Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыСистема упражнений на тему: "Passive Voice"

Система упражнений на тему: "Passive Voice"

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                                                                        P A S S I V E    V O I C E.


Passive Form

Example: Passive

Example: Active

Present Simple

am/is/are +V3(ed)

Cars are made in Japan.

Japan makes cars.

Past Simple

was/were + V3(ed)

He was promoted by the boss.

The boss promoted him.

Future Simple

shall/will be + V3

You will be given a test by your teacher.

The teacher will give you a test.

Present Continuous

am/is/are being +V3 (ed)

The matter is still being considered.

They are still considering the matter

Present Perfect

has/have been +V3

He has been well advised by you.

You have advised him well.

Past Perfect

had been + V3 (ed)

The work had been finished by June.

They had finished the work by June.

Future Perfect

shall/will have been + V3 (ed)

He will have been promoted  in a few years  time.

They will have promoted him in a few years time.

modal passive

modal verb + be +V3 (ed)

The theory must be proved.

They must prove the theory.

to be going to(future)

am/is/are + going to be + V3 (ed)

The factory is going to be closed.

They are going to close the factory.

                                                                         E X E R C I S E S:

   1).Make  sentences:

E.g. Volkswagen cars (make)  Germany. – Volkswagen cars are made in Germany.                                                                   

 1.  a lot of rice  (eat)  India      ___________________________________________________________

2.  Coca - Cola (produce)  USA     ________________________________________________________

      3.  tea  (produce)   China         ___________________________________________________________

      4.  frogs  (eat)  France            ____________________________________________________________

      5.  coffee  (grow)  Brazil       ____________________________________________________________

  2).     Make sentences:

      E.g.  Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.

       Oliver Twist    (write)           Leonardo  da Vinci    Oliver  Twist  was  written  by  Leonardo  da  Vinci.

       The Mona Lisa  (paint)        Alexander the Great   ___________________________________________

       The Eiffel Tower (build)     Charles Dickens         ___________________________________________

       Carmen  (compose)             Georges Bizet             ___________________________________________

       Alexandria (found)              Gustave Eiffel            ___________________________________________

       America (discover)           Christopher Columbus  ___________________________________________

  3).     Choose the correct variant:

        E.g.   English  is  spoken  in Canada.

1.   English speaks / spoken /is spoken  in Canada.

2.   I  studied / was studied  French for three years at school.

3.   We  spent / was spent  too much money on holidays.

4.   This window  broke / was broken  by the little boy.

5.   Her clothes  made / are made  in Paris.

6.   This book  written / was written  by my aunt.

7.   The new university  will open / will opened / will be opened  next year.

8.   He  was driving / was driven  fast and  stopped / was stopped  by the police.

4).      Use the Passive Voice:

   E.g.   Mary washed the dishes.  -  The dishes  were washed  by Mary.

1 The children didn’t turn off the kettle.  __________________________________________________

2.Children often feed the birds in winter.___________________________________________________

3 Lisa planted a lot of flowers a month ago.________________________________________________

4.Children usually  make experiments at the Chemistry lessons.


5.Jane baked a cake yesterday.  _________________________________________________________

6.The children didn’t clean the forest after the picnic. ___________________________________________________________________________________

7.   Jack’s mother usually buys food.  _____________________________________________________

 5).     Open the brackets:

 E.g. 1. This newspaper article  has been written (to write) by a famous observer.

2.   His last book __________________ (to publish)  two  years ago.

3.   A new rich library ___________________ (to open)  next year.

4.   English _________________ (to speak) all over the  world .

5.   Our school ____________________ (to build) in  2000.

6.   The sounds __________________ (to hear) from behind the door.

 6).     Use  Active  or  Passive:


                                                                           History  of  English.

      During the 400’s,  modern England ___________ (to invade) by the people, who lived along the North Sea. These people _________ (to be) the Angles,  Saxons and Jutes. Old English _____ (to speak) between  500 and 1100.  It _______ (to be)  a mixture of the Germanic languages of the Angles, Jutes and Saxons.

       In 1066, people from France called Normans _______(to invade)  England.  Their leader, William, _____ (to become)  king of England. Many French words ________  ( to add). This language _______   ( to call)  Middle  English.

         By about 1485, the language people ________ (to speak) in England ______(to be) more like the English that  _________(to speak) today. This _______(to know) as  Modern  English. Explorers  and colonists _______________ (to spread) English throughout the world.  Today English,  as a native language, ________________ (to speak) by more than 400 million people.

   7).     Make up sentences using the Passive Voice:

        E.g.  St. Paul’s Cathedral / build /Christopher Wren =

                 St. Paul’s Cathedral  was built by  Christopher Wren.

1.Eugen Paton / construct / bridge  _______________________________________________________

2.Miss Marple / create / A. Christie  ______________________________________________________

3.Coca Cola / invent / 1886   ____________________________________________________________

4.Croissants / make / France  ____________________________________________________________

5.Kilt / wear /  Scotland         ____________________________________________________________

 8) Find  the correct verb. Fill in:  A postman, a doctor, a zookeeper, a butcher, a baker,  a milkmaid, a grocer, a dustman, a pilot, a miner.

 Mind the Verbs:

   Bring        - brought   - brought             sell       - sold       - sold  

   Buy          - bought     - bought              Fly       - flew       - flown

   Make        - made       - made

The verbs   to cure, to mine,  to  look after, to collect  are regular.

  E.g.   1.   Letters  and parcels are  brought  to your home by a postman.

            2.   Meat is  _____________ from the ________________.

            3.   When you are ill, you are ______________ by the_________.

            4.   Milk is ____________ to your home by the ______________.

            5.   Coal is ____________ from the  earth by the _____________.

            6.   The animals at the zoo are __________after by the __________.

            7.   Bread, buns and cakes are ____________ by the  __________.                                                               

            8.   Rubbish is ___________ from your house by the ___________.

            9.   Bacon, cheese, jam, tea, sugar are _________ by the ________.

           10.  Aeroplanes  are _________ all over the world by ___________

 9).     Dishes and  Tools.    Match:

Nails are driven with                                                                    a milkjug

Wood is chopped with                                                                 a hammer

Milk is kept in                                                                                an axe

Bread is cut with                                                                           a spoon

Meat is eaten with                                                                       a nail

Soup is eaten with                                                                        a mug

Pieces of wood are joined together with                                  a fork

Water is drunk from                                                                      a  knife

Paper is cut with                                                                            a saw

The ground is dug with                                                                 an iron

Water for tea is boiled in                                                              a tea-pot

Sugar is kept in                                                                             pincers

Coffee is made in                                                                          a sugar basin

Tea is drunk from                                                                         a spoon

A cup is stood on                                                                          a salt cellar

Wood is sawn with                                                                       a  saucer

Tea is made in                                                                               a cup

Soup is boiled in                                                                           a plate

Water is taken from the pail with                                              a kettle

Soup is eaten from                                                                        a glass

Fish is fried in                                                                               a fork

Salt is put in                                                                                  a knife

A nail is pulled out with                                                                a  coffee –pot

A dress is ironed with                                                                    a sauce-pan

10).    Put into the Passive:

E.g.    1.   A motor-van  knocked the cyclist down. –  The cyclist  was knocked down by a motor-van.

2.       We had finished all the work by 9 o’clock.-

3.        I shall pay all the bills tomorrow.-

4.       The rescue party found the missing climber after a long search.-

5.       We were making  good progress  until the car broke down.-

6.       I will forgive you because you are sorry.-

  11).    Fill in:

E.g.    The   knife   is used                    to  cut  bread.

                    rod                                     to dig ground

                    spade                                 to freeze meat

                    fridge                                 to pay for goods

                    money                                to ring

                    bell                                     to play

                    ball                                     to grind coffee

                    bag                                     to catch fish

                    soap                                   to carry things

                    coffee grinder                    to wash hands




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Краткое описание документа:

    Разработка  упражнений включает в себя основной набор  правил и примеров на тему "Passive  Voice", представленных  в виде таблицы, что помогает быстро повторить тему и легко найти нужное правило, чтобы  проконтролировать правильность выполнения упражнения в случае необходимости.   

  Использование  разнообразной лексики вызывает интерес и позволяет попутно пополнить словарный запас школьнику.

  Текст  на страноведческую тематику  носит познавательный характер и одновременно служит грамматическим упражнением.


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