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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Казахские и Американские праздники"

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Внеклассное мероприятие

“Kazakh and American Festivals”

(для учащихся 5-8 классов)



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1)TV экран для показа слайдов

2) Слайды казахстанских и американских праздников.


Ход мероприятия


 Good afternoon students, good afternoon teachers. You are welcome to the class hour “Kazakh and American Holidays”

Every country has its own public Holidays. There are some Holidays celebrated both in Kazakhstan and in the USA. They are New Year’s Day, Christmas, the Day of Independence, President’s Day, Victory Day (or Memorial Day). Bat some Holidays are different in two countries.


1)      The first Holidays of the Year is New Year’s Day, the favorite Holiday of children and adults. (Демонстрация слайдов о празднике)

5-й класс:

On this Holiday Families and Friends meet for a meal. People usually make promises for the New Year. People say: “I will work harder” or “I won’t tell lies this year” ,“But they often forget these promises by January ,2”

(Звучит песня в исполнении 5и класса “Promisses”)

5 “икласс:

In the USA on New Year’s Day there are big football games and parades. Not every one can go to see them, so many people watch them on  television. There is usually a parade in the morning and the football game is in the afternoon. Children like New Year’s Day very match. They have parties with a New Year Tree. They play games, dance, sing songs and recite poems.


Singing, dancing, merrily round the New

Year Tree. Merrily , merrily round the New Year Tree.

 Happy New Year my friends! Happy New Year today!


2)      But the most popular, Holiday in the USA is Christmas. It’s on the 25th of December. (Демонстрация слайдов)

5 “икласс:

 Before Christmas groups of Singers go from house to house and sing traditional Christmas song.

(Учащиеся 5и исполняют песню “Oh Christmas Tree” в это время мальчик с девочкой из 6а класса танцуют вальс)

5 “икласс:  

Christmas is a family Holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding.

5 “икласс:

 the Fun starts at night before on the 24th of December. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds. They hope that Father, Christmas will come down chimney during the night and gill them with toys and sweets.

(Учащиеся исполняют песню “When Santa…”)

Ведущий: The most important Kazakh Holiday of the Year is “Naurys” -  the Kazakh New Year. We celebrate this Holiday at the end of March. (Демонстрация слайдов)

5 “икласс:

Nauryz is a warm spring Holiday, when night and day are identical. During Nauryz people clean houses, yards, streets, plant trees. The main traditional meal of the Holiday is Nauryz Kozhe. It is made of 7 components: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and onion.  This Holiday is very popular. People say each other good words, good wishes.

                                                  We are glad and very day

                                                  We all dance and sing and say

                                                  Welcome! Welcome Nauryz Day!

(Учащиеся 8а класса исполняют Казахский танец)


Mother is the main person in the family. She is a home Keeper. Everyone loves their mothers. In the USA there is a Special Holiday Mother’s Day. (Демонстрация слайдов)

5 “бкласс:

One Sunday in May is Mother’s Day and one Sunday in June is Father’s Day. Children usually spend the day witch their parents. They give them cards, flowers, and presents. In our country people congratulate Mothers on the 8th of March.

   My dear, dear Mummy

   I love you very much

   I want you to be happy

   On the 8th of March

   I like the way you look

   I like the way you look

   Now what I really want to say is:

   Happy Mothers Day

(Учащиеся 5б исполняют песню “Good morning Mamma”)


June the 14th is the Flag day in the USA.


The American flag is called ”Stars and stripes ”. It has thirteen stripes and fifty stars, one for each state. You can see the American flag in many places on this day. But it is not a main Holiday. Offices stay open.

In Kazakhstan the third of June is the day of national symbols: the emblem, the song and the national flag of Kazakhstan.

 (Демонстрация слайдов)

Ученик 5”б” класса читает стихотворение o Казахстанском флаге:

   We have a flag

   It’s blue as sky

   The sun is shining so bright

   A strong flying eagle

   Means freedom and strength

   We love our Flag

   It’s our pride.


Columbus Day is the day named for explorer Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Sea. In the US the Holiday is celebrated on the second of Monday in October. (Демонстрация слайдов)

6”a” класс:

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. The king of Spain gave him money to go to India. After sailing 4000 miles Columbus reached, some Land. He thought that it was India, but it was not. It was a new Land a new Continent. People began to speak about this Land as “The New World”. You can see the American Flag everywhere on Columbus Day to honor the man who was the discoverer of their country Children learn the song about Columbus and his journey to America. These are the worlds of this song.


In fourteen hundred and ninety two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue….

Let’s sing together this old song

About the voyage that took him long,

About the sailors, those strong brave men.

Let’s sing and remember them all again!

(Демонстрируются слайды о данном празднике)


Thanksgiving is the oldest Holiday in America… it is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November.

(Демонстрация слайдов)


Thanks giving is perhaps the most important day in the American Year. The History of this day is very interesting In 1620 first colonists from England came to America and began a new life there. It was a very hard life. The colonists started to farm the Land. The work was difficult and full of danger. In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their firs harvest it was rather good. The colonists decided to have a special dinner. They wanted to thank God- to give him special thanks for many things. People had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. It lasted 3 days. For the whole 3 day they gave thanks for their happy year in a new country. Wild turkeys were on the table of this meal. And since then the turkey has become a symbol of thanksgiving Day. Every year this day people go to church and families come together for the day. They decorate their houses with the fruits and flowers of autumn and prepare traditional American food: roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin. People gave thanks for different things. They usually do it in this way: I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well.

(Ученица 6а класса рассказывает стихотворение)




Thank You   For all my hands can hold-

    Apples red,

      And melons gold,

        Yellow corn

          Both ripe and sweet,

            Pease and beans

              So good to eat!

Thank you

  For all my eyes can see-

    Lovely sunlight,

      Field and tree,

        White cloud-boats

          In sea-deep sky,

            Soaring bird

              And butterfly.

Thank you

  For all my ears can hear-

    Bird’s song echoing

      Far and near,

       Songs of little

        Streams, big seam

         Cricket, bullfrog,

           Duck and bee!



President’s day in Kazakhstan and America is a national Holiday. In the USA this holiday honors George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who were strong, presidents. In Kazakhstan we started to celebrate the President’s Day 2 ears ago. It’s on the first of December.

The first President of our Republic is Nursultan Nazarbayev. Different Presidents have different hobbies and interests.

(Показ слайдов)

 Our President is fond of sport, therefore he is fit.  One of the American Presidents Bill Clinton plays the saxophone well.

(Ученик 5б класса и ученик 7”б” класса исполняют произведение на саксофоне.)


Independence Day in the USA is Known as the 4th of July.




on July the 4 the 1776 the United states became independent from England. It was the beginning of a new Life. Families and Friends celebrate this day. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. There are often picnics and meetings.

Учащиеся 5”и” класса исполняют песню “I love the 4th of July

Ученица 7”б” читает стихотворение:

  Let America be America again

  Let it be dream it used to be

  Let it be pioneer on the plain

  Seeking a home where he himself is free


 (Звучит песня в исполнении Э.Престли “America , America…”)


Independence Day in Kazakhstan is celebrated on the 16th and the 17th of December. It’s a great Holidays in our country. Meetings and concerts are held in our Republic.

(Ученица 5и класса исполняет произведение на домбре.)


We shouldn’t forget of our regional Holiday: the City Day. The citizens of Almaty love this day because they love our beautiful city Almaty. People go shopping, visit their relatives and admire the beauty of our favourite city.

(Демонстрация слайдов об Алматы)

Shines around me 
When I’m glad,
Lifts me with its
Strength and height 
Fills me witch its
Strength and height
Fills me with its
Sound and sight,
Takes me to its
Crowded heart,
Holds me so I 
Won’t depart.
Till, with gladness
On my face,
I wouldn’t live
Another place. 

(Ученица 6”а” класса читает стихотворение “City, City! ”)


Wrong and bad,

Looms above me

When I’m sad,

Throws its shadow

On my care,

Sheds its poison

In my air,

Pounds me with its

Noisy fist,

Sprays me with its

Sooty mist,

Till, with sadness

On my face,

I wouldn’t live

Another place



 Oh, yes we wouldn’t live another place than our beautiful Almaty. And now we want to Know, how attentive you were and have learnt about Kazakh Holidays Answer our questions and get sweets.

1)      When, do people of Kazakhstan celebrate the President’s d Day?

2)      What is the name of traditional meal of Nauryz?

3)      What are the components Nauryz Kozhe?

4)      When do we congratulate our Mothers in our country&

5)      When do we congratulate our Mothers in our country?

6)      What is the name of a Holiday people of our Republic have on the 16th , 17th of December?

7)      What are the national symbols of the Kazakh Republic?

8)      What is the most popular Holiday for children and adults?

9)      When do people of Kazakhstan celebrate victory Day?

10)   What do citizens of Almaty do at the Day of City?

11)   What do people usually say each other on the New year’s Day?

12)   How do people call Nauryz Day?

13)   When do President’s Day become an official Holliday in Kazakhstan?

14)   When is Constitution Day in our country?

15)   What Holiday is on the 6th of July?


Ведущий: Our meeting is over, we wish you to enjoy Holidays of our Country.

(Звучит песня о Казахстане)









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