Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок английского языка Тема урока: «Образование»

Урок английского языка Тема урока: «Образование»

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ЗКО, Теректинский район, пос. Акжаик,

Акжаикская средняя общеобразовательная школа.

Учитель английского языка Какижанова Шолпан Бижановна.

Тема урока: «Образование» (8 класс).


The theme: education

Aims: Educational: to give information about Secondary education,

to form skills in monologue and dialogue speech,

to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme.

           Developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking through group work.


The methods of the lesson:  pair work, question - answer        

The visual aids: the cards, an interactive board, pictures.

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Grade: 8

Учебник: English-8,  Т.Д Кузнецова, П.Г Козлов, Алматы «Мектеп» 2012.



The procedure of the lesson.


I.      Greetings. Introduce yourself.

-        Good morning children. I am glad to see you. I shall be your English teacher today. . Children, please be active! Let us begin our lesson with a phonetic drill.


The school has doors that open wide
And friendly teachers wait inside
Hurry, hurry, let’s go in,
for  soon the lessons will begin.
Books and pencils I will need,
When I start to write and read,
Lots to learn and lots to do
I like to go to school, don’t you?

II.  As you see we are going to have an interesting lesson today. We shall talk about secondary education.  I hope you will get good marks at the end of the lesson. Good luck to you!  What kind of education do you know?



III.           New theme. As you see we are going to speak about Secondary education. The theme of our lesson is “Secondary education”.Open your copybooks and write down the date, day of the week and the theme.


IV.            Vocabulary and Pronunciation.

New words:

ground. Ground is the surface of the Earth. /жер, алаң/


locate. To locate means to fix or set in a certain  place./орналасу,  қоныстабу/


floor.The surface on which one stands indoors. /еден, қабат/


cloak-room.A  room, as in a theatre, school where hats, coats, bags,               

etc. may be left for short time. /гардероб/


assignment. Assignment is a job which one is given to do or to which  one is being



famous.  Famous means very well known. /атақты, даңқты/


Portrait.A portrait is a drawing, painting or photograph of a real person or

an animal. /портрет, сурет/


Gymnasium. Gymnasium is a hall for sport exercises. /гимнастиказалы, гимназия/


During. A period of time; is used to say when something happens./ішінде, уақыт



Topic. Topic is a subject for talk, conversation or writing. /тақырып/


Сomputer. Computer is an electronic calculating machine that canstore and recall

information and make calculations at very high speed.


Wide.Large distance from side to side, covering a large space or range of things.

/кең, мол/


Widespread. Found, placed or used in many places. /кеңорналасқан, кеңтараған/


V.   Speaking

Ex IV, p 110. Translate the following sentences into your native language.


VI.            Reading

Text: Our school.While reading the text try to compare the school described in the with your school.


VII.        Writing

Ex VI, p 111. What would happen if …


VIII.    Practice. Write an essay “My school”

My school is….

It is located …

On the ground floor …

When you enter and go to the…. along the corridor you will see the …, …,…,…, …,.

Near the … room you will see the ….

There are … classrooms for the pupils on the ground floor.

At secondary school pupils study …


IX.            Conclusion. Solve thecrossword.


1. A room where you study./classroom/

2. A  person who teach students. /teacher/

3. It means to fix or set in a certain  place. /locate/

4.  The surface on which one stands indoors. /floor/

5. The surface of the Earth. /ground/

6. Large distance from side to side, covering a large space or   range of      

things. /wide/

7.  A drawing, painting or photograph of a real  person or an animal.


8. A  room, as in a theatre, school where hats, coats, bags, etc. may be left 

for  short time. /cloakroom/

9. A hall for sport exercises. /gymnasium/


X.   Marks.


XI.            H/t: Ex 3, p 109.

Ex 5, p 111.








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Краткое описание документа:

The theme: education Aims: Educational: to give information about Secondary education, to form skills in monologue and dialogue speech, to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary on the given theme. Developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking through group work. The methods of the lesson: pair work, question - answer The visual aids: the cards, an interactive board, pictures. Type of the lesson: new lesson Grade: 8 Учебник: English-8, Т.Д Кузнецова, П.Г Козлов, Алматы «Мектеп» 2012. The procedure of the lesson. I. Greetings. Introduce yourself. - Good morning children. I am glad to see you. I shall be your English teacher today. . Children, please be active! Let us begin our lesson with a phonetic drill. The school has doors that open wide And friendly teachers wait inside Hurry, hurry, let’s go in, for soon the lessons will begin. Books and pencils I will need, When I start to write and read, Lots to learn and lots to do I like to go to school, don’t you? II. As you see we are going to have an interesting lesson today. We shall talk about secondary education. I hope you will get good marks at the end of the lesson. Good luck to you! What kind of education do you know?

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