Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыСценарий музыкального спектакля по мотивам сказки "Красная шапочка"

Сценарий музыкального спектакля по мотивам сказки "Красная шапочка"

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Молчанова Галина Алексеевна



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Сценарий к музыкального спектакля по мотивам сказки «Красная Шапочка»





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Red Cap







Part I.

Grandmother (Лежит в постели): I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. Ill call a doctor. (Берет мобильный телефон и набирает номер)5224015.


Song: Doctor, doctor, I feel sick.

Call the doctor. Quick, quick, quick.

Doctor, doctor, shall I die?

Yes, my dear. And so shall I.


Grandmother: Oh, the doctor can’t visit me. What shall I do? I’ll call my daughter.

Mother (Берет трубку): Hello! What’s the matter?

Grandmother: I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. I ‘ve called the doctor but he can’t visit me. Can you visit me?

 Mother: Oh, no! I can’t. I have a lot of work at home. But I think your granddaughter can visit you.

Grandmother: OK.

Mother (Обращается к Красной Шапочке): Red Cap, what are you doing?

Red Cap (Сидит за столом и рисует): Im drawing.


Song: I have many pencils

Red and green and blue.

I can draw a picture

And give it to you.

I can draw my mother,

I can draw my father,

I can draw my sister

And my little brother.


Mother: Your Granny is very sick. Take this basket and bring it to your Granny.

Red Cap: What is there in the basket? May I look at it? (Заглядывает в корзину)


Song: Do you like hamburgers?

If you like hamburgers

Come along with me.

I like hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and tea.


Mother: There are no hamburgers for your granny. They are not healthy. There are bananas, juice, apples and pies with cabbage for Granny. Go through the forest. Don’t talk to anybody. Be careful! A wolf lives in the forest!


Song: Oh, where, oh, where does the wolf live?

Oh, where, oh, where does it live?

The wolf lives in the forest, (3)

That’s where it lives.


Red Cap: Good bye! I’ll be careful. But I’m not afraid of wolves.


Part II.


Song (Красная Шапочка поет):

 I like to read,

          I like to play,

          I like to study every day.

          I like to jump,

          I like to run,

          I like to play

          It’s fun!


Red Cap: Hello! Who are you?

Wolf: I’m Willy the Wolf. I know you. You are Red Cap. Where are going?

Red Cap: To my Granny. She is very ill. I’m carrying some food for her.

Wolf: Lovely girl! (Гладит девочку по голове) Can you tell me where your Granny lives?

Red Cap: Not so far. She lives near the forest.

Wolf: I see. Don’t use this short way. It’s very dangerous. There are many wild animals in the forest.

Red Cap: You are so kind. Bye!


Song: I like to read,

          I like to play,

          I like to study every day.

          I like to jump,

           I like to run,

           I like to play

           It’s fun!


Red Cap: Hello! Who are you?

Hares: We are Hares. And who are you?

Red Cap: I’m Red Cap.

Hares: We are Hares. Let’s be friends! Let’s play!


Song: Can you hop like a rabbit?

          Can you jump like a frog?

          Can you walk like a duck?

          Can you run like a dog?

          Can you fly like a bird?

          Can you swim like a fish?

          Can you be still like a good child?

          As still as you wish?


Hare: Can you hop like a rabbit?

Red Cap: No, I can’t. I have no time to play. I’m in a hurry.

Hares: What’s the matter?

Red Cap: My Granny is very ill. I shall visit her.

Hares: Did you meet Willy the Wolf in the forest?

Red Cap: Yes, I did.

Hares: Did you tell him where you are going?

Red Cap: Yes, I did.

Hares: Did you? Let’s call the hunter to save Granny. Hunter, hunter!

Hunter: Here I am. What’s up?

Hares: Look here! Willy the Wolf is going to eat Granny! Can you help?

Hunter: Of course, I can. I have a gun! Let’s run!


Part III.


Song:    Are you sleeping?

           Dear Granny!

           Morning bells are ringing!



(Волк стучится)

Granny (Лежит в постели): Who is that?

Wolf (Отвечает тоненьким голоском): It’s me, your granddaughter, Red cap.

Granny: Come in, dear!

Wolf: Hello, Granny! How are you today?

Granny: I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. (Рассматривает волка) But why do you have such big ears?

Wolf: The better to hear you!

Granny: But why do you have such big eyes?

Wolf: The better to see you!

Granny: But why do you have such big teeth?

Wolf: The better to eat you! (Набрасывается на бабушку)

Hunter (Направляет ружье на волка): Stop, silly Willy!

Wolf (Падает на пол и закрывает лицо руками): Dont kill me! I promise I’ll never eat small girl and old women! I promise! Believe me!

Hunter (Обращается ко всем): Can we believe him?

Все: Yes, we can!

Red Cap (Бросается к бабушке и обнимает ее): Oh, my granny! I’m so happy to see you!


Song:   My dear, dear granny,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eighth of March.

Be happy, be happy

On the Eighth of March.

I love my dear Mummy,

I love her very much.

And do you love your Mummy?

Of course, and very much!






























Использованные материалы:


Галина Доля “Happy English” Издательство «Химера» 2000









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Сценарий музыкального спектакля по мотивам сказки «Красная Шапочка»





Действующие лица:








Part I.

Grandmother (Лежитвпостели): I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. Illcalladoctor. (Берет мобильный телефон и набирает номер)5224015.


Song: Doctor, doctor, I feel sick.

Call the doctor. Quick, quick, quick.

Doctor, doctor, shall I die?

Yes, my dear. And so shall I.


Grandmother: Oh, the doctor can’t visit me. What shall I do? I’ll call my daughter.

Mother (Береттрубку): Hello! What’s the matter?

Grandmother: I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. I ‘ve called the doctor but he can’t visit me. Can you visit me?

 Mother: Oh, no! I can’t. I have a lot of work at home. But I think your granddaughter can visit you.

Grandmother: OK.

Mother (ОбращаетсякКраснойШапочке): Red Cap, what are you doing?

RedCap (Сидит за столом и рисует): Imdrawing.


Song: I have many pencils

Red and green and blue.

I can draw a picture

And give it to you.

I can draw my mother,

I can draw my father,

I can draw my sister

And my little brother.


Mother: Your Granny is very sick. Take this basket and bring it to your Granny.

Red Cap: What is there in the basket? May I look at it? (Заглядываетвкорзину)


Song: Do you like hamburgers?

If you like hamburgers

Come along with me.

I like hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and tea.


Mother: There are no hamburgers for your granny. They are not healthy. There are bananas, juice, apples and pies with cabbage for Granny. Go through the forest. Don’t talk to anybody. Be careful! A wolf lives in the forest!


Song: Oh, where, oh, where does the wolf live?

Oh, where, oh, where does it live?

The wolf lives in the forest, (3)

That’s where it lives.


Red Cap: Good bye! I’ll be careful. But I’m not afraid of wolves.




Song (Красная Шапочка поет):

 I like to read,

          I like to play,

          I like to study every day.

          I like to jump,

          I like to run,

          I like to play

          It’s fun!


Red Cap: Hello! Who are you?

Wolf: I’m Willy the Wolf. I know you. You are Red Cap. Where are going?

Red Cap: To my Granny. She is very ill. I’m carrying some food for her.

Wolf: Lovely girl! (Гладитдевочкупоголове) Can you tell me where your Granny lives?

Red Cap: Not so far. She lives near the forest.

Wolf: I see. Don’t use this short way. It’s very dangerous. There are many wild animals in the forest.

Red Cap: You are so kind. Bye!


Song: I like to read,

          I like to play,

          I like to study every day.

          I like to jump,

           I like to run,

           I like to play

           It’s fun!


Red Cap: Hello! Who are you?

Hares: We are Hares. And who are you?

Red Cap: I’m Red Cap.

Hares: We are Hares. Let’s be friends! Let’s play!


Song: Can you hop like a rabbit?

          Can you jump like a frog?

          Can you walk like a duck?

          Can you run like a dog?

          Can you fly like a bird?

          Can you swim like a fish?

          Can you be still like a good child?

          As still as you wish?


Hare: Can you hop like a rabbit?

Red Cap: No, I can’t. I have no time to play. I’m in a hurry.

Hares: What’s the matter?

Red Cap: My Granny is very ill. I shall visit her.

Hares: Did you meet Willy the Wolf in the forest?

Red Cap: Yes, I did.

Hares: Did you tell him where you are going?

Red Cap: Yes, I did.

Hares: Did you? Let’s call the hunter to save Granny. Hunter, hunter!

Hunter: Here I am. What’s up?

Hares: Look here! Willy the Wolf is going to eat Granny! Can you help?

Hunter: Of course, I can. I have a gun! Let’s run!


Part III.


Song:    Are you sleeping?

           Dear Granny!

           Morning bells are ringing!




Granny (Лежитвпостели): Who is that?

Wolf (Отвечаеттоненькимголоском): It’s me, your granddaughter, Red cap.

Granny: Come in, dear!

Wolf: Hello, Granny! How are you today?

Granny: I’m very sick. I have a terrible headache. (Рассматриваетволка) But why do you have such big ears?

Wolf: The better to hear you!

Granny: But why do you have such big eyes?

Wolf: The better to see you!

Granny: But why do you have such big teeth?

Wolf: The better to eat you! (Набрасывается на бабушку)

Hunter (Направляет ружье на волка): Stop, sillyWilly!

Wolf (Падает на пол и закрывает лицо руками): Dontkillme! I promise I’ll never eat small girl and old women! I promise! Believe me!

Hunter (Обращаетсяковсем): Can we believe him?

Все: Yes, we can!

Red Cap (Бросаетсякбабушкеиобнимаетее): Oh, my granny! I’m so happy to see you!


Song:   My dear, dear granny,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eighth of March.

Be happy, be happy

On the Eighth of March.

I love my dear Mummy,

I love her very much.

And do you love your Mummy?

Of course, and very much!






























Использованные материалы:


Галина Доля “HappyEnglish” Издательство «Химера» 2000



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