Where are the Five Great Lakes situated?

10.  Why do people call the US capital Washington, DC?


5.      Закрепление  навыков монологической речи

Do you like our lesson?  Do you want to travel to the USA? Do you like to learn about the USA?

What is your opinion?  Use the following phrases in your answers:




I really enjoy/like

I rather enjoy/ like

I think … is (are) great, wonderful, enjoyable

I don’t think …is (are) bad, horrible, awful

I’m afraid I don’t like…

I can’t say I like…

I really hate..

I can’t stand …

I don’t think … is (are)  good, great, wonderful, enjoyable


6.      Подведение итогов

Thank you for your opinion, my friends

And you know our time is over, I see you remember some info of the USA and I hope you will never forget it and it is useful to you. Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view.  Your marks for the lesson are the following. ----------

Now write down your home task.-------------


Thank you for your attention , dear guests and have a good day. Children, good bye. See you again.

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