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сценарий мюзикла Кыз- Жибек

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                        Translated by:  Kopeikina L.N.

                                                              Khadkevich L.V.


Цель: Развитие языковой, речевой, социокультурной компетенции учащихся.

Задачи: 1) актуализировать языковой материал.

2)познакомить с традициями казахского народа

3) развивать  творческий потенциал учащихся через участие в постановке и представлении театрального действия

4) воспитывать интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка через изучение культуры своего народа

Today my friends you can enjoy

  An interesting story  instead of toy.

  We’ll act a marvelous play for you

  We hope kids, you’ll enjoy it too.

  A story of  Bazarbay and sons of his,

  Now watch the play attentively, please.


Bazarbay lives  in a  wide steppe

He has three  wives and sons- nine

His life  was  rich and very fine,

But suddenly the fortune hide

‘Cholera came ….

and his sons and wives- unfortunately died.


He was destroyed

and cried  and prayed….

but time passed

and others three wives he made


B. Oh, young and beautiful my wives?

I see your shiny, kind eyes!

I need a son, a brave and strong,

No one tell me I’m wrong.

I beg you, give me son again,

And I’ll forget this awful pain.

(dance  хореографическая картинка, взрослые)


The God was kind to him  this time

The youngest wife gave birth to a son

He was called as Tulegen

And  life full of happiness  soon began .

картинка малыши, танец )

 Sooner – later, nine years passed away

And another son was born again

He was called as Sansyzbay

His face was bright as the sunshine


The music played,

The songs were heard, love, fortune, happiness- a lot



The wise man gave them lucky  charm

The sons grew up,

More strong, more brave

Success and luck and richness gave

 ( lullabies 2 ) ( на английском и казахском языках)


K.Z. mother: My Kyz- Zhibek, my life, my heart

          I want you to be nice and smart,

The heaven ill be your loyal guard

I wish you only love  true and pure

You will be happy, my girl, I’m sure.


Bazarbay: I am very happy now,

I have two sons.

They are very handsome. I hope they will grow true warriors ,

They will be courageous, patriotic and strong


Everything  goes  with a run

Boys grew up with joy and fun

They liked to work, to play and  ride

One day a  merchant saw these

Handsome  sons

And  advised  Tulegen to look  for a bride


B. Oh, my son, good- looking, brave ,

 So smart and tall,

You should  find  the wife first of all,

Go around our beautiful world

And look for a wife- a pretty girl.

Mother: My loving son, you are the eldest one. You are leaving now. I will miss you

I ask you to be  careful.

A lot of enemies are here and there

 We are defenceless and alone

Sancyzbay wont’ be able to defend us anywhere   

Without you I cannot live



Tulegen: Stop crying mum, enough, enough

I want to find my own love,

How can’t you see that I’m alone?

Don’t worry, I’m very strong

I’ll find a wife and back again.

You’ll see it will be a  great gain!

Mother: Ok, my dear son- you are right!

You’re very strong and have to fight

 But take with your  rapid  horse

He  will protect you from the worse


Tulegen agreed and rode his horse

He went and went without non- stop

And suddenly in a little, tiny aul

He found a  girl- Kyz- Zhibek

She was very- very beautiful

танец казахский

They fell in love

T. O my love’s like a red, red rose.

That’s newly sprang in June.

O, my love’s like a melody

That’s sweetly play’d in tune

So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

So deep in love am I;

And I will love thee still, my dear,

Till a the seas gang dry.

Till a’ the seas gang dry my dear,

And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;

And I will love thee still, my dear,

While sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only Love,

And fare thee weel a while!

And I will come again, my Love,

Tho’it were ten thousand mile.



They Were happy as the day was long

Best  friends admired them, danced and sang  a song. ( songs, dance)


But the summer passed quickly

And it’s time to return back

Kyz- Zhibek was sad, disappointed and upset

Kyz- Zhibek: How I will live without you?

T: I’ll come back soon,

I promise you!!!


But Kyz- Zhibek was very scared

She knew  that missing was  afraid

And if her  fiancé  goes  away,

He’ll never, never come again


K. Z. I saw at night an awful dream

And there was much pain and scream

And I was burned and I was died

And there was none who came and fight

This awful dream broke my heart….


But K. Z. was very smart, she asked her friend to help indeed

And find out  all she’ll  need


When Tulegen was told about a dream

He answered softly:

“Don’t believe!”

I have to visit my native clan.

Winter will be over  quickly  and I’ ll return again.


He told about family, about mum and  dad

And asked his sweetheart, his lovely;

Don’t be so sad! (song)


He returned home. And his family was very happy. His parents organized a solemnity. ( dance)

 B: my dear son, my child bright.

Be honest, tell me when you ride away for bride?

T. I want to go some when in spring,

When all the grass will be luscious, green

B; and if I ask you for a thing?

T: I promise! I’ll do everything

B: Then come for her just after year!!!

T: But father! It is not fair. i didn’t find a bride for me! I stay at home! Enough for me!

B: My faithful  servants, I order you! Don’t help my son. Or, I curse you!


Cansyzbay: Don’t go away, my dear brother.

What tell you our rigid father?


T: Don’t worry! I’ll be OK. But pray for me, I ask you pray!

And if I never back at home.

Don’t leave my Kyz- Zhibek alone.

You’ll be for her a  right-hand man

And you’ll protect our native land


Saying that he leaves his brother

And rides his horse still farther and farther

He didn’t know that near the lake

Bekezhan is waiting for him

To make an awful, scathing his mistake.


He didn’t allow to be taken in captivity

He fought bravely with enormous activity

But the force left him in  a short  time

It was terrible and   dreadful crime  

T: Farewell to the Highlands , farewell to the North,

The birth- place of valour, the country of worth,

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The  hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains, high cover’d with snow,

Farewell to the straths  and green valleys below

Farewell to the forests and wild- hanging woods,

Farewell to the torrents and loud- pouring floods.


Aytys bekezhan, Kyz- Zhibek.


The time passed quickly 8 years went by.

She met Tulegen’s brother- Sansyzbay

This manful, handsome and brave man

 Fought against khan Khoren


S: Oh, charming, gentle, shiny  beauty,

I want you to be my wife- it’s duty

I promised my loving brother Tulegen,

Not to leave you alone again.


K. Z is happy, full of joy

And she invites the guests for toi.

Жар- жар ( обряд)

All  actors:

It’s  so nice, we hope

You had a good time.

We have to leave you now.

We are so glad that you were feeling fine.

This show is over now.

We really felt at home tonight

We hope you liked our show all right.

But now it’s time to say goodnight

There is the end of the show.


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Краткое описание документа:

Сценарий Мюзикла "Кыз-Жибек", является авторским переводом известной казахской легенды о любви и верности молодых людей.

Главной целью данного мероприятия является знакомство с творчеством казахского народа, воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка через изучение культуры своего народа.В мюзикле могут быть задействованы учащиеся старших классов. Очень много включено песен на казахском и английском языках, представлены яркие фрагменты традиций казахского народа такие как айтыс, свадебный обряд Жар- Жар. Данное мероприятие можно провести как  во время презентации недели иностранных языков, а также во время празднования  Наурыза. 

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