Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыРазработка урока 5-го класса на тему "What time is it?"

Разработка урока 5-го класса на тему "What time is it?"

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Lesson plan


Grade: 5


Teacher: Nadyrova Nazym Ongarbaevna


Theme: What time is it?


Aims of the lesson:

                     -purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

                     -purpose of development: to develop their oral speech, reading memory, phonetic pronunciation.

                      -purpose of brining up; to love the language, to brining up children.

Equipment: cards, scheme, pictures, etc.

                                                The Course of the Lesson

Ι. Org. moment: Good morning, children! Who is on duty today? What day is       it today? What is the weather, today? Who is absent today?

ΙΙ. Home task:   What was your home task? Let’s check up! Ex. 4,5,6 p. 69- read dialog, learn the new words.

ΙΙΙ. Phonetic drill:            [I:]                                                 [e]

                                      Dee- deed- deep                                  ten - pen

                                      Bee - been- beet                                  den - men

                                      Me - meet- meek                                 net – vent

                                                   Tell me please own words.

IV. The new

      material            Lets repeat the numbers till 12, one, two, thee…

          Open your notebooks and write down, today is The 27th of October                                                                                                                (Class work, theme)

                                                     Children and the Clock

                                                    Tick-tock, tick-tock

Now it’s ten o’clock

       Ten o’clock, ten o’clock

                  And what do you do children?

     When it’s ten o’clock?

                We are at the English lesson

     When it’s ten o’clock.

Presentation of the new words: Half – половина, quarter - четверть, past – прошло, minute- минута, to – к.


Часовое время в английском





V. The practical

         form             Lets do ex. 5p 67. Listen and repeat.

-         What time is it?

-          It’s 8 o’clock.

-          Thank you.


                               Let’s do ex.7 p 67 (dialogue)

                               Colin: Excuse me.

                               A woman: Yes?

                               Colin: What time is it?

                                A woman: Its 8 o’clock.

                                Colin: Thank you.


VI. Pair work.   Students ask each other the time using their watches or    drawing the time in their notebooks.


VII. The end of the lesson

        a)  marks

        b) home task ex. 8,9 p 67. Learn by heart the poem and words.


                                   Lesson is over! Good – bye!

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Краткое описание документа:

Разработка урока на тему "What time is it?"

Аяпова Т., Укбаева Д.

Английский язык Учебник для 5 кл. общеобразовательной шк. 3-е издание - Алматы: Атамура, 2010 "English" 

Данная разработка урока поможет особенно начинающим учителям.

Lesson plan


Grade: 5


Teacher: Nadyrova Nazym Ongarbaevna




Theme: What time is it?


Aims of the lesson:

                     -purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

                     -purpose of development: to develop their oral speech, reading memory, phonetic pronunciation.

                      -purpose of brining up; to love the language, to brining up children.

Equipment: cards, scheme, pictures, etc.

                                                The Course of the Lesson

Ι. Org. moment: Good morning, children! Who is on duty today? What day is       it today? What is the weather, today? Who is absent today?

ΙΙ. Home task:   What was your home task? Let’s check up! Ex. 4,5,6 p. 69- read dialog, learn the new words.

ΙΙΙ. Phonetic drill:            [I:]                                                 [e]

                                      Dee- deed- deep                                  ten - pen

                                      Bee - been- beet                                  den - men

                                      Me - meet- meek                                 net – vent

                                                   Tell me please own words.

IV. The new

      material            Lets repeat the numbers till 12, one, two, thee…

          Open your notebooks and write down, today is The 27th of October                                                                                                                (Class work, theme)

                                                     Children and the Clock

                                                    Tick-tock, tick-tock

Now it’s ten o’clock

       Ten o’clock, ten o’clock

                  And what do you do children?

     When it’s ten o’clock?

                We are at the English lesson

     When it’s ten o’clock.

Presentation of the new words: Half – половина, quarter - четверть, past – прошло, minute- минута, to – к.






V. The practical

         form             Lets do ex. 5p 67. Listen and repeat.

-         What time is it?

-          It’s 8 o’clock.

-          Thank you.


                               Let’s do ex.7 p 67 (dialogue)

                               Colin: Excuse me.

                               A woman: Yes?

                               Colin: What time is it?

                                A woman: Its 8 o’clock.

                                Colin: Thank you.


VI. Pair work.   Students ask each other the time using their watches or    drawing the time in their notebooks.


VII. The end of the lesson

        a)  marks

        b) home task ex. 8,9 p 67. Learn by heart the poem and words.


                                   Lesson is over! Good – bye

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