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Презентация по английскому языку "Round-the-world tour" (7 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • abroad               first classairport                 interpreterluggage...

    1 слайд

    abroad first class
    airport interpreter
    luggage sight
    baggage ticket
    exchange people
    expensive peoples
    country history
    traditions friends

  • Travelling

    2 слайд


  • I like to travel...

    3 слайд

    I like to travel
    By plane or on foot
    To see new places We go by car
    That’s really good. And we go by train
    Over the mountains, We go by boat
    Over the plains, And we go by plane.
    Over the rivers We go by land
    Here come trains. And sea and air
    We go, go, go
    From here to there.
    Carrying passengers,
    Carrying mail,
    Over the country
    Here come trains.

  • Which English-speaking countries will be visited by the winners of...

    4 слайд

    Which English-speaking countries will be visited by the winners of the Teenagers’ Competition?

  • The UKThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the officia...

    5 слайд

    The UK
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the British Kingdom. It is situated on the British Isles. The UK consists of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. London stands on the Thames. It is the deepest river in the UK. Loch Ness attracts millions of tourists by its legendary monster. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The UK is a multinational country and most towns have a selection of Indian, Italian, Chinese and Greek restaurants.

  • The capital of the UK is London.The official language is English.The flag o...

    6 слайд

    The capital of the UK is London.
    The official language is English.
    The flag of the UK is Known as the Union Jack.
    The UK is famous for Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.
    London’s tube is the oldest metro system in the world and London’s red telephone boxes are famous everywhere.

  • The USAThe United States of America is the fourth largest country in the wor...

    7 слайд

    The USA

    The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
    The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia. The population of the country is about 250 million.
    The USA is a highly developed industrial country.
    There are no national holidays in the United States.
    Ten holidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government. They are as follows:
    New Year's Day (January 1),Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January)
    George Washington’s Birthday (third Monday in February)
    Memorial Day (last Monday in May),Independence Day (July 4)
    Labour Day (first Monday in September),Columbus Day (second Monday in October)
    Veteran's Day (November 11),Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)
    Christmas (December 25).

  • The capital of the country is WashingtonThe flag is called «Stars and Stripe...

    8 слайд

    The capital of the country is Washington
    The flag is called «Stars and Stripes»
    The national symbol is the Statue of Liberty
    The largest city is New York
    The official language is English
    The USA is famous for Coca-Cola, Hollywood and Disneyland

  • CanadaCanada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in No...

    9 слайд

    Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. There are two official languages in Canada. They are French and English. The capital of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. Canada is famous for hockey and the Niagara Fall. The population of Canada is about 28 million people. The official symbol of the country is the maple. Today Canada is the most highly developed countries in the world.

  • Australia or colloquially , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a co...

    10 слайд

    Australia or colloquially , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Australia is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world . Australian coat of arms is a shield, which left the coats of arms of states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. In the lower part of the shield, left to right: South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.

  • - The capital of the country is Canberra- The official language in Australia...

    11 слайд

    - The capital of the country is Canberra
    - The official language in Australia is English
    - Australia is famous for kangaroos
    - The largest city is Sidney
    - Produces and exports minerals and farm goods
    - The smallest continent

  • New ZealandNew Zealand is an island in the south-west Pacific Ocean. New Zeal...

    12 слайд

    New Zealand
    New Zealand is an island in the south-west Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The main islands are the North Island and the South Island. Most aborigines speak English and their own language, Maori. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. Maoris were the first people who settled in New Zealand. The country has one of the highest standards of living in the world. New Zealand is one of the world’s developed countries.

  • The capital of the country is Wellington.The largest city is Auckland.The o...

    13 слайд

    The capital of the country is Wellington.
    The largest city is Auckland.
    The official languages of the country are English and Maori
    The main industries of the country are agriculture, manufacturing and service industries.

  • IndiaThe peninsula is separated from the Asia mainland by the Himalayas
The H...

    14 слайд

    The peninsula is separated from the Asia mainland by the Himalayas
    The Himalayas is the highest mountain range in the world
    The country is surrounded by the Bengal Day in the East, the Arabian Sea in the West and the Indian Ocean in the South
    There are 5 major racial types in India: australoids, mongoloids, europioids, caucasians and negroids
    People of India belong to different ethnic groups
    India produces vice, wheat, cotton, sugar, coconuts, spices, tobacco, tea, coffee and rubber
    India is one of the most culturally, linguistically and ethnically diverse regions in the world

  • The capital of India is New DelhiThe national language of India is HindiHin...

    15 слайд

    The capital of India is New Delhi
    The national language of India is Hindi
    Hindi is spoken by about 45 per cent of the population
    English is a language for official communication
    The national animal of India is a tiger
    The national bird of India is a peacock

  • Mystery note

helloiamjaneiamelevenandiamfromthesecond largestcountryinthew...

    16 слайд

    Mystery note

    helloiamjaneiamelevenandiamfromthesecond largestcountryintheworlditisnearlyasbigaseurope itissituatedinthenorthamericapeopleofdifferent nationalitieslivetherethecapitalofmycountryisottawa

  • Mystery noteHello, I'm Jane. I' m eleven and I am from the second largest cou...

    17 слайд

    Mystery note
    Hello, I'm Jane. I' m eleven and I am from the second largest country in the world. It is nearly as big as Europe. It is situated in the North America. People of different nationalities live there. The capital of my country is Ottawa.

  • Round English-speaking countries QuizWhat is the capital of Canada?
a. London...

    18 слайд

    Round English-speaking countries Quiz
    What is the capital of Canada?
    a. London b. Sidney c. Ottawa
    What is the symbol of Australia?
    a. the maple b. kangaroos c. the Statue of Liberty
    In which country is Loch Ness?
    a. Australia b. New Zealand c. the UK
    What river does London stand on?
    a. the Mississippi b. the Volga c. the Thames
    Which country is also a continent?
    a. Australia b. New Zealand c. Canada
    How is the flag of the USA called?
    a. Union Jack b. Stars and Stripes
    In which country do people speak Maori?
    a. the UK b. New Zealand c. Australia

  • How do you travel?We travel by \ on . . . footshiptraincarplane

    19 слайд

    How do you travel?
    We travel by \ on . . .

  • Good luck!

    20 слайд

    Good luck!

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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация предназначена для проведения урока-путешествия по англоязычным странам в 7 классе. Разработана в качестве обобщающего материала по теме "Путешествие" (УМК  Биболетовой  М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н. «EnjoyEnglish 7»). Цель-развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков учащихся, расширение кругозора, активизация страноведческой лексики в устной речи. Презентация содержит лингвострановедческий материал, речевую разминку и задания, развивающие логическое мышление. Яркий красочный материал не только интересен детям, но и помогает учителю в создании мотивационной сферы к изучению английского языка.

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Итальянский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель итальянского языка

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Методы билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

36 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Китайский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель китайского языка

300/600 ч.

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Музыкальная культура: от истории до современности

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Введение в медиакоммуникации

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