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Primoryeis a land of beauty.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • My  Native Land  Захарова Анастасия, ученица 6 «А» 
MБОУ «СОШ №5 Надеждинског...

    1 слайд

    My Native Land
    Захарова Анастасия, ученица 6 «А»
    MБОУ «СОШ №5 Надеждинского района»

                          Welcome to Primorye Territory.

    2 слайд

    Welcome to Primorye Territory.

  • 3 слайд

  • Vladivostok

    4 слайд


  • The Unique Flora

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    The Unique Flora

  • cork trees, yew-trees, grapes and apricots and many other unique species o...

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    cork trees, yew-trees, grapes and apricots and many other unique species of plants

  •  Legendary ginseng is  a very valuable medical plant.

    7 слайд

    Legendary ginseng is a very valuable medical plant.

  • Fauna The fauna is also beautiful. The taiga is the  playground of the noble...

    8 слайд

    The fauna is also beautiful. The taiga is the playground of the noble
    roes, the spotted deer, called the flower deer because of its colouring,
    There are 500 individuals live in Primorye

  •  squirrels, elks, snakes,  wild boars

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    squirrels, elks, snakes, wild boars

  • wild cats, red wolves, bears, racons,`

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    wild cats, red wolves, bears, racons,

  • hares, hedgehogs, badgers, minks, foxes, polecats, chipmunks, muskrats....

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    hares, hedgehogs, badgers, minks, foxes, polecats, chipmunks, muskrats.

  • The Far Eastern tiger is a rare beast and hunting of it is prohib...

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    The Far Eastern tiger is a rare beast and hunting of it is prohibited.

  • Ussuri tigers.

They are known as:  Siberian tiger, Manchurian tiger, N...

    13 слайд

    Ussuri tigers.

    They are known as: Siberian tiger, Manchurian tiger, North Chinese tiger, Korean tiger, Altaic tiger, Ussuri tiger.
    The Amur tiger is the biggest of the tiger subspecies growing up to 3.5m in length and weighing about
    300kg. The most northern of the subspecies, the Amur tiger has adapted to colder climatic conditions
    with nearly a metre of fur on the chest and neck during winter. The colour of the coat is usually darker
    than the other subspecies, particularly the winter coat.

  • The                           We can see that  there are 3,200 tigers...

    14 слайд

    We can see that there are 3,200 tigers
    in the world and only 400 individuals live in Ussury taiga

  • д                                        Leopards
Of all the big cats,...

    15 слайд

    Of all the big cats, leopards are the best climbers. In fact, they spend most of their lives high in the trees. They can climb while upside down on branches and even climb down trees headfirst. People hunt them and destroy the forests . Leopards are endangered animals.

  • Fun facts Leopards are nocturnal. They hunt mostly at night and lounge around...

    16 слайд

    Fun facts
    Leopards are nocturnal. They hunt mostly at night and lounge around during the day.

    They carry their prey up into the trees to keep it safe. They can even carry heavy animals.

    Leopards can run 36 miles per hour and jump 10 feet high. Imagine how they’d perform on field day!

    Leopards are carnivorous. They eat deer, fish, birds, lizards, wild pigs, monkeys and even porcupines.

    Leopards don’t need to drink water. They get moisture from their food.

    Leopards can run 36 miles per hour and jump 10 feet high

  • Leopards are strong swimmers.
There are about 40-45 the animals
 live in...

    17 слайд

    Leopards are strong swimmers.
    There are about 40-45 the animals
    live in Primorye.

    Environmentalists plan to increase
    population . Their task would be to
    make it 100-150 would be to make it

  • Birds have made the Ussuri taiga famous to naturalists far outside Primorye....

    18 слайд

    Birds have made the Ussuri taiga famous to naturalists far
    outside Primorye.
    Orlans, falcons and owls are very beautiful birds.

  • Khanka is known as one of the biggest lakes in Primorye, but also for wonder...

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    Khanka is known as one of the biggest lakes in Primorye, but also for wonderful flowers of lotus growing in the lake, saying nothing of an unforgettable fishing. A matter of proud is springs of mineral water near settlements of Shmakovka, Lastochka and Chistovodnoye.

  • Primorye is washed by the Pacific ocean. Its delicatessen – crabs, red  cav...

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    Primorye is washed by the Pacific ocean. Its delicatessen – crabs, red
    caviar, salmon, shrimps, octopus, sea hedgehogs, scallops and etc.– is world famous

  • Trepang or the sea cucumber: heals the heart, rejuvenating elixir, has a sti...

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    Trepang or the sea cucumber: heals the heart, rejuvenating elixir, has a stimulating and general strengthening effect.

  • Primorye is a land of beauty,
   Primorye is a land of glee...

    22 слайд

    Primorye is a land of beauty,
    Primorye is a land of glee,
    It has a lot of rivers, forests, cities,
    Where a man is happy, proud and free.

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Краткое описание документа:

  Primoryeis a land of beauty

  Цель:  Расширение кругозора учащихся

  на основе знакомства с животным

  и растительным миром Приморья.

  Задачи:   познавательная:

 расширить лексический запас учащихся и

 их знания в рамках  материала  регионоведческого компонента;

 развивающая  задача:  

 способствовать формированию

 умения сравнения и воображения;

 воспитательная  задача:

 способствовать воспитанию

 чувства гордости за свой край,  чувства  любви к своей малой родине, бережного  отношения к природе.

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