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сценарий праздника Flower carnival (2-4 класс)

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Flowers carnival ( 2- 4form )

Цель: Формирование интереса к языку, создание положительного отношения к его изучению.


Расширить словарный запас.

Расширить кругозор учащихся.

Стимулировать самостоятельную речемыслительную деятельность.

Формировать у учащихся внутреннюю мотивацию к изучению языка и культуру общения.

Оборудование: костюмы, картинки с изображением цветов, мультимедиа проектор, искусственные цветы.

Ролевая игра “В огороде”
( на сцене хореографическая картинка )( танец )

 Girl: What a nice day
It is today!
I’m happy and merry,
I sing again
Because today
It is spring again.
I want to have pretty flowers in my garden. (
обращается к детям) Children, what must I do?
Children:1. Dig the ground.
2. Rake around.
3. Sow the seeds.
And you will gather flowers.
Girl: Thank you, children.
It’s good to be back
On the soil again,
Out in the garden
To work again.
It’s good to plant
And sow again,
To dig and to rake
And to work all day.

Девочка берёт лопату и делает вид, что копает, потом берёт грабли.

Girl: I dig and dig with my spade. I rake and rake with my rake. Now I shall sow my seeds.

Девочка делает вид, что сажает семена.

Children: A little sun,
A little rain,
And lovely flowers
Are here again.

Children: Rain, rain, rain, April rain,
You are feeding seeds and grain,
You are raising plants and crops
With your brightly sparkling drops.
 song Rain, rain, go away.

(cartoon Sid the seed)


P1 A plant will grow from a tiny seed,

some water and sun is all I need

P2.  First the roots grow  underground, they suck up minerals from the ground.

P3-Then come stems, some tall, some stout,

And next the branches spread around.

P4- Leaves growing all shapes and sizes,

Watch this new life as it rises.

P 5 Flowers bloom from buds on stems, they are pretty as precious gems.

P 6 New seeds travel to and fro,

By wind and water, on we go

P 7 And the cycle keeps on going,

Soon new stems and leaves are showing

( song) This is the way we sprout our roots,
Sprout our roots, sprout our roots.
This is the way we sprout our roots,
When spring time is here.
This is the way we pop through the dirt,
Pop through the dirt, pop through the dirt.
This is the way we pop through the dirt
When spring time is here.

This is the way we stretch and grow.
This is the way we shoot up so tall.
This is the way we open our bu
This is the way we bend in the breeze.
This is the way we smile at the sun.

Oh, I am so tired( sleeps)


 Alice. Now, I must get into that beautiful garden with pretty flowers  in it. But how shall I find it?  Will you please tell me, why are you painting these white roses red?

 How funny! They are  only cards. But where are the other cards from the pack?

Two:  You see, miss. This was a mistake. We put a white rose- tree here, but the Queen doesn’t like white roses. She likes only red roses. We are afraid of her. We are afraid she will cut off our heads. Everybody is afraid of her. Every minute she cries: “Off with his head, or ‘Off with her head. So we are painting these white roses red. We hope that the Queen will not notice our mistake.

( song Paint it black ( Beetles)


Two: The Queen, the Queen!

The three gardeners at once fell down on their faces to the ground)


Alice: Shall I fall down on my face too? No, I shall not do it.


The Queen: Who is this? What is you name? now tell me please, what is your name?

My name is Alice, my name is Alice. That’s my name ( song)

Queen: Who are these? Are they gardeners or soldiers, or who are they?

Alice: how can I know, I know nobody here.

The Queen ( looked at Alice, her face grew red) ‘Off with her head!’

Alice: How silly.

The Queen: Why are these flowers white?

Alice: I don’t know, but there are flowers of different colours.

Queen: Are you sure? It’s amazing. Can you tell me their names?

Alice: Yes, I can


Part II.

In a queen’s palace all the flowers gathered to introduce themselves.( танец сиртаки, появление подснежника)

Snowdrop: I am first. My name is Snowdrop (подснежник).

I come when the snow is on the ground. I am white. I am very pretty.

Pretty little snowdrops,

Growing through the snow.

We are the first to come.

Don’t you know?

Crocus: My name is Crocus (крокус). I come next. I am yellow.

Spring is coming.

So you are told

By a crocus,

Dressed in gold.

Primrose: I am Primrose (примула). We are pink, white, blue and yellow.

Spring is here.

So you can guess

By the primrose’s

Beautiful dress.

Mimosa: I am Mimosa (мимоза). My little yellow and orange flowers are like soft fluffy chickens.

Mimosa is the symbol

Of the eighth of March.

All girls and women

Like it very much.

Violet: I am Violet (фиалка). I don’t like snow. I like warm days. My dress is violet-coloured.

Deep in the woods a song I hear

A bird is singing, “Spring is here!”

Then at your feet a violet blue.

“I am singing and blooming for you”.

Daffodil: I come next. My name is Daffodil (нарцисс). I am white like snow and yellow like the sun.

Once while walking in the hills

I saw some golden daffodils.

Beside the lake, beneath the trees

Dancing, dancing in the breeze.

Edelweiss: I am Edelweiss (эдельвейс). It’s very difficult to find me. I grow only high in the mountains.

Jasmine: My name is Jasmine (жасмин). I am from the East. My flowers are white. They smell so sweet!

Жасмин танцует восточный танец.

Spring: March winds and April showers

Bring forth May flowers.

Весна и цветы уходят. На сцену выбегает “ветер” под быструю музыку (это могут быть два мальчика, одетые в плащи или накидки).

Wind 1: Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads

The wind is passing by.

Wind 2: Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you.

But when the leaves hang trembling

The wind is passing through.

Входят гром и дождь.

Thunderstorm: It was sunny,

It was warm.

But all of a sudden

A thunderstorm!

Rain: Rain on the trees

And rain on the grass.

Rain on the house tops

Rain falls upon us.

Уходят ветер, дождь, гром. На сцену выходит радуга, 7 девочек, они одеты в красный, оранжевый, желтый, зеленый, голубой, синий и фиолетовый костюмы. Они поют песню Радугаи танцуют.

Rainbow: The song “Rainbow”
Can you colour the rainbow?
Can you colour your eyes?
Can you colour the summer sun?
Can you colour the sky?
Colour it red,
Colour it blue,
Colour it yellow
But colour it true.
Colour it green,
Colour it blue,
Colour it orange,
But colour it true.

Радуга уходит. Входят весна и цветы.

Lily of the Valley: I am Lily of the Valley (ландыш). My little bells are white and smell better than any perfume.

My name is Lily of the Valley.

I wave in sweet spring air,

Each of my bells is white and dainty.

I am so fresh and fair.

Tulip: I am also a spring flower. My name is Tulip (тюльпан).

Colourful tulips are so bright.

Red and yellow, purple and white.

Lilac: My name is Lilac (сирень). Everybody likes the smell of the Lilac.

The lilac is purple and white

It smells sweet day and night.

Pansy: I am a pansy. My Russian name is very interesting and nice – Анютины глазки. Pansy dresses are colourful: yellow, white, blue, purple, pink. I am beautiful.

Little pansies are so nice

They look in the daylight

Like shiny girls’ eyes.

Queen of Flowers: Spring flowers are so beautiful. I like them very much.

Sweet and fresh are flowers

On every hill and dell,

Oh! How beautiful they are!

How lovely do they smell!

Звучит вальс. На сцену выходит лето и летние месяцы.

Звучит классическая музыка “Вальс цветов” и входят летние цветы.

Summer: Here are my summer flowers.

Bluebell: My name is Bluebell (колокольчик). My dress is like a little bell.

“Summer is coming!” bluebells are singing.

“Summer is coming!” they are ringing and ringing.

Daisy: I am a daisy (ромашка). You can see me everywhere: In the garden, in the field, in the forest.

Daisies are growing everywhere.

Daisies are here and daisies are there.

Cornflower: My name is Cornflower (василек). I grow in the field. I am as blue as the sky.

The cornflowers in the field are so blue.

You really like them, don’t you? (танец)

Poppy: I am Poppy (мак). I am orange and red.

High on a sunny flower bed

A scarlet poppy stood.

And up it held its pretty head,

And he was so good!

Lily: My name is Lily (лилия). We are of different colours. We can grow even in the river.

The lilies are very colourful.

Aren’t we wonderful?!

Peony: My name is Peony (пион). My smell is very sweet. I bloom only in summer.

Wonderful peonies are red, pink and white.

The garden becomes very charming and bright.

Rose: My name is Rose. Everybody knows and likes me.

A fresh half open rose

Is very beautiful as everyone knows.

And what makes the rose lovely?

The sun, I suppose.

Sunflower: My name is Sunflower (подсолнух). I am a very big flower. I always look at the sun. My black seeds are very tasty.

Summer: The flowers are blooming everywhere

On every hill and dell.

Oh! How beautiful they are!

How lovely do they smell!

Tune: "Jingle Bells"
 Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Growing everywhere.
Here are some pretty flowers
For your coat or hair.
 Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Gold and pink and blue.
Red and yellow, orange and purple,
I picked them just for you

Queen :These flowers are so wonderful! I like them very much. But the Queen of all these flowers will be the red roses, off with their heads!

The girl wakes up and sees a bunch of flowers near her. She takes it and the group dance.

Все цветы танцуют вальс.

В конце представления все участники поют заключительную песню.

The song “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”
I’d like to build the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees, and honey bees, and snow-white turtle doves.
I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I’d like to hold it in my arms and keep it company.
I’d like to see the world for once all standing hand in hand,
And hear them echo through the hills for peace throughout the land.

The End

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Краткое описание документа:

Сценарий праздника предназначен для учащихся 2-4 классов.

Цель: Формирование интереса к языку, создание положительного отношения к его изучению.


Расширить словарный запас.

Расширить кругозор учащихся.

Стимулировать самостоятельную речемыслительную деятельность.

Формировать у учащихся внутреннюю мотивацию к изучению языка и культуру общения.

В сценарий включены песни, стихи. ролевые игры и диалоги, которые помогут сделать праздник интересным и запоминающимся. Данное мероприятие имеет не только воспитательное, но и развивающее знасение, так как включает много новой лексики для запоминания.

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