Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему " “What we know about the Languages and Countries”

Урок по английскому языку на тему " “What we know about the Languages and Countries”

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Uralsk Humanitarian-Technical College








 “What we know about the Languages and Countries”.



















                                                            Teacher : Makasheva F.N.

                                                               Group: 4 b KSFD








                                        Uralsk - 2015




The theme:                                  “What we know about the languages and Countries”.


The aims:                                 EDUCATIONAL:

                                                    1) To enlarge the students’ knowledge of English.

                                                    2) To enable the students to express their opinions easily.                                    3) To encourage the students to use new expressions in                                                                BRINGING – UP:

                                                    1) To teach to communicate with the fellow – students.

                                                    2) To teach to organize extra – class activities.

                                                    3) To teach to perform play productions.


  The type:                                  A Competition – Lesson.  


The   aids:                                    cards; pictures; posters.



                             Procedure of the   Lesson:



I.  Warming - up.



              - Good afternoon, dear teachers, students and   supporters! You are welcome to the lesson» What we know about the languages and Countries”.

 Today’s party  is visited by one of the volunteers Daniel W. and will be  performed in the  form  of  the  competition between  the  students  of  the  third   course .

               The  aims  of  our  party  are :  to  enlarge the  knowledge on the  wonderful  world of  English ; to enable  everybody  present to  compete; to enrich the skills in  speaking , listening  and  communicating …

               The competition party consists of   seven points. They  are :  “Baige”, “Study Matters” , “Polyglot” , “Keen  Hearer” , “The Owner of the Best Ear for Music” , “Speak  without Words ” , “Zhorga  ”

               And, now, I’d like to take your seats at the tables. Each team is to have its captain and the name.

               Well, I announce the beginning of the competition party…

                The first point is “Baige”. You will be asked some questions connected with  Kazakhstan and the English – speaking countries. The captain of the team that knows the answer is to raise the card. 



1.      Which is the highest mountain of the British Isles?    

2.       Do the British rivers freeze in winter?

3.      What is the Emergency Service number in the USA  

4.      Which are the most important rivers in GB? (

5.      Name as many English-speaking countries as you know.

6.      Which four parts is the UK of GB and NI historically divided into?

7.      Who are the candidates of the president elections in the USA this year?

8.      What country do the “Beatles” come from?

9.      When was the Independence of Kazakhstan proclaimed?

10. Which three regions can the territory of Scotland be divided into?




             Well, we’ve found out, that you know a lot about the English – speaking countries. But, what is the score? (The score is announced)

            Let’s us pass over to the next point – “Study Matters”. Take these cards with the tasks printed on them and try to fulfill them as quick as possible, for not only correct answers but the time spent will be taken into consideration. The aim of the point is to check your knowledge in English Grammar, English Vocabulary.

                      (Cards are given out)

Choose the correct variant of Indirect Speech:


 I ask him, “Have you set your watch by the radio time signal?”

a) I ask him if he sets his watch by the radio time signal.

b) I ask him to set his watch by the radio time signal.

c) I ask him if he has set his watch by the radio time signal.


 My friend asks, “When does your working begin?”

a)  My friend asks me when my working day begins.

b)  My friend asks me when does my working day begin.

c)  My friend asks me when my working day begin.

 Choose the correct Modal Verb:

       I --- to go there yesterday.

a) might

b) had

            c) was able


     Can I see the Dean?   -----  He is busy.

a) You mustn’t

b) No, you cannot

c) I’m afraid not


Match the pairs:


a. He says

b.He said

a. he was going to be a doctor

 b. he is going to be a doctor



a. She asks

b. She asked

  1. what time it was
  2. what time it is




  II. Teacher:

             O.K.   Almost everyone nowadays knows   Russian and Kazakh and being a student of the English department you are considered to be polyglots.  That’s  why  I  offer you  some proverbs and  sayings to be  completed in three  languages .


           1.  While there is … there is hope (life, өмір, and жизнь)

           2.  Every country has its … (customs, дәстүр, обычаи)

           3.  …put off till tomorrow what you can do today (never, ешқашан, никогда)

        4.  Speech is… but silence is gold (silver, күміс, серебро)

        5.  Good …is above wealth (health, денсаулық, здоровье)


III. Teacher:


             And now, it’s high time to find out who the stories are about. I’ll read the information about different actors, singers, and you are to guess who they are.


        … She was born in summer of 1970. She was going to marry to Ben Affleck.There are some songs that are actually pretty good, "I'm Gonna Be Algrght", "Play", "Love Don't Cot A Thing", "Ain't It Funny", "I'm Gonna Be Alright" and "I'm Real".  Carino ,Come Over Dance With Me, Secretly, That's Not Me, That's The Way, Walking on Sunshine, We Gotta Talk.

After the success with her first album "On The 6", Jennifer Lopez or JLO (as she also calls herself) decided to release another album and now fully focus on a career as a singer as well as a actress.


…  She was born on the 2 of December, 1981 in a small town Kentwood, Louisiana. Her parents are Jemie and Lynne (Джемми и Линн)  - and her brother is Brian (Брайан) . The most popular songs are "What Child Is This", Baby One More Time, ""From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart", "Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know" Her producer is  Eric Foster...



  …  She was born on the 18    of December,  1980 in New York, the USA in the family of an Irish mother and…. The first 5 years of her life she spoke Spanish. Then her parents got divorced.

 The most popular songs are  "All I Wanna Do", "Reflection,   "Genie in a Bottle",

  "Love Will Find A Way",   "So Emotional",   "I Turn To You"...



  It’s a hip-hop group.  The well-known songs are   "Where Is the Love", "Hey Mama", «Shut up!", and the albums are "Behind the Front",   «Elephunk».   "Where Is The Love" постоянную прописку в хит-парадах получили песни "Shut up!"…


          IV. The name of the next point is “The Owner of the best Ear for Music”

    Listen to the music and guess who the singer is and what song it is.


                        (The students listen to music and who the singer is and what song it is)


             V. Well, and now, take the cards with the names of the national holidays and to memorize as much information as possible.




Religious Celebrations:


Easter (A Sunday between March 22 and April 25)


Fun Days:


St. Valentine's Day (February 14)

April Fool's Day (April 1)

Halloween (October 31)


Ethnic and Regional Celebrations:

Chinese New Year (Sometime between January 21 - February 19)

Mardi Gras (February/March)

St. Patrick's Day (March 17)…


VI. Well, our guest is ready to tell you more about the national holidays. Listen to him and be ready to ask questions to him…

VII. Now I would like you to listen to me. I want you to solve some puzzles.

 1. Who very soon will come our way
Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh?

 2. It’s time for hanging stockings
It’s time for riding sleighs
It’s time for jolly greetings
Snow and holly overeating.
What’s this?

3. It’s a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas as they find presents in it in the morning.

4. It’s a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. They think that if they all take party in mixing it, they will be happy.













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Краткое описание документа:

The theme:                                  “What we know about the languages and Countries”.


The aims:                                 EDUCATIONAL:

                                                    1) To enlarge the students’ knowledge of English.

                                                    2) To enable the students to express their opinions easily.                                    3) To encourage the students to use new expressions in                                                                BRINGING – UP:

                                                    1) To teach to communicate with the fellow – students.

                                                    2) To teach to organize extra – class activities.

                                                    3) To teach to perform play productions.


  The type:                                  A Competition – Lesson.  


The   aids:                                    cards; pictures; posters.




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