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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "What?Where? When?"

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                                                       H H H

                                                       A E  E

                                                       T R  N


Голос за кадром (Салимгараева М.):

- Everyone believes in miracles. And people often wait for them particularly on Christmas. There is a tradition to disclose all secrets in letters to Santa Claus.


The song “Jingle Bells”

1. Данилова А. – 5А

2. Эльвина – 5Б

3. Захаров А. – 5Б

4. Калмыкова В. – 5Б

5. Гимазетдинова А. – 5В

6. 6Г класс


Santa Claus (Захаров А.):

- Ho-ho-ho! How can’t I see this letter. So, students of school №9 from Yelabuga.


Голос за кадром (Салимгараева М.):

- Dear Santa Claus! Christmas is coming and we are studying and studying and nobody knows how clever we are. Santa, can you make a wish for us? We’d like to take part in the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”


Santa Claus: Hm, I think it must be done!


Вставка “What? Where? When?”


Ведущий 1:

- Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see at our festival!   


Ведущий 2:

- Welcome to the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”


Ведущий 3:

- And the theme of our game is “Christmas”!


Ведущий 1:

- Today we are going to speak about Christmas. During the game we will work at different exercises such as: revise the vocabulary, answer the questions, watch  the video, play traditional Christmas games, enjoy the small performance and the like.


Ведущий 2:

- And we’d like you to greet the players: ……. Let’s applause them!









Ведущий 3:

- So, you’ve got 5 questions on the Christmas topic. For each right answer you will get some sweets. If  you are wrong, the right of the answer goes to the audience.


Участники выбирают вопрос с помощью юлы.


Ведущий 1:

- Watch this scene very attentively because after watching you will get a question concerning it.


На сцену выходят актеры, разыгрывающие сценку рождения Иисуса. (На экране демонстрируются слайды из жизни Иисуса Христа)

Ангел (Калмыкова В.):

- I come down from the heavens and ask you to listen carefully. A child will be born this evening. One day he will be king.  Follow that star and you will find this prince of peace. The child's name will be Jesus. 

Волхвы (вместе):

- We will follow the star to our prince.


Голос за сценой:


- Mary has given birth to a baby boy. She and Joseph are sitting with their newborn child, Jesus. They are surrounded by barnyard animals. The three approach. The star is visible in the night sky. 

Мария (Хамидуллина Ю.):

- Joseph, we have a cute baby boy. 

Иосиф (Демидов Н.):

- Yes Mary. Mary darling, look there. (Показывает на приближающихся волхвов) Who are these men approaching us?

Подходят Волхвы.

Волхвы (Сергеев А., Власов В., Хафизов Р.):

  1. Greetings. I want to wish you great happiness and joy. I offer you, the parents of this child Jesus, my gift of gold. May this child have a life rich in experience.
  2. Congratulations Mary and Joseph. This gift of spices and perfumes is for you my new prince. I have come many miles to find you. We know you are special and have only the best of wishes for you. 
  3. Mary and Joseph (кланяется) thank you for this wonderful baby. I have come many miles to bring you this gift. You’ll be good parents and enjoy this child's life. Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Музыка черного ящика

Вопрос 1 (черный ящик): What is in the black box? It’s one of the kings’ gifts? (GOLD)

Фон “Silent night”

Музыка волчка

Вопрос 2 (презентация, 1 этап): - Look at the screen:

- When do the British celebrate Christmas ?

  1. On the 7th of January
  2. On the 25th of December
  3. On the 31st of December

- Santa puts his presents for children into these:

  1. Stockings
  2. Boxes
  3. Bags

- Where does the idea to decorate Christmas tree come from originally?

  1. The USA
  2. Russia
  3. Germany

Танец снежинок

Вопрос 3 (видео-вопрос): The next question is from … form № …

Hello, everyone! Glad to see you! Christmas is coming. You know that Santa Claus comes to people’s houses by reindeer sleigh. So, I’ve got a question for you: “What’s the name of the most famous Santa Claus’ deer?” (Буквы)

 Стихотворение «I wish your Christmas to be bright» (Юля)
I wish your Christmas to be bright,
And covered up with shining light.
I hope your dreams will all come true,
Wish many lucky days to you.

And let this winter bring you love
That would be blessed from high above,
I wish you awesome Christmas day,
And all your fears to go away.


Вопрос 4 (предметы):


Вопрос 5 (видео-ролик «Как украшать елку?»): Now, please, watch the video

- Ok, children! Now you have an opportunity to decorate the Christmas tree like on the video.


- Our game is over. Now let’s play traditional Christmas games. Have fun!

Game 1:

“Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” Let’s play a little. Here is a Donkey, but it has no tail.

Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the Donkey. It’s not so easy, because you cannot see – you have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the tail to the right place is the winner.


Game 2:

“Pass the Parcel”: here is something wrapped in a lot of the papers. You’ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. Then music starts again. The person who takes the last piece off wins the prize.

Children play the game “Pass the Parcel”.


Game 3

You know that children get presents from the socks or stockings. You must guess what presents are in them. If you are right then you’ll take the presents, who wants to play?

We have presents – apples, pears, candies, nuts etc. – in three socks hanging over the “fire-place”.


Game 4:

Here are apples on the rope. You must eat the apple without using hands.




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Краткое описание документа:

Сценарий интеллектуальной игры "Что?Где?Когда?" является неформальным срезом знаний учащихся в рамках «Недели английского языка», приуроченному к празднованию Рождества в Великобритании. Данное внеклассное мероприятие даёт возможность учащимся вспомнить, закрепить, узнать обычаи и традиции празднования самого главного праздника в стране изучаемого языка.

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