Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРазработка урока английского языка «My town». («Мой город»).

Разработка урока английского языка «My town». («Мой город»).

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                                               РАЗРАБОТКА УЧЕБНОГО ЗАНЯТИЯ



Учебная дисциплина: Практический курс английского

                                               языка. УМК English File.

Специальность:            050303.

Курс, группа:                2 «В»,ЗернПК

Тема занятия:               «My town». («Мой город»).

Форма проведения:     урок с элементами проектной


Продолжительность занятия: 1 ч.20 мин.

Преподаватель:           Дудинова Л.Л.


Тема:  My town. (Мой город).


Проблема: Are we good citizens?


Цель: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов через осмысление глобальных проблем современного общества




ü  активизация лексики по темам «Проблемы молодежи»,  «Жизнь в городе»;

ü  активизация использования в речи грамматических моделей The Past Simple,

Second conditional;

ü  развитие умений самостоятельной работы; способности к рефлексии;

ü  формирование критического мышления через презентацию собственного мнения;

ü  формирование потребности к деятельной любви к Родине, к своему городу.


Тип урока:  урок развития речевых умений;


Форма урока:  урок с элементами проектной технологии;


Оборудованиераздаточный дидактический материал (тексты, речевые ситуации);



ТСО: мультимедиа экран, презентации, магнитофон, фонограмма песни «Imagine».



                                                              План урока:


I. Начало урока.

1)      Организационный момент. Целевая установка.

2)      Речевая зарядка.


II. Работа по развитию речевых умений.

     а) тест самооценки «are you a good citizen?»;


b) презентация  групповых исследовательских   проектов «are we good citizens?»;

c) групповая работа с текстом « jigsaw reading»;

d) речевые ситуации;


e) исполнение песни Джона Леннона «Imagine».


III. Подведение итогов урока.

     а) домашнее задание;

     b) оценка речемыслительной деятельности студентов.


                                                     Ход урока




1. T: Good morning my dear. A hope today’s lesson is going to be very important and interesting. A want you to be very active and sincere expressing your opinions.


The problem we are going to consider is: «Are we good citizens? »

The aim of the lesson is to discuss some important problems               using active vocabulary on the topics «youth problems», Environmental problems», «Town». Grammar models we are training today are The Past Indefinite and The Second Conditional. I hope we’ll come to a conclusion what is being a good citizen. We’ll assess the presentation of your projects.



T: - So, what do you think of our town? Is it big? How many people live in it?



-          There are many state institutions and businesses to work at, aren’t there?


-          Where can you get a profession in Zernograd? What does a notion «good citizen» mean? Brainstorm for a minute and then, say what qualities a good citizen should possess?


-          What would you do if you became a mayor of Zernograd?


a) T: So, we’ve considered what a good citizen should be like and now let’s assess ourselves and see whether we are good citizens.


Look at the questionnaire and the pictures and answer honestly what you would do in these situations. After you are through with the answers work out your score and compare it with the scores of other students.



                           Are you a good citizen?

             I. What would you do…?

…if you were in the street and you saw two people fighting?


a.            I’d try to stop them.

b.            I wouldn’t do anything. I’d walk past quickly.

c.            I’d call the police.


  II. What would you do…?

  …if a shop assistant in a department store gave you too much change?


a.          I wouldn’t say anything but I’d feel bad.

b.         I’d leave the shop quickly and I’d feel happy.

c.          I’d say ‘Excuse me! I think you’ve made a mistake.’


  III.  What would you do…?

  …if you were sitting on a crowded bus and an elderly woman got on?


a.           I’d give her my seat immediately.

b.          I wouldn’t get up if was tired.

c.           I’d look out of the window.


   IV. What would you do…?

   …if you wanted to have a noisy party in your fiat?



a.           I’d tell my neighbors the day before.

b.          I’d invite my neighbors too.

c.           I wouldn’t tell my neighbors.


   V. What would you do…?

  ...if you found a homeless woman sleeping in the entrance to  

  your fiat?


a.           I’d tell the police.

b.          I’d ask her to go away.

c.           I’d try to help her.


     How to score                          

     1   a = 3    b = 1   c = 2

2        a = 1    b = 0   c = 3

3        a = 3    b = 1   c = 0

4        a = 2    b = 3   c = 0

5        a = 1    b = 0   c = 3


    What your score means


12-15         You’re a model citizen.

7-11            You’re a typical citizen, like most of us. You’re quite civilized but you could do better.

3-6                 You are not a very good citizen. Try to think of other people sometimes, not just yourself!

Less that 3

Have you ever heard of the words ‘citizen’ and ‘community’?


T: We found out that most of you consider yourselves to be model citizens. Some of you are typical citizens. The authors of the quiz are surprised at such high scores and ask: are you sure you told the truth? As far as I am concerned I believe you’ve answered frankly but I should say most of the citizens of our town could do much better. So it’s time to start presentation of your projects.


The first group to take the floor dwelled mostly on environmental problems of our town; they conducted a citizen opinion survey, so they are welcome to present their issues.    (The 1st group present their project using visual aids).


T: Thank you very much. You were very expressive; the research you’ve made is valuable and your issues are interesting indeed. So the students are welcome to ask questions.

P1: How long have you worked on the project?

P2: Where did you get the information?

P3: Do you think people in Zernograd like their town?

P4: Who do you think can improve the situation?


T: Now the second project. It was devoted to exploring the problems of the youth and the attitude of the young people to their native town.

(The second group presents their project using visual aids).




«Are we good citizens?»


The Goal: to find out if young people love their town, what prob­lems they see and to examine different ways of solving the problems. Hypothesis: Young people love their town, when:

·         There is an opportunity for getting an education;

·         There are jobs and career prospects;

·         There is confidence in one's safety;


·         They can spend their free time in an interesting way;

·         Their town is beautiful;

·         They are ready to solve the problems of their town.

The plan:


1. Institutions we can study at.

2. Jobs vacancies.

3. Leisure facilities.

4. The youth problems.

5. Our suggestions.



Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them.

We worry about the fact that young people are not very active in the life of society. They have many problems but not realize that most of the problems can be solved by themselves. They should be active citizens of their town, of their Motherland.

We've tried to find out what problems are the most important for young people and what ways of solving them they can suggest.


1. Institutions we can study at


The problem of education is one of the most important for young people today. They prefer to live in towns in which they can get a good education. Can we say that our town is such place? Of course!

There are Azov-and-Black Sea State Agro-Engineering Acad­emy (AChGAA), Teacher Training College and vocational school.

The vocational school trains specialists for agriculture: tractor ^ drivers, drivers, farmers, etc.

Azov-and-Black Sea State Agro-Engeering Academy (ACH­GAA) is among the oldest agricultural higher educational estab­lishments of our country. Back in the 1930s, when the first stu­dents studied in it, is was named Azov - and - Black Sea Insti­tute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification. Then it was transformed into trains in fifteen profession requiring higher education and has the Additional Education Faculty and a Pre-university Training Centre. The Military Department trains students in military trades.

AChGAA is carrying out fundamental, applied and prospecting scientific research work. The Academy is the birthplace of the well-known schools headed by its professors. The results of this activity are widely applicable in agriculture in Russia and be­yond its boundaries, while its former students can be met in any agricultural district of the country.

In the Teachers Training college there are 3 departments: Eng­lish teachers' department, Russian and literature department, teachers' of primary school department. The students of the col­lege have every opportunity to make good specialists and con­tinue studies at the universities. There are a lot of extracurricu­lar activities which make students' life interesting and exciting.




We did our best to find out the employment situation in our town. Generally speaking there are a lot of state institutions in Zernograd and rather few businesses.

Zernograd Gydroagregat plant used to provide employment for men but now it works only some days a week and employs much fewer people. Some of the plants have been closed; very many people have lost their work.

Searching for a job a person can apply to the Employment Cen­tre. We interviewed the specialist of the centre and found out that today mostly qualified workers are required such as: turners, fit­ters, tractor- drives, melders, electricians, bakers, etc. Though their work requires qualification, the wages are very low from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

There are same vacancies for experienced doctors, veterinarians, lawers and accountants, but they are also underpaid (2000-4000 rubles.)

The graduates of the Azov - Black Sea Agricultural Academy and of the Teachers Training College have to look for employment some - where else - in Rostov - on - Don, for example, or they are hired as shop assistants, drivers, etc.

But the fact is that only 10% of the graduates apply to the Em­ployment Centre.

As far as unemployment is concerned among 31400 people who can be employed there are 581 unemployed.

But these are people who are registered, much more unem­ployed do not apply to the Employment Centre and try to solve problems on their own.

So the problem of employment is very acute in Zernograd.



3. Leisure Facilities


According to our opinion survey, 28% of young people think that our town is beautiful and it is very interesting to spend their free time, with the friends. In fact, our young people have lots of opportunities for their leisure. In «New town» there is a sport centre which consists of 2 gymnasiums and 2 swimming pools. There are many sport clubs in this centre: football, volleyball, basketball, athletics, caratae, gymnastics, dancing, bodybuilding, swimming and others.

The coaches working at the centre are good professionals and they know them very well.

The gymnasiums are new, clean and beautiful. There are all sporting facilities in them.

In our town we also have an opportunity to go to sports schools and to sports centre "Jupiter"

Besides sports many young people are interested in music. In our town there is a good music school with its own traditions. So, you can learn to play the piano, the guitar, the violin, the accor­deon and other instruments. There is one more music school in the New town.

The night life in Zernograd is active. There are many bars and cafes in our town, where young people can spend their free time with their friends and dance. You can celebrate your birthday or some other events in them.

Besides bars and cafes there is a new cinema in our town named "Zernograd" in which you can see lots of interesting films.

The building of the cinema in very beautiful and quite modern. There is a small but comfortable bar in the cinema where you can spend the time before or after a film watching TV or listening to good music.

And, of course, we can not help saying about our park .It is really a beautiful place for people who need to relax. Young people often walk there with their friends and pets, and we think that they like it!

So, we have found out that there are lots of leisure facilities for young people in Zernograd. And that is why we can say that young people love their town.


4. The youth problems


All people have problems. In spite of lots of dignities of our town, young people have a lot of serious problems. Unfortunately, 52% of the young people don't love Zernograd because it's too dirty, there are very few opportunities to earn living and there are problems of drugs and alcohol addiction.

A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings were more problems for adults than for young people. But now, as official reports admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngsters. 500 young people of Zernograd have drug addic­tion and they almost never believe that they are dependent. A lot of youngsters smoke marijuana, and sadly many students are among them. Alcohol is another serious problem of our town. 70% of male population are alcohol addict.

Remember: drugs destroy your life!

14% of young people think that Zernograd is too dirty. Sorry to say, we can't help agreeing with them. Our beautiful park is cleaned very seldom; so it always seems dirty. Especially after holidays our park looks miserable. Many bottles, cans and waste paper are scat­tered all over it.


5. Our suggestions

But we were interested to find out if young people realize these problems but they don't believe that anything depends on them. We asked youngsters what ways of solving these problems they see. Here their answers:                                      

Creating youth organizations and joining them – 26%

Active propaganda of healthy style of life – 26%

To be active citizens – 42%

To apply to town authorities with suggestions – 6% must say. To sum everything up we that young people of Zernograd.


T: It’s a very good job, I must say. The information you’ve found and presented is impressive. The presentation is supported by wonderfully designed visual aids. And now the questions.


P1: Was it difficult to do the project?


P2: Where did you get the information?


P3: Do you think young people are really able to improve the community?


T: Thank you for being so attentive and active.

In conclusion I’d like to say that we all share the opinion that people must be very active in improving their community. There are many ways to become a good citizen.


c) T: Would you like to know how American young people help to improve their community? Then I suggest you reading a text in groups. Jigsaw reading. The story is divided, into four parts. So, every student is responsible for one part of the story and after having read it he should deliver the main idea of it and some details to the rest of the group.

The whole group is to be ready to discuss the story. Your time limit is two minutes to read and three minutes to exchange the information. So five minutes all in all to get ready for discussion.


Are not indifferent to the problems of the town and realize that something should be done to make life in Zernograd better. So we are rather good citizens.


Community Service:

An American Value


Visitors who spend several months or longer in the United States are often surprised by the large number of Americans who are involved in community improvement activities. A study found that over 40% of Americans are involved in volunteer activities in any single year. Many of these volunteers are young people. They are attracted to these activities because they are encouraged by their parents and their teachers. Both believe that while it is important for students to do well in their studies, they should also spend time on activities which develop their character and teach them to become good citizens.



Young people are attracted to many types of community service activities. Some students serve as nurse’s assistants in hospitals, others serve meals to homeless and low-income people, and still others help at child care programs and summer youth camps, tutor elementary students, help children who have physical disabilities, provide help to

old people, clean up parks and neighborhoods, construct hiking trails, and remove graffiti. These are just a few of the thousand of activities in which young people are involved. They are not paid for the work they enjoy it because their work is appreciated and it helps to improve their community.





Community improvement is important to Americans because of the pride they have in the town or city in which they live. They understand that good communities are result not only of good movement, but of the contributions of individual citizens. If they see that their community is not as clean or attractive as they wish, they understand that movement cannot solve this problem alone. The citizens of the community must behave in ways that contribute to a clean community. They must place their trash in trash containers rather than throw it on the ground and they


must contribute their time and talents to community beautification activities.

If they want to receive good service when they shop for food, clothing, and other products, they must be willing to provide good service to others when working at their jobs. If they expect honesty from their police officers and other officials, they must be willing to behave honestly in their own jobs.



Throughout their school years children are taught by their parents and teachers that they should behave toward other people the way they would like other people to behave toward them. They are also taught that to have a good life, it is necessary to work hard. Most young people learn these lessons well. They are courteous toward other people and they lean to work hard. This helps them to achieve success and happiness both as young people and as adults and to live in clean, pleasant communities of which they are proud.



T: Now   Answer the questions:


1.      How many people in the USA are involved in community improvement activities?

2.      What attracts young people to these activities?

3.      Why do parents and teachers encourage young americans to do voluntary work?

4.      What service activities are young people involved in?

5.      Are young people-volunteers paid for their work?

6.      Why do they enjoy their work?

7.      Why is Community improvement important to Americans?

8.      What do they do if they see that their community isn’t as clean and attractive as they wish?

9.      What do parents and teachers teach children?


c) T: So to sum up I want you to say whether you approve of the activities of American young people or not. Do you think it is possible to do the same in this country. What prevents our young people from becoming volunteers and active problem solvers?



T: You are suggested two tasks. You should brainstorm the situation and make up a list of your ideas to share with your group mates.


Situation 1.

Work on the following task with your partners. Write a list of at least 10 ways in which the students in your college can improve your community. When writing the list, ask yourself the following questions: «What can I do by myself to help improve my community? What can I do only with the help of other students or adults? ». After a few minutes, your teacher will ask you to share the items on your list with the other members of your class.


Situation 2.

Work on the following task with your partners. Make a list of at least 10 ways in which you can improve your college, both by yourself and with the help of other students. When asked by your teacher, share the items on your list with the other members of your group.

e) We talked a lot about how active we can be in improving community. There are a lot of people who work much to improve our planet as they consider people to be citizens not only of a particular country but of our beautiful planet. One of them was John Lennon. You know his song «Imagine» in which he appeals to people of the world without borders, without religion, without possessions so that people would have nothing to kill or die for. Let’s sing the song all together.


Imagine  (1975)    


Imagine there’s o heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace



You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us

And the world will live as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world.



heaven = where God lives

hell = the opposite of heaven

religion = e.g. Christian, Hindu, etc.

join  = come together with

a dreamer = somebody who isn’t realistic

as one = united

possessions = things that you have or own

wonder = ask yourself questions

greed = wanting more food or money than you need

hunger = the noun from hungry

a brotherhood = a feeling of great friendship

sharing = to divide something between several people.


JOHN LENNON   (1940 – 1980)


Was born Liverpool in 1940. After The Beatles broke up in 1970, he became famous for his anti-war campaigning. He was shot dead by a fan outside his flat in New York on 8th December 1980. On 1967 год. Фото GettyImages/Fotobank9th October 1990, Imagine was played simultaneously in 130 countries to commemorate Lennon’s fiftieth birthday. After John’s death, Yoko Ono bought an area of Central Park and called it Strawberry Fields in memory of her husband.

III. I suppose this song is a wonderful conclusion to our talk.

a) Your home task will be to do the crossword puzzle and to write a 150-250 word composition telling what you did during the past week to help your community. Use some words from the crossword in your composition. Describe even very, small things you did which didn’t take much of your time. Write, if you wish, about other things you hope to do in the future. Explain whether doing these things make you feel better about yourself and your community or not.



Write a 150-250 word composition telling what you did during the past week to help your community. Use some of the words from the vocabulary lists in your composition. Describe even very small things you did which didn’t take much of your time. Write, if you wish, about other things

you hope to do in the future. Explain whether doing these things make you feel better about yourself and your community or not.








































1.       Help which tries to make something better

  1.  A special ability that most people do not have
  1.  Giving help to someone
  2.  Find an answer to a problem
  1.  Excite the interest of someone

      13. A person with an important job in government

      14. Empty bottles which are thrown away.




  1. Polite
  2. Something one does that is interesting
  1. Do something by hard work
  2. Like something because it is good
  3. The part of a town where one lives
  4. A person who does work without wanting money for it
  1. Act a particular way
  2. Feeling pleasure in what you can do.













Answer key:











































Use the words from the active and passive vocabulary lists to do the crossword puzzle.


b) T: I like the way you worked today. Every student was active doing the project, participating in the presentation of the projects and doing the tasks at the lesson. We achieved the aims of today’s lesson. I’ m satisfied with the results of it.  I’m looking forward to reading your compositions. The lesson is over. Good bye.



Active vocabulary:

achieve (v) - get something done, often by hard work

activity (n) - something that is done, especially for interest or pleasure

appreciate (v) - recognize the good qualities or worth of something

attract (v) - excite the interest or feeling of someone

behave (v) - act in a particular way

contribution (n) - help which tries to do something good or make something better

courteous (adj) - polite and kind; showing good manners and respect for others

neighborhood (n) - the homes and other places which form a small area within a larger place such as a town

pride (n) - a feeing of pleasure in what one can do or has done

service (n) - help that is given to someone, such as the customers in a shop or restaurant, the guests in a hotel, etc.

trash (n) - waste material, such as empty bottles and old newspapers which are thrown away

 volunteer (n) - a person who offers to do something without being required to and without being paid

Passive vocabulary:

character (n) - the qualities which make a person different from other people (e.g., being honest, kind, helpful, brave, etc.)

child care (n) - the care of young children, usually by people who are paid to do this

involve (v) - take part in an activity or situation official (n)-a person who has an important job in local or national government

physical disability (n) - a problem in which someone cannot use his     


  body in a normal way (walking, hearing, etc.)

  solve (v) - find an answer to a difficulty or problem

  talent (n) - a special ability or skill; something one can do better than   

  most other people

  trail (n) - a path across rough country made by the passing of people or   


  tutor (v) - give instruction to

  value (n) - ideas about the worth or importance of certain qualities,   

  especially those generally accepted by a particular group.                




1.            English File SB Clive Oxenden, Paul Seligson, Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press.


2.            W.w.w. oup. com/elt/englishfile


3.            John Harrington “Tapping into Teen Interests: Classroom Activities with Special Appeal for Teenagers”. Materials for the teacher training. Master Class. The Language Institute Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 2004.



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                                               РАЗРАБОТКА УЧЕБНОГО ЗАНЯТИЯ



Учебная дисциплина: Практический курс английского

                                               языка. УМК EnglishFile.

Специальность:            050303.

Курс, группа:                2 «В»,ЗернПК

Тема занятия:               «Mytown». («Мой город»).

Форма проведения:     урок с элементами проектной


Продолжительность занятия: 1 ч.20 мин.

Преподаватель:           Дудинова Л.Л.


Тема:  Mytown. (Мой город).


Проблема: Are we good citizens?


Цель: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов через осмысление глобальных проблем современного общества




ü  активизация лексики по темам «Проблемы молодежи»,  «Жизнь в городе»;

ü  активизация использования в речи грамматических моделей ThePastSimple,

Second conditional;

ü  развитие умений самостоятельной работы; способности к рефлексии;

ü  формирование критического мышления через презентацию собственного мнения;

ü  формирование потребности к деятельной любви к Родине, к своему городу.


Тип урока:  урок развития речевых умений;


Форма урока:  урок с элементами проектной технологии;


Оборудование:  раздаточный дидактический материал (тексты, речевые ситуации);



ТСО: мультимедиа экран, презентации, магнитофон, фонограмма песни «Imagine».



                                                              План урока:


I. Начало урока.

1)      Организационный момент. Целевая установка.

2)      Речевая зарядка.


II. Работа по развитию речевых умений.

     а) тест самооценки «are you a good citizen?»;


b) презентация  групповых исследовательских   проектов «arewegoodcitizens?»;

c) групповая работа с текстом « jigsawreading»;

d) речевые ситуации;


e) исполнение песни Джона Леннона «Imagine».


III. Подведение итогов урока.

     а) домашнее задание;

     b) оценка речемыслительной деятельности студентов.






1. T: Good morning my dear. A hope today’s lesson is going to be very important and interesting. A want you to be very active and sincere expressing your opinions.


The problem we are going to consider is: «Are we good citizens? »

The aim of the lesson is to discuss some important problems               using active vocabulary on the topics «youth problems», Environmental problems», «Town». Grammar models we are training today are The Past Indefinite and The Second Conditional. I hope we’ll come to a conclusion what is being a good citizen. We’ll assess the presentation of your projects.



T: - So, what do you think of our town? Is it big? How many people live in it?



-          There are many state institutions and businesses to work at, aren’t there?


-          Where can you get a profession in Zernograd? What does a notion «good citizen» mean? Brainstorm for a minute and then, say what qualities a good citizen should possess?


-          What would you do if you became a mayor of Zernograd?


a) T: So, we’ve considered what a good citizen should be like and now let’s assess ourselves and see whether we are good citizens.


Look at the questionnaire and the pictures and answer honestly what you would do in these situations. After you are through with the answers work out your score and compare it with the scores of other students.



                           Are you a good citizen?

             I. What would you do…?

…if you were in the street and you saw two people fighting?


a.            I’d try to stop them.

b.            I wouldn’t do anything. I’d walk past quickly.

c.            I’d call the police.


  II. What would you do…?

  …if a shop assistant in a department store gave you too much change?


a.          I wouldn’t say anything but I’d feel bad.

b.         I’d leave the shop quickly and I’d feel happy.

c.          I’d say ‘Excuse me! I think you’ve made a mistake.’


  III.  What would you do…?

  …if you were sitting on a crowded bus and an elderly woman got on?


a.           I’d give her my seat immediately.

b.          I wouldn’t get up if was tired.

c.           I’d look out of the window.


   IV. What would you do…?

   …if you wanted to have a noisy party in your fiat?



a.           I’d tell my neighbors the day before.

b.          I’d invite my neighbors too.

c.           I wouldn’t tell my neighbors.


   V. What would you do…?

  ...if you found a homeless woman sleeping in the entrance to  

  your fiat?


a.           I’d tell the police.

b.          I’d ask her to go away.

c.           I’d try to help her.


     How to score                          

     1   a = 3    b = 1   c = 2

2        a = 1    b = 0   c = 3

3        a = 3    b = 1   c = 0

4        a = 2    b = 3   c = 0

5        a = 1    b = 0   c = 3


    What your score means


12-15         You’re a model citizen.

7-11            You’re a typical citizen, like most of us. You’re quite civilized but you could do better.

3-6                 You are not a very good citizen. Try to think of other people sometimes, not just yourself!

Less that 3

Haveyou ever heard of the words ‘citizen’ and ‘community’?


T: We found out that most of you consider yourselves to be model citizens. Some of you are typical citizens. The authors of the quiz are surprised at such high scores and ask: are you sure you told the truth? As far as I am concerned I believe you’ve answered frankly but I should say most of the citizens of our town could do much better. So it’s time to start presentation of your projects.


The first group to take the floor dwelled mostly on environmental problems of our town; they conducted a citizen opinion survey, so they are welcome to present their issues.    (The 1st group present their project using visual aids).


T: Thank you very much. You were very expressive; the research you’ve made is valuable and your issues are interesting indeed. So the students are welcome to ask questions.

P1: How long have you worked on the project?

P2: Where did you get the information?

P3: Do you think people in Zernograd like their town?

P4: Who do you think can improve the situation?


T: Now the second project. It was devoted to exploring the problems of the youth and the attitude of the young people to their native town.

(The second group presents their project using visual aids).




«Are we good citizens?»


The Goal: to find out if young people love their town, what prob­lems they see and to examine different ways of solving the problems. Hypothesis: Young people love their town, when:

·         There is an opportunity for getting an education;

·         There are jobs and career prospects;

·         There is confidence in one's safety;


·         They can spend their free time in an interesting way;

·         Their town is beautiful;

·         They are ready to solve the problems of their town.

The plan:


1. Institutions we can study at.

2. Jobs vacancies.

3. Leisure facilities.

4. The youth problems.

5. Our suggestions.



Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them.

We worry about the fact that young people are not very active in the life of society. They have many problems but not realize that most of the problems can be solved by themselves. They should be active citizens of their town, of their Motherland.

We've tried to find out what problems are the most important for young people and what ways of solving them they can suggest.


1. Institutions we can study at


The problem of education is one of the most important for young people today. They prefer to live in towns in which they can get a good education. Can we say that our town is such place? Of course!

There are Azov-and-Black Sea State Agro-Engineering Acad­emy (AChGAA), Teacher Training College and vocational school.

The vocational school trains specialists for agriculture: tractor ^ drivers, drivers, farmers, etc.

Azov-and-Black Sea State Agro-Engeering Academy (ACH­GAA) is among the oldest agricultural higher educational estab­lishments of our country. Back in the 1930s, when the first stu­dents studied in it, is was named Azov - and - Black Sea Insti­tute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification. Then it was transformed into trains in fifteen profession requiring higher education and has the Additional Education Faculty and a Pre-university Training Centre. The Military Department trains students in military trades.

AChGAA is carrying out fundamental, applied and prospecting scientific research work. The Academy is the birthplace of the well-known schools headed by its professors. The results of this activity are widely applicable in agriculture in Russia and be­yond its boundaries, while its former students can be met in any agricultural district of the country.

In the Teachers Training college there are 3 departments: Eng­lish teachers' department, Russian and literature department, teachers' of primary school department. The students of the col­lege have every opportunity to make good specialists and con­tinue studies at the universities. There are a lot of extracurricu­lar activities which make students' life interesting and exciting.




We did our best to find out the employment situation in our town. Generally speaking there are a lot of state institutions in Zernograd and rather few businesses.

Zernograd Gydroagregat plant used to provide employment for men but now it works only some days a week and employs much fewer people. Some of the plants have been closed; very many people have lost their work.

Searching for a job a person can apply to the Employment Cen­tre. We interviewed the specialist of the centre and found out that today mostly qualified workers are required such as: turners, fit­ters, tractor- drives, melders, electricians, bakers, etc. Though their work requires qualification, the wages are very low from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

There are same vacancies for experienced doctors, veterinarians, lawers and accountants, but they are also underpaid (2000-4000 rubles.)

The graduates of the Azov - Black Sea Agricultural Academy and of the Teachers Training College have to look for employment some - where else - in Rostov - on - Don, for example, or they are hired as shop assistants, drivers, etc.

But the fact is that only 10% of the graduates apply to the Em­ployment Centre.

As far as unemployment is concerned among 31400 people who can be employed there are 581 unemployed.

But these are people who are registered, much more unem­ployed do not apply to the Employment Centre and try to solve problems on their own.

So the problem of employment is very acute in Zernograd.



3. Leisure Facilities


According to our opinion survey, 28% of young people think that our town is beautiful and it is very interesting to spend their free time, with the friends. In fact, our young people have lots of opportunities for their leisure. In «New town» there is a sport centre which consists of 2 gymnasiums and 2 swimming pools. There are many sport clubs in this centre: football, volleyball, basketball, athletics, caratae, gymnastics, dancing, bodybuilding, swimming and others.

The coaches working at the centre are good professionals and they know them very well.

The gymnasiums are new, clean and beautiful. There are all sporting facilities in them.

In our town we also have an opportunity to go to sports schools and to sports centre "Jupiter"

Besides sports many young people are interested in music. In our town there is a good music school with its own traditions. So, you can learn to play the piano, the guitar, the violin, the accor­deon and other instruments. There is one more music school in the New town.

The night life in Zernograd is active. There are many bars and cafes in our town, where young people can spend their free time with their friends and dance. You can celebrate your birthday or some other events in them.

Besides bars and cafes there is a new cinema in our town named "Zernograd" in which you can see lots of interesting films.

The building of the cinema in very beautiful and quite modern. There is a small but comfortable bar in the cinema where you can spend the time before or after a film watching TV or listening to good music.

And, of course, we can not help saying about our park .It is really a beautiful place for people who need to relax. Young people often walk there with their friends and pets, and we think that they like it!

So, we have found out that there are lots of leisure facilities for young people in Zernograd. And that is why we can say that young people love their town.


4. The youth problems


All people have problems. In spite of lots of dignities of our town, young people have a lot of serious problems. Unfortunately, 52% of the young people don't love Zernograd because it's too dirty, there are very few opportunities to earn living and there are problems of drugs and alcohol addiction.

A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings were more problems for adults than for young people. But now, as official reports admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngsters. 500 young people of Zernograd have drug addic­tion and they almost never believe that they are dependent. A lot of youngsters smoke marijuana, and sadly many students are among them. Alcohol is another serious problem of our town. 70% of male population are alcohol addict.

Remember: drugs destroy your life!

14% of young people think that Zernograd is too dirty. Sorry to say, we can't help agreeing with them. Our beautiful park is cleaned very seldom; so it always seems dirty. Especially after holidays our park looks miserable. Many bottles, cans and waste paper are scat­tered all over it.


5. Our suggestions

But we were interested to find out if young people realize these problems but they don't believe that anything depends on them. We asked youngsters what ways of solving these problems they see. Here their answers:                                      

Creating youth organizations and joining them – 26%

Active propaganda of healthy style of life – 26%

To be active citizens – 42%

To apply to town authorities with suggestions – 6% must say. To sum everything up we that young people of Zernograd.


T: It’s a very good job, I must say. The information you’ve found and presented is impressive. The presentation is supported by wonderfully designed visual aids. And now the questions.


P1: Was it difficult to do the project?


P2: Where did you get the information?


P3: Do you think young people are really able to improve the community?


T: Thank you for being so attentive and active.

In conclusion I’d like to say that we all share the opinion that people must be very active in improving their community. There are many ways to become a good citizen.


c) T: Would you like to know how American young people help to improve their community? Then I suggest you reading a text in groups. Jigsaw reading. The story is divided, into four parts. So, every student is responsible for one part of the story and after having read it he should deliver the main idea of it and some details to the rest of the group.

The whole group is to be ready to discuss the story. Your time limit is two minutes to read and three minutes to exchange the information. So five minutes all in all to get ready for discussion.


Are not indifferent to the problems of the town and realize that something should be done to make life in Zernograd better. So we are rather good citizens.


Community Service:

An American Value


Visitors who spend several months or longer in the United States are often surprised by the large number of Americans who are involved in community improvement activities. A study found that over 40% of Americans are involved in volunteer activities in any single year. Many of these volunteers are young people. They are attracted to these activities because they are encouraged by their parents and their teachers. Both believe that while it is important for students to do well in their studies, they should also spend time on activities which develop their character and teach them to become good citizens.



Young people are attracted to many types of community service activities. Some students serve as nurse’s assistants in hospitals, others serve meals to homeless and low-income people, and still others help at child care programs and summer youth camps, tutor elementary students, help children who have physical disabilities, provide help to

old people, clean up parks and neighborhoods, construct hiking trails, and remove graffiti. These are just a few of the thousand of activities in which young people are involved. They are not paid for the work they enjoy it because their work is appreciated and it helps to improve their community.





Community improvement is important to Americans because of the pride they have in the town or city in which they live. They understand that good communities are result not only of good movement, but of the contributions of individual citizens. If they see that their community is not as clean or attractive as they wish, they understand that movement cannot solve this problem alone. The citizens of the community must behave in ways that contribute to a clean community. They must place their trash in trash containers rather than throw it on the ground and they


must contribute their time and talents to community beautification activities.

If they want to receive good service when they shop for food, clothing, and other products, they must be willing to provide good service to others when working at their jobs. If they expect honesty from their police officers and other officials, they must be willing to behave honestly in their own jobs.



Throughout their school years children are taught by their parents and teachers that they should behave toward other people the way they would like other people to behave toward them. They are also taught that to have a good life, it is necessary to work hard. Most young people learn these lessons well. They are courteous toward other people and they lean to work hard. This helps them to achieve success and happiness both as young people and as adults and to live in clean, pleasant communities of which they are proud.



T: Now   Answer the questions:


1.      How many people in the USA are involved in community improvement activities?

2.      What attracts young people to these activities?

3.      Why do parents and teachers encourage young americans to do voluntary work?

4.      What service activities are young people involved in?

5.      Are young people-volunteers paid for their work?

6.      Why do they enjoy their work?

7.      Why is Community improvement important to Americans?

8.      What do they do if they see that their community isn’t as clean and attractive as they wish?

9.      What do parents and teachers teach children?


c) T: So to sum up I want you to say whether you approve of the activities of American young people or not. Do you think it is possible to do the same in this country. What prevents our young people from becoming volunteers and active problem solvers?



T: You are suggested two tasks. You should brainstorm the situation and make up a list of your ideas to share with your group mates.


Situation 1.

Work on the following task with your partners. Write a list of at least 10 ways in which the students in your college can improve your community. When writing the list, ask yourself the following questions: «What can I do by myself to help improve my community? What can I do only with the help of other students or adults? ». After a few minutes, your teacher will ask you to share the items on your list with the other members of your class.


Situation 2.

Work on the following task with your partners. Make a list of at least 10 ways in which you can improve your college, both by yourself and with the help of other students. When asked by your teacher, share the items on your list with the other members of your group.

e) We talked a lot about how active we can be in improving community. There are a lot of people who work much to improve our planet as they consider people to be citizens not only of a particular country but of our beautiful planet. One of them was John Lennon. You know his song «Imagine» in which he appeals to people of the world without borders, without religion, without possessions so that people would have nothing to kill or die for. Let’s sing the song all together.


Imagine  (1975)    


Imagine there’s o heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace



You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us

And the world will live as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world.



heaven = where God lives

hell = the opposite of heaven

religion = e.g. Christian, Hindu, etc.

join  = come together with

a dreamer = somebody who isn’t realistic

as one = united

possessions = things that you have or own

wonder = ask yourself questions

greed = wanting more food or money than you need

hunger = the noun from hungry

a brotherhood = a feeling of great friendship

sharing = to divide something between several people.


JOHN LENNON   (1940 – 1980)


Was born Liverpool in 1940. After The Beatles broke up in 1970, he became famous for his anti-war campaigning. He was shot dead by a fan outside his flat in New York on 8th December 1980. On 9th October 1990, Imagine was played simultaneously in 130 countries to commemorate Lennon’s fiftieth birthday. After John’s death, Yoko Ono bought an area of Central Park and called it Strawberry Fields in memory of her husband.

III. I suppose this song is a wonderful conclusion to our talk.

a) Your home task will be to do the crossword puzzle and to write a 150-250 word composition telling what you did during the past week to help your community. Use some words from the crossword in your composition. Describe even very, small things you did which didn’t take much of your time. Write, if you wish, about other things you hope to do in the future. Explain whether doing these things make you feel better about yourself and your community or not.



Write a 150-250 word composition telling what you did during the past week to help your community. Use some of the words from the vocabulary lists in your composition. Describe even very small things you did which didn’t take much of your time. Write, if you wish, about other things

you hope to do in the future. Explain whether doing these things make you feel better about yourself and your community or not.















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