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Year Progress check6 th form

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Progress check

Годовая контрольная работа по аудированию и чтению для учащихся 6 классов, обучающихся по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English»

Видеоподкаст «Window in Britain“  - Two Holidays

Choose the right answer

1. The most popular month among the British people is …

a. April

b. June

c. August


2. How many holiday trips do the British people do every year?

a. 40 Mln

b. 4 Mln

c. 14 Mln


3. What country is the number one choice for many British people?

a. France

b. Spain



4. What is the first reason for the holiday making abroad? pog

a. British weather

b. money

c. nothing to do at home


5. Brighton is the very popular place for …

a. fishing

b. sea side holiday

c. foreign tourists


6. People come to Brighton to …

a. skate, swim and make jogging

b. lay in the sun, make sport and go to racing

c. sunbathe, swim, windsurf, sit in the deck chair


 7. Match true variants

The tourists stay in …













at friends


8. The cheap and popular kinds of making holidays are …

a. camping in tents and staying in caravans

b. staying at home

c. visiting friends in the neighborhood


9. Where do over than 2 Mln of British people spend their holidays?

a. Devonshire

b. Denver, Cornwall

c. Chester


10. London is … among the British people

a. popular

b. not popular

c. the most popular


11. What other leisure activities are popular among the British? Choose the right variants


climbing and cycling


 racing on horses


 walking in the heels


 visiting London


 sailing in the boats




Traditions, Lifestyle & Habits in Oxford

Oxford is a large city of students, colleges and universities. The youth living in the city has greatly impacted the lifestyle of city residents and the culture of the city. Current Oxford is an established place of holding of different popular fests.

Oxford is a real hit for gastronomy tourism enthusiasts.

One of the newest and most original youth events is the Oxford's Arts Festival which is attended by representatives of various subcultures. Within the festival tourists and city guests will witness popular music bands concerts, amateur artists’ performances and great exhibitions.

Young people walk in the streets and entertain till the late night. The prom event is always followed with bright fests, parties and shows and other entertaining events. One of the most interesting ethnic fests held in Oxford is the Oxford Chocolate Festival which falls within first days of April. During the Festival the streets of Oxford invite citizens and guests to visit special cafés offering a lot of sweets and treats on the menu. Traditional truffles and chocolate bars, milk shakes and hot chocolate as well as tons of other treats made of chocolate by local candy masters are presented in full choice in the cafés. Many bakers take part in the festival. Guests of the fest will have a chance to attend exciting lectures and know more about chocolate and candies.


youth – юность, молодежь, юный

to impact – воздействовать

established – известный, учрежденный

representative – представитель

within – в, в рамках

to entertain – организовывать, развлекать(ся)

prom – студенческий бал

to offer – предлагать

baker – пекарь

full choice – в полном объеме,

to attend – присутствовать

amateur – любитель, непрофессионал


I. Match the statements as true or false (T F)

1.Oxford is popular about the tourists.

2.There are few fests and events in the city.

3.The most popular fests, events and holidays take place during the proms.

4.Bakers don’t take part in the fests.

5.Guests can watch and attend lectures and get more information about sweets.


II. Match the synonyms





































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Годовая контрольная работа по аудированию и чтению для учащихся 6 классов, обучающихся по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. «EnjoyEnglish»

Видеоподкаст «Window in Britain“  - Two Holidays


Traditions, Lifestyle & Habits in Oxford

Oxford is a large city of students, colleges and universities. The youth living in the city has greatly impacted the lifestyle of city residents and the culture of the city. Current Oxford is an established place of holding of different popular fests.

Oxford is a real hit for gastronomy tourism enthusiasts.

One of the newest and most original youth events is the Oxford's Arts Festival which is attended by representatives of various subcultures. Within the festival tourists and city guests will witness popular music bands concerts, amateur artists’ performances and great exhibitions.

Young people walk in the streets and entertain till the late night. The prom event is always followed with bright fests, parties and shows and other entertaining events. One of the most interesting ethnic fests held in Oxford is the Oxford Chocolate Festival which falls within first days of April. During the Festival the streets of Oxford invite citizens and guests to visit special cafés offering


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300/600 ч.

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Преподавание русского языка как неродного в образовательном учреждении

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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Актуальные вопросы методики преподавания французского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
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Методы маркетинговых исследований в интернете

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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ИТ-инструменты в управлении документооборотом

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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