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The theme Meeting fairy tales

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The theme: «Meeting fairy – tales»

The type: party

Objectives: to teach pupil’s to work creatively and get information  while  watching the tales, to enrich and  to check up their knowledge about tales;                                                                      to develop pupil’s reading, listening, speaking skills, to develop the interest English language, to bring up pupils to be attentive;                                                         to teach to pupils to respect each other, to be kind, friendly.

The form: individual, frontal.

Teaching activities: the guessing game, riddles, group work, class work, roles play

Methods: combined

Materials: pictures of fairy-taleеs, cards, interactive board ,three houses, masks, magic box, apple, key, shoe, mirror, tail, slide show.

Procedure of the party

I. Introduction.

Teacher: Hello boys and girls! I am glad to see you here today!

Pupils: We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: The theme of our party is Meeting Fairy - tales! You are well dressed. good!  You see you come to meeting! 

Boys and girls! Tell me please! Do you like tales?

And I like tales too! We ‘ll talk about tales, watch very interesting tales,        discuss the tale, answer the questions, play games, act play! I hope you ‘ll like it, and understand everything.

II. Your favourite pictures.

Teacher: At home you have to draw pictures with your favourite cartoons or tales    and  tell about them !Are you ready? So let’s listen to! (children go to the blackboard and tell  about their favourite cartoons and tales).                                 Boys and girls! Your pictures are very good! Thank you very much!

III. Watching the  fairy-tale “Goldilocks and three bears” and answer the questions!

 Now look at the screen, please! This is “Goldilocks and three bears”

 Teacher: Ok! Do you like this tale? Answer the questions!

1. What is the girl’s name? (Goldilocks)

2. What is the name of the tale? (“Goldilocks and three bears”)

3. Where was Goldilocks walking ?( In the forest)

4. What was she eating in the house? (Porridge)
5. What was she doing in the bedroom? ( was sleeping)

6.  Is it right to go to the forest alone? (no, it is dangerous)

7. Is it right to use others things? (No)

  IV.Game  “Who is this?”

        Teacher: There are many favourite tales and many heroes. We like some   tales and  don’t  like another. Now read and guess “Who this? 

1.This is a girl. She has blue eyes and  golden hair. She goes to the forest.     Suddenly the girl sees a big  house. In this house three bears  live.


2.He said: Okay, fox, come in and make yourself comfortable.
He was so kind! But soon the Fox threwhim out of his house. So  he was walking through the woodscrying.  And suddenly he met a bear.

(The hare)

3. Three brothers lived  happily together and Wolf never  returned to their     house. He was afraid of three little brothers and didn’t want to have any problems.

(“Three piglets”).

4. He has a big nose. He has a lot of friends Artemon, Malvina, Perro and many other. He loves his father… He has a gold key.

( Buratino).


5. This boy lived in the forest. It was his house. He has many friends  Akela, Sherkhan, Bagira. They loved him and took care of  human baby,

( Maugly).

6.Prince: May I dance with you?                                                                            She: With great pleasure!                                                                                       They begin dancing. Suddenly the clock strikes twelve.                                      She: Oh, 12 o’ clock!I am sorry, but I must go. Good –bye!             


7.Once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Snow White. She had a stepmother, who was a queen. This stepmother had a magic  mirror. Every day she asked: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?” (“Snow White”).                                                                                                       

V. Let’s watch short parts of cartoons and tales and  name the tales!               Snow White”, “Donald duck”, “The house in the wood”, “Winnie-the- Pooh”, “Beauty and Monster”, ‘Barboskin”, “Cinderella”, “Hares house’, ‘Seven draws”, “Three piglets”. 

VI. Game “Magic box”                                                                                                1. What had the queen  and  asked it every day “ who is the fairest of us all?”      (mirror)

 2. What had  a boy with long  nose? (gold key)

 3.  What  did  the hare and the fox build? (house)

  4. What did Sleeping Beauty eat ?  (apple)

  5. What did cotton wool’s girl cut? (tail)

  6. What did the pretty girl lose at 12 o’clock? (shoe)

VII. Let’s play “Three little piglets”.

  Teacher: Everybody knows the story about three little piglets. I hope you

are ready to watch our play.

 Characters:1 storyteller, Nif -Nif, Naf -Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Wolf.

Storyteller 1. Once upon a time there lived three brothers:                                    Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.                                                                                     Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf  are dancing and singing.

Who is afraid of Big Bad Wolf,                                                                                      Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Naf-Naf: Stop and listen to me, please. Winter will come. Soon it will  cold and snowy. Big bad wolf is hungry. We must build a good house and live there together.

Nif-Nif: I make a house from straw.                                        

Nuf-Nuf: I make a house from branches of the trees.

Naf-Naf: I make a house from stones .

(Piglets build theirs houses).

Storyteller 1. So they all built the houses for themselves. Nif-Nif built a

house from straw, Nuf-Nuf built a house from branches but Naf-Naf  was the

cleverest because he built his house from stones.

Storyteller 1.Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf built their houses very fast.

 But suddenly it snowed and every piglet went to his own house.

The wolf comes.

Wolf. Oh, how cold it is. How hungry I am! (the wolf comes to  Nif -Nif’s house).   I want to eat. I must blow at this house so it will be broken.

(The wolf  blows, tries  to breaks the house of piglet. The house breaks and  Nif -Nif runs away. It runs to Nuf -Nuf).

Nif-Nif. Oh, help me! I am afraid! Open the door!

(Nif- Nif enters Nuf  -Nuf’s  house and wolf follows it closely).

Wolf. Oh, here they are! There are two of them. I must blow again.

(The wolf  blows, tries  to breaks the house of piglet. The house breaks)ю

Nuf-Nuf: Oh, I am  afraid of wolf.

 Nif Nif :I am too. Let’s go to Naf- Naf.

Nuf-Nuf: Of course. Our houses are broken Let’s go!

(the wolf  blows, tries  to breaks the house of piglet. The house breaks and   Piglets run away. They  run to Nuf - Nuf).

Naf-Naf: Come in, please. Shut the door!

 (the wolf comes  to Naf -Naf’s house nearly).

Wolf. Oh, there are three piglets! What a big dinner! I want to eat them!

(The wolf blows, tries  to breaks the house of piglet. But he can’t. It does again and again. The wolf comes  to Naf -Naf’s house very nearly and falls into a trap. It howls loudly and runs away quickly).

Naf-Naf:My  brothers, wolf goes away! 

Nif-Nif: You were right. You have a good house.

Naf-Naf. That is very good. Let’s live together in my house!

 Who is afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

 Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Storyteller:. Three brothers lived very happily together and Wolf never                           to their house. He was afraid of three little piglets and didn't want to have any problems.

Evaluation: Dear children! Do you like “Three piglets?”. Who likes you? Do you like Nif - Nif,  Nuf - Nuf  or Naf-Naf ? Who is the best?

The tale teaches us to be friendly and help each other. Don’t  be angry! Don’t say bad words! And always remember English proverb «Friend in need is a friend in deed».

You worked very well, thank you for taking part of our party! See you soon! Goodbye!!


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Краткое описание документа:

Good evening dear friends. It is my first work here. I am sorry for my mistakes. 

Objectives: to teach pupil’s to work creatively and get information  while  watching the tales, to enrich and  to check up their knowledge about tales;  to develop pupil’s reading, listening, speaking skills, to develop the interest English language, to bring up pupils to be attentive;    to teach to pupils to respect each other, to be kind, friendly.The form: individual, frontal.

Teaching activities: the guessing game, riddles, group work, class work, roles play

Methods: combined

Materials: pictures of fairy-taleеs, cards, interactive board ,three houses, masks, magic box, apple, key, shoe, mirror, tail, slide show.


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