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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "USA: geographical position, natural-climatic conditions, population" (11 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • 1 слайд

  • Module 6. 
USA: geographical position,
natural-climatic conditions,

    2 слайд

    Module 6.
    USA: geographical position,
    natural-climatic conditions,

  • Info-Chart

    3 слайд


  • Try to answer these questions

Who discovered America?...

    4 слайд

    Try to answer these questions

    Who discovered America?

    Christopher Columbus
    - he discovered America in 1492.
    - he was born in Italy.
    - but lived in Spain
    for a long time.
    2. When was it?

  • 3. Who was Christopher Columbus?3. he was a seaman and made sea voyages.4. Ho...

    5 слайд

    3. Who was Christopher Columbus?
    3. he was a seaman and made sea voyages.
    4. How was the discovered land called?
    4. it was America – Central America .People began to speak about the land as “the New World”.

  • There were about one million people in North America. When Christopher Colum...

    6 слайд

    There were about one million people in North America. When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. Columbus thought he had found the Indies and called the people he saw there “Indians".

  • The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (aft...

    7 слайд

    The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China).

  • Pacific 
ocean         The USA  occupies...

    8 слайд

    The USA occupies
    the central part
    of North America.
    Geographical position

  • The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also ha...

    9 слайд

    The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-boarder with Russia.
    The USA borders.

  • The USA is washed by the 
Pacific, the Atlantic Ocean,
by the Caribbean Sea a...

    10 слайд

    The USA is washed by the
    Pacific, the Atlantic Ocean,
    by the Caribbean Sea and
    The Gulf of Mexico

  • MountainsThe Rocky Mountains
stretch from Alaska down
almost to the south

    11 слайд

    The Rocky Mountains
    stretch from Alaska down
    almost to the south
    of the country

  • The Appalachians are in
the east and run
from north to south

    12 слайд

    The Appalachians are in
    the east and run
    from north to south

  • MountainsThe highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and th...

    13 слайд

    The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.
    The Rocky Mountains

  • The Grand CanyonThe Colorado River formed
the Grand Canyon over
millions of y...

    14 слайд

    The Grand Canyon
    The Colorado River formed
    the Grand Canyon over
    millions of years

  • The canyon is one mile deep
and 200 miles (320 km) long

    15 слайд

    The canyon is one mile deep
    and 200 miles (320 km) long

  • RiversMississipi begins 
in the north and
ends in the gulf 
of Mexico (6400km...

    16 слайд

    Mississipi begins
    in the north and
    ends in the gulf
    of Mexico (6400km)
    The Colorado river
    rises in the
    Rocky Mountains

  • The largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande...

    17 слайд

    The largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia.

  • Lake OntarioLake MichiganThe Great lakes on  the border with Canada are the l...

    18 слайд

    Lake Ontario
    Lake Michigan
    The Great lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

  • The USA  is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special fede...

    19 слайд

    The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington is situated..
    American states.

  • Welcome to America

    20 слайд

    Welcome to America

  • WashingtonWashington

    21 слайд


  • 22 слайд

  • New York

    23 слайд

    New York

  • Los Angeles

    24 слайд

    Los Angeles

  • Chicago

    25 слайд


  • AmericansThe people of
 America are
a mixture of
many different

    26 слайд

    The people of
    America are
    a mixture of
    many different
    nationalities –
    a melting pot

  • Р. В. Покотило ГОУ СОШ 1200The people And traditionsThe Germans brought

    27 слайд

    Р. В. Покотило ГОУ СОШ 1200
    The people And traditions
    The Germans brought
    Christmas trees.
    The Irish brought St.
    Patrick’s Day celebrations
    The Scots brought

  • The American flag is
 often called 
“The Stars and Stripes”There are fifty st...

    28 слайд

    The American flag is
    often called
    “The Stars and Stripes”
    There are fifty stars on the American flag
    The American flag has thirteen stripes.
    There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies of the United States.
    The symbols of the USA

  • olive branch (a symbol of peace)arrows (symbols of strength).The eagle became...

    29 слайд

    olive branch (a symbol of peace)
    arrows (symbols of strength).
    The eagle became the official national symbol
    of the United States in 1782.

  • France gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendsh...

    30 слайд

    France gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship.

    The Statue is in New York on Liberty Island.

  • On July 4th 1776 the United States became independent  from England.
On this...

    31 слайд

    On July 4th 1776 the United States became independent from England.
    On this day the Declaration of Independence was signed. It is a national public holiday celebrated with parades, patriotic music, public meetings and speech- making. There are picnics and barbecues, and in the evening there are big firework shows.

  • Americans Holidays

    32 слайд

    Americans Holidays

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    33 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • How many states
 are there in the USA?

    34 слайд

    How many states
    are there in the USA?

  • 35 слайд

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    36 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • How many stars are there on the American flag? Why?

    37 слайд

    How many stars are there on the American flag? Why?

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    38 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • How many stripes 
has the flag got?

    39 слайд

    How many stripes
    has the flag got?

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    40 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • What are the colours of the American flag?

    41 слайд

    What are the colours of the American flag?

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    42 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • Why are there 13 stripes on the flag? What do they mean?

    43 слайд

    Why are there 13 stripes on the flag? What do they mean?

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    44 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • What country gave
 the Statue of Liberty
 to America?

    45 слайд

    What country gave
    the Statue of Liberty
    to America?

  • 46 слайд

  • Choose     number  with  question and answer it

    47 слайд

    Choose number with question and answer it

  • What symbol became the official national of the  America in 1782?

    48 слайд

    What symbol became the official national of the America in 1782?

  • The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes”There are three colo...

    49 слайд

    The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes”
    There are three colours on the American flag – red, white and blue.
    There are fifty states in the United States, there are
    fifty stars on the American flag: one star for each state.
    The American flag has thirteen stripes.
    The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes.
    There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies of the United States.
    France gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship.

    The Statue is in New York on Liberty Island.
    olive branch (a symbol of peace)
    arrows (symbols of strength).
    The eagle became the official national symbol of the United States in 1782.

  • Info-Chart

    50 слайд


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