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Разработка урока по английскому языку для 3 класса "In the world of Future".

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Lesson Plan.


Gavrilova Olga Victotovna




3 “G”


Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.

Lesson type:

Learning of the new material


Introduction of the Future Indefinite Tense


1.      Critical thinking:










2.      Educational:







3.      Developmental:









4.      Cultural:




Training habits and skills in formulating rules, using the acquired knowledge (synthesizing and theorizing);

Define what the Future Indefinite Tense is and explain why it’s important to identify it for competent reading and writing;

Orally describe the formation of the Future Indefinite Tense (Affirmative, Negative and

Interrogative sentences);


Examine new ideas and learning issues based on the acquired knowledge;

Exclude unnecessary information (data);

Understand the connection between different parts of grammar material;

Identify the mistakes in stating arguments.


Developing the critical thinking skills;

Improving       attention,         memory,             thinking, imagination;

Developing the educational, managerial, intellectual, informational and communicative skills;

Developing the mental abilities and intelligence in the process of learning a foreign language.


Bringing up a person of the intercultural interaction;  Imparting of the respect towards the partner, the ability of listening;

Bringing up the culture of cooperation and working in team (respectful attitude towards the opponent’s team);

Extending the knowledge of the world in which students and foreign speakers live.

Technical means, materials, resources:


Educational set;




Worksheets; Markers.


Students’ Tables-Algorithms (on the walls of the classroom) of “The Present Indefinite Tense” and “The Past Indefinite Tense”;

Students’ Cluster of the “TENSE” (on the walls of the classroom);

“Safe Team Environment” rules (for each team);

Blank Whatman paper  for drawing the Problem Wheel


Lesson part

Structures and routines

Activities (time)

1. Introduction


(Objective: to allay tension; set students to work; plunge in the atmosphere of the foreign speech), create some kind of foreign environment.


Hello, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I’m glad to see all of you. 

But before we will start…

Partners “One”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Two”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Three”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “Four”, raise your hands. Thank you.

Partners “A”, raise your left hands. Thank you. Partners “B”, raise your right hands. Thank you.

Face-Partners make a meeting sign. Thank you. Shoulder-Partners make a meeting sign. Thank you.

Now let’s greet each other.

Song “Good-morning”.

        2.      Warm-up


(Objective: to make the students ready to work with grammar; evoke

the process of thinking)




(thinking routine)















Picture «Future». (Let’s define the topic of the lesson and its objectives.) Question:

How would you interpret the picture?


Students See the picture, take time (1 minute) to Think and Wonder about the topic of the lesson.





Students take turns sharing opinions and are given equal time for this.

        3.      Basic Part


(Objective: to develop the critical thinking skills, Identify the mistakes in stating arguments, orally describe their own

thoughts on the given topic); 


monitoring–front and personal (individual).



Training habits and skills in formulating rules, using the acquired knowledge

(synthesizing and theorizing);


Examine new ideas and learning issues based on the acquired knowledge;



Inside-Outside Circle






Solo Think-Write-Discuss-Draw (thinking routine)

Students try to formulate why it is necessary to express their opinions using the Future Indefinite Tense and imagine the situations when it is used.


Teacher poses a task for the lesson. At the end of the lesson students will have to make up a table presenting the algorithm of making sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense. The first step is to create a Problem Wheel.


Creating of Problem Wheel – “Future Indefinite Tense”.

1. Students should Solo Think and define the components. For that purpose they should answer the following questions:

a.    What types of sentences do you know?

b.    What parts of the sentence do you














Understand the connection between different parts of grammar material;



Exclude                     unnecessary

information (data);



Define      what      the       Future

Indefinite Tense is and explain why it’s important to identify it for competent reading and writing;


Orally describe the formation of the Future Indefinite Tense (Affirmative, Negative and

Interrogative sentences).















(thinking routine)






2.      Students Write their thoughts individually on sheets of paper (they are given 1 minute).

3.      Students Discuss and define what components will be included into their Problem Wheel (1 minute).

4.      Students Draw their Problem Wheel (each team draws its Wheel in 5 minutes).


Helpful Envelopes.

Students should make up a structure of the sentence. They choose an envelope at random; each envelope contains different parts of the sentence in present, past and future. 

1.      Students open the envelope; they See all the components. 

2.      They Think about the structure of the sentence, about the word order.

3.      Students Synthesize the components belonging to the Future Indefinite Tense. Then they stick them to the table. Each team makes its own type of sentence. 

4.      Then one partner from each team is asked to Theorize the information about their type of sentence. 


5.         Assessment,    reflection, homework

(Objective: Reflection of the students’ work, self-evaluation in order to know if you have something to improve. “Now I know what I haven’t known before”.


Students get their homework: 

To make up questions, using the “Question Hand”. The topic is

Universiade 2013 in Kazan. 


Now I’m sure you can do the task well.



A “Good-bye” song.




Teacher:  Olga Gavrilova

School: No 141

Class Level: 3th Grade

Subject: English

Duration: 45 minutes

Topics: The Future Simple Tense

Thinking Objectives:

Students will be able to:


                   Formulate the rule, using the acquired knowledge (synthesizing and theorizing);

                   Define what the Future Indefinite Tense is and explain why it’s important to identify it for competent reading and writing;

                   Orally describe the formation of the Future Indefinite Tense (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative sentences);

                   Examine new ideas and learning issues based on the acquired knowledge;

                   Exclude unnecessary information (data), synthesizing and theorizing the material;

                   Understand the connection between different parts of grammar material;

                   Identify the mistakes in stating arguments.


Materials / Resources:



Educational set;








Students’ Tables-Algorithms (on the walls of the classroom) of “The Present Indefinite Tense” and “The Past Indefinite Tense”;

Students’ Cluster of the “TENSE” (on the walls of the classroom);

“Safe Team Environment” rules (for each team);

Blank Whatman paper  for drawing the Problem Wheel


Welcoming speech.  Objectives: 

                    to allay tension; 

                    set students to work; 

                    plunge in the atmosphere of the foreign speech,  create some kind of foreign environment.



See-Think-Wonder (thinking routine)

Picture «Future». (Let’s define the topic of the lesson and its objectives.)

Question: How would you interpret the picture?

Students See the picture, take time (1 minute) to Think and Wonder about the topic of the lesson.


RoundRobin (structure)

Students take turns sharing opinions and are given equal time for this.


Inside-Outside Circle (structure)

Students try to formulate why it is necessary to express their opinions using the Future Indefinite Tense and imagine the situations when it is used.


Solo Think-Write-Discuss-Draw (thinking routine) Creating of Problem Wheel – “Future Indefinite Tense”.

1. Students should Solo Think and define the components. For that purpose they should answer the following questions:

c.       What types of sentences do you know?

d.      What parts of the sentence do you know?

5.      Students Write their thoughts individually on sheets of paper (they are given 1 minute).

6.      Students Discuss and define what components will be included into their Problem Wheel (1 minute).

7.      Students Draw their Problem Wheel (each team draws its Wheel in 5 minutes).


See-Think-Synthesize-Theorize (thinking routine) Helpful Envelopes.

Students should make up a structure of the sentence. They choose an envelope at random; each envelope contains different parts of the sentence in present, past and future. 

1.      Students open the envelope; they See all the components. 

2.      They Think about the structure of the sentence, about the word order.

3.      Students Synthesize the components belonging to the Future Indefinite Tense. Then they stick them to the table. Each team makes its own type of sentence. 

4.      Then one partner from each team is asked to Theorize the information about their type of sentence. 


Students get their homework: 

To make up questions, using the “Question Hand”. The topic is Universiade 2013. 


Now I’m sure you can do the task well.



A “Good-bye” song.

Evidence of Learning:


Collect, review the homework on the Future Indefinite Tense Check independent questions-works on the Future Indefinite Tense individually.




Wrap-up / Reflection:


Sticking stickers on a special board called “Parking Lot”.

“smile” – if everything is clear;

“so-so” – if there is something a student doesn’t understand; “bad” – if student understood nothing.

Sponge activities:


1.       Filling in the Cluster on the Future Indefinite Tense.

2.       Identifying the Future Indefinite Tense in printed text.



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Краткое описание документа:

Critical Thinking Lesson

Уроки развития критического мышления позволяют сформировать комплекс навыков и умений в ходе развития и обучения ребенка.

Оно формируется быстрее, если на уроках дети являются не пассивными слушателями, а постоянно активно ищут информацию, соотносят то, что они усвоили с собственным практическим опытом, сравнивают полученное знание с другими работами в данной области и других сферах знания (говоря привычным языком, самостоятельно устанавливают внутрипредметные и межпредметные связи).

Кроме того, учащиеся должны научиться (а педагоги должны помочь им в этом) подвергать сомнению достоверность и авторитетность информации, проверять логику доказательств, делать выводы, конструировать новые примеры для использования теоретического знания, принимать решения, изучать причины и последствия различных явлений и т.д.

Систематическое включение критического мышления в учебный процесс должно формировать особый склад мышления и познавательной деятельности. Критическое мышление - это не негативность суждений или критика, а разумное рассмотрение разнообразных подходов с тем, чтобы выносить обоснованные суждения и решения.

Ориентация на КМ предполагает, что ничто не принимается на веру. Каждый ученик, невзирая на авторитеты, вырабатывает свое мнение в контексте учебной программы.

Цель технологии: обеспечить развитие критического мышления посредством включения учащихся в интерактивный процесс.

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